Climate change is at the forefront of international discussion and policies are implemented continuously in an attempt to reduce the damage being done to the natural world. The impact of global warming affects so many facets of the environment and human life. The most egregious effects of climate change are as follows:
Human Health The changing climate has led to higher temperatures which result in drought and shortages in water for human consumption. Additionally, climate change increases the number of diseases that affect populations. Weather extremes are also hazardous because they result in intense hurricanes and wildfires. Air pollution is also a significant health risk associated with asthma and other respiratory problems.
Food Supply Drought and other types of weather extremes result in disease and starvation in cattle and other livestock. These environmental issues also lead to the destruction of crops, leading to food shortages. Farmers and ranchers have very little defence against these factors which impact the amount of food that can be produced.
Wildlife Extinctions According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change {IPCC), there will be a 20%-30% increase in the rate of extinction for various species. For instance, the current population of wild tigers is around 3200, and the loss of habitat due to wildfires will likely cause this number to decrease further.
Polar Regions The warming of our planet is impacting the coldest regions in the world. Temperatures have increased by 5°C over the last 100 years. This increase in temperature has led to significant ice melt in Antarctica. Scientists believe that in 90 years the Antarctic ice melt will increase sea levels by nearly 5 feet.
Increased Acidity of Oceans Higher temperatures lead to greater carbon dioxide concentrations in the ocean which results in a more acidic ocean. Animals and their habitats do not adapt well to such changes in acidity. This oceanic change will also harm coral reefs. If the ocean warms at a rate of 2% or higher, all the world's coral reefs will vanish.
Global changes in the environment may have lasting and catastrophic effects if international measures are not taken to reverse the damage done to the climate. Future generations deserve to live in a world with clean air, water, and a fully healthy environment.
Lisa Marie Bourke
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