The vic programme january 2016

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The Vic Centre of Excellence January 2016 D ate

Ac t iv it y

Tim e

Loc a ti o n

Monday 04/01/16

Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets with information and advice.


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Tuesday 05/01/16

The Vic-Welcome back and chill out night


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Wednesday 06/01/16

The Vic-Killer Pool. Compete for the ultimate prize! Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets. The Vic-Cookery Night-Toast and greetings!

4pm-6pm 6.30-8.30pm

Vic Centre on Hill Street


Music Studio Girl Jam- A music session for aspiring young female musicians Town Centre Outreach- Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets with information and advice. The Vic- Lets make cupcakes!


Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street

Thursday 07/01/16 Friday 08/01/16 Monday 11/01/16


Vic Centre on Hill Street


Vic Centre on Hill Street

The Vic- Smoking and E-Cigarettes information (TBC) Town Centre Outreach- Meet youth workers out on the streets. The Vic-Cookery Night-Make a curry


Vic Centre on Hill Street

6.3 0 8.3 0pm

Vi c C en t r e on Hi ll Str e e t

Monday 18/01/16

Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets with information and advice.

4pm - 6 pm

Vi c C en t r e on Hi ll Str e e t

Tuesday 19/01/16

The Vic-Pool Competition and party

6pm - 8 pm

Vi c C en t r e on Hi ll Str e e t

Tuesday 12/01/16 Wednesday 13/01/16/ Thursday 14/01/16

6.3 0 8.3 0pm

Wednesday 20/01/16

The Vic- Wii Games Challenges Town Centre Outreach- Meet youth workers out on the streets.


Thursday 21/01/16

The Vic-Cookery Night-Smoothies and fruit

6.3 0 8.3 0pm

Vi c C en t r e on Hi ll Str e e t

Friday 22/01/16

Music Studio Girl Jam- A music session for aspiring young female musicians

6pm - 8 pm

Vi c C en t r e on Hi ll Str e e t

Monday 25/01/16

Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets with information and advice.

6.3 0 8.3 0pm

Vi c C en t r e on Hi ll Str e e t

Tuesday 26/01/16

The Vic-Craft Night! Make your own jewelry.

6pm - 8 pm

Vi c C en t r e on Hi ll Str e e t

Wednesday 27/01/16

The Vic-Trip-(TBC) Town Centre Outreach- Meet youth workers out on the streets.


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Thursday 28/01/16

The Vic-Cookery Night-Create your own pasta dish!

6.3 0 8.3 0pm

6.3 0 8.3 0pm

6.3 0 8.3 0pm

Vic Centre on Hill Street

Vi c C en t r e on Hi ll Str e e t

The Vic Centre of Excellence February 2016 D ate

Ac t iv it y

Tim e

V en u e

Monday 01/02/16

Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets with information and advice. The Vic-Chill Out Night


Vic Centre on Hill Street


Vic Centre on Hill Street

The Vic-Arts and Crafts-Painting and Collage Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets. The Vic-Cookery Night-Healthy Wraps

4pm-6pm 6.30-8.30pm

Vic Centre on Hill Street


Music Studio Girl Jam- A music session for aspiring young female musicians Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets with information and advice. The Vic-Pancake Night


Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street

The Vic-Sexual Health Information (TBC)/Making Valentines Cards Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets

4pm-6pm 6.30-8.30pm

Thursday 11/02/16 Half-Term

The Vic-Cookery Night Heart Shaped Biscuits Closed week beginning 15/02/16 (Reopen 22/02/16)


Monday 22/02/16


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Tuesday 23/02/16

Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets with information and advice. The Vic-Sewing-Make a cushion from and old t-shirt!


Vic Centre on Hill Street


The Vic-Monthly Consultation


Vic Centre on

Tuesday 02/02/16 Wednesday 03/02/16 Thursday 04/02/16 Friday 05/02/16 Monday 08/02/16 Tuesday 09/02/16 Wednesday 10/02/16


Vic Centre on Hill Street


Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street


Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street


Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets.


Hill Street

Thursday 25/02/16 Friday 26/02/16

The Vic-Cookery Night-Mexican food night!


Music Studio Girl Jam- A music session for aspiring young female musicians Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets with information and advice.


Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street

Monday 29/02/16


Vic Centre on Hill Street

The Vic Centre of Excellence March 2016 D ate

Ac t iv it y

Tim e

V en u e

Tuesday 01/03/16

The Vic-St David’s Day Quiz and Leek and Potato Soup!


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Wednesday 03/03/16

The Vic-Arts and Crafts-Glass Painting Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets.

4pm-6pm 6.30-8.30pm

Vic Centre on Hill Street

Thursday 04/03/16

The Vic-Cookery Night- Try something newFood Tasting


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Friday 05/03/16

Music Studio Girl Jam- A music session for aspiring young female musicians Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets. with information and advice. Closed Due to Staff Meeting


Vic Centre on Hill Street


Vic Centre on Hill Street


The Vic- Nail and Body Art Fun! Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets.

4pm-6pm 6.30-8.30pm

Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street

The Vic-Cookery Night- Healthy Stir fry


Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets with information and advice. The Vic-Young People’s Rights and Advocacy Information The Vic- Wii Games Challenge Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets.


Monday 07/03/16 Tuesday 08/03/16 Wednesday 09/03/16

Thursday 10/03/16 Monday 14/03/16 Tuesday 15/03/16 Wednesday 16/03/16

6pm-8pm 4pm-6pm 6.30-8.30pm

Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street

Thursday 17/03/16 Friday 18/03/16 Monday 21/02/16 Tuesday 22/03/16 Wednesday 23/03/16 Thursday 24/03/16 Easter Holidays

The Vic-Cookery Night-Make your own Lasagne Girl Jam- A music session for aspiring young female musicians Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets with information and advice. The Vic-Easter Cakes and Craft Night


The Vic-Monthly Consultation Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets. with information and advice. The Vic-Cookery Night-Create your own soup recipe 28/03/16-11/04/16

4pm-6pm 6.30-8.30pm

6pm-8pm 6.30-8.30pm


6.30-8.30pm Closed

Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street

The Vic Centre of Excellence April 2016 D ate

Ac t iv it y

Tim e

V en u e

Monday 11/04/16

Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets. with information and advice.


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Tuesday 12/04/16 Wednesday 13/04/16

The Vic-Muffin in a mug!


The Vic-Games and challenges! Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets.

4pm-6pm 6.30-8.30pm

Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street

Thursday 14/04/16 Friday 15/04/16

The Vic-Cookery Night- Shepherds Pie


Monday 18/04/16

Music Studio Girl Jam- A music session for aspiring young female musicians Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets. with information and advice.


Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street


Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street Vic Centre on Hill Street

Tuesday 19/04/16 Wednesday 20/04/16

The Vic-Activity Planning Night


The Vic--Killer Pool Games Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets

4pm-6pm 6.30-8.30pm

Thursday 21/04/16

The Vic-Cookery Night-Make your own healthier Chips!


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Monday 25/04/16

Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets. with information and advice.


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Tuesday 26/04/16

The Vic-Climbing Trip in Queensferry (TBC) Town Centre Outreach-Meet youth workers out on the streets


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Wednesday 27/04/16

The Vic-Monthly Consultation

4pm-6pm 6.30-8.30pm

Vic Centre on Hill Street

Thursday 28/04/16

The Vic-Cookery Night-DIY Healthy Packed lunch in a tub


Vic Centre on Hill Street

Friday 29/04/16

Music Studio Girl Jam- A music session for aspiring young female musicians


Vic Centre on Hill Street

For further information about all of the above activities, contact (07764561260) or check for regular updates and any changes to the programme. Also, if you include your mobile phone details when you register, any changes to the programme will be texted to you. This contact information will not be shared with any other party. Finally, we would love to hear your ideas for future activities so please don’t be afraid to share.

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