Ywe marketing booklet 2016

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A guide to the service provided by the Youth Work in Education team.


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Summary This document has been designed to give a brief outline of the services offered by School’s Based Youth Work Co-ordinators working across the county within the Youth Work in Education team. The services offered will be reflected in the staffing levels present within individual schools and in response to both young people and school needs. Schools The document highlights the range of provision that is available to support young people in school. Through dialogue with the School’s Based Youth Work Co-ordinator a more tailored service can be offered in line with our funding objectives to meet the individual needs of the school. Partner Agencies The document highlights the vast array of interventions available to support young people through a referral process. Parents The document highlights the different types of age appropriate involvement that a School’s Based Youth Work Co-ordinator can have with a young person.

Emma Baddeley Advanced Practitioner – Youth Work in Education


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Index Mission Statement


Accredited Programmes


Boost Youth Work Support


Gender Based Work


Issue Based Work


Peer Led Programmes


Personal Support


Transition KS2 – KS3


Transition KS4 into Education, Training and Employment


Youth Work in Education and Community Provision


Youth Work in Education and Wider Youth Service


Youth Work in Education FAQ’s



YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Mission Statement Supporting young people through success and adversity In adhering to our Mission Statement we will: • Continue to promote and embrace our unique voluntary relationship with our service users. • Work alongside young people to realise and understand their potential to achieve and support them to develop the skills they need to build a successful future. • Support young people with their continuing transitions through life and education. • Enable young people to become active citizens in today’s society. • Promote and embrace the Welsh language and its culture. • Advocate the rights and responsible of young people. • Respect diversity in terms of race, gender, disability and sexual orientation. • Maintain our successful multi agency partnership working. • Ensure that all young people are given the opportunity to participate, be consulted and actively access any processes that affect them and the services they use. • Continue and develop our professional practice, whilst adhering to and being guided by the Youth Work Practitioners ‘Code of Ethics’. http://www.ymcawales.ac.uk/client_files/Misc/code_of_ethics_main.pdf


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Accredited Programmes As informal educators working within a formal setting, Youth Work in Education has a belief in the entitlement of young people to gain recognition for their achievements in learning and to fulfil their potential. Youth Work in Education strives to provide a learning pathway using an experiential learning approach to raise a young person’s motivation and aspiration to achieve an accredited outcome. Young people have the opportunity to access a range of recognised awards and qualifications through ASDAN which is a pioneering curriculum development organisation and awarding body, offering programmes and qualifications that explicitly grow skills for learning, employment and life. Awards: Youth Award Short Courses E learning – Life skills Challenge Qualifications: Certificate of Personal Effectiveness Level 1 – 25 points Level 2 – 46 points Award of Personal Effectiveness Level 1 – 12.5 points Level 2 – 23 points Personal and Social Development Entry Level 1/2/3 – 10/12/14 points Level 1 – 25 points Level 2 - 46 points Wider Key Skills Individual key skills IOLP/PS/WWO Level 1 – 18.8 points Level 2 – 34.5 points

As a measure of quality assurance Youth Work in Education has been recognised and awarded the status as a ‘Centre of Excellence’. www.asdan.org


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Boost Youth Work Support A Boost Youth Work Co-ordinator will work collaboratively with school and the young person, to offer support and guidance with their learning. Facilitated group work or one to one sessions may include the following: • • • • • • • •

Study skills Exam stress Numeracy workshops Literacy workshops Revision skills Research skills Subject support for missed work Preparation for controlled assessments

The Boost Youth Work Co-ordinator’s role has many functions but will primarily embrace the learning coach ethos to enable exploration of a young person’s learning style, developing planning and organisational skills both inside and outside the classroom. As well as achievable target setting to help a young person build their confidence and self esteem.


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Gender Based Work Youth Work in Education will endeavour to work with identified groups of young people exploring issues that affect them in a gender specific way. Gender based issues such as the following can be explored: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Keeping safe Challenging risky behaviour Sexual health Contraception Friendships Healthy & Unhealthy relationships Domestic Violence Self-Image Body Confidence Healthy Lifestyles Simulated Baby Project Internet Safety Sexual Identity

Youth Work in Education acknowledges that although these issues affect all genders, the level of understanding and awareness will vary, hence the need for specific gender based groups.


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Issue Based Work Youth Work in Education strives to provide informative, challenging and practical sessions to identified groups of young people sharing a common issue, interest or goal and enable them to make informed decisions about their lives. Issues such as the following are explored on a regular basis: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Drugs and alcohol Smoking cessation Managing emotions Healthy eating and nutrition Internet safety Sexual identity Sexual exploitation Emotional wellbeing Challenging behaviour Body image Relationships Anti bullying Self esteem and confidence Keeping safe Stress management

Although many of these issues appear to overlap each other, separate groups are often necessary due to the specific needs and ages of the individual.


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Peer Led Programmes Youth Work in Education is committed to developing peer led programmes, which can dovetail together within an inclusive pathway in schools and enables us to remain committed to observing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 12, so that all children and young people in Wales enjoy increased well being, and are able to thrive and achieve their potential in all areas of their lives. The delivery of peer led programmes not only compliment both a young person’s emotional health and well being but also provide an opportunity for young people to experience and develop their personal skills and qualities. Programmes that can be delivered and supported by Youth Work in Education can include: • Peer mentoring • Peer education • Peer support for transition into KS3 Youth Work in Education endeavours to ensure that all young people’s informal learning is documented and provides an opportunity for accreditation within the ASDAN framework



YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Personal Support Adhering to our mission statement Youth Work in Education operates an open door policy for all young people to access personal support, the nature of which would be dependant on an identified specific need and where group work is not considered to be an appropriate intervention. Referrals are made through the young person direct as a verbal request, school staff and partner agencies would use the Youth Work in Education referral form. The sessions are delivered on a one to one basis but where peer support may be of benefit to the young person the sessions may encompass a small group. Common themes of support: • • • • • •

Mediation Advocacy Self harm Emotional support TAC support Crisis intervention

Operating within the school and local authority safeguarding procedures, we aim to provide up to date information and advice about relevant services that are available to young people and refer to the appropriate service when necessary.


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Transition KS2 – KS3 Working with young people to help and support them with issues that can become barriers to accessing education and learning. The design and delivery of a transition programme will be compiled in consultation with key members of staff from the both the feeder primary and secondary school. We offer a range of interventions which can include the following: • • • • • • • •

Class led activities Small group work Support on common transfer days Community focus transition Drop in sessions One to one mentoring One to one Boost youth work support Home visits

The transition programme for KS2 young people would typically commence during the summer term and into the autumn term for identified young people and generic youth work support will be offered throughout the academic year.


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Transition KS4 into Education, Training or Employment. Youth Work in Education will support young people in need of guidance during their transition from KS4, employing a dynamic and innovative approach through a range of interventions to assist this process. Interventions may include: • • • • • • •

One to one support Boost Youth Work Visit to college advice evenings College applications Workshops College visits Financial literacy

Welsh Government is committed to maximising the opportunities for all children and young people including their progression into education, training and employment, where economic and personal circumstances present a challenge the implementation of ‘The Youth Engagement and Progression Framework’ will offer more effective and systematic approaches to identifying these young people who need support, ensuring they have access to support structures to suit their individual needs. The Youth Service w ill be w ell positioned to provide the lead w ork er role for som e of the young people identified in greatest need of support.

http://gov.wales/topics/educationandskills/skillsandtraining/youthe ngagement/?lang=en


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Community Provision and the Wider Youth Service The professional synergy between Youth Work in Education, community based provision and the wider Youth Service enables the team to utilise the services available for young people, both inside and outside of school hours.

The Vic Centre of Excellence

Healthy Schools Inspire and In2change

Info Shop

Sexual Health Clinic Info Outreach

Coedpoeth Centre of Excellence


Llay Centre of Excellence

Youth Work in Education

Inside Out Counselling

Duke of Edinburgh

Urban Villages Play Team Ruabon Centre of Excellence


The Participation Team – Senedd yr Ifanc

YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Frequently Asked Questions How do you refer to the Youth Work in Education team?

Young person: Self refer Parent: Telephone the school office and request to speak to school based youth worker. School staff: YWE referral form that can be found in the youth work office or email staff direct for an electronic copy. Partner agency: YWE referral form that can be found in the youth work office or email staff direct for an electronic copy.

How do you refer to the Boost Youth Work Co-ordinator? Please make appointments for support through the School’s Based Youth Work Co-ordinator. Caroline Bennett – Boost Youth Work Co-ordinator Email – caroline.bennett@wrexham.gov.uk Contact Number - 07800688979

Who do I speak to if I cannot get hold of the school based youth work co-ordinator I need?

Contact details for the School Based Youth Work Co-ordinators can be sought direct from individual schools, however if you are experiencing any problems, please contact: Angela Blood Business Support Assistant Angela.blood@wrexham.gov.uk 01978 820056 A message will be sent to the School Based Youth Work Co-ordinator requesting a reply.


YOUTH WORK IN EDUCATION Frequently Asked Questions Where can I find further information about Youth Work in Education? Emma Baddeley Advanced Practitioner - Youth Work in Education 13 Hill Street Wrexham LL11 1SN 01978 317966 / 07808787743 emma.baddeley@wrexham.gov.uk

For general enquiries about Youth Work in Education YWE@wrexham.gov.uk

Young Wrexham www.youngwrexham.gov.uk and follow the link for Youth Work in Education. Please contact the Info Shop for general enquiries about Youth Service provision. Email: infoshop@wrexham.gov.uk Telephone: 01978 295600



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