Girlboss Sheets Volume #1

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Yes, you can!

#girlboss sheets Volume 1

Progress Trackers for Online Businesses How do you know how far you’ve come If you don’t know where you started from?

How To P rint First, I’m going to assume you prefer a 2-page layout that you plan to 3-hole punch in a binder like below.

For Duplex Printers

Print this as a 2-sided do cument . You w i l l n e e d a p r i nt e r t h at h as t h e abil ity to d u pl ex p r int , meaning t hat it can automat i cal ly p r i nt on e ach si de i n s equ e ntial o rder. T his mea ns p age one [t h e cov e r ] w i l l be on t he front an d p a g e 2 [ this page yo u’r e r ea ding r ight n ow ] w i l l be on t he back.

For Single-Side Only Printers Print only o dd-number ed p a ges : 1, 3, 5 , 7, et c. Ref eed t hese or i gi nal s i nto you r p r i nt e r bl ank p age car tr id g e ho lder wit h t h e p age s u su al ly faci n g dow n an d u p si de d ow n but check yo u r p r i nt e r to be su r e as i t var i e s. A n d t he n p r int th e even- numbere d p age s: 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 . T his may t a ke s ome t r i al an d e r ror and i f al l e l s e fai l s , s im p ly p r int t he ent ire t h i n g and manu al ly face t he p age s i n t h e r ig ht dir ect io n a nd u se t h e bl ank p age s on t he back si de s for n ote s . | Š 2017 Pretty Pages

Hello Girls! I hope you find these Solopreneur Pages useful and that all of your side-hustle dreams come true. I love creating beautiful layouts in InDesign and my side hustle is: I help soloprenuers to attract their ideal client one beautiful digital download at a time. Good luck to everyone with your Solopreneur adventures!


,Lisa Siefert | Š 2017 Pretty Pages

Monthly Goal Completion Status January





June | Š 2017 Pretty Pages | Š 2017 Pretty

Monthly Goal Completion Status July





December | Š 2017 Pretty Pages | Š 2017 Pretty

Monthly Goals January





June | © 2017 Pretty Pages | © 2017 Pretty

Monthly Goals July





December | Š 2017 Pretty Pages | Š 2017 Pretty

Productivity Equationtion

[Before Month Starts]

Rate: 1 as Didn’t Even Come Close

10 as Exceeded Goals


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Social Media Engagement

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Continuing Education

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Score Directions: Add them up and divide by 10.



Average is a 6-8 Those in the 8-10 range typically are more focused, decisive and practice minimalism. Do you follow the Ivy Lee Method everyday? Do you make decisions quickly and avoid analysis paralysis? Do you say no to anything not related to your monthly goals?

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY EQUATION # ? Sales What went well this month and what can you do to make next month ever better?

List-Building Joiners #

Social Media Engagement Interaction levels.

Continuing Education What did you learn this month? What are you planning to learn next month?

Leavers #

Where is the majority of your leads come from? What can you do to improve that # next month?

Productiivity Combine the Ivy Lee Method + the Pomodoro Technique. Make sure to set aside 6 goals each night for the next day and the attack them one at a time, until complete. Go throug your single-tasking preparation checklist and set the timer for 25 minutes of continuous, uninterrupted and focused concentration on the task at hand. Say No To Everything. your first instinet to any new request should always be no. you’re on a girl on mission and you don’t have photo, What are 3 things you wished you had said no to this month? What are 3 obligations you can cancel next month? | © 2017 Pretty Pages | © 2017 Pretty

Productivity Equation

[AfterMonth Ends]

Rate: 1 as Didn’t Even Come Close

10 as Exceeded Goals


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Social Media Engagement

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Continuing Education

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Score Directions: Add them up and divide by 10.



Average is a 6-8 Those in the 8-10 range typically are more focused, decisive and practice minimalism. Do you follow the Ivy Lee Method everyday? Do you make decisions quickly and avoid analysis paralysis? Do you say no to anything not related to your monthly goals?

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY EQUATION # ? Sales What went well this month and what can you do to make next month ever better?

List-Building Joiners #

Social Media Engagement Interaction levels.

Continuing Education What did you learn this month? What are you planning to learn next month?

Leavers #

Where is the majority of your leads come from? What can you do to improve that # next month?

Productiivity Combine the Ivy Lee Method + the Pomodoro Technique. Make sure to set aside 6 goals each night for the next day and the attack them one at a time, until complete. Go throug your single-tasking preparation checklist and set the timer for 25 minutes of continuous, uninterrupted and focused concentration on the task at hand. Say No To Everything. Your first instinet to any new request should always be no. You’re on a girl on mission and you don’t have time to attend every single social event that comes your way, help out everyone who asks for it or spend hours on end on the photo. What are 3 things you wished you had said no to this month? What are 3 obligations you can cancel next month? | © 2017 Pretty Pages | © 2017 Pretty

Happiness Equationtion

[Before Month Starts]

Rate: 1 as Didn’t Even Come Close

10 as Exceeded Goals

Family Life

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Day to day

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Score Directions: Add them up and divide by 10.



Average is a 6-8 Those in the 8-10 range typically wake up happy. Do you wake up happy and excited to start the day?

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR HAPPINESS EQUATION # ? Find a partner in joy - this could be your significant other a best friend, a subling... basicaly anyone who is up for new adventures like trying out that hot yoga class, trying out a new restaurant or checking out a new store. Who was your partner in joy this month: Who will be your partner in joy next month:

Make your Happiness Equation plans for next month. The more specific (an exact time, place or person) you can be the, more likely you are to increase your happiness #. I think that doing I think that spending time with

might be fun. might be really wonderfu.

I have always wanted to try/do. | Š 2017 Pretty Pages

Happiness Equation

[AfterMonth Ends]

Rate: 1 as Didn’t Even Come Close

10 as Exceeded Goals

Family Life

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Day to day

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Score Directions: Add them up and divide by 10.



Average is a 6-8 Those in the 8-10 range typically wake up happy. Do you wake up happy and excited to start the day?

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR HAPPINESS EQUATION # ? Find a partner in joy - this could be your significant other a best friend, a subling... basicaly anyone who is up for new adventures like trying out that hot yoga class, trying out a new restaurant or checking out a new store. Who was your partner in joy this month: Who will be your partner in joy next month:

Make your Happiness Equation plans for next month. The more specific (an exact time, place or person) you can be the, more likely you are to increase your happiness #. I think that doing I think that spending time with

might be fun. might be really wonderfu.

I have always wanted to try/do. | Š 2017 Pretty Pages

Launch Checklist

for your new product, course, book or app Product Name Revenue Goal Potential Sales Leads (besides your list and social media outlets) Affiliate Campaign Goal Affiliate Launch Dates Affiliate Email Sequence + Dates 4 weeks before Affiliate Materials Launch 3 weeks before Affiliate Materials Launch 2 weeks before Affiliate Materials Launch 1 weeks before Affiliate Materials Launch

Pre-Sales Dates Pre-Sales Email Sequence + Dates 4 weeks before Pre-Sales Launch 3 weeks before Pre-Sales Launch 2 weeks before Pre-Sales Launch 1 weeks before Pre-Sales Launch

Official Launch Dates | Š 2017 Pretty Pages

Official Email Sequence + Dates 4 weeks before Official Launch 3 weeks before Official Launch 2 weeks before Official Launch 1 weeks before Official Launch

Affiliate Revenue Pre-Sales Revenue Official Launch Revenue Total Product Launch Revenue What went well?

What could be done better next time?

Important feedback received? | Š 2017 Pretty Pages


CREATE LANDING PAGE that potential customers encounter upon a first visit to a website (or first Google search, first Facebook interaction, etc.). A landing page’s objective is to get someone on the list, and establish the ever-important first line of communication.



meaning you should give them something they can actually buy.



such as the creation of another offer that will deliver even more benefit.

The intent is to establish more speed or automation within an already running process, which will hopefully convince customers they should take things to the next level. This typically takes the form of a sales page, which indicates a company’s prom ise and shows people what hey can get in exchange for their money.

Often, an upsell involves a larger, more expensive, and more advantageous item or service. This can be viewed as the “steak dinner” to the initial offer’s “appetizer”. | © 2017 Pretty Pages

Don’t forget to add Splinter Offers. Learn more about them at



letting people known that if they weren’t ready for a complete all-access deliverable, maybe something else is more in line with their needs or budgets.

A downsell shouldn’t be viewed as a failure or som ething to settle for, but instead an opportunity to m aintain a custom er even though they passed on a bigger ticket item or services


MAINTAIN CONTINUITY which means bringing people into a membershipbased community of products and services they won’t find anywhere else.

Building a lasting relationship that creates constant benefit will bring the consum er great returns. | © 2017 Pretty Pages

Sales Funnel Performance Goals If you’re a solopreneur, you should always be funneling your subscribers into some sort of sale. When was the last time you did a Sales Funnel Performance Review? What Do You Want this Page to Look Like at the End of the Month?

FUNNEL Name Load Magnet Conversion Rate (25 points) To Date Last Month This time last year

Email Conversion Rat (25 points) To Date Last Month This time last year

Webnar Conversion Rate (25 points) To Date Last Month This time last year

Discovery Call Conversion Rate(25 points) To Date Last Month This time last year Scoring Criteria: Each area is worth 25 points, for a total of 100 points 1 The polar opposite of awesomeness - 25 Awesomeness

Total Points: For each area, what do you expect to go well: What are you not certain of going well: What areas might need improvement: What resources have you used to build your funnel: | Š 2017 Pretty Pages

GRADE RATING 100 A+ 90+ A 80+ B 70+ C 60+ D 50 and below F

Sales Funnel Performance Tracker What did this page ACTUALLY look like at the end of the month, compared to your pre-month goals on the left?

FUNNEL Name Load Magnet Conversion Rate (25 points) To Date Last Month This time last year

Email Conversion Rat (25 points) To Date Last Month This time last year

Webnar Conversion Rate (25 points) To Date Last Month This time last year

Discovery Call Conversion Rate(25 points) To Date Last Month This time last year Scoring Criteria: Each area is worth 25 points, for a total of 100 points 1 The polar opposite of awesomeness - 25 Awesomeness

Total Points:

GRADE RATING 100 A+ 90+ A 80+ B 70+ C 60+ D 50 and below F

For each area, what went well: What did not go as expected: What areas need improvement: What resources do you have available to you or can you obtain in order to improve your funnel: | Š 2017 Pretty Pages

Mini-Business Plan Answer each question with one or two short sentence


What will you sell?

Who will buy it?

How will your business idea help people?

Ka - Ching

What will you charge?

How will you get paid?

How else will you make money from this project? | Š 2017 Pretty Pages


How will your costumer learn about your business?

How can you encourage referrals?


The project will be successful when it achieves these metrics: Number of customers or

Annual Income ( o r o t h er m etr ic)

Obstacle / Challenges / Open Questions Specific concern or question #1

Proposed solution to concern #1 | Š 2017 Pretty Pages

Products Your Are Selling?

Related Subject Areas Someone Shopping for That Product Would Be Interested in :

Choose 1 Theme for this Product : | Š 2017 Pretty Pages

Choose Potential Blog Post for this Theme





How To [DIY/Tutorial/ Instructional]: List [Best of/Top 5/ W hat To Avoid]:

Case Study


Personal Story


Comparison of 2 or more products


Guest Post | © 2017 Pretty Pages





Because who doesn’t love a good meme? Bonus points if it’s relevant to your niche. (I’m a nerd because social m edia memes are my life.)

Question of the Day

Ask your followers a question about their blog/biz, advice for your blog/biz, or just something fun.

Your Ideas

Title Homework Assignment

Description Offer up a homework assignment to help out your followers.

Current Events Celebrating holidays and other current events.


Quick Tips

Images of your workspace, projects in the works, etc.

Secret tips/hacks forgetting things done.


How-to’s and tutorials to help your followers get something done

Branded Graphics


Visually appealing graphics with your waterm ark.

Written out quotes or graphics with quotes on them . (If you create your own, add your waterm ark!)

Encouragement Words of encouragement for your followers.

Social-Only Promos

Calls To Action

Discounts/offers on your products/ services that are only for your social media followers. Get followers to sign up for your em ail newsletter, read your new blog post, or buy your newest product/service.

Reader Survey


Get follower input on your blog/biz.

GIFs, funny videos, inspirational videos, etc.


Your Blog Posts


Curated Content


Launches, business news, updates about the biz owner (you!)

Obviously this is a bit part of your social media strategy— your own blog posts!

Caption This photo games, photo, contests, challenges, etcs.

Helpful links from other bloggers and reputable sources,

Discounts/offers on products/ services that you offer.





Virtual Events

Longer Anecdotes

Infographic Industry-related infographics.

Give away prizes in exchange for likes/ followers.

Share info about new products/ services that you’re offering.

Include a bit of yourself in your social media by sharing little quips.

Incentives for your social m edia followers.

Webinars, Twitter chats, and other online goings-on.

Stories, longer tips, and other longer status updates.



Inspiration for yourself and your followers.

Fun listicles from Buzzfeed or informational ones.

Non-Blog Promos

Time Sensitive Offers i.e. webinars, Twitter chats, or collabs you’re working on.

Discounts/offers that your followers have to use by a certain date before they expire. | © 2017 Pretty Pages

Your Ideas

#girlboss sheets 7770 Regents Rd 113 San Diego, CA 92122

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