Architecture Portfolio 2022 (Lise Derule)

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POR TFO L I O Architecture & Engineering Lise DERULE 2020/21

LISE DERULE Civil Engineer & Architecture graduate from INSA Strasbourg Being passionate by architecture I have wanted to become an architect for a very long time. I decided to follow a double degree in architecture and engineering in order to broaden my vision and my knowledge of architecture and construction practices. Considering the challenges of the current world I envision the work of an architect as an opportunity to contribute to change the way of taking care of our environment and our way to experiencing and living it. Sport, artistic creation, and travels also allow me to build myself humanly and personally. Curious, dynamic, and sociable, I like to discover new places and meet people in my social and professional life.

EDUCATION 2019 - 2021 : Double Master’s Degree - Civil Engineering & Architecture INSA, Strasbourg (France) 2019 - 2020 : Erasmus Wintersemester BEUTH Hochshule für Technik, Berlin (Germany) civil engineering & urbanism classes 2015 - 2018 : Bachelor’s Degree - Architecture with Civil Engineering specialisation INSA, Strasbourg (France)

CONTACTS Adress : Weserstrasse 208 12047 Berlin E-mail : Phone : +33 (0)7 87 95 10 83 LinkedIn: Lise Derule

LANGUAGES & INFORMATIC SKILLS French : Mother tongue English : B2 Level - TOEIC (800pts) German : B1 Level Adobe PS, Id, Ai AutoCad ArchiCad Revit Sketchup Artlantis Qgis


2014 - 2015 : Preparatory class INSA, Strasbourg (France) mathematics, physics & technologics sciences, High-level athlete status 2014 : High-school Scientific diploma - Mathematic option, obtained with honours Lycée Louis de Cormontaigne, Metz (France) sport-study class and european german class

PROFESSIONNAL EXPERIENCES 2021 : Engineer Master Project internship - 4 months Bellastock, Re-using experts, Paris (France) thesis : « Reclaimed building materials: a multi-scale and multi-actor approach as a solution to the ecological challenges and environmental transition » 2020 : Voluntary work on a construction site - 2 weeks learning and experimenting different building methods with raw earth 2019 : Project management internship - 2 months AIA Life Designer Agency, Building division, Lyon (France) assistant and project management for the project «RTE Campus» (Lyon, France) 2018 : Building company internship - 2 months Eiffage Group, Marseille (France) works supervisor on a housing construction site

Track and field - Competition practice from 2009 to 2019

2017 : Architectural agency internship - 6 weeks AA+ Architects, Strasbourg (France) blueprints drawing, architectural design and survey

Climbing - Block Yoga Art - Drawing and digital drawing

2016 : Worker Internship - 6 weeks ELFL construction site - TRALUX Company, Luxembourg (Luxembourg) worker on ELFL site (Lux.) - construction of concrete structure elements (walls, beams...)

Interregional & National championships



01 FROM PLACE TO MATTER, FROM MATTER TO PLACE Master degree project master degree supervisor: Philippe Dahan september 2021 - time of the project : 9months

A PLATFORM AND A THIRD-PLACE OF RE-USED BUILDING MATERIALS FOR THE CITY OF METZ The Earth Overshoot Day represents the theorical date when humanity has consumed all the resources and services that Earth can regenerate in a given year. In 1970, this date was the 30th December. In 2021 it fell on July 29. Over the past 50 years, we have lost our relationship with matter and nature. Today we are consuming products resulting from a material transformation, thus losing all awareness on the value of what constitutes the world surrounding us. This rupture of balance between human being and matter translates on one hand into a rarefaction of raw materials offered by the Earth and on the other hand into an accumulation of waste. Currently, the building industry is the main consumer of raw materials in the world and one of the most polluting: each year 46 million tons of waste are produced in France. That represents 2/3 of the country’s waste. As a member of the building industry the architect has a role to play to initiate the change. Today, we must modify our way of building and our paradigms related to the making of the city. This means rediscovering a relationship with matter and with our territories. Re-using materials is an ancestral practice in architecture. Today it appears under a new light, bringing an answear to the main challenges we are facing. « Nothing is lost, nothing is created: everything is getting transformed » 1 And what if re-using materials could give us the opportunity to transform the act of building and even more, our architectures, our cities?


The project is located in the city of Metz (East France) and precisely in the station area wich is a changing territory today. It proposes the rehabilitation of an old and abandoned car factory into a Third-Place of the circular economy and the re-use of building materials and the revamping of its surrounding urban island. Seen as a new city’s machine this ThirdPlace develops as well in its architectural style as in its function a new relationship to matter. This allows to reconnect individuals with their territories while creating a new organ of the matter metabolism. The development and design strategy of the project propose to reconsider three fundamentals elements making up today’s world: matter, the living and the individual. The design approach is based on the use of the resources offered by the Metz territory. It allows to demonstrate that our choices of materials we use in architecture can give rise to new architectural writing as well as a new consideration of our urban environment. It is no longer a question of producing to build but of taking owernship of matter offered by our surrounding territory, susceptible to bring our buildings to life. Today, re-use must be first and foremost the re-use of our architectures and of the materials they are made of. Urban territories thus become today’s and tomorrow’s mines. The transformation and the rehabilitation of this old factory then become a pretext to recreate in this part of the city a proper ecosystem able to anchor itself in both the urban and social realities of a world which is henceforth building on itself.


Aprocryphal quote from Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794)


RE-USE AN EXISTING BUILDING, BUILD WITH RE-USED MATERIALS The project proposes the rehabilitation of an old Opel car dealership and factory that has been abandoned for over 10 years. The Sablon Wasteland is located on the edge of the railroad tracks at the meeting point of three emblematic districts of Metz. My desire for this project was born from my discovery of the place. This imposing building with its singular facade (right) shelters important and surprising volumes. Moreover, the material composing the wasteland tells its history and makes it a place carrying the story of past activities. However, the city has decided to destroy this old factory to replace it with a new housing building. Considering the potential of the building my project approach proposes to build differently and to write a new story : the story of a new way to fabric the city through the creation of an urban equipment which can develop the re-use of building materials. Alongside the railroad tracks stands the new building of the platform of re-used materials. A road access as well as a rail access allow the materials to be delivered in the platform. They will be stored, reconditioned and then sold for a second use. This platform and its spaces give to read a path of materials which dialogs with the new spaces of the existing building where is developing a society of re-use through the Third Place. The former workshops of the car factory now give way to shared work spaces, spaces for training, conferences, exhibitions, artisans’ workshops and spaces for living and chilling out ( fig.5). These stimulate and make the actors of the place live around the dynamics of re-use. In the heart of the block an urban park is designed for the inhabitants of the district and for the community of the Third-Place. This park is an extension of the public space located at the base of the existing building ( fig.10).


In its architecture the project recreates a new imaginary linked to the Sablon Wasteland long stigmatized by the district’s inhabitants. The platform presents an architecture with an industrial character, whose main façade testifies to the singularity of the architecture of re-use ( fig. 9). The building of the wasteland sees a porch being created in its southern facade as well as an extension built with materials of re-use being established on the roofs ( fig. 7&8). This intervention expresses the renewal of the place and sends a message to the city: the message of a new story and a new way of building.

Right page : photography of the Sablon’s Wasteland, march 2021, Metz fig.1 : transversal section A-A ; the storage plateform and the shared workspaces fig. 2 : transversal section B-B ; the Third-Place and the workshops in the plateform fig.3 : longitudinal section C-C in the existing building ; the new spaces of the Third-Place fig. 4 : model ; 1:1000 scale fig.5 : exploded axonometric view from the existing building ; the new spaces of the Third-Place fig.6 : atmosphere sketches in the project fig.7 : new South facade of the existing building fig. 8 : new North facade of the existing building fig.9 : main facade of the reused materials platform fig. 10 : model ; 1:200 scale


A tool for a new urban fabric : a plateform of reused materials and a Third-Place

fig. 1

fig. 2

fig. 3







fig. 4


A new identity for the Sablon Wasteland: a place for community living

fig. 5


fig. 6


fig. 7

fig. 8

fig. 9



fig. 10



02 DEVELOPING THE SAVA REGION Architectural sketch professors : Julien Rouby // Philippe Dahan november 2020 - time of the project : 1month

A COMMUNITY CENTER FOR THE VILLAGE OF AMBODIMANGA This project was proposed in partnership with the association Tourism sans Frontière and the SAVA Regional Office of Tourism. The project is supported by Malagasy personalities invested in the development of local tourism. The project is located in the SAVA region in the north-east of Madagascar. The objective is both tourist and local. The main issue is the economic and social development of the village of Ambodimanga which is located in the district of Andapa. It is a question of creating a community center intended to welcome tourists as well as the inhabitants of the village. I chose to design a project that would develop responsible tourism and encourage sharing and meeting between inhabitants and tourists and between individuals and the great surrounding landscape. The project is structured around a community hall (1. on fig.2) which is a true centrality in the project. This hall is a support for shows, market of local products, meals for tourists and relaxing

moments. The hall is through and widely opened towards the outside allowing the festivities space sheltered under a local wood frame ( fig.1) to extend on the square located at the entrance. This outside space is an extension of the square of the neighboring church and benefits the little learning center (2. on fig.2) which is hosting a library and a local handcraft shop. Separated from the festivities spaces thanks to a dense garden of tropical and local vegetation and facing the great landscape we finally find the housing spaces (3. on fig.2). They propose a quiet and intimate atmosphere with a particular link to the different surrounding landscapes. The project finally proposes different sequences of full and empty spaces multiplying the atmospheres on the whole length of the site ( fig.3). The use of local and reclaimed materials encourages a self-construction approach and allows the project to have an educational and participative dimension. fig. 1: west facade of the community hall fig. 2: ground plan fig. 3: longitudinal section

fig. 3





fig. 1




fig. 2



03 DEVELOPING THE SAVA REGION Details and executive drawing professor : Julien Rouby june 2021 - time of the project : 2months

THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE COMMUNITY HALL IN SITE Convinced by the pertinence of the project for their village and seduced by the students’ ideas during the architectural sketch phase, the Malagasy people decided to choose the sketch of one student in order to develop it in detail and to realize it on site. A second project workshop, in which I was not involved, was set up during the second semester to draw the architectural details of the selected project. Then a group of about ten students, in which I took part, were engaged to think first about the constructive details and the building of the project. In a second time we were intended to go on site in order to construct the hall with the Malagasy. In the selected project the community hall is sheltered under a framework made of bamboos ( fig.1). The interior walls are made of raw earth bricks while the concrete slab is covered with clay bricks. The roof is made of ravinala leaves, the emblematic tree of the island. We thought about the different construction methods used in the project: bamboo construction, terracotta construction and raw earth construction. We imagined as well a phasing of the construction site. As a group we made a notebook of details and execution documents. I took part of the design of the assembly details and the structural details of the hall ( fig.2), as well as in the design of a rainwater harvesting system made of bamboos ( fig.3). Because of the health crisis the construction site had to be cancelled and finally postponed.


fig. 1: section of the festival hall fig. 2: details section of the bamboo columns and concrete slabs assembly system fig. 3: details section of the rainwater harvesting system designed with bamboos

Couverture en ravinala Charpente en bambou


Couverture en tôle

Panneaux de fermeture de la Halle Mur en adobe 1.60m

Contreforts en adobe



4.15m 2.40m


Sol en briques de terre cuite

Longrine béton Terre compressée Remblais

fig. 1

fig. 2

Proposition 1 : détail

Echelle 1 / 20

MAITRISE D’OUVRAGE : Tourisme sans frontières




Sous le toit de Ravinala


Tôle ondulée

Crochet de fixation de gouttière

De type Negrafix / fixation pour tôle ondulée


Demi-bambou de diam.10cm

Support de la gouttière

Pièce métallique

Languette d’écoulement des eaux

Pièce métallique

Gouttière suspendue


Demi-bambou de diam.10cm

Cuve de récupération des eaux de pluie

fig. 3

COUPE AA Système de fixation de la toiture

Boulon fixé dans les liteaux en bambou




04 RE-USE AND RECLAIM OF BUILDING ELEMENTS Master project - Thesis diploma supervisors : Hugo Topalov (Bellastock) & Abdelali Terfous (INSA Strasbourg)

A MULTI-SCALES AND MULTI-ACTORS APPROACH AS A SOLUTION TO THE ECOLOGICAL CHALLENGES AND ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSITION Thesis summary_ Today the building industry stands at the heart of the ecological and energy issues that affect the world. As the largest generator of waste and one of the largest producers of CO2 the world of construction must reinvent its practices to be part of a sustainable development and circular economy approach. In this context new construction methods are being developed. Re-use, an ancestral method which has been little by little forgotten and swept away by the construction industry, is experiencing a renewal of popularity today. By developing a revolutionary expertise in the field of re-use for more than ten years Bellastock is clearly working to democratize this practice on the national and international territory through different projects at different scales. This study is based on the different missions developed within the Bellastock structure and aims to study the thinking behind the development of the re-use sector. It is a question of studying the relevance of the deployment of a sector that is both multiscales from the material to the organization of territories, and multi-actors bringing together a multitude of operators around the same synergy. Based on the study of the tools and methods created by Bellastock to develop re-use strategies for operations and on their implementation in construction projects, this final year thesis highlights the capacity of re-use to respond to ecological and environmental issues, thanks to the involvement of a new network of actors, operating at different territorial levels.


During these four months within the Bellastock team I have taken part to various tasks and on different projects of various scales, from the restructuration of a Parisian house to the one of the Montparnasse Tower. I have made resource diagnoses for different projects and worked for the development of the European project FCRBE (Facilitating the Circulation of Reclaimed Building Elements in Northwestern Europe). This experience allowed me to discover the re-use field, its stakes, its scales and its actors as well as to acquire skills and knowledge for the implementation of this practice in an architectural project.

Right page : photography of the construction site of the «CNAP» project ; collect of materials in order to reuse it ; march 2021, Paris








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