4 KEY INSIGHTS 1. WELL Increased Employee Satisfaction WELL-related post-occupancy metrics showed improvement in all key wellness categories. This progress not only enhances the overall environment, it also quantifies the positive impact on employee health and helps inform future decisions regarding wellness and change management strategies. As a result of implementing a thoughtful WELL Silver certified workplace, Little employees are more active, and more attuned to hydration and nutrition choices, resulting in greater energy levels and a better connection to their own personal wellness goals.
P O S T- O C C U PA N C Y R E S U LT S The relocation of employees from one workplace to another presents an ideal opportunity to assess, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the subsequent changes in behavior, morale, workstyles and processes. These impacts can be proactively shaped through purposeful design strategies and thoughtful engagement with employees throughout the relocation process. When Little moved its largest office of 200 people to a different location within the same city, the leadership team established WELL certification as a primary goal for the new space. The project team was also asked to develop and implement a robust change communications plan to keep employees informed and excited about the workplace being created for them. By taking a human centered approach when solving for a complexity of issues that people face in the workplace, designers and the project team moved past checklists and implementation to the analysis of how design decisions can evolve and influence personal changes over time. As part of their own office pre- and post-occupancy studies, Little not only validated its WELL strategies but also gained a deeper understanding of their impact, and that of the project team’s thoughtful change management approach, on Little employees, its physical environment and how they will work in the future.
Beyond Workplace II
increase in personal water consumption
improvement in sleep quality
increase in movement during the day
increase in energy levels
improvement in daylight and views
improvement in food and nutritional habits
reduction in eye strain
attention to personal wellness
engagement with surrounding community
reduction in workstation glare
increase in use of stairs
satisfaction with thermal comfort