12 minute read
Coming Soon Annual Resources 6–8
Everything you need to host a successful parish lenten mission
Each Mission Kit Includes Each Mission Kit Includes
1 x Director’s Guide The Director’s Guide provides background notes for 1 x Director’s Guide the mission team, opening and closing prayers, scripts The Director’s Guide provides background notes for the for each session, and all you need to sucessfully lead this mission team, opening and closing prayers, scripts for mission. each session, and all you need to sucessfully lead this mission.
25 x Participant’s Booklet 25 x Participant’s Booklet
1 x Flash Drive The flash drive contains electronic copies of all repro1 x Flash Drive ducible materials organized by session The flash drive contains electronic copies of all reproand team role. ducible materials organized by session and team role. Access to an online landing page The online landing page contains session videos, Access to an online landing page PowerPoint presentations, reproducible handouts for The online landing page contains session videos, participants by age group, a promotional video, and PowerPoint presentations, reproducible handouts for marketing materials to promote your mission. participants by age group, a promotional video, and marketing materials to promote your mission. W ater, Light, and Life: A Lenten Parish Mission provides a reasonably priced (and reusable) parish mission option that will highlight both the talent and the knowledge of your staff and other parishioners as retreat mission leaders. This multigenerational prepackaged mission is practical, adaptable, and easy for any parish staff to organize and implement.

During this four-session mission, participants of all ages will reflect on three stories from John’s Gospel: the Samaritan woman at the well, the curing of the man born blind, and the raising of Lazarus. It is the perfect way for parish staff to animate parishioners during the Lenten season as the community journeys into Easter and prepares to celebrate baptism and renew baptismal promises. Taking its cue from the Period of Purification and Enlightenment of the RCIA, this mission invites participants to reflect on sin and the need for conversion and renewal—just like the three characters who accompany them through the mission.
The mission kit includes all the materials the parish staff needs to successfully put on this parish mission: • Scripts for each session for your entire parish community—adults, teens, and children • Opening and closing prayers for the gathered community • Reproducible handouts for each of the sessions • Marketing materials and a promotional video to promote the mission • Check lists and preparation materials for the parish mission team
Water, Light, and Life
A Lenten Parish Mission Paul Radkowski, Rodica Stoicoiu This multi-generational prepackaged mission is practical, adaptable, and easy for any parish staff to organize and implement as they work to animate the parish community’s Lenten journey into Easter. Package Item, 8 1⁄2 x 11, English: 978-1-61671-639-4 Order code: WLL $89.95
Available in December 2021. Water, Light, and Life
Participant’s Booklet Order additional packs of 25 participant booklets to supplement the 25 booklets included in your mission kit when you purchased Water, Light, and Life: A Lenten Parish Mission. Pack of 25 English: 978-1-61671-641-7 Order code: WLLWAP $24.95
Available in December 2021.
United States Edition
Catherine Cory, Elizabeth Nagel, Peter O’Leary,
Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc • Workbook provides this year’s Scripture readings for practice along with commentaries, advice for proclamation, and pronunciation aids.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 304 pages English: 978-1-61671-624-0 | Order code: WL22 1-4 copies: $14 each | 5-49 copies: $13 each 50 or more: $12 each E-book Fixed layout: Order code: WL22EF | Buy on LTP.org, Apple Books, or Google Play $12 E-book Reflowable layout: Buy on Apple Books or Google Play $12
Canadian Edition
Catherine Cory, Elizabeth Nagel, Peter O’Leary,
Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc • Workbook provides this year’s Scripture readings for practice along with commentaries, advice for proclamation, and pronunciation aids for Canadian churches.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 336 pages English: 978-1-61671-625-7 | Order code: WL22C 1-4 copies: $14 each | 5-49 copies: $13 each | 50 or more: $12 each
Manual para proclamadores de la palabra® 2022
Ximena DeBroeck, Raúl H. Lugo Rodríguez,
Raúl Duarte Castillo • This resource provides the Sunday readings arranged in sense-lines, with the most indispensable biblical and liturgical information to proclaim them with reverence and efficacy before the assembly.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 304 pages Spanish: 978-1-61671-617-2 | Order code: MP22 1-4 copies: $14 each | 5-49 copies: $13 each | 50 or more: $12 each E-book: $12 E-book Fixed layout: Order code: MP22EF | Buy on LTP.org $12
At Home with the Word® 2022
Sherri Brown, phd, Maribeth Howell, op • Both individuals and groups find a deeper understand- ing of the Sunday Scriptures in At Home with the Word: read, ponder, discuss, act, and pray.
Paperback, 8 x 10, 144 pages English: 978-1-61671-606-6 | Order code: AHW22 1-4 copies: $9 each | 5-99 copies: $8 each 100-299 copies: $7 each | 300 or more: $5 each E-book Fixed layout: Order code: WL22EF | Buy on LTP.org $9 E-book Reflowable layout: Buy on Amazon, Apple Books or Google Play $7
At Home with the Word® 2022
Large-Print Edition Sherri Brown, phd, Maribeth Howell, op • Both individuals and groups find a deeper understand- ing of the Sunday Scriptures in At Home with the Word: read, ponder, discuss, act, and pray.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 288 pages English: 978-1-61671-607-3 | Order code: AHW22L 1-4 copies: $13 each | 5-99 copies: $11 each 100 or more: $10 each
Palabra de Dios™ 2022
Lecturas dominicales y reflexiones espirituales
Petra Alexander, Carmen Aguinaco, Claudia Ávila, Teresa Maya, Jaime Sevilla, Adrián
Badillo • Palabra de Dios™ offers individuals and groups a deeper understanding of the Sunday Scriptures as well as the opportunity to share their Catholic faith. The book includes the biblical references for the readings of every day of the week.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 160 pages Spanish: 978-1-61671-620-2 | Order code: PD22 1-4 copies: $9 each | 5-99 copies: $8 each | 100-299 copies: $7 each | 300 or more: $5 each E-book: $7 E-book Fixed layout: Order code: PD22EF | Buy on LTP.org $9
Daily Prayer 2022
Lauren Murphy, Paul Radkowski • Versatile and easy-to-use, this trusted resource has assisted Catholics in deepening their faith and prayer life for more than a decade.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 400 pages English: 978-1-61671-614-1 | Order code: DP22 Single copy: $13 | 2-9 copies: $11 each | 10 or more: $10 E-book: $10
Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays 2022
The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy
Various authors including Chris de Silva and
Kate Williams • This trusted annual publication provides concise and helpful material to inspire and assist those who prepare the Mass for each day of the liturgical year.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 416 pages English: 978-1-61671-621-9 | Order code: SSS22 Single copy: $18 | 2-4 copies: $14 each 5 or more: $12 each
Year of Grace 2022 poster
Tracy Rodenborn; illustrated by James B.
Janknegt • Count the days and weeks of this liturgical year, reflecting on the works of mercy that Christ expects of all disciples.
Laminated Poster, 26 x 26
English: 978-1-61671-627-1 | Order code: YG22LL Spanish: 978-1-61671-605-9 | Order code: AG22LL
Paper Poster, 26 x 26
English: 978-1-61671-628-8 | Order code: YG22LP Spanish: 978-1-61671-602-8 | Order code: AG22LP Single copy: $9 each | 2-24 copies: $8 each 25 or more: $7 each
Year of Grace 2022 notebook
Tracy Rodenborn; illustrated by James B.
Janknegt • Count the days and weeks of this liturgical year, reflecting on the works of mercy that Christ expects of all disciples.
Laminated, Single Sheet, 11 x 17,
English: 978-1-61671-629-5 | Order code: YG22SL Spanish: 978-1-61671-603-5 | Order code: AG22SL
Paper, pack of 25, 11 x 17,
English: 978-1-61671-626-4 | Order code: YG22SP Spanish: 978-1-61671-604-2 | Order code: AG22SP
Bilingual Print and Digital Resources for Your Parish Kathryn Ball-Boruff • Keeping the Seasons’ reproducible handouts provide rich and inspiring catechesis in attractive formats during Lent and Easter Time. Economical and versatile, the beautifully illustrated handouts are accessible via a dedicated website.
Digital Product, 8 1⁄2 x 11 Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-61671-608-0 | Order code: BKSA22 $35
Keeping the Seasons for Lent and Easter 2022
Bilingual Print and Digital Resources for Your Parish
Catherine Johnson, Mary Kathleen Kelley, ssj
Each of the beautifully illustrated handouts on the resource’s website can be manipulated and reproduced for parish bulletins, worship aids, or a parish website!
The Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and Homebound 2022
Ann Dickinson Degenhard • Equip lay ministers with the official rites they will need to bring Holy Communion to and to pray and share the Gospel with those who cannot regularly worship with their parish community on Sunday.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 240 pages English: 978-1-61671-623-3 | Order code: VS22 Single copy: $9 | 2-9 copies: $8 each | 10 or more: $6 each
Manual católico para visitar a los enfermos 2022
Ernesto Zamora • This book provides all a lay minister needs to care spiritually for those homebound who cannot attend the liturgy with their parish community. It contains Rites for blessing, anointing and bringing the Holy Communion, as well as the Sunday Gospel to share, pray, and reflect with sick and homebound.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 240 pages Spanish: 978-1-61671-618-9 | Order code: VE22 Single copy: $9 | 2-9 copies: $8 each | 10 or more: $6 each
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Journal 2021
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd • The United States Association of The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is proud to feature the Montessori Foundations of CGS in the 2021 Journal.
Saddlestitched, 8 1⁄2 x 11 978-1-61671-638-7 | Order code: CGSJ21 $9
Available in November 2021
Children’s Liturgy of the Word 2021-2022
A Weekly Resource
Various authors including Diane Lampitt
and Debra Mahr • The essential guide for prayer leaders who facilitate a separate Liturgy of the Word with children on Sundays and holydays of obligation.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 272 pages 978-1-61671-613-4 | Order code: CLW22 Single copy: $30 2-4 copies: $25 each | 5 or more: $20 each
Children’s Daily Prayer 2021-2022
Karla Hardersen • This annual helps to guide children in schools and religious education in a daily service of communal prayer that follows the pattern of the Church’s Morning Prayer.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 368 pages 978-1-61671-612-7 | Order code: CDP22 Single copy: $16 | 2-9 copies: $14 each | 10 or more: $13 each
Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families 2021-2022
Christine Ondrla • Simple and approachable, this book is designed to guide even the busiest families to integrate the Sunday Gospel into their daily lives through reflection, conversation, and family activities.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 128 pages 978-1-61671-610-3 | Order code: CSCF22 1-4 copies: $5 each | 5-29 copies: $3.50 each 30-299 copies: $2 each | 300 or more: $1 each E-book: $4
Las familias católicas celebran el domingo 2021-2022
Christine Ondrla • Simple and approachable, this book is designed to guide even the busiest families to integrate the Sunday Gospel into their daily lives through reflection, conversation, and family activities.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 128 pages Spanish: 978-1-61671-615-8 | Order code: FCCD22 1-4 copies: $5 each | 5-29 copies: $3.50 each 30-49 copies: $2 each | 50 or more: $1 each E-book: $4
The Living Word ™ 2021–2022
Sunday Gospel Reflections and Actions for Teens
Jessie Bazan, Andrew Mountin, Jena Thurow-
Mountin. • The Living Word™ helps youth ministers, parish catechists, and high school religion teachers to meet teens where they are and guide them to a deeper understanding of the Gospel’s role in their lives. This model of liturgical catechesis through lectionary readings enhances the liturgical preparation, liturgical participation, and liturgical living of teens.
Paperback, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 256 pages 978-1-61671-616-5 | Order code: LWGR22 Single copy: $30 | 2 or more: $25 each
Sunday Prayer for Catechists 2021-2022
Joe Paprocki, dmin • Sunday Prayer for Catechists invites catechists and teachers to develop a habit of personal prayer and reflection on the Word of God. Saddlestitched, 4 1⁄8 x 7 1⁄2 978-1-61671-633-2 | Order code: SPC22 1-29 copies: $2.50 each | 30 or more: $1.50 each
Miguel Arias • Oraciones y reflexiones dominicales para catequistas invites catechists and teachers to develop a habit of personal prayer and reflection on the Word of God. This annual resource provides Gospel texts from the Sunday Lectionary and reflections that connect the message of Scripture with working with young people in order to help catechists to grow spiritually through their ministry. Saddlestitched, 4 1⁄8 x 7 1⁄2, 64 pages Spanish: 978-1-61671-619-6 | Order code: ODC22 1-29 copies: $2.50 each | 30 or more: $1.50 each
The Catholic Planning Calendar 2022
This 13-month tear-off planning calendar is 22”×17” and may be used as a desk blotter or hung on the wall.
Tear Off, 22 x 17 00814805010443 | Order code: PC22 1-4 copies: $17.95 each | 5-9 copies: $15.95 each 10 or more: $13.95 each
Liturgy and Appointment Calendar 2022
The calendar includes the liturgical observance, the readings of the day, the proper liturgical colors, as well as the psalter for the Liturgy of the Hours for each day of the year plus civic celebrations. Spiral, 8 x 10, 128 pages 00814805010436 | Order code: LAC22 Single copy: $17 | 2 or more: $15 each
The Daily Mass Readings 2022
A Simple Reference Guide This portable booklet is a simple resource that anyone who follows, needs, or prays with the daily Mass readings can use every day from the First Sunday of Advent through the Saturday of the Last Week of Ordinary Time. Saddlestitched, 4 1⁄8 x 7 1⁄2, 48 pages 978-1-61671-611-0 | Order code: DMR22 $3.50
eOrdo 2022
The Liturgical Year for Electronic Calendars
Paul H. Colloton, osfs, Kate Cousino, Corinna
Laughlin • The E-Ordo is an electronic calendar file containing the details of the liturgical year that can be imported into most electronic calendars and platforms.
Digital Product Order code: ORDO22E 1-2 copies: $21.95 each | 3 or more: $16.95 each
eOrdo 2021 and 2022 Pack
Order code: ORDO2122E 1-2 copies: $29.95 each | 3 or more copies: $19.95 each