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Everything you need to host a successful parish lenten mission EachMission Mission Includes Each KitKit Includes 1 x Director’s Guide 1The x Director’s Guide Director’s Guide provides background notes for
The Director’s Guide provides background notes for the the mission team, opening and closing prayers, scripts mission team, opening and closing prayers, scripts for for each session, and all you need to sucessfully lead this each session, and all you need to sucessfully lead this mission. mission.
25 x Participant’s Booklet 25 x Participant’s Booklet 1 x Flash Drive 1The x Flash Drive flash drive contains electronic copies of all reproThe flash drive contains electronic copies of all reproducible materials organized by session ducible materials organized by session and team role. and team role.
Access to an online landing page Access to an online landing page The online landing page contains session videos,
The online landing page contains session videos, PowerPoint presentations, reproducible handouts for PowerPoint presentations, reproducible handouts for participants by age group, a promotional video, and participants by age group, a promotional video, and marketing materials to promote your mission. marketing materials to promote your mission.
ater, Light, and Life: A Lenten Parish Mission provides a reasonably priced (and reusable) parish mission option that will highlight both the talent and the knowledge of your staff and other parishioners as retreat mission leaders. This multigenerational prepackaged mission is practical, adaptable, and easy for any parish staff to organize and implement. During this four-session mission, participants of all ages will reflect on three stories from John’s Gospel: the Samaritan woman at the well, the curing of the man born blind, and the raising of Lazarus. It is the perfect way for parish staff to animate parishioners during the Lenten season as the community journeys into Easter and prepares to celebrate baptism and renew baptismal promises. Taking its cue from the Period of Purification and Enlightenment of the RCIA, this mission invites participants to reflect on sin and the need for conversion and renewal—just like the three characters who accompany them through the mission. The mission kit includes all the materials the parish staff needs to successfully put on this parish mission: • Scripts for each session for your entire parish community—adults, teens, and children • Opening and closing prayers for the gathered community • Reproducible handouts for each of the sessions • Marketing materials and a promotional video to promote the mission • Check lists and preparation materials for the parish mission team
Water, Light, and Life A Lenten Parish Mission
Water, Light, and Life
Participant’s Booklet
Paul Radkowski, Rodica Stoicoiu This multi-generational prepackaged mission is practical, adaptable, and easy for any parish staff to organize and implement as they work to animate the parish community’s Lenten journey into Easter.
Order additional packs of 25 participant booklets to supplement the 25 booklets included in your mission kit when you purchased Water, Light, and Life: A Lenten Parish Mission.
Package Item, 8 1⁄2 x 11, English: 978-1-61671-639-4 Order code: WLL $89.95
Pack of 25 English: 978-1-61671-641-7 Order code: WLLWAP $24.95
Available in December 2021.
To place an order call toll free 800-933-1800
Available in December 2021.