The Prosper Times News | 7-21-2017

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VOL. 1 | NO. 11

PROSPERTIMES Friday July 21, 2017 | Prosper, Texas | $1.00

New stadium and natatorium projects A Bit of previewed at PISD Board meeting Wisdom... Wisdom from cowboys offered Joyce Godwin

I used to work with Gary Carter, whom I considered to be a gifted journalist and editor. He has moved to Colorado and I know he will not mind my sharing a few of his words of wisdom from years ago which was published in the Herald Democrat in Sherman. Judging by the sales of selfhelp books, many are looking for tips on how to live their life to the fullest, or how to just get by without pulling their hair out. Sometimes, keeping it simple is the best route. I look to wisdom from those who roamed the range, the great American cowboy. Some of the old timers will tell you to “never squat with yer spurs on.” Another bit of sage advice from the cowboy, “don’t worry about bitin’off more than you can chew, your mouth is probably a whole lot bigger’n you think.” And I think this is very appropriate in this day and age: “If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.” True story — After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you’re full of bull, keep your mouth shut. And a few more tips: * If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’. * Never ask a barber if he thinks you need a haircut. * Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment. * If you’re ridin’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there. * When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don’t be surprised if they learn their lesson. * When you’re throwin’ your weight around, be ready to have it thrown around by somebody else. * Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier‘n puttin’ it back in. * Always take a good look at what you’re about to eat. It’s not so important to know what it is, but it’s critical to know what it was. * The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket. Hope these words made you laugh. Since starting the Prosper Times, we’ve had ups and downs and things are beginning to even out. We’re still learning about what works best for us and what we want to provide for our readers. We welcome your input.

Courtesy of Prosper Independent School District

This is Huckabee Architectural firm’s rendition of how the new stadium will look at night.

Joyce Godwin Joyce@ CedarbrookMedia.Com Josh Brown and Joe Tremblay of the Huckabee Architectural firm kicked off a presentation for the Prosper ISD School Board on Monday night with a real glimpse at two new structures coming to Prosper – the longawaited natatorium and the new football stadium. Both are still in the design stages so a long way from fruition, but “stunning” was the word used by Board members after seeing the presentation. Seating capacity on

the visitor’s side of the stadium will be 6,000, the same as the home side. Seating in the natatorium will be 500. Both will be structures in which Prosper residents will take pride. Projected completion date is March 2019. PISD Superintendent Drew Watkins began the meeting with a construction update on elementary schools number eight and nine. Both will be named later. Number eight is located on the district’s southern border, on the north side of Panther Creek Parkway in Frisco. It is on the east side of the Miramonte development on Alameda Drive. The dirt work is in the beginning

stages. Pogue Construction has moved its construction trailer to the site and a big sign is there announcing “Future Home of Prosper ISD” and below that “Frisco Master-Planned Community.” Construction for elementary number nine will begin in the next few weeks, reported Watkins. The location is on the north side of Frontier Parkway close to the location of the new football stadium. It is scheduled to open in August 2018. From construction of new properties, the meeting went into budget presentations from Rusty Craig, Director of Business Services.

“We have had $69.6 million in total expenses for the year and we still have two months left and some expenses to come,” Craig said. “We are on target for all of our expenses except for transportation. We will be next month doing budget transfers and budget amendments and we will be taking care of that next month.” Mays Davenport asked for an update on land purchases. “This last one was the middle school site on Coit Road,” Craig said. “We purchased it this last month and that was $7 million. And high schools two, three and four.” See NEW STADIUM, page 3

Kroger shows confidence in Prosper market & growth Joyce Godwin Joyce@CedarbrookMedia.Com


Prosper Mayor Ray Smith holds the ribbon-cutting shears along with a Kroger employee as other Kroger dignitaries, Town of Prosper leaders and Chamber of Commerce representatives look on in the ceremony to kick off the opening of the second Kroger store for Prosper last Friday, July 14.

Kroger has had its eye on the Prosper market for several years and Friday’s opening is only the second of three Prosper stores for the supermarket chain. The location on U.S. Highway 380 at its intersection with Gee Road was busy Friday, July 14, when Prosper Town dignitaries joined with Kroger dignitaries to celebrate the opening of its second store in 16 months. Bright balloons and banners decorated the property to mark the Ribbon-Cutting ceremony as Prosper residents got a look at the second Kroger store for Prosper. Mayor Ray Smith said in an email, “The Town of Prosper thanks Kroger for being a tremendous Corporate Partner. They continue to give back to our community in many ways and at the Grand Opening gave a donation to the Veteran’s Memorial project.” That check for $2,000 was accepted on behalf of the Historical Society by Jack Dixon and Cap Perry and constitutes the first corporate donation received for the Veteran’s Memorial in Prosper. Dixon and Perry, both veterans themselves, See KROGER, page 3

Veteran’s Memorial project for Prosper gets its first corporate boost Joyce Godwin Friday was a good day for Prosper with the addition of a second grocery store when Kroger officially opened its doors at the second Prosper site for the supermarket chain. And in honor of the ribbon cutting event, Kroger donated $2,000 to help get the Veteran’s Memorial budget campaign moving. Jack Dixon and Cap Perry, both military veterans, accepted the donation on behalf of the Prosper Historical Society. Dixon and Perry, as a subcommittee of the Prosper Historical Society, have been working toward this project for almost five years and confess there were times when they wondered if it would ever happen. “This was the first corporate donation and we Renee Marler/PROSPER TIMES hope there will be many, many more,” Dixon said. Jack Dixon, left, and Cap Perry accept Kroger’s donation check for the Prosper Veteran’s Memorial Getting the location established was a long project during the ribbon cutting ceremony at Kroger’s new store on U.S. Highway 380 at its intersection ordeal and several sites were considered before with Gee Road Friday, July 14. Dixon said this is the very first corporate donation the project has See VETERAN’S MEMORIAL, page 3 received and they hope it is only the start of many more to come.

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