VOL. 1 | NO. 1
PROSPERTIMES Friday April 14, 2017 | Prosper, Texas
WeAreProsper.com | $1.00
Prosper Fire Department responds t o Wi n d s o n g s t r u c t u r e f i r e By Joyce Godwin PROSPER TIMES
At approximately 3:15, Prosper Fire Department responded to a reported structure fire in the 4500 block of Blue Stem in the Windsong development. On arrival, engine personnel reported no fire was visible but after some time searching, the report came over the radio that flames were seen and the fire was in the attic of a multi-family structure. Firefighters put water on the flames and within minutes, the fire was out. Additional fire units already placed on standby were told to stand down as there would be no need for backup. The rest of the time was spent making sure there were no other fire outbreaks and no fire extensions. Little Elm Fire Department responded and assisted Prosper units, but all other agencies were disregarded. The building is unoccupied since it is still under construction. The fire was officially reported out at 3:33 p.m., six minutes after arrival. Units on the scene were Engine No. 2 and Little Elm Medic 623. Both are housed at Station No. 2, the newest of Prosper’s fire houses and very close to Windsong. Also on the scene were Prosper Engine No. 1, Prosper Medic No. 1, Chief 1, Chief 2 and Fire Marshal — Chief Ronnie Tucker, Assistant Chief Stuart Blasingame and Bryan Ausenbaugh respectively — from Central Fire Station. Members of the Prosper Police Department were also present to help with traffic control. Lt. David Yarbrough pointed out that once the fire gets to the attic of a structure, the building is quick to become fully engulfed. Luckily, an eye witness saw smoke in the eaves and called it in, and now that Station No. 2 is active, response time is much less than when all units dispatched from Central Station on First Street east of Preston Road. “Because we were able to respond quickly, we were able to put out the fire before it was able to spread,” Nevil said. Yarbrough commented on the skills demonstrated at Wednesday’s fire, “I’m proud of my crew for doing what we train to do.”
Mayor Ray Smith presents a proclamation to telecommunication specialists at Tuesday’s town council meeting. From left with Mayor Smith are Prosper dispatchers Mavis Seeds and Gayla Scheidler, Dispatch Supervisor Natalee Warren, all members of the Prosper Police Department. Not pictured are Prosper Fire Chief Ronnie Tucker, Assistant Fire Chief Stuart Blasingame, Police Chief Doug Kowalski, Assistant Police Chief Gary McHone and Public Information Officer Sgt. Bryan Golden. The proclamation is declaring April 9-15, 2017 as Telecommunicators Week. It recognizes that the town’s first responders benefit from the punctual and accurate dispatch instructions. Telecommunicators are an integral part of the first responders job and safety of the town.
Bank of America to have location i n t h e S h o p s o f P r o s p e r Tr a i l
Courtesy photo - Prosper fire and Little Elm fire are on the scene.
Po l i c e S g t . B r y a n Golden honored at Council meeting By Joyce Godwin PROSPER TIMES
The Prosper Town Council and Mayor Ray Smith helped Police Chief Doug Kowalski honor Prosper Police Sgt. Bryan Golden with the Life Saving Award at Tuesday’s town council meeting. Kowalski, along with Assistant Chief Gary McHone, stood with Golden to read the report of Golden’s heroic actions. “On March 18, shortly after 6 p.m., officers were called to the 300 block of North Main Street for a report of a disturbance, possibly involving weapons. “Sgt. Golden and other officers arrived on the scene and did not initially locate the victim. Sgt. Golden searched the area and located a blood trail and followed it. He found the victim at West Sixth Street and Coleman. “There was a large amount of blood in the area and arterial bleeding coming from a stab wound in the victim’s leg. After assessing the situation Sgt. Golden determined that the victim would soon bleed to death unless immediate action was taken. “He notified the Prosper Fire Department and immediately applied a tourniquet to the victim’s left leg. Prosper Fire Department responded to the scene and provided additional medical treatment and transported the victim to the hospital. In short, due to his swift actions, Sgt. Golden saved the victim’s life by providing immediate medical attention to prevent the victim from bleeding to death.” The suspect, Jesse Flores Martinez Jr., 48, was processed into the jail on March 18 and is being held on a $25,000 bond. The Collin County jail reports show he is charged with First Degree Felony and accused of Aggravated Assault “DATE/FAMILY/HOUSE” with a weapon. Since the investigation is ongoing, further details are yet unavailable.
The Prosper Town Council approved a site plan for Bank of America, amended an ordinance pertaining to private clubs and restaurants and heard a report from County Commissioner Duncan Webb in Tuesday’s meeting regular business meeting of the Council. Webb provided an in-depth analysis of traffic-flow projections and how the current Collin County roads will not hold up to the projected growth. At one point he showed a map of the area with a red dot for every 500 residents. For the projection at build out, the map was almost a solid red. Another slide showed the projection of population areas and shows Collin County exceeding Dallas County
by 20150. Some of these slides and a similar display that was presented during Commissioners Court may be seen at http://bit.ly/2pyHsIb. In regular business of the meeting the Council approved a site plan for Bank of America in the Shops at Prosper Trail before approving a zoning ordinance to allow for a variance process for certain private clubs in conjunction with a restaurant use. John Webb presented the information to the Council and informed members, with the approval, they are not granting a variance, merely opening up the ability for restaurants to ask for a variance. They also approved a special-use
County Commissioner Susan Fletcher and David Bristol from the Prosper EDC Board watch the video board as presentations are made during the Prosper Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors meeting Tuesday night. Both are members of that board along with the Prosper Town Council.
From the Collin County website This graphic shows the projection of population areas and shows Collin County exceeding Dallas County by 20150.
Joyce Godwin/PROSPER TIMES Prosper Police Chief Doug Kowalski reads the details for Sgt. Bryan Golden’s Life Saving Award during Tuesday night’s town council meeting. From left are Golden, Mayor Ray Smith, Kowalski and Assistant Police Chief Gary McHone.
INSIDE Project Graduation - pg 2 Community Calendar - pg 3 In His Presence - pg 3
It’s Time Texas - pg 3 National Charity League - pg 4 Word Search - pg 4
Eagle HYPE - pg 5
permit for a child day care center to allow Pinnacle Montessori school to be located on the east side of Coit Road south of First Street. In other business, Councilors agreed that Town Manager Harlan Jefferson could execute a contract for engineering services with Freese and Nichols Inc. for an elevated storage tank project, a lower pressure plane water supply line and the Custer Road Pup Station Expiation project. The Council also approved an amendment to the budget-Capital Improvement Plan. The next business meeting for the Prosper Town Council will be April 24.
From the Collin County website Each red dot signifies 500 people. The projected population at build out of Collin County.
Un d e r C o n s t r u c t i o n By Joyce Godwin PROSPER TIMES
It’s no secret that Prosper is growing exponentially and with that growth comes construction. Here is a report with the help of the town of Prosper’s website to help readers get a heads up on closed streets and others under construction. There are construction updates and summaries with more information of where to
find the complete information on line. CONSTRUCTION UPDATES The Engineering Department publishes weekly updates on all major construction projects. To view Capital Improvement Projects go to the town’s website to http://bit. ly/2pn1DsS.
To inquire about a specific project, including projects that are not listed in this report please contact the town by email at engineer@prospertx.gov or phone at 972-346-3502. See CONSTRUCTION page 2