"I Dream" "I See" "I Want to Tell the Story" EXCITED MINDS MEDIA
by Distillery Channel Media, LLC
Media (EMM)
Excited Minds
Roku is generally installed in most new flat screen Roku devises can be purchased if not pre-installed Roku is one of the fastest growing OTT (Over the Top) media delivery apps in the world Monetization can come in many forms of advertising insertions if desired Building a Team and Monetizing a Legacy EMM is designed to assist individuals who are interested in building a financial legacy; or simply having a single channel for one's own content EMM has designed a plan where recruiting individuals to your team can create wealth and income. This is not a multi level company, but more of a model of traditional management and ownership of your own created team, company or corporate entity. January 1 - 20, 2023 EMM has "Founder Level Only Pay Schedule" Standard Commissions for all other levels are 30% before Bonus Levels Attained Founder Level Commissions: 40% Payable for 24 Months 5 Levels of Overwrite Commissions: 1-5%, 2-4%, 3-3%, 4-2%, 5-1% Prospecting- Life and Future of the Business People and organizations like to tell their story. Most have used social media. With the advent of cable companies raising their monthly rates, app driven TV and media have now gone to Over The Top (OTT) app driven delivery. Most know how to use apps on their phones, laptops, i Pads and smart TVs. Roku is one of the fastest growing apps for OTT delivery with over 60 million households now in service. YouTube would be something similar, but with the ever changing landscape of YouTube, Roku has fast become the Rolex of media delivery content providers. We Create Roku Channels for All to Tell 'Their Stories'. Thinking Points: Creating your own Media and Distribution Company You can build one channel, create content and begin monetizing with ads EMM has relationships with Advertising Companies who will monetize our channels when numbers of viewers are sufficient. This is designed to assist your efforts in attaining your goals Now Thru January 20, 2023 40% Founder Level Structure Available Bonus Levels of Production to Attain Founder Level 40% for those beginning after February 1, 2023: Based on Number of New Channels: Total Cumulatively 20 - 2%, 40 - 4%, 60 - 6%, 80 - 8%, 100- 10%
Implementation How to Begin Where Does One Begin? Questions you might have: 1.Am I a Content Creator? We all are, is the simple answer 2.Am I an social influencer? We all can be, if desired! 3.Am I in Content Creation now, like You Tube? 4.Am I in media already and want to jump to the next stage? 5.Is it scarey ? No, its fun, exciting, and something to show your friends! How to begin with Excited Minds Media 1. If a friend introduced you that's great! Have fun! 2. We charge on-boarding fees to create Roku channels 3. We charge monthly fees to maintain your channel, change logos, upload your content, take down old content and manage your questions and channel resources 4. We have a business plan that allows your growth to grow your media company with multiple content creators. Current Charges: January 1- 20, 2023 CHANNEL CREATION FEES January Special Referral Price: Channel Fees $600.00 On-boarding Fee $200.00/Monthly Fee NETWORK CREATION FEES: Five Channel Pricing per person $1,500.00 On-boarding Fee $700.00/Monthly Fee
Excited Minds Media Distribution Chart MAJiiK Interactive Media Patent Pending Interactive Media Distribution Details: 2.5 Million MAJiik App Followers www.LiveEcoStyle.com www.TheDistilleryChannel.com 2ubii.com www.buzzbii.com 17 Major Podcast Platforms Monetized with Ad Insertions Monetized with Subscriptions Excited Minds Media Productions Distribution and Monetization Path: Roku Amazon Fire ios App Android App Our Website Our Social Media Our Facebook Groups Our Twitter Then it goes to MAJiik Monetized with Ad Insertions by Roku Monetized by our Sponsors Monetized by Admixer Sponsors Monetized by Subscriptions MAJiiK Interactive Media and EMM are only media company in the world with this unique delivery. As a Bonus we can build you very own MAJiik App. Fastest Growing Media Platforms Golf Events, Sporting Events, Festivals, Concerts ETC 43 Roku Channels and Growing Content Providers Desire Our Service Live Streaming Available over multiple platforms 1. Income Opportunities 2. Monetize Channel Shows Multiple Streams and Subscriptions 3. Build a Network with Multiple Channels and Multiple Shows 4. Advertising Income from multiple sources on your channels Build an International Team with Equity Participation for Success For more information contact: randy@thedistillerychannel.com VOD and OTT Platforms This information is Private and Copyrighted 2021-2022-2023
Excited Minds Media by The Distillery Channel Media, LLC Example of two levels of payment and Founders Level for One Year Illustration Purposes Only IncomePercentagesPercentages FounderLevel40 FounderRenewalLevel FounderLevel15 FounderLevel24 FounderLevel33 FounderLevel42 FounderLevel51 CorporateBonusPool5 JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberChannelCost ExampleFounderLevel ChannelProduction ChannelFees600$600$600$600$800$800$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,500$1,500$1,500 NoofChannelsEnrolled5101525255101525252525210 TotalFees20030006000900020000200005000100001500025000375003750037500225500 FounderLevel40%0.4 RenewalFees51015252551015252525259020090200 2002002002002002002002002002002002000.4 TotalRenewFees1000200030005000500010002000300050005000500050004200042000 Total Independent Income From Channel Solicitations 132200 Founder Level Advertising IncomeFounder Income from Level Founder Level 1Founder Income from Level Founder 2 NumberofChannels15252104104 NumberofShows15252104104 CommercialSpots555 Commercialspotcost100010001000 ShowIncome500050005000 52Weeks525252 GrossIncome260000260000260000260000260000 1352000027040000 FounderLevel0.40.050.04 FounderIncome10400067600010816001861600 TotalFounderIncome1861600 These are illustrations and for the benefit of understanding how Founder Level and Levels 1 & 2 might accumulate wealth and ongoing income. Levels of production grow and monetize a steady growth of income when channel growth, monthly renewals and advertising incomes are totaled. Excited Minds Media will be announcing the details on: Owning your business with a five year vesting schedule Promotional Programs, Company Trips and National Conventions Addtional Apps will be available as company sees need, like Amazon Fire