Since we began at the end of 2020, we have heard so many beautiful stories about people who have left their "rat race" life behind and moved to Italy. Don't miss reading our interview (and soon watch it on YouTube) with Niall and Paari. They left their law careers behind to go on a sabbatical in Italy which eventually led to them buying an agriturismoandwineryin Montepulciano.
One thing we've learned is that whether or not you plan to move to Italy, you can learnfromour ExpatChatsthat"livein Italy"canalsobefigurative. Traveloffthebeaten path or discover the authentic recipe or wine that you can't easily find. Visit an art exhibitionor supportsmallbusinesses.
Whatever way that you discover how to "live in Italy", we hope that our team or writers and support staff have helped makeyourjourney an enjoyableone
Remember that every cup of cappuccino helps us grow. Please consider donating the equivalent cost of a cup of coffee on Patreon. Your monthly gift helps support our "passion project". Thank you!
Lisa and theLiveinItalyMagazineteam.
In This Issue
Page 1: Page 1: 1 Euro Houses in Italy
Page 2 & 3: Chat with Paari & Niall ofPoggio Golo
Page 4: Spring Pasta Recipes I Vinitaly 2023
Page 5: Summer Art Exhibitions I POL Polloniato's #PIENIARENDERE
Page 6: Top 8 May I Frascione Arte Exhibition in Miami
On The Cover
Chatwith Niall and Paari ofPoggio Golo
Did You Know?
The firstItalianMother's Daywas celebratedin 1957, 50yearsafterthe traditionbeganinthe UnitedStates. However, Italianssaythatitwasa parishpriestinthe hillside townof Assisi, inCentral Italy's Umbria region, thatbeganthiswonderfulday. ThisyearitwillbeledbyPope Francis atthe Colosseum in Rome.
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Villa Poggio Golo in Montepulciano, Tuscany is a stunning 17th century villa set in a vineyard with olive trees and surrounded by breathtaking panoramic views. We spoke with the owners Niall and Paari who left their successful law careers behind in Dubai to move permanently to Italy. Read Lisa's interview.