It's Italian American Heritage Month! We had a lot of fun preparing this issue. Thanks to our readers and followers' suggestions, we're featuring some very proud Italian Americans. They've all made an impact here in the US and found their own unique ways to preserve their Italian heritage.
Read about Dena Fenza Williams of Micia Mammas who if you love food, have probably seen her on lnstagram and TikTok. We're amazed how quickly her blog has grown in two years and awestruck by her latest project - renovating a home in Tuscany!
We invited some of our Italian American lnstagram followers to send us a video that tells us where they live now, their business, as well as where in Italy their family originates from. Don't miss watching their stories on our lnstagram and TikTok from October 17 - 21.
Lisa In This Issue
Page 1: Vendemmia by Patrizia I Venice Biennale
Page 2 & 3: Chat with Dena Fenza Williams of Micia Mammas
Page4: Italian American Top 81 Italian American Icons
Page 5: Spaghetti with Meatballs! Searching for Stanley
Page 6: Love in the Villal Gustavo Oviedo Visits Tuscia
On The Cover
Dena Fenza Williams of Micia Mammas
Did You Know?
Although Italyasa unifiednationdidnot existuntil1861,the Italian peninsula has sent millions ofitspeopletothe shores of NorthAmerica. These new arrivals thought ofthemselvesas Neapolitans, Sicilians, Calabrians, orSyracusans. They mightnot have understoodeachother'sdialects, but on arrivalinthe United Statesthey became ItalianAmericans.
Source: United States Census 2022.
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Vendemmia (Grape Harvest)
"The Milk of Dreams"
Angie just returned home (to Stockholm, Sweden) following a trip to Venice. She had an opportunity to visit theVenice Biennale2022, "The Milkof Dreams". Read about what she enjoyed seeing and her favorite National Pavillions.
Italian American Heritage Month
If in Miami, don't miss seeing "Italian American Icons" Mosaic Portraits created by artists from Italy's internationally renowned Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. 4 award-winning mosaic portraits will be on display from October 1 - November 6th at A Fish Called Avalon restaurant. Readmoredetails here.