1 minute read
God's Money and You
It’s July, and the year (and summer) are half over. I am continually fascinated how God continues to work in our lives. Just the other day, I read a statement from Reverend Billy Graham that essentially said fear and trust cannot exist in the same space because if one is present, it will crowd out the other. This is particularly true when it comes to the very powerful worldly force of money / materialism.
God’s Word says over and over to trust Him. Deuteronomy 26:2-4 discusses bringing the first fruits of the land to the altar of God. So before taking anything for ourselves, we are to give a portion to God. Talk about obedience and trust and love for God. Yet even though this is a very simple concept, it is conflicted by our fear. Seems like the first thought of fear that enters my mind, and perhaps yours too, is “what if there is not enough left over for me?” Somehow we seem to forget that God says “fear not” time after time in Scripture.
So the battle is there. God’s instruction is that we trust Him, and His declaration is that we fear not. For many, fear wins out. But the Lord wants none to perish but all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9), which is why it is critical that you and I continue to preach, teach, love, serve, and give. Trust Him and fear not. Be encouraged, trust God in all areas of your life, and ask Him for guidance in your support of Live Oak.