Cathedral Life - July to Aug 2012

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e r a What ? e k i l you Family Fun! Tues 24 July - Thurs 30 August 11-3pm daily Free Meet some of the people from the Bible. People just like you and me: frightened, weak, sad, happy, jealous, angry, clever, stupid, wise, patient, strong. Perhaps finding out about what they were like will help you find out what you are like. Come along discover their stories, crafts and take part in our activities.

CONTENTS Letter of the month


Study is a Command Not an Option


Hillsborough Disclosure at Cathedral

Historic Organ 12 Returned to Cathedral

Joe and Lily McCann a Fine Example to All


New Cathedral App



'Treasured' comes to the Cathedral


The Big Thank You



25 Years of Women Deacons


Tracy Beaker Author Brings Book Tour to Liverpool New Lift for Lady Chapel


From Top of the Charts 20 to Top of the Tower

Celebrating Two Visitor Awards


Merseyside Artists Association

Ordination of Deacons 9

Virginia Visitors


South Liverpool Arts 21 Group

Ordination of Priests


What Are You Like?


Essex Young Singers 21

Life Call 2012


Photo Competition puts Tony in the picture for a New Career


Organ Recitals


Summer Season Recitals


Walker Paintings on Loan


Thoughts and Prayers




Onwards And Upwards For The Cathedral Abseil


Welcoming the Olympic Torch


Leavers Services


Choristers from Cologne Cathedral Visit Liverpool


Tweet From The Tower 20


Next issue: September 30th 2012 Deadline for submissions: September 3rd 2012 Articles ideas are always welcome and should be sent to Stuart Haynes: Editors reserve the right to edit contributions. Cover photo: Steve J O'Brien

LETTER of the MONTH Canon Myles Davies reflects on his time as Acting Dean. It was early evening on September 29th when I received a text from Bishop Justin saying “you are it!” He had just emerged from the legal ceremony in York Minster which confirmed him as Bishop of Durham, and thus began my time as Acting Dean of Liverpool. We guessed correctly that it would be about a year before our new Dean arrived, and the last few months have been both interesting and fulfilling. Beginning with the splendour of the Judges’ Service and continuing through the Cathedral year to the Consecration Anniversary, it has been a wonderful privilege to preside or preach at so many great occasions. Presiding at the Festival Eucharist on Christmas morning and on Easter Day with Bishop James preaching are particularly treasured memories. It was suggested by colleagues that I should base myself in the Dean’s office. I was unsure about this at first, but I have appreciated deeply being based there. Working alongside Clare Kerrigan and Philip Daniel has been a particular delight, and hardly an hour has gone by without us enjoying laughter or sharing a smile. Colleagues in every department of the Cathedral have offered support at every turn, for which I am very thankful. One of the regular features in the Dean’s diary is to meet ‘one to one’ with senior colleagues on a monthly basis. We have continued this throughout the year, and I now have a fascinating insight into the many opportunities and challenges of my colleagues’ daily work, in addition to those already familiar from my role as Precentor. Attending the 4

many committees concerned with Cathedral Finance and Enterprise has been particularly enlightening, and I end my year as Acting Dean with a much improved knowledge of many aspects of the life of this great Cathedral, and a deep appreciation of those who give so much of their time and talents to us. The Cathedral is the church where the Bishop has his seat and an important part of our role is to support Bishop James as he leads us in the mission of God in the diocese. The Dean is a member of the Bishop’s ‘Core Group’, or senior staff meeting, and also attends the monthly Team Meeting with Area Deans and others who share the Bishop’s leadership and oversight. It has been a privilege to work as a member of Core Group and to seek to ensure that the Cathedral fulfils its role as mother church and is fit and ready to serve and welcome the people of the diocese in every possible way. I have been particularly grateful to Bishop James and to Bishop Richard for their warm encouragement throughout the year. Thank you to everyone whose support and friendship have enabled me to undertake all this and to find it such an enriching experience to do so. I have been conscious of the prayers of many people. It has been a time when the Cathedral has continued to develop and grow, and we have worked hard to update the Development Plan, one of Justin’s important legacies to us. I am delighted that Chapter are preparing to hand over to Pete an updated Development Plan to support him as he joins us as Dean. We place our trust in God who invites us into the next chapter of our Cathedral’s life as we walk together in the power of his Holy Spirit. With my prayers and very grateful thanks, Canon Myles Davies Acting Dean and Canon Precentor

»» The Revd Canon Dr Pete Wilcox is set to be installed as the new Dean of Liverpool on Saturday 15th September. Look out in the next issue of Cathedral Life for a full interview with him and pictures from the service. 5

Study is a command not an option Following the announcement that he has accepted the post of Canon Theologian at St German Cathedral and Vicar of Castletown, Arbory and Santan on the Isle of Man, we spoke to Jules Gomes about his time at the cathedral and what lies ahead. The role of Canon Theologian has been newly created by Bishop Robert Patterson and the Dean of the Diocese of Sodor and Man. It clearly fits into the strengths of Jules who brought us the highly acclaimed Breakfast with the Bible/Supper with the Scriptures series. Jules will also be leading clergy and reader training as he puts theological education at the heart of the ministry there. “I passionately believe that for Christians today study is a command not an option,” explained Jules. “Creating robust, intelligent Christians is the best strategy for evangelism that we can have.” Jules’ passion for study, and engaging others in study is evident, “I have learned so much from people who come to my studies and the life experiences and questioning attitudes of the laity sparks more research. For example, I conducted a whole study on Lot based on a question at Breakfast with the Bible. The clergy can be in danger of 6

underestimating the desire and ability of people to drink in serious scholarship and theology. We don’t need to dumb the Bible down to make it accessible, the laity love the challenge”. While looking forward to the new challenges on the Isle of Man, Jules will miss life here in Liverpool including the music, the regular rhythm of Cathedral worship, the warm welcoming people and the “indubitably direct and good humoured Scouse spirit.” »» Jules' farewell service is Sunday 2nd September at 10.30am and he will be licensed at St Columba's Church, Arbory on Oct 1st at 7:30pm and later installed as Canon Theologian at the Cathedral, he looks forward to seeing you all there.

Hillsborough disclosure to take place at Cathedral The Hillsborough Independent Panel, chaired by Bishop James, will hold the full disclosure of documents and its report to families on September 12th. The disclosure is being organised and managed by the Secretariat to the Panel and therefore we don’t yet have the full details of arrangements for the day. The cathedral is likely to be closed to the public all day. When we have the final details of how the cathedral will be affected and what arrangements we have in place for worshippers and visitors we will publish them on the website. Any enquiries need to be directed to the Hillsborough Independent Panel. You can find out more about the Panel and its work by visiting hillsborough. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those involved at this time. »» If you have any queries please contact

The Big Thank You The Big Thank you card, in place for two weeks during the jubilee celebrations, attracted more than 1000 thank you messages for the Queen. Cathedral visitors from as far away as Malaysia and New Zealand took the time to write a message of congratulations or thanks for 60 years of the Queen’s reign. The card will now join those of thousands of others across the country and be delivered to Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace. Flower arrangers also prepared a floral Jubilee tribute which was in place for the celebrations and official service. The magnificent display prominently featured blooms in the traditional red, white and blue colours. The centre piece of the whole display was a spectacular crown, orb and sceptre arranged in a beautiful flower bed. Dame Lorna Muirhead (Lord-Lieutenant of Merseyside) also visited the Cathedral Guild of Flower Arrangers to hear about their work. 7


»» Women Deacons then and now

A special service took place in the Lady Chapel to commemorate 25 years to the day since the first women were ordained Deacons in the Diocese of Liverpool. Seventeen women were deaconed at Liverpool Cathedral on June 14th 1987 by Bishop David Sheppard and Bishop Michael Henshall. Before this, despite doing the majority of the same training at theological college, women were restricted to the role of Parish Worker, or ‘Deaconess’ which held less responsibility than a Deacon. Of those women ordained as deacons on that day, many have gone on to high profile positions including Cathedral Canons, Area Deans and even a Chaplain to the Queen. Liverpool Diocese was at the forefront of the move towards the ordination of women. Nationally the ordination of women as deacons was passed in 1986. High profile supporters of the ordination of women in the Diocese of Liverpool included Bishop David Sheppard, Bishop of Liverpool; Bishop 8

Michael Henshall, Suffragan Bishop of Warrington and Dean Edward Patey, Dean of Liverpool Cathedral. Canon Michael Wolfe and his wife Brenda gave huge encouragement to the women in their journey, and Deaconess Frances Briscoe who was the Diocesan Lay ministry Advisor, was hugely supportive and one of those to be ordained as Deacon in 1987. Alison Woodhouse was ordained on June 14th 1987, and is currently a chaplain to the Queen. She said, “At the service, I gave thanks but I also look forward to the work that still needs to be done to see women taking greater responsibility in leadership roles in the church." Alison added, "For those women being ordained in 2012, I would say give of your very best. Seize the opportunities and have the courage to step up and just do it. It is not about being like men, but rather using your God given gifts and talents as a woman to help grow the church and to serve your community.”

Ordination of Deacons

Ordination of priests

Eleven new Deacons were ordained this July.

We also saw the Priesting of seventeen people in June.

Anne Lawlor, Penny Leeman, Bill Addy, Dave Griffiths Jones, Jude Padfield, Helen Coffey, Sara Doyle, Shirley Cowan, Sonya Doragh and Tracey McLoughlin were ordained by Bishop James at a service that attracted more than 1000 people. Cuthbert Jackson was ordained in his own parish later that day. Our deacons come from a wide range of backgrounds and from across the country. This year’s intake of deacons includes a former teacher, a property consultant, a fraud consultant and a social worker. They will serve at parishes right across the Diocese of Liverpool. The order of Deacon enables them to perform certain key duties within a parish, including the baptism of new Christians. Deacons will then normally spend a year working as an assistant to a vicar before the Bishop ordains them to the priesthood when they are also able to celebrate Holy Communion.

James Harding, Alison Shaw, Jayne Vandenberg Owens, Tim Stanford, Andy Brown, Margaret Jennings, Julie Anderson, Philip Saltmarsh, Norma Arnold, Eileen Heaney, Michael Leyden, Ian Wynne, Phil Turner, David Nyirongo, Alan Conant, Geoff Arden and our own Cathedral curate Tim Watson were priested by Bishop James.

»» See pictures from the service at

»» See pictures from the service at

LIfe call 2012 LifeCall, the one-stop vocations event, returns to the Cathedral on 29th September. This free event features stalls from a wide range of organisations, offering advice about a host of potential vocations – including overseas mission, parish work, licensed and ordained ministry. All are welcome to speak to those already involved and ask questions in a relaxed atmosphere. There will also be a programme of seminars from 10.30am-1.00pm on different aspects of vocations with speakers including Bishop James. »» To find out more visit


WELCOMING THE OLYMPIC TORCH The Cathedral Choir and Bell Ringers gave a musical welcome to the Olympic torch as it was carried along Upper Duke Street. The choir sang for the crowds that had gathered to see the torch, and the bell ringers achieved a perfectlytimed bell relay with the Metropolitan Cathedral to welcome its arrival. Radio Merseyside’s Simon Hoban interviewed the bell ringers and was also given the chance to help ring the bells during the preparations. The cathedral’s connections to the torch relay didn’t stop there - former Chorister and Lay Clerk Rob Jackson carried the torch in Huyton. Rob, a Nurse Clinician at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital was nominated for his work teaching young people in Liverpool about the health implications of knife crime. Rob’s association with the cathedral dates back thirty years from his days as a chorister. He also sang as an Alto Lay Clerk from 1988 to 1994, and during this time was employed as part of the Vergers department. Rob even had good luck messages from Australia and a congratulatory telephone call from 92-year-old Ronald Woan, his first choirmaster. »» Rob's torch will visit the cathedral on August 8th and 9th. Have your photo taken with it for a charitable donation. 10

Leavers Services We welcomed more than 2000 year six children to three special services celebrating their transition from primary to secondary school. The services were led by Bishop James and Bishop Richard. The number of services was increased from two last year to three this year to cope with demand from schools that wanted to celebrate at the Cathedral. Each of the three services began with a procession with each school carrying their banner. A number of the schools also took part in workshops before the services, where they enjoyed a range of activities encouraging them to think, reflect and talk about their move to secondary school. The workshops involved drama performances, and question and answer sessions with secondary school pupils. Bishop Richard Blackburn, also Chair of the Diocesan Board of Education, said, “The primary school leavers services are becoming a firm fixture in many school calendars. The Diocese of Liverpool aims to educate the whole person, at both primary and secondary level, and these services are a chance for both the pupils and teachers to reflect spiritually on the years spent at primary school and to look forward with hope and excitement to the next chapter.”

CHORISTERS FROM COLOGNE CATHEDRAL VISIT LIVERPOOL Girl choristers from Cologne Cathedral and members of the Cologne Churches Link Group visited Liverpool in May to celebrate fifty years since the twinning of the two cities. This followed our own girl choristers’ visit to Cologne in January. The visitors were treated to a trip on the ferry before singing at St George’s Hall for the Lord Mayor and other dignitaries. Both choirs then performed individually and together at the Angel Voices concert at the Cathedral. The Cologne choristers also sang at morning mass in the Metropolitan Cathedral, and afterwards were joined by the girls from the Metropolitan Cathedral and our cathedral to lead the first part of the Pentecost – Jubilee service before taking the Walk of Witness along Hope Street to the Anglican Cathedral. The walk was accompanied by music of the band of the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment.

Choir news After auditions in June, the choir has recruited five boys and five girls. Look out for news on more auditions in September. 11

HISTORIC ORGAN RETURNED TO CATHEDRAL A historic organ which was played at the laying of the Cathedral's foundation stone has been returned. The organ was the property of the Burstall family, and Mr Frederick H. Burstall was the first ever Cathedral organist and choirmaster. The organ was played by him in 1904 at the open air foundation stone ceremony, attended by Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. The organ was left to the Cathedral by John Burstall, Mr Burstall’s great nephew. John attended the Cathedral regularly until he died a few months ago. He played the organ each day at home, and it was his wish and that of the family that when he died, the organ should come to the Cathedral. The organ will go on display in the Lady Chapel, and Val Jackson and the Cathedral archivists are currently looking through the archives for photographs of the organ being played by Frederick in 1904. »» Look out for more information on the organ in future issues of Cathedral Life.

NEW cathedral app We have launched a free app for visitors and worshippers, allowing people to stay up to date with events and activities. We are one of the first Cathedrals in the country to launch our own app, which works with both the iphone and ipad and gives a platform for us to add more value to our communications. The app has been designed by Glow New Media who revamped the cathedral website, prompting a shift in the way we approach communications. Since then, we have become a prolific user of social media and digital technology and are increasingly looking at new ways to interact with our worshippers and visitors. Stuart Haynes, Director of Communications for the Cathedral said, “We’re delighted with this new app which perfectly complements our website. Glow New Media have opened up so many possibilities for our communications. We’re really excited about exploring the potential for the future this app offers”. »» Visit the website to download the app for free.


'TREASURED' COMES TO THE CATHEDRAL Treasured, a new large scale, multimedia production, is set to transform the whole Cathedral space into ‘a unique theatrical event of titanic proportions’ between Monday 1st to Saturday 6th October.

TRACY BEAKER AUTHOR BRINGS BOOK TOUR TO LIVERPOOL Jacqueline Wilson, one of the UK’s mostloved children’s authors, will visit the Cathedral on August 22nd to talk about her career and new book ‘Four Children and It’, a modern day tribute to E Nesbit’s classic novel. Just 200 tickets are available for the talk and book signing by the author of the Tracy beaker series – get your tickets from the Cathedral Shop.

Artistic Director Jen Heyes from Cut to the Chase Productions said, “Treasured will be delivered by highly skilled professional performers, with original live and recorded musical composition, never before witnessed film and aerial theatre. It will be an experience that is truly unique, a theatrical and thought provoking spectacle. “Based on the Titanic story, it will not simply be a re-telling of the events leading up to the tragedy that cost the lives of so many innocent people but also invite audiences to consider who and what we treasure in our lives and why we treasure them.” Treasured is co produced by The Aspire Trust – a charity dedicated to transforming peoples’ life stories through creativity. The Aspire Trust is offering workshop packages in creative writing, visual arts and drama for secondary school students based on the performances and which link into all areas of the curriculum. There will also be two matinee performances of Treasured for schools on the 2nd and 3rd of October. Schools can contact nowen.aspire@ 0151 639 9231 to find out more. »» To book tickets visit or call 0151 709 4776. For more information visit


NEW LIFT FOR LADY CHAPEL We have installed a new passenger lift to enable more visitors to reach the Lady Chapel. The lift, made possible thanks to a generous donation of £72,000 from the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, was dedicated at the Choral Eucharist on Ascension Day. Built in an era when accessibility was not at the forefront of people’s minds, up to now the Lady Chapel has only been accessible via stair cases both inside and outside the building. The new accessibility allows us to make greater use of the Lady Chapel for services and events in the future. Canon Myles Davies, Acting Dean said: “This accessible lift is a wonderful addition to the cathedral, enabling so many more people to access the Lady Chapel. As a result of the generosity of the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity we are able to offer a much better experience to all who visit.” John Smith, CEO of the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity said: “We are pleased to be able to help improve access to the Lady Chapel. Freemasons have a long history of supporting the Cathedral that goes back as far as 1906 when local Freemasons donated the funds to build the Chapter House”.


Celebrating two visitor awards We are delighted to have received two awards related to visitor experience. In June we received the accreditation of Quality Assured Visitor Attraction from Visit England. Our ninth assessment followed a thorough mystery shopper exercise which examined every aspect of the welcome we offer. The assessor singled out our shop, tower experience and website for particular praise - highlighting the service offered by many of the volunteers and staff. In the same month, the Cathedral Shop was named Retailer of the Year at the Annual Tourism awards. The ceremony at the BT Convention Centre saw us compete against the Albert Dock Visitor Information Centre and the Liverpool John Lennon Airport Visitor Information Desk. Kevin Stott said, “We have a dedicated team of people, willing to embrace new ways of doing things and always providing top level customer service. I am extremely proud of all of their hard work.”

VIRGINIA VISITORS Young people from the Diocese of Liverpool welcomed compatriots from the Anglican diocese of Virginia last month, and included a special trip to the Cathedral. The young people were on the diocese’s first ever youth pilgrimage aimed at furthering links between the Dioceses of Liverpool and Virginia. Highlights of the pilgrimage included visits to the Liverpool Cathedrals, St. Asaph Cathedral and Westminster Abbey, planning and delivering assemblies in both primary and secondary schools across Huyton Deanery and Community Mission Projects including speaking at a lunch club and organising a ‘Swap Day’ (a partnership between the church and the local authority aimed at reducing landfill).They also met Bishop James and visited the House of Lords. Leaders reported a real mix between the English and American young people as the week progressed and the group became really unified. Leaders also witnessed significant spiritual growth in the pilgrims as the time progressed. The Liverpool young people and clergy are planning a visit to Virginia in 2012 and are now busy raising money – including taking part in our abseil. The pilgrimage, was organised by Rev Malcolm Rogers, Chair of the Anglican Partnership and Links Forum. Malcolm said “these grassroots links are important. In learning about ourselves and each other we also learn about God. My clear aim is that our links will help nurture faith and provide experiences and resources that support mission.”

WHAT ARE YOU LIKE? Sue Mitchell, Children and Families Missioner, has created a range of free interactive activities to keep families busy over the summer. Between 11am-3pm Monday to Friday from July 24th to 30th August, families can learn about people from the Bible and take part in themed crafts. Sue Mitchell said, “These activities are designed to show that people from the bible weren't all ‘goody goody’. We want children to find out that they could be frightened, sad, happy, jealous, wise, patient – just like we all can. We hope that through these activities children can also begin to think about what they are like.” Sue also has plans for October half term. ‘Mission Possible’, which coincides with the World Mission Exhibition on Saturday 27th October, will offer children and families secret instructions to carry out their ‘mission’ by completing tasks at fun interactive stations based on different parts of the world, and spread around the Cathedral. In completing the mission, they will learn how they can make a ‘world of difference’. Mission Possible runs from 11.00-3.00pm between 22nd and 26th October. 15

photo competition puts tony in the picture for a new career When Tony Mallon took a photograph of a father and child against the backdrop of Margaret Hall’s painting of Fantine in The Walker Art Gallery (right), little did he know that just months later he would be returning to a gallery to take a portrait of one of the judges who chose his image as the winner of the Liverpool Cathedral Photography Competition. A haunting image of Sandra Penketh, Head of the Lady Lever Art Gallery, against the famous Rossetti painting of Sybilla Palmifera is just one of the examples of Tony’s experimentation with environmental portraiture that came about after a conversation with Chair of Judges Mike McCartney. “At the awards ceremony, Mike said that it would be great to see my photograph next to the original painting. It got me thinking about the interplay between the subject of a photo and its surroundings. Then I thought about the judges with their diverse professional backgrounds, and how I could express that in a photograph.” As well as photographing Sandra, Tony photographed Mike at his house, and fellow judge Gemma Bodinetz in blue against the curtains of the Liverpool Playhouse. Tony spent 15 years experience as a multi-media artist and workshop facilitator, working on award-winning public art 16

commissions which included elements of photographic art, but he only developed a deeper interest in photography in 2009. Since winning the competition, Tony has gained work with Crisis Skylight, delivering photography sessions with the homeless people they support. He also runs workshops with people who have mental health issues and is looking to produce a body of work to exhibit at Look13, Liverpool's International Photography Festival. Tony said, “Winning the photo competition gave me confidence in my skills and allowed me to develop my specialism in portraiture. I would advise anyone, no matter what level of experience, to have a go and enter their pictures into this year’s Cathedral Photography Competition– it really made a difference to my work.”

This year’s Photography Competition has the theme ‘Liverpool Life’ and children and adults can enter two categories - ‘In the City Centre’ and ‘In the Hope Street Area’. Judges this year are Mike McCartney (chair) Martin Birchall (Award-winning former Echo photographer), Dr Laura MacCulloch (Curator of British Art, National

Museums Liverpool) and renowned Liverpool artist Anthony Brown. The People’s Winner category will also return with the public being invited to see all entries and choose their favourite between 13-16th September. The competition closes on Friday 28th August (5pm) and all entries will go on display at the Cathedral from 22nd September – 28th October. Prizes include hotel stays, theatre tickets, and a photography tutorial from one of our judges. »» Visit www.liverpool for an application form and rules or pick one up from the Cathedral welcome desk. Visit for more of Tony's work.

LIVERPOOL LIFE PAINTINGS ON LOAN To inspire budding photographers, between July 21st and September 16th, we will also exhibit two paintings of Liverpool life on loan from the Walker Art Gallery. The paintings of Bold Street and St John’s Market, by Charles Trevor Prescott (1890-1942), have been selected for their honest reflection of life in Liverpool in the Victorian period. 17

ONWARDS AND UPWARDS FOR THE CATHEDRAL ABSEIL Excitement is building for this year’s Cathedral abseil which takes place on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th August. Open to individuals, businesses and charities, places are being snapped up fast, with just a few timeslots left on the Friday. Charities involved include The Stroke Association, Liverpool Unites and the Samaritans and businesses include Medical Legal Appointments Ltd and DWF. Our Hope Street neighbours the Liverpool Everyman are taking part to help raise money for their new theatre, and young people and clergy from the Huyton Deanery are joining in to raise money for a pilgrimage to Virginia, Liverpool’s link diocese. Clergy involved this year include Rev Clive Doran, who is raising money to replace stolen copper from his church roof at St George’s in Huyton, and Rev Alex Gibraith from St Francis of Assisi, Southport, who is blind. People will also be abseiling in aid of the Cathedral Foundation. Rebecca Bentham said, “We have just a few slots left and we would love them to be taken up by people abseiling on behalf of the Cathedral itself. The abseil is a fantastic way for regular congregation members to experience the Cathedral in a whole new way. Dan Bishop who took part last year can even recommend points of architecture to look at on the way down!" Rebecca continued, “All are welcome to come along over the two days and watch; you will also be able to visit a tent featuring 18

stalls from some of the charities taking part. All money raised goes to the Cathedral Foundation which helps us keep our building free to visitors and helps develop our work in the community.” »» There is still time to sign up for the last few places – contact rebecca.bentham@ 0151 702 7226

joe and lily mccann a fine example to all That is the message that Joe and Lily’s four sons have had etched on a brick in Liverpool Cathedral’s People’s Path. The brick was for both parents, but was laid just in time for Father’s Day. “We just wanted to express our thanks for the way that our parents have brought us up,” said son Edwin, who volunteers in the Cathedral Fundraising department. “They have taught us to have good manners, to respect others and to work hard. They have given us the best start in life, and we wanted to make a lasting mark of this, so we thought a brick in the People’s Path would be ideal.” Joe and Lily have seen two of their sons graduate at the Cathedral, one in Accounting and Finance, and another in Pharmacy. Joe first met Lily at St. Bridgette’s Primary School on Scotland Road. Joe lived in Burroughs Gardens and Lily lived in Mile End. After being bombed out as teenagers they moved to different parts of Liverpool and met again years later and married. Joe went to war aged nineteen. Afterwards he became a bus inspector and ended his career as a garage inspector, before retiring in 1984. Edwin said, “My dad particularly enjoyed his job as a garage inspector. One of his favourite memories is the 1966 World Cup, where games involving Brazil, Bulgaria, Hungary, West Germany, Soviet Union, North Korea and Portugal all took place locally. He fondly remembers the fantastic atmosphere and meeting all of the fans from the different countries as they made their way around Liverpool on the busses.”

»» Edwin McCann with Dad Joe

Joe and Lily now live in Aigburth. This year they have both celebrated their 90th birthdays and will have been married for 65 years in July. As well as four sons they have a daughter, seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Edwin added, “The name ‘People’s Path’ really sums up why we wanted to buy a brick and have it laid in time for Father’s Day. It is for everyone, it is affordable and a great way to share a lasting memory.” 19

TWEET FROM THE TOWER Make the most of the last nights of summer with a twilight trip up the tower each Thursday evening until October 25th. This year’s Thursday tower tours have also seen the special edition of six nights where visitors can also access the bells. The last chances to get up close to the bells this year are August 2nd, September 6th and October 4th. The bell evenings have had a fantastic response, as people have met the bell ringers, got up close to the bells and even had a go at hand bell ringing. Visitors to the tower are also being invited to ‘tweet from the tower’ – take a photo of themselves or their favourite view from the top and upload it to twitter using the hash tag #tweetfromthetower. We have had a fantastic response so far and have started to build up a photo album of all the contributions which you can see on the Liverpool Cathedral facebook page. »»

top: @hannahEshield bottom: @SCTurner73

FROM TOP OF THE CHARTS TO TOP OF THE TOWER Spice Girl Geri Halliwell took time out from X Factor Auditions at the BT Convention Centre to make a trip to the Cathedral. Geri chatted to staff, was given a tour by the constables and took a trip up the tower to get the best view of Liverpool before going back to the Convention Centre to carry on her judging duties. 20

Merseyside Artists Association


The Merseyside Artists Association is exhibiting at the Cathedral from the 12th-24th August.

July 28th sees the welcome return of the South Liverpool Art Group. The membership is comprised of all amateur artists, active in all mediums, living in the South Liverpool area and who are keenly interested in art. A range of art in different mediums will be on display in the Well until August 10th.

The Merseyside Artists Association (MAA) has been running for nearly 60 years. In the early 1950s, the Walker Gallery in Liverpool staged its first post war open exhibition. The entries were so numerous that a secondary exhibition was held in Dale Street sponsored by John (later Sir John) Moores of Littlewoods fame. Out of this grew the MAA, set up with the sole purpose of holding exhibitions - usually twice a year - to show and sell its members new paintings and drawings. Nowadays all are welcome to join the group which shows works in all styles and media.



The Summer Bank Holiday Organ recital will take place on 27th August at 11.15am, and will feature Richard Lea, organist at Liverpool's Metropolitan Cathedral. Admission by programme on the door on the day (£5.00).

The Essex Young Singers will join us at 1pm on 25th July to present a free lunchtime concert in the Well featuring works by René Clausen, Howard Helvey, Ola Gjeilo, Libby Larsen, Healey Willan, Bob Chilcott and Richard Allain. The Essex Young Singers is the flagship vocal group for the Essex County Music Service.

SUMMER SEASON RECITALS Each Saturday at 4pm, a guest organist will offer a half hour of music, which will provide a wide and varied selection of both the well known and perhaps some not so well known pieces. The organists are: July 28th - Dr Peter Litman of Ruthin Parish Church. (4pm) August 4th - Ben Bloor of Windsor Castle (4pm) August 11th - Richard Pilliner of St John's Parish Church, Shirley, Croydon (4pm) August 18th - Tim Campain of Coventry Cathedral. (4pm) August 25th - Ian Wells, Hon. Deputy Organist of Liverpool. September 1st - Colin Porter of Mossley Hill Parish Church, South Liverpool. (4pm) September 8th - James Scott of Bath Abbey. »» Entry to the recital is by programme for a donation of £1.00 on the day 21



We pray this month for our new Dean and his family as they make the move from Lichfield. We pray they will settle in well and then enjoy a much needed holiday before commencing their ministry here with us in Liverpool. We thank God for all our visitors and tour groups over the summer months. Thank you so much to all those members of the Cathedral Company for the many cards, letters, visits, gifts, phone calls and prayers that I received during my recent operation. It was a humbling experience as well as a great encouragement to know that so many of you were thinking of me. My heartfelt thanks to you all and may God bless you. Alan Matthews We pray for: The Roadpeace Service The Dean’s Installation Service The Autumn Alpha Course The Admission of Readers Day Life Call – The Annual Diocesan Vocations event Children’s Summer Activities Rotherham Deanery Pilgrimage Education Transition Conference – Year 7 Exhibitions/Gala Dinners/Concerts: Wildlife Art, South Liverpool Amateur Group, Jackie Wilson Book Launch, Peroni Opera Event, Beatles Concert, Harvest Sun Concert, Benny Prasad Concert, Biennial Concert, Fotspor Dinner, F&D Awards Dinner Music/Visiting Choirs: Summer Organ Recitals, Dan Bishop’s Organ Recital, Handbell Ringers, St Luke’s, Poscimar, Jubilate Chamber, Foces Usuales and Coventry Road Choirs Visiting Groups: Civil Service Motoring Association, Stoma Care, Soroptimists, Scouts Council. Visiting Cruise Ships: Queen Elisabeth, Astor, Adonia, Adia Cara, Albatros, Quest for Adventure. The wedding of: Tracey Cavanagh


DIARY July 22nd


Choral services sung by the choir of St John Walton



Choral Evensong sung in the Lady Chapel by the choir of St Luke, Chelsea



Choral Evensong sung in the Lady Chapel by the choir of St Luke, Chelsea



Choral Evensong sung in the Lady Chapel by the choir of St Luke, Chelsea


Saturday Organ Recital by Peter Litman


Choral services sung by the choir of St Luke, Chelsea

August 4th


Choral Evensong sung in the Lady Chapel by Poscimur


Saturday Organ Recital by Ben Bloor


Choral Services sung by Poscimur Choral Eucharist, attended by delegates of the 15th International Handbell 10.30am Symposium. The service will include handbell ringing by members from Japan and Great Britain.



Choral Evensong sung in the Lady Chapel by Jubilate Chamber Choir


Saturday Organ Recital by Richard Pilliner

12th 18th

Choral Services sung by Jubilate Chamber Choir 3.00pm

Choral Evensong sung in the Lady Chapel by Voces Usualis


Saturday Organ Recital by Tim Campain

19th 25th

Choral Services sung by Voces Usualis 4.00pm

Saturday Organ Recital by Ian Wells


Choral Services sung by Holy Name Singers


11.15am Bank Holiday Organ Recital by Richard Lea

September 1st


2nd 8th

Saturday Organ Recital by Colin Porter Choral Services sung by Coventry Road Singers


Choral Evensong sung by RSCM Northern Cathedral Singers


Saturday Organ Recital by James Scott



Choral Evensong. Preacher: The Archdeacon of Liverpool



Installation of the Very Reverend Pete Wilcox as Dean of Liverpool. Admission by ticket



Choral Eucharist with Licensing of Readers. Preacher: The Bishop of Liverpool



8:30am 10:30am 3:00pm 4:00pm


8:30am 12:05pm 5:30pm


8:30am 12:05pm 3:00pm

Eucharist Choral Eucharist ZONE 2 - Concert Room Choral Evensong Eucharist Morning Prayer Eucharist Choral Evensong*

Morning Prayer Eucharist Choral Evensong

*said on Wednesdays and during school holidays unless visiting choirs present St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ, 0151 709 6271

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