Cathedral Life May 2012

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Liverpool Life

2012 Annual Liverpool Cathedral Photographic Competition

Capture the character of this great city Pick up a leaflet and entry form today Image credit: Richard Cooper

CONTENTS Letter of the month


Welcoming the Olympic Torch


Reaching out through Mission and Music


Photo Competition Launched


Easter Lily Fund


Asylum Directory Launched First Bricks laid in The People's Path

Book your place in Cathedral Abseil




Happy Birthday Zone 2!


Photography Workshop Returns


Organ Recitals


Echo Goes Behind the 19 Scenes 7:57 and 11:57


Cologne Choir Visit


Ceredig Half Marathon Success


Beacon Whole School Visit


Easter Activities Success


Embroiderers' Guild and Children's Activities


Summer Season Recitals


Embracing Hope Service


BSL Messy Church


The Big Thank You


Light Night 2012


South Liverpool Photographic Society


Forging Friendships Around the World


Essex Young Singers


Jubilee Food Offers




Next issue: July 22nd 2012 Deadline for submissions: June 25th 2012 Articles and ideas are always welcome and should be sent to Stuart Haynes: Editors reserve the right to edit contributions.

LETTER of the MONTH Let's celebrate! Sitting in my office in St James House has given me the pleasure of seeing people coming to see the bricks they have had inscribed as part of the People’s Path. Some as individuals, some couples and the occasional large group of people. It inspired me to join in and our brick celebrates the beginning of our ministry in the Diocese of Liverpool on Palm Sunday in 1990. What have you got to celebrate? We are being invited to celebrate with the Queen her Diamond Jubilee. In Old Testament times a jubilee was a time of release and restoration every 50 years. It comes from the Hebrew word for the ram’s horn trumpet that proclaims the time or season for rejoicing. We, as a nation, have been given a short “jubilee” – an extra day to rejoice with our Queen on her diamond jubilee. As a Cathedral we have been honoured with the Queen’s presence. One occasion, the Maundy service, is firmly engraved on my memory, seeing the symbolic actions of serving as our Lord Jesus Christ did on the night before he died for us on the cross. A piece of music that never fails to thrill my soul is Tallis’s Spem in alium written for 40 voices which do not repeat themselves in consecutive motion – it appeals to my ecumenical commitment too, as it is not fully established whether Tallis wrote it for Mary or Elizabeth I! However, our Elizabeth the Second would echo Tallis’s words: “I have never placed my hope in any other than you, O God of Israel.” At this time of jubilee we are reminded again that the Queen is God’s servant and we thank God that our Queen demonstrates that true calling to serving and the commonwealth. So as we celebrate this amazing 4

achievement let us be reminded of the God we are called to serve in the words of the contemporary songwriter Graham Kendrick: This is our God the Servant King He calls us now to follow Him To bring our lives as a daily offering Of worship to the Servant King: That is what we are being called to as the cathedral community; to enter into a relationship with the Servant King who calls us to follow him – to be learners – disciples of Christ. To invite others to join us on a journey of discovery of the God who loves, us into the great space that we have been given to worship, rejoice and celebrate in. Let’s celebrate! Canon Linda Jones Lay Canon

'TEAMING UP' TO WELCOME THE OLYMPIC TORCH Liverpool’s two cathedrals are teaming up to welcome the Olympic torch to Liverpool on Friday 1st June. As specially chosen local heroes run along Hope Street with the flaming beacon, the two cathedrals will take part in a carefully choreographed ‘bell relay’ to celebrate. Signaling the approach of the torch at 5pm, the Metropolitan’s four bells will begin to ring. When the torch enters Hope Street itself at 5.16pm, the Anglican Cathedral bells will join in the ringing. As the torch reaches the end of the street at 5.20pm, the bells at the Metropolitan will stop, ‘passing on’ to the bells at the Anglican Cathedral to ring while the torch proceeds down Upper Duke St. The relay will culminate with Great George – the largest bell only usually rung for royalty or other high profile occasions – being ‘fired’ five times to denote the five Olympic rings. To celebrate the arrival of the torch, the Cathedral’s choristers will also sing in

celebration. Former Cathedral chorister and Verger Rob Jackson (son of Lay Canon and archivist Val Jackson) is also set to carry the torch through Huyton. Rob works as an advanced nurse practitioner in an A&E department and in his spare time visits schools and youth groups to speak to young people about the lasting consequences of knife attacks. Rob has also recently raised £,8500 for Marie Curie Cancer Care by running the Marathon des Sables, a 150 mile endurance race across the Sahara Desert. Find out more about Rob's Olympic experience in the next issue. 5

REACHING OUT THROUGH MISSION AND MUSIC We have recently welcomed two new members of staff to the Cathedral, both of whom have something in common. A major part of both their roles is to bring the Cathedral out of the building and into communities across Merseyside.

WELCOME TO NEW MISSION PASTOR MIKE PRESCOTT Mike Prescott has joined us as our new Mission Pastor. Originally from Liverpool, Mike has worked around the North West and has even spent some time as a youth worker in Florida. Before joining us, he was a youth and student worker for the Methodist Church in South Liverpool, which involved youth and schools work as well as university chaplaincy at Liverpool Hope University and The University of Liverpool. Mike has a degree in Applied Theology from Regents Theological College. Mike’s role is funded by a grant from the Archbishops' Council and Church Comissioners, awarded to projects with a focus on church growth and church planting. Mike will be working closely with Canon Richard White to develop Zone 2, our all age Sunday worship service, Deeper, our group for people who want to deepen their discipleship, and the Alpha course. Part of this work will involve developing a website of resources to help parishes across the Diocese with similar ventures. Mike said, “I was attracted to the Cathedral by the opportunity to be part of 6

a team that looks at how we help people to engage with their faith in fresh, creative ways. I have been amazed at the vision that people working here have.” “Before I started, I had no idea what a wide variety of activities went on in the building and beyond, and I think that this diversity is one of our biggest strengths. The main challenges are, I think, to ensure that the various strands of the Cathedral are able to continue to work well together to engage with both the other churches in the diocese and the wider Liverpool community.” Canon Richard White said, “Mike’s experience and gifts bring an exciting new dimension to the cathedral. We’re looking forward to seeing Zone 2 and Deeper continue to grow and develop here while at the same time launching a whole new cathedral ministry as we resource parishes in their own mission through similar initiatives.”

...AND WELCOME TO STEPHEN MANNINGS Stephen Mannings also joins us as Assistant Choral Director & Choral Animateur. Originally from Liverpool, Stephen attended Bangor University, Wales, where he studied for a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies and Marketing and an MBA in General Management before returning to his home town to study for a Masters in Music at the University of Liverpool. Stephen has worked as a freelance professional musician since 2008. His various posts have included Deputy Accompanist for the Warrington Male Voice Choir, Deputy Keyboard Player on the UK tour of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and Music Outreach Coordinator at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool. Stephen’s new role with us is two-fold; as Assistant Choral Director he will be working closely with David Poulter and other Cathedral music staff with the general running and rehearsing of the Cathedral Choirs. The second part of Stephen’s role is Choral Animateur. Stephen says, “This title often causes curiosity! The term has been brought to prominence recently by Gareth Malone, who works with large groups of people to get them singing well and singing big! As Choral Animateur, I am responsible for the setting up of the Liverpool Cathedral Schools Singing Programme (LCSSP) which offers services in choral singing to primary schools in Liverpool. The aim is to help raise the bar in the standard of music education being offered at primary school level. I teach schoolchildren to sing fun and challenging songs which not only demonstrates that singing is accessible to all but also shows how singing can help to strengthen children’s development within wider academia. We will then bring all these schools together to perform as part of a ‘Big Sing’ of epic

proportions here in the Cathedral. We are already involved with a number of schools and this project is set to flourish over the coming months.” Stephen’s school visits also give him the opportunity to look for potential choir members. Stephen added, “The chance to work with a choir of such prestige as that of Liverpool Cathedral was too good an opportunity to miss, and the LCSSP is a completely new project which I can really get my teeth into both musically and strategically. I have a passion for working on not just the music side of projects but also the development and management side, especially during the growth phase. I am also very much looking forward to working alongside some truly outstanding figures in the music and liturgical world.” The Liverpool Cathedral Schools Singing Programme is currently offering one term of completely free weekly workshops to any Liverpool-based primary schools that are interested in getting involved. »» For further information on this please contact Stephen Mannings on (0151) 702 7234 or email: stephen.mannings@ 7

PHOTO COMPETITION LAUNCHED The annual photography competition has been launched – and judges are asking participants to capture photographs on the theme of ‘Liverpool Life.’ The panel is made up of Mike McCartney, Martin Birchall (Awardwinning former Echo photographer), Dr Laura MacCulloch (Curator of British Art, National Museums Liverpool) and renowned Liverpool artist Anthony Brown. This year’s competition has two categories: ‘Life in the Hope Street Area’ and ‘Life in the City Centre’, with both categories accepting junior and adult entries. All entries will be displayed in the Cathedral between 13-16th September and the public will also be asked to vote for their People’s Winner. To inspire budding photographers, between July 21st and September 16th, the Cathedral will also exhibit two paintings of Liverpool life by Charles Trevor Prescott, on loan from the Walker Art Gallery. To take part, download an application form online, or pick up from the welcome desk.

EASTER LILY FUND The 2012 Lily Fund raised £243 during the Easter period. The Easter Lily Fund enabled families to remember loved ones whilst helping to contribute towards the cost of the flowers used for decoration at Eastertide, and after the success of this year’s it will be returning next year to allow more people to do the same. 8

ONLINE DIRECTORY TO HELP ASYLUM SEEKERS LAUNCHED An online directory put together by the Cathedral to help Merseyside churches assist asylum seekers is now up and running. The web directory www., which has been supported by a Church Urban Fund grant, points churches to local and national organisations that can assist asylum seekers with both practical and pastoral support. Richard White, Canon for Mission and Evangelism and who has overseen the project said, “Churches have long associations as places of safety and sanctuary, so they are often one of the first places asylum seekers will go to for security and support. However, they often don’t know how best to respond to people’s needs. Many churches can feel powerless because they don’t know where to turn.” Richard continues, “There is a lot of help out there, and that can actually be a challenge. At worst, a well meaning attempt to help someone can actually cause more problems for the asylum seeker. The aim of the directory is to help churches and community groups pinpoint specific organisations best suited to the person’s needs, and help reduce the stress and anxiety that that person, who is already extremely vulnerable, is experiencing.” Richard was assisted with the project by Lucy Hesford, who researched the organisations and collated information. The web directory has been designed to be as user friendly as possible, with a choice of four sections allowing the user to target specific help. It also features links

to guidance from the local PCT and the UK Border Agency. The directory is also useful for community groups and associations, and it is hoped that they, as well as churches. will link to the directory site from their own websites. Richard also hopes that the web directory will benefit the churches that use it, “We hope that through use of the directory, churches will become more confident in being able to assist asylum seekers, get to know what is available, and start building their own links with organisations.” »» See 9


The first bricks have been laid in the People’s Path - by two very special couples. When Emma Bowes-Crook and Wayne Campbell laid their brick in the People’s Path, they were not just marking an event that has already happened – but one that is yet to come. Emma and Wayne’s brick reads, ‘Will you marry me? 14.07.11’ The date and message signifies the date of Wayne’s proposal to Emma at the Cathedral on the day of his own graduation there – the first time he had ever visited the Cathedral. The couple are now saving up for their wedding. Syd and Hilda’s Jones’ brick features their name and their wedding date - March 10th 1956 – and was bought for them by their four children to celebrate 56 years of marriage and their family connection to 10

the Cathedral – Syd’s Great Grandfather and Grandfather on his father’s side were Stonemasons from Wales who helped build the Cathedral and settled in Liverpool. Syd said, “My Great Grandfather and Grandfather have laid bricks at the Cathedral, and now it is my turn." Before the laying of the bricks began, the whole path was blessed by Canon Myles Davies, Acting Dean of the Cathedral. Granada Reports, Bay TV and the Liverpool Echo also came along to cover the special event. Emma, from Garston said, “We are really grateful and thankful that we have been invited to take part in the launch. The idea behind our brick was to consolidate the memory of our engagement and now it has been made even more special by being invited to take part in laying it.”

Hilda, originally from Dovecot, added, “I think it really is a wonderful idea, and the perfect gift. Once the rest of our family found out about our brick, they all wanted one! I have just ordered one for my sister in Australia, to celebrate her birthday.” Rebecca Bentham, Cathedral Fundraising Manager, said, “The demand for bricks has been massive – people really want to make their mark on the Cathedral, remember an important date or person, or simply show their connection to us and to Liverpool. People from as far away as Australia and New Zealand have ordered them. “We are delighted to welcome Emma, Wayne, Syd and Hilda to see the first bricks go down. The Cathedral has actually played a big part in both of their relationships – without the Cathedral perhaps Syd’s Great Grandfather would never have come to Liverpool!

For Emma and Wayne the Cathedral is symbol of the culmination of everything coming together for them – their relationship and the start of a new chapter with Wayne’s graduation. We hope that they will enjoy visiting the People’s Path for years to come, and sharing their story with others.” All proceeds from the bricks will go to the Cathedral Foundation, which helps keep the Cathedral free to visitors and supports the Cathedral’s development and work in the community. Prices start at just £50 and gift vouchers, which allow the recipient to choose their own message, are also available. Everyone who buys a brick will receive a special certificate of authenticity. »» For more details contact rebecca.

BOOK YOUR PLACE FOR THE CATHEDRAL ABSEIL You can now book your place for the 2012 cathedral abseil, in aid of the Cathedral Foundation. This year’s abseil takes place on Saturday 11th August. Last year Dan Bishop, Associate Organist, and congregation member Jean Gratton took part to help raise money for the Cathedral. In the past, the abseil has also been attempted by Cathedral Canon Michael Wolfe and Radio City presenter Claire Simonsen. Could you be up for the challenge? Rebecca Bentham, Fundraising Manager said, “Everyone who has taken part has said it was something they would certainly recommend. On the one hand you can get up close to the Cathedral building to admire its intricacies, and on the other you can get vast views of Liverpool and beyond from

such a unique viewpoint. It is also a fantastic way to help raise money for the Cathedral.” This year’s abseil will also feature a marquee filled with stalls from local organisations. »» The abseil costs £35 to register and a minimum of £120 sponsorship for the Cathedral Foundation is required. Participants need no experience but have to be over 18. For more details contact Rebecca Bentham on 0151 702 7226 or email rebecca.bentham@


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZONE 2! It has been a whole year since Zone 2 was launched on Sunday mornings. Canon Richard White reflects on its success and the vision for its future.

It is now just over a year since Zone 2 was launched, meeting every week except during the main school holidays. We knew the first year would be a process of experimentation and learning, and are delighted at the way things have begun. Thank you to everyone who has encouraged and supported this initiative,


especially in the early and most vulnerable phase. On average, fifty to sixty people now attend each week, including up to twenty children. There is a very good representation of all ages and the congregation includes a number of people who weren’t previously attending church. There have been two main changes to the original plans, as we’ve learnt through experience. 1. Communion: Holy Communion is celebrated once a month as part of the Zone 2 service. On other weeks those attending have been invited either to make their way upstairs for the eucharist or to stay in the concert room where the worship continues. The majority have chosen the latter. We are working to find other ways to build connections and relationships between the two 10.30 congregations (and the wider cathedral community). 2. Unaccompanied Children: It quickly became clear that very few parents were leaving their children at Zone 2 to be supervised which led us to reassessing the suitability of Zone 2 as a ‘Sunday School’. Those in primary school or younger attending Zone 2 are now accompanied by a parent or other adult. For parents and children attending the choral Eucharist in the main space, there are children’s activity worksheets each week, as well as ‘busy bags’ for younger children.

A vision to multiply The biggest development has been recognising the potential for Zone 2 to become a resource for similar initiatives across the Diocese. In June, the Church Commissioners spending task group, chaired by the Bishop of London, wrote to all Diocese inviting funding applications. They were looking for initiatives that were still at an early stage of development but showing promise in terms of church growth and with potential to be multiplied, particularly in areas of deprivation. Chapter agreed to submit a bid for our work with Zone 2. We felt that we needed to take very seriously our call to be a cathedral that resources mission across the Diocese rather than just internally. Liverpool Diocese has seven of the bottom ten parishes on the

national deprivation index, and Chapter are committed to our cathedral ministry increasingly helping them. Our bid asked for funding to appoint a Mission Pastor for three years, having pastoral oversight of Zone 2 and Deeper. I will continue to be fully involved but will then also be able, on behalf of the cathedral, to develop that wider mission and church planting emphasis. We also requested funding to develop a web site as a resource library for those new groups as they begin. The full grant was awarded to us, which is an amazing endorsement by the national church.

Mike Prescott was appointed and started work here a few weeks ago. (learn more about Mike on page 6). In terms of our own significant financial challenges, it’s wonderful that this grant has enabled us to take on a new member of staff without any additional cost to the cathedral. No other cathedrals applied for the funding, and once again this is a uniquely visionary and innovative cathedral. Canon Richard White Canon for Mission and Evangelism


7:57 AND 11:57 The Cathedral is now a base for two exciting initiatives aimed at allowing people of all ages to explore questions of faith, ethics and current issues in an informal way.

11:57 11:57 is a diverse group of people that meet once a month to discuss, ponder and reflect on the deeper issues of life. It is named after the time of night when such things tend to enter into conversations. Heather Marshall, who helps run the group says, “The group leads itself and we invite participants to bring a topic, issue or subject that is important to them for us to deliberate informally as a group. It is this informality which is the key, and which helps people feel comfortable and able to be open about their opinion.” The group meets at the Munroe Pub between 6.30 and 7.30pm on the third Wednesday of the month. “We are in the heart of Liverpool, with the aim of making it convenient for an after work wind-down and muse. Many people choose to stick around after to continue conversations, building a strong sense of community. We have discussed a wide range of topics, including Britishness, terrorism, love, music and shame. We also meet socially and organise other activities including film nights.”


7:57 7:57, for children between the ages of 6 and 14, began when Annarose Wain, daughter of Canon Carol Wain who helps to lead 11:57, asked whether there could be a similar group for her age group. 7:57 has been meeting for the past three years at the Cathedral once every half term to share pizza, watch movies and have an opportunity to explore and ask questions about current issues. Heather said, “7:57 has been a growing success. The children take turns choosing a film they have enjoyed which has meant something to them and then planned some questions to ask after the film for the discussion. Following the film the children are led in a short reflection, activity and question time. The children are allowed to express themselves and wrestle with their own ideas on philosophical and theological issues that they come across every day.” Forthcoming events include a drama workshop on Sunday 24th June and a Summer picnic in July. »» For more information on both 11:57 and 7:57, contact Carol Wain carol@thewains. or Heather Marshall ms.heather.

CEREDIG HALF MARATHON SUCCESS Congratulations to Lay Clerk Ceredig Cattanach-Chell who recently ran the Liverpool Half Marathon for the Cathedral Organ Fund.

voluntarily visit again include the Otterspool Promenade and the uphill section of Sefton Park! However, words cannot express the awe and thanks I have for all who donated to the fund raising appeal. To know you are running on behalf of a charity, with people's generosity pushing you forward really helped in those last few miles. I was hopeful to raise around £500 in three weeks - to raise £1,500 in four is simply staggering. Many thanks to all for their support in this endeavour. Liverpool full Marathon next year?!” »» For those wishing to still donate - please use or fill in a Gift Aid Envelope (marked with Organ Appeal), enclose your donation and pass it on to Ceredig Chell (Tenor Lay Clerk)! Donations may be made until 30th June 2012


Ceredig completed the race in a very respectable 1 hour 52 minutes and 14 seconds, and has so far raised an impressive £1,572.06 through a mixture of online, offline and text donations. The 13.1 mile race was started by athlete Kris Akabusi at the Albert Dock, and the route took Ceredig up Upper Parliament St (where Rosemary Barton came to cheer him in), onto Sefton Park and Otterspool Prom. Even after such a gruelling race – a lot of it uphill - Ceredig didn’t take the rest of the day off to recuperate. Instead he went back to the Cathedral at 2 O’clock to resume his normal Lay Clerk duties at Evensong! (Did any of you spot the limp?!) Ceredig said, “Overall it was probably the only day I have had such emotional highs and lows. Places in Liverpool I will never

Following the visit of the Girls Choirs of Liverpool Cathedral and the Metropolitan Cathedral to Cologne at Epiphany, the Cathedral returned the hospitality by welcoming the Girls Choir of Cologne Cathedral on a visit in May. During the visit, all three choirs performed a special free concert at the Cathedral entitled Angel Voices and they also took part in the Two Cathedrals Pentecost service, which this year also celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The visits have helped consolidate 60 years of friendship between Liverpool and the German city of Cologne which were was twinned in 1952, when both cities were rebuilding themselves in the aftermath of World War II. It is thought that this twinning was the first of its kind between a UK and German city in the post-war period. Look out in the next issue for more details and pictures from the visit. 15

BEACON WHOLE SCHOOL VISIT Everton’s Beacon School became the second school in as many months to make a whole school visit to the Cathedral. 220 pupils from Year 1 -6 took part in specially designed workshops based on the Easter story, which included meeting Pontius Pilate and celebrating Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem by singing Hosanna and waving palms. The activities enabled the children to build on their knowledge and understanding from units of work covered in the RE Easter Curriculum and ensured the intended learning outcomes were fully achieved. Education Officer Sarah O’Donoghue said, “St Luke Formby’s visit in February proved that we can do whole school visits, and do them extremely well. We were delighted to welcome the Beacon School soon after. “Not many places in Liverpool can accommodate a whole school at once, but we have the space, and, more importantly, the dedicated volunteers able to make it happen. Schools see this kind of visit as a unique way to introduce their children to the Cathedral, and as an experience that they will always remember. For us, we want their visit to be the start of a lifelong connection between themselves and the Cathedral.” Emily Riding RE Co-ordinator at the Beacon said, " A most enjoyable educational experience for all stakeholders, including the parent helpers who thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We will certainly be visiting again and will recommend a whole school visit to other schools. A massive thank you to Sarah and the team". Sarah and the team of education volunteers were also looking forward to welcoming schools from across the Diocese to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee on 29th May.


EASTER ACTIVITIES SUCCESS Hundreds of families took part in a free multi-sensory journey around the Cathedral to learn about the Easter story. A handmade wooden model of Jesus on a donkey was the centre piece of the journey, which allowed children and adults to reflect on the Easter story and pick up items that when out together made up a craft item to take home. Merseyside Police also joined us for the second week of the school holidays, leading a trail around the Cathedral and grounds, and offering a free chocolate egg to those who completed it. Between 24th July - 31st August, look out for a range of children's activities entitled 'What are you like?' based on the theme of this years photo competition.

EMBROIDERERS’ GUILD EXHIBITION AND CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES The Embroiderer’s Guild will join us from 2nd-17th June, where they will present an exhibition of work on the theme of water. Also on show will be a joint project from the Young Embroiderers group, and a fish quilt which was worked by a guild member and organized by Ruby Porter, MBE. The Merseyside branch meets monthly at All Hallows Church Hall, Mossley Hill. There will also be a range of half term activities on the theme of water, to link in with the exhibition. They will be available in the Baptistery. From 5th-7th June at 11.00-12.00 and 1.30-2.30pm, members of the Embroidery Guild are also running “Have A Go Workshops” with activities for budding embroiders of all ages. On Saturday 9th June at 3.00pm, Kathryn Thompson from The Embroiderer's Guild, Blackpool Branch, and former Chair

of the NW Regional Branch will also host the talk ‘Dolls With Attitude’ in the Concert Room. Tickets are £5 and can be purchased from or contact 17

SUMMER SEASON RECITALS July 21st sees the welcome return of the Summer Season recitals. Each Saturday at 4pm, a guest organist will offer a half hour of music, which will provide a wide and varied selection of both the well known and perhaps some not so well known pieces. The organists are: July 21st - James Speakman, Cathedral Organ Scholar (The Ernest Pratt Memorial Recital) July 28th - Dr Peter Litman of Ruthin Parish Church. (4pm) August 4th - Ben Bloor of Windsor Castle (4pm) August 11th - Richard Pilliner of St John's Parish Church, Shirley, Croydon (4pm) August 18th - Tim Campain of Coventry Cathedral. (4pm) August 25th - Ian Wells, Hon. Deputy Organist of Liverpool. September 1st - Colin Porter of Mossley Hill Parish Church, South Liverpool. (4pm) September 8th - James Scott of Bath Abbey. »» Entry to the recital is by programme for a donation of £1.00 on the day

PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP RETURNS Award winning photographer Martin Birchall is set to bring his popular photography workshop back to the Cathedral on 2nd July. Martin will show participants how to compose pictures, use natural light effectively, experiment with depth of field, and how to use of angles in shot selection. The course will help you make the most of the gothic architecture of the Cathedral and further develop your general photography skills. The course begins at 10.00am with an informal introduction and morning tea or coffee followed by a full practical session until 1pm. You will need to bring your own equipment for the session, including a tripod if you have one. The workshop costs £40 per person, or £70 for two people. The course will also run again in October. »» To book your place: or 0151 702 7255 18

ORGAN RECITALS On June 4th we welcome Ben Saunders, organist of Leeds Cathedral, who will perform a Whit Bank Holiday Organ Recital at 11.15. Admission by programme on the day is £5.00. Saturday 23rd June sees the ‘Organ Gala – the Organists Entertain,’ a feast of organ music featuring virtuoso concert organist Carlo Curly, and Ian Tracey, plus other guest organists. The organists will 'do battle' on several organs, presenting a mixed, popular programme of solo, duet and ensemble items. The Summer Bank Holiday Organ recital will take place on 27th August at 11.15am, and will feature Richard Lea, organist at Liverpool's Metropolitan Cathedral. Admission by programme on the door on the day (£5.00).

ECHO GOES 'BEHIND THE SCENES' Liverpool Echo journalist Paddy Shennan recently spent a day behind the scenes to meet just some of the staff and volunteers who keep the cathedral going. Naomi Lawerenson (team leader, shop and tower), Roy Redman (chief interpreter/ guide), Associate Organist Dan Bishop and organ tuner David Wells gave an insight into their diverse duties. Constable Jimmy McKenna and Verger Tracey Cavanagh even came in on their day off to speak to Paddy about what they do! Naomi told Paddy about her role, “With it being a workplace, it’s difficult not to take it for granted. Then you see it through the eyes of people who have obviously just come back from their first tour of the tower. Even when the weather is bad it’s still spectacular. This time last year I had to arrange for someone to propose here. I smuggled up a miniature bottle of champagne, two glasses and a cassette player to play Love Is In The Air – then I hid in the tower shed. She said ‘yes’, thankfully!”

»» Naomi Lawrenson in the Cathedral Shop

Tracey also shared the secrets of how she and the vergers ensure the Cathedral is ready for services after hosting dinners or award ceremonies the night before, , “A lot of it happens in the middle of the night. If a concert finishes at 11pm on a Saturday night, we have to make it look like a cathedral again in time for the morning services. I slept in the office on one occasion, while 4am has been the latest I’ve left.” »» Read the full article on the Echo website



The next embracing Hope service takes place in the Lady Chapel at 7.30pm on 19th June.

The next BSL Messy Church takes place in the Lady Chapel on 30th June with an Olympic theme.

The service is aimed mainly at those whose lives have been affected by the serious illness or loss of a child. During the service there will be the opportunity to visit and see the intimate Children's Chapel.

Messy Church involves craft, food and celebration around a biblical theme, and will be conducted in British Sign Language as well as spoken English and it will be aimed at families who use BSL because either parents, grandparents or children are deaf. All welcome. No pre-booking is required. Simply turn up to join in!

»» Further enquiries to Sarah O'Donoghue in the Education Office, on 0151 702 7210/7201

»» More information from Rev Hannah Lewis, or via text message 07919 411817.


THE BIG THANK YOU From May 27th, we are inviting members of the public to sign a national letter of thanks to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in celebration of her Diamond Jubilee. The Big Thank You is national project, giving people an opportunity to add personal well wishes to Her Majesty the Queen, through special thank you letters and cards in many cathedrals and churches around the country. Containing an introductory paragraph by Bishop James Jones, the letter gives the public a chance to say a few words in appreciation of 60 years of loyal service. Once letters from across the country are compiled into one Big Thank You letter later in the year, they will be delivered to Buckingham Palace. The Big Thank You letter will be launched on May 27th during the annual Two Cathedrals Service, which sees the Anglican and Metropolitan Cathedrals come together.

LIGHT NIGHT 2012 We hosted a bumper programme for this year’s Light Night which took place on May 18th. Beginning with Evensong at 5.30pm, people were invited to come from work and recharge ahead of the rest of the evening’s activities. This was followed by a Ceilidh in the Well with Southport Strings, and a singing workshop with the Sense of Sound Singers. The Florrie dance schools Foot Loose and The Works Academy also performed a beautiful interpretation of the Florrie story in the Lady Chapel. People were then invited to take a trip up the tower and enjoy the view as the lights went on around the city. 20

This year the service is in honour of the Diamond Jubilee, and Bishop James will preach. The Girls’ Choir of Cologne Cathedral will also sing with the choirs of both Cathedrals.

SOUTH LIVERPOOL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY The South Liverpool Photographic Society returns to exhibit its work from 25th June – 7th July. Showcasing a diverse selection of prints and digital images of various subjects, this year’s exhibition is set to inspire both beginners and experienced photographers. The exhibition will be staffed each day by society members who will be able to talk about the group’s activities and the photographs on show. »» More information contact Irene Drummond or visit

CATHEDRAL INTERPRETERS: FORGING FRIENDSHIPS AROUND THE WORLD Cathedral Guide Noel Andrews was recently presented with a unique memento by a group of US visitors. Noel said, “I recently led a tour for a group of Firemen from Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, who were in Liverpool for a week to work with the Merseyside Fire Department. They were very interested and much in awe of the Cathedral, so much so that at the end of the tour, one of the group announced that because they had enjoyed their visit so much, his Chief would like to present me with a memento of the visit. The Chief then stepped forward to present me with their fire service badge and medallion. “An interesting sequel occurred when I went to the Cathedral a week later. The first person I spoke to was a young man working a gap year at schools in Kirkby who said he was from Charlotte, North Carolina – a small world!” Our 36 Cathedral Interpreters, usually referred to as Guides, welcome people and interpret the history of the Cathedral by leading tours for our many and varied visitors. The Guides are all volunteers, and they offer a seven-days-a-week service to all who visit us.



The Essex Young Singers will present a lunchtime concert at the cathedral at 1pm on 25th July. The performance is part of their summer holiday Cathedral tour and will feature works by René Clausen, Howard Helvey, Ola Gjeilo, Libby Larsen, Healey Willan, Bob Chilcott and Richard Allain. All welcome.

Join us over the Jubilee weekend at the Welsford for cake and a coffee for just £3.00. We will also be running a 'Best of British' Jubilee menu in The Welsford and The Mezzanine, with lots of themed dishes and special cakes.



MAY - JULY 2012

We pray this month for Queen Elizabeth as she and we prepare for the forthcoming Jubilee celebrations. We thank God for all our visitors and tour groups this month. We pray for: The joint service with the Metropolitan cathedral to celebrate both Pentecost and the Queens Jubilee. The Cathedral Confirmations. Priests and Deacons Ordinations. School Leavers Services. Armed Forces Day Service and the War Widows Service. JMU and Hope Graduation Ceremonies and Dinners. Cologne Group and Choir visit. Friends AGM. Late night tower openings. French Elections (as the Cathedral is the northwest polling station for French Nationals) Rotherham Deanery Pilgrimage Education Projects and School visits including: Bury CE High School, St Andrews Halewood, St Marks & Holy Family, Y-Kids, Messy Church and the transition workshops linked to the school leavers services. Half term and summer holiday family activities. Concerts and Gala Dinners including:Rodney Street Association Dinner, Liverpool Daily Post Regional Business Awards, WCCSA Tour and Dinner, Gastroenterology Gala Dinner. Feast of Choirs Gospel Concert, Organ Recital and Organ Gala. The wedding of: Gary Taylor and Elizabeth Wright Baptism of: Layla Thompson and Madison Tiffany Wilson-Mace. Those who are ill or in need: Eve Rowbottom, Alan Terry, Peter Draycot, Carol Little, Michael Davies, Vera Roberts, Mark Hodge, Christopher Jones, Vivien Leyland, Matthew Pagan, Esther Fox, Robeena Casper, Elizabeth Langdon Griffiths, Malcolm Grant, Doreen Davies, Irene Barker, James Hunter, Linda Donaldson, Victoria Fasawe, Clare Roberts, Liz Lawson, Thomas Adams, Hilda Poole, Paul Heawood, Margaret Heathcote, John Birch, Megan Squire, Peter Wilde, Claire Whitely, Mary Reynolds, Valarie Burgess, Right Rev. Colin Bennets, Josh and Anna Clayton. The Departed: Lena Prince, Loren Robinson, Fr. Jimmy Collins, Frank Keegan, Daphne Sherwood Jones. 22

DIARY May 27th

10.30am Festival Eucharist for Pentecost 3pm

Two Cathedrals’ Service to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of HM the Queen

June 3rd

10.30am Choral Services sung by the choir of St John’s College, Southsea


11.15am Bank Holiday Organ Recital: Ben Saunders, Leeds Cathedral


10.30am Ordination of Priests. Preacher: The Right Reverend Jack Nicholls 3pm

Choral Evensong. Preacher: Canon John Taylor



Eucharist at which the Reverend Tim Watson presides for the first time



School Leavers’ Eucharist. Preacher: The Bishop of Liverpool


12.05pm Choral Eucharist in Lady Chapel with Richmond Children’s Choir, USA



Choral Evensong sung by choir of St Martin’s, Houston, USA



Choral Evensong in thanksgiving for the 350th anniversary of Book of Common Prayer


10.30am Choral Eucharist for the Birth of John the Baptist. Preacher: Canon Martyn Percy



School Leavers’ Service. Preacher: The Bishop of Warrington



School Leavers’ Service. Preacher: The Bishop of Warrington



Service for Armed Forces Day. Preacher: The Reverend Steven Brookes

July 1st

10.30am Ordination of Deacons. Preacher: The Reverend Helen Blackburn




10.30am Festival Eucharist for Consecration Sunday. Preacher: Canon Huw Thomas

Choral Evensong. Preacher: Canon Linda Jones


Festival Evensong attended by the Friends. Preacher: The Very Revd Mark Boyling



Choral services sung by the choir of St John Walton



Choral Evensong sung in the Lady Chapel by the choir of St Luke, Chelsea



Choral Evensong sung in the Lady Chapel by the choir of St Luke, Chelsea



Choral Evensong sung in the Lady Chapel by the choir of St Luke, Chelsea



Choral services sung by the choir of St Luke, Chelsea






Choral Eucharist

3:00pm 4:00pm


ZONE 2 - Concert Room Choral Evensong Eucharist


Deeper - Concert Room (First and third Sunday of each month)

8:30am 12:05pm 5:30pm

Morning Prayer Eucharist Choral Evensong (said on Wednesdays and during school holidays unless visiting choirs present)


8:30am 12:05pm 3:00pm

Morning Prayer Eucharist Choral Evensong St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ, 0151 709 6271

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