Founders members from 2003 will sing with current girl choristers and lay clerks at the 10.30am Eucharist Service. »» All Welcome
Saturday 28th September
Experience life behind the scenes with our choristers and sing in our great space. Open to girls and boys between the ages of 7 and 10. »» To book your place contact (0151) 702 7234
Sung by our choristers every weeknight at 5.30pm and 3pm at weekends (Said evening prayer on Wednesdays) »» All Welcome
CONTENTS Dean's letter
Farewell to Bishop James
New ordinands
Abseil reaches new heights
Celebrating 10 years of harmony
Paul Rattigan talks about deepening discipleship
Canon Michael Wolfe celebrates 60 years since ordination
Liverpool Passion Plays return
Chester brings some mystery to Liverpool
Strengthening links with New York
Durufle Requiem Eucharist
Embracing Hope service
Music at the Cathedral
Martin Birchall Workshop
Foodbank update
14 15
Quality assured cathedral
Congregational Giving
In our thoughts and prayers
We welcome our new starters
Diary Dates
Farewell to Bishop James
Michael Wolfe celebrates 60 years
Staff take on the abseil challenge
Next issue: November 17th 2013 Deadline for submissions: October 17th 2013 Article ideas are always welcome and should be sent to Stuart Haynes: Editors reserve the right to edit contributions.  For updates on events why not follow us on twitter @LivCathedral
A TIME FOR LOOKING AND LEARNING Dear Friends It seems hardly possible that a full twelve months has passed since I was installed as the seventh Dean of Liverpool. The year has sped by. It has been an exciting and encouraging time and I remain very thankful to the Lord for calling me to this role, and to all of you - both for the warmth of your welcome at the outset, and subsequently for your vigorous help and support. I was convinced before my appointment that this is an exceptional cathedral, blessed with an outstanding team of staff and volunteers. One year into my tenure as Dean I am even more convinced! On the one hand (as I signalled in my installation sermon), these first twelve months have been for me a time of looking and learning. It has been a chance to discover for myself how things are done here through the year, and experience at first hand the whole church cycle: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week and Easter, Ascension, Pentecost and the ‘ordinary’ weeks of the Trinity season. It has also been good to get a feel for the busyness of the place, and the way enterprise sits
alongside worship, evangelism, education, cultural events and the welcome of visitors. It will be good to approach the second year with a clearer sense of this annual rhythm. On the other hand, what a lot has happened! It hasn’t only been a time of looking and learning, but of action too. A year ago, the Hillsborough Independent Panel disclosures had not taken place and we had no idea we would be saying farewell to Bishop James; we had not even begun to talk about setting up the Hope Plus Food Bank, nor to plan towards the Liverpool Cathedral Passion Plays; there was no discussion of a Canon for Discipleship, nor any news about the decision to permit us to establish here a pathway for ordination training, to be known as St Mellitus NW (St Aidan’s Centre); there was no clear sign yet that we would need to make provision for a Zone 2 evening service, or for an Alpha Course in Farsi. The plan to take choral evensong down to Liverpool ONE was not even a glint in the Dean’s eye. More significantly still, a year ago we had barely begun the process of revising our Strategic Plan: there was no talk, then, for example, about ‘wellbeing’, and we had not yet revised our values. I am delighted with the progress we have been able to make together since last September, and I am grateful to each one of you for the contribution you have made. Do please continue to pray that the Chapter and I will have the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we finalise the Strategic Plan over the next few weeks. It is certain that the next 12 months will be full of exciting opportunities for us to serve the Lord Jesus, and my own fervent prayer is that we will have the wisdom and the courage to make the most of every single one. »» Yours in the Lord Pete Wilcox, Dean of Liverpool
Consultation on Strategic Plan ends The formal consultation phase of the Dean and Chapter’s new strategic plan has been completed with a welcome quantity and variety of responses received. We’d like to thank all those who have contributed their thoughts, comments and ideas. All of these contributions are being carefully considered as the plan is finalised over the autumn. Not every idea or comment can be incorporated in the final draft but all have been useful in crafting and shaping the way forward for our cathedral. Work will then start in the new year on implementing the plan as we look to grow in Christ, reflecting our values to heighten our spirituality, deepen our community and widen our service. We will continue to update everyone in future issues of Cathedral Life.
Farewell to Bishop James
In his final sermon as Bishop of Liverpool, Bishop James called for people to follow the example of Jesus and to do good. At an emotional service, attended by more than 2000 people including representatives from every parish in the Diocese, he said: “We are about to enter an era when people will realise how much we have taken for granted those good foundations of the Christian faith,” and he expressed a concern that losing touch with those foundations has “removed one of the checks on our behaviour both individually and corporately”. The service included tributes from the Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside, the Bishop of Warrington, Bishop Shannon Johnston from Virginia and Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Kelly. Prayers were led by ecumenical partners and symbols were presented, signifying different facets of the Bishop’s 6
ministry. These included the Hillsborough Book of Remembrance, a book of Psalms, and the Prisoners Prayer. Echoing Bishop James' enthronement, the choir sang the Prayer of Henry VI, and children played an important role in the service, referencing the way the bishop was greeted by a child as he entered the Cathedral in 1998. A moving portrait of Bishop James standing on the Dulverton Bridge, painted by Aberdeen artist Nicole Porter, was also presented at the service. Bishop James said: “The word in my heart is simply to say Thank You. Thank you to God for calling me to Liverpool. Thank you to you for your ministry to me. Thank you to my close colleagues with whom in 15 years of working there has never been an angry word. Thank you to my family and especially Sarah without whom I would not and could not have been Bishop of Liverpool.”
Marking a new chapter
Ahead of his final service, Bishop James presided at his final year 6 leavers’ services and carried out his last set of ordinations at the Cathedral. More than 2,500 year 6 pupils took part in services to celebrate their transition from primary to secondary school. The theme was ‘Hands of Friendship,’ with schools also collecting impressive amounts of food for their local foodbanks and being encouraged to think about ways in which they can show friendship to others. A number of schools also took part in transition workshops led by the cathedral education department, and which included drama performances, time for reflection and celebration and an opportunity to speak to current secondary school children about their experiences. Bishop James also ordained 10 new deacons in his final set of ordinations. They were Pauline Rowe, Glyn Thomson, Chris
Daniel-McKeigue, David Owens, Harry Wood, Sue Thomas, Matthew Roberts, Neil Stothers, Ian Jones and Laura Pasterfield. Izzy Schafer was ordained in her own parish by Bishop Richard Blackburn, Bishop of Warrington, on the same day. Please pray for them as they seek to serve the Diocese of Liverpool. The Bishop said “During my fifteen years as Bishop of Liverpool it has been an immense privilege to ordain so many women and men who have heard and responded to the call of God on their lives. Ordinations are powerful expressions of God’s grace felt keenly by anyone who has been present in the congregation. Many have heard their own call from God whilst sitting in support of another. I pray that God continues to call his faithful people to serve in the Diocese of Liverpool and that we, his people, continue to have the courage to answer his call.”
ABSEIL REACHES NEW HEIGHTS More than 300 daredevils took part in the annual Cathedral abseil, raising more than £15,000 for the Cathedral Foundation. This year’s participants included the Unity Theatre, Zoe’s Place, The Children’s Society, Liverpool Pride, Liverpool Unites and Everton in the Community, and a number of local clergy abseiled in aid of their churches. Cathedral archivist Canon Val Jackson took on the challenge as did Hope Plus Food Bank Project Manager Nadine Daniel. People also enjoyed cream teas as they cheered on participants taking on the 150ft drop. Tina Morris, Cathedral Fundraiser said: “People went to a lot of trouble, many of them dressing up and really getting into the spirit. The abseil offered a fantastic spectacle and an opportunity for local charities to raise both money and awareness - they could literally shout it from the rooftops! Thank you to everyone that volunteered their time to make it such a successful event.” Val Jackson said: “I have never been tempted to take part before but as two other members of the cathedral office had previously scaled the height, I thought I would give it a go. The team in charge at the top from Awesome Walls were most encouraging and filled each abseiler with confidence. Arriving at the ‘take-off’ ledge above the Benedicite window, I did begin to wonder what I was doing! It was strange casually leaning out and smiling for the photographer but I felt extremely
comfortable and secure with the team in charge at the top. It was a very special feeling and one I enjoyed immensely. Watch out next year as I am ready to go again and will be looking for sponsorship.”
Liverpool Cathedral Girls’ Choir is set to celebrate ten years of making music with a special reunion weekend. The founder members from 2003 have been invited to sing with current girl choristers and lay clerks at the Eucharist on Sunday 22nd September. Formed by Dean Rupert Hoare and Professor Tracey, the choir’s first major performance was for the Queen when she visited to distribute Maundy Money in 2004. They have since visited Poland, Downing Street and Oxford and developed a close relationship with the girls’ choir from Cologne. Fiona Miller, (front row, far right) who was in the original line-up, is certain that she would not be studying for a music degree at Leeds without her experiences as a chorister. Fiona, who wants to be a music teacher, is currently back at the cathedral on an elective music placement. She said, “Being a chorister was one of the best experiences of my life. I made some brilliant friends and received excellent musical education. I am now working with Stephen Mannings on the Schools Singing
Project and I hope to use my skills and experience to encourage young people to audition as choristers.” “My brothers were both choristers. I would watch them at Evensong or big services and I knew how much fun they were having. I really wanted to be a part of it, so as soon as I heard that about a girls’ choir I was one of the first to audition.” Joining the choir also led to Fiona being involved with other aspects of Cathedral life - she is a member of the Cross Guild, the Overcrofters, sang in the Liverpool Passion Plays, and she works at Couture. What advice would she give to girls and boys thinking about auditioning? “Go for it. Even if it doesn’t work out, just try. It can help you develop as a person and musically. You meet new people and learn how to work together - in a choir you all depend on each other and you really get to be part of a team.” »» Be a Chorister for a Day on September 28th. Contact stephen.mannings@ 0151 702 7234
Paul Rattigan talks about deepening discipleship This month we officially welcomed Paul Rattigan, the cathedral’s first ever Canon for Discipleship. Ask him what is his job role is, and he replies, “ask me again in three years.” This is not a joke, but a vital part of getting it right, says Paul: “my role is something that is going to evolve. It is vital that it meets the needs of the cathedral community. If what it looks like in three years is completely different to what it looks like today, I will be happy if that is because it has been tailored and shaped to meet the needs of discipleship at our cathedral.” Paul added: “Ultimately, my job is to help people to grow in deeper understanding of Christ - and that can take many forms. I am here to keep discipleship on the agenda and to work with others to develop it. My role is not just to point to the challenge, but rather to look at bringing to bear an active solution. I hope that these efforts can be marked numerically, but that they are also seen in our love to one another and service to the community.” Paul’s initial aim is to learn the immediate context of the cathedral, and in the medium term really get to know people (although he has previously worked alongside Myles Davies, Richard White, Cynthia Dowdle and others in his previous time in Liverpool). “I will be networking and setting up meetings for the first three
months. I will then be looking at growing leaders, small groups, pastoral work provision, nurturing young and old - from choristers to our oldest members of the congregation.” Paul sees two thrusts to his job. “The first is walking alongside people and knowing them, and the second is finding people in whom God is at work. I see my job as having affinities with the story of Jacob’s ladder - helping people understand how God has been working in their lives all along when they may not have known it. “We can all be leaders in our own context. People can be of influence wherever they are - at work, at home, in a community role, clubs, family life, everyday life. We need to ask how our discipleship can influence us in these capacities and how it can also be fed by it. It is about teasing out the leadership capabilities in us all. We need to be the person God wants us to be in the place in which we have been put.” Paul speaks from years of experience helping people deepen their faith through understanding - at parish level and also in the ordinations process. Paul has been the Diocescan Vocations Adviser, an examining chaplain, training incumbent and an MDR consultant. He also has an extensive knowledge of the Diocese; Paul and his wife Anne lived in Kensington (St Cyprians) after
We can all be leaders in our own context
they married in 1987. After ordination in 1995 they moved to St Helens. Paul served as curate in the Parr Team before moving to St Matthews Thatto Heath as vicar. He then moved to St Michaels Boldmere in the Birmingham Diocese. Paul and Anne have a daughter and two grandchildren. They also fostered for many years. His broad knowledge of the Diocese of Liverpool means that he sees the cathedral’s relationship with parishes as a two-way dialogue; “We need to spot and learn from good practice and also help provide resources. I have been a busy parish priest myself and know from experience that you often don’t get the time to simply look at what is available to you and assess whether it is suitable. It is my privilege in that I can have some of that space to look what is out there and help identify what is most suitable and useful. If there are gaps, I can help develop resources that churches can use.
Zone 2 is doing this already with the Old Oak website, and there is potential for more.” Paul adds “I see my role as a middle to long term role - it is not a quick fix. It is an opportunity to do some things the same and some different. It is a chance to experiment. I think it is also important to say no at times and to admit when things aren’t working out. That is all part of finding what does work in the long term. We just need to give things a go and give thanks for what does work.” Paul’s enthusiasm for what lies ahead is infectious. On his and Anne’s return to Liverpool, he says, “Anne says that my face lights up whenever I talk about it. The complexity of the life of the cathedral and how it all fits together is very fascinating and something to behold. Liverpool is a big diocese and so diverse, yet it has an unmistakable character. We knew that we would be back.”
Canon Michael Wolfe celebrates 60 years since ordination At the 10.30am Michaelmas Eucharist on 29th September, Canon Michael Wolfe will celebrate 60 years in Holy Orders. Michael is a man who knows all about beginnings. From being one of the first Ecumenical Officers working for and paid by all member churches, amongst the first to support the ordination of women, to being one of the original instigators of inter-faith conversations in the Diocese, he has seen enormous changes over the years. He was a Michaelmas ordinand, first ordained deacon, then priest one year later. "But once a deacon, always a deacon" he says. Michael's life could have been very different. In 1951, before completing National Service with the 7th Queen's Own Hussars in Germany, he considered a career in the army. "It was an interesting and a good life, but something didn't feel quite right for me," he says. Michael studied Modern Languages at Pembroke College Oxford, and after National Service went to Cuddesdon Theological College. He was ordained in September 1953 in Bristol Cathedral. In Bristol he met and married Brenda, a Classics graduate, and the couple have recently celebrated 56 years together during which time they have brought up four children. They also have eleven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. After his Curacy, Michael spent two
years back home in the Scottish Episcopal Diocese of Moray, Ross and Caithness, in Aberlour and Fochabers with its two churches. Aberlour is famous for Walkers' shortbread (and also on the Whisky Trail) and Fochabers for Baxters' soup and jam business - both of which offer employment to around a thousand workers. Michael was Chaplain at Aberlour Orphanage, a home for more than three hundred children, where he assisted his father who was Episcopal Rector and Warden before retiring in 1958. "Many of the children we looked after came mostly from the Lowlands of Scotland and had suffered desperate poverty and deprivation. The effects of the 1920s and early 1930s Depression were still being felt," he recalls. The orphanage became the Aberlour Child Care Trust, setting up around fifty projects across Scotland, which now provide help for more than six thousand of Scotland's most vulnerable children and young adults. Michael moved to the Diocese of Liverpool in1959. He spent the first six very happy years as Vicar of St. Paul's in Southport. During this time St.Paul's became the first local parish to introduce an Annual United Whit Procession of Witness, with the neighbouring Trinity Methodist Church and Michael became Secretary of the Southport Council of Churches. It was then that Michael became an ardent Christian
Better together
Aid supporter, while Brenda, for some years a keen Oxfam member, influenced the founding of a very successful Oxfam Shop in the town. This was followed by almost eighteen years as Vicar then Rector of St. Thomas the Martyr Church, UpHolland, which became part of Skelmersdale New Town. "The ministry at UpHolland was much dictated by the New Town," Michael continues, "the brief was to build three new church schools, replace old schools and establish the new church of Christ the Servant Digmoor. This was all helped by the Call to Build Fund in the Diocese. I found that the lay people were marvellous in their giving and support as were my ordained colleagues, Anglican, Free Church and Roman Catholic in our efforts to work together as closely as possible." It was here that Michael was involved with others in building the Skelmersdale Ecumenical Church Centre catering for Anglicans, Methodists, Baptists and URC with RC participation. During these seventeen years, he spent four as Area Dean of the Ormskirk Deanery and seven as Councillor, including a year as Chairman of the West Lancashire District Local Authority. Over the years at UpHolland he also served on the Diocesan Boards of Education, Finance, and became Chairman of the Board of Mission and Unity. For fourteen years he was also member of the General Synod. In 1982 Michael became a Residentiary Canon at Liverpool Cathedral and Ecumenical Officer for the Merseyside Churches. This latter role was a vital and timely one and key in the development of understanding between different Christian denominations in the 1980s. Bishop David Sheppard and Archbishop Derek Worlock with their Free Church counterparts, especially The Free Church Moderator the Rev. John Newton, were able to develop
and build on the ecumenical beginnings pioneered by the Cathedral Dean, the Very Rev. Edward Patey. Michael recalls M.A.R.C.E.A. - the Merseyside and Region Churches Ecumenical Assembly - and the Church Leaders' Covenant at our two Cathedrals on Pentecost Sunday 1985. “It followed four main principles - Unite to Pray, Unite to Witness, Unite to Learn and Unite to Serve. In the oft quoted words the message became known as ‘Better Together.’” Michael believes fervently that ecumenism and evangelism must go together to be really effective in obedience to Our Lord's prayer in St. John's Gospel (17.21) "that they all may be one... that the world may believe." Ecumenical work extended into interfaith work. For some years Michael had already been a member of the Merseyside Council of Christian and Jews. In 1985, he became co-ordinator of the newly founded Merseyside Inter-Faith Group, which operated on four basic principles
Michael Wolfe - continued - Friendship, Hospitality, Learning and Respect - with monthly meetings visiting different faith premises with an agreed speaker and subject. Michael says it was a great privilege when in 2010 he was honoured with a Liverpool Hope University Senior Fellowship. Michael said: "I have always believed in the Anglican Church "semper reformanda" - always reforming." This influenced his role as Chairman of the Movement for the Ordination of Women (MOW). Both Michael and Brenda were ardent supporters of what he says, "was even then an overdue campaign." The first women were ordained as deacons in Liverpool in 1987 and then as priests in 1994. Michael says, "The ordination of women theologically is an important, correct and obvious step forward. Those wonderful words from John 1.14 "the Word was made flesh" should rightly be interpreted as the Word became a human being. Now, in the Church of England, around one third of those ordained are women and half those in training are women. Bishop James has been most supportive of women's ministry as priests, and soon, we hope and pray, to be bishops." And so, as Michael looks back on 60 years of Ordained Ministry, "there are so many blessings" he reflects, "for which to give thanks, to so many friends and colleagues, and, most importantly - thanks be to God." »» All are welcome to attend the 10.30am Michaelmas Eucharist service on 29th September at which Michael will preside and preach.
Food Bank Update
The Hope Plus Food Bank has been providing food for between 85-100 people each week in recent months; the increase in numbers came with the start of the summer holidays as many parents found it increasingly difficult to feed their children. The pantry also has a temporary new home at St Stephen’s whilst St Bride’s undergoes refurbishment. It will operate at St Stephen’s every Thursday 12:30-2:30 for the next few weeks, but people can still donate food at the cathedral. Apart from the usual shortage items such as long life milk, juice, coffee, and sugar, they are still very short of tinned meat (especially non pork based products), fish, and fruit. The Archdiocese of Liverpool has also been working very hard to get St Vincent de Paul Church ready as a new base set to open this month. Project Manager Nadine Daniel took a leap of faith when she became the first person this year to abseil down the front of the Cathedral’s west doors. Nadine is accepting retrospective sponsorship on behalf of the foodbank - please contact her using the details below. The foodbank is also teaming up with the flower arranging team and fundraising department to celebrate harvest by creating a display of photographs and information about the work of the Hope Plus Foodbank, starting on 22nd September. »» The foodbank is always looking for volunteers - if you have a few hours to spare please contact Nadine: foodbank@ or 0151 702 7275
Cathedral congregations start to show the grace of giving The cathedral has seen a dramatic response to the Dean’s challenge to congregations to review their giving. Our finance team have shown that annual giving has practically doubled in 18 months with figures showing a committed income of £45,996 per year. It is also clear that a large number of congregation members have taken the scriptural challenge seriously reviewing their own approach to giving in the light of 2 Corinthians 8:7. This has led to increases in both the numbers giving by envelope and by standing order. Financing our cathedral’s mission is a complex important priority and there are many elements that contribute to the cost of this great place. Each must play its part, our enterprise activities with the shop, events and catering; our fundraising work; and the generous giving of our congregations. But our giving is more than that. As a cathedral church offering a Christian witness to the communities we serve, our giving reflects our values. Sustained, committed giving is an act of worship, of thanksgiving and of discipleship. Your
regular contribution to our Cathedral helps us to excel and grow in all of the ways above, and in turn help future congregations and visitors to do the same. Small increases in giving can make a big difference. An average increase of £3 per week will add £67,000 to our income. Offering your giving in a planned, tax efficient way enables us to receive more from your donation without costing the giver any more. As we receive no government funding we are constantly taking active and imaginative steps to increase our revenue through enterprise activities, and are conscious of cutting costs. As part of our welcome we are committed to offering free entry to visitors. Your sustained, thoughtful, prayerful giving supports that aim and enables us to develop our mission. We have made it as simple as possible for you to consider your giving. So if you want to join those who have reflected and responded to the challenge of Corinthians then talk to Brenda Edwards, our Congregational Giving Officer. She can answer any questions that you may have, and help you fill in your form.
Your Giving Officer Brenda Edwards Brenda is our Congregational Giving Officer. See Brenda at any Sunday morning service or contact her:
Welcome to our new starters We have welcomed a number of new staff to the cathedral in recent months. Tina Morris joins us as Fundraiser, and Carol Wilson will assist her as a Fundraising Volunteer. Tina has previously worked as Business Development Manager at Mersey Ferries, has owned her own business, and spent twelve years at BT as Business Development and Corporate Events Manager. Tina said: “Liverpool Cathedral has always been on my list as one of the top three places I’d love to work. I visited the cathedral a lot to light a candle and pray for my mum when she was sick, and I found it a great comfort and was awed by the place. Now I am here, I hope to give back, and my focus will be on working with all of the different departments. Everyone has been so friendly and I am looking forward to getting to know people. I believe that everyone - volunteers, staff, clergy and congregation can all contribute to raising money for the Foundation,
whether that is informing people of how they can donate, or letting people know about the organ appeal and the stories behind the People’s Path. Everyone can be part of the effort.” Michelle Evans also joins the Communications Team as Graphic Designer. Michelle comes to us from Trinity Mirror North West and North Wales (part of the Liverpool Echo) where she worked on digital and print design for events, advertising and marketing campaigns, and for a range of local and national clients. Michelle will work alongside Stuart Haynes and Andrea Young. We also welcome Terri Corrigan, our new Events Assistant. Terri is originally from Co. Tyrone in Northern Ireland and has a degree in Events Management from JMU, graduating at the cathedral in 2010. Terri also undertook work experience at the Liverpool Daily Post Regional Business Awards held at the cathedral. She will work alongside Lucy Rafferty.
Tina Morris
Michelle Evans
Terri Corrigan
Liverpool Passion Plays to return
The Liverpool Passion Plays are to return in 2014, writers Mark Lovelady and Dan Bishop have announced. The 2014 format will also see the plays performed over four nights, with the addition of an extra act showing Jesus’ resurrection. Acts 1-3 will take place on Monday 14th April to Wednesday 16th April and the story of the Resurrection will be told on Saturday 19th April. The plays will have the tag line ‘Whom do you seek?’ inspired by the Quem Quaeritis Easter liturgy and the Visitatio Sepulchri (visit to the tomb) liturgical dramas of the medieval period. The plays will however reflect contemporary concerns and the cathedral community itself. It will again be produced by the Overcrofters, the cathedral’s youth group. So many people attended the first two nights of last year’s performances that some of the scenes for the finale - the crucifixion had to be relocated to allow extra space for the audience. Dan and Mark are hoping that
the extra night will attract even more people. Dan, who will also direct, said: “It was a huge privilege to be involved in the first ever plays and it is very exciting that the Dean and Chapter have asked us to stage them again next year. The cast and crew brought a fresh look on the story of Christ's passion to an audience of more than 400 on the final night. Mark and I are currently in the process of writing the script, and have many fresh ideas based on things we learnt from the first production. We really hope that members of our regular congregation will come and experience their Cathedral in a different light, and become a part of the story of Christ's passion in a new and exciting way.”
BSL Messy Church The next BSL (British Sign Language) Messy Church takes place on 28th September and a Christmas-themed Messy Church is on 7th December. Enjoy craft, food and celebration around a biblical theme - all welcome and no need to book. BSL Messy Church invites all to participate together regardless of whether they are deaf or hearing.
»» More information from Rev Hannah Lewis, or via mobile text message 07919 411817.
Graduations On 25th and 26th November we welcome graduates from John Moores University.
»» Image courtesy of JMU Journalism
Public access to the main cathedral will be limited during the ceremonies (two per day), so please check arrangements if you intend to visit. We will have a place available for private prayer and staff will be happy to direct visitors. The Welsford Restaurant and Cathedral shop will trade throughout, with access available via the Welsford Restaurant side entrance (Gambia Terrace side), with the Tower Experience accessed via the main entrance.
Chester brings some mystery to Liverpool The Chester Mystery plays, which attracted thousands of people to performances over the summer, are set to bring their epic production to Liverpool Cathedral. An abridged version of the plays, which have their origins in the medieval period, and which tell bible stories from creation to judgment day, is to be performed on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th October 2013. This marks a welcome return for the Chester plays, which made their first appearance at Liverpool Cathedral in 2008 to coincide with the Capital of Culture year. The Observer’s Clare Brennan said of the 2013 production: “Director Peter Leslie Wild manoeuvres his immense cast with easyseeming grace. Matt Baker's music unites heaven and earth. Every performer repays attention, but Francis Tucker's Lucifer, Jonathan Sharps's Jesus and Nicholas Fry's God are outstanding. This manifestation of community spirit is moving whether taken as a secular or religious experience.” The
Guardian also praised its “extraordinary fusion of scripture and social commentary” giving it 4 out of 5 stars. Liverpool University is also hosting a short course about the plays in the run up to the production. Visit »» Tickets: £15 (full price), £12 (concessions available from the Cathedral Shop in person or on 0151 702 7255 or from
Durufle Requiem Eucharist
STRENGTHENING links with New York A group of young people from the USA, who lost a parent in 9/11 or whose lives were affected by 9/11, made a visit to the cathedral as part of a trip to sample British culture and look at opportunities for higher education. The trip was funded by the 9/11 Scholarship Fund and organised by the British Council, the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. The young people were welcomed by Vice Dean Myles Davies and were then joined by Rev Bill Sanders, firefighter and chaplain to the Mersey Fire and Rescue Service. Bill and his Fire Service colleagues went to New York in the aftermath of 9/11 and Bill spoke about the sense of hope and community he experienced there. The young people were then given a tour of the Cathedral and the rest of the city, which they filmed and will turn into a video documenting their experience.
Embracing Hope The next Embracing Hope services are due to take place on 25th September and 19th November. Embracing Hope is open to all whose lives have been affected by the serious illness or loss of a child. People are invited to share in a simple, intimate service in the Lady Chapel and visit the Children's Chapel. »» For further details contact Dianne Rothwell on 0151 702 7201
All are invited to this special service of a Requiem Eucharist for All Souls, to the music of Maurice Duruflé. The Boys’ and Men’s Voices and Cathedral Chamber Choir will sing at the service which provides an opportunity to remember those who have died. It takes place on November 3rd at 3.00pm. If you wish a name to be included for prayer, pick up a prayer card at the Holy Trinity icon, the Chapel of the Holy Spirit and the Lady Chapel. Simply complete the details requested and post them in the box provided. Requests will be collected by Cathedral staff for use in the service.
Two music legends to play at Cathedral American Indie Rock band Low and British dub/reggae pop band UB40 are set to perform at the cathedral. Low perform on Monday 18th November. The band formed in 1993 in Duluth, Minnesota and have just released their 10th record, The Invisible Way. Their new album tackles large issues - “the songs are about intimacy, the drug war, the class war, plain old war war, archaeology and love” - and is constructed around unadorned soundscapes and layered harmonies. »» Tickets £19.50 plus booking fee from
UB40 formed in 1978 in Birmingham, and is one of the most culturally diverse dub reggae bands with musicians of English, Scottish, Irish, Yemeni and Jamaican parentage. They offer a mix of reggae, ska, soul, and pop music and their hits include Red Red Wine, Kingston Town and (I Can’t Help) Falling in Love. They perform at the cathedral on November 23rd and the show also includes supporting artists. »» Tickets: £32.50 plus booking fee of £3.50.
Award winning photographer Martin Birchall brings back his popular photography workshop this autumn. Open to enthusiastic amateurs or absolute beginners, Martin’s course will help you compose your pictures, use natural light effectively, experiment with depth of field and use angles in shot selection. Access to many of the key areas of the Cathedral, such as the tower and bells, is also included. The workshop costs £40 per person or £70 per couple. 10am-1pm, 28th October. »» To book contact 0151 702 7255 or
CATCH A T WILIGHT TOUR The last twilight tower tour of the season is on 24th October last ticket is 7.30pm and the tower closes at 8pm.
The last bell evening is on 3rd October meet our bell ringers and even have a go at hand bell ringing.
Photo: Mark Carline
Get in the picture with latest workshop
Festival Evensong and 87th Anniversary Recital
“Quality Assured” Cathedral An independent assessment from Visit England has shown that once again Liverpool Cathedral offers “the visitor an overall very good quality experience” and fully merits the accreditation of Quality Assured Visitor Attraction.
October 19th sees the 87th Anniversary Recital and Festival Evensong. The recital, by Prof Ian Tracey, will immediately follow Choral Evensong as it first did on 18th October 1926. The programme will include works by Bach, Franck, Widor and Peeters. Visitors are requested to be seated by 2.50pm at the latest as the recital attracts very large numbers. »» Admission is by programme on the door at £5.00 and car parking is free.
The report, which is compiled following a mystery shopper style exercise looks at every aspect of the cathedral's welcome to visitors. Everything - from the information we provide on our website; the way we deal with visitor enquiries; our use of social media and our leaflets; - is scrutinised and assessed. The assessor highlighted our comprehensive and attractive website, our use of social media to engage with visitors, our helpful response to telephone enquiries, a great first impression thanks to well-maintained grounds, good signs and colourful flower beds. The Mezzanine Cafe, Welsford Restaurant and Cathedral Shop all rated well.
IN OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS We give thanks for the Dean and Chapter as they develop the Cathedral Strategy Plan with staff and volunteers and work to promote the Gospel and the work of the Cathedral. We pray for all those who are meeting for the Vacancy in See Committee and pray that they may have vision and dreams for the appointing of a new Bishop of Liverpool. We pray for all those who have returned or are joining the new sessions of our Alpha groups, The School of Theology, Zone 2 and Chemin Neuf. We pray for the Dean and all those who attend the Breakfast with the Bible and Supper with the Scriptures sessions. We pray for all those who are starting new roles in the Cathedral. We remember in our prayers the Reverend Dr Jill Duff, the Director of St. Mellitus, North West and the first intake of students as they embark on their training. We thank God for all the visitors who have passed through the Cathedral during the summer months; for Cathedral Guides, Tour group leaders and Blue badge guides. We pray for all who will visit this “Great Space” during the next few months that they may be enriched and strengthened by their visit. We remember all those who have asked for our prayers and any families who have been bereaved.
School Prizegivings and Graduations: St Hilda’s: Archbishop Blanch School; St Margaret’s; Belvedere; Birkenhead; LJMU graduations
Events: • • • • • • • • • •
Volunteers in the Cathedral Be a Chorister for a day Children’s Society Service Parish Representatives Chester Mystery plays Cards for Good causes Huyton Old Girls Reunion Juice FM Awards RIBA Conference Adelaide House
Concerts and exhibitions: Liverpool College and Formby High, Youth concert; UB40; Royal Signals Corps Remembrance Gala, British Legion; Duruflé, Remembrance Workshops, Prison Art exhibition.
DIARY September 14th
Choral Evensong, attended by the Friends of Cathedral Music
Eucharist and Licensing of Readers. Preacher: The Bishop of Warrington
Embracing Hope Service in the Lady Chapel
Choral Evensong, attended by members of the King’s Regiment
Choral Eucharist and Tenth Anniversary Celebration of the Girls’ Voices of the Cathedral Choir
3.00pm 28th
Choral Evensong, sung by the Boys’ and Men’s Voices of the Cathedral Choir, with the Choir of St German’s Cathedral, Peel, Isle of Man
29th 10.30am
Choral Eucharist for Michaelmas, to celebrate the retirement of Canon Michael Wolfe as Cathedral Chaplain and 60 years since he was ordained. Preacher: Canon Michael Wolfe
Choral Evensong with Commissioning of Canon David Bishop as Diocesan President of The Children’s Society
Choral Eucharist. Preacher: The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean of York
Choral Evensong, sung by the choir of Crompton House School
The Civic Service. Preacher: The Dean of Liverpool
Choral Evensong and Anniversary Organ Recital: Professor Ian Tracey
The Judges’ Service. Preacher: Judge Alexander McLean
Choral Evensong, sung by the Boys’ and Men’s Voices of the Cathedral Choir with the Choir of King William’s College, Isle of Man
Choral Eucharist, sung by the Choir of St John, Broughton
Choral Evensong, sung by the Choir of St John, Broughton
November 3rd
Choral Eucharist for All Saints’ Sunday. Preacher: The Dean of Liverpool
Eucharist for All Souls. Requiem by Maurice Durufle. Preacher: Canon Myles Davies, Precentor and Vice Dean.
Choral Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday. Preacher: The Reverend Tim Watson, Cathedral Curate
10.30am 3.00pm 10.30am
Choral Evensong and Installation of Canons Diocesan. Preacher: The Dean of Liverpool Choral Eucharist. Preacher: Canon Michael Kavanagh
OUR SERVICES Sunday 8:30am
Choral Eucharist (in Main Space)
Zone 2 (all age informal worship in Concert Room)
Choral Evensong*
Zone 2 (all age informal worship in Concert Room)
Weekdays 8.30am
Morning Prayer
Choral Evensong*
Saturday 8:30am
Morning Prayer
Choral Evensong
*Said on Wednesdays and during school holidays unless visiting choirs present St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ, 0151 709 6271 LiverpoolCathedral