Cathedral Life Magazine July to Sept 2016

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MUSICAL SUMMER 2016 Enjoy a variety of uplifting music this summer at Liverpool Cathedral ORGAN RECITALS

Summer Organ Recitals - every Saturday during the summer, starting Saturday 23rd July at 12.30 to 1pm (Admission £1)

23rd July - Daniel Mansfield - Organ Scholar Liverpool Cathedral

30th July - Simon Russell - Nantwich Parish Church

6th Aug - David Leahey - Christ Church, New Bern, USA

13th Aug - SHEAN BOWERS - Bath Abbey

20th Aug - Jonathan Wikeley - All Saints, Fulham

27th Aug - Wyn Turner - St Mary, Abbotshey, Devon

3rd Sept - Jordan English - Christchurch, Manchester

10th Sept - Martyn Noble - Chapel Royal, London

Thurs 28th July, 25th Aug, 29th Sept and 24th Nov 12.30 - 13.00 - John O’Connell plays guitar Main Cathedral




CONTENTS Dean's letter


Twilight Thursdays


Best large visitor attraction award


Summer fun with Derby Mouse


New cathedral coffee supplier


Zone 2 cafe style worship


Volition's perfect partnership


Interested in volunteering



Help to fill HOPE+ shelves


Relax, unwind and enjoy your visit


Maggie's Culture Crawl


Congregational Giving


Elvis tribute review


In our thoughts and prayers


Embracing Hope Service


Diary dates


The Earle and Langton Familes

2016 school leavers service


Annual cathedral abseil


Hope Street Pentecost celebrations


Tower experience


Year 6 School Leavers Service



Next issue: October 2016 Deadline for submissions: September 21st 2016 Article ideas are always welcome, please email Sarah Doyle: Editors reserve the right to edit contributions. »» For updates on events why not follow us on twitter @LivCathedral or Facebook/Liverpool Cathedral 3

CONTINUE TO PAY TRIBUTE TO THE WARMTH OF OUR WELCOME I write this just two days after our celebration of Consecration Sunday on 17 July, when we marked the 92nd anniversary of the consecration of our Cathedral and the 112th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone. It was also the 2nd anniversary of the launch of our ‘£24m for 2024’ appeal. Thanks to a major (six-figure) grant I was delighted to announce that our appeal total, pledged or received, has passed the £6m mark. Since Sunday, we have received news of a grant for £35,000, from the Headley Trust In addition we have recruited five more Centenary Builders, taking the total number of that community of supporters to exactly 100. We launched the Centenary Builders scheme in partnership with the Friends of Liverpool Cathedral just 12 months ago. We boast the oldest cathedral Friends Association in the country, and a significant part of the success of the building work was down to its efforts. It's only right that the Friends should take an honoured place in the current appeal. To become a Centenary Builder is therefore automatically to be enrolled also, as a Friend. This gives us all the opportunity to stand on the shoulders of giants:, as all you need to do to become a Centenary Builder is to pledge to contribute £2400 in total to the appeal before 2024. You can find more details on our website. 4

To pass the £6m threshold is a major achievement. It is terrific news for two reasons. First of all, the timing is truly encouraging. It means that 20% of the way through the appeal decade we are 25% of the way towards our total. Secondly, it means that the moment has come to trigger a negotiation with the Heritage Lottery Fund, which we hope might in a year or so’s time culminate in a seven-figure grant award. We will begin that conversation in September.

A building built by the people paid for by the people to be used by the people. Through the £24m for 2024 campaign we are recapturing the zeal and energy that went into the creation of this place. A building built by the people, paid for by the people, to be used by the people. The original builders were visionaries, who took on a grand project the like of which would not be attempted today. We are proud to be ‘a safe place to do risky things in Christ’s service’ and we continue to seek to excel in all areas of our mission and ministry; we are not merely a fundraising body. Our vision covers many activities which we work hard to deliver. You can get a feel for this when we reflect on all that's happened since the last edition of Cathedral Life.

In that time we:

• installed a new Canon Chancellor, the Revd Dr Ellen Loudon

• hosted numerous other events: dinners, concerts, graduations, lectures.

• won the Liverpool City Region Tourism Award for Large Visitor Attraction of the Year

• recorded a live broadcast on Pentecost Sunday for BBC 1

• shared an enhanced ‘Two Cathedrals Service’ on Pentecost Sunday, incorporating the first Pentecost Pageant with partners on Hope Street

That’s to say nothing of the welcome we offer day-by-day to the thousands of visitors, whose reviews (not least on the TripAdvisor website) continue to pay tribute to the warmth of the welcome we offer. This is why our £24m for 2024 campaign is vital, deserving of our time and energy. It will enable us to continue to welcome the generations of the future into the presence of God, while paying tribute to our giants of the past. Thank you for the part that you play.

• hosted a service for the ordination of priests, at which our own curate Mohammad Eghtedarian was involved • hosted the ordination of deacons

• hosted four school leavers’ services involving 3000 pupils from the 400 Church of England schools across the Diocese

»» With every blessing Dean Pete, Dean of Liverpool

• hosted six confirmation services for parishes and deaneries, involving over 150 candidates

BEST LARGE VISITOR ATTRACTION AWARD We scoop the Best Large Visitor Attraction Award and our Director of Enterprise, Eryl Parry received the award for Outstanding Contribution in the Liverpool City Region Tourism Awards 2016. Thursday 19th May 2016 was a tremendous evening for our cathedral as for the second year we scooped Large Visitor Tourist Attraction in the Liverpool City Region Tourist Awards. This was against strong competition from the likes of the Beatles Story, Albert Dock, the World Museum, Dazzle Ferry, Bubbles World of Play and the Atkinson. While we never expected to win we were delighted to receive this accolade, the second time we have achieved this award and follows our consistent rating as best visitor attraction in Liverpool on Trip Adviser. We will now have the opportunity to represent the city in the national awards.


NEW LOCAL Coffee Supplier FOR CathedraL

We are delighted to announce that Joe Black has been appointed Coffee supplier to Liverpool Cathedral. Though not established as long as the Cathedral, Joe Black has been roasting on Merseyside for 60 years. Using traditional flame roasted production techniques; they are the established supplier to some of the North West's top restaurants and its many thriving coffee shops. They are a fast growing local company committed to employing and sourcing locally where possible. Passionate about coffee, they are proud to employ a team of highly experienced well trained local employees. As Liverpool Cathedral was built by the people for the people it is part of our mission to support the city region’s economy and as such we are committed to using local products and suppliers where possible. 6

Neil Blackhurst, Catering Manager at Liverpool Cathedral said “I chose Joe Blacks as I have previously worked with them and it’s not only the fact the beans are roasted less than 5 miles from the Cathedral it is also the quality of the beans and the professional service the team at Joe Blacks provide.” As Neil points out, the quality of coffee is a crucial factor and at Joe Blacks, quality and tradition go hand-in-hand. A combination of tried and trusted, traditional flame-roasting methods and the very highest quality beans sourced from around the world, resulting in the freshest, best-tasting coffee available.

Try for yourself Enjoy a cup of coffee in either the Welsford restaurant or the Mezzanine café bar. Find opening times on our website:

Perfect Partnership Full of Hope for Volition and two cathedrals

The Volition Volunteer Programme at Liverpool Cathedral has made the short trip down Hope Street to neighbouring cathedral, Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool, to create a new partnership. Canon Anthony O’Brien, Dean of Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool, Dean Pete Wilcox, Dean of Liverpool Cathedral and Paul O’Brien, Programme Coordinator signed the agreement last week to allow Volition Volunteers priority access to vacancies and guaranteed interviews at The Metropolitan. The Metropolitan joins other forward thinking Liverpool organisations such as Liverpool BID Company and the University of Liverpool in formally agreeing a process around job vacancies. The aim of the partnership agreement is to create a firm foundation and working relationship between Volition and the Cathedrals and to connect Volition Volunteers to jobs and opportunities within Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool. The Metropolitan, Volition and Liverpool Cathedral will offer mutual support and create opportunities to promote the CSR value for businesses getting behind the Volition Volunteer Programme in the city of Liverpool. As well as providing priority access to job vacancies to

volunteers The Metropolitan will operate a guaranteed interview scheme for Volition Volunteers who meet the basic essential criteria for a role. This will help people who have the necessary skills and experience boost their chances of getting the job by guaranteeing themselves a spot in front of an employer. Programme Co-Ordinator Paul O’Brien said “This is a really exciting partnership, it’s great to work with other employers in the city who have the same values as Liverpool Cathedral and are willing to support local residents make positive changes in their lives.” The partnership agreement helps Volition to carry on the work they have carried out in Liverpool since 2014 which includes helping 61 people back into work, providing over 200 qualifications and 118 people completing the programme. »» If you’re an employer who thinks they can support the Volition Volunteer Programme contact Programme Co-Ordinator Paul O’Brien at paul.obrien@


THE EARLE AND LANGTON FAMILIES THE LADY CHAPEL The Earle and Langton families which, through intermarriage, were kin, provided almost half of the ÂŁ70,000 required to build the Lady Chapel of Liverpool Cathedral. A hard working member of the Executive Committee of the Cathedral, was Arthur Earle (1838-1919), the next to youngest son of Sir Hardman Earle, the First Baronet (17921877) and Mary nee Langton (1798-1850), and uncle to Sir Algernon. In his youth, Arthur, along with his two brothers, had behaved very badly, but now a reformed character, he showed himself to be adept at collecting funds and finding donors. He submitted the money, referred to above, on behalf of the two families. The beautiful Lady Chapel was consecrated on the 29th June 1910.

THE EARLES OF ALLERTON TOWER The head of the Earle family at that time was Lieutenant Colonel Sir (Thomas) Algernon Earle, Bart., T.D., born on the 12th July 1860. He was the younger son of Sir Thomas Earle, the second baronet (18291900), and Dame Emily (nee Fletcher)(18321905); and grew up in West Derby. On the 20th April 1901 he married Edith (nee Leith) (1871-1963) at St Barnabas' Parish Church, Kensington, London. She bore him a son and two daughters. On his Marriage Certificate he described himself as being a Captain in the Cheshire Yeomanry; but by the time of the First World War he had been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in Command of the Lancashire Hussars Yeomanry, serving in 8

Egypt and on the Somme. The Earles were a family of merchants and ship owners whose mercantile activities dated back to the early 18th century on the Earle estate in County Limerick, Ireland. They were deeply involved in the slave trade and privateering. The firm of T. & W. Earle of Liverpool (later Earle & Carter) expanded their business into the iron trade, wine, oil, silk and sugar. After the family moved from Warrington to Liverpool in 1688, they lived on the Spekeland Estate in Edge Hill until 1849 when they sold the property and moved to the purpose built Allerton Tower. When Sir Thomas Earle died in 1900 the family moved to Sandiway near Weaverham, Cheshire. Sir Algernon died on the 5th September 1945 at Shorwell, Isle of Wight, his widow died in 1963 at Midhurst in Sussex.

THE LANGTONS OF BARKHILL Charles Langton of Barkhill, Esq. J.P.,D.L., was born in Liverpool on the 11th July 1823, younger son of Joseph Langton, (1792-1855) and Anne (nee Earle). As a young man, Joseph had moved to Liverpool from Kirkham, prospered, purchased Barkhill, Aigburth, and became highly respected. His son, Charles married Jessie (nee Gilmour) at Londonderry on the 18th January 1854. She was daughter to Patrick Gilmour of Londonderry, Ireland. Charles Langton was a broker in marine insurance and a noted philanthropist. He was made a Justice of the Peace in 1888 and became a Deputy Lord Lieutenant of

Image courtesy of Fairbridge

Lancashire. His family was wealthy, and moved in the most elite circles, being on visiting terms with, for example, the Earls of Derby and Sefton, as well as being friends of the Earles, the Hornbys and other prominent families. Langton began work in the firm of T. & W. Earle and Company, which at the time was located in Castle Street. Before the formation of the Alkali Union, he was a director of the Runcorn Soap and Alkali Company, and a Board member of the Exchange Company, the Bank of Liverpool, the Union Marine Insurance Company and the British Shipowners Company. He was involved in a variety of enterprises including the management committee of Hospital Sunday, a day set apart since the 18th

century for charitable giving; the Dover Street Nurses Institute; the Children's Infirmary and the Additional Curates Aid Society. His favourite leisure pursuit was the game of cricket, and before long he was on the committee of Liverpool Cricket Club. Charles Langton died on the 18th of November 1900, and is buried at St. Nicholas Parish Church, Halewood. Barkhill, in which his family had lived for many years, was subsumed into the new I.M. Marsh Physical Training College. Jessie, donated the Langton share of the money for the Lady Chapel, and continued to live at Barkhill until her death in 1917.  By Dr Alec Ellis 9

relax, unwind and ENJOY YOUR VISIT Take your time to browse our award winning shop. Enjoy freshly cooked meals or snacks at The Welsford Restaurant or the Mezzanine CafĂŠ Bar.

This is Britain’s largest cathedral, an awesome and intimate space, a centre of Christian worship and a major cultural venue. We rely on donations to keep the cathedral free for visitors; please give generously. LiverpoolCathedral


Congregational financial support Anne Rattigan is a member of Liverpool Cathedral congregation on a Sunday and also works as our current Planned Giving Officer.

Community Roll This year I was involved with the revision of the Cathedral Community roll, which is updated every seven years. As of 21st February 2016 no one is on the Roll unless they completed a new form. This also helps us to make sure our records are up to date. Before the revision there were 378 on the roll. To date we have 421 on the new Community Roll. An early date for your diary is Sunday October 2nd 2016 12 noon. This is when the Community Roll AGM will be held. Community Roll forms are still available if you need one; please contact: dianne.rothwell@ 0151 702 7201.

Excel in the Grace of Giving This scheme enables regular worshippers to contribute to the cathedral in a regular committed way which allows for new ideas, projects and building improvements.

Planned Giving Scheme and 9 existing members pledged to increase their regular contribution. We now anticipate an increase in congregational planned giving of at least £8672 pa. If you regularly put money into the offertory basket would you consider giving by standing order or our envelope scheme?  If you are interested in joining please contact: 0151 702 7250

During Lent the clergy encouraged us to reflect on our regular financial support of the cathedral. The outcome of the Lent sermon series was that 19 new people joined the 11

Moving on celebration of friendship and joy Liverpool Diocese's annual Y6 leaver’s services were held over four days during the month of June. This was a chance for the Year 6 leavers to celebrate their time at primary school and look ahead to the new chapter of starting secondary school. This year's theme was ‘Hands of Friendship’. The schools have been working closely with and fundraising for the charity Christian Aid. A number of schools also took part in transition workshops at the Cathedral. The workshops included drama performances and a time for reflection and celebration. The Liverpool based children’s charity YKids worked with the cathedral’s Education department to deliver the transition workshops. We spoke to Emily Stanford and Tim Coates from Ykids who explained what the workshops aimed to achieve. “We make it as fun as we can” said Emily. “The focus is on preparing them for the move into Year 7 and calming fears that the transition will bring. We do some ‘myth busting’ which can really help ease some of the worries from horror stories the kids might have heard on the rumour mill!” Tim added “This years’ service theme focusses on friendship and the story of the Good Samaritan. The activities and songs we sing inspire the kids who really get involved. We even give the teachers ideas who often ask if they can take some of the content back to use in their own assemblies. The kids particularly enjoy songs such as ‘My Lighthouse’, as they are so interactive and fun 12

Primary School Year 6 - Leavers’ Service 27th and 28th June 201 6

Hands of Friendsh ip

- especially when you have the likes of Bishop

The colour, vibrancy and joy of the services were overwhelming Paul joining in with the actions at the front!” Speaking ahead of the services the Bishop of Liverpool, Rt Revd Paul Bayes said “Last year saw my first foray into this service in our diocese. I encountered a marvellous

celebration and fitting way for the young people to mark their transition to secondary school. The colour, vibrancy and joy of the services were overwhelming. I pray that this year’s services will continue to see the young people feel encouraged, equipped and strengthened by God as they head towards secondary education.” The Bishop of Warrington, Rt Revd Richard Blackburn added “The services offer such a reminder that God is present in all aspects of our lives and walks with us on every stage of

our journey through life. The transition from primary to secondary school can be exciting, daunting or traumatic for young people. These services and workshops prepare pupils and mark the occasion in a special way I pray for our young people as they move onto secondary school that it may be a fruitful and enjoyable part of their lives.” »» For more details contact the Education Department on 0151 705 2190



Are you brave enough? Get involved, contact Liverpool Cathedral’s Fundraising Manager on 0151 702 7226 or email: or see our website for further information.


Hope Street alive with music art and colour The church led the city in an amazing celebration of Pentecost. The Pentecost Pageant evolved from the traditional two cathedral’s walk of witness that has happened every two years since 1985. Samba bands, the Liverpool Welsh Choral, stilt performers, dancers and creations from the Liverpool Lantern Company filled the length of the street producing an atmospheric journey for the audience – including performances which allowed the crowds to reflect on momentous moments in people’s lives such as marriage and birth. Later on in the journey the music soundtrack provided a celebratory carnival atmosphere. Director of Culture Claire McColgan, said: “We made a commitment to support events which showcase the different sides of the city – whether that’s in terms of a story that’s there to be told, or the location in which it will unfold. Pentecost achieves just that – a street of hope which is bookended by two inspirational cathedrals creates a magnificent canvas

on which a truly international story of hope can unfold. “By programming a whole host of activities, it is a real opportunity to enhance the already popular ‘cathedrals walk’, which will attract more people and shine a spotlight on what is a fascinating and culturally overflowing area of the city.” Matthew Linley, CEO and Artistic Director of Unity Theatre and Creative Director for the event, said: ‘Pentecost is a fantastic opportunity for Hope Street to work with the Cathedrals and the Free Churches to bring the area alive and showcase what can be achieved here. We hope this is the first of many such events.’ The Bishop of Liverpool, The Right Reverend Paul Bayes, said: “Hope is always something to be celebrated and for the church a great outpouring of God’s grace and hope came at the festival we call Pentecost. This hope is for all and how better to mark this than with a vibrant celebration of music, art and colour on one of my favourite streets in this great city. “I am delighted the city has embraced this desire to celebrate and I invite everyone to join in for a lively afternoon on this famous street.” The Archbishop of Liverpool Most Reverend Malcolm McMahon, said: ‘The Feast of Pentecost is recognised as the birthday of the Church so it is fitting that so many from our city and region can come together to celebrate with music and worship. 15


TOWER experience




Catch this truly spectacular experience 360° panoramic rooftop views, open daily*. Tower opening and closing times available in the Cathedral Shop or on our website:

New for 2016 - BELL NIGHTS Experience what it is like to be a bell ringer with our fabulous new bells simulator. Meet some of our bellringers and see the bells up close. Selected Thursday evenings, please check our website for details.

#tweetfromthetower Take a photo of yourself or your favourite view and share it with us on Twitter @LivCathedral and #tweetfromthetower

Twilight Tower is a must do this summer

Have you made a date to visit our Tower at sunset yet? If not, we have 3 months of late night opening of our Twilight Thursday season left. Make sure you catch this truly special experience of a sunset across the river, with bell ringing simulation on selected Thursday evenings throughout the season. Eryl Parry, Director of Enterprise, said “The weekly late night tower opening is well established as a ‘must do’ in the city. There is something really magical about seeing the lights of the city begin to shine from the rooftop of the Cathedral, set against the backdrop of what can be the amazingly colourful skyscapes in the setting sun.” “We now have even more to offer for 2016 having invested in a bells simulator made especially for Liverpool Cathedral for our monthly ‘bell nights’ and a totally rebuilt walkway at the top improving the experience

for our visitors. We are very grateful to our dedicated and skilled team of bell ringers who will be on hand to help people experience what it is like to be a bell ringer. The simulator is clever and a fun thing to do – something of a great team exercise! Not surprising for Britain’s largest Cathedral that we also have the world’s highest and heaviest peal of bells, and we want to show them off!” Check our website for the full schedule including sunset times. The last Bells Night will take place 1st September and the last Twilight Tower of the season will be 27th October.

#tweetfromthetower Take a photo of yourself or your favourite view and share it with us on Twitter @ LivCathedral »» Please check our website for details. 17


Summer FUN WITH DERBY MOUSE Join us every Wednesday 11am to 3pm. Arts and crafts with a Summer theme. Come along to the Cathedral for a photo opportunity with Derby Mouse 27th July, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st August

Find our more, contact Jackie Dean on 0151 702 7120 or email: LiverpoolCathedral


Café style Sunday morning worship Each Sunday, at the same time as traditional Cathedral worship at 10.30am there is also worship in a very different style at Zone 2. Perfect for families, Zone 2 begins with coffee and cakes, meeting café style around tables in the Concert Room (downstairs below the shop, accessible via the stairs or the lift). Bible reading, prayer and teaching is informal and interactive, giving your family a chance to meet other like-minded people with all ages worshipping together.

Could you volunteer in the Education Department at Liverpool Cathedral? Liverpool Cathedral welcomes thousands of children and young adults each year who come either on school visits or with their friends and family. We are looking for more volunteers to join our dynamic Education Department. We offer schools a variety of workshops and guided tours throughout the year. So our team is mainly made up of members with an education background. But if you have a real heart for children we would like to hear from you. Commitment can be as little or as much as you can offer for this rewarding work which ranges from leading a group to organising resources. We give training and support to all our volunteers. »» If you are interested in volunteering your first step is to contact Jackie Dean (Education Officer) for an informal chat about the role and opportunities. Our mission is to proclaim that Jesus Christ is alive and that his Gospel is true and relevant to today’s world. Liverpool Cathedral is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. We follow safer recruitment practices so all volunteers will need to have referees and some roles will be subject to a DBS check.


Help us to #FillTheseShelves

We are delighted to announce that we are now open three days each week as we open up a new pantry at St Bede’s Church. This new pantry at St Bede’s Church will be a slightly different set up to the two we run directly, in that Revd. Elaine Jones and her team of eager volunteers will run their pantry themselves for the most part, collecting the food from us, but also working to bring in their own donations (which we will store), and collating their data to be added to our statistical database. The pantry will also open later in the day, running every Wednesday between 3 & 5 pm.

Summer campaign more crucial than ever All of this means that our #FillTheseShelves summer campaign is even more crucial than ever. When we say that we need pasta, what we mean is this: we use on average 110kgs of pasta/ rice each week, also 240 tins of meat and fish, especially fish. Each year Hope+ is at its busiest between 20

July and the end of September, especially with the extra strain placed on families by the long vacation. We also historically receive our fewest donations. People go on holiday, schools and colleges break up and people are saving for a well-earned break. Some of our supplies are running low and so we ask if you can possibly put an extra few items to donate in your shopping trolley next time you are at the shops this will help us enormously to keep going through the summer. The items we need most help with at the moment are pasta, tinned fish, teabags, toiletries and sanitary products. We also welcome donations of clothes. Nadine Daniel, Hope+ project manager, recently visited Cologne through the Josephine Butler Travel Scholarship. Cologne is a city that is twinned with Liverpool and the purpose of Nadine’s visit was to view how Cologne manages a partnership of different organisations working together to help the many refugees that are currently there. Nadine said “In Liverpool we currently have approximately 3,000 refugees which is the largest population in the UK, to put this in perspective, Cologne currently has 500,000 refugees living there. What I found when I visited was a city that has different churches working together ecumenically along with the city council. The council has built housing (prefabs) that are run by the churches together. The environment is safe and crucially well thought about with education and play areas for children. It was inspiring and has sparked ideas on the possibilities we could take on board in Liverpool.” »» To make a donation contact 0151 702 7237 or email:

Maggie’s Culture Crawl 23rd September 2016 18:30 - 19:30 Maggie’s Merseyside at Clatterbridge is a charity providing free practical, emotional and social support for people with cancer and their family and friends. Part night-walk, part cultural adventure Maggie’s Culture Crawl Liverpool is inspired by the architectural design and programme of support so integral to Maggie’s, as walkers get the chance to explore Liverpool discovering cultural, architectural and artistic delights along the way. Registration for the event is £25 and participants are asked to aim to raise sponsorship of £80, and the Centre Fundraising Manager will be on hand to help with fundraising ideas. The event starts at 6.30pm on Friday 23rd September and will take in 10km of the city. The event starts at Liverpool Cathedral after doors have shut to the public, with walkers able to wander the UK’s largest Cathedral as the sun sets through the stained glass windows and plays across the magnificent Gothic vaulted ceiling. From 7pm walkers will set off on a route visiting fantastic locations such as St John’s Beacon, the Everyman Theatre, Dr Martin Luther King Jr Building (formerly Granada Television and the Dock Traffic Office) at the Albert Dock, a building currently closed to the public and earmarked as the new entrance for the International Slavery Museum and a curator-led tour of the Liverpool Biennial exhibition at the Open Eye Gallery, an independent photography gallery at Mann Island.

Amazing evening featuring Elvis tribute in support of '24 for 2024' Elvis was in the building for one night only as Glory Glory Hallelujah concert wows the crowds, in support of the Cathedral's '24 for 2024' appeal . Gordon Hendricks, one of the world's finest tributes to Elvis Presley has been performing at the highest level for over 15 years winning acclaim at many major events and festivals internationally, performed the special concert here at the Cathedral last Saturday night. Feedback from the event has been brilliant with comments shared with us such as: "Brilliant concert, Gordon has got Elvis voice spot on the same as the man himself great tribute to Elvis, the best tribute I have heard." "Fabulous show, the best I've ever seen." "A truly magical night." A special thanks must be given to Derek and Dionne Collins for all their efforts in organising such a wonderful concert in aid of the cathedral.

»» To find out more about Maggie’s Culture Crawl Liverpool to register to take part and to order a fundraising pack please visit https:// or get in touch with Holly Smith 07557 284 816 holly.smith@ 21

IN OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS We pray for all those who are suffering through the violence of others, the victims of terror in every part of the world.


We pray for the turning of human hearts towards peace, and for the work and witness of our Cathedral to help promote fairness.

Worship Services/Prayer:

May we seek justice and equality so that the needy are not forgotten and the hope of the poor not taken away.

Exhibitions: • South Liverpool Arts Group Annual Exhibition

SCHOOL and education: • • • • •

• Faith Academy

• Walsingham Festival • Readers Licencing Day • Judges Service

Events: • • • • •

John O’Connell Walsingham Festival EFC National Citizen Service and Awards Martin Birchall Photography Workshop 90th Anniversary Organ Recital

Castleway Primary Bluecoat Bishop Martin Harvest and Sukkot workshops Fighting for our values workshops

EMBRACING HOPE SERVICE The next Embracing Hope service is due to take place on Monday 19th September, 7pm to 9pm. Embracing Hope is open to all whose lives have been affected by the serious illness or loss of a child. People are invited to share in a simple, intimate service in the Lady Chapel and visit the Children's Chapel. »» For further details contact Dianne Rothwell on 0151 702 7201.




Choral Eucharist: The Cotswold Consort


Choral Evensong: The Costwold Consort

22nd & 23rd 5.30pm

Choral Evensong: University of London Church Choir in Lady Chapel


Choral Evensong: University of London Church Choir in Lady Chapel







3.00pm 10.30am

Choral Evensong: University of London Church Choir in Lady Chapel

Choral Eucharist: University of London Church Choir Choral Eucharist: University of London Church Choir in Lady Chapel Morning Prayer and Eucharist for Bank Holiday Monday


EFC National Citizen Service Awards



Saturday Organ Recital: Jordan English



Choral Eucharist: Familiar Faces


Choral Evensong: Familiar Faces


Choral Evensong: Royal School of Music Northern Cathedral Singers



Choral Eucharist for Racial Justice Sunday. Preacher: Canon Mark Oxbrow



Choral Eucharist for Harvest. Preacher: The Bishop of Liverpool



Eucharist and Licensing of Readers. Preacher: The Right Reverend Cyril Ashton



Choral Evensong attended by members of the King’s Regiment

October 8th


Choral Evensong attended by the Friends of Cathedral Music



Choral Eucharist attended by the Friends of Cathedral Music


Choral Evensong attended by the Friends of Cathedral Music



Festival Evensong followed by the 90th Anniversary Organ Recital: Professor Ian Tracey

10.30am 16th

Service to mark the beginning of the Legal Year. Preacher His Honour Judge Graham Wood


OUR SERVICES Sunday 8:30am



Choral Eucharist (in Main Space)


Zone 2 (all age informal worship in Concert Room)


Choral Evensong*



Weekdays 8.30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong*

Saturday 8:30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong

*Said on Wednesdays and during school holidays unless visiting choirs present St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ, 0151 709 6271


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