Cycle of Prayer March to August 2015

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Cycle of

Prayer March 2015 - August 2015

Printed: 13.02.2015 AAD: Assistant Area Dean AD: Area Dean AM: Associate Minister AP: Associate Priest AS: Assistant Staff (Curate) AV: Associate Vicar CA: Church Army CGF: Church Growth Facilitator CiC: Curate in Charge CW: Community Worker HCt: Honorary Curate HfD: House for Duty Priest HR: Human Resources LA: Lay Assistant LC: Lay Chair LLM: Licensed Lay Minister LML: Local Missional Leader M: Minister

MiC: Minister in Charge NSM/OLM: Non Stipendiary/ Ordained Local Minister PCt: Pioneer Curate PE: Parish Evangelist PiC: Priest in Charge PM: Pioneer Minister PW: Parish Worker Re: Reader SMT: Shared Ministry Team St.LW: Stipendiary Lay Worker St.Re: Stipendiary Reader SW: Schools Worker TR / R: Team Rector / Rector TV / V: Team Vicar / Vicar YW: Youth Worker

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Praying for our Diocese As we begin a new Cycle of Prayer for our diocese, let us ask ourselves two questions: What is the purpose of prayer and how can this Cycle of Prayer help us in it? Prayer is not about asking God for things which He would not otherwise have given. Jesus reassures us that our Father knows our needs before we even ask (Matthew 6. 7-8), so we should never see prayer as trying to wear down the reluctance of God to grant us what we need to serve Him. When we approach Him in prayer, we must do so believing that He wants the best for us, though that is not necessarily the same as ‘what we want’. When Abraham prayed for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18. 22-33), it may indeed seem as if he was getting God to change his mind. Abraham understood that God planned to destroy the whole city and he began to intercede for it, asking God to spare it for the sake of any righteous people living there. God agreed that if fifty righteous people were found there, he would spare the place. Abraham then (apparently) bargains God down to sparing the city for as few as ten righteous people. Was God’s mind being changed? Or is it that, by persisting in prayer, Abraham had discovered the mercy that was always at the heart of God? I want to suggest that prayer is not about changing God’s mind, but allowing Him to change us, by helping us to grow in appreciation of His love and in our understanding of His ways. In this Diocese, we all serve God in a variety of situations, each of which produces in us a different response to God’s call. As we pray for each other, let us be aware of those different approaches which, nevertheless, arise out of our loving response to God. And as we stay with each other in prayer, may we grow in understanding of each other’s perspectives and, like Abraham, be changed ourselves. Thank you, in anticipation of your prayers, Rev Gregor Cuff, Diocesan Liturgy and Worship Forum

March 2015 1st

The Second Sunday of Lent DEANERY OF LIVERPOOL SOUTH & CHILDWALL - AD: Roland Harvey, AAD: Gill Pinnington, LC: David Bishop, LLM: Heather Dykins, St.LW: Hazel Dykins


Aigburth St Anne V: Ian Greenwood, Re: Ruth Anders


Mossley Hill Team Ministry TR: Godfrey Butland, TV: Alan Kennedy, Re: Derek Atherton, Peter Franklin, Ian Merrison, Rachel Metcalf, Jim Page, Chris Stead -- Allerton All Hallows -- Mossley Hill SS Matthew & James -- Penny Lane St Barnabas LML: Bill Addy


Childwall All Saints V: Gary Renison, AS: Becca Rodgers, Re: Garry Critchley, Ed Franklin, Lynn Hudson, Joan McClelland, Christine Thomas, Graham Wood, Alan Woods, Childwall CE Primary School


Childwall St David SMT V: Robert Williams, OLM: Sheila Gillies, NSM: Sally Mason, Re: David Chambers, Wendy Cobourne


Garston St Michael V: Roland Harvey, Re: John Davies, Garston CE Primary School


Gateacre Team Ministry TR: Philip Janvier, -- Gateacre St Stephen AS: Shirley Cowan, NSM: Katy Canty, Re: Joy Jary, Kay Lyons -- Childwall Valley St Mark TV: Jane McKelvey -- Netherley Christ Church Re: Christine Brown, Alice Devine


The Third Sunday of Lent Grassendale St Mary V: Paul Ellis, NSM (Curate): Norma Arnold, Re: John Rowlandson


Halewood & Hunts Cross Team TV: Jane Durham, Re: Alison Shacklady -- Hunts Cross St Hilda AM: Keith Hitchman -- Halewood St Nicholas and St Mary, Methodist Partners: Andrew Fox, Halewood CE Primary School


Speke Team Ministry TR: Gill Pinnington (Acting), Re: Angela Jones, Geoff Pinnington -- Speke St Aidan LML: Geoff Pinnington -- Speke All Saints


Liverpool All Souls Springwood V: Paul Ellis, Re: John Rowlandson


Much Woolton St Peter R: Kip Crooks, PCt: Richard Gedge, AS: Sonya Doragh, Re: Dorothy Baker, Alistair Fletcher, John Moore, Ann Pope, Bishop Martin CE Primary School


DEANERY OF HUYTON - AD: John Taylor, LC: Pam Denton


4Saints Team (Huyton Deanery) TR: Andrew Stott, TV: Hugh Lea-Wilson, Jayne VanDenBerg-Owens, NSM: Peter Cowley, NSM (Curate): Glyn Thomson, -- Stockbridge Village St Jude -- Huyton St George Re: Lee Norton, Angela Rowlands -- West Derby St Luke Hope RC/CE Primary School -- Knowsley St Mary


Mothering Sunday Dovecot Holy Spirit V: Judith Dunkling


Huyton St Michael V: John Stanley, HCt: Elizabeth Collison, Re: Hazel Byron, Gwyn Eagleton, Chris Monaghan, Huyton with Roby CE Primary School


Huyton Quarry St Gabriel V: Malcolm Rogers, St Gabriel’s CE Primary School


Knotty Ash St John V: Roy Doran, Re: Marion Hawley, Irene Tuzio


Joseph of Nazareth Roby St Bartholomew V: Tim Gill, Re: Rosalind Deyes, Graham Fuller, Lynn Standish, Trinity Anglican/Methodist Page Moss AM: John Crawford





Kirkby Team Ministry TR: Jeremy Fagan, TV: Peter Smyth, Philippa Wetherell, Re: Eileen White -- Kirkby St Chad, Kirkby CE Primary School -- Kirkby Southdene St Martin -- Kirkby Northwood St Mark -- Kirkby Tower Hill St Andrew


Whiston St Nicholas V: Andrew Telfer, Re: Joyce Tyrer

22nd The Fifth Sunday of Lent Prescot St Mary V: John Taylor, St Mary & St Paul’s CE Primary School 23rd

Church & Society - Chair: Angela White, Deputy Chair: Cynthia Dowdle, Director: Ultan Russell, Pastoral Team Leader for the Deaf Community: Hannah Lewis, Disability Awareness & Vulnerable Adults Officer: Ruth Reed, Administrator for Disability Awareness & Vulnerable Adults: Debbie Doran, Child Protection: Su Foster, Together Liverpool Development Officer: John Davis, Church Community Champions Network: Julie Webster, Heritage Support Officer: Ian Simpson, Advisor on Domestic Abuse Issues: Helen Clarey; Older Persons’ Issues Advisor Mary Kessler; Social Research Advisor: Chris Wooff


Sector Ministry Advisor: Bob Lewis Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service - Chaplain: Bill Sanders Merseyside Police Force - Chaplain: Vacant Chaplain to L’Arche Community: Jean Winn Adelaide House Approved Premises: Chris Daniel-McKeigue


The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary Prison Chaplaincies - HMP Liverpool (Walton): Marion Hawley, HMP Altcourse: Katy Canty, HMP Risley: Nigel Hawley, Lynette Sweet, Re: Graham Nuttall, HMP Hindley: Nicholas Jones, Marion Hawley, HMP Kennet: Alan Pierce-Jones


MitE (Mission in the Economy) - Chair: Bob Lewis, MitE Co-ordinator & Chaplain to St Johns Market: Jean Flood, MitE Chaplains: Chris Daniel-McKeigue, Mavis McDonnell, Nicky Lees, Liz Shields, Caroline Batey, Bernie Thomas, Jennifer Beaumont Liverpool Seafarers Centre - Support for all seafarers visiting the River Mersey and Manchester Ship Canal, Chief Exec: John Wilson, Hon. Chaplains: Rev Gregor Cuff (MMTS), Staff: Sean Draper, Jackie O’Connell, Glenys Steel, Maureen Rooney


Team working with Deaf People - Team Leader: Hannah Lewis, Re: Keith Howard Chaplain Wigan: Ann Stein, Chaplain Warrington: Pat Callaghan, Ministry Team Members Liverpool: Maureen Green, Val Fletcher, Chaplain Emeritus: Pauline Makin


Hospital Chaplaincies - Alder Hey: David Williams, University Hospital Aintree: Tracie Dunsby Liverpool Women’s: Vacant, Royal Liverpool: Christopher Peter, Broadgreen: George Perera, Warrington: Alison Davies, John Duffield, Phil Turner, Whiston: Martin Jones, Paul Taylor, Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh: Anne Edwards, Cuthbert Jackson, Michelle Thompson, Jane Vost, Gillian Watson, Winwick Hollins Park: Pam Lovatt


Palm Sunday Healthcare/Hospice Chaplaincies - Merseycare/Ashworth: Sara Doyle, Catherine Moon, Julian Raffay, St Roccos Hospice: Amanda Bushnell, Willowbrook Hospice: Vacant, Wigan & Leigh Hospice: Vacant, Marie Curie Liverpool: Ruth Pryce


Board of Education - Director: Jon Richardson, Assistant Director: Stuart Harrison, Schools Buildings Officer: Victor Maesschalck, Senior Schools Adviser: David Thorpe, Schools Adviser: Joan Stein, Admin: Ali Driver, Linda Donaldson, Ann Goddard, Executive: Trevor Williams, Higher & Further Education: Jon Richardson


Chaplain to Liverpool University and Liverpool John Moore’s University: Bob Lewis, Ryan Cook Hope University: Becca Rogers, Tim Watson, Edge Hill University: Chris Jones School Chaplancies - St Hilda’s High School: Gill Pinnington, Archbishop Blanch School: Mike Griffin, Sir Thomas Boteler High School: John Harries, Deanery CE High School: Vicky Shacklady, Blue Coat School: Vacant, Hope Academy: Michelle Goodwin, Liverpool CE College: Jeremy Duff, Jill Duff, Lowton CE High School (Foundation): Phoebe Moriarty, St Francis of Assisi (Academy): Vacant, St Margaret’s CE Academy: Ian Greenwood, Enterprise South Liverpool Academy: Andrew Colmer, St Michael’s CE High School: Sam Folwell, Byrchall High School: Vacant, Lathom High School: Peter Bone

See pages 16-19 for monthly prayers


April 2015 1st

DEANERY OF NORTH MEOLS - AD: Phil Green, AAD: Stewart Reid, LC: John Fell, Re: Jean Todd


Maundy Thursday Ainsdale St John V: Graham Birch, Re: Sarah Hope, Ainsdale St John’s CE Primary School


Good Friday North Meols Team Ministry TR: Philip Green -- Banks St Stephen in the Banks Re: Anne Wallbank, Banks St Stephen’s CE Primary School -- Banks St Stephen Church at the Centre AS: Sonya Marshall -- Crossens St John Re: Karen Corbett, Chris Gregory, St John’s CE Primary School -- North Meols St Cuthbert Re: Brenda Jagger


Easter Eve Birkdale St James PiC: Ian Mainey, AS: Dave Collier, HCt: Keith Leiper, Re: Albert Ball, Dorothy Bridson, David Roberts, Joyce Roberts, Geoff Topping


Easter Day Birkdale St John PiC: Jeremy Leffler, Re: Christine Baker, John Cotterall


Birkdale St Peter PiC: Ian Mainey, AS: Dave Collier, OLM: Eddie Loxham, Re: Peter Gladney, Lynn McAllister


Kew St Francis of Assisi V: Alex Galbraith, Re: Margaret Webb


Southport All Saints AS: Sonya Marshall, Re: John Lloyd


Southport Christ Church V: Stewart Reid, PM (NSM): Rob Milton, Re: Alan Buckley


Southport Emmanuel PiC: Irene Cowell, AS: Neil Stothers, Re: Jean Lee


Southport Holy Trinity V: Rod Garner, NSM (Curate): Jane Morgan, HCt: Norman Carter, Re: Toni Ashcroft, Sue Palmer, Holy Trinity CE Primary School, Methodist Partners: Martin Abrams


The Second Sunday of Easter Southport St Luke PiC: Paul Hutchins Southport St Philip & St Paul with Wesley AP: Richard Gibbs, Re: Roger Abrams, Christine Moyes, St Philip’s CE Primary School


Southport SS Simon and Jude with All Souls PiC: David Whitehouse, Re: Helena Knapton, Keith Knapton, Bishop David Sheppard CE Primary School


DEANERY OF ORMSKIRK - AD: Nick Wells, AAD: Richard Jones, LC: David Burgess, YW: Ben Dyer


Aughton St Michael and Bickerstaffe Holy Trinity SMT -- Aughton St Michael R: Andrew Housley, Re: Bill Glennon, Aughton St Michael’s CE Primary School -- Bickerstaffe Holy Trinity V: Andrew Housley, Bickerstaffe CE Primary School


Aughton Christ Church V: Ross Moughtin, Re: Liz Chalk, Jonathan Lock, Peter Stewart, Aughton Christ Church CE Primary School


Burscough Bridge St John PiC: Richard Jones, AS: Ian Jones, Re: Alan Rimmer, St John’s CE Primary School & Lordsgate Township CE School


Dalton St Michael V: Tim Barton, Dalton St Michael’s CE Primary School


The Third Sunday of Easter Halsall, Lydiate and Downholland St Cuthbert and St Thomas -- Halsall St Cuthbert R: Paul Robinson, Halsall St Cuthbert’s CE Primary School -- Lydiate and Downholland St Thomas R: Paul Robinson, Re: Glenys Gardner, David Walker, Downholland Haskayne CE Primary School & St Thomas’ CE Primary School







Maghull and Melling Team Ministry TR: Nick Wells, TV: Michael Follin, Susan Jones, NSM (Curate): Geoff Ardern, Re: Lynn Follin, Edith Sinjakli, Eileen Pennington, Natalie West -- Maghull St Andrew Re: Claire Sherman, St Andrew’s Maghull CE Primary School -- Maghull Green Park St James Re: Pat Dunbar -- Maghull St Peter Re: Helen Evans -- Melling St Thomas


Newburgh Christ Church and Westhead St James SMT -- Newburgh Christ Church V: Graham Milford, OLM: Christine Draper, Re: Sarah Hayward, Newburgh CE Primary School -- Westhead St James V: Graham Milford, OLM: Christine Draper, Westhead Lathom St James’ CE Primary School

22nd Ormskirk St Peter and St Paul SMT V: Chris Jones, NSM: Stuart Haynes, OLM: Lin Camp, Re: Kirsty Childs, Linda Jones, Ormskirk CE Primary School Lathom Park Chapel St John V: Chris Jones, OLM: Lin Camp, Lathom Park CE Primary School 23rd

George, Martyr, Patron of England Rainford All Saints V: Janet Heighton, Re: Elizabeth Lake-Thomas, Rainford CE Primary School Scarisbrick St Mark NSM (Curate): Eileen Heaney, Re: Andy Pugh, St Mark’s CE Primary School


Skelmersdale St Paul SMT PiC: Chris Spittle, HCt: Chris Byworth, OLM (Curate): Cuthbert Jackson, AS: Tracey McLoughlin, Re: Barbara Curry, Norman Lyon, Lawrence Smye-Rumsby, Eleanor West, Trinity CE/ Methodist Primary School & Sunflower Nursery


Mark the Evangelist Skelmersdale Ecumenical Centre (Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed Church Partners), MiC: Rick Preston


The Fourth Sunday of Easter All Youth and Children’s Workers


Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) - Chairman: Steve Parish, Secretary: Chris Leggett


Up Holland Team Ministry SMT Schools Minister: Dawn Harrison, Re: Nick Daunt -- Up Holland St Thomas the Martyr PiC: Hilary Hanke, St Thomas the Martyr Primary School & Roby Mill CE Primary School -- Digmoor Christ the Servant TV: Dawn Harrison, Re: Cath Bell, Bishop Martin CE Primary School


Oaks MiC: Duncan Petty, CA: Lynne Bone, Peter Bone, AS: Anne Kazich, LML: Ann Petty


Diocesan & Suffragan Bishops Bishop of Liverpool: Paul Bayes, Bishop’s PA: Nichola James, Bishop’s Lodge: Tom Daly, Phil Leigh, Christine Lewis Bishop of Warrington: Richard Blackburn, Bishop’s Secretary: Nerys Cooke Archdeacon of Liverpool: Ricky Panter, Archdeacon of Warrington: Peter Bradley Secretary to the Archdeacons: Barbara Mackie Dean of Women’s Ministry: Cynthia Dowdle Assistant Bishops: Cyril Ashton, Glyn Webster


See pages 16-19 for monthly prayers


May 2015



Philip and James, Apostles DEANERY OF WIDNES - AD: Janice Collier, LC: Joyce Roberts, Ignite Deanery Youth Church Re: Clare Moss


Ditton St Michael with St Thomas SMT V: Linda Riley-Dawkin, OLM: Les Moss, Methodist Partners, Spinney Avenue CE Primary School


The Fifth Sunday of Easter Church Army - Evangelism and social care in partnership with the Churches and caring agencies.


Hough Green St Basil & All Saints V: Peter Dawkin, Re: Keith Austin, Sue Shellien, Roman Catholic Partners, All Saints Upton CE Primary School


Ministry Support - Diocesan Theologian: Rod Garner, Diocesan Director of Ordinands: David Parry, Officer for Spiritual Direction: Stephen Gough, Warden of Readers: Spen Webster, NSM Advisor: Nicola Milford, OLM Advisor: Sue Fulford, Diocesan Liturgy and Worship Group Chair: Jeremy Fagan, Bishop’s Advisor for Sector Ministry: Bob Lewis


South Widnes Team Ministry TR: Janice Collier, TV: Jeremy Duff, AS: Greg Sharples -- Hale St Mary SMT Re: Janice Farrell, Stephen Farrell, Hale CE Primary School, Halebank CE Primary School -- Widnes St Mary LML/Re: Chris Holleran -- Widnes St Paul Re: Linda Foster


East Widnes Team Ministry TR: Helen Blackburn, TV: Lyn McIver, AS: Laura Leatherbarrow -- Farnworth St Luke, Re: Sue Smither, Farnworth CE Primary School & Cronton CE Primary School -- Widnes St Ambrose Re: Spen Webster -- Widnes St John Re: Andy Bedford, Shirley Lucass, Margaret Spencer


Street Pastor Teams in Liverpool City Centre, East Liverpool, Haydock, Ormskirk, Southport and Widnes


DEANERY OF ST HELENS - AD: David Eastwood, AAD: Amanda Bruce, LC: Glenys Bridge, Re: Keith Howard


The Sixth Sunday of Easter Carr Mill St David V: Scott Davies, NSM (Curate): Chris Daniel-McKeigue, Re: Sally Kitto, Philip Parr, Sheila Pye


Eccleston Team Ministry TR: Harry Welch, TV: Bill Forster, Peter Gilroy, Terry McFadden -- Eccleston Christ Church Re: Susan Kirkham, Pauline Parr -- Eccleston Park St James St.LW: Paul Johnson -- Eccleston St Luke Re: David Foxford, Paul Griffiths, Tim Irwin, Ian Patey, Alan Taggart, David Thorpe, Diane Wright, Queens Park CE / URC Primary School -- Ravenhead St John Re: Peter Roper -- Thatto Heath St Matthew


Civic Links - Halton: Jeremy Duff, Knowsley: Malcolm Rogers, Liverpool: Crispin Pailing, St Helens: David Eastwood, Sefton: Roger Driver, West Lancashire: Chris Jones, Wigan: Ray Hutchinson, Warrington: Paul Wilson


Our Growth Agenda All Fresh Expressions in the Diocese


Ascension Day Haydock St Mark V: Nick Haigh, AP: Ian Hopkins, AS: Matthew Roberts, Re: Avril Chisnall, Barry Curran, Richard Denno, Ruth Simpson


Matthias the Apostle Parr Team Ministry TR: Neil McCathie, TV: Clive Doran, CA: Sandra Doore, Re: Craig Jevins -- Parr St Peter Re: Chris Pye -- Parr St Paul Blackbrook SMT Re: Ian Bowling, Mel Finney, Ken Friar, Gina Rouse, Anne Simister, June White -- Parr St Philip Derbyshire Hill OLM: Alan Kirkham, Re: David Jones, Jenny Stone -- Parr Mount Holy Trinity


St Helen’s Team Ministry TR: David Eastwood -- Eccleston St Thomas Re: Elizabeth Collins, St Mary’s and St Thomas’ CE Primary School -- St Helen’s St Helen SMT AS: Harry Wood, Re: Reg Ashburner, Nigel Lea-Wilson, St Helen’s Parish CE School -- St Helen’s St Andrew Re: Andrew Dean, Jill Goulding, Tim Matthews -- St Helen’s St Mark Re: Brian Jarvis, David Leigh


Sunday after Ascension Day Sutton Team Ministry SMT TR: Amanda Bruce, TV: Mark Taylor, AS: Dan Langdon-Griffiths, Re: Stephen Bridge, Ann Griffiths, Sutton Oak CE Primary School -- Sutton St Nicholas -- Sutton All Saints -- Sutton St Michael and All Angels


Rainhill St Ann V: Alan Conant, AM: Chris Perrins, Rainhill St Ann’s CE Primary School


DEANERY OF WINWICK - AD: Joan Matthews, LC: Paul Hancock, Schools Minister: Chris Stafford


Burtonwood St Michael PiC: June Steventon, Re: Veronica Hancock


Newchurch with Croft -- Croft with Southworth Christ Church OLM: Barbara Alldred -- Newchurch OLM: Barbara Alldred


22nd Newton Team Ministry TR: Joan Matthews, TV: Val Hughes -- Earlestown St John, The District CE Primary School -- Newton in Makerfield Emmanuel Re: Louise Forshaw, Wargrave CE Primary School -- Newton in Makerfield St Peter Re: Ann Houghton, Dorothy Matthews, St Peter’s CE Primary School -- Newton le Willows All Saints TV: Chris Stafford 23rd

Glazebury with Hollinfare HfD: Pam Swift -- Glazebury All Saints, Glazebury CE Primary School -- Hollinfare St Helen, St Helen’s Primary School


Day of Pentecost Lowton and Golborne Team Ministry TV: John Reed, Re: Anne Jones, John Parkinson, Kathleen Ward, Christine Williams, Rita Williams -- Golborne St Thomas, Golborne St Thomas CE School -- Lowton St Luke, St Luke’s CE Primary School -- Lowton St Mary, Lowton St Mary’s CE Primary School


Haydock St James V: Rodney Middleton, NSM (Curate): Ian Wynne, Re: David Martlew, St James CE Primary School


Winwick St Oswald PiC: June Steventon, NSM (Curate): Harry Greenhalgh, Re: Veronica Hancock, Winwick CE Primary School


Churches Together in the Merseyside Region Presidents: Anglican - Rt Revd Paul Bayes, Baptist - Rev Phil Jump, Catholic - Most Revd Malcolm McMahon, Methodist - Rev Doc Sheryl Anderson, Salvation Army Major Drew McCombe, URC - Rev Jacky Embrey


Mothers’ Union: World wide support for family and community life - Diocesan President: Mrs June Houghton, Secretary: Pauline Lewis


Church Growth - Director: Linda Jones, Diocesan Missioner: Janice Hill, Mission & Pastoral Officer: Sandra Holmes, DAC Secretary: Chris Leggett, Administrative Officer: Warren Hartley, Children’s & Families Missioner: Sue Mitchell, Youth and Families Missioner: Emma O’Hagan, River in the City Missioner: Keith Hitchman


Diocesan Mission & Pastoral Committee - Bishop’s Planning Officer: David Burrows, Assistant Bishop’s Planning Offier: Robert Williams, Mission & Pastoral Officer: Sandra Holmes, Administrative Officer: Chris Leggett Liverpool Archidiaconal Mission and Pastoral Committee - Chair: Ricky Panter, Warrington Archidiaconal Mission and Pastoral Committee - Chair: Peter Bradley


Trinity Sunday All church social and community action projects

See pages 16-19 for monthly prayers


June 2015 1st

The Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth DEANERY OF WARRINGTON - AD: Stephen Boyd, LC: Dot Miller, Re: Graham Nuttall


Orford St Andrew V: Michael Raynor, Re: Donald Miller, St Andrew’s CE Primary School


Orford St Margaret V: Stephen Boyd, Re: Gary Hughes, St Margaret’s Primary School


Corpus Christi Warrington East Team Ministry TR: Denise Williams, TV: Laura Montgomery, Neil Shaw, NSM: Amanda Fairclough -- Padgate Christ Church Re: Alan Clayton, Christ Church CE Primary School -- Birchwood and Woolston, Birchwood CE Primary School, Woolston Primary School -- Cinnamon Brow Church of the Resurrection & St Bridget Re: Diana Bennett, Fran Humphry, Roman Catholic Partners, Cinnamon Brow CE Primary School


Warrington St Barnabas V: Karen Timmis, St Barnabas’ CE Primary School


Warrington St Elphin R: Paul Wilson, NSM: Christopher Waddleton, Re: Geoff Dunn, Ray Whitticombe, St Elphin’s (Fairfield) Primary School


The First Sunday After Trinity Holy Trinity and St Ann Warrington -- Warrington Holy Trinity SMT V: Stephen Parish, OLM: Caroline Batey, Pam Lovatt, Re: Ian Lazarus -- Warrington St Ann V: Stephen Parish, OLM: Caroline Batey, Pam Lovatt, St Ann’s CE Primary School


Warrington West Team Ministry TR: Sarah Baker, TV: Paul Hockley, Martin Thorpe, AS: David Nyirongo, NSM (Curate): Phil Turner -- Westbrook St Philip SMT Re: Ian Stranack, St Philip Westbrook CE Primary School -- Westbrook St James Re: Ian Richards, Sankey Valley St James CE Primary School -- Chapelford Community LML: Chris Mullen, Tony Mullen -- Great Sankey St Mary Re: Roy Allen -- Penketh St Paul Re: Hilary Hockley, Marise Seville


DEANERY OF WIGAN - AD: Margaret Sherwin, AAD: Alan Beahan, LC: Brenda Seddon, Wigan Town Centre Church Plant PM: Frank Hinds, NSM (Curate): Ray Whitby




Transforming Wigan Project - Director of Mission: Tim Montgomery


Barnabas the Apostle Ashton in Makerfield Holy Trinity Re: David Allsopp, Rosalyn Unsworth, Rectory CE Primary School


Ashton in Makerfield St Thomas SMT PiC: Jeremy Thomas, AS: Helen Coffey, OLM (Curate): Izzy Schafer, Re: Malcolm Bold, Scott Campbell, Kevin Dolan, Tim Griffiths, Tricia Hancox, Alan Harrison, Carole Pye, St Thomas’ CE Primary School


Billinge St Aidan V: Alan Overend, Re: Chris Parr, Helen Steele, St Aidan’s CE Primary School Bryn St Peter Re: Marjorie Gee, Alec Parkinson, Mike Walker, Bryn St Peter’s CE Primary School


The Second Sunday After Trinity Goose Green St Paul PiC: Neil Cook, Re: Chris Barton, Anita Fath, Arthur Hubbard, David Ryder, Doreen Taylor, St Paul’s CE Primary School


Highfield St Matthew V: Bob Pearson, Re: Colin Hesketh, Julia Pratt, Highfield St Matthew’s CE Primary School Kitt Green St. Francis of Assisi SMT PiC: Denise Hayes


Marsh Green St Barnabas PiC: Denise Hayes, Re: Susan Boyd Orrell St Luke SMT V: Peter Whittington Pemberton St John PiC: Philip Anderson, St John’s CE Primary School




Newtown St Mark PiC: William Gibbons, OLM: Susan Fulford, Eileen Taulty, OLM (Curate): Margaret Jennings, LML: Joe Edgar, Re: David Owens, St Mark’s CE Primary School


Wigan St Andrew SMT, St Andrew’s CE Primary School Wigan St Anne Beech Hill AS: Julie Haworth


Wigan St James with St Thomas PiC: Neil Cook, LML: Tim Griffths, Re: Pam Bancroft, St James CE Primary School


Wigan St Michael and All Angels Re: Philip Heyes Abram St John the Evangelist PiC: Ann Stein, Abram CE Primary School


The Third Sunday After Trinity Haigh and Aspull St David with St Elizabeth -- Aspull St Elizabeth V: Simon Pritchard, OLM: Mike Perrin -- Haigh and Aspull St David V: Simon Pritchard, Re: Peter Walker, St David Haigh and Aspull CE Primary School, Aspull Anglican / Methodist Primary School

22nd Bickershaw St James and St Elizabeth PiC: Ann Stein, Bickershaw CE Primary School 23rd

Hindley All Saints PiC: Alan Beahan, Re: Clare Ellis, Rachel Martin, Simon Martin, Hindley All Saints CE Primary School, Castle Hill St Philip’s CE Primary School Hindley St Peter PiC: Margaret Sherwin, St Peter’s CE Primary School


The Birth of John the Baptist Hindley Green St John SMT V: Margaret Sherwin, AS: Tina Nicholson, Re: Fred Brown, Steve Fisher, Hindley Green St John’s CE School


Ince in Makerfield Christ Church with Wigan St Catharine SMT -- Ince in Makerfield Christ Church V: Sam Nicholson, Re: Stephen Davies, Stewart Sharples, Ince CE Primary School -- Wigan St Catharine V: Sam Nicholson, Re: Jean Kinsey, Vera Perry, St Catharine’s CE Primary School


Ince in Makerfield St Mary, Ince St Mary’s CE Primary School


New Springs St John and Whelley St Stephen -- New Springs St John The Baptist PiC: Bill Matthews, Re: Joan Lawless -- Whelley St Stephen PiC: Bill Matthews, Re: Dean Kearsley, Canon Sharples CE Primary School


The Fourth Sunday After Trinity Platt Bridge St Nathaniel PiC: Lynn McGregor, Re: Steve Clarke


Peter and Paul, Apostles Wigan All Saints and Wigan St George -- Wigan All Saints V: Ray Hutchinson, HCt: Bernard Harrison, NSM (Curate): Pauline Rowe -- Wigan St George V: Ray Hutchinson, NSM (Curate): Pauline Rowe


Lifelong Learning - Chair: Peter Bradley, Director of Lifelong Learning & Stewardship: Steve Pierce, Team: Bob Banton, Simon Chesters, Debbie Ellison, Cathie Higgins, Suzanne Matthews, Wendy Pooley, Margaret Short Stewardship - Resources Officer: Gordon Fath, Finance Resources Officer: Cath Gaskell, Buildings Adviser: Tom Beesley, Gift Aid/Information Systems: Kim Stanley

See pages 16-19 for monthly prayers


July 2015 1st

DEANERY OF SEFTON - AD: Pete Spiers, LC: Andrew Cox, Sefton Deanery Family Worker: Caroline Collins


Holy Trinity Formby and St Michael and all Angels, Altcar -- Formby Holy Trinity V: Mark Stanford, AS: Sue Thomas, NSM: David Taylor, Re: Emily Ball, Colin Eastwood, John Paton, Garth Raybould, Sylvia Roberts-Beardsell, Brian Thorne, Ruth Woodward, Trinity St Peter’s CE Primary School -- Altcar St Michael & All Angels V: Mark Stanford, AS: Sue Thomas, NSM: David Taylor, Re: Janet Lee


Thomas the Apostle Blundellsands St Michael Re: Helen Hunter Blundellsands St Nicholas PiC: Janet Roberts, Re: Jennifer Levick, St Nicholas CE Primary School


Formby St Luke V: Harvie Nicol, Re: Anne Dixon, Clifford Hobson, Christopher Mulford, Colin Trollope, Jean Watts, St Luke’s CE Primary School


The Fifth Sunday after Trinity Formby St Peter V: Anne Taylor Great Crosby St Luke SMT V: Pete Spiers, AS: Dave Lowrie, OLM: Barbara Chambers, Re: Gillian Beardwood, Keith Cawdron, Stephen Cornforth, Alan Lewney, Alison Wotherspoon, St Luke’s CE Halsall Primary School


Thornton and Crosby All Saints with St Frideswyde V: Kath Rogers, Re: Andrew Thompson-Smith Hightown St Stephen MiC: Sue Smith, Re: John Gibson, Colin Goodyear


Sefton St Helen MiC: Nicola Milford


DEANERY OF BOOTLE - AD: Roger Driver, LC: Jenny Brady


Bootle Christ Church V: Tom Rich, Re: Eddie Cartwright, Christ Church CE Primary School

10th Bootle Team Ministry TR: Roger Driver, TV: Irene Whitaker, Re: John Boyes, George Carter, Gwen Carter, Janet Goodwin -- Bootle St Leonard Re: Joyce Lindsay -- Litherland St Andrew with Seaforth St Thomas -- Bootle St Matthew with St Mary, Rimrose Hope CE Primary School 11th Great Crosby St Faith and Waterloo St Mary Re: Ray Bissex, Jackie Parry, Paula O’Shaughnessy -- Great Crosby St Faith PiC: Sue Lucas, HCt: Peter Goodrich, Dennis Smith -- Waterloo St Mary PiC: Simon Tibbs, HCt: Peter Goodrich, Dennis Smith 12th The Sixth Sunday After Trinity Orrell Hey SS John & James SMT PiC: Claire Dawson, OLM: Alan Finch, Re: Philip Green, Susan Green Litherland St Philip LML: Alan Finch, PiC: Claire Dawson, Re: Norma Manton, Judith Ronan, St Philip’s CE Primary School 13th Litherland St Paul V: John Whitley, Re: Bill Mainey 14th Netherton Team Ministry -- Netherton St Oswald TR: Debbie Statter, TV: Simon Elliott, Re: Polly Glenn, Ray Glenn, Sandy Pownall, St Oswald’s CE Primary School 15th Waterloo Christ Church and St John SMT -- Waterloo St John V: Gregor Cuff, Re: Glenys Adams, Jean Wyatt, St John’s CE Primary School -- Waterloo Christ Church V: Gregor Cuff, HCt: Colin Oxenforth, Re: Pam McLoughlin 16th DEANERY OF WALTON - AD: Ellen Loudon, LC: Barbara Moore 17th Aintree St Giles with St Peter V: John Williams 18th Anfield St Columba V: Ray Bridson, AS: Daniel Howard, HCt: Norma Nelson, Re: Adrian Manson


19th The Seventh Sunday After Trinity Fazakerley Team Ministry TR: Andy Brown -- Fazakerley Emmanuel TV: Mike Hindley, Re: Ann Bodell -- Fazakerley St Paul 20th Churches Together in the Merseyside Region - Chair: Bishop Tom Williams, Ecumenical Development Officer: Rev Ian Smith, Admin for CTMR: Elisabeth Hachmoller 21st

Communications and HR - Director of Communications: Stuart Haynes, Comms Officer: Sarah Doyle, Graphic Designer: Michelle Evans, Comms Support Officer: Lew Eccleshall, Human Resources Advisor: Sharon Townson

22nd Mary Magdalene Partners in Mission - Link with Akure Diocese Nigeria & Virginia Diocese USA and Koln (Interchurch link) Bishop of Akure: Simeon Oluwole Borokini Bishops in Virginia: Shannon Johnston (Diocesan), Susan Goff (Suffragan); Ted Gulick (Assistant) Anglican Partnership & Links Monitoring Group: Chair & Virginia Link: Malcolm Rogers; Akure Adviser: Roy Doran; Koln Link: Val Jackson 23rd Liverpool Cathedral - Dean: Pete Wilcox, Vice Dean & Canon Precentor: Myles Davies, Canon Chancellor: Cynthia Dowdle, Director of Joshua Centre for Pioneer Ministry: Richard White, Canon for Discipleship: Paul Rattigan, Cathedral Curate: Tim Watson, Lay Members of Chapter: William Fulton, Nirmala Pillay, Linda Jones, Margaret Swinson, Carol Wain, Andrew Holroyd, Mission Pastor: Mike Prescott, Organist Titulaire: Ian Tracey, Director of Music: David Poulter, Associate Organist: Daniel Bishop, Director of Operations: Mike Eastwood, Chapter Clerk: Roger Arden, Re: Andy Wain, Alan Anderson, Gratten Williams, for all the staff and volunteers at the Cathedral, for all those who worship at and visit the Cathedral 24th Together Liverpool - Development Officer: John Davis, Church Community Champions Network: Julie Webster, Chair: Hilary Russell 25th James the Apostle Clergy Retirement Officer: David Towler, Clergy Widows/Widowers Officer: Brenda Towler 26th The Eighth Sunday After Trinity All Retired Clergy, their Spouses and all Clergy Widows and Widowers Readers Emeriti 27th Walton Team Ministry TR: Trevor Latham, TV: Stephen Gough -- Walton On The Hill St Mary, Arnot St Mary CE Primary School -- Walton On The Hill St Aidan -- Walton On The Hill St Nathanael 28th St James’ House - Chancellor of the Diocese: Mark Hedley, Deputy Chancellor of the Diocese: Graham Wood Diocesan Registrar: Howard Dellar, Diocesan Secretary: Mike Eastwood, Ass to the Diocesan Secretary: Brenda Edwards, Central Services: Rita Delves, Judith Del Ry, Elaine Leggett Derek Muir 29th Walton St John PiC: Ellen Loudon, AS: Fran Myatt 30th Walton St Luke PiC: Ellen Loudon, Re: Colin Greene 31st

Finance - Director of Finance: Matt Elliott, Accounts Assistant: Hazel Cookson, Clergy Support: Pauline Rowe Clergy Housing - Diocesan Properties Manager: Alan Gayner, Clergy Housing Support Officer: Claire Evans

See pages 16-19 for monthly prayers


August 2015 1st

DEANERY OF WEST DERBY - AD: Steve McGanity, AAD: Helen Edwards, LC: Arthur Cooper


The Ninth Sunday After Trinity Clubmoor St Andrew SMT, V: Steve McGanity, AS: David Owens, OLM: Susan Jamieson, Re: Amanda Bushnell, Blair Bushnell,


Croxteth St Paul the Apostle V: Ian Brooks


Liverpool Norris Green St Christopher V: Phil Burman, NSM: Barbara Smith


Liverpool Norris Green Christ Church V: Helen Edwards


The Transfiguration of Our Lord Stanley St Anne with Stoneycroft St Paul Re: Russ Greenacre, Victoria Allen -- Liverpool Stanley St Anne V: Emma Williams, St Anne Stanley CE Primary School -- Liverpool Stoneycroft St Paul V: Emma Williams


Liverpool Stoneycroft All Saints St Re: Arthur Cooper, NSM: Sally Mason, NSM (Curate): Sheela Jeyaraj, (V: Robert Williams), Re: Arthur Johnson


Tuebrook St John V: Simon Fisher


The Tenth Sunday After Trinity St Mary and St James West Derby Re: Catriona Richardson -- West Derby St Mary HCt: Jenny Bowen, Re: Tracie Dunsby, Liz Shields, Kathryn Yates, Jane Ward St Mary’s CE Primary West Derby School -- West Derby St James Re: Richard Harley


Croxteth Park St Cuthbert SMT V: Alistair Prince, Emmaus CE / RC Primary School


West Derby The Good Shepherd SMT V: Andrew Edwards, OLM: Sandra Trapnell, Re: John Tracey


DEANERY OF LIVERPOOL NORTH - AD: Kate Wharton, LC: Joyce Ashcroft


Anfield St Margaret V: Peter Winn, St Margaret’s Anfield CE Primary School


Everton St George PiC: Kate Wharton, AS: Ashley Benson, Re: Bob Harrington, Terence Till, The Beacon CE Primary School


The Blessed Virgin Mary Everton St Peter with St John Chrysostom -- Everton St John Chrysostom R: Henry Corbett, AS: Anne Lawler, Re: Beryl Ford, Margaret Hughes, Dave Lawton, Sue Taylor -- Everton St Peter SMT R: Henry Corbett, AS: Anne Lawler, Re: Mark Hedley, Faith RC/CE Primary School


The Eleventh Sunday After Trinity Kirkdale St Athanasius with St Mary PiC: Henry Corbett, AS: Penny Leeman


Kirkdale St Lawrence & St Paul SMT V: Mike Griffin, OLM: John Garner, Re: Ceri Flynn, Gillian Hughes, Parish Evangelist: Marjorie Griffin, Kirkdale St Lawrence CE Primary School


Liverpool Our Lady & St Nicholas R: Crispin Pailing, AS: David Baverstock, NSM: Michelle Montrose, Re: Joyce Ashcroft, Margaret Sadler


Walton Breck Christ Church and Holy Trinity Re: Eileen Harris -- Walton Breck Christ Church PiC: Kelvin Bolton -- Walton Breck Holy Trinity PiC: Kelvin Bolton, Re: Jacqueline Donlan, Eileen Harris


Liverpool All Saints V: Michael Coates, Phil Saltmarsh, AS: Laura Pasterfield, NSM: Ian Cassidy, Anne Murray, Re: Diana Jones, Liz Mooney, Pauline Tregilgas, Peter Tregilgas, Chris Turner






DEANERY OF TOXTETH & WAVERTREE - AD: Guy Elsmore, LC: David Roughley


St Luke in the City Team Ministry TR: Guy Elsmore, TV: Mark Waters, AM: Ruth Stock, NSM (Curate): Sara Doyle, Re: Helen Randall -- Edge Hill St Dunstan Re: Chris Bartley -- Liverpool St Bride with St Saviour -- Liverpool St Michael in the City


The Twelfth Sunday After Trinity Toxteth Park Christ Church and St Michael in the Hamlet with St Andrew -- Toxteth Park Christ Church V: David Parry, Re: Annette James, Christopher Topping -- Toxteth Park St Michael in the Hamlet with St Andrew V: David Parry, Re: John Pritchard, Alan Studley


Bartholomew the Apostle Toxteth Park St Agnes & St Pancras V: Christopher Cook


Toxteth St Margaret PiC: Bob Lewis


Toxteth Team Ministry TR: Brian Elfick, OLM (Curate): Paula Bridson -- Toxteth St Cleopas TV: David Gavin, AS: Dave Griffith-Jones, Re: Dorothy Williams, St Cleopas’ CE Primary School -- Toxteth St Gabriel TV: David Gavin, -- Toxteth St Philemon Re: Colin Buckman, David Smethem, St Silas’ CE Primary School


Wavertree Holy Trinity R: Janet Eastwood, NSM: John Phillips, HCt: Leslie Bruce, Re: Jeanette Griffiths, Jan Wynne, Wavertree CE Primary School


Wavertree St Bridget and St Thomas V: Bill Sanders


Wavertree St Mary R: June Asquith


The Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity St James in the City V: Neil Short, AS: Jude Padfield, Re: Alwyn Kernaghan, Andy Kidd


Toxteth St Bede with St Clement V: Elaine Jones, Re: David Roughley, Paul Strickland


See pages 16-19 for monthly prayers


Monthly Prayers March 2015 Liverpool South & Childwall Deanery We pray for the all the people of Liverpool South to know the love of God. Bless each church in its shared leadership, and in each Christian finding their calling, both when the church is gathered and scattered. We pray especially for each of the three mission areas to grow in working together in partnerships and teams, as the Spirit leads. May we be a people passionate for God’s glory, seeking the renewal of the church and overflowing with compassion for those in our community and networks. Amen.

Huyton Deanery God of new beginnings we pray that you will transform your church as you renew us by your love. Give us vision for the journey that we may travel light and live increasingly by faith. Inspire, enliven and empower us, so that along the Way we may be sustained by the life of Christ in ourselves, in one another and in the world. Amen.

Sector Ministry We pray for all our chaplains working in sector ministry in its varied forms. We pray for those in authority with whom they work taking difficult decisions in an age of recession, austerity and opportunity. We pray for those with whom they work who see the chaplain as a source of pastoral support, spiritual guidance and advice. We pray for those who they support in prison, in university, in college, in hospital, in hospice, on board ship, in shopping centre and industry and so many other contexts. May your Holy Spirit enrich the relationships they forge and strengthen those with whom they meet. Amen.

April 2015


North Meols Deanery

Ormskirk Deanery

Lord, we thank you for the parishes and churches in this deanery. We pray that guided by your spirit we may be united to grow in Christ and to serve our communities with love and grace. Keep us fixed on you and your purposes, today and forever. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for all those who serve and worship in the deanery of Ormskirk. We ask that they continue to be guided by your Spirit as they work to bring your love to their local communities. Strengthen them all in their work and embolden them as servants of Christ to your further Glory. Amen.

May 2015 Widnes Deanery

St Helens Deanery

God of mission, who alone brings growth to your church, send your Holy Spirit to bring vision to our planning, wisdom to our actions, faith to our lives, hope to our communities, and love to our hearts, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for sending your son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save us. Guide, encourage and equip the people of all your churches in the St Helen’s Deanery as we obey your command to go and make disciples, and to show your love in word and deeds in our communities. May your Spirit give us wisdom and courage as we seek to reshape our deanery for mission as a Lake and River deanery. Amen.

Winwick Deanery Lord, we thank you for the parishes and churches in this deanery. We pray that guided by your spirit we may be united to grow in Christ and to serve our communities with love and grace. Keep us fixed on you and your purposes, today and forever. Amen.


Monthly Prayers June 2015 Warrington Deanery

Wigan Deanery

Almighty God, we your servants in this Deanery of Warrington offer ourselves to you in love and service. We thank you for your church throughout the world and we especially pray for our deanery and our diocese. Help us to deepen our faith, and to serve you in all that we do and say so that your kingdom may grow; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Almighty God, pour your Spirit of Inspiration on the partnerships, churches, schools and ministries of the Deanery of Wigan, as we seek to minister to those you entrust to us. Guide our thinking to discern your will, that we may be instruments of transformation in the building of your kingdom. Amen.

July 2015 Sefton Deanery

Bootle Deanery

Almighty Father, Give us grace and strength this day to build up your church in love for the world, in the making of disciples and to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Plant your hope deep within us. Open our eyes to a fresh vision of your kingdom. Give us wisdom for the common task. Draw us and all your Church deeper into Christ, our foundation and cornerstone, that we may work together as one body, in the power of the Spirit and for the sake of your glory. Amen.

Lord, as you have entered into our life and death and in all the world you call us into your death and risen life, forgive us our sins; and draw us we pray, by the power and encouragement of your spirit, into an exchange of gifts and needs, joys and sorrows, strength and weakness with your people everywhere; that with them we may have grace to break through every barrier, to make disciples of all peoples and to share your love with everyone for your glory’s sake. Amen.

Walton Deanery Lord of all time, our Alpha and Omega, guide us by the gift of your Spirit to be mindful of our past heritage and of the saints who have laid the foundations on which we continue to build. Give us the courage to mould our lives to the pattern of Jesus that we might address the needs of this current time with his eternal truth, and have a vision for the future which will hasten the coming of his kingdom. Amen. 18

August 2015 West Derby Deanery

Liverpool North Deanery

Heavenly Father, we thank you for all who worship in our churches in West Derby Deanery. We thank you for their commitment, witness and love. We pray your Spirit will equip and empower us to continue to be your servants in our communities. Let us be people who love our neighbours, make disciples, speak against injustice and grow our churches. May your Spirit give us wisdom as we work together to glorify your name. Amen.

Loving God, we thank you for all who live, work and worship in Liverpool North Deanery and ask that together we would share resources and skills, battle against injustice and support strong community engagement. Help us to work together with other Christian Churches in living out and telling out the wonderful good news of Christ. We ask these things in the name of the One who lived, died and rose again for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Toxteth & Wavertree Deanery Lord, we thank you for the parishes and churches in this deanery. We pray that guided by your spirit we may be united to grow in Christ and to serve our communities with love and grace. Keep us fixed on you and your purposes, today and forever. Amen.


Diocesan Prayer Loving God, you made us your children in baptism: pour out your Spirit upon us, your people, in this Diocese of Liverpool. Build up in us your gifts of faith, hope, and love, that we may grow in faith and in numbers, proclaim the hope that is in us, and love you in serving our neighbours; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Events 2015 March



Bishop’s Lent Lectures Diocesan Synod International Women’s Day Chrism Eucharist LifeCall

Spring Courses Passion Plays Hillsborough Anniversary

Bishop’s Growth Conference




Ordinations to Priest Deacon Ordinations Reader Summer Study Cathedral Urban Lecture


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