Issue 121 – July 2016
FUN IN THE SUN By Stephen Guy, West Derby Society
THEY were once regular sights in the summer months â&#x20AC;&#x201C; parades RI GHFRUDWHG Ă RDWV HVFRUWHG E\ EDQGV DQG WURRSV RI FKLOGUHQ DQG adults. 7KH JURZWK RI WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F and parked vehicles have seen the virtual end of such FRORXUIXO HYHQWV ZKLFK EURXJKW communities together and ERRVWHG ORFDO EXVLQHVVHV 7KH :HVW 'HUE\ 6RFLHW\ KDV UHFHQWO\ DFTXLUHG KXQGUHGV RI colour images taken at Rose 4XHHQ HYHQWV EHWZHHQ DQG <RXQJ SHRSOH FURZG RQ WR RSHQ ORUULHV SURYLGHG E\ local companies, touring the area EHIRUH HQGLQJ XS DW WKH 0DUJDUHW
%HYDQ 6FKRRO IRU GLVSOD\V DQG FRPSHWLWLRQV 0LQL VNLUWHG IDQV of Fairport Convention and other acts cluster around posters while WZR ODGV SOD\ WDEOH WHQQLV $QRWKHU ODEHOOHG 6XQQ\ 0H[LFR IHDWXUHV FKLOGUHQ ZHDULQJ SRQFKRV DQG VRPEUHURV ² WKLV ZDV ZKHQ WKH FRXQWU\ KRVWHG the World Cup. Following close EHKLQG LV D GLVSOD\ IHDWXULQJ D PLQLDWXUH (QJODQG VTXDG Alice in Wonderland is the theme for the Village Hall &RQĂ&#x20AC;UPDWLRQ 6FKRRO 1H[W D JURXS RI 'LGG\PHQ FURZG RQ WR D \HOORZ WUXFN SURYLGHG E\ D /LYHUSRRO construction engineers â&#x20AC;&#x201C; escorted E\ D EOXH DQG ZKLWH SROLFH SDQGD car (pictured). Further along a helmeted policeman follows on
D SXVK ELNH 7KH\ SDVV 0DUWLQV %DQN ² D QDWLRQDO EDQN EDVHG LQ /LYHUSRRO ² ZKLFK DERXW WKLV WLPH ZDV WDNHQ RYHU E\ %DUFOD\V The Rose Queen smiles SURXGO\ IURP KHU GDLV LQ WKH VXQQ\ JURXQGV DW 0DUJDUHW %HYDQ 0DMRUHWWHV VWUXW HQHUJHWLFDOO\ SRPSRPV VZLUOLQJ DSSODXGHG E\ HQWKXVLDVWLF crowds. Imaginative entries â&#x20AC;&#x201C; some hilarious â&#x20AC;&#x201C; line up IRU WKH FKLOGUHQ¡V IDQF\ GUHVV competitions. Parents and \RXQJ RQHV PXVW KDYH WDNHQ hours to produce some of these complicated creations. A little girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s head peeps RXW RI D ZKLWH ER[ FRQWDLQLQJ VRDS EUXVK DQG Ă DQQHO ZLWK WKH caption Clean from Top. A girl appears as a red Dalek,
Q For more information about the West Derby Society contact:
complete with matching red VKRHV $QRWKHU LV D *UHHQ 6KLHOG 6WDPS ZLWK KDW FRYHUHG LQ VWLFNHUV 1H[W LV D 7DWH /\OH VXJDU FXEH &KLOGUHQ JDWKHU DURXQG D EUDQ WXE ORRNLQJ IRU KLGGHQ JLIWV Other fascinating aspects of the pictures are the local surroundings including long vanished shops. $ KDUGZDUH VWRUH LQ 0LOO /DQH KDV VKLQ\ PHWDO GXVWELQV RXWVLGH while opposite a newsagentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; LV HPEOD]RQHG ZLWK FLJDUHWWH DGYHUWV 6XFK HYHQWV DUH XQOLNHO\ to happen again. Roads would KDYH WR EH FORVHG VR WKH Ă RDWV could get through. 7KHUH DUH QRZ YHU\ IHZ RSHQ EDFNHG ORUULHV VR WUDLOHUV PLJKW KDYH WR EH XVHG
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To advertise see page FOUR
Charity sets up new group to raise funds and awareness NUGENT Care charity, which was founded 135 years ago and helps on average 6,000 people of all ages each year, has formed a Friends of Nugent Care Volunteer Fundraising Group, which meets in South Liverpool once a month, and members are working together to help raise funds and awareness of Nugent Careâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s diverse services. The group are looking for local people to get involved and also join. Members of the group said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This city, indeed this country is so very wealthy and yet so poor. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have so many
marginalised people who, through no fault of their own, cannot see beyond poverty. ´:H Ă&#x20AC;QG WKH PRUH ZH give, the more we receive. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something about giving that frees us. It releases a part of us that has been tucked away, yearning to be exposed and shared with others in ways that add meaning and value to other peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lives. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And in so doing, we also add meaning and value to our own. If giving does not come easily for youâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;whether because of your circumstances or lack of desireâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;make today your turning point.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s never too late to make a difference in the life of someone else. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fundraising for such a worthy cause and helping so many people with various needs, brings so much satisfaction because we are putting something back into our local community.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are proud to DQQRXQFH WKDW RXU Ă&#x20AC;UVW fundraising event will be a Summer Fair that is taking place on July 16 from 1.30pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4.30pm at St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Millennium Centre, Meadow Lane, West Derby Village, Liverpool, L12 5EA. Entry is free and there will be lots of stalls
including: books, tombola, UDIĂ H QHZ QHDUO\ QHZ baby clothes, greetings FDUGV JLIW EDJV KDLU MHZHOOHU\ DFFHVVRULHV refreshments, plus many more! Funds raised will support local children and adults living in poverty.â&#x20AC;? 7R Ă&#x20AC;QG RXW PRUH DERXW Friends of Nugent Care and their Summer Fair event, please contact Fran Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy on 0151 261 2043 or e-mail Francesca.Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy@ Nugent Care is one of the oldest and most diverse charities in the North West. 7R Ă&#x20AC;QG RXW PRUH YLVLW
For details of how to advertise in the next issue of the Link see page 4
Fashion show in aid of Woodlands Hospice WEDNESDAY 29 June (7pm-10pm) at Dunnyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Social Club, 2 Stalmine Road, Liverpool L9 1BZ. High Street fashion at discount prices. $OO VL]HV DQG VW\OHV 5DIĂ HV DQG EDU
available Tickets ÂŁ5 in advance from Dunnyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s or call Christine at the Hospice (0151 529 8117) or e-mail: christine.peach@aintree.
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TO ADVERTISE CALL MOIRA: 07930 654 264 CAROL: 07879 733 266 Email:
Address: P0 Box 170, Liverpool, L25 7WL BOOKING DEADLINE 13TH JULY (for following month’s edition)
LINK Pick up points Tom Draper’s Newsagents, Town Row, L12 Chocolate Box, 58 Muirhead Avenue L11 1EL Spar West Derby Triangle (by Bulldog Pub) L12 St Mary’s Millennium Centre, West Derby Village Nazda Express, 257 East Prescot Road, L14 Tony’s Newsagents (Next to Halton Castle) West Derby L12 Deysbrook Community Centre L12 St Mary’s Millennium Centre, Meadow Lane, L12 Alta News, 649c Prescot Road, Old Swan L13 Today’s 12/14 Swanside
Parade, L14 7QH SUPERMARKETS Tesco, Old Swan Asda, Queens Drive/ Townsend Avenue Sainsbury’s, East Prescot Road Asda, Huyton LIBRARIES Norris Green Library, Townsend Avenue, L11 5AF Old Swan Library, Prescot Road, L13 5XG
This month Lilly Link is hiding on a page in LINK. Locate Lilly Link and write to us telling us which page she is hiding on and win £10. Send your name, address and telephone number along with the page number to: Lilly Link Comp West Derby and Croxteth Park LINK, P.O. Box 170, Liverpool L25 7WX by July 13th The draw for the lucky winner will take place before the following month’s issue - so locate Lilly and you could win £10!
HELLO EVERYONE FROM THE LINK YOUR FAVOURITE LOCAL INDEPENDENT ADVERTISER – and remember The LINK goes into homes!!!!! WELL doesn’t time fly? July already! It’s our 10th birthday this month and as it is coming up to the holiday period for many of our readers we have decided to celebrate our 10th birthday later on in the year! 10 YEARS! WOW!
Where has the time gone? It’s been a blast! We would like to welcome all our new advertisers this month and thank you for choosing The LINK. Please remember that The LINK is an advertising paper so please support our advertisers and don’t forget to tell them that you saw them in The LINK. Keep sending in your What’s On events and your
little stories and we look forward to hearing from you and, as always, thank you for your support. Enjoy July – see you next month. Moira, Dawn and Carol
WHAT OUR ADVERTISERS ARE SAYING ABOUT US ... Dear Moira, I just wanted to let you know how happy I am with the service provided by The LINK and with you in particular, in the account handling of my business advertising. Your service from start to finish has been exemplary and on a professional, knowledgeable, yet friendly level that far exceeds all other advertising agencies I have dealt with. Nothing ever seems to be too much trouble to you and I am made to feel unique, never feeling that I am just one of many clients that you have to deal with each day. It is so refreshing to receive a prompt I have advertised in the LINK for 9 years and I would be lost without it now!!! Many thanks to you all at The LINK From Paul – P & L BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS (COMPLETE BATHROOMS & KITCHENS FULLY FITTED)
Got a nice a story? Got some good news? Email us on liverpoollink@
Have your leaflets delivered with the LINK (minimum 2,000 leaflets) Call Tony at Wizz Distribution 07984 557 868
“I have been using the South Liverpool Link for advertising for the past year and a half. I have found it to be the most effective and cost effective print marketing in the area. Particularly useful as it is delivered through my target market’s letterboxes as well as being available at local businesses. I track success by the number of mentions I get and new customers advertising brings in and The Link is the only print marketing I now do. Prices are good and the service from Moira and the team at the Link is excellent. Would recommend”. Iain McGuigan, Director The ZipYard Liverpool South 0151 724 1382, liverpoolsouth
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Japan Society North West – Japan Day JAPAN Day is Japan Society North West’s FREE all-day festival celebrating the many fascinating aspects of Japanese culture and has been held every two years since 2006, alternately between Manchester and Liverpool. This year it is the turn of the impressive Liverpool Guild of Students to host this popular festival, which attracted nearly 2,000 people last time it was held in Liverpool. The festival is a great
introduction to the delights of Japanese culture. There will be displays and demonstrations of Japanese crafts and activities including Ikebana, Ningyo (Japanese dolls), Embroidery, Koto and Shamisen playing, Taiko drumming, the lovely “Awa Odori” dance and Shodo (the art of Japanese calligraphy). We are also very pleased to be hosting the excellent folk troupe SOAS Min’yo and are hoping to
Back for the ninth year, Brazilica has become one of the flagship events of the year in Liverpool’s festival calendar and will take over the city with a colourful celebration of Brazilian music, dance, culture, food and sport from 15-17 July 2016. Keep up to date with all Brazilica Festival activity at: Twitter @BrazilicaFest
host a hilarious set from Liverpoolborn comedian Diane Kichijitsu, who now lives and plies her comedy trade in Japan. There will also be martial arts displays and you will have the chance to dress up in kimono. There will be a large number of stalls featuring the amazing variety of Japanese-culture societies in North West England, including the Japanese Railway Society, Northern To-ken Society, JETAA, manga artists and many others.
You will be able to buy Japanese goods and delicious Japanese IRRG DQG WKHUH ZLOO EH UDIÁH SUL]HV galore. Look forward to seeing you there! Saturday, August 20 – 10.30am to 5.30pm. Venue: Liverpool Guild of Students, 160 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L3 5TR.; www.
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Why did we buy our house? I HAVE heard a number of people ask this question lately. A friend of mine says that her sister who rents her home through a registered social landlord gets her repairs done for free; but my friend canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t afford to keep up with all the jobs that need doing on her home. Another friend says that she and her husband have paid off their mortgage, but now they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel any better off than the couple, two streets away, who rented their home. Owning our own home was the dream, but in some cases that dream has turned into a nightmare as older peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s savings dwindle and pension value reduces, whilst the cost of household maintenance
keeps going up. There must be some EHQHĂ&#x20AC;W LQ RZQLQJ \RXU own home surely? I posed this question to Age Concern Liverpool & Seftonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s partners, Bower Retirement Services. They told me that there are advantages to home ownership. Firstly, if you own it outright then you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be asked to leave or move elsewhere, you DOVR KDYH WKH Ă H[LELOLW\ WR change the building to suit your needs.. One major advantage, if you have paid off the mortgage, is that the repayments stop. With rented accommodation the rent always needs to be paid. 7KH Ă&#x20AC;QDO DGYDQWDJH which could really help the thousands of older people
struggling to manage bills and keep their home well maintained is the ability to borrow against the value of the owned property. This can be a bank or building society loan or it could be releasing some of the value of the home through equity release. Equity release has the distinct advantage that none of the money you receive needs paying back while you are still alive and it can be used for whatever purpose you want.
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your money and your choice. Over 20,000 people a year are using equity UHOHDVH DQG WKLV Ă&#x20AC;JXUH LV growing by nearly 20 per cent each year. Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton advise anyone considering equity release to use an Equity Release Council approved company as this provides the safeguards you need: the guaranteed right to live in your home until death and a no negative equity guarantee.
If equity release sounds like it might be an option for you, please ring Diane from Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton on 0151 330 5630.
YPAS retain charter mark YOUNG Personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Advisory Service (YPAS), based in Liverpool City Centre, has successfully passed their reassessment to retain the Navajo Merseyside Charter Mark. The Navajo Merseyside & Cheshire LGBTI (lesbian, JD\ ELVH[XDO WUDQVJHQGHU DQG LQWHUVH[ &KDUWHU 0DUN LV DQ equality mark sponsored by In-Trust Merseyside & Sefton Embrace and supported by the LGBTI Community networks DFURVV 0HUVH\VLGH ² D VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;HU RI good practice, commitment and NQRZOHGJH RI WKH VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;F QHHGV issues and barriers facing lesbian, JD\ ELVH[XDO DQG WUDQVJHQGHU (LGBT) people in Merseyside. YPASâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; mission is to improve
the mental health and emotional well-being needs of children, young people and families in a non-stigmatised environment. As part of the many services and support they offer throughout /LYHUSRRO WKH\ KDYH VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;F support groups and projects that meet the criteria of the Navajo Charter Mark. YPAS is proud of its LGBT+ provisions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;GYROâ&#x20AC;? are the longest running LGBT+ youth groups in the UK and run three age appropriate drop in sessions weekly at YPAS Bolton Street supporting anyone aged ZKR LGHQWLĂ&#x20AC;HV DV /HVELDQ *D\ %LVH[XDO 7UDQV RWKHU VH[XDOLWLHV DQG JHQGHU LGHQWLWLHV RU DUH TXHVWLRQLQJ WKHLU VH[XDOLW\ or gender identity.
Early Learning for Kittens â&#x20AC;&#x201C; make learning for kids fun earlylearningforkittens. provides fun online learning games for children to help them with counting, spelling, typing and WH[WLQJ DQG LV DOO IUHH WR XVH Kevin from earlylearning said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Too many people leave school without being able to count, spell, write or type.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a terrible disadvantage for them. If we can make even a small difference to improve things then we would be absolutely delighted. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We also have other fun things for children including songs from our singing panda FooFoo.â&#x20AC;? Visit www.earlylearning
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Bring out your inner artist THE Seasons Art Classes, currently taking place at Liverpool Cricket Club, are now halfway through their fantastic 14-week curriculum. So far we have had fun covering pencil drawing, oil pastels and watercolour painting and we are shortly moving on to acrylic paints. Many of our students who were absolute beginners, have begun to produce some stunning pieces of art thanks to the comprehensive inputs from our tutor, Katie Musgrove. Our students will be showing off their new found skills at an exhibition at the Cricket Club on August 2. Students come on our courses for a variety
of reasons: whether to improve at their hobby, enjoy other people’s company, experience the tranquility art can bring, LPSURYH ÀQH PRWRU VNLOOV or simply learn to draw something recognisable! Whatever their reason
Star to perform TICKETS are now on sale for worldwide celebrated opera tenor, Stefan Pop, who will perform a recital at St George’s Hall on June 25 as part of the hugely successful The Liverpool Opera – Four Seasons® concert series. It will be the third in the highly acclaimed series of operas presented by Guliand Management who have brought the stars of Plácido Domingo’s Operalia, the World Opera Competition, to Liverpool. The sensational Stefan Pop will follow the huge success of Russian soprano Ekaterina Lekhina and Chinese Met Opera baritone Yunpeng Wang who have performed at St George’s Hall to standing ovations.
for coming, the feedback from our students has been fantastic, so we are now taking bookings for our Autumn course, which starts mid-September. Also owing to popular request, we are looking to ODXQFK RXU ÀUVW HYHQLQJ
classes. Places on our classes are extremely limited to ensure every student gets the appropriate level of support. If you think this could be for you, please ring 0151 722 0501 to reserve your place.
Tramway & Light Railway Society SUMMER recess. Our next meeting at Greenbank Sports Academy will be on Monday, September 19 when Carl Phillips, Deputy MD/ Performance Director of Transdev Dublin Light Rail
ZLOO WDON WR XV DERXW WKH ÀUVW 12 years of the modern Dublin Tramway. Thank you for your support during the past ten months. We look forward to seeing you again in September.
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Could you be Snoopyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Charlie Brown? Dog Name: Snoopy Breed: Crossbreed Dog Age: 2 SNOOPY is a very sweet dog but sadly he has had a really unsettled start to life so has lots to learn. He came to the centre as a stray and although his tough time hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stopped him being loving, friendly and trusting with two and four-legged friends, he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even know what to do when another dog wants to play with him! So he needs someone to help him learn the joys of doggie life! When it comes to people, he loves being made a fuss of and particularly likes his ears stroked! He can live with children aged eight and above and will need an active family. If you think Snoopy could be the fourlegged friend you are looking for, you can
visit Dogs Trust Merseyside on Whiston Lane, Huyton, Liverpool, L36 6HP. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s open 12pm-4pm every day except Wednesdays, when it is closed. You can also call on 0300 303 0292, 8am8pm Monday-Friday and 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday. 7R Ă&#x20AC;QG RXW PRUH DERXW DQ\ RI WKH GRJV DW the centre, visit You can also follow the doggy â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;tailsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; on Twitter @ DT_Merseyside
Cat of the month â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Hattie HATTIE is a senior lady who was found living rough in a garden in Wavertree. We managed to trace her owner but sadly they were no longer able to keep her. Hattie is 14 years old and is an extremely friendly and loving cat. She likes nothing more than being made a fuss of while she gazes up at you with adoring eyes. Her only â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;viceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is that she really doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like other cats very much, so we think that she should be an only cat. As an older cat she would need to be a house cat as she is far too trusting. She would be perfect in your home, keeping you company while you listen to the radio or watch television. You could even brush her stunning coat while you sit with her, and sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be your friend for life. If you would like to give Hattie the home
she deserves then please call us on 07745 167170 or 0151 494 0470.
Garston Animal Rescue appeals for your help WE face a constant struggle to keep things going, both operationally from a caring SHUVSHFWLYH DQG Ă&#x20AC;QDQFLDOO\ (we care for around 70 animals at any one time, some of whom have special needs). All the animals are fed twice-daily and our costs include food, litter, cleaning, heating and vetsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; bills. Oh, and the cost of running our slightly dilapidated little van! Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re lucky enough to have very kind people helping us out with the DQLPDOV EXW QRZ ZH Ă&#x20AC;QG that we are struggling to Ă&#x20AC;QG HQRXJK KHOSHUV IRU RXU wonderful Charity Shop at 62 Aigburth Road, L17. People often comment on what a lovely little Aladdinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cave it is, with all sorts of unexpected curios and fabulous bargains hiding on cute little shelves and in every possible nook and cranny. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d never need to go to town to equip your kitchen
or living room, or anywhere in your house for that matter, with all the unique plates and cooking utensils and tea services, plus of course the pictures and throws for your living room. And all those books! And those retro clothes! Plus much, much more! Sadly, we just canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get enough people to help out in the shop â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and the shop is our life-blood. It is absolutely vital that the shop is kept open to Ă&#x20AC;QDQFH XV KHOSLQJ WKRVH SRRU animals who are regularly abandoned on the streets (mainly not neutered, and all frightened and hungry, with nowhere safe to go). And on top of this weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re desperate to move and have our own proper sanctuary so we can help more animals. Would you like to help us out by helping in our shop as a volunteer? Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking for people who are reliable and
committed to the animal cause â&#x20AC;&#x201C; if you think that you are that person then please give Caroline a call at the shop on (0151) 727 0515 (or mobile 07960 640803) or email You can of course ask for more details and chat with her to see if itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for you. But please do bear in mind that she is very busy! Thanks for reading this rather desperate appeal for help! Nancy Nancy Lindsay, Trustee and Founder, Garston Animal Rescue PS As ever we are of course looking for forever homes for many, too many to mention, lovely cats (some outgoing and chatty, others shy who need a quiet home) so please contact us if you might be interested in adopting. Anyone interested can call me on 07745 167170 and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll let you have full details of the cats available to adopt.
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Land of the Lovely People â&#x20AC;&#x153;COME and see for yourself,â&#x20AC;? said Harvey, brushing crumbs from the tablecloth with his napkin. He and Gregory had Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHG OXQFK DW +DUYH\¡V house overlooking Sefton Park. There was a pause as the two friends looked through the large windows. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They have their own philosophy,â&#x20AC;? Harvey resumed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It all started ZLWK $ODQ¡V LQWHUHVW LQ WKH French Revolution. ´+H VDLG LI LW ZDVQ¡W IRU tyrants like Robespierre the Revolution would have resulted in a perfect society. There would be no masters or servants and wealth distributed to all.â&#x20AC;? A week later the two were motoring down Allerton Road â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Harvey ZDV RQH RI WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW SHRSOH in the district to own a car. They chugged along before turning into a narrow track winding its way through a wooded, swampy area called Forty Pits. A lake loomed into view. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is where we leave the car,â&#x20AC;? said Harvey. They climbed a stile and went along a footpath to a wooden bridge leading to an island. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We leave our identities at the gate,â&#x20AC;? said the fat man who greeted them, his jowls wobbling.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is the Land of the Lovely People and I am Alan Lovely Person.â&#x20AC;? He was wearing elegant 18th century clothing including a dark red jacket, knee britches and white stockings. Alan led them along the path to a large house with white gables and a wide lawn bathed in sunshine. Languid people sat or stood around, talking good-naturedly. The sound of a minuet drifted across from a trio on the veranda. Howard Lovely Person was introduced to the
visitors. They sipped wine as Howard talked enthusiastically about the community and its beliefs: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We embrace the 5HYROXWLRQ¡V LGHDOV DQG have learnt what went wrong.â&#x20AC;? He swept his arm expansively across the scene around them: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is what things would have been like if the leaders had not made mistakes.â&#x20AC;? Gregory was invited to explore for himself, speak to others and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. The men and women
had faces wreathed in smiles. Everyone was relaxed and there was no FRQĂ LFW RU VWUHVV ´,¡P WKLQNLQJ RI MRLQLQJ WKHP Âľ FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHG +DUYH\ after his third glass of wine. His eyes glazed and his eyelids drooped as he listened to the soothing music. Gregory left the garden to look around the house. He was impressed by the furniture and artworks, each chosen with exquisite taste and sense of order. He heard the sound of UDLVHG EXW PXIĂ HG YRLFHV coming from a back room â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the door was slightly ajar. Alan Lovely Person was trying to strangle Howard Lovely Person while a dark, sardonic man was attempting to keep them apart. ´,¡YH WROG \RX EHIRUH â&#x20AC;Ś do not wear green cravats!â&#x20AC;? growled Alan, his face red with fury. *UHJRU\ GHFLGHG KH¡G seen enough. He headed hurriedly for the bridge and outside world when he heard the sound of rolling drums. There was brief silence then a swishing sound followed by a sickening thud. Q Read my next Strange Tale â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Nincompoops â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in the August Link.
STRANGE TALES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; By Anton Valdemart
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Russell Grant
ARIES Mar 21st - Apr 20th
Home life is your primary focus early July. If relocating, do so near the 4th when the New Moon energises your domestic sphere. Alternatively, you might add a new member to your household. Don't get drawn into power struggles as maintaining a tactful silence will keep relationships intact. You could be put in an embarrassing position at work later in the month. Stay cool; displaying grace under fire will improve your career prospects. The Full Moon (19th) could be a great time to get engaged or married. If you're single, you may meet someone special or enter into a business alliance. A passionate relationship will allow you to handle career challenges with relative ease. Work issues that once bothered you will seem insignificant.
Tips to get you motivated towards training sessions THE LIVERPOOL PERSONAL TRAINER with Paul Coshott Call 07887 868872 or visit
TAURUS Apr 21st - May 21st
Acquiring valuable skills should be your primary focus early July. Use the power of the New Moon (4th) to embark on a study course. The more you know, the easier it will be to land your dream job. Don't let an imposing teacher undermine your confidence. Your family will be especially supportive mid-July. If you feel anxious, turn to them for encouragement. The Full Moon (19th) will see you do well on an important test, marking an educational turning point. Go out and celebrate! A creative breakthrough could occur at the end of July. Pay careful attention to your dreams as they can provide an insight into how to progress a creative project. Play your cards right and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be able to sell the fruits of your labour.
GEMINI May 22nd - Jun 21st
Financial opportunities will abound early July. This is the best time of the year to increase your income. The New Moon (4th) will help you land a lucrative job that provides lots of emotional satisfaction. Being paid to exercise your imagination will answer your prayers. Avoid a war of words with an imposing colleague. Your ideas are as good as theirs so find ways of working together. Your employer may send you for additional training. Embrace this opportunity and increase your value on the job market. The Full Moon (19th) could result in a windfall. Use this to improve your daily life, like buying an appliance, bicycle or computer.
CANCER Jun 22nd - Jul 23rd
Your charisma is second to none early July. If you're in a relationship, your partner could be quite jealous of all the attention you receive. The New Moon (4th) is ideal for pampering yourself. If you're single, you could meet someone special during the first half of the month. Sparks will fly with someone exuding an air of mystery. Resist the temptation to play second fiddle to your amour. Be assertive early on and set the tone for a healthy relationship. Avoid a power struggle with officialdom and do your best to adjust to your boss's offbeat leadership style. The Full Moon (19th) is ideal for signing a contract, getting engaged or exchanging marriage vows. Work will become less stressful.
LEO Jul 24th - Aug 23rd
Early July will be a quiet time. Take this opportunity to rest and recuperate. The New Moon (4th) is perfect for getting a massage or communing with nature. Enjoy whatever replenishes your spirit. Power struggles among colleagues could make work stressful in the first half of July. Ride this out as you'll be much better placed to find another job during the second half of July, when your personality will be powerfully potent. The Full Moon (19th) could mark a job offer; accept this as there will be great potential at this company. A personally and professionally beneficial business trip could be on the cards late July.
VIRGO Aug 24th - Sep 23rd
You'll be extremely popular early July, so take advantage! If you're looking for love, you could find it with a member of your social circle. Be sure to attend a social gathering or professional conference on the 4th, when the New Moon allows you to form an alliance with a cultural, spiritual or artistic leader. Your creativity will flow throughout the first half of July, making it a perfect time to launch a design project. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t pay too much attention to a disapproving teacher. Continue to develop your ideas, your methods are unique and will find a niche. It will become easier to manage money mid-July so draw up a budget. The Full Moon (19th) marks an exciting turning point in a romance. An engagement or marriage could be on the cards!
LIBRA Sep 24th - Oct 23rd
Career opportunities abound early July. The New Moon (4th) is ideal for accepting a job that draws on your leadership ability. Avoid power struggles; listen more than speak when assessing the team's strengths and weaknesses. Extra money will be available for luxuries so treat yourself; you're overdue a spree! The Full Moon (19th) marks a turning point in your home life, so a great time to buy or sell a property. You'll emerge much stronger financially. Your social life will heat up as July turns to August. Attend as many get-togethers as possible, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll make lots of new friends.
SCORPIO Oct 24th - Nov 22nd
Make expanding your horizons your first priority early July. An adult education course, a spiritual journey or an overseas trip are possibilities. The New Moon (4th) is perfect for venturing into unfamiliar territory. If single, you could meet someone special at a museum or theatre. A critical colleague will create stress; avoid telling this pest what you think and protect your professional reputation. Entering a contest is advised during the second half of July; you can easily outperform the competition. The Full Moon (19th) is ideal for signing a contract or negotiating finances. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t react badly to an authority figure's instructions late July, maintaining grace under fire will pave the way for later success.
SAGITTARIUS Nov 23rd - Dec 21st
Early July will be passionate! An intense relationship will prompt you to devote energy to an attentive partner. The New Moon (4th) will be ideal for meeting someone special. If you're already in a relationship, focus on fulfilling each other's desires. You'll have an opportunity to expand your horizons mid-month. Taking an advanced course, travelling abroad and publishing are possibilities. Your finances will improve on the 19th, when the Full Moon attracts a lucrative job or salary. If you want admission to an exclusive organisation, apply in the second half of July, when prospects are strong. A job search will be fruitful later in July - also a good time to run for public office.
CAPRICORN Dec 22nd - Jan 20th
An intimate partnership will be a profound source of satisfaction early July. Getting engaged or married is a strong possibility when the New Moon rises (4th). Your amour could give you a beautiful token of their esteem. Be receptive to their tender loving care. It may be difficult to strike a balance between your personal and professional lives during the first half of July - best to spend more time with friends. Family may be a source of irritation; don't let an erratic relative's behaviour break your stride. The Full Moon (19th) is perfect for pampering yourself. Sign up for advanced studies late July and become an expert in your chosen field.
AQUARIUS Jan 21st - Feb 19th
Early July is ideal for starting a fitness regime. Regular exercise, sleeping well and a nutritious diet give you an irresistible glow. The New Moon (4th) could bring a rewarding job offer. Beware of betraying confidences during the first half of July and establish yourself as trustworthy. A love affair will show exciting signs of renewed passion mid-month. If single, you could meet someone special at a movie or concert. Look out for someone who has their eye on you. Already in a relationship? Your amour could give you a beautiful token of their esteem. The Full Moon (19th) will prompt you to spend more time on solitary pursuits. Reading, writing and resting will allow you to recharge your batteries.
PISCES Feb 20th - Mar 20th
Your creative juices flow early July. The New Moon (4th) is a great time to launch a writing, design or music project, which will uplift and inspire you. If you're looking for love, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find it with someone who shares your artistic tastes. Don't let a prospective partner dictate terms, being assertive early on will create a healthy dynamic. An exhilarating work assignment will arrive. Take this opportunity to make a name for yourself. This may not pay very much, but it can serve as a launching pad to better opportunities. The Full Moon (19th) will prompt you to spend more time on social pursuits, with friends giving you the courage to take risks. It's time to pursue your dream job!
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10% OFF On production of this advert 277-279 West Derby Road, Liverpool, L6 5EG Tel: 0151 260 1155 Mob: 07789 954161
FOUR quick tips to help get you motivated (hopefully) towards your training sessions. Have you joined one of my programmes lately and not been turning up? Maybe youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve hired another trainer or joined a gym RU PD\EH \RX MXVW FDQ¡W Ă&#x20AC; QG WKH PRWLYDWLRQ WR get started? It does frustrate me when someone signs up and then after two or three weeks they just stop turning up. I do keep in touch with my clients but, at the end of the day, I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t force people to turn up. If you have signed up to one of my programmes, although Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been paid I really do want you to turn up for them because I know that if you turn up on a regular basis and follow the advice I give you, then you will get fantastic results and, as a result, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll feel good too. So itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a win-win situation. So hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s four quick tips that I hope will help you get back on track over the next few days: 1. Be accountable Get in touch with me, the gym, your trainer etc, and let us know what you are going to do over the next few days. Are you going to turn up for your training session tonight, tomorrow or next week, etc. 2. Remind yourself why you joined the programme in the ďŹ rst place :DV LW WR JHW Ă&#x20AC; WWHU RU VOLPPHU IRU WKH VXPPHU etc? 3. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just one ďŹ&#x201A;ipping hourâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; I know itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been hot over the past few days EXW WHOO \RXUVHOI ´,W¡V MXVW RQH Ă LSSLQJ KRXUÂľ I always try and keep my training sessions to around one hour. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all it takes. Get started, get it nailed, and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s it. 4. How much money have you spent? Signing up to programmes, personal trainers, supplements, gym gear etc can all add up to a lot of money. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t waste it. Make it count. Bonus Have you bought new gym gear recently? Or maybe youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve bought a new GI for your Jiu -LWVX FODVV HWF" 'R WKHVH LWHPV VWLOO Ă&#x20AC; W \RX" Maybe try them on. They might remind you that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve put on some weight recently and that you need to get back into your routine. Hope it helps! Paul Free week of training and boxercise classes If you are interested in attending my training program or Personal Training, then please contact me. Time and availability is now limited. Paul 07887 868872
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Greatest love story ever told comes to Liverpool CHALICE Media is set to thrill and delight audiences of all ages with a roaring 1920s adaptation of one of Shakespeareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s greatest tragic love stories. Director Laura J Harris and her company of actors will present Romeo & Juliet at St Georges Hall on July 2 and 3 at 7.30pm. Join the cast and crew in the stunning surroundings of St Georgesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; grand Concert Hall for an evening not to be missed! This â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Guns and Gangstersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; prohibition era spin on the classic tale of two star crossed lovers will see the Chalice gang transforming the Concert Hall into a Capulet-owned Speakeasy. Romeo & Juliet is Chalice Mediaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s third production in a season of classic Shakespeare plays taking place at St Georgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hall to mark the 400th anniversary of the Bardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death. Appropriately entitled, Where Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a Will, the season features four of The Bardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most popular plays which are being staged in the stunning Concert Room at the iconic venue. The series was launched in April with a highly successful performance of Macbeth, which was followed by a Steampunk adaptation of William Shakespeareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s famous tragi-comedy, The Tempest. And now, fans of The Bard can look forward to a unique take on one of Shakespeareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most popular plays starring Matt Lacey as Romeo and Alice Wyatt as Juliet. Tickets are now on sale from Ticketquarter. Website: / Facebook: ChaliceMedia Twitter: @ChalicePro / @ChaliceBooks Concert Room, St Georgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hall Liverpool
St Georges Place, Liverpool, L1 1JJ Entrance via North Hall (opposite Walker Art Gallery). Doors open from 6.30pm. Cash bar available.
West Derby craft and country fair Saturday 16th July, 11am to 4pm. SET in the quaint village of West Derby, with historical buildings and beautiful park, Memory Lane Fairs are holding the new Craft and Country Fair.
Come along â&#x20AC;&#x201C; lots of new stalls, dog DFFHVVRULHV Ă RZHU DUUDQJHPHQWV WR\V jewellery, steampunk items, face painting, bouncy castle and much, much more. All taking place opposite the Sefton Public House.
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JACOBS LADIES BOWLING CLUB Play Monday afternoons at the Sefton Arms West Derby. New Members needed, beginners or experienced players warmly welcome. Come and meet our friendly team. Contact Irene (0151-292-3570) or Lena (0151-475-5167). LIVERPOOL WALTON COVIES 50th Birthday Celebration, 22nd-23rd October 2016. Advance notice to all old members of Covies and Focus at Ebenezer Chapel, Walton, L4. Check website for full details and to register for information. Email sue@ PEACEPOOL Looking for inner peace and contentment? Peacepool has regular monthly meetings (this is NOT a faith or religious group). Come to the Liner Hotel, Lord Nelson Street, L3 5QB on Saturday June 11th and Saturday July 16th, 2pm to 4pm. Free admission and refreshments. Free parking at the venue. WOODLANDS HOSPICE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; FASHION SHOW AND CLOTHES SALE Due to popular demand we are holding another fashion show in the local community in aid of Woodlands Hospice on Wednesday, 29th June (7pm - 10pm); Dunnys Social Club, 2 Stalmine Road, Liverpool, L9 1BZ. High Street Fashion DW GLVFRXQW SULFHV $OO VL]HV DQG VW\OHV 5DIĂ HV DQG bar available. Tickets ÂŁ5 in advance from Dunnys or call Christine at the Hospice (0151 529 8117) or e-mail: WEST DERBY CRAFT AND COUNTRY FAIR Saturday July 16th, 11-4pm. Opposite Sefton Pub. Stall enquiries 07460 304327 FRIENDS OF NUGENT CARE VOLUNTEER FUNDRAISING GROUP SUMMER FAIR Saturday 16th July from 1.30pm to 4.30pm at St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Millennium Centre, Meadow Lane, West Derby Village, L12 5EA. Free Entry. Stalls include: refreshments, hair accessories, costume jewellery, greetings cards, gift bags, new & nearly new baby FKLOGUHQ¡V FORWKHV WRPEROD UDIĂ H ERRNV many more bargains! Funds raised will support local children and adults living in poverty TRAMWAY & LIGHT RAILWAY SOCIETY Summer recess. Our next meeting at Greenbank Sports Academy will be on Monday, 19th September when Carl Phillips, Deputy MD/ Performance Director of Transdev Dublin Light Rail will talk WR XV DERXW WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW \HDUV RI WKH PRGHUQ 'XEOLQ Tramway. Thank you for your support during the past ten months. We look forward to seeing you again in September. FRIENDS OF SUDLEY ESTATE â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Merchant of Veniceâ&#x20AC;?, by William Shakespeare. Performed by The Liverpool Network Theatre Group. Sunday 24th July 2016 at 1pm in the Hillsborough Rose Garden, Sudley House, Mossley Hill Road, L18 8BX. Tickets ÂŁ7. Concessons ÂŁ5. Available at the Garden gate. Bring your own seat or groundsheet. JAPAN DAY Saturday 20 August 2016, 10:30 am to 5:30 pm at Liverpool Guild of Students, 160 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5TR. There will also be a large number of stalls featuring the amazing variety of Japanese-culture societies in North West England, including the Japanese Railway Society, Northern To-ken Society, JETAA, manga artists and many others. Japanese goods and delicious Japanese food. For further details http://www.japanday. BRAZILICA Back for the ninth year, Brazilica has become one RI WKH Ă DJVKLS HYHQWV RI WKH \HDU LQ /LYHUSRRO¡V festival calendar and will take over the city with a colourful celebration of Brazilian music, dance, culture, food and sport from 15-17 July 2016. Keep up to date with all Brazilica Festival activity at on Facebook at www. or on Twitter @ BrazilicaFest
ALZHEIMERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S SOCIETY Have several support groups in Prescot, Halewood, Huyton and Kirkby for people living with dementia and their carers. The groups provide activities and an opportunity to meet other families with caring responsibilities. There is no charge to attend and refreshments are provided. Please contact us on 426 4433 for further information. AMATEUR BOXING CLUB Tuebrook Community Centre, Marlborough Road, L13 8AU. Mon, Wed, Fri. 5-7pm. Under 18s ÂŁ1.50. Adults ÂŁ3 BALLROOM Ballroom, Latin and popular Sequence dancing. Every Wednesday at The Railway Club, Melling Road, Aintree. 8.30 to 11pm. Large dance floor and friendly crowd. Admission ÂŁ3.00. Contact Maureen McDonald on 07866 077053 BOWEL CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Come and meet others, discuss, explore, exchange ideas and laughter in a friendly, non-threatening environment. If you would like to join us for a cuppa and a chat, come along to Meeting Room â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, upstairs in Childwall Fiveways Centre, on the first Tuesday of every month from 6.00-7.30pm. Patients, former patients, family, friends & carers all welcome!! For more info ring Helen 07948 120955 BROUGHTON HALL CENTRE Yew Tree Lane West Derby L12 9HJ. The Centre for Day Courses Training and Community Events 07980 187 888 E: Barbra.sinclair@broughtohall. C.A.B. with immediate effect the Fri morning weekly C.A.B. drop in (10am to 12noon) has moved from United Reformed Church Stoneycroft to Tuebrook Hope Centre, Christ Church Buckingham Rd. L13 CHARITY TABLE SALE At the Bridge Centre Trust, every Saturday from 9am to 2.30 pm (pitch available only ÂŁ7.00). 2 Daneville Road, L4 9RG. Phone 0151 792 8711 CHRIST CHURCH CENTRE, SEDGEMOOR RD. Coffee morning in church centre, Tues 10am-12noon. Make new friends or relax with old ones, everybody welcome. Call Helen on 0151 474 1444 for info. Connect â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Create. Come along for company, a cuppa and a bit of craft or anything creative! All skills, all levels! Wednesdays 10am-12noon. Call Barbara 0151 226 2992 for more. CLUBMOOR COMMUNITY CHOIR Have been meeting since September 2015.We meet on Monday evenings (during term time) at Roscoe School (Ballantyne Rd entrance) at 7pm and start singing at 7.15 prompt. We sing for fun mainly and sing many popular songs. We have an experienced choir master (Callum) who leads us. We hope you can come and join in the fun. For more details contact Deb on 07789 587815. CROXTETH HALL GARDEN SOCIETY We are a friendly group who meet in Croxteth Hall every 1st and 3rd Thursday evening of the month at 7.30pm. Annual membership is ÂŁ10 which includes refreshments and raffle. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re interested in gardening why not join us. Please ring Jim or Pauline on 0151 928 5625 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; visit our website www. CROXTETH RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION See our website for details. COFFEE MORNING Wed between 10am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11.30am young at hearts club every Thurs. 2pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4pm. Church of the Good Shepherd Community Rooms, Lover House Lane L11. 2SF. For info call Barbara, older persons community worker on 0151 226 2992. DEYSBROOK YOUNG AT HEART GROUP Meet every Friday 11.00 to 12.30 (except Bank Holidays) at the Deysbrook Village Centre, Deysbrook Way, Liverpool 12. There is a range of activities - creative as well as fun; occasional trips; enjoy a cuppa and a chat. All welcome. DEYSBROOK KNIT AND NATTER
Meets at Deysbrook Village Centre on Mondays at 11.00. Beginners and experienced knitters and crocheters welcome. DOES YOUR GROUP NEED A PRESENTATION? Several presentations are available, including, The 20th Century Catthedrals of England, The Leeds to Liverpool Canal, The Anderton Lift, The Revenge Weapons of Adolf Hitler and the Invasion of England, Operation Sealion. Also, the paintings of Canalletto, J W M Turner and L S Lowry. For further details, contact John on 0151 721 7681. ECZEMA SUPPORT GROUP We are looking for new volunteers to assist with awareness/fundraising events. Contact Mike Birch., for info about our work ELVIS PRESLEY FAN CLUB Merseyside branch of the official Elvis Presley Fan Club of Great Britain. Tel 0151 257 9874 FED UP? Crown Green Bowling for the Gardeners Arms. All new members welcome, beginners (tuition can be arranged if requested) or experienced players. Ladies & Gents teams. Thought the Gardeners Arms Pub has been pulled down our bowling green is still going strong! For info call 0151 228 7792 ROY CASTLE FAGENDS Stop Smoking Support Groups. Weekly: Cohenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chemist, Mon 11.30am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12.45am. Old Swan One Stop Mon 1.30pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2.15pm. West Derby Millennium Centre Tue 5.30-6.45pm Yew tree CC Tue 9- 10.15 am and 3.30-4.45pm , Green Lane Pharmacy Tuebrook Sat 10-11.45am Excluding bank holidays (no appointment necessary) free support and access to Nicotine Replacement therapy & Champix Freephone 0800 195 2131 FIBROMATES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; NORTH WEST FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP Meets every month. If you have fibromyalgia, or care for someone who has it, you are most welcome to join us. We are a very friendly group who meet once a month to support each other and share information about managing fibromyalgia. Please contact Anne Pritchard on 07912 084549. FRIENDSHIP GROUP: The â&#x20AC;&#x153;O60 Clubâ&#x20AC;? Meets on alternate Thursday afternoons at Oakvale URC, Broadgreen Road at 2-30pm. We have interesting speakers and other activities include holidays, outings and pub lunches once a month. If you are interested in meeting friendly people, please call one of the following numbers: 0151 722 0143 or 0151 226 1984. GUIDED WALKS Re-trace the rich tapestry of Liverpoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s colourful history. Admire stunning architecture and discover amazing hidden gems. Tours led by qualified guides. Email: THE HUYTON POET Great Presentations for organisations, of that you can be sure; The Huyton Poet will make you smile â&#x20AC;&#x201C; heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll make you laugh and more. A GREAT CHOICE AS YOUR NEXT GUEST SPEAKER â&#x20AC;&#x201C; INDOOR BOWLING Have fun at our indoor bowling at St Lukeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Community Centre Princess Drive, West Derby. Mon at 2pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3.30 p.m. ÂŁ1.50 includes a cuppa and cake. Call Lorraine Brown 228 9062 for details. Lunch club 1 till 2pm seniors KEEP FIT OVER 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Huyton Gateway, 115 Rupert Road Huyton L36 9TE a great friendly class for anyone aged 50 + Keep fit improve strength balance and meet new friends. Monday 10 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11am ÂŁ3 per class. LADIES BOWLING CLUB Farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Arms, Clubmoor. Our friendly team needs new members. Beginners or experienced players will be warmly welcomed. For information contact Ann on 0151 256 0681. LINE DANCING Huyton Gateway 115 Rupert Rd Huyton L36 9TE Keep fit have fun, beginners welcome Every Wed 10 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11am ÂŁ3 per class LIVERPOOL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Meet at Leighton Observatory, Pex Hill, Cronton, nr Widnes, every Wed. from 7pm.
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Monthly meetings held at the Friends Meeting House, 22 School Lane, Liverpool City Centre, every third Friday between September-May. Membership is ÂŁ15 per year for adults, ÂŁ5 for juniors 14-17 yrs. Contact Secretary: LIVERPOOL BACKGAMMON CLUB Meets on the last Friday of the month at 7 Croxteth Road, Liverpool, L8 3SE. Doors open 7pm. The club is for all levels of play. For further details see our website at or phone 07931 553829. Free lessons also available. LITTLE STEPS For preschool children and carers. St Christopherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Lorenzo Drive. Wednesdays 9.45am-11.15am Term time. No waiting list. No lower age limit. Just come along or call Sue 0151 226 2992. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CLUBS (NAWC) The NAWC meet at Lowlands in Haymans Green every Thursday between 2 and 4 pm. Come and enjoy a friendly afternoon. We enjoy guest speakers, outings, theatre trips amongst many other activities. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; All are made welcome. Further details about other clubs in Liverpool contact â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pat Blair (0151) 228 0316 or email NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CLUBS Thomas Lane Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club are now at The Millennium Centre in West Derby Village, adjacent to St.Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church. Friday afternoon, 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm. Friendly group, all welcome. OVER 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S KEEP FIT CLASS Keep Fit class for ages 50+ with inspiring standing/ chair-based exercises, Fridays 12.30-1.30pm. Held at St Aidanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church Hall, Cherry Lane, Walton, L4 6UG. ÂŁ3.50 per class, pay as you go. For more information please contact Amy: 07507 015 227 or PARENT & TODDLERS FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN Monday morning 9.15am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11.15am during term time at Ebenezer Chapel, corner of Queens Drive and Stanley Park Ave. Come along for a warm welcome cup of tea and chat. Call Mrs Wright. 0151 256 5880 PARKINSONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S SOUTH LIVERPOOL GROUP We meet on the second Thursday of each month at Bridge Chapel Heath Road, Liverpool, L19 4XR at 7.15pm. Come and join us for an informal chat and helpful advice regarding Parkinsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s with quest speakers. PRESCOT & DISTRICT BRIDGE CLUB Duplicate Bridge every Wednesday evening at 7.15 p.m. at Huyton & Prescot Golf Club, Huyton Lane, Huyton, L36 1AU. Easily accessible, large car park, friendly atmosphere. For further information contact 0151 426 3050 or RETIRED DRUMMER Looking for other musicians to form a new jazz, swing, mod, trad band; arrangement made for weekly get together in a Childwall Tennis Club to be announced. Call Ray on 07767 684048 or 0151 280 4237. RICHIE THE RANGER GUIDED WALKS: Discover historic sites, beautiful green areas, and tranquil woodlandsâ&#x20AC;Ś all on your doorstep. Contact Richie Baker for info about his guided tours and walks within the city. Email richietheranger@ ROYAL SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY Classes at Oakvale United Reform Church, Broadgreen Rd; Wednesday 7.30 to 8.15pm (beginners) and 8.30 to 9.50pm for more experienced dancers. All welcome, all you need is a pair of soft, flat shoes. For info telephone Rosemary (0151) 281 0317 or visit SCARISBRICK RESIDENTS Scarisbrick Residents and Tenants Association meet every second Tue of the month at Lemington Rd School Dinner Centre 6.30pm visit our website for St James CE Mill Lane West Derby. The 5K CafĂŠ is held every Thurs term time from 11 am to 1.30pm. Lovely food and good company. Donations towards lunch appreciated. SEWERS AND KNITTERS WANTED
Project Linus ( makes quilts/blankets for local children who are ill or in distressing situations. We welcome handmade items for all ages, we can provide fabric/wool if required and will arrange collection. If you can help, please contact TEA DANCE St Lukeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s West Derby, Princess Drive, L14. Tel 228 9063 Fri 2 to 3.30pm all welcome. Lunch Club 1-2pm seniors TEA DANCE Monday 1.30 -4pm. Navy Club, Bowring Park. Tel: 0151 280 5050 or 220 1332 THE BRIDGE CENTRE The Bridge Centre old Bridge Inn Pub Broadway L4 9RG. FREE Counselling Service every Wed 10am till 3pm. To book an appointment call 07540177958 ask for Sue. Zumba Classes Tue 6.30pm till 7.30pm. Wed 9.30am till 10.30am. Chair Based Tia Chi Classes. Thurs. 10.30 till 11.30 only ÂŁ2.50. Ballroom Classes Tue 1.30 till 2.30 pm ÂŁ3. Tia Chi Classes Tue 11.30 till noon. THE PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT & INFORMATION GROUP Informal meeting held on last Wed. in the month (except Dec) at Sunflowers Centre, 21 Aigburth Rd, L17 4JR. Separate meeting rooms available for partners and carers. For info 0151 726 8934 TUEBROOK HOPE CENTRE, BUCKINGHAM ROAD As a local community led charity we are keen to promote and host a range of health, leisure and social activities for neighbours of all ages. Monday mornings (9.30am): Yoga classes, Tuesday evenings (7-8pm): Tai Chi classes, Wednesday evenings (7-8pm): Drama Group for Adults Thursday evenings (7-8pm): Mojo Theatre group for young people aged 11 to 16. Friday lunchtimes (12noon-1pm): Yoga classes WILLS & POWER OF ATTORNEY Do you need a speaker for your group? If so then contact Gaynor Lanceley Solicitors at Paul Crowley & Co (West Derby) 0151 226 2020 YOGA HUYTON GATEWAY 115 Rupert Rd, Huyton L36 9TE. Relaxed friendly hatha yoga class taught by Frank Perry. Beginners welcome. Every Mon., 11.15am â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12.15 pm and Thurs., 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;7pm; ÂŁ3 per class. GIGGLETOTZ SOFT PLAY We run parent and Toddler groups on Tuesdays in St Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Millennium Centre, West Derby 10am-12noon & Fridays in St Annâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Millennium Centre, Rainhill, 10am-12noon. All children under the age of 5 are welcome, ÂŁ3 per child. For younger babies we run 5 week baby massage courses in both venues. For details visit ASPERGER CARERS GROUP +HOG RQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW 0RQGD\ RI HDFK PRQWK DW Rathbone Hospital, Library Building, William House, Mill Lane, Liverpool L13 4AW. For info contact 07887 369550 or aspergerconnections@ . WEST DERBY RECS BOWLING CLUB Would you like to play crown green bowls? Ladies and Gents teams looking for new members; experienced or beginners welcomed for the new season. Contact Keith (07999 724879) or Beryl (0151 480 0118) ADULT DISABILITY ACTIVITY DAY Every Monday daytime from 11am to 3pm adult disability activity day; it includes DJ with karaoke, dancing, chair based exercise, bingo, play your cards right, full size snooker table, dart board, loads of prizes and much more. Free car park. At The New Derry Social Club, Mere Lane, Liverpool, L5 0QW. Run by P.A.C and the Derry Club. LCRA WALKING GROUP A Liverpool based group who organise regular Sunday coach rambles to the Lake District, North Wales, Peak District and Yorkshire Dales. Walks are graded to suit all abilities. The club also arranges weekends away and social DFWLYLWLHV 7R Ă&#x20AC;QG RXW PRUH FDOO :LOO RQ Ă&#x20AC;QG XV RQ IDFHERRN RU YLVLW ZZZ
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Tips for getting bikini ready HEY guys and welcome to my July column in The Link. I was hoping to be telling you all about my holiday fashion but the weather was absolutely awful and rained every single day so I didn’t get to wear all my new bits so I’ll have to save it for my next holiday which isn’t too long off. Instead I will be telling you all how to get bikiniready with this little baby!!! If, like me, you are sick of the sight of excess body hair and would love nothing but silky, smooth, fuzz-free skin then it’s time you invest into one of these laser hair removals! Laser hair removal is becoming increasingly popular and over the years it’s something I had heard of but I was always a bit sceptical and hadn’t actually thought about getting it done myself. A few weeks ago
I was modelling for Very and one of the designers started to talk about doing it yourself at home. To me that sounded perfect because if it was painful you could stop and start yourself. So I took to the website and read numerous amounts of reviews and after long consideration I thought I would give it a go. The price tag was a bit steep (£450) but when I weighed it all up , WKRXJKW LW·V GHÀQLWHO\ D must for someone in my profession who has to be bikini-ready every day!
So I ordered the Philips Lumea IPL Hair Removal System. When it arrived I thought there’s no way this can work – it looks like an old fashioned hairdryer! I read the instructions front to back and began to use it, selecting the correct settings for my skin type and then away I went. There was no pain whatsoever. I used mine on my legs, bikini, underarm and muzzy. I would say I was more aware of it on the bikini area but by no means was it painful. $IWHU WKH ÀUVW JR , thought this can’t be working so I then only did one side of my body at so I could fully compare. A week later I had another go and a few days later I was in the bath and noticed there were baldy patches in all the areas I had done.
The patches are down to your hair cycle and regrowth which is why you need to do it once
or twice a week for six weeks continuously. The instructions explain this in more detail but if you carry out this method you will GHÀQLWHO\ VHH D KXJH difference and like me be thrilled with the results. At the weekend I was one of the judges at The Face of Liverpool for LMI at The Hilton Hotel and what a fab day it was. Talia Simons was crowned ‘New Face of Liverpool’ and over £3,000 was raised for the James Bulger Charity. I wore this Pale Pink Culotte Jumpsuit for £48.00 from Asos and teamed it with a necklace and clutch from Mark Melia in Liverpool and a pair of shoes from Missguided. It was quite a classy look and would be absolutely perfect for anybody looking for a wedding or christening RXWÀW ZLWKRXW EUHDNLQJ the bank.
ACORN STAIRLIFT for private sale. Suit straight staircase, only £785 including delivery and fitting by a trained Acorn installer, and a 3 month full warranty. Contact 0800 073 9793 quote ref 99942
Double love chair gold, new too big for room was £450 sell £250 0151 228 1498
09 Vauxhall Corsa 998cc Tax & MOT 63,500 miles power steering, radio cassette cheap insurance excellent M.P.G. £2,100 O.N.O. 0151 260 6524 M: 07940 099 685
Porta Pottie (portable toilet) very clean £35 no offers 0151 480 2674
Wheel Chair light weight £28 0151 228 2100
small bedside chest of drawers £5 each. Iron double bed £60 0790 210 1515 Ankle length dress black and pink with matching stole £10 0151 270 2444
Shower Door brand new with fittings to fit tray size 1200mm x 760mm height 1850mm £80 o.n.o 0775 651 8028
Cooks professional food mixer stainless steel bowl with beaters and bread hook, used once £20 0151 270 1481
Pair men’s golf shoes size 8 £10. Three pair boxed men’s shoes size 11 £40 o.n.o. Ladies small 14 river island black leather bomber jacket and clutch bag £40 .o.n.o. Lady Million perfume set boxed £40 o.n.o. 0775 651 8028
Weight training machine with bar and assorted weights, hardly used £25. Warrior boxing gloves and punch bag hardly used (may split) £30 0151 256 8161
Leather settee dark brown with double recliner 6 months old cost £450 sell £190 excellent condition. Box of ladies & children’s dress patterns £1 each, also curtains lined 90 x 72 luxury material £10 the pair 0151 521 4113 M: 0771 272 5845
Large quality juicer used once £40 0151 256 7560 Silver crest 5.1 speaker system never used boxed £50 0151 428 2503 Nutri blender cost £60 used once as new £30 0151 228 2421
Bunk Bed Brushed Chrome ladder incorporated in the frame eves, must collect £20 0151 538 0925
FREE 300 block paving bricks (must be able to collect) 0151 548 5086
Fridge Freezer half and half very clean and good condition £50 no offers 0791 482 2031
Computer printer scanner £70, Assorted ladies clothes £20 0151 733 5196
Large quantity of soft toys teddy bears etc. approx. 250 suit car boot £20 0791 482 2031
Bosch Router 30 new cutters 12 new box set .25 used cutters router table good condition 0151 228 2421
Ladies mountain bike good condition £40 0151 475 0670 Cricket bat,Tennis racquet boys size £5 0151 228 1102 Single bed mattress never used £60. Brass coal and companion fender scuttle £70. Computer table £20. 0151 280 6681 Solid wood 4 poster bed £200 0151 226 2979 Mirror, small 2 tier occasion table, round back chair (dark wood)
To advertise see page FOUR
Sound cine projector super 8mm £30 0151 722 4929 Dolls house pink and yellow 30 pieces inside lovely condition £20. 0789 505 2315 Computer stand printer £80 o.n.o. Men’s clothes v.g.c. £50 0151 733 5196 Sheerling jacket cost £600 size 10 accept £100 0151 738 1134
Barbecue Maldon gold edition unused still in box £20 or o.n.o. 0752 728 5263
Round dining table 48” dia wood glass centre made by Multi York cost £400 sell £75 0151 792 5982
T.V. Samsung 21” integrated C D player good condition as new £20 0752 728 5263
Flymo Roller lawn mower good condition £30 0151 220 0051
B & Q plastic garden shed 6 x 4 less than 12 months old buyer takes apart was £250 sell £150 0777 918 9787 Four piece drum kit complete £95. 0151 722 4686 Bag of ladies clothes, size 12 £15. 0151 280 1462 Jacques Vert maroon lace dress and matching jacket size 20. As new £80 o.n.o. 0151 722 6859 Meredew mahogany extending dining table and 4 cushioned chairs closed 57” x 37” to 74” x 37” £100 0774 837 3815 Pale Green double headboard brand new £12. 0151 722 4929 Three babies folding strollers one is a travel system £30 o.n.o. for all three or will separate 0780 8140 111
Kitchen table with four chairs £60 0151 280 1462 Three section aluminium extension ladder 30ft with standoff £80 buyer collects 0151 498 4721 Meccano set 5 motorised boxed with manual £30. One fixed commode never used £10. 0151 498 4721 Wardrobe pine medium size £30 buyer collects (Anfield) good condition ladies bike with basket £40. 0772 933 1108 Roger black tread mill £50 o.n.o. Freeview box and recorder with £70. o.n.o. 0151 384 9283 Mitre chop saw 3 new blades cost £190 sell £80. Electric tile cutter and hand cutter both £30. 0151 260 6524 M: 0794 009 9685
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DEBBIEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MOBILE HAIR Clients Old & New
07503 195451
WHAT OUR ADVERTISERS ARE SAYING ABOUT US Dear Moira, I just wanted to let you know how happy I am with the service provided by The LINK and with you in particular, in the account handling of my business advertising. Your service from start to finish has been exemplary and on a professional, knowledgeable, yet friendly level that far exceeds all other advertising agencies I have dealt with. Nothing ever seems to be too much trouble to you and I am made to feel unique, never feeling that I am just one of many clients that you have to deal with each day. It is so refreshing to receive a prompt I have advertised in the LINK for 9 years and I would be lost without it now!!! Many thanks to you all at The LINK From Paul - P & L BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS (COMPLETE BATHROOMS & KITCHENS FULLY FITTED)
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LINK Quiz Page
Answers in next monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edition of the LINK
Quick Crossword
Pop Quiz 1. Which one of the following did not appear on the cover of the Beatlesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Sgt. Pepper album? (a) Marlon Brando (b) Tony Curtis (c) John Wayne?
To enter send your completed Sudoku, with your name, address and telephone number to: SUDOKU, PO. Box 170, Liverpool LINK, liverpool L25 7WK by the 14th July 2016.
2. Who was the only one of the following who did appear on the cover of the Beatlesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Sgt. Pepper album? (a) Jimi Hendrix (b) Elvis Presley (c) Bob Dylan?
The winnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name will be published in the next months issue. Sudoku is a highly addictive puzzle game with one rule: Place the number from 1 to 9 in each row, in each column and each 3 x 3 box.
3. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bedtime Storiesâ&#x20AC;? was a 1994 album by which female singer? (a) Belinda Carlisle (b) Cher (c) Madonna? 4. Which American rock band released their debut album â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tenâ&#x20AC;? in 1992? (a) The Foo Fighters (b) Nirvana (c) Pearl Jam?
Send to
Sudoku, Liverpool Link, P.O. BOX 170, LIVERPOOL L25 7WX
This Monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Quiz Answers Crossword Solutions
General Knowledge 1. Leyton Orient 2. Spurs 3. 1997 4. 1855 5. PR 6. John Steinbeck 7. The Pilgrimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Progress 8. Dallas 9. Clint Eastwood 10. Alan Rickman
Down: 1. Edinburgh 2. Dane 3. DVDs 4. IE 5. Larne 6. Ago 7. Raunchy 8. Gin 9. Endearment 13. Aorta 15. Tarnish 18. AE 19. Air 20. Crane 22. EE 25. Fab 26. SOS 28. NA Across: 1. Eddie Large 10. Dave 11. Again 12. Ind 13. Around 14. Neston 16. Are 17. CAA 19. Art 20. Cher 21. Reina 23. Ry 24. Geri 25. FA 26. SE 27. Shannon 29. Ash 30. Beast
Last Monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sudoku
Down 1. Capital city of Scotland (9) 2. Native of Denmark (4) 3. Discs on which information can be stored (1,1,1,1) 4. That is (1,1) 5. Northern Ireland seaport (with ferry service to/from Stranraer) (5) 6. In the past (e.g long time ---) (3) 7. Sexy, provocative (7) 8. --- and tonic: popular drink (3) 9. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Terms of ----------â&#x20AC;&#x153;: 1983 film starring Jack Nicholson & Shirley MacLaine (10) 13. Large artery forming part of the heart (5) 15. Blemish, stain (7) 18. Aeronautical Engineering (1,1) 19. What we breathe! (3) 20. Large bird noted for long legs & long neck (5) 22. Country code for Estonia (1,1) 25. The Beatles are often referred to as â&#x20AC;&#x153;The --- Fourâ&#x20AC;? (3) 26. Distress signal (1,1,1) 28. Not applicable (1,1)
Pop Quiz 1. John Wayne 2. Bob Dylan 3. Madonna 4. Pearl Jam 5. Massive Attack 6. Crowded House 7. All Shook Up 8. The Most Beautiful Girl in the World 9. The Sopranos 10. The Shadows
Name ......................................................... Tel No: ............................................... Address
Across 1. Comedy duo: Syd Little and ----- ----(5,5) 10. ---- Hickson: footballer who played for LFC, EFC & Tranmere (4) 11. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Alone ----- Naturallyâ&#x20AC;?: 1972 single by Gilbert Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Sullivan (5) 12. --- Coope: old brewery, now part of the Allied/Carlsberg group (3) 13. â&#x20AC;&#x153;------ the World in 80 Daysâ&#x20AC;?: novel by Jules Verne (6) 14. Wirral borough district: Ellesmere Port and ------ (6) 16. â&#x20AC;&#x153;--- You Being Servedâ&#x20AC;?: 70s/80s TV sitcom (3) 17. Civil Aviation Authority (1,1,1) 19. --- Garfunkel: American singer/actor (3) 20. American singer/actress (had the 1999 hit â&#x20AC;&#x153;Believeâ&#x20AC;?) (4) 21. Pepe -----: ex-LFC goalkeeper (5) 23. -- Cooder: American musician famed for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Buena Vista Social Clubâ&#x20AC;? (2) 24. ----- Halliwell: Spice Girl! (4) 25. Football Association (1,1) 26. South East (1,1) 27. Irelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s longest river (7) 29. Tree with silver-grey bark (3) 30. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beauty and the -----â&#x20AC;&#x153;: 1991 Disney film (5)
Competition Winners SUDOKU Mr J Moonan L12 Mrs I Foster L16 LILLY LINK Mrs J Ashcroft L18 E Parry L14
Sudoku Answers -R XLI RI\X MWWYI
5. Which 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s British band consisted of Daddy G, Mushroom and 3D? (a) Massive Attack (b) Placebo (c) Portishead? 6. The brothers Neil and Tim Finn are members of which band? (a) Crowded House (b) Green Day (c) Supertramp? 7. What was Elvis Presleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first UK No.1 single? (a) Heartbreak Hotel (b) All Shook Up (c) Hound Dog? 8. What was Princeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only UK No.1 single? (a) The Most Beautiful Girl in the World (b) Little Red Corvette (c) Kiss? 9. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Miamiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Steve Van Zandt, who plays lead guitar in Bruce Springsteenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s E Street Band, starred in which U.S. TV series? (a) Breaking Bad (b) Hill Street Blues (c) The Sopranos? 10. Hank Marvin was the lead guitarist with which 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s group? (a) Gerry & the Pacemakers (b) The Shadows (c) The Tremeloes?
To advertise see page FOUR
River Juniors under 10sâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; summer so far RIVER Juniors have a busy schedule over the summer with the boys looking towards a major transition in their development from 7v7 games to 9v9. This involves a much bigger pitch, bigger goals and the introduction of offside which is a lot for nine and 10-year-olds to absorb. The boys have started well in the Edge Hill JFL beating FC Start 9-2 with a debut hat trick for Charlie Murphy and debut goals for Sam Roche and Sean Clay. Manager Kev Edgar has had to add to the squad due to the requirement for an increased squad size moving up to nine-a-side, and with
the sad departure of Adam Peters who is moving back to his Wirral roots. 7KH ER\V KDG DQRWKHU Ă&#x20AC;QH performance with a 6-1 win over Northern City with goals from Murphy (2), Roche (3) and Kyle Ward. The boys travelled to Fleetwood for a summer tournament where the lads dipped out surprisingly at the TXDUWHU Ă&#x20AC;QDO VWDJH WR &OLIWRQ the eventual winners. The boys had a great group stage, winning every game and drawing one and scoring 16 goals and conceding none with Harvey Edgar and Nathan Doforo outstanding in defence. However, an
organisational mix-up meant that after an hourâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s delay following the group stages the results showed River to have only scored 13 goals not 16, which meant the boys Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHG UXQQHUV XS LQ WKH group and not top. This meant the boys had one match in two-and-a-half hours in sweltering heat and WKLV GHĂ&#x20AC;QLWHO\ KDG DQ DGYHUVH impact upon performance. The boys can still be really proud of their efforts, though. Team. D. Jones, J. Storey, K. Ward, H. Edgar, S. Smith, L. Roberts, A. Trapasso, C. Trapasso, K. Kamara, C. Murphy, S. Clay, S. Roche, A.J. Lysaght.
Weather frustrations for Liverpool Cricket Club ... By Jeremy Clein
Summer in the hockey By Bill Chambers
DESPITE the summer monsoons Liverpool Sefton Hockey Club prepares for next season. It has announced its coaches, with GB International coach Peter Nicholson continuing as ZRPHQ¡V Ă&#x20AC;UVW WHDP FRDFK and the appointment of James Cunliffe as menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coach. In preparation for another year in the National League RXU ZRPHQ¡V Ă&#x20AC;UVW WHDP VWDUW pre-season training on July a6 nd the men held their SUH VHDVRQ EULHĂ&#x20AC;QJ IURP their new coach on June 15 where they welcomed new and returning players. League matches commence on September 24. Throughout the summer on Thursday evenings at
/LYHUSRRO &ROOHJH Ă&#x20AC;WQHVV and camaraderie is being maintained by summer matches and tournaments at Bowden and Southport. Coaches James Cunliffe and Susie McFarlane have been invited by England Hockey to the pre-Rio Olympics Champions Trophy at the Olympic Park in London on June 25. At junior level much goes on. Jenny Ratcliffe and Mike Lennon KDYH TXDOLĂ&#x20AC;HG DV /HYHO coaches. On July 8as part of our Satellite Club link with Archbishop Blanch School we are providing six young players to help at the Merseyside School Games Quicksticks Hockey tournament at Wavertree. Here 14 primary VFKRRO FRXQW\ Ă&#x20AC;QDOLVWV
will be competing and our youngsters will be RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDWLQJ On June 16 prior to the start of the Liverpool Hope International Tennis Tournament at Liverpool Cricket Club, over 300 primary pupils attended the Schools Day. They had a taste of hockey as well as lacrosse, rugby, table tennis, cricket and tennis and also watched tennis. Hockey will also form a major part of the Liverpool Cricket Club MultiSports Summer School for 8-15 year olds, which runs from August 1-5 with coaching in cricket, football, hockey, lacrosse, rugby, squash and tennis. For the older former players Back to Hockey continues and a new course starts on August 2.
LIVERPOOL Cricket Club were frustrated by a late evening heavy downpour in their latest Liverpool & District Cricket Competition Division TWO game against Sutton CC. ,Q WKHLU Ă&#x20AC;UVW JDPH VLQFH saying goodbye for the summer to their Liverpool University players Tom Moore and Henry Charlton, Liverpool were bowled out for 192 with vice-captain Chris Tonge hitting a seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best 80. In reply Christian (Ched) Edwards, with 5-25, left Sutton teetering at 106-7 before the weather intervened. 7KH Ă&#x20AC;UVW JDPH RI WKH month is best forgotten about. Spring View were
the visitors to HQ and the PDJQLĂ&#x20AC;FHQW VXUURXQGLQJV saw our Wigan counterparts raise their game and, after initially struggling at 132-9, they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t lose another wicket and declared on 201-9. As so often happens when the momentum shifts, Liverpool were never in it and were bowled out for 65. The following week Liverpool were heavily indebted to their students Moore (37) and Charlton (107 not out) for mustering a competitive 168 all out against Wavertree CC. With wickets shared out Wavertree fell 40 runs short. Liverpool saved their best performance of the season DJDLQVW 3DUNĂ&#x20AC;HOG /LVFDUG Winning the toss and electing to bat, Liverpool
declared on 228-7 (Moore &KDUOWRQ 3DUNĂ&#x20AC;HOG didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t put up much of a Ă&#x20AC;JKW DQG ZHUH ERZOHG RXW for 96 with the majority of the damage being done by Richard Ewen with 7-25. Liverpool Cricket Club welcome all cricketers of all abilities, young and old â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we run four senior teams and six junior teams from u9â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to u19â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Our very popular junior coaching programme for 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;15 year olds will continue every Friday from 6.15pm to 7.45pm until midAugust. No pre-booking is required, but for further details please see http:// www.liverpoolcricketclub. or email lccjuniorcricket@hotmail. com
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Last minute heartache for Croft By Mick Titherington
STONEYCROFT VETS 2, HOME FARM 3 (After Extra Time) TWO goals from ace marksman Shaun Butterworth was not quite enough to see off Home Farm in an evenly fought contest at the FA Soccer Centre at Walton Hall Park in the final of the I-Zingari Combination Cup. The teams ended up all square after 90 minutes, taking the tie in to extratime. Croft started the better of the two sides and took the lead early on with a well-placed header from Butterworth. After taking the lead the Croft continued to dominate with some slick passing and probing balls to keep the Home Farm defence on their toes. At the other end the
Stoneycroft defenders were dealing comfortably with any threat from their younger opponents. It was no surprise, therefore, when the Maiden Lane based outfit doubled their lead and Butterworth his tally, this time converting from the spot after being upended in the box. Croft maintained their lead going in at the break but Home Farm upped the pace after the restart and lay siege to the Vets goal, forcing Croftâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rearguard into action and for the first time in the game looking less secure. Within minutes Home Farm reduced the lead with a controversial goal. A long punt down the centre saw the ball break to a Home Farm attacker who, after he had appeared to foul a Vets defender, went on to net from twelve yards. The revitalised Farm,
now with their tails up, took the game to their opponents and with the Croft in disarray drew level in a manner with which Croft could only be disappointed. Perhaps surprisingly, the equaliser galvanised Croft and they began to regain the upper hand but neither side was able to break the deadlock and the game went into extra time. The older Croft team showed no signs of tiring and just as it looked like going to penalties a speculative lob into the Croft box was somehow scrambled into the net in the dying minutes to win the cup for Home Farm and break the hearts of the gallant losers. However, despite the disappointment, the Vets can hold their heads up high after a well-fought contest.
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Alder FC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; season round up By Peter Harrison A SUCCESSFUL season was completed and ended in silverware for the club. 7KH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WHDP LQ WKHLU Ă&#x20AC;UVW VHDVRQ LQ WKH 3UHPLHU Division of the Liverpool &RXQW\ 3UHPLHU /HDJXH Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHG D FUHGLWDEOH Ă&#x20AC;IWK 7KH WHDP KDV JHOOHG WRJHWKHU ZHOO DQG VDZ WKH LQĂ XHQFH RI SURPLVLQJ \RXQJVWHUV )UDQ 6PLWK -RH McCann and Ben Irvine supplement the experience of players such as captain 3DXO 2¡+DUH 0The second team Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHG UXQQHUV XS LQ WKH Second Division and were FUXHOO\ GHQLHG ZLQQLQJ WKH OHDJXH E\ D ODVW PLQXWH JRDO from Brnesc who won the OHDJXH RQ JRDO GLIIHUHQFH They remained unbeaten DW KRPH DOO VHDVRQ ZKLFK ZDV D JUHDW IHDW DQG ZHUH runners up in two cup Ă&#x20AC;QDOV
They will compete in the First Division next year and the VLJQV ORRN SURPLVLQJ IRU 0DUN 0DGGLVRQ¡V WHDP 7KH 6XQGD\ YHWHUDQV WHDP who play in the West Cheshire 9HWHUDQV /HDJXH KDG DQRWKHU successful season. 7KH\ ZRQ WKH DQQXDO VL[ D