Kansas Angus Association - 2025 Directory

Page 1

Molitor Angus
Downey Ranch
Bar S Ranch
Mill Brae Ranch

LINZ Difference


Linz Heritage Angus Fall Bull Sale

Thursday, September 18, 2025

Byars, OK

9th Annual Linz Heritage Angus Female Sale

Friday, September 19, 2025

Byars, OK

Cover photo and design by Anne Lampe.

The opportunity to use every multi-trait selection tool to laser focus on producing Angus cattle with birth to harvest excellence has never been better. From calving ease, early growth, moderate stature, the maternal ability to replicate the process AND produce Prime beef is both predictable and PROFITABLE. It‘s a new day in cow-calf production.



January 27, 2025


April 5, 2025


May 5, 2025


September 29, 2025

Kansas Angus Association

Officers and Directors 2025


President - Cash Schilling, Edson (785) 332-4215

Vice President - Stephanie Dickerson, Paradise (785) 445- 5139

Secretary / Manager - Anne Lampe, Scott City (620) 874-4273

Treasurer— Elizabeth Perkins, Ellsworth (785) 531–1365

Past President - Lynne Hinrichsen , Westmoreland (785) 770-0014

District Directors*

District 1- Josh Laflin, Olsburg (785) 747-7005

District 2– David Breiner, Alma (785) 456-4790

District 3 - Kyla McCabe, Elk City (406) 261– 7782

District 4 - vacant

District 5 - Clinton Laflin, Russell (620) 583-0207

District 6 - Bethany Krehbiel, St. John (620)546-1585

District 7 - Adam Jones , St. Francis (785) 332-6206

District 8– Cole Gardiner, Ashland (620) 635-0727

Directors At-Large*

At Lg Commercial –Trey Hinkson, Cottonwood Falls (620) 794-3407

At Lg Commercial - Brad Schrick, Hiawatha (913) 375-0140

At Lg Commercial—Bryce Barnett , Muscotah (913) 370-0333

At Lg Purebred - Drake Rowh, Jennings (785)-657-1515

At Lg Purebred - Ben Gleason, Maple Hill (785) 640-9390

At Lg Purebred – Craig Beran, Claflin (620) 786-9703

Bookkeeper: Betsy Anderson, Colwich: betsyakaa@gmail.com, (316) 706-9750

*Directors serve a 3 year term. Term limit is two consecutive 3 year terms. **Elections are held annually in January during the annual meeting. Visit www.kansasangus.org

Honorary Members

2024 Honorary Member Mark Gardiner Ashland, KS

Dedicated to those who, by work and deed, have contributed to the improvement of Angus cattle and the livestock industry in the state of Kansas.

2023 Chris & Sharee Sankey , Council Grove,

2021 James M. Birdwell, Kingfisher, OK

2020 Anne St. Blanc Lampe, Scott City

2018 Edmund* & Alice Theis, Leavenworth

Randy & Varee McCabe, Elk City

2015 Andy *& Mary McCurry, Burrton

2014 Cecil* & Sandra McCurry, Mount Hope

2013 Richard Poland, Isabel

2012 Galen & Lori Fink, Randolph

2011 Everett & Bonnie Benoit, Esbon

2010 Bob* & Barbara Laflin, Olsburg

2009 *Eldo Kroeker, Hutchinson

*2008 Willard Ericson, Marquette

*2007 Gerald Schmidt, Freeport

*2006 Arlos Rusk, Sun City & Col. Stanley Stout

2005 Tom Burke, Smithville, MO

2004 Tom & Carolyn Perrier, Eureka

2003 Richard *& Angela Molitor, Zenda

2002 Mick Colvin, West Sale, OH

*2001 Henry & Nan Gardiner, Ashland

2000 Frank & Jan Lyons, Manhattan

*1999 McCurry Brothers, Sedgwick

*1998 Richard Janssen, Ellsworth

1997 Dale* & Dorothy Hammarlund Family, St. Marys

1996 Sam Wagner Family, Harlan; Frank Hagenbuch Family, Lawrence

*1995 Gene Gates, Coldwater; and Dr. Miles McKee, Manhattan

* 1994 Fred Holder, Jr., Milton; and Bob Towne, Topeka

* 1993 Thomas Benton, Garnett

* 1992 Marine Kohl, Wichita

1991 John Barton, Columbia, MO

* 1990 Francis Perrier, Eureka

*1989 Byron Stout, Wichita

* 1988 Andy Olson, Council Grove

* 1987 Don Hildebrand, Fowler

* 1986 Ray Sims, Raymore, MO

* 1985 Richard Patton, Lindsborg

* 1984 Dale McCurry, Mt. Hope

* 1983 Kenneth Moore, Salina

* 1982 Herschel Janssen, Lorraine

* 1981 Andrew Schuler, Jr., Chapman

*1980 Don Good, Manhattan

* 1979 John Warner, Dodge City

* 1978 Keith Swartz, Everest

* 1977 Jess Cooper, McPherson

* 1976 George Crenshaw, Manhattan

* 1975 Phil Ljungdahl, Dodge City

* 1974 Dale Engler, El Dorado

* 1973 Phil Sterling, Canton

* 1972 George Hammarlund, St. Marys

* 1971 George Hook, Morrill

* 1970 Fred Schultis, Loveland, CO

* 1969 Glenn Pickett, Emporia

* 1968 Harry Pierce, Hutchinson

* 1967 Guy Caldwell, Harlan

* 1966 Harold Giess, Arnold

* 1965 Beecher Breyfogle, Garden City

* 1964 Locke Hershberger, Hutchinson

* 1963 Fred Claussen, Russell

* 1962 Dr. A.D. "Dad" Weber, Manhattan

* 1961 James Hollinger, Chapman

* 1960 William Ljungdahl, Menlo

* 1959 A.J. Schuler, Sr., Junction City

* 1958 Prof. F.W. Bell

* Deceased

 The Honorary Member presentation is annually January during the Kansas Angus Association banquet, the honoree represents the previous year.

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I stand by this product. (And no, I’m not.)

2020 Immucell Corporation. All Ri gh ts Reserved.

Lot 1

Molitor Excel 6019-503

Sold to Bailey/Hughes,

Lot 34

Molitor Resilient 932-563 Sold to Marvin Whipple, Pawnee, KS

Top Selling Females Lots 116 & 117

Molitor 257J Queen 680-3013

Molitor 257J Lady 9905-3022 Sold to Matt Turley, Coldwater , KS

46thAnnual Production Sale Saturday 3 15 2025 Sale 3rd Saturday Every March

Lot 57

Molitor 0181 Dually 977-903 Sold to Brandon Rockenbach, Preston, KS


Our 2025 spring production sale will place special emphasis on the tremendous offering of donor quality, genetically proven females. The 2025 offering of bulls are phenotypic specimens for athleticism and structural correctness backed by progeny proven pedigrees—just as our customers have come to expect


for many years. For the past few years, our friends and fellow Angus beef producers, Travis Sherfick, Sherfick Cattle Co., and Brian Walt, W6 Cattle, have joined BJ in offering registered Angus from the heart of our herds. We hope you will mark your calendars and join us Thursday, March 13 near Manhattan, Kansas.

75 18- to 20-Month old & 20 14- to 17-Month old Bulls


Monday • March 5, 2025 • 12:30 pm

Manhattan, Kansas


• 110 Angus bulls, born in the fall, GE-EPDs, ready to go to work • Sons of Craftsman, Commerce, Man In Black, Plus One, Justify, Value Added, Iconic, Exclusive, True North, including progeny from GENEX sire, Lyons Powercat 8156

Special Offering:

• 40 Fall Bred Commercial Lyons Ranch Heifers • AI bred to proven calving ease sires for calves September-October 2025 Designed to increase maternal strength in any cowherd.

A balanced approach to genetics - A solid commitment to our customers Proven, profitable cattle for the beef industry

Request a sale book today!

Karl & Amy Langvardt - Jan & Frank Lyons Trey and Bailey, Tanner and Shelby Contact Us:


Amy 785-499-2944 • Karl 785-499-2945

Source for Superior Genetics

Tom Burke (816) 853-2697 Kurt Schaff (816) 520-6447 Alex Popplewell (270) 566-8822 The American Angus Hall of Fame has been in business for 87 years, longer than any other sale management firm in the world. If you are planning on a great sale call the American Angus Hall of Fame today.

Why roll the dice?

Don’t gamble on unproven genetics. There are a lot of Angus bulls on the market, but not all are backed by the power of 80 million datapoints and a registration paper. Invest wisely in a registered Angus bull.

Sires: Tex Playbook, Crawford Guarantee, Woodhill Blueprint, RL Justice, Connealy Patent, CDI Major Impact

 AI extensively used

 Emphasis on both calving ease and growth traits

 Large selection of quality yearling bulls

 Bulls for sale private treaty at the farm

 Affordable prices on predictable genetics

John Ericson 552 130th Street Fort Scott, KS 6670 (620) 224-9159

Doris Ericson 1090 Eagle Road Fort Scott, KS 66701 (620) 547-2451

E-mail: cloverdale@ckt.net

Calving season is here, which means selecting your next herdsires is on the horizon. Make your choice at HPR… where the dams, granddams and great-granddams of every bull we offer are raised and maintained on our ranch. We combine the latest science and technology available with real-world, hands-on stockmanship and experience… progressive and practical. Purchase your bulls where the females and our customers always come first.


Howard Woodbury (785) 241-0515 (Cell) (785) 453-2492 (Home) hhwoodbury@hotmail.com

Woodbury (785) 229-2557 (Cell) (785) 453-2223 (Home)


FRIDAY · MARCH 28, 2025

At the Ranch

100 18-MONTH-OLD










Mill Brae Ranch

Mark, Janice, & Taylor Nikkel www.millbraeranch.com millbraeranch@gmail.com

Miss Kansas Angus

Greta Rosenhagen

Eliza Rosenhagen

Cheney, Ks

Cheney, KS


Molly Hill, Baldwin, KS

Addison Burns, Valley Falls, KS

Kansas Junior Angus Association

25 Ks Jr Angus Association Board of Directors

term Aug 1, 2024 to Aug 1, 2025 Officers

President- Kelsey Theis-Leavenworth President Elect- Austin Woodrow- Emporia Vice President-Lyle Perrier- Eureka 2nd Vice President- Addie Haverkamp- Bern Secretary-Jackson McCurry-Colwich Treasurer-Cohen Navinsky Winchester Reporter-Kaelyn Schilling Goodland Historian-Sullivan Haverkamp-Bern Co-Membership Director-Molly Hill Baldwin Co-Membership Director- Cheyenne Brunker -Ottawa Directors

District 1 Director– Addie Burns

District 2 Director– Ruby Hill

District 3 Director-Hannah Perrier

District 4 Director- Brekyn Zier

District 5 Director-Ruby Shaver

District 6 Director– Aubree McCurry

District 8 Director-Avery Mullen

Director at Large– Creed Caldwell Past President-Jayce Dickerson-Paradise

Advisors–3 year term

Mark and Brenna Wulfkuhle- wulfkulheb@gmail.com (3rd year/2025) Neal and Marya Haverkamp- neal@namahavalleycattle.com (2nd year/2026) Cash and Amanda Schilling- schillinglandandcattle@gmail,com ( 1st year/2027) Anne Lampe-620-874- 4273 cell, kansasangus@wbsnet.org www.kansasangus.org/KJAA

to the membership, and committee for awarding us as the 2023 Kansas Angus Honorary Member.Our time as members in KAA is very near and dear to our hearts. We look forward to many more great years with the association.

-Chris & Sharee


MARCH 27, 2025

Hurlbut Annual Bull Sale - Raymond, South Dakota

OCTOBER 7, 2025

Annual Fall Female Sale - Online

Kansas Angus Auxiliary

2024- 2026 KS Angus

President –Esther Tarpoff 620)-636-0245

Vice President- Emily Mullen (620) 640-3188

Treasurer- Lori Fink (785) 532 - 8171

Secretary- Brenna Wulfkuhle

Reporter– Ashley Navinsky

Past President/Advisor-Tonya Theis

Auxiliary Leaders

Ways & Means Chairman – Mary McCurry

Hospitality Chairman– Mary McCurry

Miss Ks Angus Program Chairman – Anne Lampe

Achievement Chairman – Emily Mullen

Scholarship Committee Chairman - Asheley Navinsky, 2025

Kansas Angus Auxiliary Membership Application





This is the membership application form for the Kansas Angus Auxiliary. Dues are $30 per year, which makes you a member of the state organization and the American Angus Auxiliary. These dues will be used toward Angus promotion and scholarships and awards for youth.

Remit application and $30 dues( $10 State, $20 National ) to: Lori Fink, 15523 Tuttle Creek Blvd, Randolph, Ks 66554

Kansas Angus Auxiliary Members *

Brunker, Jessica

Dickerson, Stephanie

Figge, Beverly

Figge, Kady

Fink, Lori

Hagenbuch, June

Hallam, Gina

Hill Kim

Hinrichsen, Eva Hinrichsen, Judy

Hinrichsen, Lynne

Janssen, Shelly

Lampe, Anne

Marsh, Tammy McCabe, Varee

McCurry, Mary

McCurry, Melody

McCurry, Pam

McCurry, Rhonda

www.kansasangus.org/ks-angus-auxiliary  STATE ONLY $10  STATE & NATIONAL $30

McCurry, Sandra

Mullen, Emily

Navinsky, Ashley

New, Jennifer

Perkins, Elizabeth

Rahjes, Figge Chelsey

Rinkes, Lynn

Sankey, Ann

Sankey, Sharee

Schilling, Amanda

Tarpoff, Esther

Theis, Tonya

Woodrow, Jessica

Woodworth, Brooke

Wulfkuhle, Baylee

Wulfkuhle, Brenna

*2024 year- paid as of 12/31/2024

Ks Angus Auxiliary Programs/Projects

• Youth Scholarships

• Miss Ks Angus Program

• Hospitality

• KJAA Premier Exhibitor and Challenge Award Program

•Support KJAA & KAA

• Sponsor KJAA– NJAS Cook Off Teams

•American Angus Auxiliary

Kansas Angus Association Membership Listing

*2024 membership listing , current paid members as of 12/31/2024

Members may be listed under either last name or farm/ranch name.

AA & D Ranch Dr. Dave & Anita Nichols

6055 Lake Elbo Rd, Manhattan, KS 66502 (785) 317-4994

Email: adranchks@yahoo.com

District: 1 County: Pottawatomie Location: 5 miles east of Manhattan Hwy 24, 3 miles N on Lake Elbo Rd. Year Established: 1988 Acres: 270. 40 registered cows. A.I Sires: Sitz Resilient, KG Justified, Myers Fair N Square. *Dr. Dave Nichols Honorary Member 2022*

AK Genetics Alex & Kayla Lock

31815 US HWY 75 Netawaka, KS 66516 (785) 294-2470

Email: akalock2014@gmail.com Website: akgenetics.com

District: 1 County: Jackson Location: Netawaka, KS.

Year Established: 2014. 1200 acres. 50 registered cows. Herd Sires: Blackline Smokeshow 2218, Blackline Flint Hills 0307, AKG Double Barrel 212. A.I Sires: Ellingson Fortified, Ellingson Brickhouse, SAV Courage, SAV Magnum, Coleman Charlo. Sale: Private Treaty.

Alcove Cattle Co. Ken & Zita Duensing

312 Alcove Dr., Blue Rapids, KS 66411 (785) 268-0898

Website: www.alcovecattleco.com

Email: alcovecattle@gmail.com

District: 1. County: Marshall. Location: 1/2 mi. south of Blue Rapids, KS. Year established: 1991. Acres: 1000. 65 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Optimum, Transcendent, Iconic, Trailblazer, Acclaim, Iron Horse, Jet Black, Sitz Virtue, Grenade, Regiment, Basin Jameson. Herd Sires: Herbster Governor 962, Lyons Ashland 9016. Annual sale: On Target Bull Sale, 3rd Saturday in March, 990 Tumbleweed Rd., Blue Rapids, KS.

* HONORARY MEMBER - Tom Burke (2005) *

American Angus Hall of Fame Tom Burke, Kurt Schaff, Alex Popplewell

P.O. Box 660, Smithville, Mo. 64089 Hall: (816) 532-0811

Tom: (816) 853-2697 FAX: (816) 532-0851

Kurt: (816) 520-6447 Alex: (270) 566-8822

Email: angushall@angushall.com Website: www.angushall.com

District: OS. County: Platte Co., MO. Location: 5 mi. west of Leavenworth, KS on Hwy 92.

Year established: Hall of Fame – 1939. Managing the major Angus sales of North America. See our display ad on page 25.


* HONORARY MEMBER – Edmund & Alice Theis (2018) * April Valley Farms Alice & Jerry Theis

19262 Lecompton Rd. Leavenworth, KS 66048 (913) 683-0775

Email: aprilvalleyfarms@gmail.com jerrytonyatheis@gmail.com

Website: www.aprilvalleyfarms.com

District: 1. County: Leavenworth Location: 3 miles west of Leavenworth. Herd was established in 1952. Acres in Farm: 1200. 300 registered cows. Sires: Connealy Commerce, Connealy Craftsman, Gb Fireball 672, EZAR Step Up 9178, Baldridge Heat Seeker H925, Bear Mtn North Star, Schiefelbein Top Gun 522.

See our display on the back cover.

BB & D Herefords & Angus

Craig Beran, Gerald Beran Jr., Terry Beran

1350 NE 100 Ave., Claflin, KS 67525 Matt Beran

Email: beranbrothers@hbcomm.net (620) 786-4372

Website: www.bdherefords.com (620) 786-9703

District: 5. County: Barton. Location: 1 1/8 miles east of Odin. Year established: 1970. Acres: 10,000. 300 registered Angus cows. 200 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Ellingson Brickhouse, Sitz Virtue 11710, Baldridge Badger, SAV Early Arrival 0903, Sitz Resilient 10208, Ellingson Navigator 2058. Herd Sires: Ellingson Profound 2032, Ellingson Three Rivers 1352, Ellingson Badlands 0285, SAV Fullblood 1015. Sales: Season Opener 3rd Monday in March & Fall Classic 3rd Tuesday in November at the Ranch. See our display on page 85.

Bailey Hughes Cattle

Pam Bailey, Jamie Rutledge, Wes Hughes 12799 SW 210th, Douglass, KS 67039 (316) 746-2922

Email: pamebailey@yahoo.com (316) 210-4803

District: 6. County: Butler. Location: 4 1/2 miles west of Douglass. Year established: 1984. Acres: 320. 80 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Basin Payweight 1682, KR Mojo 8520. Herd Sires: K Bar D Turning Point 5F, Molitor Trailblazer 847-800, Hurlbuts 6N Identified 907.

Barta Farms, LLC

Ryan & Jamie Barta 2805 Avenue H Little River, KS 67457 (410) 708-5955

Email: bartafarmslr@gmail.com

District: 5. County: Rice. Year Established: 2004.

Bar F Farms

Kraig, Kerry, Andrew Froetschner & Chelsea Steffen 1506 L Rd Larned KS 675 (620) 910-7711

Email: chelseasteffen@hotmail.com

District: 5. County: Pawnee.


Bar S Ranch, Inc. David, Stephanie, Grady, Ethan, and Jayce Dickerson Ken & Pat Stielow

18344 Fairport Rd Russell, KS 67651

Email: barsranch2@hotmail.com (785) 998-4386

Website: www.barsangusranch.com (785) 483-1454

District: 5. County: Russell. Location: 9 miles north of Russell, west 1 mile, north 1 mile, west 1 mile. Year established: 1900. Acres: 18,000. 650 registered cows and 250 commercial cows. The Bar S "Program" produces high quality beef efficiently. Production Sale: Bar S Ranch Annual Production Sale 2nd Saturday of March at the ranch.

See our display ad on page 83.

Barnett Angus Ranch Alan, Bryce, & Brett Barnett 3821 Bourbon Rd. Muscotah, KS 66058 (913) 370-0333

Email: barn1587@gmail.com

District: 1. County: Atchison. Year Established: 2015. 125 registered cows. 125 commercial cows. Herd Sires: Connealy Finnegan, Connealy Sunpower, BAR Hometown A.I Sires: Mohnen Historic, Connealy Commerce. Sale: BAR Spring Sale 2nd Saturday in March at Farm.

Barnett, Brett Trevor & Emma Barnett

P.O. Box 12 Circleville, KS 66416 (620) 794-5096

Email: bbarnettfarm@gmail.com

District: 1. County: Jackson/Atchison.

Barrett Cattle

Gene, Anna, Payden & Ella, Barrett 2563 Douglas Rd., Grantville, KS 66429-9317 (785 )224- 8509

Email: annabarrettcattle.com Website: www.barrettcattle.com

District: 1. County: Jefferson. Location: 3 miles east of Grantville on Hwy. 24, then north on Douglas Rd. Year established: 1993. Sale: Barrett Cattle and Mill Brae Ranch Bull Sale, 3rd Friday in March, Maple Hill, KS. See our display ad on page 33.

Beene, Janet & Kristy

Blooming Hill Angus 373 110th Street, Ft. Scott, KS 66701 (620) 704-4248

Email: socksblackboy@yahoo.com

District: 3. County: Bourbon. Location: 17 miles southwest of Fort Scott KS on Hwy 39. Year established: 1995. 70 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Resource, Hickok, Rainfall, Surefire, Tahoe, Growth Fund.

See our display ad on page 40.

Bengston, Vince & Shannon

Bengston Farms 947 3rd Ave, Windom, KS 67491 (620) 834-2442

District: 5. County: McPherson. 100 registered cows. 200 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Objective.


* HONORARY MEMBER – Everett and Bonnie Benoit (2011) *

Benoit Angus Everett & Bonnie Benoit 621 Hwy 36, Esbon, KS 66941 Doug Benoit, Chad Benoit(785) 545-6806

Website: www.benoitangus.com

Email: ebbenoit@ruraltel.net

District: 4. County: Jewell. Location: 10 ¾ miles west of Mankato on US Hwy 36. Year established: 1965. Acres: 6000. 600 registered cows Annual Sale: Benoit Angus Production Sale, 3rd Thursday in March at the ranch on US Hwy 36.

See our display ad on page 1.

* HONORARY MEMBER – Thomas R. Benton (1993) *

Benton, Tim, Patty, Thomas, Allison

Hillhouse Angus Ranch 23579 SW 1100 Rd., Garnett, KS 66032 (785) 448-6763; (785) 448-4297

Email: ttbenton1048@outlook.com

Website: hillhouseangus.com

District: 2. County: Anderson. Location: 6 miles south of Garnett on US 169, then ½ mile west on 1100 Road. Herd was established in 1961. Acres: 2000. 125 registered cows. Hird Sires: Hillhouse Substantial 2066, Hillhouse Crossbow 1080. A.I. Sires: Mohnen Substantial, Tehama Patriarch, Raven Republic.

Billiter, Dale

16847 32nd Rd. Atlanta, KS 67008 (620) 394-2419 District: 6. County: Cowley.

BK Angus

Brian & Emily Koster

3029 E Lark Dr. Tescott KS, 67484 (785) 488-6219

Email: bk_angus@yahoo.com

Website: bkangus.wixsite.com/bull

District: 4. County: Lincoln. Location: From Tescott- 3 mi west, 1 mile north, ¾ mi west. Herd established 1996. Acres: 1200. 120 registered cows. A.I. Sires: OCC Dakota, OCC Zar, Gardens Radar. Herd Sires: BK 007 Mojo 247-019, BK 211-6791 Mr Lucy 920-540, BK 717-917 Mojo 213-066, BK 805 Mojo 146-717, BK 819 Mojo 018-732

Black Velvet Ranch

Aaron Plunkett PO Box 881 Syracuse, KS 67878 (620) 384-1101

Website: blackvelvetranch.com

Email: blackvelvetranch@hotmail.com

District: 7. County: Hamilton. Year Established: 1991. Acres: 7000. 200 registered cows. Bulls available by private treaty.

Blair Hills Angus Farm

Howard Jensen, DVM & AJ Jensen 1127 Randolph Road, Wathena, KS 66090 (785) 741-4020

Website: blairhillsangusfarm.com

Email: howardjensen@aol.com

District: 1. County: Doniphan. Location: SW of Wathena, KS. Year established: 1980. Acres: 1600. 180 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Craftsman, Guarantee, Hometown, Bold Ruler, Step Up. Herd Sires: EXAR Fundamental, EXAR Intuition, EXAR Pistol, KR Inertia

Blocker Hay & Cattle

Darryl Blocker 2655 Paint Rd., Chapman KS 67431 (785) 210-6536

Email: darryl_blocker@yahoo.com

District: 5. County: Dickinson. Location: 2 mi. W of Chapman off of old Hwy 40, 1½ mi N on Paint Rd. Year Established: 2002. 80 commercial cows. Herd Sires: 3.


Blythe Angus Duane & Debbie Blythe & Family 939 KS Hwy 4, White City, KS 66872

Email: blythe@tcelco.net (785) 466-1338

Website: BlytheAngus.com

District: 2 County: Morris. Location: 3 1/2 miles south of White City on KS Hwy 4 or 25 miles South of Junction City. Year established: 1989. Acres: 3000. 200 registered Angus cows and 150 commercial cows. Bulls and bred heifers are available by private treaty. See our display ad on page 12.

Boeckman Cattle Company Brian Boeckman 1147 286th Rd. Holton, KS 66436 (785) 285-1520

Email: bcboeckman@gmail.com

Website: http://www.facebook.com/boeckman.cattle.5

District: 1. County: Jackson. Location: 8 miles NW of Holton. Year established: 2005. Acres: 80. 10 registered cows. AI Sires: Growth Fund, Connealy Craftsman, E&B Plus One, Wilks Regiment, Baldridge Heatseeker.

Bortz, Berry, Carla & Brandon CB Farms Family Partnership 30142 NE 100th Ave., Preston, KS 67583 (620) 656-4425

Email: cb.farms@dishmail.net Cell: (620) 546-6077

Website: www.cbfarms.org

District: 6. County: Pratt. Location: from Cairo: 4 miles N, 2 mi E, ½ N. Year established: 1982. Acres: 500. 150 registered cows. 400 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: CB 258, Reserve, Absolute, Generation, Counselor, Total Impact, War Party, CB Block Party. Herd Sires: Baldridge Xplorer X233, Larson Progress 312, Woodhill Bogart X179-A94, Woodhill Mentor T186. Sale: 1st Wednesday in March, Carcass Plus Bull Sale, Poland Angus Ranch.

Bruntz Angus

Eldon & Robert Bruntz 34879 100 RD, Bazine, KS 67516 (785) 398-2347

Email: bxcattle@gbta.net (785) 398-1951

District: 7. County: Ness. Year established: 1994. A.I. Sires: Enhance, Fireball, Full House. Sale: Every other year on Columbus Day, October 13, 2025, Burlap & Barbed Wire Sale, 2244 19th Rd Clay Center, KS

Burgman Farms Jane, Jada, & Brock Burgman 9740 Lasita Rd Leonardville, KS 66449 (785) 293-4951

Email: burgmanfarms@twinvalley.net (785) 293-2484

District: 1. County: Riley. Location: From Bazine, 4 miles east, 3 ½ miles south, ¾ miles east. Year established: 1970. Acres: 2000. 30 registered cows and 100 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Enhance, Fireball, Full House.

Burns Cattle Brent, Amy, & Addison Burns 11615 130th St Valley Falls, KS 66088 (913) 620-6878

Email: oskiranch@aol.com (913) 775-0172

District: 1. County: Jefferson. Acres: 1100. 20 registered cows and 180 commercial cows.

A Bull for Every Budget

Years of Proven Genetics

Years of Proven Genetics

For 97 years, McCurry Bros. Angus has been your For 97 years, McCurry Bros. Angus has been your genetic partner delivering bulls that match your genetic partner delivering bulls that match your needs. Bulls for calving ease, weaning weight, needs. Bulls for calving ease, weaning weight, efficiency, growth, maternal, efficiency, growth, maternal, & carcass merit & carcass merit while meeting your budget. while meeting your budget.

Over 100 Bulls for Sale Private Treaty

Offering 2 year old & yearling bulls Offering 2 year old & yearling bulls Sired by Sired by Deer Valley Growth Fund, HPGA Veracious, Deer Valley Growth Fund, HPGA Veracious, Yon Top Cut G130, KG Solution, Poss Deadwood, Yon Top Cut G130, KG Solution, Poss Deadwood, GAR Hometown, Baldridge Jordan & more. GAR Hometown, Baldridge Jordan & more. Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Growth Fund Poss Deadwood Poss Deadwood

C Bar L Cattle Co.


Clint Laflin

18075 Mellard Rd. Russell, KS 67665 (620) 583-0207

Email: cbarlcattlecompany@gmail.com

District 5. County: Russell. Location: North of Russell 7 miles off Hwy 281. Year established: 2015. 30 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Sitz Barricade, Boud Justification, Silverias Convoy 0340, North Camp Silver Star, BC Alpha. Herd Sires: Bar S Cowboy UP 1174, Bar S Omega 8605.

Cheyenne Angus Farm Saul & Colin Miller 97 NE 110 Ave, Ellinwood, KS 67526 (620) 564-2036

Email: kfm@hbcomm.net.com (620) 617-6900

Website: www.angususa.com

District: 5. County: Barton. Location: 1 mile north of Ellinwood on blacktop. Year established: 1947. Acres: 3000. 200 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Trailblazer, Argentine, Growth Fund, Country Road, New Frontier, Conneally Formation, Rito, Bando. Herd Sires: 4Real, Armour, Tahoe. Private Treaty.

Cline, Lance, Lynette, Austin & Shenan

Cline Cattle Company

P.O. Box Onaga, KS 66521 Lance: (785) 564-1744

Email: leccattle@gmail.com

Website: www.clinecattlecompany.com

District: 1. County: Pottawatomie, Nemaha, Marshall. Year established: 1997. 125 registered cows. A.I. Sires: BT Right Time 24J, SVR Rito 707 Edda 7118, SVR Emulation A1747 Edda 7123. Herd Sires: Partisover Justified 146, Partisover Con Plus 060, Montano Outcross 9077, Montana Jake 1036, Sinclair Justified J575, Sinclair Foreman J366, Clines 063 of U603 24J, LLC Hugh 149. Sale: Early November and Mid-March, Cline Cattle Company Sale at Manhattan Commission Company.

Cloverdale Angus Farm

John Ericson & Doris Ericson 1090 Eagle Rd., Fort Scott, KS 66701 (620) 547-2451

Email: cloverdale@ckt.net (620) 224-9159

District: 3. County: Bourbon. Location: 2 miles west of Hiattville, KS, 1 mile north and ¼ mile west; or 17 miles west of Ft. Scott on 39 Hwy. Year established: 1937. Acres: 5000. A.I. Sires: Woodhill Blueprint, RL Justice, Connealy Patent, Tex Playbook, CDI Major Impact, Crawford Guarantee.

See our display ad on page 30.

Cornwell Farms

Scott , Beth Cornwell 414 NW 30th Ave., St. John, KS 67576 (620) 546-1585

Email: bethcornwell@gmail.com

District: 6. County: Stafford. Location: 3 miles west, 1 mile north of St. John. Year established: 1917. Acres: 7000. 100 registered cows and 20 commercial cows. Production Sale: March 4, 2025, Cornwell Farms Bull Sale in LaCrosse, KS

Cottonwood Angus Farm

241 A NE 150th Rd. Harper, KS 67058

District: 6. County: Harper.

Jerry, Joe, & Dana Hall


D & G Angus Doug Packer, Pam Ludwick, & Eugene Packer 16942 78th St. Oskaloosa, KS 66066 (816) 803-5156

Email: doug_packer@hotmail.com

District: 1. County: Jefferson. Location of farm: 3 miles west and 2 miles south of McLouth. Year established: 1964. Acres: 700. 95 registered cows and 45 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Vermilion Spur E119, S Architect 9501. Herd Sires: DG Payweight H12, DG Tahoe GD31 J04.


- Francis Perrier (1990) Tom & Carolyn Perrier (2004)

Dalebanks Angus Perrier, Tom & Carolyn 1021 River Rd., Eureka, KS 67045 (620) 583-0341

Email: tperrier@dalebanks.com

Website: www.dalebanks.com Perrier, Matt & Amy

1823 G 50 RD, Eureka, KS 67045 (620) 583-4305

Email: mattperrier@dalebanks.com

District: 3. County: Greenwood. Location: 3 1/2 miles northwest of Eureka. Year established: 1904. Acres: 5000. 425 registered cows. Sale: Saturday before Thanksgiving See our display ad on page 13.

Davis, Duane & Pam Meadowmere Angus 15400 Rock Creek Rd. Westmorland, KS 66594 (785) 457-2863

Email: meadowmereangus@gmail.com (785) 456-4962

District: 1. County: Pottawatomie. Location: ½ mile west of Westmoreland to Rock Creek Road, ½ mile north. Year Established: 1990. Acres: 300. 25 registered cows. A.I. Sires: KG Justified, Yon Future Force, Boyd Justification. Annual Sale: 3rd Friday in March, Chisolm Trail Angus Association Sale, at Winfield, KS.

Davisson, Larry & LuWana

Rocking LD Angus Ranch 6308 S Lerado Rd. Plevna, KS 67568 (620) 286-5585

Email: ldangusranch@gmail.com (620) 200-4867

District: 6. County: Reno. Location: 1 mile east, ½ mile north of Plevna. Year Established: 1977. Acres: 2800. 200 registered cows and 100 bred heifers. Herd Sires: Hickok 942. A.I. Sires: Charisma, Comstock, Full House, Patriarch, Polaris, Dynamic, Republic, True Grit. Private treaty bulls and bred heifers.

Downey Ranch, Inc.

Barb Downey & Joe Carpenter 37929 Wabaunsee Road, Wamego, KS 66547 (785) 456-8160

Email: barbdowney@wamego.net

Website: www.downeyranch.com

District: 1 & 2. County: Wabaunsee & Riley. Location: K-18 east of Manhattan to mile marker 204, ¼ mile south on Wabaunsee Rd. Year established: 1986. Acres: 6500. 300 registered cows and 250 commercial cows. Sale: DRI/KCC Joint Production Sale, 1st Friday in November at the ranch at Downey Ranch, Wamego, KS & 4th Saturday in April Private Treaty- start date See our display on page 15.


Doyle Creek Land and Cattle Co., Inc.

R.V. Mills 101 Main, Florence, KS 66851 (316) 772-7681

Email: doylecreek@FHRD.net (620) 382-7272

District: 5. County: Marion. Location: Florence, KS. Year established: 1950. Commercial cowcalf operation.

Duck River Farms

Buddy & Kelly Rowlett 23875 NW 2350th Rd Richmond, KS 66080 (816) 728-1114

Email: duckriverfarms@gmail.com (816) 264-1869

District: 2. County: Anderson. Location: 16 miles south of Ottawa on Hwy 59. Year established 1934. 80 registered cows & 15 commercial cows.


Elite Show Supplies

Clint & Jessica Woodrow

1349 N Hwy 99 Emporia, KS 66801 (620) 794-7601

Email: clint@eliteshowsupply.com

District: 2. County: Lyons.

FFairview Angus Farm

2664 Nicholson Rd., Chapman, KS 67431

Steven Schuler

Email: schulersteve@mac.com (785) 492-8544

District: 5. County: Dickinson. Year Established: 1875.

Ferguson Angus Lynn & Lori Ferguson, Brice & Vicki Korobka 878 E. Santa Fe Rd., Agra, KS 67621-2540 (785) 638-2857

Email: svferg@ruraltel.net

Web page: www.fergusonangus.com

District: 4. County: Phillips. Location: From Agra 2 miles east, 1-mile south 1/4 miles east. Year established: 1946. Acres: 10000. 450 registered cows. A.I. Sires: RSA Ball of Fire, Connealy Craftsman, Basin Jameson, Ferguson Outpace, Poss Winchester, Virginia Tech Statesman. Herd Sires: Ferguson Surpass 8k, Ferguson Grenade 151J-B, Ferguson Rawhide 198K, Ferguson Ferg 234J, Fergusson 239E, Ferguson Outpace, Ferguson Magnitude 297J-B, Ferguson Growth Fund 316J, Ferguson Exponential 366K-B, Ferguson Impart 705H. E&B New Addition. Sale: Ferguson Angus 4th Tuesday in March, at the ranch near Agra, KS.

Ferguson, Mary, see Wolf Creek Angus Ranch.

Ficken Angus Farms

John Ficken 23211 CR 290, Bison, KS 67520

Email: fickenangus@yahoo.com (785) 356-1425

District: 5. County: Rush. Location: South off Hwy K4 on 290 Rd (between Bison & La Crosse). Year established: 1972. Acres: 400. 90 registered cows and 3 Commercial cows. A.I. Sires: GB Fireball, Tehama Patriarch, Ellingson Home Grown, Linz Exemplify. Herd Sires: FAF Broken Bow 701, FAF Pepper 805. Production Sale: 3rd Wednesday of March, Mid-Kansas Angus Breeders Sale, Lacrosse, KS. See our display ad on page 36. Mid Ks Angus Breeders


Figge, Keith L., Beverly, Chelsey & Kady Figge Farms

417 S Western St., Onaga, KS 66521 (785) 313-0411

Email: bkfigge@hotmail.com

District: 1. County: Pottawatomie. Year Established: 1993.

* HONORARY MEMBER – Galen and Lori Fink (2012) *

Fink Beef Genetics

Fink, Lori & Galen Larson, Chad & Megan

15523 Tuttle Creek Blvd, Randolph, KS 66554 (785)293- 5106

Galen cell: (785)532-9936

FAX: (785) 293-5106

Email: finkbull1@twinvalley.net

Lori cell (785) 532-8171

Megan cell: (785) 410-5559

Website: www.finkbeefgenetics.com

District: 1. County: Riley. Location: ½ mile north of Randolph. Year established: 1960.

A.I Sires: High Accuracy Sires. Sales: Fink Beef Genetic Spring Production Sale 2nd Saturday in April and Fink Beef Genetics Fall Sale 3rd Saturday in October.

See our display ad on page 17.

Fisher Angus

John & Dorothy Fisher

759 8th Rd. Havensville, KS 66432 (785) 230-2934

Email: jdlfisher@bluevalley.net

District: 1. County: Nemaha. Location: North of Onaga, KS. Year Established: 1992. Herd Sires: Fishers Black Knight 913, Fishers Matt Dillon 203. A.I. Sires: Papa Equator 2928, Powell Stability 6230K, HA Image Maker 0415.

Flat Iron Angus, Inc.

Robert D. and Lynn V. Allen 524 17th Rd Haddam, Ks 66944 Heath R. & Stacey L. Allen

Email: flatironangus@hotmail.com (785) 778-2551

Website: flatironangus.com (785) 556-8982

District: 4 County: Washington Year Established: 1980. Acres: 1550. Production Sale: 10th Annual Flat Iron Angus Production Sale, second Wednesday of March, March 13th, 2024, at ranch.

Flying F Cattle Co.

Ball, Monte & Carrie & Brandon Frederick 10519 E Illinois Ave. Hutchinson, KS 67501 (620) 727-7318

Email: coachballm@gmail.com

District: 6. County: Reno.

Foster, Larry & Dian

Foster Farms 4869 66th, Meriden, Ks 66512 (785) 484-2518

Email: edfoster61@yahoo.com

District: 1 County: Jefferson. Year: 1983. 125 commercial cows.

GG&M Ranch

Greg & Maura Gathers

3722 SW Spring Creek Ln. Topeka, KS 66610 (785) 221-7550

Email: ggathers@customtreecare.com

District 2. County: Shawnee. Year established: 2020. 700 acres.


* HONORARY MEMBER – Henry & Nan Gardiner (2001) * Mark Garinder (2004)*

Gardiner Angus Ranch

Gardiner, Mark, Greg, Grant, Cole, Ransom, Quanah 1182 County RD Y, Ashland, KS 67831 (620) 635-2156, (620) 635-5095

Website: www.gardinerangus.com

Email: gar@gardinerangus.com

District: 8. County: Clark. Location: 12 miles southwest of Ashland. Year established: 1947. Acres: 48000. A.I. Sires: GAR Ashland, GAR Proactive, GAR Prophet, GAR Method, GAR Momentum, GAR Sunrise, GAR Sure Fire, Gardens Cache, KM Broken Bow. 1500 registered cows and 2000 commercial cows. GAR Production Sale: September, January, April, May at Gardiner Angus Ranch.

See our display ad on page 5.

* HONORARY MEMBER – Gene Gates (1995) *

Gates, Valerie, Susan, & Chan Gates Angus Ranch 207 N. Chicago, Coldwater, KS 67029 Chan & Susan: (620) 582-2924 PO Box 744 Chan Cell: (620) 635-5141

Email: csgates@unitedwireless.com Valerie: (620) 582-2660

District: 6. County: Comanche. Ranch headquarters: 1 mile south of Coldwater on Hwy 183160. Year established: 1949. Acres: 6000. 200 commercial cows.

Gilliland, Larry & Kathleen Gilliland Angus 1101 Cavalry Road, Fort Scott, KS 66701 (620) 547-2558

District: 3. County: Bourbon. Location: 17 miles southwest of Fort Scott, KS. Year established: 1969. Acres: 1800. 175 registered cows and 30 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Tahoe, Growth Fund, Connealy Cool, Justification. See our display ad on page 40.

Glanville, William C

CMT Cattle Company 17821 70th St. McLouth, KS 66054 (913) 796-6644

Email: billglanville2000@yahoo.com

District: 1. County: Jefferson. Year Established: 1993. Acre 400. 50 registered cows. 100 commercial cows.

Graff Ranch, Inc.

Brian & Darin Graff 5363 Jade Rd, Neodesha, KS 66757 (620) 633-5217, (620) 433-0917

Email: graffranch@aol.com Website: www.graffranch.com

District: 3. County: Wilson. Location: From Fredonia: 6 mi S on Harper Rd., 2 mi east, 1/ mi N; from Neodesha: 4 mi W of 400 interchange on 300 Rd, 2¼ mi N on Jade RD. Year established: 2004. Acres: 2500. 150 registered cows and 200 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: 4. Herd Sires: 8. * HONORARY MEMBERS –Herschel Janssen (1982) & Richard Janssen (1998) *

Green Garden Angus, LP The Janssen Family 1356 Ave M., Ellsworth, KS 67439 Richard & Shelly: (785) 472-3752

Email: janssen@greengardenangus.com Ben, Anisha, Sophie & Elliott: (785) 472-1164

Website: www.greengardenangus.com Dustin, Elizabeth, Cassie & Billy: (785) 531-1365

District: 5. County: Ellsworth. Location: 1 ½ miles southwest of Ellsworth on Hwy 156, then ½ mile east. Herd was established in 1932. Acres: 6000. 300 registered cows. Sale, First Monday in April at Green Garden Sale Barn, 2335 10th Rd. Lorraine Ks 67459

See our display ad on page 93.

Guess, Wanda


R Bar W Ranch

16056 T Rd. Mayetta, KS 66509 (785) 851-0375

Email: wanda.lguess@gmail.com

District: 1. County: Jackson. Location: 2 miles east of 158 & 75, 1/2 mile north. Year established: 1966. Acres: 96. 5 registered cows and 1 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: True North 8052.

H* HONORARY MEMBER – Frank & June Hagenbuch Family (1996) *

Hagenbuch, June

Hagenbuch Angus 13336 238th Rd, Holton, KS 66436 (785) 364-0171

District: 1. County: Jackson. Location: ½ mile north on old Hwy 75. Of Holton then east ¼ mile. Year established: 1965. Herd and A.I Sires: See Rinkes Cattle Co. Sale: 3rd Saturday in March, Angus Genetic Alliance, Rinkes Cattle Company, Holton, KS. Open House. Private Treaty Bull Sale.

* HONORARY MEMBER – George Hammarlund (1972) & Dale and Dorothy Hammarlund Family (1997) *

Hammarlund, Dorothy Hammarlund Angus Farm

Janice Hammarlund, Raymond Hammarlund 6995 Hwy 63, St. Marys, KS 66536

Dorothy: (785) 437-6102

Email: d.hammaelund@gmail.com Raymond: (785) 410-4402; Janice: (785) 456-8406

District: 1. County: Pottawatomie. Location: 4 miles north of St. Marys on Hwy K-63. Year established: 1922. Acres: 880. 90 Commercial cows.

Harms Plainview Ranch Mark, Kim, & Cade Harms

Payton & Sienna Harms 2528 – 250th St., Lincolnville, KS 66858

Taylor & Chase Minihan Office: (620) 924-5544

Email: hprbulls@tctelco.net

Mark Cell: (620) 382-6388, Kim Cell: (620) 382-5373

Website: www.HARMSRANCH.com

District: 5. County: Marion. Location: 4 miles south of Lincolnville on Hwy. 77 and 2 miles east. Year established: 1990. Acres: 5000. 800 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Justified, Tahoe, Safe & Sound, Fair N Square, Dynamic, Craftsman, Step up and others. Herd Sires: HPR Paramount #19489483, HPR Latigo #19341611, HPR Conestoga #19007755, HPR Top Shelf #20525141, HPR Valor #20177949, & HPR Recurve #20177889. Sale: Customer Convenience Sale private treaty at the ranch.

See our display ad on page 31.

Harris Angus Billy, Ben, Rod Harris 2292 Louisiana Rd. Ottawa, KS 66067 (785) 242-1705

Email: harrisangusgenetics@gmail.com

Website: harrisangusranch.com

District: 2. County: Franklin. Year Established: 2016. Acres: 500. 100 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Renown, President, Bravo, Net Worth, Thunder, Rainfall. Herd Sires: HAR Bonus 938. Sale: Harris Angus Production Sale, Last Saturday in March


7HAR, Harrison Angus Ranch

Reed Harrison, Paul Harrison, Erik Harrison 644 Limestone, Howard, KS, 67349

Leslie Eidem, Kelly Harrison, Nancy Gorton

Email: cbmbiker@outlook.com (785) 559-7387

Website: www.harrisonangusranch.com

District: 3. County: Elk. Location: 10 miles west of Howard, Kansas. Year established: 1965. Acres: 640. 59 registered cows. A.I. Sires: BJ Surpass, GAR Hometown, Roseda Powerball, Linz Exemplify, Connealy Craftsman, TAR Dominance, GB Fireball, Mead Magnitude, Sydgen Enhance. Herd Sires: 7HAR Surpass 523, 7HAR Dominance 1423.

Hazelton Angus Harold Hazelton 1052 Navajo Rd. McPherson, KS 67460 (620) 241-7476

District: 5. County: McPherson. Year Established: 1970. Acres: 1200.

Hedgewood Prairie Angus Brooke, Jason, Jensen, & Carson Woodworth 1376 1500 Ave. Enterprise, KS 67441 (785) 479-0403 (785) 479-2188

Email: jwoodworth@tctelco.net Website: hedgewoodprairie.com

District: 5. County: Dickinson. Location: 10 miles south of I-70 at Exit 277 Jeep Road. Year established: 2001. Acres: 350. 50 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Connealy Commerce, Connealy Craftsman, E&B Rival, EZAR Step Up.

Hill, Dwight & Kathleen Diamond Lazy H Ranch 1507 SW 150 St. Spivey, KS 67142

District: 6. County: Kingman.

Hillcrest Genetics Steve & Donna Clark 3090 KS Rd Havana, KS 67347 (620) 330-2109

Email: sdc_hillcrest@yahoo.com

District: 3 County: Chautauqua. Location: 7 miles northwest of Havana. Year Established: 1974. 120 registered cows. 300 commercial cows.

Hinkson Angus Ranch Hinkson, Frank & Trey 2832 Lake Ridge Rd, Emporia, KS 66801 (620) 794-3407

Email: treyhinkson@sbcglobal.net (620)340-2501

Email: fhinkson@earthlink.net Website: www.hinksonangus.com

District: 2. County: Chase. Location: 8 mi. south of Cottonwood Falls on Hwy 177 to Bazaar, then 4 ½ miles southeast of Bazaar on Sharp’s Creek Road. Year established: 1959. Acres: 2700. 350 registered cows. Herd Sires: Barrett Payweight 7221, Hinksons Whitlock, Hinksons Logo, Hinkson Honor Roll. Production Bull Sale: 3rd Tues. in March, Hinksons Optimum Performance Bull Sale, at the ranch, 1025 Sharps Creek RD., Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845

Hinkson, Trey & Becky

1025 Sharps Creek RD., Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845 Trey Cell: (620) 273-8421

Email: treyhinkson6@gmail.com

See our display ad on page 23.

Hinrichsen, Ron, Lynne, Cale & Eva

Hinrichsen Ranch

13080 Christian Rd., Westmoreland, KS 66549 (785) 770-0222

Email: rlangus@bluevalley.net

Website: www.hinrichsenranch.com

District: 1. County: Pottawatomie. Location: 2 miles south of Westmoreland, ¼ off Hwy 99, turn on Christian RD and go ¼ mile, ranch is on the right. Year established: 1991. 150 Acres.

Hobbs Ranch


Terry Hobbs 1655 D Rd, Penokee, KS 67659 (785) 769-4639

District: 7. County: Graham. Location: 12 miles north of Exit 120 on I-70. Year established: 1887. Acres: 15000. 500 commercial cows.

Hornung Livestock

Gaston Hornung 20814 County Rd 26 Stratton, CO 80836 (719) 349-0232

Email: hornunglivestock@gmail.com www.hornunglivestock.com

District: OS County: Kit Carson. Year established: 2020. Sale: Conception to Carcass Production Sale, 2nd Wednesday of March, at Ranch.

Huck, Dennis, DVM, & Shirley

DVAR 2081 Rd 15, Coldwater, Ks 67029 (620) 285-5498

District: 6. County: Comanche. Location: 2 miles east, 1 mile N from Coldwater. Year established: 1986. 300 registered cows. Herd Sires: DVAR Huckleberry 871. Annual Sale: Huck-Stegman Sale, 3rd Friday of March, in Dodge City, Ks

See our display ad- on page 42.

Huck, Darin, Kara, Brady & Mara Goebel (620) 682-2593 11231 Garnett Rd Dodge City, Ks 67801

Email: ddhuck2@gmail.com

District 8. County: Ford. Location: north of Dodge City. Year established: 2014. Annual Sale:.3/16/2022

See our display ad on page 42.

HAR-Huninghake Angus Ranch

Randy & Melissa Huninghake 2443 26th Rd Frankfort, Ks 66427

Website: huninghakeangusranch.com

Cell: (785) 556-0319 (785) 292-6019

Email: huninghake.angus@gmail.com

District: 1 County: Marshall Location: 5 ¼ miles south of Vliets or 40 miles NE of Manhattan. Year established: 2012. A.I Sires: Gold Rush, Basin Payweight, Man in Black, Architect. Annual Sale: Huninghake Angus Premium Genetic Bull Sale, Second Saturday in March 2443 26th Rd. Frankfort, KS

Huninghake Angus Leo Huninghake 2633 26th Road, Frankfort, KS 66427 Cell: (785) 556-2648

Email: mhuning@diodecom.net (785) 292-4537

District: 1. County: Marshall. Location: 5 ¼ miles south of Vliets or 40 miles northeast of Manhattan. Year established: 1989. A.I Sires: Gold Rush, Basin Payweight, Architect, Man in Black. Bulls and Females available for sale year around.

JJohnson, Don, Lane Egger, & Linda Egger

Don Johnson Angus 6272 E. Magnolia Rd., Salina, KS 67401 (785) 536-4507

Website: donjohnsonangus.com (402) 910-3152

Email: tlclivestock@hotmail.com

District: 5. County: Saline. Location: 7 miles east of Magnolia Exchange, Salina. Year Established: 1982. 175 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Commerce, Craftsman, Prolific, Man in Black, Step Up, Armstrong, SAV Magnum. Herd Sires: LJ’s Entice 2049. Sale: 1st Monday in March, Don Johnson Angus Sale, Farm & Ranch Livestock, Salina.

JOKN Cattle, LLC


Kimberly & Jerod Novotny 21778 600 Rd. Thayer, KS 66776 (620) 212-4260

Email: novotnykid@gmail.com

District: 3. County: Wilson. Year established: 2020. Acres: 240. 16 registered cows and 25 commercial cows. Herd Sires: McCabe 1682 Lesikar F336 AAA#19425073

Jones, Adam & Jeanne Crooked Creek Angus 1575 Road I, St. Francis, KS 67756 (785) 332-6206

Email: adam@crookedcreekangus.com

Website: www.crookedcreekangus.com

District: 7. County: Cheyenne. Location: From Hwy 27 & Hwy 36- 2 south 2 east.

Year established: 1995. Acres: 2700. 200 registered cows. Herd Sires: Big Dry Bravo, BC Clyde, BC Certified. Private Treaty.

Jones Family Angus Spencer Jones

Ty, Cassie, Hayden, & Hadley Jones

PO Box 253, Wamego, KS 66547 (620) 640-4593

Email: jonesfamilyangus@gmail.com

Website: www.jonesfamilyangus.com

District: 2. County: Wabaunsee. Location: 3 mi N of I-70 on N McFarland Road at Exit 330. Year established: 2009.

See our display ad on page 38.

Josefiak Farms

Ty, Kayla, Nora, Mila, Baker, & Jena Josefiak 2635 Q Rd., Rozel, KS 67574 (785) 456-4647

Email: kjosefiak20@gmail.com

District: 5. County: Pawnee. Year established: 2022.

Josefiak Land & Cattle Richard & Laurie Josefiak Erin Josefiak, Kory & Heather Josefiak & family, Ty & Kayla Josefiak & family, Aaron & Nikki Larson & family

1345 280th Ave., Rozel, KS 67574 (620) 527-4314

Email: tygrlur4@hotmail.com (620) 923-5461

District: 5. County: Pawnee. Location: ½ mile south of Rozel. Year established: 1979. Acres: 10,000.

Juenemann Cattle Company

Derrick, Dana, Macie, & Layne Juenemann 12940 W Rd. 130N Selden, KS 67757 (785) 386-8090

Email: danajuenemann@icloud.com

District: 7. County: Sheridan. Acres: 1280. 16 registered cows and 14 commercial cows.


Kaiser, Darrell & Frina Kaiser Angus 6051 County Road X, Park, KS 67751-6010 (785) 673-9785, (785) 673-3357

Email: dfkaiser@ruraltel.net Website: www.kaiserangus.com

District: 7. County: Gove. Location: From Park, KS – 2 ½ miles south on Co Rd 58, 2 miles east on Co Rd Z, 2 miles south on Co Rd 62, ½ mile west on Co Rd X. From Quinter: 5 miles west on Co Rd Z, 2 miles south on Co Rd 62 and ½ miles west on Co Rd X. Year established: 1998. Acres: 8000. 400 registered cows. 25 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Basin Jameson 1076, E W A Evaluate 1166, E W A Network 025, GAR Transcendent, HPCAA Veracious, Poss Winchester. Herd Sires: Bridges Momentum AB7106, Bridges Prime Plus, EXAR Endure 2024B, EXAR Jet Fuel 1712B, GAR Sure Fire N6197, LLF 998 Top Cut 165, LLF 905 Top Cut 176,Yon Enhance J558, Yon Top Cut G730 . Sale: April 3, 2025, Kaiser Angus Sale at the ranch. See our display ad on page 32.

Kansas State University Animal Sciences & Industry Dept. 2200 Denison Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502 (785) 565-1881

Website: www.asi.ksu.edu/purebredbeefunit

District: 1. County: Riley. Herd established in 1881. 4000 Acres. 125 registered cows & 50 commercial cows.

Kimzey Angus Ranch

Greg & Sue Kimzey 6443 CR 2100, Fredonia, KS 66736 ( 620) 205-6680

Email: gkimzey1960@gmail.com

District: 3. County: Montgomery. Location: 3 m. South of Lafontaine on 2300 RD, 1 ½ m. West on 6200 RD, ½ m. North on 1950 RD. A.I. Sires: DB Iconic G95, Connealy Commerce, Connealy Craftsman, HCC Whitewater 9010, S Architect 9501.

Klausmeyer K3 Angus Jeff & Tom Klausmeyer 405 E. Hillside St Wellington, KS 67152 (316) 650-6628

Email: jeffklausmeyer@gmail.com

District: 6. County: Sumner. Location: Wellington & Conway Springs. Year established: 1975. 75 registered cows and 65 commercial cows. A.I Sires: Patriarch, Tahoe, Substantial. Herd Sires: Molitor Propel 978-002, Dalebanks Glory 0676, Stucky Rainfall.

L* HONORARY MEMBER –Bob & Barbara Laflin (2010)*

Laflin Ranch

RD Laflin II 14075 Carnahan Rd., Olsburg, KS 66520 (785) 587-5852 www.laflinranch.com

District: 1. County: Pottawatomie. Location: 1st corner east, 3 miles south of Olsburg. Angus since 1900. AI Sires: Sitz Spectrum, Growth Fund, Craftsman, Justification, Duke, Safe & Sound. Herd Sires: Laflins Home Run, Laflins Tahoe, Bear mt Magnify. Annual Sale: Laflin Ranch Production Sale 1st Saturday in March at ranch. See our display ad on page 7.

Lamb Ranch


John & Jason Lamb 1501 County Road 170, Wallace, KS 67761 (785) 751-4432

Email: jmlamb@st-tel.net (785) 846-8116

District: 7. County: Logan. Location: 10 miles west of Russell Springs on Hwy. 25. Year established: 1951. Acres: 8000. 250 registered cows and 50 commercial cows.

*HONORARY MEMBER - Anne Lampe* (2020)

Lampe, Mark, Anne, Triple 3 Bar S Angus

Lampe, Clayton, Carter & Claire

Anne (620) 874-4273, Clayton (419) 344-6379

Lampe, Garrett, Gretchen, Weston, Grayson, & Braylon, Lampe Cattle, Tallula, Il

Garret t(309) 620-1608

5201 E. Rd. 110, Scott City, KS 67871, Email: tri3bars@wbsnet.org

District: 7. County: Scott. Location: 5 mi. east of Scott City on K96 to Quivera Rd then 4 ½ miles south. Year established: 1994 (Bar S established 1953).

See our display ad on page 26.

Langvardt, Karl, Amy, Trey & Bailey Lyons Ranch 32169 Hwy. K4, Alta Vista, KS 66834

Website: lyonsranch.com

Amy: (785) 499-2944

Karl: (785) 499-2945

Email: amykarl@lyonsranch.com

District: 1 & 2. County: Wabaunsee and Riley. Location: 8 miles east of Alta Vista on Highway K4. Headquarters location: 3 miles south of Manhattan off K-177 Hwy on McDowell Creek Rd. Year Established: 1977. Sale:37th Annual Lyons Ranch Superior Genetics Sale, 1st Monday in March, See also Lyons Ranch, Jan & Frank Lyons

See our display ad on page 21.

Larson, Brady, Kyla, Cauy, Crue, Camri, Coby, & Cord

Larson Ranch 1438 N County Rd 3 Leoti, KS 67861 (785)821-1580

Email: larsonranchks@gmail.com (620) 353-8170 www.larsonranch.com

District: 7 County: Wichita. Location: 13 miles north of Selkirk KS. Year established: 2014. Sale: 1st Thursday in March at Larson Ranch. See our display ad on page 34.

Larson Angus Ranch

Dan, Becky, Beau, Bret, Brady & Bart Larson 195 RD 26, Sharon Springs, KS 67758 (785) 891-3748

Email: larangus@wbsnet.org Dan (785) 821-1098

Website: www.larsonangusranch.com Brady (785) 821-1580

District: 7. County: Wallace. Location: 14 miles south of Wallace, KS on Rd 26. Year established: 1989. Acres: 10000. 500 registered cows and 120 commercial cows. Herd Sires: DVAR Huckleberry, LAR Man in Black, LAR Blazer, EXAR Reserve DVAR Comanche 2072, FHCC No Nonsense 2594. A.I. Sires: Basin Jameson, GAR Fireproof, GB Fireball, Connealy Commerce, GAR Sunbeam, GAR Hometown, Step Up, Connealy Craftsman. Annual sale: Carcass without Compromise Bull Sale, 1st Thursday in March at the ranch Leoti, KS.

See our display ad on page 34.


Lava Angus Cattle Enterprises Marissa Edenstrom Lava Acres Ranch (972) 310-9865

2337 E Crawford St, Salina, KS 67401 (785) 823-0633

Fax: (785) 823-0658

Email: marissa@cccancer.com

District: 5. County: Saline. Location: 5800 N Ohio, Salina, KS 67401. Acres: 3500. 20 registered cows. 423 commercial cows.

Lazy H Ranch Kansas, LLC

Mark, Tina, Macara, MaRynn Rohr 735 240th Ave., Hays, KS 67601 (785) 432-1107

Email: proven@ruraltel.net, Website: www.lhrbulls.com District: 5. County: Ellis. Location: I-70 Exit 157, South 4.0 miles to Rd 274, South 5.0 miles to Ranch. Year established: 1998. Acres: 200. 210 registered cows and 180 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Blackcat, Craftsman, Commerce, Statesman, Dynamic, Gettysburg, Keystone, True Balance, Hustler, Ratified, Jameson, Exponential, Summation. Herd Sires: VAR Ring of Fire, Sydgen Ozark, B/R Future Direction 4268, LHR KC Ignite, LHR Ridgeline, LHR Jameson 306, Connealy Vindicate. Annual Sale: LHR 23rd Annual Lazy H Ranch Kansas Bull & Female Sale, 1st Sunday in March at the ranch.

Lohmann Angus

Ben, Amanda, & Mike Lohmann 12529 114th St Oskaloosa, KS 66066

Ben: (Grantville, KS) (785) 380-6585, Email: lohmannangus@aol.com

Mike: (785) 766-0421

Amanda: (Perry, KS) (785) 979-9492, District: 1. County: Jefferson. Year established: 1987. 85 registered cows.

Lundgren Angus Ranch

Lundgren, Larry and Anita Angell, Blake & Kirsten 3633 County Road I, Gove, KS 67736 (785) 673-9047

Website: www.LundgrenAngusRanch.com

Email: laranch@ruraltel.net

District: 7. County: Gove. 10 miles south and 3 ½ miles west of Gove. Year established: 1993. Acres: 3000. 250 registered cows & 80 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Tehama Tahoe, Leachman TL Bottom line, GAR High Security, EXAR Monumental, Raven Powerball, Basin Payweight 1682. Sale: 3rd Friday in February, “Dollars & Sense” Production Sale, 10 south and 3½ west of Gove. See our display ad on page 82.

* HONORARY MEMBER – Frank & Jan Lyons (2000) *

Frank & Jan Lyons Lyons Ranch

Langvardt, Amy & Karl, Tanner & Trey

Jan (785)532-8500 2481 McDowell Creek Rd. Manhattan, KS 66502 Amy: (785) 499-5434, Karl: (785) 499-2945


Website: www.lyonsranch.com

District: 1 & 2. County: Riley, Wabaunsee & Geary. Location: 3 miles southeast of Manhattan on McDowell Creek Road (Co. No. 901) or 7 miles north of I-70 at exit 307; South Ranch: 8 miles east of Alta Vista on KS. Hwy 4. Year established: 1977. Acres: 6000. 350 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Exclusive, Resilient, Enhance, Man in Black, True North, Plus One. Herd Sires: Lyons Powercat 8156, Lyons Resource 6159, Lyons Manhattan 6205, Lyons exclusive 1083, Lyons Bronc 8271. Sale:36th Annual Lyons Ranch Superior Genetics Sale, 1st Monday in March Also see Langvardt, Karl, Amy, Tanner, Shelby & Trey

See our display ad on page 21.



Marston, Twig, Mary, Andee, & Katie Trademark Genetics

9275 Blue River Hills Rd. Manhattan, KS 66503 (785) 551-3153

Email: twig.marston@gmail.com (785) 556-1220

District: 1. County: Riley. Year established: 1973. A.I. Sires: Yon Discipline, E&B Everett, Connealy Commerce. Herd Sires: SG Salvation 0753.

May-Way Farms, Inc

Jason, Wendy, Kenzie, Caleb, & Dani Flory. 1162 N. 550 Rd., Baldwin City, KS 66006 Office (785) 594-3125

Email: maywayfarms@gmail.com Jason (785) 979-2183

Website: www.maywayfarms.com Kenzie (785) 840-7357

District: 2. County: Douglas. Location: 6 miles south of Lawrence, KS on 59 Hwy. 475 registered cows and 25 commercial cows. Annual Sale: May-Way Farms Annual Bull & Female Sale, 2nd Saturday in March, at farm.

See our display ad on page 26.

* HONORARY MEMBER – Randy & Varee McCabe

McCabe Genetics Randy, Varee, Flinton, Ethan, Hannah & Esther McCabe

6075 C CR 1950, Elk City, KS 67344 Randy (620) 332-4244

Email: stocky2678@yahoo.com Flinton (620) 332-4498

Website: www.mccabegenetics.com Ethan (620) 636-0545

District: 3. County: Montgomery. Location: 3 miles south of Lafontaine on Harper Road and 11/2 miles west. Year established: 1967. Acres: 5500. 200 registered cows and 220 commercial cows. Annual production sale: Bull Sale: 4th Thursday in March. McCabe Genetics Sale, at the farm.

McCain Farms

Chris & Lori McCain 18471 S Stanley Rd. Overbrook, KS 66524 (785) 806-6018

Email: mccainplumbingco@gmail.com

District: 2. County: Osage. Acres: 165. 17 registered cows.


Dale McCurry (1984) & McCurry Brothers (1999) Cecil & Sandra McCurry (2014) *

McCurry Brothers Angus –Brad, Greg, Geoff, Barry Greg: (316) 772-7856 11811 N. 215th Street W, Sedgwick, KS 67135 Brad: (316) 393-5418

Geoff: (316) 761-6536, Barry: (316) 772-6772, Website: www.mccurrybrothers.com

Email: mccurrybro@aol.com, District: 6. County: Sedgwick. Year established: 1928. Acres: 8000. 400 registered cows. Bulls, Cows, Show Heifers for sale by private treaty. See our display ad on pages 54-55.

* HONORARY MEMBER – Andy & Mary McCurry (2015)*

McCurry, John & Melody, Mary McCurry McCurry Angus Ranch 11007 E Illinois Ave, Hutchinson, KS 67501 (620) 727-5197

Email: mccurryangus@outlook.com , Website: www.mccurryangus.com ,District: 6. County: Reno. Location: 7 miles east of Hutchinson Hwy 50-61 Jct., 1 mile south, 1 1/2 mile east. Year established: 1977. Acres: 3500. 450 registered cows and 300 commercial cows. McCurry Angus Ranch Bull Sale: 2nd Thursday in March at the ranch in Hutchinson, KS. See our display ad on page 19.


Mill Brae Ranch Mark, Janice, & Taylor Nikkel 15670 Cattlemen Rd., Maple Hill, KS 66507 (785) 256-3072 (785) 256-3523

Email: millbraeranch@gmail.com, Website: www.millbraeranch.com

District: 2. County: Wabaunsee. Location: Maple Hill exit #341 on I-70, two miles south on Windy Hill Rd. and 1/4 mile west on Cattlemen Rd. Year established: 1987. Acres: 500. 130 registered cows. Sale: Barrett Cattle and Mill Brae Ranch Bull Sale, 4th Friday in March, at Mill Brae Ranch. See our display ad on page 41.

Mill Creek Ranch

David Breiner, Chad Breiner, & Ryan Breiner Hillsdale Angus Farm

20635 Hessdale Rd., Alma, KS 66401

Dave: (785) 449-2841; Dave Cell: (785) 456-4790

Email: millcreekranch@embarqmail.com Ryan: (785) 207-3070 Chad: (785) 564-2091

Website: www.millcreekranch.com

District: 2. County: Wabaunsee. Location: from Alma: 9 miles south on Hwy 99 to 4 & 99 jct, east 4 ½ miles to MCR sign, North 1.5 miles on Hessdale Road to MCR Rock, right at rock and follow creek ¼ mile to headquarters. Year established: 1948. Acres: 1000. 25 registered cows and 100 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: MCR Horizon 081, MCR Security 293. Angus semen for sale.

Mission Valley Ranch

Bill & Kathy Hogue 11345 SW K-4 Hwy., Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 224-5763

Email: hogue@missionvalleyranch.com, Website: www.missionvalleyranch.com

District: 2. County: Shawnee. Location: Ranch Headquarters is 8 miles west of Topeka, 4 ½ miles south I70 at Exit 350; Flint Hills Division 26889 SW Traildrive Rd., Drive SW on Hwy K4 for 10 miles west of headquarters.to Skyline RD, drive 10 miles to traildrive rd. Year established: 1958. Acres: 1800. 200 commercial cows.

* HONORARY MEMBER – Richard & Angela Molitor (2003) *

Molitor Angus Ranch

Mike & Susan Molitor 11558 SW 90th St., Zenda, KS 67159 (620) 243-3081

Email: molangus@onlinezenda.net District: 6. County: Kingman. Location: 5 miles north, then 2 ½ miles west of Zenda or 9 miles west, 9 miles south, 2½ west of Kingman, KS. Year established: 1952. Acres: 3000. 300 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Propel, Propel 002, Man in Black, Dynamic, True Grit, Firesteel, Safe & Sound, Blue Collar, Magnitude. Sale: Molitor 46th Annual Sale, 3rd Saturday in March at the Ranch. See our display ad on page 11.

Mullen Livestock

Tyson, Avery, Hallie Mullen & Emily McCurry Mullen PO Box 570 Ulysses, KS 67880 (620) 640-3188

Email: mccurrye@hotmail.com

District: 8. County: Grant. 80 Acres.

Munson Angus Farms

Chuck Munson & Jorgan Beck 4828 Liberty Hall Road, Junction City, KS 66441 (785) 223-0285

Email: cmun@munsonangus.com Website: munsonangusfarms.com

District: 2. County: Geary. Year Established: 1950. Acres: 5000. 300 commercial cows. Sires: Lyons Ranch Bulls.



Neill Cattle Company Casey, Dr. Shanna, Ryan, & Chase Neill 13662 254th Rd. Cummings, KS 66016 (785) 410-7053

Email: casey_neill@hotmail.com

District: 1. County: Atchison. Year established: 2013. 40 registered cows. 20 commercial cows.

Nemaha Valley Cattle Co., Inc. Neal, Marya, Dane, Addie, Sullivan & Ian Haverkamp 1360 State Highway 71, Bern, KS 66408

Email: neal@nemahavalleycattle.com

Neal (785) 336-1655

Email: marya@nemahavalleycattle.com Marya (785) 336-1656

Website: nemahavalleycattle.com , District: 1. County: Nemaha. Location: 2 miles west of Bern on Hwy 71. Year established: 1993. Acres: 1000. 150 registered cows and 50 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Dynamic, Fireball, Republic, True Grit, Exclusive. Herd Sires: Nemaha Revelation 7082. Private Treaty., See our display ad on page 24.

Neufeld River Farm Fred & Connie Neufeld 525 First Ave., Inman, KS 67546 (620) 585-2300

Email: cfneufeld66@gmail.com Cell: (620) 727-5121

District: 5. County: McPherson. Year Established: 1981. Location: From Inman: 7 miles west, 11/4 north. 250 commercial cows.

* HONORARY MEMBER -Bill & Loris New (2016) *

New Haven Angus Jilinda, Damon, Andrea, Shawna, Brandon, and Jennifer New 18657 Jamison Rd., Leavenworth, KS 66048 (816) 225-8044

Email: newfamily@newhavenangus.com , Website: www.newhavenangus.com

District: 1. County: Leavenworth. Location: 8 miles northwest of Tonganoxie or 8 miles southwest of Leavenworth. Year established: 1954. Acres: 1000. 225 registered cows. A.I. Sires: E&B Rival, Boyd Justification, Yon Country Road, S Architect. Herd Sires: New Haven Resilient K080, Barrett 0426 658 RF. Annual Sale: 4th Saturday in March New Haven Angus Production Sale at the Farm. See our display ad on the inside back cover.

OOhlde, Tim, Trudy, Jake & Jordon Ohlde Cattle Co. 1362 – 2nd Rd., Palmer, KS 66962

Email: tim-trudy@ohldecattle.com

Tim: (785) 630-0523

Trudy: (785) 630-0522 Website: www.ohldecattle.com, District: 4. County: Washington. Location: 2-1/2 miles south of Palmer. Year established 1977. 400 registered cows and 500 commercial cows. Herd Sires: Many OCC bulls. AI Sires: OCC Paxton 730P, OCC Zodiac 655Z, OCC Do It All 656D, OCC Emblazon 854E, OCC Eureka 865E, OCC Anchor 771A, OCC Rear End 751R, OCC Linebred 661L, DHD Traveler 6807, OCC Great Plains 943G. Annual Sales: 3rd Mon in April Ohlde Cattle Co. Basic Black Bulls Sale and Female Sale, at the ranch.


Oleen Brothers Arden (785) 482-3398, Arden Cell: (785) 466-1422 Box 8, Dwight, KS 66849 Jan (785) 482-3383, Fax (785) 482-3502

Email: farmerstbank1@tctelco.net

Website: www.oleenbrothers.com

District: 2. County: Morris. Location: ½ mile south of Dwight, KS on Hwy #4. 250 registered cows and 600 commercial cows. Annual Sale: 4th Monday in March, Best of Both Worlds, at the ranch.

Ottensmeier Angus Ken, Jackie, Tyler, Samantha, Thrapp & Hayes Ottensmeier

6810 Washington Rd McLouth, Ks 66054 (785) 393-8604

Email: ottensmeierangus@gmail.com

Website: www.ottensmeierangus.com

District: 1 County: Jefferson. Location: From McLouth- 1 mile west on K-92 Hwy & 1.5 miles south on Washington Rd. Acres: 2000. 70 registered cows and 50 commercial cows Sale: Private Treaty. See our display ad on page 42.

Owen, Larry & Barbara Owen Farms 1112 Eisenhower Rd. Ottawa, KS 66077 (785) 248-9846

Email: blfarms10@yahoo.com

District: 2. County: Franklin. Year established: 2011. Acres: 400. 30 registered cows and 35 commercial cows.

PPearson Angus Clint, Lisa, Cole & Miles Pearson 509 Wayne, Scott City, KS 67871 (620) 874-5219

Email: pearson@wbsnet.org

District: 7. County: Scott. Year established: 2000. Acres: 2500. 70 registered cows and 10 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: BAR Dynamic, Musgrave 316 Exclusive. Herd Sires: LAR Tahoe XLT L10, LR True North 1279.

Pelton, Chris & Susan

Pelton Ranch 5713 181st St., Paradise, KS 67658 (785) 483-9201

Website: www.peltonranch.com (785) 483-0242

Email: peltonranch@gorhamtel.net

District: 5. County: Russell. Location: 1.5 miles south of Paradise. Year established: 1980. Acres: 5000. 300 registered cows and 100 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: OCC Moderator 825Mm OCC X-tra Easy 708. Herd Sires: Linebred QAS Traveler 23-4, DHD Traveler 6807, PR Advance 7189, PR Advance 1120, PR Advance 0075, PR Advance 0224, PR Advance 1057, PR Advance 9103, PR Advance 1243. Private treaty bull and replacement females.

Perkins Angus Ranch Dustin & Elizabeth Perkins 2335 10th Rd Lorraine, KS 67459 (785) 531-1365

Email: office@perkinsangusranch.com Website: perkinsangusranch.com

District: 5. County: Ellsworth. Location: 1 & ½ miles south of Lorraine KS. Year established: 2018. Acres: 1450. 105 registered cows and 5 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: HW Netherton Claymore 3H, EXAR Cover the Bases 0819B, Sydgen Merit 6553. Herd Sires: GAR Spit Fire, KCF Bennett Rock E466, EXAR Salvation 2788B. See our ad on page 9.

Perrier, Tom & Carolyn, Matt & Amy, see Dalebanks Angus



Rowh Angus

PO Box 91 Jennings, KS 67643

Email: drakerowh@me.com

Jason & Drake Rowh

Jason: (785) 678-8081

Drake: (785) 657-1515

District 7. County: Decatur. Location: 4 miles north of Jennings. Year established: 2015. 200 registered cows and 300 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Wilks Promise Keeper 3709, Baldridge Heat Seeker H925, FF Rito Ambitious, Basin Jameson 1076, Baldridge Jordan, Byrd Fault Free 6276-2531, Boyd Bedrock, EZAR Gettysburg 1061, Deer Valley Baseline 21007. Herd Sires: Wilks Promise Keeper 3709, VAR Statement 3288, Rowh Propulsion 352, Rowh Clarification 1508, Rowh Mondo 9501. Sale: Rowh Angus Sale, 3rd Tuesday of February at the Ranch.

See our display ad on page 4.


Sachse, John, Kinsley, Richard & Sue

Sachse Family Angus 33551 207th St., Easton, KS 66020 (913) 306-0304

Email: sachsefamilyangus@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/sachsefamilyangus

District 1. County: Leavenworth. Location: 10 miles northwest of Leavenworth on US Hwy 73. Year established: 1935.

* Chris & Sharee Sankey Honorary Member 2023*

Sankeys 6N Ranch Chris, Sharee, Cody & Lindsay Sankey 1121 Lake Rd., Council Grove, KS 66846 Jeana & Dustin Hurlbut

Office/Fax: (620) 767-7526

Email: sankeys6nranch@yahoo.com

Website: www.sankeys6nranch.com

Chris Cell: (620) 343-0456

Sharee Cell: (620) 343-0288

Cody Cell: (517) 749-5556

Dustin Cell: (605) 380-8052

District: 2. County: Morris. Location: 1.5 miles north of Council Grove on Hwy. 177, west across the dam of Council Grove Federal Reservoir to stop sign. Right at the stop sign, west 2.2 miles to 6N Ranch on the south side of Lake Road. A.I. Sires: Sitz Domain, Boyd Justification. Herd Sires: Forbes 8088. Sankeys 6N Ranch Fall Female Sale September 24th, 2024, Sankeys 6N Ranch, Council Grove, KS. See our display ad on page 47.

Sankey, Hal & Ann

22520 W 45th St N Andale, Ks 67001


Email: hsankey88@gmail.com Cell: (316) 200-1030

District: 6 County: Sedgwick

Sankey, Luke, Allison, & Quinn 13302 W Lost Creek St. Wichita, KS 67235 (316) 293-6767

Email: lsankey11@gmail.com

District: 6 County: Sedgwick

Scheer Family Cattle

Doug, Terri, Travis, & Ty Scheer 123 S 311th St W Garden Plain, KS 67050

Email: dlscheer@hotmail.com

District: 6 County: Sedgwick. 6 registered cows and 10 commercial cows.

(316) 772-2014


Schilling Cattle Ron, Marsha, Cash, Amanda & Chance Schilling 6885 Rd 32, Edson, KS 67733 (785) 694-2731 (785) 694-3589 www.schillingcattle.com

Email: bull@st-tel.net District: 7 County: Sherman. Location: 3 east & 4 1/2 north of Edson KS. Established: 1974. Schilling Cattle Bull Sale 4th Wednesday of March, in Brewster, KS See our display ad on page 37.

Schlegel Angus Ranch Derrick Schlegel 1390 CR 100, Alexander, KS 67513 (785) 731-5221

Email: derrick_schlegal@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/schlegelgenetics District: 5. County: Rush. Location: 4 miles south, 2 west of Alexander, KS. Year established: 2007. Acres: 500. 40 registered cows. 30 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: LAR Holliday, GAR Refresh, Dynamic, Black Bandolier. Mid-Kansas Breeders Sale, 3rd Wednesday of March, LaCrosse, KS. See our display ad on page 36. Mid Ks Angus Breeders.

Schrick Angus Brad & Susan Schrick 2271 Nighthawk Rd. Hiawatha, KS 66434 (913) 426-3149 (913) 375-0140

Email: bsschrick@yahoo.com

District: 1. County: Brown. See our display ad on page 39.

Schrock Angus Farm Arlyn, Nelson, Diane Schrock 1809 East Lake Cable RD, Hutchinson, KS 67501 Nelson: (620) 727-5415

Email: schrockangusfarm@gmail.com Arlyn: (620) 899-0748

District: 6. County: Reno. Location: 2 miles south, 1 1/2 mile west of Yoder. Year established: 1997. Acres: 2750. 75 registered cows & 50 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: America, New Addition, Cool, Tahoe. Herd Sires: Hickok, Jet Black, Dynamic.

* HONORARY MEMBER - George Crenshaw (1976) * Shamrock Farms-the Crenshaw Families: Christy, Roy, Sue, Julia, Coye, & Valeri 35525 Tallgrass Road, Manhattan, KS 66502 (785) 313-2031

Email: nelliec.crenshaw@gmail.com

District: 2. County: Wabaunsee. Location: 4 miles north from I-70 on Tallgrass Rd. Year established: 1948. Acres: 950. See our display ad on page 40.

Shepherd Angus

Todd & Charlene Shepherd

330 So 327th St W Garden Plain, KS 67050 (316) 706-1926

Email: cshep327@yahoo.com

District: 6. County: Sedgwick.

Shive Cattle Company Allen & Dawn Shive 24015 W 101st N Mt. Hope, KS 67108 (316) 772-2211

Email: ashive@cpcoop.us (316) 772-8969

District: 6. County: Reno. Year established: 2012.

Silver Lake Angus Barry Santee 3104 Princeton Dr Hutchinson, KS 67502 (620) 596-2532

Email: barry.santee@ks.gov

District: 6. County: Reno.

Slocombe, John & Bonnie


4291 McDowell Creek Road, Manhattan, KS 66502

Email: john@bjangus.com;

BJ Angus Genetics

Cell: (785) 532-9777

Website: www.bjangus.com

District: 1. County: Riley. Location: 5.8 miles south of Manhattan on McDowell Creek Road or 5.2 miles north of I-70 at Exit 307 on McDowell Creek Rd. Year established: 1993. Acres: 1200. 150 registered cows and 2 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Prophet, 12E7, 10X, 5050, Sure Fire, Denver, Anticipation, Reserve All In. Annual sale: 2nd Thursday of March, BJ Angus Genetics

Production Sale, 4291 McDowell Creek RD, Manhattan, KS 66502.

See our display ad on page 14.

Steffen Farms

1359 N. Milan Rd., Conway Springs, KS 67031

Bret & Nick Steffen

Bret: (620) 456-2664

Nick: (620) 584-6688, District: 6. County: Sumner. Location: 4 miles north, 2 miles west, and 1/2 mile north of Conway Springs. Year established: 1983. Annual Sale: 3rd Friday in March, Chisholm Trail Angus Sale at Winfield, KS.

Stewart, Gregg & Brig

Mid Continent Farms 400 E College, Washington, KS 66968 (785) 325-2089 Email: mcfgregg@gmail.com, Website: midcontinentfarms.com, District: 4. County: Washington. Location: Washington, KS & Benkelman, NE. Year established: 1996. Acres: 10000+. 600 registered cows. Top Cut Female Sale.

Stoppel, Brad & Sherri

18361 Reservoir Rd Russell, KS 67665 (610) 787-9752

Email: thehigginsgirls32014@outlook.com , District: 5 County: Russel. Year Established: 2022.

Stroot, Allen, Jessica Stroot, Steve Skipton, & Sandy Skipton (316) 371-8136 11506 91st Rd. Winfield, KS 67156 , Email: allenstroot@yahoo.com, District: 6. County: Cowley.

*Gordon Stucky Honorary Member 2019*

Stucky Ranch

Gordon Stucky Family 421 NE 70 Ave., Kingman, KS 67068 (620) 532-3220

Email: gordon@stuckyranch.com

Website: www.stuckyranch.com

District: 6. County: Kingman. Location: 6 miles east of Kingman on Hwy 54 to 70th Avenue Exit, then 1 mile south. Year established: 1964. Annual Production Sale: Stucky Ranch Angus Production Sale, 2nd Wed in March, located at the ranch. See our display ad on page 3.

Sunflower Genetics, LLC

Steve & Mary Gleason & Family 12410 Blazingstar Rd. Maple Hill, KS 66507 (785) 640-8060

Email: smglsunflower@gmail.com

Website: sunflowergenetics.com

District: 2. County: Wabaunsee. Location: I-70 Exit 342, South 3 ½ miles, east 1 ½ miles on Blazingstar Rd. Year established: 1986. Acres: 4000. 400 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Mill Brae Benchmark, Connealy Guardrail, GAR Home Free, Tehama Tahoe, Deer Valley Growth Fund, E&B Rival, Connealy Commerce, GB Fireball, 2BarC Crossfire. Sale:.3rd Friday in March.


TTaylors Double DD Angus Ken, Glenda, Travis, Nick & Ron Taylor

21480 Wallace Rd., Walnut, KS 66780 (620) 754-3759

District: 3. County: Neosho. Location: 1 mile east of Stark city limits to Wallace Rd., then 1/2 miles south. Year established: 1961. Acres: 1100. 150 registered cows.

Thiel, David & Laura Walnut Hill Farms, Inc. 26096 Tonganoxie Dr. Leavenworth, KS 66048 (816) 898-3793

District: 1. County: Leavenworth. Location: 12 miles west of Leavenworth. Herd established in 1965. Acres in Farm: 900.

Thomas Angus Lynn Thomas 14821 Madison Rd., Riley, KS 66531 (785) 761-6194

Email: lynnrthomas@gmail.com

District: 1. County: Riley. Location: 3 miles west of Riley on US Hwy. 77. Year established: 1989. Acres: 230. 20 commercial cows.

Thornburg Angus Ranch

Coralee Thornburg Allen Thornburg

7852 County Rd A Utica Ks 67584 Wallie Thornburg

Email: cthornburg37@yahoo.com (620) 214-2300

District: 7. County: Gove. Location: 4 Miles north of Utica, 1/2 Mile west, North side of road. Year Established: 1947. Acres: 2100. 40 Commercial cows.

TRAYLS Angus Tanner, Jessica & Elizabeth Rayl

4007 E. 56th St., Hutchinson, KS 67502 (620) 694-0207

Email: traylsangus@yahoo.com

District: 6. County: Reno. Year established: 2002. Acres: 100. 5 registered cows and 10 commercial cows.

Triple H Feeders LLC

Steve Peterson

24052 140 Rd. Lebanon, KS 66952 (785) 389-1451

Email: beef@triplehfeeder.com (785) 282-0124

District: 4. County: Smith. Location: 3 ¼ miles west of Lebanon KS on 140 Rd.

Troyer, Bryan & Kristi TJ Ranch

206 W Yankee Rd. Glade, KS 67634 (785) 543-2655

Email: troyerbryan570@gmail.com (785) 302-1222

District: 4. County: Phillips. Location: From Glade 3 miles west, 2 miles south, and 1/2 mile west. Year: 1955. Acres: 2200. 150 registered cows. A.I. Sires: DB Iconic, Tehama Patriarch, Millars Duke, Baldridge Compass.

Tummons, Bob & Beverly T6 Angus - Braunvieh 1526 US Hwy 75, Fairview, KS 66425-9646 (785) 467-3532

Email: bnbtummons@gmail.com

District: 1. County: Brown. Location: 7-3/4 miles south of Fairview on Hwy 75 or 18 miles north of Holton, KS. Herd established in 1967. Acres: 250. 30 commercial cows. Herd Sire: Braunvieh home raised bulls.


U.S. Premium Beef Brian Bertelsen


100 Military Ave. Ste. 201 Dodge City, KS 67801 (620) 338-6839

Email: brian.bertelsen@uspb.com

Website: www.uspremiumbeef.com

District: 8. County: Ford. Location: Field Office located in Dodge City; Headquarters in Kansas City MO. Year established: 1997.


* HONORARY MEMBER - Sam & Gyra Wagner Family (1996) * Wagner, Gyra 29071 Q Rd, Harlan, KS 66967-6526 (785) 697-2232

District: 4. County: Smith. Location: 1 1/3 mile south of Harlan, KS. Year established: 1937.

Walker, David & Spencer

David Walker Farms PO Box 724 Johnson, KS 67855 (620) 492-2506

Email: dtwalker@pld.com , District: 8. County: Stanton.

Wellbrock Farms, LLC

Scott Wellbrock 703 Sunset Victoria, Ks 67671 Scott Wellbrock Angus Farms District: 5 County: Ellis

Wendling Farm

David & John Wendling 6713 So. Old Settlers Rd., Halstead, KS 67056 (316) 772-2682, (316) 835-3149

John: 4212 S. River Rd, Halstead, KS 67056 David: (316) 835-2598 Email: JW6713@yahoo.com Website: wendlingangusfarm.com District: 6. County: Harvey. Location: 1 mile west and 2 1/2 miles south of Halstead. Herd was established in 1978. Acres: 2500. 150 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Stellar, True North, & Tahoe. Herd Sire: Kisiwa Bruiser 7086, Kisiwa Hickok 8086.

Werth, Cindy, Garrett, & Reid

GG&T Cattle Co. 1695 County Rd. 80 Quinter, KS 67752 (785) 769-5352

Email: ggtcattle@ruraltel.net Website: ggtcattle.com

District: 7. County: Gove. Sale: GG&T Cattle Co. Performance Sale, February 20, 2025, at the ranch.

Whitmer Ranch

Monte Whitmer 12174 S W 90th Ave. Zenda, Ks 67159 (620) 243-6811

Email: imready@onlinezenda.net, District: 6. County: Kingman. Location: 1 1/2-mile N of Zenda, KS. Year Established: 1928. Acres: 2500. 50 registered cows and 150 commercial cows. A.I Sires: Hickock, True North, Rainmaker 4404, Rainfall. Herd Sire: Sons of Hickok, Sons of True North, Sons of 4404.


Wilson, William D., & Linda Wilson Angus Ranch 1236 Cedar RD., Burr Oak, KS 66936 (785) 545-5588

District: 4. County: Jewell. Location: 7 miles north and 1-1/2 east of Burr Oak. Year established 1949. Acres: 5000. 80 registered cows and 20 commercial cows.

Wilson-Good Cattle Company

Chad Wilson & Aliesa Good 2531 E Vine Drive, Barnard, KS 67418

Email: wilsongoodcattlecompany@gmail.com (785) 822-7347

District: 4. County: Lincoln. 2023. 120 registered cows. A.I. Sires: EXAR Bluechip, SAV Scalehouse, Casino Constable, PVF Marvel, Baldridge Titan, Baldridge Goalkeeper, WCC Exact. Herd Sires: May-Way Southern Charm 2085, Schmidt 053-Stunner 001, W/G Growth Fund 217. Sale: Wilson-Good Cattle Company Bull & Female Sale,

Windmill Lane Farms

Chad, Lena, Tyler, Tanner & Trey Hommertzheim 25635 W. 37th N, Andale, KS 67001 (316) 734-5473

Email: hommertzheim.family@gmail.com

District: 6. County Sedgwick. Year established: 1997. Acres: 306. 20 registered cows and 55 commercial cows. A.I. Sires: Cowboy Up, Gold Rush, Certainty, Cross Bow.

Wolf Creek Angus Ranch

Michael D. Colvin, Mary Ferguson 19208 Luray Lane, Luray, KS 67649 (785) 698-2225

Email: wolfcreek@gorhamtel.com

Website: www.WolfCreekAngus.com

District: 5. County: Russell. Location: 1 mile south of Hwys. 281 & 18, 1 1/2 miles west of Luray Elevator on Luray Lane. Year established: 1994. Acres: 2000. 150 registered cows. A.I. Sires: Tehama Tahoe B767, Connealy Legendary 644L, Woodhill Comstock, Connealy Craftsman, Tehama Patriarch F028, Baldridge Compass C041, Sydgen Enhance, DL Dually, Baldridge Gibson G859, Woodhill Blueprint. Herd Sires: Wolf Creek Compass 4140, Wolf Creek Dually 0700, Wolf Creek Dam 2045, Wolf Creek El Dorado 6141. Private Treaty, starting on February 1st each year. "Supplying Performance-Bred Seedstock to meet the Commercial Beef Cattle Industry's Demands."

Woodbury Farms

Woodbury, Howard, John and Evan 23200 S. Stubbs, Quenemo, KS 66528 Howard's cell: (785) 241-0515

Email: hhwoodbury@hotmail.com Website: woodburyfarmskansas.com District: 2. County: Osage. Location: 5 miles north of Quenemo. Year established: 1881. Acres: 5000. 200 registered cows and 200 commercial cows. Herd Sires: Connealy Reformed 732VB, Connealy Payraise 663X, Mead Growth Fund V1635, Mead Perseverance V1528, HPCA Rawhide 228J, WFQ Armory B421 G21, WFQ Justified B29 K42. AI Sires: Poss Rawhide, Connealy Craftsman, Tehama Patriarch, Hoffman Thedford, Connealy Bohannon, Sitz Stellar. Annual Sale: March 19, 2025, 14th annual Woodbury Farms Annual Bull and Female Sale at Overbrook Livestock Commission. See our display ad on page 35.

Wulfkuhle, Mark, Brenna & Baylee

Rocking H Ranch 1047 E Diagonal Rd. Lawrence, KS 66047 (785) 887-6605, Brenna (785) 633-8352

Email: wulfkuhleb@gmail.com Mark (785) 633-8351, District: 2 County: Douglas. Location: 8 miles west, 3 ½ miles south of Lawrence. Year Established: 1956. Acres: 3000. 50 registered cows. 75 commercial cows.

David Dickerson 785-483-1454 | Stephanie Dickerson 785-445-5139

Ken Stielow 785-483-9733 | E than Dickerson 785-324-1321

Jayce Dickerson 785-324-1673



Presidents, Treasurers & Secretaries of the Kansas Angus Association since 1952

NOTE: These officers are the ones who held the office on January 1 of that year. Some may have held the office for several months of the preceding year. *Secretary also the field representative /manger. Established & Incorporated 5/15/1952


Fred Holder, Jr. Sharon Lindell


Fred Holder, Jr. Sharon Lindell 1999 Gordon Stucky

1998 Mark Gardiner

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Holder, Jr.

Sharon Lindell

Sharon Lindell 1997 Bruce Rinkes

Fred Holder, Jr.

Sharon Lindell

Fred Holder, Jr. Sharon Lindell


Jr. Sharon Lindell

Fred Holder, Jr. Sharon Lindell 1993 Galen Fink

1992 Allan Miller

1991 Richard Molitor

1990 Chris Sankey

1989 Bob Tummons

1988 Cecil McCurry

1987 Steve Maier

1986 Henry Gardiner

1985 Arlos Rusk

Fred Holder, Jr. Guy Peverley

Fred Holder, Jr. Guy Peverley

Fred Holder, Jr. Guy Peverley

Fred Holder, Jr. Guy Peverley

Fred Holder, Jr. Guy Peverley

Fred Holder, Jr. Lori Fink

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Holder, Jr.

Lori Fink

Lori Fink

Lori Fink 1984 Tom Perrier

1983 Bob Conley

1982 Jan Lyons

1981 David Kimzey

1980 Dick Janssen

1979 Gene Gates

1978 Phil Steffen

1977 Jack Ayres

1976 Tom Benton

1975 Fred Holder, Jr.

1974 Eugene Packer

1973 A.G. Pickett

1972 George Crenshaw

1971 Sam Wagner

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Holder, Jr.

Fred Schultis

Fred Schultis

Fred Schultis

Lori Fink

Lori Fink

Lori Fink

Lori Fink

Lori Fink

Danny Fanning

Danny Fanning

Danny Fanning

Phil Ljungdahl

Phil Ljungdahl

Phil Ljungdahl

Fred Schultis Phil Ljungdahl

Fred Schultis Phil Ljungdahl

Fred Schultis Phil Ljungdahl 1970 Willard Ericson

1969 Dick Patton

1968 Gerald Schmidt

1967 Dale McCurry

1966 Ben Price, Jr.

1965 Henry Gardiner

Fred Schultis Phil Ljungdahl

Fred Schultis Jim Hladik

Fred Schultis

Bob Towne

Fred Schultis John Barton

Fred Schultis

Fred Schultis

John Barton

John Barton 1964 Herschel Janssen

Fred Schultis

John Barton 1963 Kenneth Moore

Fred Schultis

Fred Schultis


Robert Hudelson

Bob Hudelson

Emmett Shank

Fred Schultis Emmett Shank

Fred Schultis Emmett Shank 1959 Marvin Moore

Fred Schultis

Emmett Shank 1958 A.J. Schuler, Jr.

Fred Schultis

Emmett Shank 1957 Francis Perrier

1956 Bob Geiss

1955 John Hudelson

1954 Glenn Dodson

1952-53 Chester Bare

Fred Schultis

Fred Schultis

Fred Schultis

Robert Finney

Fred Schultis

John Barton

John Barton

Lester Ljungdahl

Lester Ljungdahl

Don L. Good

State Map - District Breakdown

8 Kansas Angus Association Districts

District 1: Doniphan, Brown, Nemaha, Marshall, Atchison, Jackson, Pottawatomie, Leavenworth, Riley, Wyandotte, Jefferson

District 2: Johnson, Douglas, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Geary, Miami, Franklin, Osage, Lyon, Morris, Chase, Linn, Anderson, Coffey

District 3: Bourbon, Allen, Woodson, Greenwood, Crawford, Neosho, Wilson, Elk, Cherokee, Labette, Montgomery, Chautauqua

District 4: Washington, Republic, Jewell, Smith, Phillips, Clay, Cloud, Mitchell, Osborne, Rooks, Ottawa, Lincoln

District 5: Dickinson, Saline, Ellsworth, Russell, Ellis, Marion, McPherson, Rice, Barton, Rush, Pawnee

District 6: Butler, Harvey, Sedgwick, Reno, Kingman, Stafford, Pratt, Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Barber, Edwards, Kiowa, Comanche

District 7: Norton, Decatur, Rawlins, Cheyenne, Graham, Sheridan, Thomas, Sherman, Trego, Gove, Logan, Wallace, Ness, Lane, Scott, Wichita, Greeley, Hodgeman, Finney, Kearny, Hamilton

District 8: Ford, Gray, Haskell, Grant, Stanton, Clark, Meade, Seward, Stevens, Morton

District 1

Pottawatomie (PT)

Jackson (JA)

Marshall (MS)

Leavenworth (LV)

Atchinson (AT)

Jefferson (JF)

Riley (RL)

Jackson (JA)

Riley (RL)

Jefferson (JF)

Pottawatomie (PT)

Jefferson (JF)

Pottawatomie (PT)

Riley & Wabaunsee (RL, WB)

Lyon (LY)

Pottawatomie (PT)

Riley (RL)

Nemaha (NM)

Jefferson (JF)

Jefferson (JF)

Leavenworth (LV)

Pottawatomie (PT)

Marshall (MS)

Pottawatomie (PT)

Marshall (MS)

Doniphan (DP)

Riley (RL)

Pottawatomie (PT)

Riley & Wabaunsee (RL, WB)

Jefferson (JF)

Riley & Wabaunsee (RL, WB)

Riley (RL)

Atchinson (AT)

Nemaha (NM)

Leavenworth (LV)

Jefferson (JF)

Leavenworth (LV)

Brown (BR)

Riley (RL)

Leavenworth (LV)

Brown (BR)

Jackson (JA)

Director: Josh Laflin, Olsburg (785) 747-7005

A&D Ranch- Dave & Anita Nichols

AK Genetics, Alex and Kayla Lock

Alcove Cattle Co.

April Valley Farms/Theis

Barnett Angus

Barrett, Gene, Anna

BJ Angus Genetics/Slocombe

Boeckman Cattle; Brian Boeckman

Burgman Farms

Burns Cattle

Cline Cattle Co

D&G Ranch / Doug ,Eugene Packer

Davis, Duane Meadowmere Angus

Downey Ranch, Inc

Elite Show Supplies/ Woodrow, Clint,

Figge, Keith & Beverly

Fink Beef Genetics

Fisher Angus

Foster Farms, Larry Foster

Glanville, William C.

Hagenbuch, June

Hammarlund Angus Farm

HAR-Huninghake Angus Ranch

Hinrichsen Ranch/R & L Angus

Huninghake Angus / Leo Huninghake

Jensen/Blair Hill Angus Farm

Kansas State University

Laflin Ranch

Langvardt, Karl & Amy

Lohmann Angus

Lyons, Frank & Jan

Marston, Twig & Mary

Neill Cattle Company

Nemaha Valley Cattle/Haverkamp, Neal

New Haven Angus

Ottensmeier Angus

Sachse, John

Schrick Angus

Slocombe, John, B J Angus Genetics

Thiel, David & Laura / Walnut Hill Farm

Tummons, Bob & Beverly A.

Wanda Guess/ R Bar W Ranch

District 2

Morris (MR)

Shawnee (SN)

Franklin (FR)

Anderson (AN)

Anderson (AN)

Chase (CS)

Wabaunsee (WB)

Wabaunsee (WB)

Chase (CS)

Osage (OS)

Wabaunsee (WB)

Wabaunsee (WB)

Shawnee (SN)

Geary (GE)

Morris (MR)

Franklin (FR)

Douglas (DG)

Morris (MR)

Wabaunsee (WB)

Wabaunsee (WB)

Osage (OS)

Bourbon (BB)

Bourbon (BB)

Greenwood (GW)

Bourbon (BB)

Wilson (WL)

Chautauqua (CQ)

Wilson (WL)

Montgomery (MG)

Montgomery (MG)

Wilson (WL)

Neosho (NO)

Blythe Angus

G&M Ranch/Greg Gathers

Harris Angus

Hillhouse Angus -Benton, Tim & Patty

Hillhouse Angus Ranch / Tim Benton

Hinkson Angus

Jones Family Angus

Langvardt, Karl & Amy

May-Way/Flory, Jason & Wendy

McCain Farms

Mill Brae Ranch

Mill Creek Ranch

Mission Valley Ranch

Munson, Charles & David

Oleen Brothers

Owen, Larry & Barbara

Rocking H Ranch, Wulfkuhle

Sankey’s 6N Ranch

Shamrock Farms

Sunflower Genetics LLC

Woodbury, Howard , John, Evan

Beene, Janet & Kristy / Blooming Hill Angus

Cloverdale Farm/John Ericson

Dalebanks Angus/ Perrier family

Gilliland, Larry & Kathleen

Graff Ranch, Inc.

Hillcrest Genetics

JOKN Cattle LLC / Novotny

Kimzey Angus Ranch

McCabe Genetics

Porter, Earl/ Rocking Double E

Taylors Double DD Angus

Elk (EK)
7HAR Harrison Angus Ranch

Jewell (JW)

Lincoln (LC)

Phillips (PL)

Washington (WS)

Smith (SM)

Washington (WS)

Washington (WS)

Washington (WS)

Smith (SM)

Phillips (PL)

Smith (SM)

Jewell (JW)

Lincoln (LC)

Barton (BT) & Russell (RS)

Russell (RS)

Rice (RC)

McPherson (MP)

Dickinson (DK)

Russell (RS)

Barton (BT)

Saline (SA)

Marion (MN)

Dickinson (DK)

Rush (RH)

Ellis (EL)

Marion (MN)

McPherson (MP)

Dickinson (DK)

Pawnee (PN)

Pawnee (PN)

Saline (SA)

Ellis (EL)

McPherson (MP)

Russell (RS)

Ellsworth (EW)

Rush (RH)

Russell (RS)

Ellis (EL)

Russell (RS)

Benoit Angus

BK Angus

Ferguson Angus

Flat Iron Angus

Hanson, Marty & Deb

Ohlde, Tim, Trudy

Rockin H Cattle Co/ Hauschel

Stewart, Greg & Brig Stewart

Triple H Feeders

Troyer, Brian & Kristi/ TJ Ranch

Wagner, Gyra

Wilson, William D. & Linda

Wilson-Good Cattle CO

B & D Angus & Herefords

Bar S Ranch, Inc.

Barta Farms LLC

Bengston, Vince & Shannon

Blocker Hay & Cattle

C Bar L Cattle / Clint Laflin

Cheyenne Angus Farm

Don Johnson Angus

Doyle Creek Land & Cattle Co.

Fairview Angus Farm /Steven Schuler

Ficken Angus

Green Garden Angus Farm

Harms Plainview Ranch

Hazelton Angus

Hedgewood Prairie/Woodworth

Josefiak Farms

Josefiak Land & Cattle

Lava Angus Cattle Enterprises

Lazy H Ranch/Mark Rohr

Neufeld River Farm

Pelton, Chris & Susan

Perkins Angus Ranch

Schlegel Angus Ranch

Stoppel, Brad and Sherri

Wellbrock Farms

Wolf Creek Angus Ranch

District 5 Director: Clinton Laflin, Russell (620) 583-0207

District 6

Butler (BU)

Director: Beth Krehbiel, St. John (620) 546-1585

Bailey Hughs Cattle Co/Bailey, Cowley (CL)

Pratt (PR)

Stafford (SF)

Harper (HP)

Kingman (KM)

Reno (RN)

Comanche (CM)

Comanche (CM)

Sedgwick (SG)

Reno (RN)

Sedgwick (SG)

Kingman (KM)

Barber (BA)

Pratt (PR)

Reno (RN)

Reno (RN)

Sedgwick (SG)

Sedgwick (SG)

Reno (RN)

Sedgwick (SG)

Sedgwick (SG)

Reno (RN)

Sumner (SU)

Kingman (KM)

Reno (RN)

Harvey (HV)

Kingman (KM)

Sedgwick (SG)

Billiter, Dale

Bortz, Berry

Cornwell Farms

Cottonwood Angus Farm

Diamond Lazy H Ranch, Dwight Hill

Flying F Cattle Co.

Gates, Valerie & Chan, Susan

Huck, Dennis DVM & Shirley

Klausmeyer K3 Angus

McCurry Angus Ranch

McCurry Bros. Angus

Molitor Angus Ranch

Poland, Richard G. & Anita

Pratt Livestock Inc.

Rayl, Brad

Rocking LD Angus Ranch

Sankey Hal & Ann

Scheer Family Cattle

Schrock, Nelson

Shepherd Angus/ Todd & Charlene

Shive Cattle Company/Allen & Dawn

Silver Lake Angus

Steffen Farms

Stucky Ranch


Wendling Farm

Whitmer Ranch

Windmill Lane Farms

Hamilton (HM)

Ness (NS)

Cheyenne (CN)

Graham (GH)

Sheridan (SD)

Gove (GO)

Logan (LG)

Scott (SC)

Wallace (WA)

Wichita (WC)

Gove (GO)

Scott (SC)

Decatur (DC)

Sherman County (SH)

Gove (GO)

Gove (GO)

Stanton (ST)

Clark (CA)

Clark (CA)

Ford (FO)

Grant (GT)

Ford (FO)

Black Velvet Ranch

Bruntz, Eldon

Crooked Creek Angus/Adam Jones

Hobbs Ranch

Juenemann Cattle Company

Kaiser, Darrell & Frina

Lamb Ranch

Lampe, Mark, Anne, Clayton, Garrett

Larson Angus Ranch

Larson, Brady and Kyla

Lundgren Angus Ranch

Pearson Angus

Rowh Angus

Schilling Cattle

Thornburg Angus

Werth, Cindy, Garrett & Reid, GG&T

David Walker Farms

Gardiner Angus Ranch

Harrington, Seth / H6

Huck, Darin (DVAR)

Mullen Livestock

U.S. Premium Beef

Index of Advertisers













































NEW HAVEN ANGUS-Inside Back Cover-*


















For Your Reference

American Angus Association

Jeff Mafi

Regional Manager, KS-OK Cell: (816) 344-4266 jmafi@angus.org

American Angus Association 3201 Frederick Blvd. St. Joseph, MO 64506 (816) 383-5100; www.angus.org

Certified Angus Beef, LLC

206 Riffel Rd, Wooster , OH 44691 (330) 345– 2333 www.cabcattle.com

Kansas Angus Association

Anne Lampe, Sec./Mgr. 5201 E Rd 110, Scott City, Ks 67871,(620) 874-4273 mobile kansasangus@wbsnet.org www.kansasangus.org

Betsy Anderson, KAA Bookkeeper PO Box 542, Colwich, Ks 67030 , betsyakaa@gmail.com (316) 706-9750

Kansas Beef Council PO Box 4567 Topeka, KS 66604 (785) 273-5225

Kansas Livestock Association 6031 SW 37th Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 273-5115 www.kla.org


Ad Space reservations due 10th of month prior to publication.

Ks Angus News Rates

Full page 4 color- $420

1/2 Page….4 c $ 225

1/3 Page….4c $ 175

1/4 Page….4 c $120

Business Card Ad..$40 /issue ,$150/year

Published 4 times per year- scheduled to mail the first week of publication month.

January- ad copy due Dec. 10

February- ad copy due Jan 10

Spring/Summer, March/-August- ad copy due Feb 10

Fall/Winter, September- December-ad copy due Aug 10

Circulation 2000 -direct mail plus online

For specs, rates and sizes www.kansasangus.org

Kansas Dept. of Agriculture

Manhattan office: (785) 564-6700 www.agriculture.ks.gov

Kansas State Fair

2000 N. Poplar, Hutchinson, KS 67502, (620) 669-3600, www.kansasstatefair.com

Kansas State University Dept. of Animal Sciences & Industry, Weber Hall Manhattan, KS 66506 (785) 532-6131

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