Number 581 . Kansas Angus Association . December 2012
A curve bending performance sire
• His sons have been highlights for the past two KG Ranch Bull Sales, MT. • Wisdom sires cattle that are muscular and moderate in frame. • He offers moderate birth with explosive growth and carcass merit. • His combination is rarely equaled in the breed. • His $Feed and $Beef are at the top of the breed. • His first daughters are making productive young cows. CED 7
BW 1.4
WW 56
YW 119
SC 1.65
MARB .61
RE .55
$W 27.77
$B 78.71
as of 10/10/12
Contact your local accelerated genetics Representative today! RICK PINKerman Reg. Sales Manger 660.425.1090
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Tim Rippe Ludell 785-626-4515
wesley dotson Enid 580.541.3799
mark rohr Hays 785.432.1107
KSAngus_Nov2012_Wisdom.indd 1
10/12/12 8:53 AM
Association News Annual Kansas Angus Association Meeting, Banquet, & Futurity Junior Show January 26-27, 2013
Plan to attend Annual Meeting, Banquet & Junior Show
The Ks Angus Association annual meeting and banquet will be held Saturday, January 26, 2013. The meetings and educational presentations are on Saturday, January 26 in the Prairie Pavilion on the Kansas State Fairgrounds (KSF) in Hutchinson beginning at 11 am. The annual banquet which will include a social hour, the Kansas Angus Auxiliary scholarship auction, honorary member induction, KAA Directory page auction and Miss Kansas Angus crowning is at the Ramada Inn and Conference Center. Adults tickets at $25 each and will include a generous buffet featuring Certified Angus Beef ® Prime Rib, children 12 and under may choose a burger and fries meal for $6 each. The judging contest and junior will be held on Sunday, January 27 at 9 am ; the junior show includes classes for registered Angus owned heifers, bred and owned heifers and bulls, steers and cow/calf pairs as well as commercial purebred and steers and predominantly black Angus based cross bred steers. The entry deadline for the junior show is January 10, late entries are not accepted. Look for the junior show entry form and banquet reservation submission, hotel info and complete schedule of events at or in this issue of the Kansas Angus News. Friday January 25 3 pm- Barn and tie outs open to receive Junior Show cattle, Ks State Fairgrounds Saturday, January 26 11 am - Ks Angus Auxiliary meeting– Fairgrounds - Prairie Pavilion 12:30 pm— KAA Annual Meeting—Prairie Pavilion Meeting Room 1:30 pm Educational program TBA 2:00 pm- All junior show cattle on fairgrounds 2 pm to 3 pm -Junior Show check in 4– KJAA meeting – Prairie Pavilion 6:00 pm– KAA pre banquet social -Ramada Hotel & Conference Center (cash bar) 6:30 pm– KAA Annual Banquet ( Honorary member induction, Auxiliary scholarship auction, Miss Ks Angus crowning; Directory Ad auction, KJAA semen auction) Ramada Hotel & Conference Center- Ticket required Adults $25 , children 12 and under $6. Reservations requested, pay at the door. Adult Hospitality room- following banquet, Ramada Hotel, Celebration Suite Sunday, January 27 8 am – Registration for Judging Contest- adults and juniors 9 am – Ks Angus Futurity Jr Angus Show and Judging Contest Look for schedule and program update in the January 2013 issue of the KAN. Hotel Headquarters Ramada Hotel & Conference Center . 620-669-9311 .Reserve by Jan 10 to receive block rate- $73 standard room . Ask for Ks Angus Assn rate.
Advertise with us… Include your ad in the Kansas Angus News this spring.
January 2013– ads due Dec 10 February 2013– ads due Jan 10 March/April 2013– ads due Feb 10 See page 2 for rate information. Send ad or ad info to
Consign Today!
KAA members we would like to invite you to participate in the Kansas Angus Association 2nd Annual Online Angus Sale, to be held in January of 2013 in conjunction with the events of the KAA annual meeting, banquet and Kansas Angus Futurity Jr. Show. The sale will be hosted by AngusLive and plans are to have the sale and bidding go up on the internet on approximately January 14 and close on Monday, January 28 at 7pm CST. Frozen and live lots will be accepted for consignment. Live lots may include elite show heifer or registered Angus steer prospects ,females, herd picks and pregnancies. Frozen may include semen or embryo packages. Consignments will be taken until January 5, 2013. A $60 consignment fee is due at the time of nomination and will only be refunded if the entry is not accepted by the committee or sale manager. Consignment fee will cover online hosting and advertising. The KAA will collect 5% commission on all lots sold, prior to final settlement with consigner. Consignors must be KAA members. KAA and AngusLive will advertise sale mainly through internet ads and printed flyers; consigners are expected to promote the sale and their consignments. Consigners will be allowed display space for either live lots or promotional materials on January 26 and 27 in the Prairie Pavilion, Kansas State Fairgrounds, during the activities of the Kansas Angus Futurity. Consignment Procedure Submit consignment by January 5, 2013 to: Anne Lampe, Kansas Angus Association, 5201 E Road 110, Scott City, Kansas 67871 or email: Please be sure to include registration number(s) of live lots and breeding information if applicable, registration numbers of sire and dam of embryos plus complete package description including number and grade of embryos offered and guarantees, sire name and registration number of semen and number of straws offered. Footnote information. Include $60 consignment fee (per lot) with nomination. Fee must be collected prior to posting on internet and is non-refundable after consignment is accepted. Check payable to KS Angus Assn and mailed to Anne Lampe. Submit photo and footnote information by January 5. Videos are suggested. Seller is responsible for shipping embryos and semen; the KAA assumes no responsibility for shipping. Seller is responsible for transfer of live lots.
Annual KAA Banquet Reservation Saturday, Jan. 26. 2013 ______ Number of adults or teens ______Number of children 12 and under Name( please print) ___________________________________________________ Farm/Ranch________________________________________ City__________________ST_______ Phone___________________ Email__________________. By Jan. 20. Location: Ramada Hotel and Convention Center ( formerly Grand Prairie Hotel) Adults $25—Certified Angus Beef ®Prime Rib Buffet , Children 12 and under $6 each—burger & fries meal Make Banquet Reservations Online! Or mail to: Ks Angus Association, 5201 E Rd 110, Scott City, Ks 67671. FAX 620-872-3915 1 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Kansas Angus Association The President’ s Pen
Season’s Greetings everyone, If you didn’t make it to the National Angus Conference and Tour in early October you missed a fun and educational event. A big thank you goes to our secretary/manger Anne for all her hard work, as well as to all the other Kansas breeders who helped pull the event together. I know it was a lot of work for the host ranches and when the buses pulled out, they probably felt like a tornado had just blown through, stirred everything up real good, and left them standing breathless, wondering what just hit them. A big thank you also to all the additional breeders that displayed cattle at each ranch stop. Some hauled their cattle a long way just to be able to show their cattle to the tour participants and I appreciate the fine display of Kansas Angus cattle they provided. I think our guests were impressed. I know I was. By the time you get this, most everyone will be finished with fall weaning, fall calving, and trying to decide what to breed cows back to this winter. I know a lot of us are still looking for a good runoff rain to provide a winter water supply. Most of the area I have covered this fall has had enough rain to get grass growing again and some have had enough rain to put water in creeks and ponds. But here in east central and much of the northeast part of the state, there has still been no runoff to speak of a most ponds are nearly dry. We had KAA sponsored Pratt Commercial Female sale in early December . Gordon Stucky and his committee did a wonderful job putting that sale together and ranchers consigned a great set of useful females of all classes. For those of you in other parts of the state, it’s probably not to early to start thinking about consigning cattle to one of the other commercial sales we’re planning for spring. There are plans under way to have sales in Holton and Fort Scott, in addition to our usual sale in Junction City as well as a fall sale in LaCrosse. If we get ample moisture through the winter, I think these sales could be really hot. The registered sales I’ve seen this fall seem to be strong in spite of the weather and pasture conditions and I see that as another hint of a great spring market if we can just get some rain. See you on the Angus Trail,
Tim Benton
Kansas Angus Association President 2012
As we enjoy the Christmas season and the year comes to an end we will all celebrate with friends and family and plan for the new year. Even with the turmoil of drought and high feed prices, we can celebrate a great year as part of the “Angus family”. Angus seedstock and feeder cattle were in high demand and selling prices reflected that. In Kansas we opened our “home” to over 500 Angus breeders as we hosted the 2012 National Angus Conference and Tour. KAA members joined together as a family to share our history, ranches, state and great Angus cattle . I thank each member that participated in any way, the NAC&T was a great success! Congratulations Esther I am very excited to congratulate Esther McCabe, Elk City—2013 Miss American Angus . She was crowned in Louisville, Kentucky during the events of the American Angus Association Annual meeting. (See page 4) I plan to print Esther’s speech and more photos in the January KAN. Congratulations to Esther and her family– Randy, Varee, Flinton, Hannah and Ethan. Happy Holidays
Anne S. Lampe, Ks Angus News, editor ; Ks Angus Association, Secretary/Manager , 620-874-4273 cell, 620-872-3915 home/office
Association News, Annul Meeting ,Banquet & Jr Show Planned …….. ....….….1 Editors Notes, KAA, KAN Info…….…...…….........2 Angus Industry……………………………….....4 ,16 Ks Angus Futurity Jr Show Entry Form…..………..5
Anne Lampe, Editor 5201 E Rd 110▪ Scott City, Ks 67871 (620)872-3915 phone/fax▪ (620)874-4273 cell
Email: Advertising Rates Full Page ….$325 b/w Full page 4 color…. $350 1/2 Page….$165 b/w; 4c $190 1/3 Page….$120 b/w ; 4c $145 1/4 Page….$85 b/w; 4c $100 Column Inch….$12 Card Ad..$25 /issue Photos Add Photos ……………… $5/photo No photo charge for camera ready ads Discounts for year contract 1/4 page and larger prepaid. Discounts for multiple full page ad in same issue. Classified Advertising : $2 per word. 10 word minimum. No logos , graphics or display ads in classified section.
Other Services KAA Mailing List (member use)……….$100 Mailing List (non member use)………..$150 Private Treaty Commission ……….5% Website Block Ads E– Classifieds
Catalog inserts welcome.
Notes & News from Anne
In this Issue
Official Publication of the Kansas Angus Association, Inc.
November/December 2012 issue ad/copy deadline : October 10
KJAA……………………………………………...6 Angus “Comes Home to Kansas” …………..…...7-8 Kansas State Fair Winners……………………….9 Our Angus Family ………………………….…....10 Auxiliary…………………………………….…...13 Showring Purple………………………………….14 KAA Member Elected National Angus Officers…..16
Cover - Happy Holidays. Photo and design by Anne Lampe. Sun setting on the final day of the National Angus Conference and Tour at Stucky Ranch near Kingman, KS. 2 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Terms: All accounts that are 60 days or more past due will be assed interest at a monthly rate of 1–1/2% (18% annually). Accounts 90 days past must be paid before further advertising will be accepted. Any member 3 months or more in arrears in the payment of dues or assessments shall be dropped from the roll with the membership year beginning with the annual meeting. (KAA By-Laws: Art III, Sec 4) Any claims or statements of the writers or advertisers in this publication represent their own opinions and are not necessarily those of the Kansas Angus Association Board of Directors
President :Tim Benton, Garnett Vice President : Craig Rucker , Burdett Secretary/Mgr: Anne Lampe, Scott City (620) 872-3915 Treasurer: Robert Bailey ,3990 Highway K68 Quenemo, Ks 66528,(785) 828-3338 Past President: Joe Hite, Valley Center
District Directors Term Expires # 1 Neal Haverkamp, Bern ……………….….……...2013 # 2 Sharee Sankey, Council Grove………..…….….....2014 # 3 Matt Perrier, Eureka……………………..………….2014 # 4 Doug Benoit, Esbon ..……………….…….….........2013 # 5 Mark Rohr, Hays………………….....…………...... 2015 # 6 Shane Prill, Wichita…………………….…………....2013 # 7 Larry Lundgren, Gove………...………………...…..2013 # 8 JR “Rusty” Williams, Hugoton………………...…...2013 Directors At Large (Commercial) Harold Hazelton, McPherson……………………..……...2013 Howard Woodbury, Quenemo…………………........…..2014 Rick Cornwell St. John ……………..……….………. .2015 Directors At Large (Purebred) Brandon New, Leavenworth………………….………....2014 Stuart Rose, Cheney…….…………………..……. …....2015 Ron Hinrichsen, Westmoreland……………… ……….2013 The KAA board meets quarterly in February, May, September and December. Members are welcome to attend meetings. Contact Anne Lampe for meeting dates.
The Only Angus Sale Managers in Business Nine Consecutive Decades
Tom Burke 816/853-2697
Wishing you a blessed Holiday Season,
a Very Merry Christmas Kurt Schaff 816/520-6447
and a Wonderful New Year!
Jeremy Haag 816/516-1309
Make your next Angus sale a Hall of Fame Sale! Visit our website for current sale listings
P O Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089 ▪ 816/532 816/532--0811 ▪ Fax: 816/532 816/532--0851 ▪
Cattle for sale? If you have a herd of cattle for sale, whether it is a complete herd or a group of cattle, call us TODAY. We will be glad to come to your farm or ranch at NO OBLIGATION to advise you on the best way to merchandise them.
ANGUS INDUSTRY -News provided by American Angus Association ® Foundation, the night is free and open to the public. Spruce Mountain Ranch will Improved technology decreases test cost to $75 for Angus breeders. The American provide the bus transportation to and from the ranch, beginning at 5:30 p.m. However, the ranch will open at 3 p.m. for those who would like to drive out early Angus Association®, its subsidiary Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) and Pfizer Animal ® Genetics are pleased to announce price improvements for the Pfizer 50K genomic and see the facility before dinner. The Angus Foundation will auction off a limited testing program for Angus cattle. Now available at a cost of $75 per test, the DNA number of packages, such as family vacations, hunting or fishing outings, leisure trips and weekend getaways. Spruce Mountain Ranch is also offering a heifer lot to analysis still includes parentage as a no-cost benefit with this product. “We are benefit the 2013 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS). In addition, the auction fortunate to see these price improvements, thanks to research collaboration, improved genomic technology and increased test volume,” says Bill Bowman, AGI features 15 lots of Spruce Mountain Ranch’s finest Angus genetics. president and Association chief operating officer. The $75 test is available immediately as a benefit to producers with registered Angus cattle. Also, due to the The Ten KS Breeders Who Registered The Most Angus expansion of the collaborative partnership between AGI and Pfizer Animal The 10 producers who registered the most Angus beef cattle in the state of Kansas Genetics, research scientists are finalizing implementation of the 50K recalibration recorded a total of 5430 Angus with the American Angus Association® during fiscal for release in early 2013. “It’s encouraging to know that even more breeders will year 2012, which ended Sept. 30, according to Bryce Schumann, CEO of the have the opportunity to discover additional information on their registered Angus American Angus Association. The 10 top recorders in Kansas are: Gardiner Angus herds, and make improvements for generations to come,” Bowman says. AGI and Ranch Inc, Ashland, 1678-head; Rock'n R Angus Ranch, Plainville, 667; Stratford the Association currently offer updates of the entire National Cattle Evaluation Seedstock, Pratt, 593; Everett L Benoit, Esbon, 501; Harms Plainview Ranch, every week – including the 50K results incorporated in genomic-enhanced EPDs – Lincolnville, 368-head; Dalebanks Angus Inc, Eureka, 358; Galen & Lori Fink, providing the most accurate, rapid genetic feedback available in the beef cattle Randolph, 345; Flying S Ranch, Saint Francis, 321; Black Velvet Cattle, Mankato, industry. 304-head; Mill Brae Ranch LLC, Maple Hill, 295.
Angus Pfizer 50K Available at New Price
National Western Stock Show Nears
Make plans to attend the annual Angus events held Jan. 14-19 in Denver, Colo. For many ranch families, the holidays aren’t over until the National Western Stock Show (NWSS). Hundreds will make the trip to Denver, Colo., this January to join in on the 107-year-old tradition. Angus events kick off Wednesday, Jan. 16 and continue through the weekend with shows, sales and other activities. “There’s nothing quite like Denver in January,” says Shelia Stannard, American Angus Association® director of activities and events. “The NWSS is one of our biggest shows of the year, it is home to the breed’s only pen and carload show, and hosts elite Angus sale offerings.” While at the NWSS, stop by the Listening Post in the Yards, where Association, Angus Genetics Inc. and Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) staff members will be available to visit with producers about Association programs and the cattle industry.
Angus breeders across the nation in 2012 registered 315,007 head of Angus cattle. “Our year-end statistics continue to demonstrate strong demand for Angus genetics and solidify our long-held position as a leader in the beef cattle industry,” Schumann said. “These results underscore our members’ commitment to providing genetic solutions to the beef cattle industry.”
The NWSS Angus headquarters hotel, the Marriott City Center, offers a shuttle that travels to the NWSS daily, each morning and evening, as space is available. To make reservations, call the Marriott at 303-297-1300 and ask for the American Angus Association block. ROV Angus Shows Angus activities begin with the Super-Point Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Bull Show at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 16 in the Stadium Arena. Doug Parrett, Urbana, Ill., will evaluate ROV entries. The Angus Bull Sale Show follows at 12 p.m., and prospective buyers have the opportunity to preview the bulls before the sale begins. A panel of three judges will evaluate the bulls using a composite system to establish a sale order. Judges are Jake Scott, Gordon, Neb.; Bill Davis, Sidney, Mont.; and Dan Shike, Champaign, Ill. Attendees will be invited into the showring to inspect bulls after the grand and reserve grand champions have been selected. The Junior Angus Heifer Show begins at 8 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 17 in Stadium Arena. Paul Hill, Bidwell, Ohio, will judge the junior show. The next day, ROV Angus Females enter the ring, judged by Parrett. The NWSS Angus Pen and Carload Show takes place Saturday, Jan. 19. The only one of its kind, the show begins at 8 a.m. in the Livestock Center Auction Arena. Rick Blanchard, Firebaugh, Calif., Rob Thomas, Baker City, Ore., and John Grimes, Hillsboro, Ohio, will serve on the three-judge panel evaluating the group competitions. Immediate show results will be available online and accessed through the Association’s smartphone application, Angus Mobile. A complete event schedule, showring videos, event photos and breaking news alerts are also available by downloading the app. Angus Events and Sales Following the bull shows Jan. 16, the 2013 Angus Foundation Heifer Package will sell at 3:30 p.m. in the Beef Palace Auction Arena at the Stock Show Complex. Immediately after, approximately 4 p.m., the National Western Angus Bull Sale begins. Eddie Burks, Park City, Ky., will serve as auctioneer during the sale, which is managed by the Association. Events wrap up Jan. 16 with Angus Night on the Mountain II at Spruce Mountain Ranch. A fundraising event for the Angus
4 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Esther McCabe, Elk City, was crowned the 2013 Miss American Angus at the 2012 North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) Super Point Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Show, Nov. 12 in Louisville, Ky. Esther, the daughter of Randel and Varee McCabe, will represent the Angus breed at numerous beef industry events during her reign. The American Angus Auxiliary sponsors the Miss American Angus contest, held annually at the NAILE. Five college youth compete for the honor after winning the Auxiliary’s top scholarships at the National Junior Angus Show earlier in the year. The competition includes a written quiz, an interview and public speaking before a panel of three judges. Esther is the 45th Miss American Angus, and will travel the country as an ambassador for the breed. Photo by Carrie Heitman, American Angus Association. See page 16 for American Angus Associations elects… and American Angus Auxiliary Elects Officers
Entries due Jan 10 Enter online
2013 Kansas Angus Futurity Junior Show- Jan 27 Rules:
1. The Kansas Angus Futurity Junior Show will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday, January 27, 2013 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. A $10 entry fee applies to each animal entered. Females entered in the bred and owned show may also be shown in the owned show provided entries are made and fees are paid for both shows. Ribbons for each class will be provided as will champion and reserve champion ribbons and awards. Division champions may be named in some categories. 2. All owned heifers and Angus steers must be properly transferred; registered and on record at the American Angus Association as of Jan 10, 2013. Bred and owned cattle must be registered by show date. Original registration papers and tattoos will be checked at the show. Any animal that is not tattooed or has an incorrect tattoo will not be allowed to show. Freeze brands allowed as per American Angus Association rules. 3. All show entries must be at the show facilities by 2 p.m. Saturday, January 26 Entries may arrive as early as Friday, January 20, 3 pm; but must be stalled in designated area only. Animals are released following the show. All entries will be checked-in between 2-3 p.m. on Saturday, January 26 & must stay on grounds after check in. 4. Females eligible to show must be born in on/after Sept. 1, 2010.With the exception of cow/calf pairs. Calf must be latest natural calf
born on/after Sept. 1, 2012 and be bred and owned by the exhibitor. Calf must be registered by show date. Steers must be born on/after Jan. 1, 2012. Bulls must be born on/after Jan.1, 2011. Classes will be determined by number entered and birth date. 5. Exhibitors must be members Kansas Junior Angus Association to participate. If not a member you can join at the show. Cattle must be shown by the recorded owner unless 2 in the same class in such case another KJAA member may show. In the case of illness or injury a KJAA member may be allowed to show in your place with a written doctor’s excuse. Notice must be received at check in. In the case of an emergency illness or injury at the show after cattle check-in , the show chairman (KJAA president) must be notified prior to the class in order for a substitute showman. Failure to show a doctor’s excuse or in the case of a show emergency contact with show chairman prior to entering the class will result in disqualification of the entry. 6. Cattle will be stalled in the Prairie Pavilion in a designated area only. Tie-outs will be available. No feed, hay or straw will be available for purchase. 7. Showmanship will be divided into the following divisions: Pee-wee( non exhibitorsages 8 and under/ enter at show); Novice ages 9 and under Junior (ages 10-13); Intermediate
(ages 14-17); and Senior (ages 18-21). All ages are as of January 1, 2013. Each contestant must be an exhibitor at the show and show own animal with exception of peewee division) 8. Classes for registered Angus steers, commercial purebred Angus steers and Angusbased predominantly black (51% black) crossbred steers (Angus sire or dam) born after January 1, 2012will be offered. All steer classes will be judged as prospects. Registered steers will be shown by age. 9. All bulls must be bred-and-owned. 10. Show order is steers, bred & owned heifers, owned heifers, cow-calf pairs, B & O bulls and showmanship. 11. The “Fitting and Grooming Rules #11” of the American Angus Association will be followed. No paint or other coloring agents are allowed. Aerosols are not permitted in the designated show ring make up area. DRESS code: All exhibitors must wear shirts with collars. 12. Entries and fees should be sent to KJAA President ,Hannah McCabe . Checks made payable to KJAA; fees paid at the time of entry. No late entries will be accepted. Entries must be postmarked on or before January 10, 2013
Form online Judge: Brian Stoller, Palisade, NE
2013 Kansas Angus Futurity Junior Show Entry Form Division 1 Division 2 Division 3
Registered Angus Steers Commercial Purebred Angus Steers Angus-based Crossbred Steers (Angus sire or dam)see rule 8.
Name of Animal
Division 4 Bred-and-Owned Heifers Division 5 Owned Heifers Division 6 Cow-Calf Pairs Division 7 Bred-and-Owned Bulls
Registration #
Sire Complete NAME
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Div 8- Showmanship_ □ Ages 9 & under □ Ages 10-13 □Ages 14-17 □ Ages 18-21(age as of 1/1/2012) no fee Use additional pages if necessary. PRINT or TYPE please. Copies accepted
Name __________________________________________ Date of birth ________Age________ Address ________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________ Telephone ______________________________ E-mail _________________________________ NJAA Member Code ____________________ Are you a first time KJAA exhibitor? ____________ Are you a KJAA member? ___________ (if no, please include $5 for dues) $10 per head $_______Total Entries must be postmarked on/before JANUARY 10, 2013 –no late entries-on line
Return entry form and $10 per entry to KJAA President, Hannah McCabe, 6087 CR 1950, Elk City, Ks 67334;
KS Junior Angus Association Dear KJAA Members, This is my favorite time of the year! Many factors play into this, one obviously being holiday and family time. . Another reason of course is getting to pick out your new show heifer for the upcoming year. My brother, Ethan, and I have had our show cattle in Manhattan with us this semester and Esther, my sister, comes up on weekends to help. It may have taken me a few years to realize this, but I have come to truly appreciate the hours that we get to spend together, working towards a goal. This time in your life flies by so quickly. Doing chores may not be at the top of your 'fun list', but looking back, that is what I remember most about my chores growing up, because we made it fun. So take advantage of the opportunities and the people around you who want to help you succeed. That is what shapes you into who you are. Have a great holiday season. I hope to see many of you at the Angus events January 26-27 in Hutchison including the Futurity Junior Show, entry deadline is January 10, see page 5 for an entry form. Sincerely,
Hannah McCabe, KJAA President
Change in NJAS Deadlines May 15 is entry and ownership deadline for NJAS 2013 in Kansas City. May 15 is also the deadline for photography, writing, cook-off, graphic design and video contests. May 25 is deadline for prepared public speaking. NJAS 2013 July 5-11– Kansas City, MO for more info KJAA OFFICERS 2012-13 President: : Hannah McCabe, Elk City,, 620-636-0125 President Elect: Mackenzie Flory, Baldwin City Vice President: Cody Thies, Leavenworth Treasurer: Esther McCabe, Elk City Secretary: Jackson Wingert, Ottawa Reporter: Megan Green, Leavenworth Historian: Chelsey Figge, Onaga Membership Directors: Caleb Flory, Baldwin City & Grady Dickerson, Paradise Past President: : Meghan Blythe, White City DIRECTORS District 1: Claire Wingert, Ottawa District 2: Eric Blythe, White City District 4: Baili, Kerth District 5: Bryce Maneth District 6: Luke Sankey, Andale District 8: Quannah Gardiner, Ashland At-Large: Cale Hinrichsen, Sydnee Shive ADVISORS Jerry & Tonya Theis………….………………..(913) 683-0775 Ken & Jackie Ottensmeier ………… ……..(913)796-6994 Meghan Blythe………………………..…… .(785)466-3115 Anne Lampe………………………… … ..(620)872-3915
2013 National Jr Angus Association
Candidate & Delegate Application
According to the guidelines and by-laws of the KJAA any member wanting to be considered for election for a delegate or candidate at the annual meeting of the NJAA must declare prior to the January ( Ks Angus Futurity) meeting of the KJAA. The request must be in written form either by returning this form by mail or by emailing the KJAA president. KJAA election will be on 1/26/13 Name _______________________________ Address _____________________________ AAA#________________ Phone______________ Email_______________ Age of as Jan 1________ ____ I would like to represent Kansas as 1 of 2 voting delegates at the 2013 NJAA annual meeting in Kansas City during the National Jr Angus Show. ___ I would like to represent Ks as a 2013 candidate for the NJAA Board of Directors. Must me postmarked or emailed by Jan 10, 2013 Nominations from the floor are not accepted.
Hannah McCabe , KJAA President, 6087 CR 1950, Elk City, KS 67344
Woodbury’s Earn Junior Bronze and Silver Awards
Evan and Morgan Woodbury, Quenemo, Kan., have earned the National Junior Angus Association’s (NJAA) Bronze and Silver awards, according to Robin Ruff, junior activities director of the American Angus Association® in Saint Joseph, Mo. Evan attends Kansas State University where he is studying agriculture education and is a member of the NJAA and the Kansas Junior Angus Association where he currently serves as reporter. He has also served as district and state director. He has participated in local, state, regional and national shows and showmanship competitions. At the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS), Evan participated in the poster, livestock judging, quiz bowl, public and extemporaneous speaking contests and the 2012 mentoring program. He also participated in the Raising the Bar conference in 2011 and the Leaders Engaged in Angus Development (LEAD) conferences in 2011-2012. Morgan attends West Franklin Middle School and is a member of the NJAA, the Kansas Junior Angus Association and the Northeast Kansas Junior Angus Association. She has participated in local, state, regional and national shows and showmanship competitions. At the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS), Morgan participated in the poster, livestock judging and quiz bowl contests. She also participated in the mentoring program in 2012. The Bronze and Silver awards are the first two levels of the NJAA Recognition Program that began in 1972. Junior Angus breeders must apply for the awards, then meet point requirements in many areas of participation before receiving the honors. (620)872-3915; (620)874-4273 cell
Facebook: Kansas Angus Association
6 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Angus “Comes Home to Kansas” The 2012 National Angus Conference and Tour celebrates the breed’s Kansas roots. When Scotsman George Grant journeyed to the United States with four Angus bulls, he set his sights on the Kansas Prairie. The year was 1873, and once they arrived, the cattle became the basis of what is now the world’s largest beef breed. And Kansas is where it all began. Recently more than 400 Angus cattlemen and women celebrated that history while attending the 2012 National Angus Conference and Tour (NAC&T), held Oct. 3-5 in a number of locations across the state. Industry speakers, ranch visits, and feed yard tours were just a few agenda items, but most of all, Angus producers enjoyed gathering with old friends and meeting new ones from across the country. “At this year’s National Angus Conference and Tour, we really came full circle,” says Bryce Schumann, chief executive officer for the American Angus Association®. “Back to the land that was the Angus breed’s first home; and as a Kansas native myself, I could not be more proud of our breed’s history.” Themed “Come Home to Kansas,” the NAC&T was hosted by the Association and the Kansas Angus Association, along with sponsorship support from Land O’ Lakes Purina Feed LLC. The first day was the conference portion of the event, which included educational seminars in Wichita, Kan. Topics centered on “Beef Improvement, Angus-style” and involved speakers in academia and Association staff. “It’s important for producers to be involved in a number of educational opportunities across the beef sector,” says Bob Weaber, Kansas State Extension Specialist and conference speaker. “And certainly the NAC&T is a great one for Angus enthusiasts to come learn about technology and development that is focused on Angus cattle, and impact their utility and desirability in the entire production system.” Following the conference, participants enjoyed two days of ranch and feed yard visits featuring the state’s top Angus genetics. From learning about grass management in the Flint Hills to feed yards in Western Kansas – the state offered a variety of experiences. Wednesday, Oct. 3 Filled with rich Angus heritage, the tour started with a bang at McCurry Brothers Angus in Sedgwick, Kan., a third-generation family-owned-andoperated Angus ranch. The stop included a chuck wagon meal, complete with homemade ice cream and a live band. Team roping and mounted shooting competitions also took place, and several Association staff and board members felt right at home in the saddle. “We were excited to be a part of the tour because of our long history in the Angus business,” Greg McCurry says. “It’s just exciting to see people you know from events, read about, and talk to on the phone to
come to your ranch and look at your facilities.” Also during the dinner, INTRUST Bank of Wichita, Kan., presented the Angus Foundation a check for $20,000 for the first phase of the “The $75,000 Card Challenge.” As an effort to increase the number of Angus Platinum Visa® credit cards, the challenge has been extended through the end of the year. If 300 additional credit cards are activated, INTRUST Bank will donate another $25,000 to the Angus Foundation. Thursday, Oct. 4 Located in the heartland of Kansas, the first tour stop Thursday was the 6N Ranch owned and operated by Chris and Sharee Sankey. Sharee Sankey says attendees were able to see the different facets of the state represented at their ranch with several area seedstock operations on display: “When they leave from Kansas they will know we are a cattle state and it is cattle country. We just hope they can take away a good image of Kansas from our ranch.” The tour rolled on to Fink Beef Genetics in Randolph, Kan., and a pasture stop at Lyons Ranch in the Flint Hills. The stops included Angus cattle, plus education on conservation tactics for the tallgrass prairie in the Flint Hills. The day ended with a riverside meal at historic Cottonwood Falls. Participants had the opportunity to explore shops and the French Renaissance style courthouse overlooking Main Street. Friday, Oct. 5 With a crisp Kansas wind and early sunrise, the tour headed west on Friday to Pratt Feeders of Pratt, Kan., a Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) -licensed feed yard. Here, tour-goers listened to General Manager Jerry Bohn explain the importance of feed-yard maintenance and health, and why they strive for excellence through the Certified Angus Beef® brand. The tour then headed south through red-dirt roads and rolling hills to Gardiner Angus Ranch in Ashland, Kan., and drove through the Gardiner open-range pasture and feedlot. While at Gardiner Angus Ranch, participants were able to view the recently retired GAR Predestined bull, which was the all-time, top semen selling bull for Select Sires. “It’s important to bring folks where a lot of things happen from the range environment to the feedyard and the processing plant,” says Mark Gardiner, Gardiner Angus Ranch. “At the NAC&T, all cattlemen can come together and converse, and in turn, we can better understand how to become better as a beef industry as a whole.” Participants were also able to view the Giles Ranch of Bucklin, Kan., as they headed toward the last stop of the trip, Stucky Ranch of Kingman, Kan. Owner and operator Gordon Stucky spoke to attendees about his use of genomic technology to improve accuracy in his herd selection decisions. The final evening was a perfect conclusion to the 2012 NAC&T, as Angus friends enjoyed their meal together and Angus calves played before a Kansas sunset. For more information and highlights from the conference and tour, visit 7 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Sankey’s 6N Ranch
Lyons Ranch
As we look to the fall breeding season we have a nice selection of forage developed 18-20 mo old Angus and Horned Hereford bulls available. They are priced competitively and volume discounts are available. We also have commercial heifers bred for spring and fall calving two year old pairs available. Please call or come by if we can be of assistance.
Gardiner Angus Ranch
6087 CR 1950 Elk City, KS 67344 (620) 633-5303—home (620) 332-4244– Randy McCabe (620) 332-4498– Flinton McCabe
Fink Beef Genetics
8 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Kansas State Fair Angus Show Winners ▪ 2012
CP Barbara 721 won grand champion female at the 2012 Kansas State Fair Angus Show, Sept. 13 in Hutchinson, Kan. Hadley DeHoff, Tonganoxie, Kan., owns the April 2011 daughter of S A V Pioneer 7301. She earlier claimed the junior division.
Sankeys Justified 101 won grand champion bull at the 2012 Kansas State Fair Angus Show, Sept. 13 in Hutchinson, Kan. Chris & Sharon Sankey, Council Grove, and Foster Campbell, Bossier City, La., own the January 2011 son of Sankeys Lazer 609 of 6N.
PVF ALL Pride 0047 won grand champion cow-calf pair at the 2012 Kansas State Fair Angus Show, Hannah McCabe, Elk City, Kan., owns the February 2010 daughter of PVF ALL PAYDAY 729. A January 2012 bull calf sired by S A V Pioneer 7301 completes the winning duo.
Acc 80T Ruth 802 030 won reserve grand champion cow-calf pair at the 2012 Kansas State Fair Angus Show, Brandon Olivier, Harper, Kan., owns the March 2010 daughter of Sixs LEGEND-142B-80T. A February 2012 daughter of S A V Brilliance 8077 is at side.
McCurry Blackcap 1206 won reserve grand champion female Jackson Wingert, Ottawa, Kan., owns the November 2011 daughter of McCurry 004 Traveler 8068. She first won senior calf champion.
Sankey 6N Ranch, Council Grove, Kan., won premier breeder at the 2012 Kansas State Fair Angus Show .Pictured from left are Chelsey Figge, Miss Kansas Angus; Tyler Cates, judge; and Sharee Sankey, Sankey 6N Ranch.
McCabe Pioneer 12 won reserve grand champion bull at the 2012 Kansas State Fair Angus Show. Hannah McCabe, Elk City, Kan., owns the January 2012 son of S A V Pioneer 7301. He first won junior calf champion.
May-Way Farms, Wendy, Caleb and Jason Flory, Baldwin City were chosen to receive the Angus Herdsman Award.
Open Show, Sept 13: Tyler Cates, Modoc, Ind., evaluated the 56 entries.
R&L EH Georgina 1112 won grand champion female at 2012 Kansas State Fair Junior Angus Show, Sept. 8-9 in Hutchinson, Kan. Eva Hinrichsen, Westmoreland, Kan., owns the January 2011 daughter of S A V Bismarck 5682. Clint Rusk, Oklahoma, Okla., evaluated the 48 entries.
Acc Ruth 614 123 won reserve grand champion female at 2012 Kansas State Fair Junior Angus Show, Sept. 8-9 in Hutchinson, Kan. Brandon Olivier, Harper, Kan., owns the March 2011 daughter of Limestone Dark horse U322.
PR Advance 1188 won grand champion steer at 2012 Kansas State Fair Junior Angus Show, Sept. 8-9 in Hutchinson, Kan. Sarah Pelton, Paradise, Kan., owns the March 2011 son of PR Advance 06019.
Sankeys LS Wildcat 031 won reserve grand champion steer at 2012 Kansas State Fair Junior Angus Show, Sept. 8-9 in Hutchinson, Kan. Luke Sankey, Andale, Kan., owns the May 2011 son of B C Lookout 7024.
George and June Crenshaw, Shamrock Farms , Manhattan presented the winners of the 2012 Kansas State Fair junior Angus steer show with special awards in honor of George exhibiting the grand champion steer at the State Fair 70 years ago. The Crenshaw's presented Sarah Pelton with an end table crafted from an antique sewing machine cabinet and Luke Sankey with a cash award. Photo:( from left ) Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, Luke Sankey, June and George Crenshaw, Sarah Pelton and KSF board member Brad Rayl.
9 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Our Angus Family Alva Otis Hite, Jr., 88, of Deerfield, Missouri, died Monday September 17, 2012 at Mercy Hospital. He was born May 22, 1924 in Fort Scott, Kansas the son of Alva Otis Sr. and Gladys Mae (Cox) Hite. He married Joyce Marie Larcom May 3, 1952 in Fayetteville, Arkansas and she preceded him in death August 1, 1985. On December 11, 1992 Alva married Neva Bunn, and she survives of the home. In addition to his wife Neva, Alva is survived by his sons, Mike Hite, Tom Hite, Gary Hite and wife Diane, all of Newton, KS, and Joe Hite and wife Shelly of Valley Center, KS; three step-daughters, Debbie Keller of St. Louis, MO, Kay McCune of Baldwin, KS, and Margaret Smith of Great Bend, KS; two grandchildren, Bryanna Hite and Tanner Hite; and numerous step-grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and one step-great-great grandchild. In addition to his first wife Joyce, he was also preceded in death by his parents, and a son, Darrin R. Hite. Eris Marie Zagar, 88, of rural Girard, died at 7:53 p.m. Sunday, September 30, 2012, at the Heritage Nursing Home at Girard, Kansas. Mrs. Zagar was born November 16, 1923, at Pittsburg, Kansas, the daughter of Pete and Anna Kiado Darigo. Eris attended Fleming Grade School and graduated from Cherokee High School. She worked in Pittsburg a short time and then went to work in the office of Puritan Dairy until she married Frank Zagar on December 27, 1950, at Fleming, Kansas. Before her marriage, she played softball and was on a bowling team and was the top member of the team. She also belonged to a dancing group that danced on stage at theaters. She was a very good cook. She baked beautiful pies that were super good, especially coconut pies. She also specialized in prune rolls and Dan Willis mentioned her name on the radio many times. After her marriage, she became farm orientated very quickly and drove trucks and tractors to work ground for planting and for hauling grain to the bins at home and to market in Girard. She learned to take care of cattle, especially when cows were having calves. When the farm began the registered Angus business, she took care of all the paperwork and transfers where the animals were sold. When the farm joined the Four State Angus Association, she and Frank managed the association for 14 years, having two sales each year. She was a member of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Pittsburg. Survivors include her husband, Frank, of the home, and a daughter, Eris Ann Zagar, of Columbia, Mo. She was preceded in death by her parents, an infant brother, and a brother, Pete Darigo.
Send your “Our Angus Family” announcements to Births, deaths, weddings, honors….
10 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Zagar Angus Farm 557 East 610 Ave. ▪ Girard, Ks 66743 (620)724-4086
Herd Sires: JAK 022 Prompter C34 , Sydgen Massive 9518, Sydgen 1386 Design 3389, Checkerhill Madrid N11, Sydgen 2088 Focus 9003
11 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
12 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Kansas Angus Auxiliary The Holiday Season is upon us. As we are busy preparing and sharing with others, let us not forget the real meaning of the season and the gift of Christmas. And, speaking of gifts, the Kenneth & Lorene Moore Scholarship, a scholarship for college sophomores, will be awarded in January at the Annual Banquet. Please check the deadline date for this application. The Kansas Angus Auxiliary also has some outstanding Angus Platters that would make great gifts. Be sure and get one while they are still available!! It is also that time of year to be planning what your items will be for the Auxiliary Auction at the banquet. Your support in donating and/or purchasing will help support the scholarship program for the juniors. Each and every one of you ladies is very much appreciated! Thank you for your efforts in front of, or, behind the scenes in our endeavors. May you have a blessed and joyous holiday season.
Varee McCabe
opportunity for College Sophomores . KJAA members who are 2012 2012--13 college sophomores are eligible to apply for the Kenneth & Lorene Moore Scholarship administered by the Ks Angus Aux. For an application go online at or send an email to Application deadline is Jan 10, 2013. Completed applications must be postmarked on or by January 10.
These issues of the Kansas Angus News May‐65 May‐66 Aug‐66 Sep‐67 Jan‐68 Mar‐68 Aug‐68 Oct‐68 Nov‐68 Dec‐68 1969‐All Jan‐70 Feb‐70 Mar‐70 Apr‐70 Jun‐70 Jul‐70
Young women ages 16– 21 interested in promoting and representing the Angus Breed and Ks Angus Applications due Jan 10, 2012 Contest to be held on Jan 25 in Hutchinson at the Ramada Hotel & Conference Center with crowing on Jan 26during the annual Ks Angus Assn Banquet. For an application or more info contact Anne Lampe, MKA chairman at or 620 –872-3915 or online at
KS Angus Auxiliary Leaders
Kansas Angus Auxiliary President
Apr‐55 Aug‐55 Jan‐58 Mar‐58 Nov‐58 Jan‐59 Feb‐59 Mar‐59 May‐59 Jun‐59 Aug‐59 Sep‐59 Oct‐59 Sep‐61 Mar‐63 Jun‐63 Apr‐65
2012 Miss Kansas Angus and Ambassador Program
Aug‐70 Sep‐70 Oct‐70 Nov‐70 Dec‐70 Jan‐73 May‐73 Jun‐73 Jul‐73 Aug‐73 Sep‐73 Oct‐73 Nov‐73 Dec‐73 Feb‐74 Mar‐74 May‐74
Jun‐74 Jul‐74 Aug‐74 Sep‐74 Aug‐75 Sep‐76 Aug‐77 Nov‐84 Apr‐85 Sep‐01 Oct‐01
If you have any of these issues to give away or sell contact Candi Renshaw American Angus Hall of Fame 816 532-0811
13 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
President -Varee McCabe …….. 620.633.5303 Vice President- Karen Santee….620.596.2532 Secretary-Jackie Ottensmeier …..913.796-6994 Treasurer- Lori Fink……. 785.532.8171 Reporter– Megin O’Brien….620.802.1482 Past V. President/Advisor- Sandy Lundgren .. 785.878.3630 Hospitality Chairman– Melissa Cozzitorto Miss Ks Angus Program Chairman– Anne Lampe Ways & Means Chairman– Mary McCurry Achievement Awards: Wendy Flory Scholarship Committee 2013– Chairman: Lynne Hinrichsen, Rhonda McCurry, Melissa Cozzitorto
Showring purple Kansans at the Backdrop Sankeys Laredo 150 won reserve intermediate champion bull at the 2012 Northern International Livestock Exposition (NILE) Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Show, Oct. 19 in Billings, Mont. Chris & Sharon Sankey, Council Grove, Kan., own the winning bull. Photo by Andy Rest, American Angus Association. Sankeys Justified 101 won grand champion bull at the 2012 Northern International Livestock Exposition (NILE) Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Show, Oct. 19 in Billings, Mont. Chris & Sharon Sankey, Council Grove, Kan., and Foster Campbell, Bossier City, La., own the January 2011 son of Sankeys Lazer 609 of 6N. He earlier won junior champion. Kyle Conley, Sulphur, Okla., evaluated the 112 entries. Photo by Shelia Stannard, American Angus Association. Sankeys Justified 101 won grand champion bull at the 2012 American Royal Super Point Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Show, Nov. 2 in Kansas City, Mo. Chris & Sharon Sankey, Council Grove, Kan., and Foster Campbell, Bossier City, La., own the January 2011 son of Sankeys Lazer 609 of 6N. He first won junior champion. Troy Thomas, Harrold, S.D., evaluated the 135 entries. Photo by Shelia Stannard, American Angus AVF Blackckcap 5670 won reserve senior champion female at the 2012 American Royal Super Point Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Show, Nov. 2 in Kansas City, Mo. Cody Theis, Leavenworth, Kan., owns the winning female. Photo by Shelia Stannard, American Angus Association. AVF Sara 5681 won grand champion female at the 2012 Nebraska State Fair Angus Show, Aug. 28 in Grand Island, Neb. Cody Theis, Leavenworth, Kan., owns the October 2011 daughter of S A V Bismarck 5682. Ken Geuns, East Lansing, Mich., evaluated the 72 entries. Photo by Mathew Printz, American Angus Association.
14 â–Ş December 2012 â–Ş Kansas Angus News
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KAA members Elected National Angus Officers Vaughn Meyer and his family manage Sodak Angus Ranch in northwest South Dakota. In his youth Meyer participated in 4-H and FFA. He received a bachelor’s of science degree in animal science production from South Dakota State Kansan Gordon Stucky is Vice President University, where he was active in Block and Bridle and Army ROTC. After serving The American Angus Association® announced in the Army, Meyer returned to Sodak. He has been active in the Black Hills Angus new members and officers for its Board of Association, the Perkins County Livestock Improvement Association, the Perkins Directors during the 129th Annual Meeting of County Farmers Union, the South Dakota Beef Industry Council and the South Delegates in Louisville, Ky. Those serving the Dakota Stock Growers Association. Association for three-year terms are: Charlie Don Schiefelbein has been involved in the cattle business in a number of ways Boyd, Mays Lick, Ky.; Scott Foster, Niles, throughout his career. He attended college at Texas A&M University in College Mich.; Philip Howell, Winchester, Ind.; Vaughn Station, Texas, where he graduated with academic honors with a degree in animal Meyer, Reva, S.D.; and Don Schiefelbein, science. In 1990, the North American Limousin Foundation (NALF) hired Kimball, Minn. Phil Trowbridge, Ghent, N.Y., was elected the American Angus Schiefelbein to oversee its junior program. Later he would serve as executive Association president and chairman of the From left are the officers for the coming director for the American Gelbvieh Association. Schiefelbein was able to fulfill his board. He succeeds Jarold Callahan, year, Cathy Watkins, Middletown, Ind., lifelong dream in 2002, returning to his family Angus farm in Kimball, Minn. treasurer; Philip Trowbridge, Ghent, Edmond, Okla. Gordon Stucky, Kingman, N.Y., president and chairman of the Kan., was chosen by delegates to serve as American Angus Auxiliary Elects Officers board; and Gordon Stucky, Kingman, vice president and vice chairman. Cathy New leadership team selected during 2012 Kan., vice president and vice chairman of Watkins, Middletown, Ind., will serve as the the board. Photo courtesy Angus Annual 2013 treasurer. Productions Inc. Deeply committed to serving the Angus breed and its future generations, the American More than 311 elected delegates from 41 states, Canada and the District of Angus Auxiliary has played a central role in Columbia represented Association members during the Annual Meeting of the American Angus Association® for more Delegates, held at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center (KFEC) in conjunction than 60 years. The volunteer organization with the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) Super-Point recently celebrated that tradition during Angus Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus events in conjunction with the 2012 North Show. American International Livestock Exposition From Left: Cates, Lampe, (NAILE) in Louisville, Ky. The American Holshouser and Hinrichsen. Phil Trowbridge, the Association’s newly elected president and chairman, most Angus Auxiliary elected the 2013 officers and recently served as vice president and vice chairman of the board. Trowbridge regional managers during its Annual Meeting received his animal science degree from Alfred Sate College prior to becoming on Saturday, Nov. 10 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Members of the newly-elected herdsman at Gallagher’s Angus Farm, where he continues to enhance genetics officer team are: President Cortney Hill-Dukehart-Cates, Modoc, Ind.; Presidentwith Trowbridge Angus. Trowbridge has served on numerous boards on the local elect Cortney Holshouser, Castalia, N.C.; Secretary-Treasurer Lynne Hinrichsen, and state level and organized the Columbia County Feeders 4-H club. Gordon Westmoreland, Kan.; and Past President/ Advisor Anne Lampe, Scott City, Kan. At Stucky, who was formerly board treasurer, was chosen by delegates to serve as 29-years-old, Cortney Hill-Dukehart-Cates is the youngest to serve as president of vice president and vice chairman. Stucky and his family own Stucky Ranch, west of the American Angus Auxiliary, and she brings a fresh perspective and distinct Wichita, Kan. He is past director and president of the Kansas Angus Association, enthusiasm for the role. Hill-Dukehart-Cates was the 2002 Miss American Angus, and is chairman of its commercial female sale. He has also been active in Beef and she says that experience makes her honored to be active in the Auxiliary Improvement Federation, his local Extension council, the Kansas Farm Bureau and today. “Because of my involvement as Miss American Angus, I realized the the Kansas Livestock Association. Cathy Watkins, elected as the new board contributions that the American Angus Auxiliary makes to the National Junior treasurer, and husband, Bob, raise Angus cattle at Beaver Ridge Farm in east Angus Association (NJAA) and felt that it was both my duty, and pleasure, to give central Indiana. She graduated with high honors from Michigan State University back to the organization that had given so much to me,” Hill-Dukehart-Cates says. with a degree in animal science. While there, she was a member of the meat “It’s a tremendous opportunity to work alongside such dedicated women in the judging team and the livestock judging team. Off the farm, Watkins worked for the Angus breed.” After Hill-Dukehart-Cates junior career ended, she became actively Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for 33 years, retiring in 2007. She served as involved in the Auxiliary. In 2008, she was elected as the Regional 6 Director, secretary for the Indiana Angus Association for 10 years. representing the North Eastern States. She has also served on the officer team as Secretary-Treasurer. Hill-Dukehart-Cates and her husband, Tyler, manage Cates Brief biographical sketches of newly elected Board directors are listed below, Farms in Modoc, Ind. The upcoming president- elect, Cortney Holshouser hails courtesy the Angus Journal. Charlie Boyd II is a fourth-generation cattleman from from Castalia, N.C. She has served as an officer of the North Carolina Angus a family that began its involvement in the cattle industry in 1893. Today, Boyd Beef Auxiliary for six years, and she and her husband, Karl, have been advisors to the Cattle of Mayslick, Ky., encompasses both an Angus and a Hereford program, and North Carolina Junior Angus Association. Together, they manage Castalia Cattle is home to many national champions. Boyd earned his ag economics degree from Company where we offer custom flush and embryo transfer work. Members are the University of Kentucky, where he was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho also proud to welcome Secretary treasurer Lynne Hinrichsen to the office team. Fraternity, an agriculture senator, the agriculture student body president, and a She has served as president of the Kansas Angus Auxiliary, regional director for member of the livestock judging team. He has been involved in many cattlemen’s the American Angus Auxiliary, and is a member of the Kansas Angus Association. organizations, and has served as president of the Kentucky Angus Association as Along with her husband, Ron, and children, Cale and Eva, the Hinrichsen family well as a co-chair for the National Junior Angus Show. Scott Foster grew up on a raises Angus cattle on R&L Ranch in Westmoreland, Kan. The retiring family farm in Niles, Mich., where he was active in FFA, serving as state president. president, Anne Lampe, Scott City, Kan., owns and manages a registered Angus He earned a bachelor’s degree in animal husbandry from Michigan State herd, with her husband Mark. Lampe is also the manager and secretary of the University, where he participated in the Block and Bridle club and was the Ag Kansas Angus Association. As Auxiliary advisor, she is responsible for updating the Senate representative. He was also a member of the National Champion Livestock Auxiliary guidelines for officers and committees and will serve as chairman of the Judging team at the NAILE, where he was named high individual overall. Upon Distinguished Woman and Nomination committees. The Auxiliary’s 2013 Regional graduation, Foster worked for Premier Beef in Howell, Mich. Today, he farms with Directors are: Region 1, Kathy Dubs, Montana; Region 2,Cindy Ahearn, Texas; his son Andrew, brother Bruce and his parents at Seldom Rest Farms . Region 3, Shally Rogen, South Dakota; Region 4, Martha Holshouser, North Philip Howell attended Purdue University and graduated with a doctor of veterinary medicine degree in 1973. After graduation, Phil worked in mixed animal Carolina; Region 5, Leslie Mindemann, Wisconsin; and Region 6, Marlene Dukehart, Maryland. Regional Directors are a source for information for practices in Cedar Grove, Wis., and Silver Lake, Ind. He purchased a practice in interested members throughout the country. Winchester, Ind., in June 1979. Phil and his son Andy and their wives currently
American Angus Association Elects New Board Members and Officers
manage 50 cows, the majority being registered Angus with a few Maine-Anjou females. He has served as president of the Indiana Junior Angus Association, Indiana Angus Association, and the Southeastern Indiana Angus Association.
16 ▪ December 2012 ▪ Kansas Angus News
For information contact Anne at
Number 581
Kansas Angus Association 5201 E Road 110 Scott City, Ks 67871
December 2012 Address Service Requested Dated material please do not delay
Ks Angus Association Annual Meeting , Banquet & Junior Show
January 26 – 27, 2013 Hutchinson, KS
Saturday, January 26– Ks Angus Association Annual Meeting , Junior Meeting, Auxiliary Meeting & KAA Banquet See page 1 for schedule of events
Sunday, January 27- Ks Angus Futurity Junior Show & Judging Contest 2nd Annual Online Sale