Linthicum Angus Genetics - Online Embryo and Semen Auction

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Linthicum Angus Genetics On-Line Embryo and Semen Auction Opens Saturday, May 18, 2013 @9am ct Closes Tuesday, May 21, 2013 @9pm ct

Designed for Future Genetics AUCTION TYPES

Lot One Ad

Auction Types and Options Selling 26 Lots

Live Webcast Auction Used with Live Auction. Including Auctioneer, Ringman and Sale Manager

COST $2000

Thank you for your interest in Linthicum Angus Genetics. The 61 frozen embryos are matings designed for the furture, of which 14 embryos are by our Online full sister to /GAR Objective 2345, TL SS COST Auction Live Closeout $1000 o List the Items and allow pre bidding. Close Objective T510-8100 and popular sires such as EXAR Denver, EXAR Upshot, Baldridge Waylon,2% whic out is preformed with a live auctioneer ever is Summitcrest Complete. The balance of the embryos are out of cows we acquired from leading greater herds such as Summitcrest Blackcap117W, Basin Blackcap Lady 5U02 and Thomas Blackbird 7819 and two top cows from Jorenson’s herd in South Dakota, Ideal 8479 of 6807 and Ideal 7817 Online Auction / Timed Closeout COST of 2P88. The above donors mated with these leading AI sires asallow SAV Final Answer 0035, $1000 o List the such items and pre bidding. 2% whic Close out iswrapping controlled by the computer SAV Resource 141, SAV Birthstone 8258, Coneally Consensus, the sale with up with 10 ever is 5 minutes between bids. units of semen, EXAR Lutton 1831 and N Bar Emulation EXT. These embryos and semen will begreater shipped at buyer’s expense. Thanks again for your interest..... The Linthicum Family Please register with LiveAuctionsTV. Call Brad Fahrmeier at (816) 392-9241 or call for more information on embryos: Linthicum Angus Ranch Ted, Rebecca, Linden, Jaden Linthicum PO Box 126 Welch, OK 74369 Ted: 918-961-2004 -


To register and follow the auction in real time on the internet, log on to Website: For More Information, call Brad Fahrmeier at (816) 392-9241 If you wish to follow the sale on the computer and bid by telephone, please call the sale day phone numbers or one of the consultants listed in our catalog. “We appreciate your attendance”

TL SS Objective T510-8100 Full sister in blood to GAR Objective 2345

Pictured: GAR Objective 2345 TL SS Objective T510-8100 is one of the greatest full sisters in blood to the $300,000 Deer Valley matriarch, Objective 2345 and is sired by the popular low-birth and growth sire, Impression. TL SS Objective T510-8100 has weaned 2 natural calves adjusted over 720 lbs. at weaning, at the top of their contemporary group. TL SS Objective T510-8100 is the donor dam of lots 1 through 7. Her full sister in blood, Objective 2345, joined the Deer Valley Farm program as the $300,000 record-selling female ever produced in the Gardiner Angus Ranch program. Ojective 2345 has become the anchor of the Deer Valley Farm program and has earned a sensational progeny producion and sales record. TL SS Objective T510-8100 is a direct daughter of the $250,000 feature of the Blackstone Catle Company program, New Design 2413 sired by the longtime anchor of the ABS and Quaker Hill Farm roster, Objective. Maternal siblings to TL SS Objective T510-8100 include: Rita 1277, the $110,000 lead-off and top selling female of the 2011 Deer Valley Sale selling to BoBo Angus; Predestined 2358, the $85,000 top-selling donor of the 2012 Gardiner Angus Ranch Sale selling to KiamichiLink Ranc; and the $185,000 MB leader, GAR Progress. Lots 1-9 out of TL SS Objective T510-8100.

EXAR Denver 2002B x TL SS Objective T510-8100


Selling 3 Embryos x money bid

EXAR Denver 2002B 17160560

SITZ Upward 307R EXR Barbara T020 EXAR 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132

EXAR Upshot 0562B EXAR Royal Lass 1067

S S Objective T510 OT26 TL SS Objective T510-8100 15979566 GAR 1407 New Design 3193

S S Traveler 6807 T510 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 Bon View New Design 1407 GAR Precision 810

Mating +86 $Beef Excellent Phenotype!

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +13 +1.0 +75 +138 +36 Dam: +14 .05 +.6 .05 +50 .05 +94 .05 +25 .05 Sire CWT MRB RE +62











+.90 +0.025 +41.33 +82.71 +41.98







+26.57 +37.49 +46.50 +61.97

EXAR Denver 2002B, the lead bull of the Grand Champion Carload of Bulls at the 2013 National Western, sold one-tird semen interest for $340,000 for a record total valuation of $1,020,000 for a yearling Angus bull. Bred to break records, EXAR Denver is one of the very first calves born by the record-setting ORIgen sire, EXAR Upshot 0562B, the lead bull of the Grand Champion Carload of Bulls at the 2011 National Western Stock Show who set a record valuation at Express in 2011 when half-interest sold for $200,000. The dam of EXAR Denver is a daughter of the Express featured ORIgen sire EXAR 263C who set the record broken by EXAR Upshot when two-thirds of him sold for $263,000 in 2006. He combines a $B index, $W index, WEPD, YEPD and CWEPD among the top 1% of the population with a CED EPD among the top 2% and a Marbling EPD and RE EPD among the top 3%. As a natural calf, EXAR DEnver combined a 76lb. BW with an andjusted 205-day weight of 930 lbs. and an adjusted 365-day weight of 1,592 lbs., recording a yearling scrotal measure of 40cm with an adjusted URE measure of 18.5 sq. in. and an adjusted IMF measure of 6.11%.

EXAR Denver 2002B

GAR Objective 2345

EXAR Upshot 0562B x TL SS Objective T510-8100 2 LOT 2 Selling 2 Embryos x money bid


Selling 2 Embryos x money bid

EXAR Upshot 0562B 16541214

Connealy Onward Sitz henrietta Pride 81M Isu Imaging Q 9111 LCC McHenry Babar MG382

Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Barbara T020

S S Objective T510 OT26 TL SS Objective T510-8100 15979566 GAR 1407 New Design 3193

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +5 .66 +2.4 .86 +61 .79 +126 .67 +35 .26 Dam: +14 .05 +.6 .05 +50 .05 +94 .05 +25 .05 Sire CWT MRB RE +64








+.008 +30.11








+73.48 +39.25



S S Traveler 6807 T510 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 Bon View New Design 1407 GAR Precision 810

Mating +84 $Beef Excellent Phenotype!


+26.57 +37.49 +46.50 +61.97

EXAR UPSHOT Progeny Sweep Denver Carload and Pen Shows Seven of the 10 bulls in the National Western Grand Champion Carload were sired by EXAR Upshot 0562B and two of three bulls in the National Pen of Three were also sired by Upshot. 63 sons of EXAR Upshot EXAR Upshot 0562B averaged more than $12,500 a the 2012 Express Ranches Spring Bull Sale, and four daughters at the 2013 Bases Loaded Sale, held during the Denver Stock Show, averaged $18,000. Sons have explosive growth from weaning to yearling, scan added muscle and ribeye area, and exhibit excellent scrotal development. Daughters carry a unique combination of muscle, volume and femininity bundled in an outstanding EPD profile!


Baldridge Waylon W34 x TL SS Objective T510-8100 Selling 2 Embryos x money bid


Selling 2 Embryos x money bid

GAR-EGL Protege Baldridge Waylon W34 16476949 Baldridge Blackcap T163

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 616 L B 6807 Isabl 339 Woodhill Foresight Baldridge Blackcap P326

S S Objective T510 OT26 TL SS Objective T510-8100 15979566 GAR 1407 New Design 3193

S S Traveler 6807 T510 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 Bon View New Design 1407 GAR Precision 810

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +6 .45 +3.2 .59 +83 .50 +135 .45 +25 .23 Dam: +14 .05 +.6 .05 +50 .05 +94 .05 +25 .05 Sire CWT MRB RE +52
















+46.96 +74.14 +49.45



Mating +87 $Beef with great Carcass!!!


+26.57 +37.49 +46.50 +61.97

Waylon sires added performance in a moderate-framed, easy-fleshing package with scrotal and docility. He is demanding a great deal of attention for his ability to produce deep, thick progeny that catch the eye of commercial cattlemen. Waylon ranks as one of the top AI sires for $B, the Outcross sire will add value to your calf crop. Waylon topped the recordseting 2010 Baldridge sale and in turn his first crop of Baldridge Waylon W34 sons averaged $14,500 in the 2012 Baldridge sale. Waylon’s progeny are following his type with standout performance and end-product merit in a high capacity, moderate frame. TL SS Objective T510-8100 is a full sister in blood to GAR Objective.


Summitcrest Complete 1P55 x TL SS Objective T510-8100 Selling 2 Embryos x money bid


Selling 2 Embryos x money bid

C F Right Design 1802 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 14850409 Summitcrest Elba 1M17

Bon View New Design 1407 Vision HF Blackcap 0015 Vermillion Dateline 7078 Summitcrest Elba 1F43

S S Objective T510 OT26 TL SS Objective T510-8100 15979566 GAR 1407 New Design 3193

S S Traveler 6807 T510 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 Bon View New Design 1407 GAR Precision 810

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +2 .78 +2.9 .95 +53 .93 +98 .90 +38 .71 Dam: +14 .05 +.6 .05 +50 .05 +94 .05 +25 .05 Sire CWT MRB RE +42
















+28.10 +40.95 +40.42




+26.57 +37.49 +46.50 +61.97

Mating +32 Milk with Great Carcass!!

Summitcrest Complete 1P55 has been one of the heaviest used AI sires in the breed, consistently transmitting added growth and carcass values with extra eye ppeal and style in all of his progeny. He dominates for carcass values ranking in the top 1% of the breed for both UREA and $B traits.

Summitcrest Complete 1P55

Baldridge Waylon W34 x Summitcrest Blackcap 117W 4 LOT 8 Selling 3 Embryos x money bid


Selling 3 Embryos x money bid

Baldridge Waylon W34 16476949

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 L B 6807 Isabel 339 Woodhill Foresight Baldridge Blackcap P326

GAR-EGL Protege

Baldridge Blackcap T163 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Summitcrest Blackcap 117W 16874518 Summitcrest Blackcap 260M

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +6 .45 +3.2 .59 +83 .50 +135 .45 +25 .23 Dam: +4 .30 +2.2 .39 +51 .29 +88 .23 +31 .24 Sire CWT MRB RE +52



Dam CWT MRB RE +28












+46.96 +74.14 +49.45



CF Right Design 1802 Sumitcrest Elba 1M17 B/R New Perspective 079 Summitcrest Blackcap 122K

Mating +100 $Beef with Great Carcass!!!


+.002 +29.74 +29.88 +44.54 +85.41

Waylon sires added performance in a moderate-framed, easy-fleshing package with scrotal and docility. He is demanding a great deal of attention for his ability to produce deep, thick progeny that catch the eye of commercial cattlemen. Waylon ranks as one of the top AI sires for $B, the Outcross sire will add value to your calf crop. Baldridge Waylon W34 Waylon topped the record-seting 2010 Baldridge sale and in turn his first crop of sons averaged $14,500 in the 2012 Baldridge sale. Waylon’s progeny are following his type with standout performance and end-product merit in a high capacity, moderate frame.

LOT 10

Connealy Consensus 7229 x Summitcrest Blackcap 117W Selling 3 Embryos x money bid

LOT 11

Selling 3 Embryos x money bid

Connealy Consensus Connealy Consensus 7229 16447771 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16

MKM Alliance 6595 I87 Blinda of Conanga 004 Woodhill Admiral 77K Blue Cash of Conanga 6020

Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Summitcrest Blackcap 117W 16874518 Summitcrest Blackcap 260M

CF Right Design 1802 Sumitcrest Elba 1M17 B/R New Perspective 079 Summitcrest Blackcap 122K

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +5 .86 +2.0 .95 +67 .92 +111 .89 +13 .21 Dam: +4 .30 +2.2 .39 +51 .29 +88 .23 +31 .24 Sire CWT MRB RE +45



Dam CWT MRB RE +28













+.022 +36.85 +50.44 +41.00 +97.10 +.002 +29.74 +29.88 +44.54 +85.41

Mating +92 $Beef with Great Carcass!!!

Reports are in and the ‘Consensus’ is that progeny sired by Consensus 7229 are the Cattlemen’s kind!!! They are the favorite sire group of all the cowmen you talk to. Birth weights are moderate, they get up and go to work and they have a tremendous amount of power and performance in them! One of the hottest sires in the Angus breed. Consensus 7229 had demanded attention from the commerseedstock industry and commer cial cattlemen alike. His sons

have set extremely high marks for volume of bulls sold as well progas price per bull. Female prog eny have been placed in the keeper pen as they are functional in their build and look. Consensus 7229, the popular reoutcross and multi-trait sire, re corded a birth weight of 71 lbs. to ratio 97, and adj. weaning weight of 817 lbs. to ratio 114 and an

Connealy Consensus 7229 adj. yearling weight of 1,420 lbs. to ratio 116, while posting an IMF score of 6.03 to ratio 134 and REA measurement of 14.0 to ratio 104. Cattlemen who have had calves out of him liked the calves so well they used him again, only bred more to him. Summit Crest Blackcap 117W is a coming 4 year old with a tremendous udder and phenotype out of Complete 1P55 and goes back to Blackcap 122K. Summitcrest Blackcap 117W nursing ratio 103, RE ratio 109 and Marbling ratio 148.

Baldridge Waylon W34 x Basin Blackcap Lady 5U02 6 LOT 12 Selling 3 Embryos x money bid

LOT 13

Selling 3 Embryos x money bid

GAR-EGL Protege Baldridge Waylon W34 16476949 Baldridge Blackcap T163

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 616 L B 6807 Isabl 339 Woodhill Foresight Baldridge Blackcap P326

Basin Rainmaker 747L Basin Blackcap Lady 5U02 16010467 Basin Blackcap Lady 311R

Diamond Rainmaker 154E Basin Joy 912C Vermillion Payweight J847 Basin Blackcap Lady 0143

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +6 .45 +3.2 .59 +83 .50 +135 .45 +25 .23 Dam: +15 .32 -1.9 .41 +43 .31 +87 .31 +30 .28 Sire CWT MRB RE +52



Dam CWT MRB RE +27












+46.96 +74.14 +49.45


Mating +92 $Beef!!!



+.031 +32.80 +32.35 +32.18 +72.01

Waylon sires added performance in a moderate-framed, easy-fleshing package with scrotal and docility. He is demanding a great deal of attention for his ability to produce deep, thick progeny that catch the eye of commercial cattlemen. Waylon ranks as one of the top AI sires for $B, the Outcross sire will add value to your calf crop. Waylon topped the record-seting 2010 Baldridge sale and in turn Baldridge Waylon W34 his first crop of sons averaged $14,500 in the 2012 Baldridge sale. Waylon’s progeny are following his type with standout performance and end-product merit in a high capacity, moderate frame. Basin Blackcap Lady 5U02 nursing ratio 101, RE ratio 98, IMF ratio 141.

SAV Final Answer 0035

S A V Final Answer 0035 x Basin Blackcap Lady 5U02

LOT 14

Selling 3 Embryos x money bid

LOT 15

Selling 3 Embryos x money bid

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 13592905 SAV Emulous 8145

GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 SAV Sky Emulous 2124

Basin Rainmaker 747L Basin Blackcap Lady 5U02 16010467 Basin Blackcap Lady 311R

Diamond Rainmaker 154E Basin Joy 912C Vermillion Payweight J847 Basin Blackcap Lady 0143

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +.13 .96 -1.0 .98 +.60 .97 +104 .96 +25 .93 Dam: +15 .32 -1.9 .41 +43 .31 +87 .31 +30 .28 Sire CWT MRB RE +13



Dam CWT MRB RE +27













Mating +14 CED -1.5 BW EPD

+.074 +59.54 +45.03 +27.63 +52.05 +.031 +32.80 +32.35 +32.18 +72.01

SAV Final Answer 0035 is the all time record breaking sire for semen sales through Genex. He is a proven calving ease sire leaving your herd with a great set of efficient females. This mating sire is sure to be a great one as well as the numbers stacking up +14CED and -1.5 BW, +53 WW, +96 YW, +28 MA.

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam x Basin Blackcap Lady 5U02

LOT 16

Selling 3 Embryos x money bid

LOT 17

Selling 2 Embryos x money bid S A F Connection Sydgen Forever Lady 4087 TC Gridiron 258 Erica of Ellston V65

Sydgen C C & 7

Hoover Dam 16124994

Erica of Ellston C124

Basin Rainmaker 747L Basin Blackcap Lady 5U02 16010467 Basin Blackcap Lady 311R

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +11 .89 +0.0 .96 +49 .94 +95 .92 +39 .58 Dam: +15 .32 -1.9 .41 +43 .31 +87 .31 +30 .28 Sire CWT MRB RE +30


Dam CWT MRB RE +27



+1.23 -.012 +32









+49.04 +49.04



Diamond Rainmaker 154E Basin Joy 912C Vermillion Payweight J847 Basin Blackcap Lady 0143

Mating +82 $Beef!!!


+.031 +32.80 +32.35 +32.18 +72.01

This moderate framed, calving ease mating will be negative for BW and in the top 1% for Milk and Muscle. Hoover Dam is one of the most proven ABS sires and leader for docility, blended with the calving ease and power of Blackcap Lady 5U02.

S A V Birthstone 8258 x Thomas Blackbird 7819

LOT 18

Selling 4 Embryos x money bid

LOT 19

Selling 4 Embryos x money bid

S A V Bismark 5682 S A V Birthstone 8258 16107741 S A V Emblynette 4408

GAR Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V EMblynette 1182

Connealy Lead On Thomas Blackbird 7819 15905848 Thomas Blackbird 1220

Sitz Alliance 6595 Ext of Conanga 6790 Connealy Lead On Thomas Blackbird 1220

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +19 .62 -.2.3 .79 +57 .70 +97 .56 +28 .26 Dam: +11 .32 -1.2 .39 +44 .30 +79 .30 +23 .28 Sire CWT MRB RE +24



Dam CWT MRB RE +25












+47.72 +29.95 +31.75

+.025 +38.91 +22.63 +18.87



Mating +15 CED -1.8 BW EPD



SAV Birthstone 8258 is the $80,000 top-selling Bismarck bull from te 2009 SV Sale and has proven himself as an elite curve-bender and a standout on the National Sire Evaluation Report. He is an early gestation, premier calving-ease sire who defies the laws of nature, siring the kind of thickness, capacity, performance and quality that you rarely find in true low birth weight cattle. His dam is a model brood cow and a full sister to Predominant. She is a consistent low birth weight producer, with a progeny birth ratio SAV Birthstone 8258 of 93 on 6 calves. Birthstone’s full sister is the dam of Thunderbird. Birthstone is becoming increasingly popular as favorable reports continue to flow in - many from large commercial herds where progeny have excelled beyond their herd mates. He comes highly recommended for use on heifers and in large synchronization projects where consistent and reliable calving-ease is essential. Thomas Blackbird 7819 is a moderate framed, effecient, picture perfect Angus female with a nursing ratio of 103. This mating will post +15 CED and a -1.8 BW EPD with a +50 WW and 90YW. A Popular Calving Ease Mating!!!!

10 LOT 20

S A V Resource 1441 x Ideal 8479 of 6807 0427 Selling 2 Embryos x money bid

S A V Resource 1441 17016597

Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136

R R Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2397 Q A S Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 Ideal 5439 of 1418 2455 Ideal 1461 of 8103 4127

DHD Traveler 6807 Ideal 8479 of 6807 0427 16153793 Ideal 0427 of 5439 1461

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +4 .32 +2.6 .48 +69 .37 +122 .38 +28 .22 Dam: +.3 .05 +2.2 .05 +38 .05 +74 .05 +25 .05 Sire CWT MRB RE +47



Dam CWT MRB RE +18









+.052 +42.84 +63.81 +2.62


+.27 -.004

+27.42 +19.62 +12.85



Mating Great Females!!!



Resource is one of the most heavily used bulls in the SAV breeding program and has garnered as much enthusiasm and appreciation from expert stockmen around the world as any bull in SAV history. He represents the best of the timeless Rito lineage and was selected by Genex and partners as the $110,000 fourth top-selling bull from the 2012 SAV Sale. He brings to the table the basics of effieiency and realthickworld fleshing ability, with natural thick ness, muscle, masculinity, superior feet quality and authentic Angus breed character.

SAV Resource 1441 The phenomenal dam of Resource records a weaning ratio of 111 on 4 calves and is the #1 weaning and yearling EPD cow in the SAV herd. She has 21 dauthers retained in theh SAV herd and 42 progeny averaging $17,636 in past SAV sales to cowmen in 15 states and Canada. The Pathfinder grandam of Resource, SAV May 2397, has five sons working in AI Studs and is a daughter of the most prolific and influential cow in SAV history. Resource will have an important role in the future of the Angus breed. Ideal 8479 is a dughter of DHD Traveler 6807 going back to 1418, the feed effeciency cow family at Jorgenson’s cowherd in South Dakota. This powerful mating is sure to produce great females!!!

EXAR Upshot 0562B x Ideal 7817 of 2P88 5513 11 LOT 21 Selling 4 Embryos x money bid

LOT 22

Selling 4 Embryos x money bid

EXAR Upshot 0562B 16541214

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Isu Imaging Q 9111 LCC McHenry Barbar MG382

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M

Sinclair Net Present Value Ideal 7817 of 2P88 5513 15822026 Ideal 5513 of 7451 0421

N Bar Prime Time D806 Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 Ideal 7451 of 8103 4465 Ideal 0421 of 8103 5467

Mating +86 $Beef with feed Effeciency!!!

CED BW WW YW Milk Sire: +5 .66 +2.4 .86 +61 .79 +126 .67 +35 .26 Dam: +2 .31 +2.8 .36 +47 .28 +91 .28 +26 .21 Sire CWT MRB RE +64



Dam CWT MRB RE +26







+.008 +30.11

+.019 +22.93







+73.48 +39.25 +106.05 +35.27 +28.31 +67.14

EXAR Upshot 0562B EXAR UPSHOT - Progeny Sweep Denver Carload and Pen Shows

Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286

Seven of the 10 bulls in the National Western UpGrand Champion Carload were sired by EXAR Up shot 0562B and two of three bulls in the National Pen of Three were also sired by Upshot.

63 sons of EXAR Upshot averaged more than $12,500 a the 2012 Express Ranches Spring Bull Sale, and four daughters at the 2013 Bases Loaded Sale, held during the Denver Stock Show, averaged $18,000. Sons have explosive growth from weaning to yearling, scan added muscle and ribeye area, and exhibit excellent scrotal development. Daughters carry a unique combination of muscle, volume and femininity bundled in an outstanding EPD profile!!! Ideal 7817 of 2P88 5513 - This Big Time egg producer averaged 20 embryos in 3 flushes!!! Ideal 7817, Jorgenson cow, goes back to Ideal 4465, feed effeciency dam of the breed and net present value, and 7451, another feed effeciency family from the strong Jorgenson cowherd.

Semen Lots 23 through 26

LOT 23

EXAR Lutton - 2 Units x money bid

LOT 24

EXAR Lutton - 2 Units x money bid

LOT 25

N Bar Emulation EXT - 3 Units x money bid

LOT 26

N Bar Emulation Ext - 3 Units x money bid

All embryos and semen sell times the number of embryos or units of semen. They will be shipped at the buyers expense. Please call for more information: Ted Linthicum - 918-961-2004 Thank you for your interest.

EXAR Lutton - semen lots 23 and 24

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