Nebraska Angus News - August/September 2013

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August - September 2013

Inside this Issue 2013 Nebraska Nebraska Angus Angus Tour Tour 2013 Nebraska State State Show Show Results Results Nebraska National Junior Junior Angus Angus Show Show Results Results National Angus Ambassador Ambassador Selected Selected Angus

Published By: Nebraska Angus Association PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333

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Editorial By:

Suzy Hebbert, NAA Secretary


On the Job…

Official Publication of the Nebraska Angus Association SIZE MEMBER NON MEMB. Full page $375 $550 2/3 Page $300 $440 1/2 Page $250 $360 1/3 Page $190 $275 1/4 Page $160 $220 1/8 Page $90 $125 COLOR RATES

$55 per color up to three colors on full page and 2/3 page ads - total cost on three additional colors is $165. For 1/2 page ads or smaller, the cost is $30 per color up to three colors



Suzy Hebbert, Editor ~ 308/577-6700 Jessamyn Voss, Production ~ 308/282-0312 Jan/Feb Issue ~ Deadline: Dec. 1 March/April Issue ~ Deadline: Feb 1 Aug/Sept Issue ~ Deadline: July 1 Holiday Issue ~ Deadline: Oct 15

Inside this Issue President Speaks ..............................3 AAA Board Update ............................5 Junior Viewpoint................................6 American Angus Ambassador ..........7 Tour Editorial ....................8-13, 14-19 NE Junior Highlights ..................12-13 Sale Calendar ................................21 A u g u s t - S ep

te mbe r 201 3

On the Cover:

“Grazing Time” Photo taken by Bartos Angus,

Inside this Issue

2013 Nebra ska Nebra ska State Angus Tour Show Resul Nation al Junior ts Angus Show Resul ts

Published By: Nebraska Angus Association PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333

Change Service

Verdigre, NE.

e are just past the mid way point of Summer, which means our busy fall schedule of activities is just around the corner. August 29th will find our Association involved in the Open Class Angus Show at the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island. Interest in the show has been good and I look forward to another great show. Please take a moment and add one of our September events to your calendar and to enjoy the sights of the Angus breed in Nebraska. On September 10-12th we have several of our Association members under the Big Top at Husker Harvest Days. Our tent will be in our traditional location in Lot 1058, on the north side of the grounds. Our Annual Angus Tour wraps up this month’s events on September 21st. The tour will be held in Northeast Nebraska. Check out the tour ad and all of our Association members’ stories in this issue. Registration information for the tour is available on our website at or you can call our office at 308577-6700. The future of the Angus breed is in good hands in our state. I saw evidence of this during the Nebraska Junior preview show in June in Beatrice and while watching the results at this year’s National Angus Show. Our young breeders definitely brought their best to town during those two events. Not only did our juniors win in the show ring, they topped many of the contests during the National event as well. One of


2 • August/September 2013 • Nebraska Angus Association News

the biggest achievements was the Nebraska bred steer that won both the state and national grand champion steer titles. Congratulations to Aliesha Dethlefs for showing that champion. We had many other class winners at the National show. My congratulations to all of these young Angus breeders. You can check out all of the results from the two shows on pages 12-13. Finally, my congratulations to two of our college age juniors who were finalists for the second Angus Ambassador position. Jennifer Keyes, from Springfield and Maci Lienemann, from Princeton were two of five national finalists. When the judging was completed and the results tallied, Maci (who incidentally was crowned 20132014 Nebraska Angus Queen) was selected to fill the Ambassador title. You can read their stories on page 7. We have wonderful young people lining up to take leadership positions in our Angus industry. It is also a great reflection on their parents and the advisors for the Nebraska Junior association. They are doing a great job preparing these young people to lead our agricultural industry in the years to come. I hope to see you somewhere down the road. Until next time……

President Speaks



Clayton Glause, NAA President

Greetings Cattlemen,

want to start by sending out numerous “Congratulations” to our Nebraska Junior Angus Association members that were involved in various competitions at the National Junior Angus Show in Kansas City this past month. The Pride of Nebraska was on display as we were well represented by a number of young leaders that participated and did very well in many of the competitions. It is great to see so many youth actively involved with our State Junior Angus Association today. Their involvement will have a lasting impact on leading our state and national organizations well into the future, and their leadership will be vital to the sustainability of our livestock industry. Furthermore, many thanks go out to all parents, family, and friends for exhibiting unwavering support for these individuals as they develop into our future leaders. Mid-summer is upon us, and I hope that everyone has been blessed with at least some rain to this point. We had a few mid-late May rains that really helped get some grass going, but that has now subsided to a pattern all too familiar to last summer. Our statewide drought status has improved a bit, but is still critical moving forward. Therefore, we are hopeful for moisture to enhance our growing conditions and improve the feed supply as the livestock industry continues to be hard pressed with the existing feed markets. I believe that we have all been impacted in some manner, so as I have stated in the past, I commend our industry for all who have had to make many timely, resourceful, & difficult decisions since last year’s spring to manage and sustain their operations. I continue to pray for the much needed moisture. I was fortunate to be selected to attend the 6th Annual Beef Leadership Institute (BLI) hosted by the American Angus Association, and made possible by funds from the Angus Foundation. BLI consists of twenty young Angus enthusiasts who are selected through an application process.

The 2013 Beef Leaders Institute (BLI), held June 17-20, had five of the twenty participants from Nebraska. Representing our state along with me were Chris Fryzek, Madrid; Judd Hoos, Rushville; Nick Jindra, Clarkson; and Danny Poss, Scotia. The goal of the four-day institute is to provide young producers, between the ages of 25 and 45, the opportunity to network with peers in the breed, while learning more about the Association and the entire beef production chain. We began our experience with an in-depth tour of the Association headquarters in Saint Joseph, MO. While there, we heard about the variety of ways the Association works for its nearly 25,000 members. Throughout BLI travels, we visited Tri-Tower Farms and Gregory Feedlot in southwest Iowa; Trans Ova Genetics, Sioux Center, IA; Tyson - beef processing plant, Dakota City, NE; Whole Foods Market - grocery store, Omaha, NE; Sysco-food distributor, Lincoln, NE; GeneSeek, Lincoln, NE; and Cargill Meat Solutions - deli meat processing plant, Nebraska City, NE. It was a great experience to interact with some individuals that represent other segments of our industry and just see what all goes into marketing a cut of beef. I hope to see many of you in the next couple of months as you attend and support our upcoming events starting w/ the Nebraska State Fair Angus Show on Thursday, August 29th at Grand island; Husker Harvest Days will be held September 10-12th at Grand Island; and our state Angus Tour will be touring northeast Nebraska on Saturday, September 21st. I look forward to seeing many of you at these events and visiting with you about our organization and Angus cattle. As always, please be sure to let me know if you have any questions or comments, and have a blessed summer!

Nebraska Angus Association President Clayton Glause, Fremont 402/721-8122 Vice President Dru Uden, Franklin 402/470-0740

Secretary/Manager Suzy Hebbert, Ashby 308/577-6700

Past President Randy Pettera, McCook 308/345-2516

Commercial Director (Term Expires 12/13)

Chris Fryzek, Madrid 308/353-6317 West Director (Term Expires 12/13)

Vince Bickel, Gordon 308/282-0416 North Director (Term Expires 12/14)

Dave Nichols, Chambers 402/340-3810 Central Director (Term Expires 12/14)

Kory Ostrand, Mason City 308/732-3201 South Director (Term Expires 12/14)

Brandon Meyer, Blue Hill 402/756-2488 Northeast Director (Term Expires 12/13)

Brock Foxhoven, Crofton 402/388-2478 Southeast Director (Term Expires 12/13)

Trevor Lienemann, Princeton 402/560-5385

Material appearing in this issue may be reprinted only with written permission of the Nebraska Angus Association. The Nebraska Angus News and the Nebraska Angus Association is obligated and reserves the right to reject any request for advertising space which would not serve the best interest of our membership. Any rejection is not intended as a reflection upon the subject of the advertisement.

Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 3

Leader Angus Farm Annual Production Sale:

February 15, 2014

Welcomes the 2013 Nebraska Angus Tour to their cattle display! Gordon & Mark Leader

55368 Hwy 12, Crofton, NE 68730 Phone: 402-388-4949 Cell phone: 605-660-1933


Membership Form


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Phone ________________________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________________________

Website ($25 charge for including on our website)


Please indicate directions for your farm or ranch and any otherinformation you would like printed in the next breeder’s directory


____________________________________________________________________ Annual dues are $60 plus .50 cents per head for animals registered during the previous year. BASE DUES $60 __________ Plus .50/head __________ Website listed ($25) __________ TOTAL __________ I would like to receive the Nebraska Angus News I already receive the Nebraska Angus News

Please send form and check to: Nebraska Angus Association % Suzy Hebbert, Secretary/Manager, PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333

New York Strip Club - $500 - $999 biozyme, inc/VitaFerm/pete’s Feed, plainview / Farm Credit, Norfolk / Midwest bank, pierce / plains equipment Group, o’Neill / progressive Nutrition, Norfolk / Zoetis ribeYe Club - $250 - $499 Accelerated Genetics/Nebraska bull Service / Accu-Steel, templeton, iA / Central Confinement Services, ltD, Columbus / Genex t-boNe Club - $100 - $249 AbS / ClS Veterinary Service, Stanton / Crofton elevator / Farm Credit, Yankton, SD / Frontier Mills, Yankton, SD / Green Valley Veterinary Services, Crofton / preferred Genetics for bovine, pC, Columbus / producers livestock Marketing Ass’n, omaha / Suther Feeds, Frankfort, kS / Yankton livestock Market, Yankton, SD SirloiN Club – up to $99 C.J. brown Studios, lindenwood, il / Nebraska Vet Services, west point

American Angus Board Update By:


The Nebraska Angus News is in search of photos from around Nebraska from our fellow Angus Breeders! We would love to see them and publish some in our magazine and maybe on the Cover!

If you have a picture of your place or your Angus herd please send to: Photos must be high resolution (300 dpi or better) and at least 8 inches wide.

# %


" #

2013­2014 Directory

# !"







Published By: ! PO Box 150 #! !! • Ashby, NE " 69333



# %


Arlen Sawyer, AAA Board Member

Call today to reserve your ad space for the

Dear Angus Friends…

would like to congratulate our Nebraska Juniors, parents and advisors on their participation at the National Junior Angus Show held recently in Kansas City. It should give all of us a feeling of state pride to see our Nebraska Juniors have such a strong representation in almost every contest, activity and show division at that large of a national event. I would like to particularly congratulate Aliesha Dethlefs for showing the Grand Champion steer. Many folks ringside commented about the depth of quality in the steer show and how it now is like the other divisions in terms of prestige. Watching our Nebraska youth allows us a breadth of confidence in the future of the Angus cattle in our state. Angus activities scheduled for this fall are numerous and in some cases, event dates fall on top of each other. I will be attending the National Angus tour and conference on Aug 28th-30th, we have our September Board of Directors meeting Sept 10th - 12th. The CAB annual conference is being held Sept 18th-20th. As always, if you have any suggestions or comments on your American Angus Association matters, please contact me in any way. I would be happy to hear from you.


Suzy Hebbert, Sect. 308/577-6700

See details about the 2013 Angus Tour Grand Door Prize on PAGE 20!

Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 5

Angus Nebraska

Box Assn. PO Published


150, Ash

by, NE 693


Junior Viewpoint

A By:

Maci M. Lienemann, NJAA President

Hello Angus Friends!

Nebraska Junior Angus Association 2013-2014 Officers & Directors

President Maci Lienemann Princeton, NE • 402/705-3858 1st Vice President Michaela Clowser Milford, NE • 402/643-9533 2nd Vice President Cheyann Lovett Bladen, NE • 402/756-1011

Secretary/Treasurer Alisha Dethlefs North Platte, NE • 308/368-7660 Historian Kami Nelson Ansley, NE • 308/935-1139

Director Savannah Schafer Nehawka, NE • 402/235-2658 Director Talon Lienemann Princeton, NE • 402/798-0288 Director Justine Nelson Lincoln, NE • 402/796-2686


Craig & Laurie Dethlefs 13947 W Power Rd, North Platte, NE 69101 308/368-7660 Allen & Heather Smith 732 129th Rd., Osceola, NE 68651 402/764-7456

Kevin & Theresa Keyes 13106 S 144th St, Springfield, NE 68059 402/ 253-8360

s juniors, we have once again had an exciting and eventful summer. This year’s state preview show was the largest in many years, the National Junior Angus Show was close to home, in Kansas City, MO, and currently many of us are busy with county fairs and preparing for the Nebraska State Fair. Not to mention the pending commencement of academic endeavors (i.e., school will be starting soon). Our annual Nebraska Junior Angus Association state preview show was held, June 1-2, in Beatrice, NE at the Gage County Fairgrounds. There were almost fifty exhibitors in attendance, with over ninety head entered. In addition to the highly competitive show on Sunday, Saturday was also very eventful for the juniors. We conducted our spring meeting where our junior board members were elected as follows: President – Maci Lienemann; 1st Vice President – Michaela Clowser; 2nd Vice President – Cheyann Lovett; Secretary/Treasurer – Aliesha Dethlefs; Historian – Kami Nelson; and Directors – Taylon Lienemann, Justine Nelson and Savannah Schafer. Additionally, Kevin and Theresa Keyes were elected to serve three years as our advisors. Furthermore, we held our annual banquet, where Dr. Ronnie Green, Vice President of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, addressed the juniors and their families about the potential for careers in the agricultural industry. This year’s state show host families were the Clowse’s and my family, the Lienemann’s. The juniors extend a huge thank you to all Nebraska Angus producers and local businesses who helped to make the

6 • August/September 2013 • Nebraska Angus Association News

weekend such a success. While most people were relaxing this 4th of July, many juniors were busy packing up for the National Junior Angus Show, Aberdeen in TwentyThirteen. The Nebraska juniors participated in various educational clinics, shows and contests throughout the week. Some highlights include the junior Cook-Off team winning their division, the junior Team Sales team earning 2nd place, the junior Quiz Bowl receiving 2nd place and the senior Team Sales team placing third. Overall, the week proved to be extremely successful for all Nebraska juniors who attended. I invite all Nebraska juniors to attend our next meeting at the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island, NE. The meeting will be held August 31st, at 1:00 pm, in the Executive Suite (above the racetrack on the east side of the concourse) with pizza and drinks served. This meeting is a terrific opportunity to get more involved in the association by joining various committees and learning about upcoming events. I hope to see many of you there! I would also like to take this opportunity to share that I was recently selected as the 2013 American Angus Association Ambassador. I am honored to represent the Business Breed and especially proud to represent the state of Nebraska in this capacity. Yours truly, Maci M. Lienemann 1020 Angus Blvd Princeton, NE 68404 (402) 705-3858

Angus Breed Ambassador Angus Selects Youth Breed Ambassador

Nebraska’s Maci Lienemann to represent Angus at industry events throughout the next year.

The National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) announces Maci Lienemann of Princeton, Neb., as the 2013-2014 Angus Ambassador, serving a one-year term as a spokesperson for the organization’s nearly 6,000 members at cattle industry events across the United States and Canada. “Angus is known as the business breed because of all the potential the Association has to offer to cattlemen,” Lienemann says. “As the Angus Ambassador, I will hear other people’s stories from every sector of the industry, and possibly help someone get started in the Angus business, which will ultimately improve the sustainability of the nation’s cow herd.” Lienemann, an animal science sophomore at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was named the new Angus Ambassador during a competition held July 25 at the American Angus Association®headquarters in Saint Joseph, Mo. Joining Lienemann in the group of top finalists were: Emma Jumper, Paragould, Ark.; Jacob Steph, Tatum, Texas; and Jennifer Keyes, Springfield, Neb. “The Angus Ambassador program is an excellent opportunity for Angus youth to represent our entire organization,” says Jaclyn Upperman, Association director of junior activities. “I have full confidence that all of our candidates have bright futures ahead, and we are fortunate to have these young people as part of our breed.” A proud and passionate beef producer, Lienemann can trace her love for Angus cattle back to one of her earliest childhood memories: conducting cattle shows in her family’s living room. She started by helping her dad, Trevor Lienemann, around their family’s operation, Lienemann Cattle Company. When she was 10 years old, he paid her with her first Angus heifer. Since then, she has built her personal herd up to 20 registered Angus cattle. She has also participated in numerous NJAA contests and events over the years. To be considered for the position, earlier this spring, each junior member submitted a cover letter, résumé and two essay responses. The top candidates were invited to the Association to give a 15-minute presentation addressing current beef industry challenges. The current cattle inventory was the topic of Lienemann's presentation, and she discussed how the industry needs long-term solutions to ensure sustainable beef production in the years to come. Lienemann offered five potential solutions to the inventory challenges: anticipating

improved weather conditions, continuing advancements in genetic research, developing advocates for the beef industry, and encouraging young people to get involved in the beef business. Funded by the Angus Foundation, the Angus Ambassador will represent the breed at industry events throughout the United States and Canada, including the National Angus Conference and Tour in New York; a Certified Angus Beef ® Building Blocks Seminar in Wooster, Ohio; the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Cattle Industry Annual Convention in Nashville, Tenn.; the Beef Improvement Federation Annual Research Symposium and Convention; and the Guiding Outstanding Angus Leaders (GOAL) Conference in Canada. Judging this year’s competition were Kara Lee, Certified Angus Beef® supply programs manager; Chris Stallo, Association assistant director of information systems; Tonya Amen, Association genetic service director; Doug Schroeder, Association Board of Directors; and James Humphrey, University of Missouri Extension. For more information about the NJAA or the Ambassador program visit

Angus Ambassador Finalist Jennifer Keyes

For Jennifer Keyes, Springfield, Neb., growing up on a fifth-generation farm has greatly impacted her life. From helping her family raise soybeans, cattle and corn, she has developed a love for all forms of agriculture — especially beef. “Educating others and telling them about

agriculture is my passion, and it is what I want to do with my life,” Keyes says. “It’s important to educate youth and help them understand the process of how food ends up on their table.” Keyes, a sophomore at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln majoring in agricultural leadership, education and communications, recently competed in the 2013 Angus Ambassador competition held July 25 in Saint Joseph, Mo. Hosted by the National Junior Angus Association (NJAA), Keyes and her family visited the American Angus Association® headquarters along with other finalists and their families. “The Angus Ambassador program is an excellent opportunity for the youth of the Angus community to represent our organization,” says Jaclyn Upperman, Association director of junior activities. “I have full confidence that all of our candidates have a bright future ahead of them, and we are fortunate to have these young people as part of our breed.” Funded by the Angus Foundation, the 20132014 Angus Ambassador will represent the breed at industry events throughout the United States and Canada, including the National Angus Conference and Tour in New York; a Certified Angus Beef ® Building Blocks Seminar in Wooster, Ohio; the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Cattle Industry Annual Convention in Nashville, Tenn.; the Beef Improvement Federation Annual Research Symposium and Convention; and the Guiding Outstanding Angus Leaders (GOAL) Conference in Canada. To be considered for the position, earlier this spring, each junior member submitted a cover letter, résumé and two essay responses. The top candidates were invited to the Association to give a 15-minute presentation addressing current beef industry challenges. Topics ranged from the effects of bovine respiratory disease to the current cattle inventory. Keyes’ presentation discussed ways to bridge the gap between producers and consumers, using one-on-one conversations, school demonstrations and social media. Judging this year’s competition were Kara Lee, Certified Angus Beef® supply programs manager; Chris Stallo, Association assistant director of information systems; Tonya Amen, Association genetic service director; Doug Schroeder, Association Board of Directors; and James Humphrey, University of Missouri Extension. Following the presentations, the judges selected Maci Lienemann as the 2013-2014 Angus Ambassador. Lienemann is a sophomore at the University Nebraska-Lincoln studying animal science. Joining Keyes as top finalists were: Emma Jumper, Paragould, Ark.; and Jacob Steph, Tatum, Texas.

Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 7

Tour Editorial By:

Suzy Hebbert, NAA Secretary

Nebraska Angus Tour

Northeast Nebraska is Home To 2013 Nebraska Angus Tour

Norfolk, Nebraska is the headquarters of the 2013 Nebraska Angus Tour. Events will begin at 8:00 a.m. at the Northeast Community College in Norfolk with cattle displays by Jindra Angus, Pohlman Angus Farm, Sonderup Angus and Timperely Cattle. The displays will be housed at the Charles Pohlman Ag Complex on the campus. This will also be the breakfast stop for this year’s tour. The tour then heads to Royal, Nebraska where the group will visit the Central Valley Ag Coop’s newly constructed Agronomy Hub. Jeff Krebs, manager and his employees will great the tour group and explain the purpose behind the facility and how it will service the area agricultural producers. From there the group will travel to an outing at Landmark Angus at Brunswick for this year’s lunch stop. T-Bone Angus (Mark Brookhouser family) will also have cattle on display at this stop. Next up on the day’s events will be a stop at Verdigre and a visit with Bartos Angus. Brent and Jemi Frederick and their family will welcome the group for an afternoon display of their breeding program. Upon departing from Bartos Angus, this year’s journey will include a brief stop at the Chief Standing Bear Memorial bridge that joins Nebraska and South Dakota over the Missouri River. This uniquely constructed thoroughfare serves citizens from both states and also recognizes an important part of American his-

tory. The final stop on this year’s Annual trek will be near Crofton at Foxhoven Angus for the supper stop. Leader Angus Farm will also display cattle at this stop. Registration for the daylong event is $40 which includes a seat on the chartered bus (until it is full) and all meals. The registration form can be downloaded at, click on the tour banner link, or you can call Suzy Hebbert, Sec/Mgr, at 308-577-6700 for further information.

Nebraska Angus Tour Begins September 21, 2013 STOP 1


Northeast Community College welcomes the Nebraska Angus Association to the Chuck M. Pohlman Agriculture Complex. The 2.4 million dollar facility was constructed in 2004 primarily with donated funds. Following the retirement of Chuck Pohlman in 2012, the building was renamed in his honor. Credited for building the Ag program from the ground up, Chuck started the Northeast agriculture program in 1973 with three students. He served as the first instructor and only administrator in the agriculture pro-

8 • August/September 2013 • Nebraska Angus Association News

gram for 40 years. In that time, the agriculture department has expanded significantly with approximately 300 students now enrolling each year in the agriculture programs. The primary use for the Pohlman Ag Complex is education including credit and non-credit classes as well as industry trainings. Other events held at the complex include livestock shows, 4-H and FFA competitions, leadership events and seminars. Industry exhibits and other display shows also draw large crowds to the complex. Located one mile east of the main college campus, the Pohlman Ag Complex provides space for many of the region’s agricultural events. This 45,000 square foot building features a 100’ x 200’arena, four classrooms, cattle handling facilities, and a livestock wash area. An outdoor arena and cattle handling pens provide additional space. Northeast Community College is a comprehensive community college with over 80 concentrations to attract students. There are over 3200 full-time equivalent students attending Northeast with more than 7300 full and part-time students enrolled in credit classes. The Agriculture department serves a combined total of approximately 320 students who enroll in one of the following concentrations: Agribusiness, Agronomy, Animal Science, Diversified Agriculture, Mechanized Agricul-

ture, Agriculture Transfer, Dairy Technician, Horticulture and Golf Course Management, and Veterinary Technology. Students gain hands-on experience in classes and labs that are connected to the 543 acre farm which is owned and operated by the college. Crops raised on the farm consists of corn, soybeans, and alfalfa and includes both irrigated and dry-land production. The farm livestock operation includes beef cow-calf, beef stocker feeders, and beef finishing. Pigs and sheep are also raised to

support animal sciences classes for the department. As the oldest community college agriculture progam in Nebraska, Northeast has established strong transfer agreements with several colleges such as the University of Nebraska Lincoln, South Dakota State University, Wayne State College, and Northwest Missouri State. Whether students transfer on to further their education or enter the workforce, reports indicate a high level of success upon graduation from Northeast.

Faculty and staff appreciate the support of many industry partners and strive to provide excellence in education. The agriculture department is pleased to host the 2013 Nebraska Angus Tour.


Jindra Background Filled With Rich Cattle Breeding History Although Nick Jindra and his operation Jindra Angus are relative newcomers to the Angus seed stock business, his agricultural roots go back to the late 1800’s. The year 1878 found his GreatGreat Grandparents Jozef and Josefka Jindra following their American dream and traveling from Hlinsko, Czech Republic to settle near what is now Clarkson, Nebraska where they starting farming and raising cattle. The Jindra family has been involved in agriculture ever since. Growing up, Nick enjoyed going to feeder cattle sales with his Father Roger or Grandpa Edwin. Nick’s registered Angus adventure began as a growing FFA project when he was in high school. Nick purchased the first females in 1994, from Hoff Scotch Cap Angus in Bison, South Dakota. From that time on he has used Hoff genetics extensively with artificial insemination and embryo transfer to build his herd of 300 registered Angus cows. The breeding program has been complimented by genetics from many great Angus programs, but maintains a potent base of Scotch Cap bloodlines. Marketing of bulls and heifers is accomplished in Nick’s annual production sale which is held on the first Tuesday in March. Nick relies on a strong lineup of family

Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 9

and friends to complete the work load. Those involved in Nick’s enterprise include: Grandmother Jean Jindra; Parents Roger and Gaydene Jindra; Sister Brooke Jindra; Brian and Jenny Kappel and their family; Brian and Vanessa Cumming and their family; Girlfriend Annie Doerr and good hand Jim Wiese. Nick considers it a privilege to work with fellow cattlemen. This spring he was selected to attend the Beef Leaders Institute sponsored by the American Angus Foundation. He always is striving to learn everything he can from other cattle producers. His long term goals for his seed stock business are to continue to produce functional, high performance cattle that have the potential to increase profit in every sector of the beef industry – cattle that will excel in the marketplace and satisfy the consumer. Nick is honored to welcome the Nebraska Angus tour to his cattle display which will be located at the Northeast Community College Ag Complex on the first stop of this year’s tour.


Pohlman Angus Farm is pleased to welcome the 2013 Nebraska Angus Tour to Northeast

The people in the photo are from left to right; Moriah Pohlman, Scott Pohlman Emily Ehle, Mike Ehle, Chuck Pohlman Colter Pohlman, Linda Pohlman, Monique Pohlman, Garrett Pohlman, Nydia Pohlman, Cutter Pohlman Natalia Pohlman, and Bryan Pohlman.

Nebraska. Chuck and Linda Pohlman established Pohlman Angus Farm in 1971 when they were both teaching high school in Southwest Iowa. Chuck and Linda moved back to the Pohlman family farm in Norfolk to continue their Angus operation. In 1974 the Pohlmans implemented an artificial insemination program with their entire purebred herd. Foundation bulls used through the years include; Rito 149, Rito 72, Shearbrook “Shoshone, TC Stockman, Viking, PS Power Play, SVF Imprint, Krugerrand of Donamere 490, CAT Efficient, Vermillion Dateline, and Twin Valley Precision. Over the past forty two years the Barbara cow family has become the corner stone of the Pohlman Angus Cow herd. The first Barbara cow was purchased in 1973 . Decendents of this cow have been champions at numerous shows including National, Regional and State Junior Angus Shows, Aksarben, State Fair and the American Royal. The Pohlmans have strived to breed cattle that are attractive and perform well in the show ring. In addition, the cattle are also backed by years of selection for optimal growth and carcass traits. Calves this year are sired by; Connealy Final Solution, CAR Efficient, SAV Priority, SAV Pioneer, and SAV Bismark. Pohlman Angus has always been a family venture. Summer vacations have been spent attending many state and national junior shows. The Pohlmans have met many outstanding Angus enthusiasts through the years with whom they have developed many longlasting friendships. Through the

10 • August/September 2013 • Nebraska Angus Association News

programs and activities offered by the National Junior Angus Association the Pohlman children have developed strong leadership skills which have helped them in pursuing their future endeavors. Currently Scott and Moriah and their two sons Cutter and Colter live in Hereford, Texas. Scott is on the management team at Cargill while Moriah is busy on their ranch with the boys and their Angus herd. Bryan and Nydia live in a suburb of Philadelphia with their daughter Natalia. Garrett and Monique will soon be moving to Kearney where Garrett will be joining a Urology practice. Emily and her husband Mike are both clinical pharmacist at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. The Pohlman Angus bulls are primarily merchandized through private treaty sales. With a desire to spend more time with their children and grand children Chuck and Linda have decided to disperse their Angus cow herd. Some of these outstanding Barbara females will be going to Texas to continue the Pohlman tradition. The remainder of the cows will be offered by private treaty. Chuck and Linda look forward to hosting the breakfast at the Northeast Pohlman Ag Complex and invite you to view their cattle.


Sonderup Angus is Committed to Breeding Angus Cattle Sonderup Angus is proud to be part of the 2013 Nebraska Angus Tour. Our cattle will be displayed on the first stop of the tour at the Northeast Community College in Norfolk. The Sonderup Angus herd started over forty years ago when

Lori and her sisters were active in 4-H. Lori’s parents Lee and Judy Sonderup bought them Angus breeding heifers, which became the base of their Angus herd. Following college graduation, Lori and her husband Darrel along with her parents, decided to get more involved with the breed, through AI and embryo transfer were able to build their herd up enough to start having production sales that took place every year from 1990 until 2003. Their daughters also were involved in the Junior Angus Association and 4-H. Many of the family’s summer vacations were spent at the National Junior Angus Show. In 2003 the family made the decision to disperse the majority of the cow herd, following the untimely death of their husband and father, Darrel Wagner. Today Sonderup Angus is owned by Lori Wagner and her oldest daughter

Ashley, though Ashley has hopes of getting her sister Cassie’s kids involved in the future. Lori and Ashley love their Angus cows and will continue to be committed to the Angus breed.

The Sonderup Angus is determined to continue to provide superior quality Angus genetics and to the success of their valued customers. They are looking forward to seeing all of the tour participants on Saturday September 21st.


Timperley Cattle Is Committed to Breeding Angus Cattle Roger Timperley of Tekamah, Nebraska is starting his second decade in the cattle business. His operation includes about 25 registered cows, 335 acres of crops and a fleet of 47 semi tractors utilized in his over the road trucking operation. Roger’s cattle venture began in 1991, after purchasing of a half a beef of Limousin breeding. His family found it flavorful, lean and tender. Roger’s wife thought “we ought to raise them”, and he went along with the concept. By 2005 they had a good herd of those Limousin cattle and Roger was looking to add a certain bloodline to the herd. He found that line at Express. Roger exhibited the bull at various shows winning Ne-

Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 11

Nebraska Angus News:

NJAA Highlights Summer 2013

Nebraska Junior Angus Association Preview Show ~ June 1-2 in Beatrice, NE

R K Regis 264 won reserve grand champion bred-and-owned bull. Rowdy Keller, Kimball, Neb., owns the September 2012 son of Coleman Regis 904.

J M C Peg 217 won grand champion bredand-owned female. Michaela Clowser, Milford, Neb., owns the April 2012 daughter of Silveiras Style 9303.

J D H Ethelda 217 won reserve grand champion bred-and-owned female. Judson Hoffschneider, Arlington, Neb., owns the September 2012 daughter of S A V Bismarck 5682.

SC Lights Out Z04 8004 won reserve grand champion steer. Rachel Smith, Osceola, Neb., owns the May 2012 son of BM Lights Out U2.

AVF Sara 1055 won reserve grand champion cow-calf pair. Kayla Renyer, Steinauer, Neb., owns the January 2005 daughter of Hyline Right Time 338. A January 2013 bull calf sired by V D A R Really Windy 4097 completes the winning duo.

EXAR Envious Blackbird 2614 wo reserve grand champion owned female. Kyra Meyer, Blue Hill, Neb., owns the February 2012 daughter of Dameron First Class.

J D H Ethelda 500 won grand champion cow-calf pair. Judson Hoffschneider, Arlington, Neb., owns the January 2005 daughter of O C C Legend 616L. A January 2013 bull calf sired by Styles Upgrade J59 completes the winning pair.

These Angus enthusiasts won showmanship honors in their division. Pictured front row from left are Jennifer Keyes, Springfield, reserve senior champion; Justine Nelson, Lincoln, reserve intermediate champion; and Kylie Gana, Martell, reserve junior champion. Back row from left are Katelyn Fritsche, Mc Cook, Neb., senior champion; Michaela Clowser, Milford, intermediate champion; and Reagan Skow, Palisade, junior champion.

Right: These junior members won the team fitting contest in their division. Pictured from left are Michelle Keyes, Springfield, intermediate champion; Austin Woltemath, at-large representative; Garrett Borgelt, Beemer, senior champion; Reagan Skow, Palisade, junior champion; and Craig Gana, judge.

State results photos by Matt Printz

Fort Worth, TX

Editor’s note: Some Grand Champion photos do not appear in 2013 Nebraska State Jr. Show results as they were also winners at the National Jr. Show in July. To conserve space, a note about being selected winner at the State level is noted in the caption for the National photo.

1-800-422-2117 Lemoyne Dailey PO Box 152 Thedford, NE 69166

Home: 308-645-2712 Cell: 402-760-2727

“thats the way we’ve always done it” just isn’t good enough anymore... When

CALL ME! Steve Dorran -Auctioneer 5703 Red Bridge Dr Timnath, CO 80547 403-540-9498 12 • August/September 2013 • Nebraska Angus Association News


Nebraska Angus News:

NJAA Highlights Summer 2013

Nebraska National Angus Show Results & Awards ~ July 5-11, 2013

MCC Outsider 235 won steer class J M C Gloria 206 won owned HLB-Ruby-2077 won owned Reagan's Bear Mtn RJ 2182 won SC Dark Horse Z928 928 won reserve junior champion heifer-- heifer class 47. Michaela Clowser, 4. Dakota Lovett, Bladen, Neb., bred-and-owned intermediate grand champion steer. Aliesha division 4. Allee Maronde, York, Milford, Neb., owns the winning owns the winning steer. champion bull. Reagan Skow, Dethlefs, North Platte, Neb., owns heifer. the March 2012 son of Limestone Palisade, Neb., owns the winning Neb., owns the winning heifer. This heifer also was Grand Champion bull. This bull was also Grand Darkhorse U322. This steer was Owned Heifer at the 2013 also Grand Champion Steer at the Champion Bred & Owned Bull at Nebraska State Jr Angus Show in the 2013 Nebraska State Jr. Show Nebraska State Jr. Show held in Beatrice, NE on June 2nd, 2013. in Beatrice on June 2nd, 2013. Beatrice on June 2, 2013.

HPK Kiesha's Blackcap 21 won bred-and-owned cow-calf class 1. Kiesha Hollman, Hallam, Neb., owns the winning pair.

These Nebraska junior members These young Angus artists received top honors in the junior division of won third place in the junior posters--membership recruitment. division of team sales. Pictured from left are Kyra Meyer, Blue Pictured from left are Nicholas Hill; Rachel Smith, Osceola; ReaPohlman, Prairie Grove, Ark., gan Skow, Palisade; and Skylar first; Mattie Harward, Richfield, N.C., second; Kacey Dethlefs, Lienemann, Princeton. North Platte, Neb., third.

Youth from Nebraska won second These young cattle evaluators place in the junior division of the received top honors in the senior division, ages 18-21, of the judging quiz bowl at the 2013 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS) contest. Pictured from left are GarAwards Ceremony, July 10 in rett Borgelt, Beemer, Neb., first; Kansas City, Mo. Pictured from Cortney Bromenshenk, Billings, left are Skylar Lienemann, PrinceMont., third; and Elizabeth ton; Kyra Meyer, Blue Hill; ReaNixon, Rapidan, Va., second. gan Skow, Palisade; and Lane Egger, Columbus.

These National Junior Angus Association members won the senior division of prepared public speaking. Pictured from left are Maci Lienemann, Princeton, Neb., third; Brooke Harward, Richfield, N.C., second; and Lauren Adcock, Moweaqua, Ill., first.

These junior members received a $1000 scholarship at the Hailey Keller, Kimball, left, and 2013 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS) Awards Michaela Clowser, Milford, right, Ceremony, July 10 in Kansas City, Mo. Pictured front row represented Nebraska at the 2013 from left are Gabrielle Lemenager, Clifton, Ill.; Shyla National Junior Angus Kreager, Newark, Ohio; Jacob Chicola, Deville, La.; Colleen Jones, Kinston, N.C.; Emily Velisek, Gaithersburg, Showmanship Contest, held in Md.; Renae Tokach, Saint Anthony, N.D.; Brittany Bush, conjunction with the National Britton, S.D.; Aliesha Dethlefs, North Platte, Neb.; ShanJunior Angus Show (NJAS) Ms. non Yokley, Jefferson City, Mo.; and Megan Ahearn, Wills Keller finished in the top 15 Point, Texas. Back row from left are Phil Trowbridge, American Angus Association president; Jacob Heimsoth, finalists. Forty-three youth from Cameron, Mo.; Chris Kahlenbeck, Union, Mo.; Jackson across the country competed for Wingert, Ottawa, Kan.; Evan Woodbury, Quenemo, Kan.; top honors in the 47th annual Jacob Coon, Bethel, Mo.; Julie Williams, Idalou, Texas; Clayton McGuire, Waverly, Ala.; John Rosman, Creston, event. Wa.; and Milford Jenkins, Angus Foundation president. Since 1998, scholarships administered by the Angus Foundation have totaled nearly $1.9 million. Not pictured are Kelsea Arnold, Weston, W.Va.; Ty Bayer, Ringle, Wis.; Nancy Bickham, Saint Francisville, La.; Justin Clopton, Covington, Texas; Robert Dolson, Hico, Texas; MacKenzie Flory, Baldwin City, Kan.; Andrea Foore, Seven Valleys, Pa.; Colton Kreager, Newark, Ohio; Ruth Myers, Harrodsburg, Ky.; Elizabeth Nixon, Rapidan, Va.; Tyler Ottensmeier, McLouth, Kan.; Kyrsten Retherford, Indianapolis, Ind.; and Joshua Scott, Loranger, La.

These junior members won the intermediate B resume division of the Career Development Contest at the 2013 National Junior Angus Show. Pictured from left are Michaela Clowser, Milford, Neb., first; Renae Tokach, Saint Anthony, N.D., second; and Chelsey Figge, Onaga, Kan., third.

These junior members won the senior interview division of the Career Development Contest. Pictured from left are Maci Lienemann, Princeton, Neb., third; Lindsay Upperman, Chambersburg, Penn., second; and Lauren Adcock, Moweaqua, Ill., first.

These young Angus enthusiasts re- These Nebraska junior members ceived top honors in the Flat Andy won third place in the senior Photo Contest. Pictured from left division of team sales. Pictured are Jordyn Wickard, Greenfield, from left are Austin Woltemath, Ind., first place; and Rachel Lincoln; Cheyann Lovett, Bladen; Smith, Osceola, Neb. third place. Jennifer Keyes, Springfield; and Photo by Laurin Spraberry, AmerMacy Lienemann, Princeton ican Angus Association.

The Nebraska Junior Angus Association won herdsmanship, 46-60 head at the 2013 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS), July 5-11 in Kansas City, Mo.

These outstanding showmen won top fifteen finalists at the 2013 National Junior Angus Showmanship Contest, held in conjunction with the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS), July 5-11 in Kansas City, Mo. Pictured front row from left are Shelby Stabler, Gaithersburg, Md.; Kayla Widerman, Good Hope, Ill.; Shannon Tower, Copperopolis, Calif.; Emily Velisek, Gaithersburg, Md.; Hailey Keller, Kimball, Neb.; Savannah Levisay, Creston, Calif.; and Paige Wallace, Stotts City, Mo. Back row from left are MacKenzie Flory, Baldwin City, Kan.; Blake Boyd, Mayslick, Ky.; Luke Nord, Wolverton, Minn.; Brady Jensen, Courtland, Kan.; Colby Myers, Harrodsburg, Ky.; Erin Steele, Anita, Iowa; Mary Kate Mardesen, Oxford, Iowa; and Colleen Jones, Kinston, N.C. Photo by Carrie Heitman, American Angus Association.

Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 13

braska State Fair, reserve at Kansas and then Express asked to show him and won two divisions with him and onto Champion at Denver in 2006. Roger thought it would improve his production sales but those wins didn’t transfer to better returns in the sale ring and Roger dispersed the Limousins. Roger headed back to Denver to check out the Angus breed. While there he visited with Dick Hollman who convinced Roger to take a look at Angus. After more time and research Roger purchased the bull SAV Prairie Knight 7083 in 2008. Roger has kept many daughters out of this bull who has provided the foundation of his herd’s future. Bulls are marketed by private treaty. Roger does some advertising but relies on satisfied customers to drive his promotion program. That has been extremely effective for the most part, letting his cattle speak for themselves. Roger is eager to be a part of this year’s opening stop, displaying cattle at Northeast Community College. STOP 2

Annual Bull Sale • February, 2014 Shamrock Livestock Market • O’Neill, NE

Registered Angus since 1944 Performance Testing since 1956


86409 527th Ave. • Brunswick, NE 68720 Greg Todd • 402/842-9036 • 402/360-1028 (cell) Jack Todd • 402/842-3696 We welcome to our lunch stop on the 2013 Nebraska Angus Tour The hub sits on land about three miles west of Royal and is located on the NENE Railroad which connects to the Burlington Northern Railroad.


Central Valley Ag Cooperative Opens New Grain and Agronomy Hub at Royal Central Valley Ag announces the opening of their new Agronomy hub near Royal, NE. Royal is located between Orchard and Brunswick, NE on Highway 20.

Dry Fertilizer Facility

Grain facility as it is being constructed and seed warehouse, maintenance shop, and liquid fertilizer facility on the left.

The CVA hub includes a state of the art 120-car shuttle train loadout platform and an oval track integrated to surround the site. The hub has three million bushels of grain storage that have been constructed, with a 30,000-bushel per hour unloading capacity (one semi every two minutes) and a 60,000bushel per hour loading capacity

14 • August/September 2013 • Nebraska Angus Association News

(16 rail cars per hour). As you can see this facility is built for customer service in the 21st Century. Further cutting edge elements include fertilizer infrastructure of over 40,000 tons of dry and liquid storage, a blending facility and a warehouse for crop protection products, bulk seed and seed treatments. Jeff Krebs, Manager of the Royal site, and his team are eager to welcome the Nebraska Angus Tour to tour their newly opened facility. STOP 3


Landmark Angus Nears Sixty Years of Operation Greg and Janet Todd along Greg’s Dad, Jack welcome you to their lunch stop on this year’s tour. Their family enterprise changed hands after Jack’s dispersion in 1998. With Jack’s 53 years of rais-

Greg Todd visits with a long time customer while exhibiting cattle at Husker Harvest Days.

ing Angus cattle and performance testing since 1956 – Greg claims he had a sharp learning curve when handed the management reins. All of their pastures are set up on a rotation grazing system from 13 paddocks to 3 paddocks. They feel this allows them to add about 15% more cows than a normal grazing unit. Most of their pastures will carry a cow to 2.5 to 2.75 acres of grass for six months. Their cow herd consists of 300 cows and a 1,000 head feedlot. They A.I. 100-200 head of heifers each year, and put in 20-30 embryos per year. Their annual bull sale features 75 bulls in late February and they market another 35-50 bulls by private treaty each year. One of the most important lessons Greg has learned from his Father, Jack – is that you treat everyone with honesty and respect, and they will treat you the same way. The Todd family thanks everyone for coming on this year’s Nebraska Angus Tour and hope you enjoy your day.

Nebraska. This multi-generational operation is currently owned and operated by Mark and Colleen and Alex and Mary Brookhouser. Since 1954, the Brookhouser family has been providing quality Angus genetics to commercial and registered cattlemen alike. As the size of the operation grew, private treaty bull sales gave way to an annual production sale. March 7th, 2014 will mark our 18th Annual Bull sale at the Shamrock Livestock Market in O’Neill, Nebraska. Re-

placement heifers and cows are available by private treaty in the fall and spring. Alex & Mary Brookhouser


The Mark Brookhouser family welcomes participants of the Nebraska Angus Tour to their T-Bone Angus display at the Landmark Angus stop. T-Bone Angus is a registered Angus and farming operation located near Brunswick,

Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 15

The T-Bone Angus cowherd has been developed with a common sense approach. We believe in a sound, honest herd that utilizes grass and crop residue throughout the year. Our cows are managed very similar to the commercial operations in the area, with the exception of a slightly earlier calving season. The heifers and A.I. cows begin calving in early February, with the majority of calves coming in March. The first calf heifers are calved at the headquarters then paired out as weather allows. The cows are left to fend for themselves on nearly 500 acres. This no-nonsense approach allows for natural selection for mothering ability and calving ease. Our breeding program is dedicated to producing problem free cattle that excel in quiet dispositions, calving ease with growth, maternal efficiency, and superior end product.

T-Bone Angus utilizes several different methods to accomplish breeding goals. All the heifers and approximately half of the cows are artificially inseminated each year. In addition, we implant 30-40 embryos from elite cows that have surfaced to the top over time. We also utilize herd bulls from some of the top programs throughout the country. We are extremely excited about this year’s calf crop. The calves by our new herd sire Boyd Eclipse 0145 are top notch and we wel-

Left to Right: Randy Soleta, (Nancy’s husband) Nancy Bartos, Tripp, Jemi, Payton, & Brent Frederick

16 • August/September 2013 • Nebraska Angus Association News

come your appraisal on this year’s Nebraska Angus Tour. Thank you to our past and future customers for your support of our program. STOP 4


Bartos Angus is Forty Years Strong Nestled twelve miles West and five miles North of Verdigre, Nebraska lies Bartos Angus. Brent and Jemi Frederick along with their young children Payton and Tripp, welcome the 2013 Nebraska Angus Tour to their afternoon stop. Jemi’s Father, the late Keith Bartos and his wife Nancy, started breeding registered black Angus cattle over 30 years ago. Nancy still keeps contact with the operation, often caring for Payton and Tripp while Brent and Jemi perform much of the required physical labor. Through the years Keith and Nancy added elite females from

the Basin Angus herd in Montana and Hoff’s Scotch Cap Angus in South Dakota. The cowherd also carries heavy influence from Schaff’s Angus Valley genetics through the Bartos A.I. program. Current calf crop sires include: Mogck Sure Shot, 2U66, Iron Mountain, Priority, Consensus 7229, BAR Aberdeen 1929 and BAR Hoover Dam 1331. The family currently runs 300 head of registered cows and 100 head of commercial (non-registered) Angus females. They also operate a 1,000 head feedlot which allows them to test the genetics they produce all the way to the finished product. The family began small by marketing their bulls privately, and twenty years ago they began their production sale held annually, on the first Saturday of February, at the ranch. They also market bred females through this sale. Keith’s goal for his customers was to get the highest price available for their cattle so he bred for performance by weaning and carcass merit that demands attention from packers. The Bartos family still markets their own calves by the pound and they are able to keep their focus by watching how their own feeder calves perform. Brent & Jemi continue this tradition. Their future goals are to continue to grow their operation while dealing with the effects of last year’s flash drought. They plan to increase the number of registered females in the herd which they feel will allow them to select overall more uniform bulls and females for their customers. Brent, Jemi, Nancy and the entire Bartos Angus operation is

looking forward to their afternoon visit with tour goers on September 21st. STOP 5


Chief Standing Bear Bridge Over 70 Years In The Making The Chief Standing Bear Memorial Bridge is a bridge across the Missouri River at the NebraskaSouth Dakota border. Located near Niobrara, Nebraska, not far downstream from the confluence of the Niobrara River with the Missouri, it joins Nebraska Highway 14 to South Dakota Highway 37. The bridge is named for Standing Bear, a Ponca chief born and buried nearby, who was the plaintiff in Standing Bear v. Crook, a landmark 1879 U.S. District Court case that established the legal rights of Native Americans to move about freely. Chief Standing Bear successfully argued in U.S. District Court in 1879 in Omaha that Native Americans are “persons within the meaning of the law” and have the right of habeas corpus.

“Chief Standing Bear Bridge from Nebraska Approach”

Local residents had sought a bridge across the Mighty Missouri River since the 1920’s. Before construction was completed, Nebraska Highway 14 ended at the river. Travelers who needed to cross the river had to detour 45 miles downstream to Yankton, South Dakota, or 60 miles upstream to Fort Ran-

dall Dam near Pickstown, South Dakota. A seasonal ferry, closed in the winter, crossed the river at Niobrara for some time; but it ceased operation in 1984.

“Chief Standing Bear Bridge from South Dakota Approach”

Construction of a toll bridge began in 1931; but it was ended by the Great Depression. In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt vetoed a bill passed by the U.S. Congress that would have allowed construction to proceed; in 1940, he signed a revised bill to permit construction, but the shortage of materials caused by World War II thwarted it. A third effort was stymied by the Korean War; and a fourth attempt failed in the early 1980s. With the support of U.S. Representative Doug Bereuter of Nebraska, funds continued to be appropriated intermittently for the bridge. In 1995, the U.S. Congress passed a transportation appropriations bill that gave Nebraska and South Dakota enough money to complete the bridge. The project was attacked and nearly stopped by television journalist Tom Brokaw (a South Dakota native), in a series titled "The Fleecing of America", as an unnecessary expenditure of federal money. However, funding survived and construction proceeded. Of the bridge's $17 million cost, about $14 million came from the federal government; the remaining $3 million

Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 17



Family owned and operated for over 20 years. Taking pride in everything we do.

Upgrade Son Offering Registered Yearling Bulls, Yearling Heifers, Bred Heifers and Bred Cows

2014 Sale Offering Sired by: Tiger • Vance • O’Reilly Factor • Hoover Dam • Total Impact • Aberdeen • Complement • Wisdom • Upward • Iron Mountain • 6595 • Potential • Chisum • Frontman


Iron Mountain Daughter




2013 NE TOUR

was supplied by the two states. The groundbreaking ceremony for the 2,952-foot, 16 span bridge was held on April 20, 1996; and dedication ceremonies were held on August 29, 1998. The bridge averages 555 vehicles/day, according to 2008 statistics. During the 2011 Missouri River floods the bridge became a dead end on the Nebraska side when that approach was flooded. Many Nebraska residents who worked at the Mike Durfee State Prison on the South Dakota side took to using makeshift motor boats, kayaks, chest waders and a homemade “swamp bikes” to commute between the bridge and their cars out of the flood area—a process

Galen, Brock, Justin Foxhoven & Families 88579 554th Ave, Crofton, NE 68730 H) 402-388-2478 • C) 402-640-5386.


which took 30 minutes or more.

Sources (Wikipedia and Oct. 1, 1998 Chicago Tribune)



Foxhoven Angus Hosts Final Stop on 2013 Tour Foxhoven Angus of Crofton will serve as our evening meal stop on this year’s 2013 Nebraska Angus Tour. This Angus operation is a relative newcomer to seed stock production beginning in 1993 with just a few head of heifers. The Galen, Brock and Justin Foxhoven families are involved in the business. Their breeding program is built on the fundamentals of raising and feeding cattle that work in the environment nature provides. The

18 • August/September 2013 • Nebraska Angus Association News •

cows and heifers are A.I’d. to top quality sires such as Iron Mountain, Styles Upgrade, Sitz Upward, Connealy Thunder, Traveler 004, Networth, Bando 1961, Frontman, CC & 7 and TC Freedom 104. The cattle must be deep, stout, long and full of muscle. Females must be high capacity, easy fleshing and good uddered converters of grass. The family also raises 1,800 acres of corn, soybeans and alfalfa.

During the extreme drought of 2012, the entire corn crop was cut and used as feed for their cattle. Their current cattle numbers include 300 registered cows. They hold an annual production sale the last Monday of February, at their sale facility on the farm. 2012 also found them with a pen of bulls on display at Husker Harvest Days as a way to market their breeding program. They also stress involvement and leadership opportunities in the cattle industry. Brock was elected to his first term as the Northeast (NE) Director of the Nebraska Angus Association in December 2011 after being appointed to the board to complete the term of the outgoing NE director who moved into the Association officer rotation. Brock also attended the in depth Angus leadership program

known as Beef Leader’s Institute in 2012 as well.

lineup. The forty one year old operation is located three miles East of Crofton, Nebraska. Mark is the third generation working in this registered Angus venture. They have been breeding Angus cattle for over 60 years and became a registered outfit in the mid 1960’s, and their first production sale was held in 1973.

The Foxhoven family is looking forward to greeting the 2013 Nebraska Angus tour on the final stop of the day at their operation Southeast of Crofton.


Leader Angus Farm Eager To Be A Part of Tour Gordon, Carolyn & Mark Leader are thrilled to be a part of the 2013 Nebraska Angus Tour

The Leader family runs 175 head of registered females. Bulls are marketed through the annual bull sale which is held the third Saturday in February. Bloodlines

Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 19

that are prominent in the herd include offspring naturally sired by Midland, Admiral, In Focus, New Design, Alliance and Future Direction sons. Females were bred A.I. to the following sires this past spring: Sydgen Mandate, Quaker Hill Template and Sydgen Trust.

Angus Family News OBITUARY

James Lewis Johnson James (Jim) Johnson, Stockville, passed away May 10, 2013 at McCook. Services were held at the Stockville Community Hall on Tuesday, May 14, 2013. He was laid to rest at Arbor Cemetery at Stockville. James Lewis Johnson was born September 30, 1928, to Arthur and Alice (Ewing) Johnson on a farm eight miles northeast of Stockville. He attended grade school at Rural District #56 He graduated from StockvilleHigh School in 1946. After graduation he worked for various farmers, helped build the Cambridge REA system, and worked at Montgomery Ward in McCook, before enlisting in the Air Force for four years in 1950, three years of which were spent in Hawaii. After his discharge, he returned to help his father on the farm until he married Twila

Future goals of the Leader family are to continue their improvement of their performance minded herd and effectively incorporate the next generation of family into the business. They wish to maintain their current numbers. They will displaying cattle at the evening meal stop at Foxhoven Angus.


“Reflections Of The Future” by CJ Brown, will be the grand door prize given to one tour goer. The winner must have been on the

Pauline Max on June 26, 1955 at the Jacob and Carrie Max farm seven miles southeast of Stockville. They lived the first year of their marriage on a farm south of Curtis. Twila taught school and Jim farmed. Jim had Hereford cattle and Twila had a few head of purebred Angus. The Herefords were sold and more purebred Angus were bought. Thus, Frontier Angus Farm was established. Angus cattle are still an important part of their operation. Production sales were held at Curtis, Cambridge and McCook, and finally at the farm. Now in partnership with their son, Paul, cattle are sold privately at the farm. Jim and Twila moved back to the Stockville area in 1956, just across the creek southwest of Stockville. They lived in the old rock house for a year. With the help of his father-in-law, his father, and Grant Richey, Jim constructed a basement and a house was moved from the Amos Cole farm, south of Curtis and placed on it. They moved into the house in 1957 and later were blessed with sons, Paul, Billy and Rodney. Jim and Twila built a new house on the former Harry Herman/Ted Current farm, three miles southwest of Stockville, which they had purchased in 1970. They moved in to their new home on Christmas

20 • August/September 2013 • Nebraska Angus Association News

entire tour and have paid their registration fee, and must be present at the Foxhoven AngusLeader Angus Farm stop to win!!

Eve 1993. Jim was a member of the Curtis American Legion Post 95 for 57 years; lifetime member of the American Angus Association, Southwest Nebraska Angus Association and Nebraska Angus Association, awarded the 2010 Pioneer Angus Producer award; past Frontier Agricultural Society member and Stockville School Board member. Survivors are wife, Twila, Sons, Paul (Gail), Stockville; Bill (Theresa) Edmond, OK; Rod (Julie Farber), Firth NE; Grandchildren, Jacob, Edmond, OK; Matthew, Chicago, IL; Samantha, Firth, NE; Benjamin, Firth, NE; Step-grandchildren, Jason (Maggie) Potter, Cambridge, NE; James Stuart, Lincoln, NE; Josie Stuart, Lincoln, NE; Steven Dieter, Firth, NE; StepGreat Grandchildren, Quade Potter, Wilber, NE; Sister, Millie (Cliff) Becker, Lincoln, NE; sisters-in-law, Carol Max, Cambridge, NE; and LaVonne (Joe) Hinton, Willows, CA. He is preceded in death by his parents, Arthur and Alice Johnson; brothers, Billy and Robert; sisters & brothers-in-law, Margaret (Harold) Jorgenson; Marilyn (LaVern) Owens; and brother-in-law, Alva Max.

2013 Sale & Event Calendar

September 2013

Sept 7 – Nebraska Angus Tour Registrations DUE Sept 10-12 – Husker Harvest Days Exhibit – Grand Island, NE Sept 21 – Nebraska Angus Tour – Northeast Nebraska October 2013

OCTOBER 1 – HOLIDAY ISSUE NEBRASKA ANGUS NEWS ADS DUE October 27 – Bear Mountain Angus Online Heifer Calf & Donor Sale October 31 – Producer of the Year Nominations DUE November 2013

Nov 30 – Daigger-Orr Angus Black & Red Angus Herd Reduction Sale – North Platte December 2013

DECEMBER 1 – JAN/FEB 2014 NEBRASKA ANGUS NEWS ADS DUE December 1 – 2014 Cattlemen’s Classic Entries DUE December 1 – 2014 Membership Renewal Begins December 7 – Annual Meeting and Banquet – Kearney December 14 – Sand Point Female Sale – Chappell December 22 – Sisco Bros “Winter Layaway” Sale - Syracuse January 2013

January 24 – Mill Bar Angus Bull Sale – Sale @ McCook February 2013

FEBRUARY 1 - MAR/APR 2014 NEBRASKA ANGUS NEWS ADS DUE February 1 – Bartos Bull Sale – Verdigre February 3 – Mike Sitz Angus Ranch Bull Sale - Burwell February 10 – Carter Family Angus Bull Sale - Arthur February 11 – Kuck Ranch Bull Sale – Sale @ Lexington Livestock February 15 – Minert-Simonson Bull Sale – Dunning

Advertisers Index

February 2013

February 15 - Leader Angus Farm Bull Sale – Crofton February 19 – Ostrand Angus Bull Sale – Sale @ Slagle Angus Ranch New Sale Date February 24 – Foxhoven Bull Sale – Crofton February 26 – T C Ranch Bull Sale Franklin February 27 – Bear Mtn Bull Sale – Palisade March 2013

March 1 – S Diamond Angus Private Treaty Bull Sale Henderson March 3 – Vision Angus Bull Sale – Sale @ North Platte Fairgrounds March 4 – Jindra Angus Bull Sale – Sale @ Creighton Livestock Market March 5 – Hall Ranch Bull Sale Bassett March 7 – Carl Dethlefs & Sons Bull Sale – Rockville March 8 – Snyder Bros. Bull Sale – Sale @ Ogallala Livestock March 9 – 4 M Angus Bull Sale – Blue Hill March 9 – Lienemann Cattle Co Bull Sale – Sale @ Beatrice 77 Livestock March 10 – Barstow Ranch Bull Sale – Springview New Sale Date March 14 – Brookhouser T-Bone Angus Bull Sale – Brunswick March 14 – Southwest Nebraska Angus Ass’n Bull Sale McCook March 20 – Benoit Bull Sale – Esbon, KS March 22 – Connealy Angus Bull Sale – Whitman March 23 - E.D. Angus Bull Sale – Ashby March 25 – Frenzen Angus Bull Sale – Fullerton March 28 – Poss Angus Bull Sale – Sale @ Ericson Livestock April 2013

April 3 – A & B Cattle Bull Sale – Bassett April 4 – Dethlefs Angus Ranch/ Treffer Angus Bull Sale – Loup City April 5 – Kraye Angus Bull Sale – Mullen April 11 – Hollman Angus Bull Sale Hallam

~B~ Bartos Angus..............................................16 Behlen Manufacturing ..............................19 Brookhouser/T-Bone Angus......................15 ~F~ Foxhoven Angus ........................................18

~H~ Hansen Angus ............................................12 Herbster Angus ..................................24,IBC ~J~ Jindra Angus ................................................9

~L~ Landmark Angus........................................14 Leader Angus ..............................................4 ~N~

Nebraska Angus Tour ................................14

~P~ Pohlman Angus ........................................BC ~S~ Sonderup Angus ........................................11 ~T~ Timperley Cattle ..........................................4

~V~ Vitalix ........................................................IFC

From our mailbox. . .

Dear Nebraska Angus Ass’n,

Thank you for sponsoring the Grand Champion Angus Female FFA trophy and cash award at the State Fair. My family and I appreciate the it and the support given to the juniors. Thank you so much! Sincerely Cheyann Lovett

Dear Nebraska Angus Association Members,

We would like to thank you for honoring us with the Pioneer Angus Producer Award. We have both been involved with Angus cattle since childhood. In 51 years of marriage the promotion of Angus cattle has been our life. We have enjoyed meeting Angus breeders and cherish longtime friendships. Thanks again and the “Best to All” in your future with Angus cattle. Sincerely,

H.R. “Tim” and Judy Stiefel Four Winds Farms

Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 21


Since 1950

“Dutch” & Marian Dethlefs

“Where Quality Counts”

31310 Imperial Rd • Ravenna, NE 68869 Ph. 308/452-4147

Craig & Laurie Dethlefs 13947 W. Power Rd • North Platte, NE 69101 308/368-7660

Lazy Black Diamond Ranch Registered Angus Since 1951

Purebred & Commercial Angus Office 308/483-5100 John & Laurie Widdowson Lodgepole, NE 69149 15175 U.S. Hwy. 30 John’s E-mail: Cell 308/390-5697

Bred for fertility, calving ease, maternal, disposition, growth, carcass, and conformation.

Select bulls at Private Treaty anytime. For details contact Kevin at (308) 894-8735 or (308) 750-9055 Glause Family 379 Hwy. 92 • Palmer, NE 68864

FRENZEN ANGUS “More Pounds - More Profit”

Annual Production Sale - March 25, 2014 Females & Club Calves for Sale Private Treaty

Galen Frenzen • (308) 536-2069 Cell: (308)550-0237 50802 N. Edgewood Rd. Fullerton, NE 68638 Eric's Cell: (308) 550-0238

“The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids”


P.O. Box 581 • Sutherland, NE 69165 Phone (308) 386-4857 • Mobile (308-539-6195 ce Tested Performan valuated & Carcass ECattle Angus

Mick Cox & Family 73786 Ave. 356 • Hayes Center, NE Phone (308) 286-3416 • Cell (308) 340-4332 E-Mail: 22 • August/September 2013 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Jerry & Gary Dethlefs Annual Production Sale 1st Friday in March 78009 S. River Rd. - Rockville, NE 68871 - 308/372-3200

Twin Mills Angus Ranch

Tim Kim Marlatt Tim & & Kim Marlatt 40204 7070 130US TrailHwy 20 Wood Lake, NE 69221. Gordon, NE 69343 Phone: 402-967-3423 (308) 282-1726 Cell: 308-360-1601

Registered and Commercial Angus Cattle Richard and Randy Nelson 1 3/4 miles West and 3/4 mile South of Ansley, NE 68814

Canyon, SAF Connealy Strategy, SydGenContractor, Bullet, SydGen SydGen Mandate, Herd – Connealy HerdSires Sires: SAVDeep Prosperity, Concrete, SanSAV Dan Triple Threat (DarkConnealy Red Charolais)Deep Mandate,Connealy SAV Platinum, Republic, A.I. Sires – Net Worth, CAR Threat Duke, Final(Dark Answer, Red Sitz Upward 307R Bull) Canyon, Triple Charolais

~ Visitors Always Welcome ~ ~ Private Treaty Cattle For Sale ~

Phone: (308) 935-1139

Â˜Â˜Ă•>Â?ĂŠ->Â?iʹÊ >Â˜Ă•>ÀÞÊ£Ç]ĂŠĂ“䣣ĂŠUĂŠ-iÂ?Â?ˆ˜}\ĂŠÂŁĂˆäĂŠ Ă•Â?Â?ĂƒĂŠÂąĂŠxäĂŠ Ă€i`ĂŠ iˆviĂ€Ăƒ “Female Production Sale Fall 2013â€? “Breeding for the Performance Minded Cattlemanâ€?


Jay Wolf Family, Owners

402/395-2178 Box 548 • Albion, NE 68620

The Total Performance Brand Email: Myron Benes, Sales 402/395-6962 • Cell: 402/649-2719

Benoit Angus


“Third Thursday in Marchâ€? Everett & Bonnie Benoit 621 Hwy 61 • Esbon, KS 66941 (785) 725-3231 • (888) 870-2855 Chad Benoit • (785) 725-3005 Doug & Michelle Benoit • (785) 725-6211

Sonderup Angus

Bulls, Heifers, and Embryos for Sale Private Treaty

31155 State Highway 22 • Genoa, Nebraska 68640

Lori Wagner 308/536-2975 cell308/550-0349

Pettera Angus

Randy & Desree Pettera 38699 Drive 718

McCook, NE 69001 308-345-2516

Bred for Quality not Quantity Nebraska Angus Association News • August/September 2013 • 23



Chuck and Linda Pohlman & Family 55411 State Hwy. 13 • Norfolk, NE • (402) 371-8507• (402) 649-4308

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