Kansas Angus News - September/October 2013

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Number 587 . Kansas Angus Association September/October 2013

5th Annual

Saturday, October 19 5 pm

Our Biggest Sale Ever Selling 60 lots Show Heifers ▪ Bred Heifers ▪ Cows


Tremont, IL Libby Mathers ▪ Tom Mathers ▪ Garrett Lampe Garrett 309-620-1608▪ Call or email for a sale book ▪ lampeg@hotmail.com

www.toplineangus.com Photos, videos, sale book and more.

Page 1.

association news.

Nemaha Valley Angus is site of 2013 KAA Field Day October 5 event planned

Upcoming KAA Sponsored Commercial Angus & Angus Influenced Female Sales November 17– Paola December 7– Pratt

Nemaha Valley Angus near Seneca in northeast Kansas will host the 2013 KAA Field Day on Saturday, October 5. The Haverkamp family invites all Angus breeders and enthusiasts to their farm for a full day of cattle displays, speakers and a Certified Angus Beef® lunch. Featured presentations will be presented by Justin Waggoner, Beef Systems Specialist, KSU Southwest Area Extension, Garden City. He will be discussing dry- lotting cows and the potential it has to reduce costs. Rick Funston, Associate Professor of Beef Reproductive Physiology at West summer months. Central Research and Extension Center at UNL will speak fetal The new schedule is: 1.Winter- December/January—(starting December programming and beef systems management. A complete schedule of 2013) advertising deadline November 10, 2013. 2. February 3. Springevents and registration information on pages 5-7. March/April 4.Summer- May/June/July 5.August/September 6.October/ November. The advertising deadline will remain the 10th of the month prior Don’t Be Left Out to publication, example deadline for February issue is January 10, for the If you have not paid Kansas Angus Association (KAA) membership dues Spring– March/April issue deadline is February 10. for 2013 please do so now to avoid being left out o the 2014 Membership Directory. Current members are encouraged to renew their membership JMB Angus Donates Pick of Spring Heifers and new members are always welcome. Membership benefits include a for KJAA Fundraiser membership listing in the annual Kansas Angus Association membership Tickets sell until September 14 directory which includes contact information, herd information and A great enjoyment of working with youth directions to your farm or ranch; an online membership listing; a and the belief in the junior Angus program subscription to the Kansas Angus News and opportunities for has led Joel and Mary Bunker, JMB marketing registered and commercial Angus cattle through KAA sponsored Angus, Sharon Springs to donate the pick sales. For convenience, the KAA has an online application and pay option of their spring 2013 heifer calves to the at www.kansasangus.org . A form is on page 10 of this issue. KJAA to use as a fundraiser. KJAA members will begin selling tickets for this JMB Angus Full Page E-Advertisement Service Now Available generous opportunity in May and continue Last spring , the KAA began offering a full page e-advertisement service in through the random drawing for one lucky ticket holder during the Kansas addition to our e-classifieds. E– Advertisements are sent out to our Sate Fair 100th Anniversary Angus Show in Hutchinson on September 14. Kansas Angus e-list which included approximately 400 subscribers Tickets are available for a donation of $10 each or 6 for $50, with the including KAA members, juniors and other Angus breeders from Kansas as entire proceeds going to the KJAA. well as other states. Pricing for E– Advertisements : $50 per ad if ad has run in the Kansas Angus News within 90 days of eThe winner will have the opportunity to choose from approximately 85 ad request . $100 per ad if the ad has not run in KAN, Ads accepted must heifer calves born between February 10 and April 10 , 2013. Heifers in the be PDF– 96 to 100 dpi or JPG. Send ad to kansasangus@wbsnet.org. group will be sired by Sitz Top Game, Sitz Upward, SydGyn CC&7,

Celebrate the 100th Angus Show at KSF on Sept. 14 In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Angus Show at the Kansas State Fair the American Angus Association has designated the 2013 open Angus Show a Roll of Victory point show. KAA members, Angus breeders, show enthusiasts and juniors are encouraged to participate in the Kansas State Fair Open Angus Show on Saturday, September 14 in Hutchinson. Brad Gohr, Madras, Oregon will evaluate the show. The Angus bull and female champions will be eligible to represent the Angus breed in the Supreme Drive competing for cash and prizes. Visit www.kansassatefair.com for more information on the Kansas Sate Fair.

New Kansas Angus News Publication Schedule for 2014 The Kansas Angus News will begin a new publication schedule with a restructuring of issue months as well as moving to being published six times per year instead of seven. The Kansas Angus Association board of directors has made this change to better accommodate the current production and private treaty sale schedule in Kansas and to alleviate the problem of “slow” advertising months traditionally experienced in the


Kesslers Frontman, Final Answer and more. Visit www.jmbangus.com for more on their herd and program.

To support this fundraiser purchase tickets from KJAA members. Esther McCabe , KJAA treasurer is serving the project’s chairperson and Anne Lampe is the coordinating advisor. If you have not been contacted by a junior and would like to support this fundraiser contact Esther at esthermccabe123@yahoo.com or 620-636-0245 or Anne at kansasangus@wbsnet.org, 620-874-4273. KJAA members who are selling tickets you must turn in your sold tickets and money by September 14. You can bring it with you to the State Fair junior or open show and give it to Esther or Anne or it can mail it to Esther McCabe , KJAA treasurer, 6087 CR 1950, Elk City, KS 67344. Juniors see page 8 for more information.

Subscribe to our E-List

Send a blank email to Ksangus-epdate-subscribe@wbsnet.org Our E– list is secure and is not sold or shared.

1 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Kansas Angus Association The President’s Pen

Angus friends, WOW.... What a change in just a few weeks! Many places in our great state have dealt with flooding and the drought is just a memory while others have received much needed rain and yet others are still waiting for rain and the drought is still very real. The prospects for a good feed crop and winter grazing are good for most of the state, that should provide some relief for the native grass and allow for some much needed recovery time. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our youth on another successful Junior Nationals. The KAA is very proud of our junior members and their families. Well, Dr. Beever has once again blessed us by identifying another genetic defect. As with the others we will find a way to deal with this challenge although for many it will come with a significant cost. The cost of testing and the resulting culling may be felt for many years. Some of these positive cows have provided us a living for several years and are the backbone of many herds. (for information on the American Angus Association’s response to this genetic condition known as DD visit www.angus.org) On a happier note I would like to remind everyone to attend the 100 year anniversary show at the Kansas s Sate t Fair. We have been designated as a ROV show this year and as a result the numbers may be up and that will make for a nice show and an opportunity to get re-acquainted with some old friends. Also don't forget the Kansas Angus Field Day in northeast Kansas. Neal Haverkamp his family will host the event and several of the area breeders will also display some of their good Angus cattle. It promises to be great event for everyone attending. The date is October 5, don’t forget to look in this issue of the KAN for more details.

Craig Rucker

Kansas Angus Association President, 2013

Notes & News from Anne

Congratulations to the 2013 KAA Carcass Data Project winners and participants. Overall, 73% of the steers earned the CAB® brand, more than tripling the national acceptance rate, and graded 90% Choice or higher with 7.6% grading Prime. Wendling Angus Farm, Molitor Angus Ranch and Todd Klausmeyer claimed the prize money sponsored by Certified Angus Beef, LLC. Flip to page 11 to read their story. Kudos to our Kansas Junior Angus Association members ! KJAA members worked hard to accomplish both individual and team goals earning the Sweepstakes Award at the National Junior Angus Show in Kansas City. See pages 9 and 10 for photos and listings of the numerous awards and scholarships earned by our talented dedicated juniors. An Invitation— Join KAA members and Angus enthusiasts at the Field Day on October 5 hosted by Nemaha Valley Angus, Bern, Kansas. Don’t miss reading pages 6-8 for the schedule, registration information and more. Anne Anne S. Lampe, Ks Angus News, editor ; Ks Angus Association, Secretary/Manager kansasangus@wbsnet.org , 620-874-4273 cell, 620-872-3915 home/office

In this Issue Page 1. association news…………………....1

Editors Notes, KAA, KAN Info…......2 Angus Industry…………..…..4 Kansas Angus Field Day is October 5 …….5-7 KJAA………… 8 Sweepstakes Win for KJAA at Aberdeen in 2013..9-10 Membership Form/Application...10 Wendling Angus Farm Tops KAA CDP…..11 KAA Calendar…………… ....12 Auxiliary………………..13 Cover - Photos and collage by Legacy Livestock Imaging, Charles & Heidi Anderson, Topeka, KS. Images from the 2013 National Junior Angus Show. 2 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Official Publication of the Kansas Angus Association, Inc. November 2013 issue ad/copy deadline : October 10

Anne Lampe, Editor 5201 E Rd 110▪ Scott City, Ks 67871 (620)872-3915 phone/fax▪ (620)874-4273 cell

Email: kansasangus@wbsnet.org www.kansasangus.org Advertising Rates Full Page ….$325 b/w Full page 4 color…. $350 1/2 Page….$165 b/w; 4c $190 1/3 Page….$120 b/w ; 4c $145 1/4 Page….$85 b/w; 4c $100 Column Inch….$12 Card Ad..$25 /issue

Photos Add Photos ……………… $5/photo No photo charge for camera ready ads Discounts for year contract 1/4 page and larger prepaid. Discounts for multiple full page ad in same issue. Classified Advertising : $2 per word. 10 word minimum. No logos , graphics or display ads in classified section.

Other Services KAA Mailing List (member use)……….$100 Mailing List (non member use)………..$150 Website Block Ads E– Classifieds, E– Advertisements

Catalog inserts welcome.

Terms: All accounts that are 60 days or more past due will be assed interest at a monthly rate of 1–1/2% (18% annually). Accounts that are six months past due must be paid in full prior to accepting advertisements , furthermore a stop advertisement order will be in effect for those delinquent accounts that place advertisements in each issue of the Kansas Angus News or have a spot ad on www.kansasangus.org. This policy applies to all advertising accepted by the KAA including the Kansas Angus News, Kansas Angus Directory, website ads, and eadvertisements. . Any member 3 months or more in arrears in the payment of dues or assessments shall be dropped from the roll with the membership year beginning with the annual meeting. (KAA ByLaws: Art III, Sec 4) Any claims or statements of the writers or advertisers in this publication represent their own opinions and are not necessarily those of the editor or of the officers and directors of the Kansas Angus Association. Published 6 times per year. (beg.2014) Kansas Angus Association Board of Directors

President : Craig Rucker , Burdett Vice President : Ron Hinrichsen, Westmoreland Secretary/Mgr: Anne Lampe, Scott City (620) 872-3915 Treasurer: Robert Bailey ,3990 Highway K68 Quenemo, Ks 66528,(785) 828-3338 Past President: Tim Benton, Garnett District Directors Term Expires # 1 Neal Haverkamp, Bern ……………….….……...2016 # 2 Sharee Sankey, Council Grove………..…….….....2014 # 3 Matt Perrier, Eureka……………………..………….2014 # 4 Doug Benoit, Esbon ..……………….…….….........2016 # 5 Mark Rohr, Hays………………….....…………...... 2015 # 6 John McCurry, Burrton……………….…..………....2016 # 7 Larry Lundgren, Gove………...………………...…..2016 # 8 Grant Gardiner, Ashland……………………....…...2016 Directors At Large (Commercial) Harold Hazelton, McPherson……………………..……...2016 Howard Woodbury, Quenemo…………………........…..2014 Rick Cornwell St. John ……………..……….………. .2015 Directors At Large (Purebred) Brandon New, Leavenworth………………….………....2014 Stuart Rose, Cheney…….…………………..……. …....2015 Clint Woodrow, Emporia …………… ………….…….2016 The KAA board meets quarterly in February, May, September and December. Members are welcome to attend meetings. Contact Anne Lampe for meeting dates.


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Angus industry–

News and information provided by the American Angus Association ® & Certified Angus Beef , LLC.

patterns most noticeable in the last two years of the study suggest there are perceived differences in CAB relative to its greater product category in the mind of The American Angus Association verification program reaches monumental goal. consumers,” the paper says. When Drue Summers, Ririe, Idaho, recently placed an order for neon green Demand eroded nearly 27 percentage points for Choice-and-higher beef in ® AngusSource Genetic tags, he successfully pushed the program over the one 2011 and 2012, while CAB demand increased 25 points. million mark. The American Angus Association®’s age, source and genetic verification service has become a trusted approach to identifying calves throughout “It is reasonable to assume that Figure 2 points to at least some of the demand differences seen lately between CAB and the Choice-and-higher product category. the past decade. “The millionth tag is a great feat for the AngusSource program,” The graph shows demand for CAB has outpaced non-branded Choice consistently says Ginette Kurtz, AngusSource Genetic quality manager. “Since we began in 2003, we’ve been able to help a large number of producers receive the most value since 2009. Demand for CAB increased 79% over the 10 years, and Choice demand increased 3%,” according to the updated paper. The model results explain for their Angus-sired feeder calves and replacement females.” Summers is a manager for Foster Cattle LLC in Idaho, an operation that has been demand trends over time for each beef product as it relates to larger macroeconomic trends. Since each measure is based on wholesale demand, it enrolling calves in AngusSource for more than six years. The total number of Foster Cattle calves enrolled tops 13,000 head. “I think the AngusSource program includes sales to retailers, foodservice and international. The CAB demand index had its largest year-over-year improvement in 2010 when demand improved 38 helps buyers know the quality they are getting, because they are not taking a risk on a calf they do not know anything about,” Summers says. “And then it helps us to points reaching 154.8. That coincided with the 100-million-pound annual increase in sales and 13% increase in per capita consumption even as cutout values grew. go back to repeat buyers, as well.” Documented genetics, consistency and value are what keep customers returning to their cattle, Summers says. They have seen “Beef demand remains a concern in the post-recession environment. Consumer incomes have made relatively small improvements in recent years, and incomes increased interest from buyers who want to know not only the age and source component, but also the genetic verification and performance data associated with are a key beef demand consideration,” the paper states. Since the 2009 recession a group of calves. Foster Cattle LLC has used AngusSource to keep more accurate lows, the CAB cutout value has improved 6.6% annually and per capita consumption improved each year as well. In the other categories, boxed beef records and better analyze the carcass data given back to them, as well. “With AngusSource, records are tied to each individual calf and we can get the data values improved at the expense of per capita consumption. back from our partner feed yards on how they performed,” Summers says. “That KS Native is Director of Activities, Events and Education effects how we purchase bulls or where cattle are going to go on our ranch in the Robin Ruff promoted to lead the American Angus Association’s event-planning future.” The Association established the AngusSource program in 2003 as a efforts. genetic verification program that would allow producers to receive more value for The American Angus Association® named Robin Ruff as the new director of black-hided calves sired by registered Angus bulls. Today, most producers and activities, events and education for it’s nearly 25,000-member organization. Ruff’s buyers want to use data to make sound management and purchasing decisions. commitment during her 6-year tenure in the junior activities department has earned The Association has transitioned the program into what is now known as her the opportunity to manage the Association’s entire event schedule and further AngusSource Genetic to convey the genetic potential from using superior quality develop educational programs. “With Robin’s background and enthusiasm for the Angus bulls. Calves enrolled in the program are identified by an AngusSource Genetic ear tag and issued an official marketing document. Distributed to interested breed, the Association is confident she will lead our members in the right direction,” says Bryce Schumann, Association chief executive officer. “We are eager to see buyers, the document lists up-to-date production, maternal and carcass expected the new life and ideas she will bring to our activities and events.” In her new progeny differences (EPDs) for the group’s sires, as well as dollar-value indexes position, Ruff will work with members to coordinate events, such as the Beef tailored to both the replacement female and feeder calf markets. “As we move Leader’s Institute, Cattlemen’s Boot Camps, National Western Stock Show, and forward, there’s huge need to continue to produce more beef with fewer head of more. She will also oversee the Association’s award programs, including the Angus cattle,” Kurtz says. “We want producers to be able to use all the American Angus Heritage Foundation, Historic and Century Awards. “The American Angus Association’s programs and tools, so they can get the most value for the calves Association represents more than a breed,” Ruff says. “It symbolizes a group of they raise. I feel that AngusSource Genetic can really help our commercial people who believe in something bigger than themselves, and I want them to feel cattlemen get the most value for using registered Angus bulls.” For more that way when they walk into an Association event, large or small.” Most of all, Ruff information on AngusSource Genetic and how to get started enrolling cattle, says she is looking forward to expanding the Association’s educational outreach. visit www.ANGUS.org. One example will be the 2014 National Angus Convention and Trade Show in Kansas City. The event marks a dramatic departure from the traditional annual Beef Demand May Vary With Quality business meeting, which has been in Louisville, Ky., during most of the last four The gap is widening between key indicators of demand for premium and decades. The 2014 event will include educational workshops, a trade show commodity beef. Non-branded USDA Choice beef saw eroding demand since its 2010 peak, as consumers apparently turned toward a premium branded alternative. featuring allied industry partners, top-flight keynote speakers and several social activities. “Planning the 2014 convention is an opportunity of a lifetime,” Ruff says. Details are in an updated research paper from Kansas State University (K-State), “I am excited to start brainstorming ideas and make this conference the event “Defining and Quantifying Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) Brand Consumer Demand, 2013 Revision.” Pounds of CAB product sold increased every year since Angus members and cattle enthusiasts deserve.” In addition, Ruff is responsible for coordinating about 17 nationwide Roll of Victory Shows throughout the year. 2005, but it took economic modeling and research to see the demand effect. KDuring her time with the Association, Ruff has served as the junior activities State economist Ted Schroeder and 2010 Master’s student Lance Zimmerman assistant and director of junior activities. She planned and managed the premier conducted the initial study that year. Zimmerman took a break from his role as event of the beef industry, the National Junior Angus Show; served as advisor the analyst with CattleFax to update his college work with new data to characterize NJAA Board of Directors; arranged annual Leaders Engaged in Angus demand through 2012. Methodology and results are explained in that research Development conferences; and coordinated several other youth leadership events. paper, available http://www.cabpartners.com/news/research.php That index provides a measure of demand change over time, and features a new A Kansas native, Ruff grew up in Hanston on a family-owned operation with around 200 head of cattle. She holds a bachelor’s degree in agribusiness from Kansas timeline comparison . “Since CAB product is a branded subset of the USDA State University, and is expected to graduate with her master’s degree in youth Choice-and-higher marketplace, demand for the aggregate quality category was expected to share more similarities than the non-branded USDA Choice index used development in 2014. Ruff is active in the community through the Saint Joseph Junior League, Trails West® Arts and Musical Festival and Big Brothers, Big in the 2010 research ,” the paper says. The results show three different demand growth patterns among the indexes. Demand for the aggregated Choice-and-higher Sisters.

AngusSource Fulfills 1 Million Tags

grading product actually outpaced CAB from 2008 to 2010 before declining in 2011 and 2012, while CAB product continued its improvement. Demand growth for both categories was similar through the first nine years of the study. “However, as much as the early growth patterns point to the similarities, the divergence of demand

4 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Saturday October 5, 2013

10am to 3pm Nemaha Valley Angus ▪ Bern, KS

Field Day location: 1360 State Hwy 71, Bern Ks. 8 miles north of Seneca on Hwy 63 then 2 1/2 miles east on Hwy 71 10 am to 11 am– Registration. Coffee & Doughnuts sponsored by ABS Global. 10 am to 3 pm– Cattle Displays and Sponsor Exhibits—Guest Cattle Displays by April Valley Farms, Leavenworth; DD Angus, Seneca; Jones Family Angus, Belvue; New Haven Angus, Leavenworth & Rinkes Cattle Co., Holton.

11:30 am– Welcome to the Kansas Angus Field Day & Nemaha Valley Angus 12 noon– Certified Angus Beef® lunch. Steaks sponsored by Certified Angus Beef, LLC. 1:15 to 3 pm– Featured Presentations 


Dry Lotting Cows & Feeding Strategies– Justin Waggoner, Beef Systems Specialist, Kansas State University Research and Extension, SW Area . Fetal Programming & Beef Systems Management - Rick Funston, Associate Professor of Beef Reproductive Physiology, West Central Research and Extension Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

Activities for children during presentations.

Pre-Register by September 23

Send an email to kansasangus@wbsnet.org or online www.kansasangus.org Or use the mail /fax in form on page 6. No fee for Field Day guests. ————- Sponsors ————


5 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

October 5 , Bern, Kansas 10 am to 3 pm Nemaha Valley Angus near Bern in northeast Kansas will host the 2013 KAA Field Day on Saturday, October 5. The Haverkamp family invites all Angus breeders and enthusiasts to their farm for a full day of cattle displays, speakers, networking, “Angus” socializing and a Certified Angus Beef® lunch. Featured presentations will be presented by Justin Waggoner, Beef Systems Specialist, KSU Southwest Area Extension, and Garden City. He will be discussing drylotting cows and the potential it has to reduce costs. Rick Funston, Associate Professor of Beef Reproductive Physiology at West Central Research and Extension Center at UNL will speak about fetal programming and beef systems management. In addition to cattle on display from the host farm, these KAA members will also have cattle exhibits: April Valley Farms, Leavenworth; New Haven Angus, Leavenworth, Rinkes Cattle Company, Holton; DD Angus, Seneca and Jones Family Angus, Belvue. Registration is requested by September 23; there is no cost to attend the Field Day. To register please use the mail /fax in form on this page or send an email to Kansasangus@wbsnet.org.

Your Host

Nemaha Valley Angus Neal and Marya Haverkamp and their children Dane, Adelaide, Sullivan and Ian welcome you to Nemaha Valley Angus and are excited to host the 2013 Kansas Angus Field Day. Nemaha Valley Angus is a beef and row crop enterprise that is part of their diverse family farming operation. The Haverkamp home and operation is located just west of Bern in Northeast Kansas along the Kansas/Nebraska border. The registered Angus herd was established in 1993 with the purchase of six bred heifers and has since grown to number 200 registered cows, 300 commercial cows and 100 replacement heifers. The herd is split into spring and fall calving groups with 350 calving in late March and another 150 calving in September. NVA strives to turn out genetics that can produce high quality beef while excelling in all segments of the industry. Mature cows calve with little supervision in pastures or large corn fields. For the last four years, they have utilized timed AI on over half of the cows. The cowherd is maintained on over 2600 acres of pasture which is a mixture of cool and warm season grasses. Crop residues and winter annuals planted on the farm’s 3600 acres of row crop help achieve the goal of grazing more than 300 days of the year. Neal and Marya market bulls by private treaty and are proud to be a licensed CAB feedlot generally feeding out 500 head that are either home-grown or purchased from their bull customers. Neal serves on the Board of Directors of the Kansas Angus Association. The Haverkamp children are active in 4-H and are looking forward to becoming members of the KJAA. The Haverkamp family welcomes you to their farm in northeast Kansas for the 2013 KAA Field Day as they celebrate 20 years in the Angus business. For more information on Nemaha Valley Angus visit www.nvangus.com.

Guest Cattle Displays April Valley Farms is a diversified livestock and farming operation located in Leavenworth County in the northeast corner of Kansas. The main family farmstead was purchased by Edmund and Alice Theis in April of 1956 and is located in the Salt Creek Valley area of Leavenworth County. The month of purchase and location in the Salt Creek Valley prompted the farm name—April Valley Farms. The current operation consists of 300 registered Angus cows, a swine farrow to finish operation and 2500 acres of corn, soybeans and wheat. Two generations are still actively involved in the operation. Along with Edmund and Alice, three sons, Mark, Larry and Jerry are involved in the management and daily operations. Angus cattle have been part

of the operation since the beginning, when Edmund brought with him a small cowherd he had acquired through years of 4-H projects. Currently approximately 100 cows are calved in the fall and the remaining 200 are calved mostly in January and February. Both AI and embryo transfer are used intensively. Cows are summered on brome and fescue pastures and wintered on cornstalks or other crop residues. Cattle are marketed through an annual production sale held the third Sunday of March as well as by private treaty. The focus is to provide high quality commercial bulls that meet the demands of our commercial customers. Sound, functional, performance oriented cattle with eye appeal are required to meet these demands. Cattle are exhibited at many livestock shows at the state and national level and the third generation has been very active in the National Junior Angus Program. DD Angus is based at the David, Doris, Dustin and Daren Ronnebaum farm that has been in the Ronnebaum family since 1905. Lending itself to forages, the farm has been home to a commercial cow/calf operation throughout those years. The first set of register Angus cows were purchased in 1987. With aggressive use of A. I. sires, genetic improvement was rapid and rewarding. The current herd consists of 25 spring cows and 90 fall calving cows. Attention continues to be for a balance of economically important traits, reproduction, structure udders, muscling and fleshing ability. All sales are private treaty, supplying stock to a three state area.

Nemaha Valley Angus More FIELD DAY on page 7 Kansas Angus Field Day– Oct. 5

Nemaha Valley Angus ▪ Registration Form

Name __________________________________________ Number of Adults or Teens____ Children 12 & under_____ City______________ _______State_______ Farm/ranch/business_______________________________ Email ___________________Phone____________________

Return by September 23 by mail, email or fax. Please no phone reservations. No fee.

5201 E Rd 110, Scott City, Ks 67871 Fax 620-872-3915, email kansasangus@wbsnet.org www.kansasangus.org 6 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

New Haven Angus is a family owned farm located in central Leavenworth County 9 miles North of Tonganoxie on County Rd 5. In 1954 Bill purchased an Angus heifer for his 4-H project which was the beginning of our Angus herd. Bill and Loris continued to build the herd after their marriage and all 4 children; Jilinda White, Damon, Shawna Gilmore and Brandon, own cattle and are involved with New Haven Angus. Brandon has inherited the passion for breeding superior Angus and devotes full time to managing the herd. We have 225 registered Angus females in our herd and calve both in the spring and in the fall. Herd sires are ‘New Haven American Made’, a 2008 In Focus son, and a 2012 son of Soo Line Alternative 9127W, ‘Laflins Alternative Power’. AI sires include Connealy Consensus 7229, Koupals B&B Identity and Barstow Cash. The New’s strive to breed calving ease, carcass genetics, performance and growth into our herd. New Haven utilizes scientific and technological advances to improve the genetics of our cattle and meet our goal of producing proven, predictable and profitable genetics. Cattle are marketed through private treaty sales all year and our annual production sale at the farm. The New family will be celebrating 60 years of producing superior Angus cattle at their 15th annual production sale March 22, 2014. Come and celebrate with us as we will be offering a selection of great cattle. Visitors are welcome at the farm and at newhavenangus.com, our home on the web. Rinkes Cattle Company . Bruce and Lynn Rinkes started their Angus herd with the purchase of three Angus cows from Bradford Angus in Iowa in early 1980. Every heifer calf was saved for replacement females, and their herd was born. In 1990, they started our farming and ranching operation and moved with 50 cows and three sons to Jackson County Kansas. From the genetics of double bred Postlemere females, RCC have raised all of their replacement females to a herd of 150 registered Angus brood cows and an annual production sale of 60 spring and fall yearling bulls. Rinkes bred cattle have made their mark at the National Junior Angus carcass contests, the Reserve Grand Champion Steer at the National Junior Angus Show as well as commercial competitions like Flint Hills Beef Fest and the Kansas Carcass contest. Today the herd is owned by a family partnership with Bruce and Lynne’s sons Justin and Brandon. Sheldon also helps when possible from Shawnee, Kansas along with daughter-in-laws Nikki and Jessie and of course the highlight of everyday is checking cows with their grandson Carsen. The Rinkes family enjoys great family, good business acquaintances and the good life raising Angus cattle in the Kansas Flint Hills. Rinkes Cattle Company is located near Holton, Kansas.

Featured Presentations Dry Lotting Cows & Feeding Strategies– Justin Waggoner, Beef Systems Specialist, Kansas State University Research and Extension, SW Area . Justin Waggoner is an assistant professor and beef systems specialist at K-State's Southwest Area Extension Office in Garden City. Waggoner was raised on his family’s farm in central Kansas. He earned his bachelor’s (2000) and master’s (2001) degrees in animal science from K-State and completed his doctorate in ruminant nutrition at New Mexico State University (NMSU) in 2007. While pursuing his graduate studies, Waggoner managed the NMSU ruminant nutrition laboratory. His doctoral research evaluated the impacts of morbidity on performance and profitability in feedlot cattle and nutrient utilization in stressed cattle.

Fetal Programming & Beef Systems Management - Rick Funston, Associate Professor of Beef Reproductive Physiology, West Central Research and Extension Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Rick Funston is an associate professor and beef reproductive physiology specialist at University of Nebraska’s West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte. He earned his bachelors degree in 1985 from North Dakota State University followed by masters in 1998 from Montana Sate University and holds a PhD from the University of Wyoming in reproductive biology and studied reproduction /biotechnology postdoctoral at Colorado State University. His extension program areas are beef reproductive management, heifer development systems and cow/calf management.

Jones Family Angus Ranch near Wamego, KS, strives to produce sound, functional cattle with exceptional genetics tied up in an affordable package. The registered cattle operation began in 2009 purchasing 3-in-1’s from Kansas State University Purebred Beef Unit. Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer are both utilized in the operation to deliver as much consistent quality as possible. The cow herd genetics consist of Final Answer, Bismarck, Upward, and Morgans Direction. Bulls like Connealy Confidence, G A R Prophet, and Hoover Dam are providing a nice complement to our cow herd. Calving ease, rapid growth from birth to weaning, and $B are the main parameters focused on for the operation. Bulls and heifers are developed on high roughage rations. Recently Jones Family Angus has marketed bulls through the Kansas Beef Expo sale, and private treaty off of the ranch. They offer a 3-year breeding and skeletal soundness guarantee on all bulls. Females are sold as guaranteed breeders. Their main goal is to produce cattle that are low maintenance, problem-free, and profitable for their customers. Spencer and family invited you to Give them an opportunity to meet your needs; cattle from Jones Family Angus won’t disappoint! Jones Family Angus is owned and operated by Spencer , Cassie and Ty Jones, Belvue, Kansas. www.jonesfamilyangus.com

Nemaha Valley Angus

7 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

KS Junior Angus Association Dear KJAA Members, It is crazy to think that our busy summer is already coming to an end. I'm sure most of you juniors spent countless hours preparing for many summer . activities and shows including Junior Nationals. I would like to congratulate everyone on a job well done and give a big thank you to everyone who helped contribute for making our junior National experience successful, everyone did a great job of representing Kansas! As fall is quickly approaching, I would also like to wish everyone good luck who will be participating in various state fairs and majors. Also, with fall comes time to get back to school. Wether you are moving grades within your same school, or moving off to college, I challenge you to try as many new things as you can, meet new people and take advantage of as many opportunities as possible. You never know what new avenue it may lead you down. With that being said, I cannot express how excited I am to serve as your new junior president this upcoming year. Please do not hesitate to contact me with and questions or to let me know anything I can do for you.

JMB Angus Donates Pick of Spring Heifers for KJAA Fundraiser Tickets sell until September 14

A great enjoyment of working with youth and the belief in the junior Angus program has led Joel and Mary Bunker, JMB Angus, Sharon Springs to donate the pick of their spring 2013 heifer calves to the KJAA to use as a fundraiser. KJAA members will begin selling tickets for this generous opportunity in May and continue through the random drawing for one lucky ticket holder during the Kansas Sate Fair 100th Anniversary Angus Show in Hutchinson on September 14. Tickets will be available for a donation of $10 each or 6 for $50, with the entire proceeds going to the KJAA. The winner will have the opportunity to choose from approximately 85 heifer calves born between February 10 and April 10 , 2013. Heifers in the group will be sired by Sitz Top Game, Sitz Upward, SydGyn CC&7, Kesslers Frontman, Final Answer and more. Visit www.jmbangus.com for more on their herd and program. To support this fundraiser purchase tickets from KJAA members. Esther McCabe , KJAA treasurer is serving the project’s chairperson and Anne Lampe is the coordinating advisor. If you have not been contacted by a junior and would like to support this fundraiser contact Esther at esthermccabe123@yahoo.com or 620-636-0245 or Anne at kansasangus@wbsnet.org, 620-874-4273.

Until next time, Kenzie Flory KJAA President 2013-14 kflory@iastate.edu

KJAA members Turn in your Sold Tickets

KJAA members who are selling tickets you must turn in your sold tickets and money by September 14. You can bring it with you to the State Fair junior or open show and give it to Esther or Anne or it can mail it to Esther McCabe , KJAA treasurer, 6087 CR 1950, Elk City, KS 67344. Please do not send cash in the mail, if you have collected cash please have your parents or yourself exchange the cash for a check made out to the KJAA. If you are mailing please mail by September 6.

Angus Names New Director of Junior Activities

These junior members represented Kansas at the 2013 LEAD (Leaders Engaged in Angus Development) Conference, Aug. 1-4 in New Orleans, La. Pictured front row from left are Cale Hinrichsen, Westmoreland; Bailey Buttron, Lancaster; Kyla Lindell and Haley Lindell, both of Leonardville; Hadley Dehoff, Tonganoxie; and Chelsey Figge, Onaga. Back row from left are Quanah Gardiner, Ashland; Eric Blythe, White City; Jackson Wingert, Ottawa; Luke Sankey, Andale; Caleb Flory, Baldwin City; Tyler Blythe, White City; Evan Woodbury, Quenemo; Claire Wingert, Ottawa; Esther McCabe, Elk City; and Meghan Blythe, White City. A total of 173 juniors from 32 states, Canada and Uruguay attended the conference, “Cajun Livin' Angus Leadin,” where they enhance leadership and interpersonal skills while learning more about the beef industry. Photo by Laurin Spraberry, American Angus Association KJAA OFFICERS 2013-14 President: Mackenzie Flory, Baldwin City- kflory@iastate.edu President Elect: Cody Thies, Leavenworth 1st Vice President: Esther McCabe, Elk City 2nd Vice President: Jackson Wingert, Ottawa Treasurer: Chelsey Figge, Onaga Secretary: Evan Woodbury, Quenemo Reporter: Megan Green, Leavenworth Co-Historians: Hadley DeHoff, Tonganoxie & Megan Green Co-Reporters Caleb Flory, Baldwin City & Grady Dickerson, Paradise Co– Membership Directors: Anna Carpenter, Wamego & Cale Hinrichsen, Westmoreland

Jaclyn Upperman joins the Angus team as director of junior activities. The American Angus Association® is pleased to welcome Jaclyn Upperman as the new director of junior activities. Upperman will lead nearly 6,000 active National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) members from all parts of the United States and Canada. "I am truly honored to have been given this opportunity,” Upperman says. “I can only hope to make a lasting impact on each junior as they fulfill their dreams, just as I have." A Pennsylvania native, Upperman was an active NJAA member and was a NJAA Board of Director from 2009 to 2011. She also served as junior chair for the 2011 National Junior Angus Show held in Harrisburg, Pa. “Jaclyn’s background in the NJAA gives her the knowledge and talent to plan and execute events for the Association’s junior members,” says Bill Bowman, Association chief operating officer. “We are excited to have her on team Angus.” In her position, Upperman will help plan and manage the premier event of the beef industry, the National Junior Angus Show; serve as advisor for the NJAA Board of Directors; arrange annual Leaders Engaged in Angus Development (LEAD) conferences; coordinate youth leadership events including Raising the Bar; and work with members of the Angus community. Prior to her employment at Angus, Upperman represented the American Chianina Association as the Director of Activities and Junior Programs, and editor of the American Chianina Journal.

Past President: Hannah McCabe, Elk City DIRECTORS District 1: Eva Hinrichsen District 2: Claire Wingert District 5: Ethan Dickerson District 6: Luke Sankey, Andale District 8: Quannah Gardiner, Ashland At-Large: Reid Shipman, Manhattan; Sydnee Shive, Mount Hope; Laura Carpenter, Wamego, Alex Cozzitorto, Lawrence

8 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

ADVISORS Ken & Jackie Ottensmeier ………… ……..(913)796-6994 Barb Downey ………………………..…… .(785)556-8160 Howard & Elise Woodbury………………. (785)453-2492 Anne Lampe…………………………... … ..(620)872-3915


(620)872-3915; (620)874-4273 cell

www.kansasangus.org Facebook: Kansas Angus Association

The Kansas Junior Angus Association won the sweepstakes award, more than 30 head, at the 2013 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS), July 5-11 in Kansas City, Mo. Points are accumulated in individual and team educational contests, show ring, carcass contest and showmanship.

Bar S Pride 0073 won grand champion bred-andowned cow-calf pair Grady Dickerson, Paradise, , owns the January 2010 daughter of Plainview Lutton E102. A January 2013 bull calf sired by CTR Industry 827 completes the winning pair.

Luke Sankey, Andale, left, claimed grand champion carcass steer in the Carcass Steer Contest The 1,310 pound steer sired by Bohi Rito 2 878 Rito 7019 graded low prime with a 3.0 yield grade. Dr. Curtis Long of Briarwood Angus Farms, is pictured presenting the award. Wyatt Schumann owned the reserve champion carcass steer. (no photo available)

“Ready To Work” Landry Hinkson, Cottonwood Falls claimed overall grand champion in the photography contest .

MacKenzie Flory, Baldwin City claimed second place & Brady Jensen, Courtland, claimed fifth place showmanship honors at the 2013 National Junior Angus Showmanship Contest, held in conjunction with the NJAS. The American Angus Auxiliary presented the Silver Revere bowls to the winners. The top five winners also received a monetary award from the Ham James Memorial Fund. Fifty-three youth from across the country competed for top honors in the 47th annual event.

Kansas juniors won the Black Kettle Award during of the All-American Certified Angus Beef® (CAB) They also won first place in the junior other beef division. Pictured from left are Anne Lampe, presenting; Cale Hinrichsen, Westmoreland; Sarah Pelton, Paradise; Eva Hinrichsen, Westmoreland; Alexandria Cozzitorto, Lawrence; Clay Pelton, Paradise; Kady Figge, Onaga; and Melanie Kiani, presenting. They prepared "Gourmet Hamburger Steak" and also claimed first place in the recipe and showmanship categories. The American Angus Auxiliary sponsored this event. The Black Kettle Award is presented to the highest scoring team among all ages and divisions.

2nd place overall in the intermediate steak division Cook-Off Reid Shipman, Manhattan; Tyler Blythe, White City; Anna Carpenter, Wamego; Eric Blythe, White City; Quanah Gardiner, Ashland; and Laura Carpenter, Wamego.

More NJAS on page 10

1st place overall in the intermediate other beef division Cook-Off. Chelsey Figge, Onaga; Grady Dickerson, Paradise; Caleb Flory, Baldwin City.

3rd place intermediate sales team . Reid Shipman, Manhattan; Colten Banks, Effingham; Johanna Lundgren, Ottawa; and Quanah Gardiner, Ashland.

2nd place overall in the intermediate roast division CookOff. Baylee Wulfkuhle, Berryton; Johanna Lundgren, Ottawa; Madison Wulfkuhle, Kelsey Wulfkuhle.

1st place junior quiz bowl. Cale Hinrichsen, Westmoreland; Kady Figge, Onaga; Laura Carpenter, Wamego; and Sarah Pelton, Paradise.

3rd place overall in the junior steak division Cook-Off. Jayce Dickerson, Paradise; Grace Shive, Mount Hope; Bailey Osborn, Murdock; Sydnee Shive, Mount Hope; Ethan Dickerson, Paradise; Tanner Hite, Valley Center.

2nd junior team sales. Cale Hinrichsen, Westmoreland; Bailey Osborn, Murdock; Laura Carpenter, Wamego. Not pictured Ava Perrier, Eureka.

9 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Individual Contest Winners


Sandhill 9771 Black Knight won steer class 9. Reid Shipman, Manhattan, Kan., owns the winning steer.

PR Advance 2099 won steer class 8. Sarah Pelton, Paradise, Kan., owns the winning steer. Gold Award Recipients

Kenzie Flory Miles Pearson

Tyler Ottensmeier, McLouth, Kan., placed first in the youth division of the Chef's Challenge at the All-American Certified Angus Beef® (CAB) Cook-Off. The American Angus Auxiliary sponsored this event.

Esther McCabe, Elk City, Kan., right, received the Kansas Angus Association Scholarship. Pictured presenting the award is Anne Lampe, KAA secretary-manager. Scholarship Winners Angus Foundation Esther McCabe- $5000 renewable - Talon

Cody Theis-$3000 AVF Sara 8961 won bred-and-owned heifer Kenzie Flory- $1000 class 22 . Cody Theis, Leavenworth, Kan., Tyler Ottensmeier -$1000 owns the winning heifer. Jackson Wingert-$1000 PVF Missie Evan Woodbury-$1000 1191 won owned heifer class. Graduate Scholarship Esther McCabe, Clinton Laflin-$5000 Elk City, Kan., owns the winning Photos by heifer. American Angus Association

Landry Hinkson– 1st & Overall Winner Drew Kratzer-2nd Tanner Hite– 2nd Ethan Dickerson– 1st Chelsey Figge-2nd Quanah Gardiner– 2nd Evan Woodbury– 3rd


Quanah Gardiner-2nd Tyler Ottensmeier-2nd

Creative Writing Tyler Ottensmeier –3rd Esther McCabe– 1st

Public Speaking Alex Cozzitorto– 1st Quanah Gardiner– 3rd

Career Dev– Resume’ Chelsey Figge– 3rd

Extemporaneous Speech Cale Hinrichsen-1st Quanah Gardiner– 2nd Tyler Ottensmeier—3rd Esther McCabe– 1st

Ks Angus Association Membership Form Join or Renew your membership online www.kansasangus.org or complete the form below and mail.

□ Renewal- $30 per year Date:_______________, 20__

□ New Member $30 per year

Please complete all information below Print or type Farm/Ranch Name:___________________________________________

All names included in membership:_____________________________________ Complete Mailing Address:_____________________________City________________ST_____Zip______ Phone:_(__ )______________Phone 2- ____________________________ Fax________________ Email________________ website www.____________ County: _____________________ Year Established_______________ Acres in Ranch/farm________ Number of Registered Angus Cows______________________ Number of Commercial Cows_________ Herd Sires:_____________________________________________________________________________________ A.I. Sires:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Farm location/directions:________________________________________________________________________ Annual Production Sale Date:_______, 20___ (if applicable) Sale Name:_______________ Sale Location________ If your sale is on the same date each year please describe: example 1st Saturday in Feb. _______________


Mail with Check Payable to KS Angus Assn, 5201 E Rd 110, Scott City, Ks 67871- $30/year Dues payable annually Online —join, renew and pay www.kansasangus.org

10 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Wendling Angus Farm Tops 2013 KAA Carcass Data Project Winners of the 2013 Carcass Data Project (CDP) didn’t leave a lot of room for outliers.

By Steve Suther, Director of Industry information, Certified Angus Beef, LLC.

The top three contestants’ data in the Kansas Angus Association (KAA) annual contest were of exceptional quality and within 3 percentage points, at 89%, 88% and 86% Prime and Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand acceptance. Final standings were based CAB acceptance, %Prime and gain. . With eight of John Wendling’s nine steers qualifying for the CAB brand, he edged out the competition and took home the top honors with a $500 cash prize. The cattle were fed at McPherson County Feeders, a CAB partner yard near Marquette, Kan., which has hosted the CDP the past three years. “All the cattle in the contest had

and his bull customers build and use to further prove numbers in the American Angus Association database. He earned a $300 cash prize. The detailed management at McPherson County Feeders helps, too, he said. The cattle were shipped in three groups based on ultrasound data. “That’s the big advantage of the McPherson deal,” Molitor said, “Where they ultrasound and designate market times for those cattle. They’re selling them at the optimum harvest date – you know, one week is all it takes to overshoot a heavy and get a discount. Here, they have it all figured out.”

Todd Klausmeyer returned to the contest, this time with his own pen of seven steers that returned 86% CAB for the third-place ranking and a $200 cash prize. In the 2012 contest, he grouped three of his calves in with those of his father (Thomas) to win the contest. This year, his brother Jeff took home top honors with the best ADG at 3.85 pounds per day. Todd & Conner Kluasmeyer We get to compete against each other and get bragging rights,” Klausmeyer said with a laugh. “But it’s also really important to us to get some good, concrete end-product data back. This is a great way for us to collect that data on our animals and help us improve John Wendling our herds.” They’ve been selecting for a combination of low birth weight, good numbers,” Wendling said. “I was just lucky to have the right number solid gains and carcass performance for years, slowly making with the right percentage to win.” But the real prize, he said, was the data improvements in each category. “Historically, if you’re buying Angus that came back after the contest. He usually finishes genetics, it’s because you want to use them on your heifers and secondly because of the beef, to keep the marbling high,” Klausmeyer said. “But But the real the cattle at the Halstead, Kan., ranch he operates prize, he said, with his father and grandfather. “I look at the data and now we have proven bulls with good growth numbers, too.” Their calves still see places to improve on,” Wendling said. “We was the data just want to use that data to keep improving and see were set back by intense drought last summer, but that didn’t stop them from performing in the yard and on the rail. “They went on feed lighter than that came back how we can do better.” All the animals entered the normal, so they had to have some good compensatory gains to still do so after the yard in December 2012 with a minimum of 5 head per well on feed,” he said. contestant. In the six months at McPherson, contest. Wendling’s cattle gained an average 3.84 pounds per There were 80 head entered by eight participants in all this year, including day (ADG). “We’ve always had quite a bit of growth those from Hazelton Angus, McPherson, Kan.; (Jeff) Klausmeyer K3 John Wendling in those cattle, and we recently have been trying to Angus, (Todd) Klausmeyer K3 Angus, add marbling and ribeye to them, working to put more emphasis on some (Thomas) Klausmeyer K3 Angus, Conway Overall, 73% of the of the carcass traits,” he said. Springs, Kan.; Wendling Farm, Halstead, Kan.; steers earned the CAB Molitor Angus Ranch, Zenda, Kan.; Hobbs brand, more than Both Wendling and secondRanch, Penokee, Kan.; and Nemaha Valley tripling the national place finisher Molitor Angus Angus, Bern, Kan. All participants received acceptance rate, and were rookies to the contest CAB a travel mug and a set of steak knives. graded 90% Choice or this year, although neither are higher with 7.6% strangers to the Angus Overall, 73% of the steers earned the CAB grading Prime. business or tough brand, more than tripling the national competition. Mike Molitor acceptance rate, and graded 90% Choice or knows the whole range of the higher with 7.6% grading Prime. beef supply chain, from conception to consumption at The KAA will again partner with Certified Angus Beef, LLC and Mike Molitor his CAB-licensed restaurant, The McPherson County Feeders for the Lumberyard, in hometown Zenda, Kan. His CDP pen of 25 calves that made 88% CAB and Prime came from As you are weaning your spring calves choose some for the CDP. the bottom end that didn’t make his registered bull sale. “We base all our Criteria includes : Spring born 2013 steer calves; must be out of selection on a competition,” he said. “These calves got steered not known registered Angus sire or sire group; weaned a minimum of 45 because they didn’t have the genetic potential, but because they had tough days at time of delivery ( late December 2013), tagged with an competition at home.” They were likely later-born calves. “But then you put individual ID. For more information look an entry form in the them in the feedlot, and they grow. They express that potential,” Molitor November KAN or contact Anne at said. Most of them were AI-sired calves with a known genetic history, he kansasangus@wbsnet.org , 620-872-3915. added, and the data feedback from the contest will continue to help him

2014 Carcass Data Project.

11 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

KS Angus Calendar 9/2/2013 Eby Ranch Sale

Emporia, KS

9/2/2013 Snow Creek Angus Ranch Dispersal Sale

Coffeyville, KS

9/14/2013 Ks State Fair Open 100th Angus Show-ROV Hutchinson, KS 9/30/2013 Gardiner Angus Bull Sale

Ashland, KS

10/5/2013 KAA Field Day– see pages 5-7

@ Nemaha Valley Angus, Bern, KS

10/9/2013 Sankey's 6N Ranch Online Show Heifer Sale Council Grove, KS– Ad on Page 3 Burgman Farms ( Burlap & Barbed Wire Female 10/14/2013 Sale) Clay Center, KS - Ad on Page 13 10/19/2013 Top Line Angus Farm Sale

Tremont, IL- Ad inside Front Cover

10/20/2013 Bar S Ranch Online Show Heifer Sale Paradise, KS McCurry Angus Ranch Online Show Heifer 10/23/2013 Sale Burrton, KS 10/30/2013 Fink Beef Genetics Bull Sale Randolph, KS 11/1/2013 Downey Ranch Sale

Wamego, KS

11/10/2013 SF Farms Sale Kansas Angus Ass'n Commercial Female 11/17/2013 Sale

Princeton, KS at Paola Livestock Auction, Paola, KS

11/23/2013 Dalebanks Angus Bull Sale

Eureka, KS- Ad on Back Cover

11/24/2013 Hedgewood Prairie Angus & Friends Kansas Angus Ass'n Commercial Angus 12/7/2013 Female Sale

Enterprise, KS at Pratt Livestock, Pratt, KS

Send in Your 2013-14 Sale Date Todaykansasangus@wbsnet.org KAA Members and KAN advertisers may list their sale on this calendar. It is the responsibly of the member to provide sale/ event date. The length of the calendar in each issue is at the discretion of the editor.

This fall could shape up to be very exciting with calves at possible record prices and feed prices at a much more manageable level. We will have group of Angus and Horned Hereford bulls available for sale privately. This would include bulls that we used on our own heifers. We will also have a set of commercial bred heifers that we will sell in groups to suit the buyer. Pleas let us know if we can help you.


Wanted Old Angus Sale Books Charles Reid 22501 Thorngrove Rd Peculiar, Mo 64078-9650 816-758-6562

6087 CR 1950 Elk City, KS 67344 (620) 633-5303—home (620) 332-4244– Randy McCabe (620) 332-4498– Flinton McCabe www.kimmacangus.com

12 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Kansas Angus Auxiliary I recall not too long ago sitting in Kansas City at the NJAS praying for rain like many other people and feeling bad for having to send part of our family home early to haul water to dry pastures. Thanks to their willingness though we were able to stay and cheer on the Kansas Juniors throughout the week and watch them win another Sweepstakes. I can still feel the excitement of sitting in the stands and watching Kansas Juniors parade to the back drop to receive their hard earned awards. It is an honor to be a part of the Auxiliary and support the future of these Kansas Juniors. What a great thing to witness-high fives, pats on the back, hugs and tears, congratulations to each Junior and their families. Another month has begun and the moisture that we have received the past few weeks has been a true blessing to each one of us. Area ponds are full, creeks are once again running and the grass is lush and green. As you prepare for the return of school and starting new adventures at college remember that the Auxiliary is privileged to support you as you reach for your dreams. I look forward to seeing each one of you again soon.

Karen Santee, President

Burgman Farms -

Vol. II

KS Angus Auxiliary Leaders

President -Karen Santee….620.596.2532 Vice President- Jackie Ottensmeier …..913.796-6994 Secretary-Megin O’Brien….620.802.1482 Treasurer- Lori Fink……. 785.532.8171 Reporter– Beverly Figge…..785.889.4470 Past President/Advisor- Varee McCabe …….. 620.633.5303 Hospitality Chairman– Tonya Theis Miss Ks Angus Program Chairman– Anne Lampe Ways & Means Chairman– Mary McCurry Achievement Awards ChairmanWendy Flory Scholarship Committee 2013– Chairman: Lynne Hinrichsen, Members: Rhonda McCurry, Melissa Cozzitorto

Selling at the Burlap & Barbed Wire Female Sale:

Burgmans EvereldaEntense 1307 A September ‘11 daughter of Woodhill Foresight and a member of the Everelda Entense 1905 cow family. Bred to Final Answer for an early September calf

Monday, October 14, 2013

at Hofmann Simmental Farms, Clay Center Sale time 1:30 cdt, Lunch at noon


85 Simmental, SimAngus & Angus Females Fall Pairs, Spring breds, Opens

CED BW WW YW CEM Milk $EN $F $W +2.7 +52 +93 +26 -9.64 +32.84 +27.12 Also selling Daughters of, and pregnancies to, Final Answer and descendants of the Everelda Entense 1905 family

A success story from our first sale in 2010

Sale hosts:

Burgmans EvereldaEntense 0106 sold for $1800 as an open heifer to Polivka’s Powerline Genetics, Nebraska. She went on to produce a Sydgen Mandate 6079 heifer calf that sold for $4700 (half interest) this past Spring.

Sale Consultants:

This is just one of many success stories this sale has written. Start your next chapter October 14!

• Hofmann Simmental Farms • Burgman Farms • Dixson Simmentals

Kelvin Jorgensen - 402-366-9475 Dallas Woltemath - 308-390-6400

Catalog & videos online at:


Burgmans Everelda Entense 0106

Leonardville, KS | 785.293.4951 • 785.293.2484 (c) burgmanfarms@twinvalley.net

Your source for sound, functional, profitable females that know how to work for a living!

13 Ɠ September/October 2013 Ɠ Kansas Angus News

14 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Zagar Angus Farm 557 East 610 Ave. ▪ Girard, Ks 66743 (620)724-4086

Herd Sires: JAK 022 Prompter C34 , Sydgen Massive 9518, Sydgen 1386 Design 3389, Checkerhill Madrid N11, Sydgen 2088 Focus 9003

15 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

16 ▪ September/October 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News

For information contact Anne at kansasangus@wbsnet.org

Number 587

Kansas Angus Association 5201 E Road 110 Scott City, Ks 67871

Dated material please do not delay

A "6 6 , A in everything.

With 17 Angus EPDs, 5 $Value Indexes and too many in-herd trait evaluations to count ...












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September/October 2013

It’s tough to be

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A Annual Bull Sale - Saturday, November 23, 2013 Ì


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12:30 p.m. at the ranch - NW of Eureka, Kansas ££xÊÞi>À }Ê> `ÊV }ÊÓ Þi>À `à / iÊ*iÀÀ iÀà £äÓ£Ê, ÛiÀÊ, >`ÊUÊ ÕÀi >]Ê -ÊÈÇä{x


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