1:00 p.m. sharp in heated building Lunch: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
• Buy your bulls February 1 and we’ll keep, feed, vaccinate, carcass ultrasound & semen test.
• You may pick up your bulls after testing and prior to June 15 or, Loonans will deliver – free – up to 300 miles when in your area (over 300 miles, please inquire).
• Delivery will begin April 1 and be completed by May 10 when we start our AI season.
• If you cannot take your bulls when deliveries are made in your area, you may pick them up at Loonan’s later (prior to June 15). Let us know.
• Bulls not sold February 1 will remain on sale until sold out, as in previous years.
• If you cannot be present February 31, we will have a representative on-hand to handle written and phone requests on a “least cost” basis. Satisfaction guaranteed.
If you purchase a bull from us, we will provide you with credit equal to the value of one bag of Feeder Calf Certification Program or Allied Access tags for each bull you purchase. To redeem your credit, bring your receipt for the tags to next year’s sale and we will apply it to your bull purchase.
The FCCP provides age, source and genetic verification for calves sired by registered Red Angus bulls. The FCCP ‘yellow tags’ are recognized by buyers nationwide and return a premium for Red Angus calves enrolled in the program.
The Allied Access program provides age and source verification for commercial cattlemen whose bull battery does not exclusively contain registered Red Angus bulls. Whether you are utilizing multiple sire breeds or halfblood bulls, enrolling in Allied Access demonstrates to buyers that you are taking an extra step in marketing your calves and adding value throughout the production chain.
To enroll in the FCCP or Allied Access, contact the Red Angus marketing department. Enrollment is simple and free of charge. RedAngus.org • 940-477-4593
Judy and I would like to welcome you to our 50th Anniversary Production Sale. It’s truly amazing how time flies by when you are able to do what you love and be able to share your achievements with great people. Over the past 50 years, it’s been great sharing our genetics with our wonderful customers. To the customers that have been with us a lot of years, we are thankful and truly blessed to call all of you friends. Some of our valued customers have passed. They were with us for most of the 50 years and they will be missed. These customers were the ones that came up with the way we have our sale still today.
Judy Loonan
Dick and Judy’s first sale was on Dec. 6, 1975. They had their first 10 sales at the Corning sale barn. At that time, they just sold Simmentals. The gray bulls averaged $353 per head, the red bulls averaged $415, and the charcoal bulls averaged $335 per head. We have sure come a long way since then.
In 1985, they moved the sale back to the farm selling bred females and open heifers the day after Thanksgiving. They sold the bulls in January. In 1986, they started selling bulls private treaty. In February of 1992, the first Red Angus were offered on the 18th sale. The first private treaty auction started in 1994 – that’s when I joined Dick and Judy, and the rest of the is history.
The 50th sale is fast approaching, and Judy and I feel we have a set of bulls that is as even as we have ever sold. That is the goal, right? This year’s bulls have some of the best EPDs you can buy anywhere. It has been our goal to bring you the best genetics available. We bar no expense when it comes to purchasing herd bulls. Cattle markets are at an all-time high and look to stay good for some time to come with cow numbers low. Join us Feb. 1 and purchase top-quality genetics.
We have three new Red Angus sires with progeny in the sale this year. Deep End is a bull we raised out of one of our top cows. He is a long-sided, soft-made bull with a tremendous amount of muscle and bone. He is probably one of the heaviest boned Red Angus bulls I have seen, and he also is a large-framed bull. His calves will carry the same traits.
We purchased Marksman at the Cross Diamond Cattle Co. sale. He is also a bigger framed bull with a lot of performance.
We purchased Reputation at the Feddes-CT Red Angus sale. We used him on heifers. He’s just a little smaller framed bull.
On the Simmental side, we have Infrared, bought from Springer Simmental. He’s a bull with frame and muscle and complements Copperhead well.
As I bring the welcome to an end, we just want to say it truly humbles Judy and myself to have such great customers that we consider friends. Without our loyal customers, we would not have made it 50 years, so thank you for helping us reach this milestone. We hope to be able to serve you for at least another 10 years. I’d like to say 50, but Father Time may catch us before then. We can’t say it enough – thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us.
We truly hope you can join us on Feb. 1 for our 50th Anniversary Sale. Feel free to call or come and evaluate the bulls before the sale. We would love to show them to you.
Judy and Rick
Rick Thompson
Care and Management of Yearling Bulls
We occasionally receive questions regarding the proper care and management of yearling bulls. The following suggestions came from other seedstock producers and extension beef specialists:
1. Yearling bulls coming off test need to be in good condition in order to withstand the expected 100300 lbs. weight loss during breeding season. Between the test period and start of breeding season, 8-13 lbs. of grain plus good quality hay or pasture is suggested.
2. During breeding season, young bulls are still growing in addition to their breeding duties. Semen production takes 60 days and poor pasture or inadequate nutrition can severely affect libido, semen quality and quantity.
3. A maximum 60-day breeding season is suggested for yearling bulls, or rotation, to allow them time to rest.
4. Following the 60-day breeding season, proper nutrition can pay big dividends in future development and usefulness of the young bull. This is a very critical age as they start losing their teeth at 18-24 months of age and cannot utilize roughage as well as with permanent teeth. Research indicates that a bull’s usefulness as a two-year-old can be retarded if not properly reconditioned after use as a yearling. Feeding 10-15 lbs. of grain (depending on condition) until the bull is two years old, will help recover the lost weight and provide the nutrition needed for continued growth.
5. Annual deworming and treating for lice when needed helps reduce stress and improves feed efficiency.
These guidelines were developed by beef specialist to help maximize the benefits of superior genetics.
Sale Terms & Conditions
Bulls and heifers were vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian as calves, including BovaShield Gold 5 (IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV) One Shot (Pasteurella, 7-Way, Blackleg and Haemophilus), Inforce 3 intransal (IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV, poured for grubs and lice, and dewormed with an oral wormer and Ivomec. The heifers were calfhood vaccinated for brucellosis.
Sale Procedure
• All cattle are priced in the catalog at affordable prices.
• No cattle are sold or reserved prior to 1 p.m., Saturday, February 1, 2025.
Sale Order
Bulls will sell first, starting promptly at 1 p.m., Feb. 1, 2025. None are sold or reserved ahead of time. We plan a 15-minute break following the opening round of the bull sale to allow buyers who need additional bulls to make their selections.
If you have any questions, give Judy or Rick a call.
Selling Procedure
Cattle are ready for inspection now. All are affordably priced in the catalog. Please register as you arrive February 1. Sale order will be determined by the buyer in order of registration. If your selection is called to the ring prior to your buyer number being called, you will have the privilege of raising the bid. Normally, some bulls sell at the listed price and some bring more if several buyers are interested in the same animal, but every buyer has an equal opportunity to buy the bull of their choice.
If you cannot attend February 1, we can make arrangements to have someone represent you on a least-cost basis. Satisfaction guaranteed.
All cattle carry the standard breeding guarantee of the respective breed association. Bulls will be semen evaluated with a certificate furnished. Bulls will be wintered on a high roughage test ration, semen tested and ultrasound scanned in March. You may pick up your bulls beginning April 1 or Loonans will deliver when in your area. Most deliveries are made April 1 to May 10. Please contact Loonans on cost of deliveries over 300 miles.
Creston, IA (25 mi. east)
Super 8 ...................................................... 641-782-6541
Red Oak, IA (30 mi. west)
Super 8 712-623-6919
Adair, IA (36 mi. north)
Jesse James Super 8 641-742-5251
Corning, IA (2260 Juniper Ave.)
The Corning Hotel 641-418-8190
Red Angus Guide to EPDS and Indexes
ProS ... Profitability and Sustainability is an all-purpose index that predicts average economic differences in all segments in the beef supply chain. This index is a combination of the breeding objectives modeled in the HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes. In this index, replacement heifers are retained from within the herd and all remaining progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold on a quality-based grid. Traits included in this index include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY, Mature Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass traits. The resulting index is expressed in dollars per head born (Index/High Value).
HB ..... HerdBuilder is a maternal selection index that predicts the economic differences of animals for traits that are important from conception through weaning. Expressed as dollars per head born, HB is calculated based on the scenario that bulls are mated to heifers and cows, replacement heifers are retained and all remaining progeny are marketed at weaning. Traits included in the HB index include Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and Stayability (Index/High Value).
GM..... GridMaster is a selection index that predicts the average economic difference of non-replacement calves through the postweaning phase of production. GM places selection pressure on growth, feedyard performance and carcass traits. Expressed as dollars per head born, GM is calculated based on the scenario that progeny are fed out to slaughter and marketed on a quality-based carcass grid. Traits included in GM include Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Marbling, Back Fat and Rib Eye Area (Index/High Value).
CED Calving Ease Direct predicts differences in the percent of calves born unassisted out of 2-year-old dams. (Percent/High Value)
BW Birth Weight predicts differences in actual birth weight of progeny. (Pounds/Low Value)
YW ........ Yearling Weight predicts differences in 365-day yearling weight. (Pounds/High Value)
ADG ....... Average Daily Gain predicts differences in weight gain between 205 and 365 days of age. (Pounds/High Value)
DMI ....... Dry Matter Intake predicts differences in daily feed intake as measured in a feedlot during the post-weaning period. (Pounds/Low Value)
MILK Milk predicts differences in weaning weight attributed to the milking ability of the animal’s daughters. (Pounds/High Value)
ME Maintenance Energy predicts the difference in maintence energy requirements. (Mcal per Month/Low Value)
HPG Heifer Pregnancy predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to conceive and calve at 2 years of age following exposure to breeding. (Percent/High Value)
CEM Calving Ease Maternal predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to calve unassisted as 2-year-old heifers. (Percent/High Value)
STAY Stayability predicts differences in the ability of an animals’ retained daughters to remain productive in the herd – calve every year – through 6 years of age. (Percent/High Value)
MARB Marbling predicts differences in marbling score – amount of intramuscular fat measured at the 13th rib. (Marbling Score Units/High Value)
YG Yield Grade predicts differences in USDA Yield Grade, which is calculated using CW, REA and Fat. (Yield Grade Units/Low Value)
CW ........ Carcass Weight predicts differences in actual hot carcass weight. (Pounds/High Value)
REA ....... Ribeye Area predicts differences in square inches of ribeye area measured at the 13th rib.(Square Inches/High Value)
FAT ........ Fat predicts differences in the depth of backfat measured between the 12th and 13th ribs. (Inches/Low Value)
Red Angus Herdsires
• Ranked #2 out of 109 on 205-day weight
• Ranked #1 out of 75 on yearling weight
• Dam has an MPPA of 115 LELAND MARKSMAN 6629 RIGHT ON BOURNE 975
C-T REPUTATION 0094, sire
• Top 13% of the breed for BW
• Top 5% of the breed for Milk
• Top 22% of the breed for REA
• Dam has an MPPA of 106
• Calving
Red Angus Herdsires
Simmental Herdsires
Simmental Sire!
Simmental Sire!
CE = Calving Ease
BW = Birthweight
WW = Weaning Weight
YW = Yearling Weight
ADG = Average Daily Gain
For more information on Simmental EPDs, visit to Simmental.org. EPDs displayed as of 12-5-25.
Red Angus Sale Bulls
R14W – Weaning ratio 116.
R16W – Dam MPPA of 107.
R19W – Marksman son.
R20W – Long-bodied G288 son.
R36W – Stockmarket son.
R37W – Top 5% for YW EPD.
Red Angus Sale Bulls
R39W – Three-star Rebourn son.
R45W – Dam MPPA 110.
R52W – 6.0-frame Stockmarket son.
R60W – Weaning ratio 111.
R66W – 6.3-frame Stockmarket son.
R75W – Two-star, gaining 3.65.
as a 1st calf heifer. He has a weaning ratio of 101.
BSF Clifftop C186 (2736H) x Larson Totem 150 (2460F) x LSFR Hill Country 2LW (1177S) x (R926)
1B 99.9% | C.E. 18 * * * | B.W.
-0.22 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 67#
BF 0.03 ProS 50 HB 33 GM 17 Double bred Clifftop son. Top 4% of the bred for CED, 6% Birthweight, 1% Milk and 18% ME. Bred alike EPD's.
R7w STOCKMARKET P 2/16/24825485687063.438083.649224.073.67
4970702TR Julian PT427 (1713Y) x LSFR Hill Country 2LW (1301T) x CFLD Rebellas Robinhood (835N) x (R900)
0.14 BW History of Dam on 12 Calves: Range 64-103 Ave. 86#
BF .01 ProS 97 HB 67 GM 30 Stockmarket son with a dam that has a MPPA of 106 on 12 calves and is still in the herd. Top 20% of the breed for Stay and 23% for Milk and HB. Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 15.05, 14.26, 14.89 and 14.1, three Choice plus and one Choice marbling.
R8w REBOURN 9073 P 2/17/2465520604672
Diamnd Platinum 7118 (2938K) x Larson Totem 150 (2461F) x Beckton Hasten W753 (1831Z) x
RE 0.12 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 65# 1st Calf Heifer
BF .04 ProS 103 HB 59 GM 44 Not to be used on heifers even though he has a 65# birthweight. His pedigree on his dams side is all performance bulls that have heavier birthweight calves. Top 6% of the breed for ME, 15% Yearling Weight, 11% Milk, 20% Weaning Weight. He has a weaning ratio of 104 and his dam has a MPPA of 102. A bull calf with lots of figures out of a 1st calf heifer.
R9w REPUTATION P 2/17/2460602611694
4970862Larson Totem 150 (2460F) x LSFR Hill Country 2LW (1177S) x Holden Elway 510 (R926) x (R534) Frame
5.3 PB 1A 100%| C.E. 15 * | B.W. -3.6 |W.W. 67
MA .41 Sire: 16
RE 0.31 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 60-78 Ave. 70# Cow Wt. 1540 BF .00 ProS 107 HB 73 GM 33 Even though he has a 60# birthweight we don't recommend him for heifers as his dam's birthweight EPD is only -1.8. Top 1% of the breed for Milk, 5% for CED and Stay, 6% Birthweight and 22% for REA. He has a weaning ratio of 105 and his dam has a MPPA of 109. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 12.75, Choice minus marbling. R10wREBOURN 9073 P 2/18/24565425596602.577764.148783.643.29
4970944Beckton Cardinal E372 (2588G) x BSF Nebula U049 (2391E) x LSFR Pure Country 16P (1464U) x (682M) Frame Score 5.4 PB 1B 99.9%| C.E. 20 * * * | B.W. -7.4 | W.W. 58 |
RE 0.01 BW History of Dam on 4 Calves: Range 47-56 Ave. 51#
BF .03 ProS 123 HB 94 GM 29 True calving ease bull. Top 1% of the breed for both CED and Birthweight, 4% Stay, 2% HB and 12% ProS. He should be a bull that could be used on heifers for many years because he shouldn't get so big that he breaks them down breeding. He still has a Yearling Weight EPD of 92 for being such a light birthweight bull.
Red Angus Sale Bulls
.01 ProS 103 HB 84 GM 19 Calving ease pedigree out of our new sire, C-T Reputation. Top 1% of the breed for CED and Birthweight, 4% Milk, 6% HB and 9% Stay. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 13.87, Choice marbling. R13w STOCKMARKET P 2/19/24715405586903.267702.869044.792.63
4970780LSFR Final Statement 51Z (2158C) x TR Jubilation ST642 (1726Y) x Beckton Hustler N859 (1085R) x (4971)
RE .02 BW History of Dam on 8 Calves: Range 71-91 Ave. 79#
BF .01 ProS 98 HB 58 GM 41 A higher marbling EPD bull at .53. Three maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 10.05, 12.62 and 13.61, one Choice plus and two Choice marbling. There are a few bulls that goes back to the 1085R dam that was a good producer for us.
R14wJULIAN H384 P 2/19/24895846707182.918103.299244.073.33
4971142Poke Big Jon 3029 5038 (2897K) x SR Impression C303 (2633G) x Beckton Warrior R577 (1691Y) x (1142S)
RE 0.08
BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 89# 1st Calf Heifer
BF .02 ProS 72 HB 55 GM 17 Eye catching bull in the pen with a performance pedigree on his dams side. He is out of one of our calving ease bulls because 2897K was a first calf heifer but her performance pedigree and his sires came through to this calf. R14W has a weaning ratio of 116 and ranked 5/96 and his dam has a MPPA of 106. R15w
4971006Poke Big Jon 3029 5038 (2679H) x Straka's 9029 Heardsman 1049 (2346E) x TR Jubilation
0.25 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 77-82 Ave. 80#
.01 ProS 86 HB 48 GM 38 High Weaning and Yearling Weight EPD's but also combines with a high Milk EPD which doesn't always happen. Top 8% of the breed for Weaning and Yearling Weight and 5% for Milk. Dam has a MPPA of 106.
LIKABLE G288 P 2/20/24675866757683.968302.219604.643.67
4971136CRS Diamnd Platinum 7118 (2862K) x CRS Diamnd Sovereign 5282 (2480F) x CRS Diamnd Amplitude (2289D)
RE 0.12 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 67# 1st Calf Heifer Cow
BF .03 ProS 101 HB 44 GM 57 Thick son of Likable G288 not recommended for heifers because of his dams performance pedigree even though he was 67# at birth. We match our performance pedigree heifers with our performance calving ease sires for more consistancy in their calves which can be seen by how the EPD's match up. Top 7% of the breed for GM. Dam has a MPPA of 107 and he has a weaning ratio of 117 and ranked 2/96. R17wJULIAN H384 P 2/20/24795686596862.577923.798943.64 3.2 $4,200 4971100CRS Diamnd Rebourn 9073 (2927K) x BSF Heritage A533 (2256D) x LSFR Hill Country 2LW (1188S) x (472K)
RE -0.09 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 79# 1st Calf Heifer Cow Wt. 1045
BF .03 ProS 88 HB 68 GM 20 His dam weaned off 54% of her body weight in calf with no creep feed just milk and grass. Top 10% of the breed for Birthweight, 13% CED, 17% Stay, 22% Milk and HB. He has a weaning ratio of 114 and ranked 7/96.
Top 10% of the breed for Weaning Weight, 14% Stay, 16% Yearling Weight, 17% HB and 22% ProS. He has a weaning ratio of 106 and his dam has a MPPA of 101.
BSF Clifftop C186 (2593G) x BSF Nebula U049 (2013B) x TR
.05 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 62-80 Ave. 68#
.02 ProS 74 HB 56 GM 18 High performing Marksman son. He is in the top 8% of the breed for Milk and he has a Weaning ratio of 111 and ranked 14/96. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 12.63, Choice plus marbling. Very stylish bull.
R20w LIKABLE G288 P 2/21/24795025976623.487523.218684.143.59
4971114CRS Diamnd Platinum 7118 (2973K) x Poke Big Jon 3029 5038 (2382E) x Beckton Warrior R577 (1692Y)
.13 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 79# 1st Calf Heifer
BF .03 ProS 97 HB 37 GM 60 Another bull with a dams pedigree full of performance sires and his sire is one of our heifer bulls with performance. Top 14% of the breed for GM and 16% Yearling Weight. He has a weaning ratio of 103 and his dam has a MPPA of 101. R21w STOCKMARKET P 2/21/24695285576462.57730
4970764Straka's 9029 Heardsman 1049 (2084B) x Glacier Logan 210 (598L) x JRA Commandar
.08 BW History of Dam on 9 Calves: Range 57-87 Ave. 70#
BF .01 ProS 96 HB 52 GM 45 Because he has sires in his pedigree that are performance sires we consider him a bull to be used on cows only even though he has a 69# birthweight. Top 10% of the breed for Birthweight, 15% Milk, and 22% Marbling. Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.28, 11.92, 11.92 and 12.9, three Choice and one Choice plus marbling.
R23w DEEP END 6K P 2/21/24755706016722.227623.218643.642.88
$4,200 4970754Beckton Hustler N859 (2057B) x LSFR Pure Country 16P (1572W) x BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 (860N) Frame Score 6.0 PB 1B 99.9%| C.E. 11 * |
RE 0.08 BW History of Dam on 9 Calves: Range 66-115 Ave. 89# Cow Wt. 1540 BF .01 ProS 92 HB 55 GM 37 Deep End 6K is a bull we raised and are real happy with his calves. Top 17% of the breed for Weaning Weight, 21% Yearling Weight and 24% Stay. Six maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 10.87, 12.8, 12.9, 13.98, 13.38 and 12.48 five are Choice plus one Choice marbling. He has a weaning ratio of 104 and his dam has MPPA of 107.
R24w DEEP END 6K P 2/22/24725806146942.487742.86886 4.03.0 $4,200 4970734Larson Totem 150 (1900A) x Glacier Logan 210 (R754) x DFR Monument 41AA (066C) x (X084) Frame Score 6.4
PB 1B 99.8%| C.E. 11 * | B.W. -0.5 |W.W. 65 |Y.W.
RE 0.12 BW History of Dam on 10 Calves: Range 70-103 Ave. 84# Cow Wt. 1315
BF 0.01 ProS 116 HB 71 GM 45 Dam has a MPPA of 110 on 10 calves. He has a weaning ratio of 106 and is in the top 12% of the breed in Milk and Stay 17%, HB and 18% ProS. Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 12.72, 13.07, 12.0 and 15.59 two Choice plus, one Choice and one Choice minus.
Red Angus Sale Bulls
Reg # Dam
Red Ang EPD's R26wREBOURN 9073 P 2/22/24615526456662.487543.148563.642.98
Beckton Julian H384 (2892K) x BSF Clifftop C186 (2732H) x TR Julian PT427 (1713Y) x
-0.06 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 61# 1st Calf Heifer
.03 ProS 94 HB 70 GM 25 Total calving ease pedigree. His dam weaned off 51% of her body weight with no creep feed. Top 3% of the breed for Birthweight, 6% CED, and 19% for Milk and HB. Dam has a MPPA of 104 and he has a weaning ratio of 111 and ranked 12/96.
R27wREBOURN 9073 P 2/22/24645746716902.527803.219164.863.35
4971104BSF Loki D710 (2931K) x Beckton Accent W226 (2237D) x Beckton Warrior R577 (1578X) x (849N)
RE -0.01 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 64# 1st Calf Heifer
BF .03 ProS 105 HB 72 GM 33 Two star for bigger heifers because his dams EPD for BW is only -2.9. Top 10% of the breed for CED, 12% Birthweight and Stay, 16% HB and 18% Milk. His dam has a MPPA of 106 and he has a weaning ratio of 116 ranked 4/96 and his dam is a first calf heifer.
R28wREBOURN 9073 P 2/22/24905565956642.357824.219044.363.41
4971000Poke Big Jon 3029 5038 (2718H) x Beckton Hustler N859 (2251D) x Beckton Warrior R577 (1672K) x (687M) Frame Score 5.7
1A 100%|
.40 Sire:
History of Dam on 4 Calves: Range
.03 ProS 101 HB 65 GM 36 Long bodied dam with frame. He is in the top 21% for Yearling Weight and 20% Stay and he has a weaning ratio of 103.
R29wLOTTO 1021 P 2/22/24674845406423.437463.718323.073.41
4971060Beckton Scamp B504 (2752J) x WFL Merlin 018A (2572G) x TR Jubilation
.02 ProS 89 HB 54 GM 35 Looking at his CED and Birthweight EPD's he reads as a heifer bull but we consider him to be used on cows only because of his pedigree. Top 3% of the breed for Milk, 7% CED, 8% Birthweight, 18% Weaning Weight and 23% Yearling Weight.
R32w STOCKMARKET P 2/23/24986466707301.838102.868822.572.31
4970834Straka's 9029 Heardsman 1049 (2346E) x TR Jubilation ST642 (1605X) x
.47 Sire: 13
RE .16 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 70-98 Ave. 90# Cow Wt.
BF .01 ProS 82 HB 50 GM 32 His dam has a MPPA of 115. Top 4% of the breed for Milk, 8% Weaning Weight and 9% Yearling Weight. Usually a calf that has high weaning and yearling won't have as much Milk but he has all three. Weaning ratio of 116, ranked 6/96. Two maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.12 and 17.49 both Choice plus marbling. R34w STOCKMARKET P 2/23/2467506524630
4971166Larson Totem 150 (1976A) x Larson Timberland 319-8 (1228S) x Red Cedar WVK 567 (567G) x (123D) Frame Score 5.5
PB 1B 99.9%| C.E. 12 * | B.W.0.1|W.W.
RE .15 BW History of Dam on 13 Calves: Range 58-108 Ave. 80#
BF .01 Pros 98 HB 65 GM 34 Dam has a MPPA of 110 on 13 calves and that is also raising three sets of twins which shows what a TWIN great female she is . Top 16% of the breed for Milk, 18% Yearling Weight and 25% Weaning Weight. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 15.12, Choice marbling.
Red Angus Sale Bulls
CRS Diamnd Sovereign 5282 (2480F) x CRS Diamnd Amplitude 299 (2289D) x Shoco Firefly V83
.01 ProS 111 HB 75 GM 37 Top 3% of the breed for Milk, 10% Stay, 13% HB and 23% ProS. His dam has a MPPA of 106 and he has a weaning ratio of 107. This is her first bull calf. R37w STOCKMARKET P 2/25/24665565966662.397683.64894 4.5
4970738Larson Totem 150 (2106B) x Beckton Hustler N859 (1085R) X Schular Figaro 3573 (4971) x (3694)
PB 1B 99.9%|
.54 Sire: 13
0.08 BW History of Dam on 8 Calves: Range 66-125 Ave. 88#
.01 ProS 90 HB 42 GM 48 High Weaning and Yearling weight EPD's. Top 5% of the breed for Yearling Weight, 10% Weaning Weight and 17% Milk. His dam has a MPPA of 106 and he has a weaning weight ratio of 103. Three maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 11.08, 13.13 and 12.33 all Choice plus marbling.
R38wJULIAN H384 P 2/26/24685646336381.617002.217742.642.06
Cardinal E372 (2759J) x Poke Big Jon 3029 5038 (2608G) x Larson Totem 150 (2025B) x
RE 0.01 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 60-68 Ave. 64#
BF .02 ProS 93 HB 77 GM 16 Two star because his pedigree has Big Jon and Totem in it which are performance sires. Top 2% of the breed for CED and Birthweight, 7% Milk, 11% HB and 19% Stay. He has a weaning ratio of 109.
BSF Likable G288 (2948K) x BSF Clifftop C186 (2527F) x Larson Totem 150 (1895A) x (1259T)
RE -0.01 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 75# 1st Calf Heifer
BF .04 ProS 106 HB 61 GM 45 Three generations of our higher performing calving ease sires. His dam weaned of 58% of her body weight with only milk and grass no creep feed. He came in with a weaning ratio of 117 and ranked 1/96. He is in the top 4% of the breed for Birthweight, 5% CED and 24% Yearling Weight. His dam has a MPPA of 107.
R40w REPUTATION P 2/27/24775245596282.267022.64786
BSF Nebula U049 (2165C) x TR Julian PT427 (1338T) x LSFR Hill Country 2LW (975P) x JKG Bar Amanda
0.09 BW History of Dam on 8 Calves: Range 60-84 Ave. 72#
.01 ProS 102 HB 83 GM 20 Top 5% of the breed for Stay, 6% CED and HB, 7% Birthweight and 10% Milk. Three maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 15.18, 12.66 and 15.47 one Choice plus, one Choice and one Choice minus.
R42w STOCKMARKET P 2/28/24755766127183.097962.799324.863.49
.01 ProS 97 HB 60 GM 37 Bred alike EPD's for consistancy in his calves. Top 20% of the breed for Yearling Weight and 22% Milk. He has a weaning weight ratio of 106 and his dam has a MPPA of 105. Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 13.82, 11.69, 12.97 and 13.46, one Choice plus and three Choice marbling.
Red Angus Sale Bulls
108 HB 56 GM 51 A two star bull to be used on bigger heifers because of his pedigree after Likable G288. His dam has a MPPA of 104 and he has a weaning ratio of 109. Top 5% of the breed for Birthweight, 8% CED, 24% Yearling Weight, 26% Marbling and GM and 27% ProS.
R44wJULIAN H384 P 2/29/24755365906482.437202.578103.212.69
4971018 BSF Clifftop C186 (2687H) x BSF Heritage A533 (2549F) x BSF Nebula U049 (1955A) x (1529W)
-0.25 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 67-81 Ave. 74#
.03 ProS 59 HB 51 GM 9 Bred alike EPD's. Top 4% of the breed for CED and Birthweight and 13% ME. He has a weaning ratio of 102 and a full brother had a Rib Eye of 12.6 and Choice marbling.
R45w MARKSMAN P 2/29/24815746507383.578243.079343.933.53
4971056CRS Diamnd Platinum 7118 (2770J) x SR Duke B109 (2537F) x Larson
RE .38 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 79-89 Ave. 84#
BF .03 ProS 82 HB 43 GM 39 All performance bulls in his pedigree which shows in his EPD's. His dam has a MPPA of 110 and he has a weaning ratio of 112 and ranked 10/96. Top 1% of the breed for Milk, 7% Yearling Weight, 9% Weaning Weight and 16% REA. Another bull that has performance and Milk.
4970996 3SCC Domain A163 (2675H) x Straka's 9029 Heardsman 1049 (2156C) x Larson Timberland 319-8 (1081R)
1B 99.9%| C.E. 17 * |
93 HB 53 GM 40 We can't call him a calving ease bull because of his pedigree. Top 7% of the breed for CED,
.02 ProS 78 HB 50 GM 28 Same cow family as R18W. High Milk EPD and he ranks 7% of the breed for Milk. He has a weaning ratio of 105 and his dam has a MPPA of 109. Two maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 16.09 and 14.42 one Choice plus, one Choice marbling.
Red Angus Sale Bulls
breed for Stay and 16% HB. Five maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 11.41, 9.71, 14.82, 13.67 and 14.44, four Choice and one Choice minus marbling.
R55w LIKABLE G288 P 3/5/24684906085902.176843.367883.712.92
4971132 Beckton Julian H384 (2886K) x SR Impression C303 (2516F) x Larson Totem 150 (1900A) x (R754)
-0.03 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 68# 1st Calf Heifer
.03 ProS 96 HB 53 GM 43 Top 5% of the breed for CED and 6% Birthweight. High minus birthweight EPD of -5 but also has a yearling weight EPD of 107 for a light birthweight. His dam has a MPPA of 102 and he has a weaning ratio of 105.
R56w STOCKMARKET P 3/6/24845405906422.227283.078363.862.90
4970802 CRS Diamnd Amplitude 299 (2289D) x Shoco Firefly V83 (1191S) x Buf Crk Proof 3161 (R636) x
RE 0.23 BW History of Dam on 7 Calves: Range 58-102 Ave. 81#
BF .01 ProS 114 HB 75 GM 39 Bred alike EPD's and a high milk cow family. Top 1% of the breed for Milk, 8% Stay, 13% HB, 20% ProS and 26% Yearling Weight. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 15.34 and Choice marbling. His dam has a MPPA of 104 and he has a weaning ratio of 102.
MARKSMAN P 3/6/24724815656243.117283.71826
4971030 Right On Profitbuilder 8043 (2783J) x LSFR Jubilation 42W (1746Y) x Glacier Hi Country 926 (551L) x (R640)
5.1 PB 1A 100%| C.E. 9 * | B.W.0.3|W.W.
RE 0.17 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 67-72 Ave. 70#
BF .02 ProS 80 HB 61 GM 20 Performance pedigree with Marksman, Profitbuilder and Jubilation. Top 4% of the breed for Milk, 6% Weaning Weight, 10% Yearling Weight and 19% Stay. His dam has a MPPA of 102. Great Weaning and Yearling Weight EPD's throughout.
R58w STOCKMARKET P 3/7/24655386066542.527543.578483.363.04
4970696 LSFR Pure Country 16P (1342T) x Shoco Firefly V83 (596L) x LSFR Chief 515 B2W (307G) x Shasta
PB 1B 99.9%| C.E. 8 * | B.W. 2 |W.W.
.59 Sire: 13
RE 0.07 BW History of Dam on 13 Calves: Range 65-132 Ave. 99#
BF 0.01 ProS 102 HB 60 GM 42 Weaning ratio of 105 and his dam has a MPPA of 112 on 13 calves. Top 16% of the breed for Stay, 19% Yearling Weight, and 20% Weaning Weight, and Marbling. Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 12.96,
14.39 and 15.34, two Choice plus, one Choice and one Choice minus.
R60w LIKABLE G288 P 3/7/24785206466683.227643.438663.643.39
4971102 Right On Profitbuilder 8043 (2888K) x Beckton Accent W226 (2235D) x Jubilation ST642 (1375U) x (1178S)
-0.01 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 78# 1st Calf Heifer
BF .03 ProS 100 HB 49 GM 51 Light birthweight bull with high weaning weight and yearling weight EPD's and he is out of a first calf heifer. He is in the top 11% of the breed for Yearling Weight and 20% Stay. His dam has a MPPA of 104 and he has a weaning ratio of 111 and ranked 11/96.
Red Angus Sale Bulls
Calf Reg # Dam
%Sim Red Ang EPD's
R61wLOTTO 1021 P 3/7/24725486097023.358164.07900
4970782Beckton Accent W226 (2142C) x TR Jubilation ST642 (1555W) x LSFR Hill Country 2LW (919F) x (472K)
1B 99.9%| C.E. 15 * | B.W. -2 |W.W. 80 |
MA .44 Sire: 19 -5.4
RE 0.13 BW History of Dam on 9 Calves: Range 59-95 Ave. 79#
BF .03 ProS 104 HB 68 GM 36 We kept his dams bull from last year for our own in herd use because she is quite a cow. She has a MPPA of 115 on 9 calves. Top 1% of the breed for Milk, 7% Weaning and Yearling Weight, 10% Stay and 22% HB. Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 15.98, 14.45, 14.58 and 14.17, three Choice plus and one Choice marbling. We will have calves out of his maternal brother next year.
R62w STOCKMARKET P 3/8/2488584644708 2.7 7983.218903.29 3.0 $4,200
4970892SR Duke B109 (2537F) x Larson Totem 150 (2085B) x Beckton Hustler N859 (1504W) x (908P)
1B 99.9% | C.E. 11
RE 0.22 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 59-93 Ave. 81#
BF .01 ProS 93 HB 44 GM 49 High Weaning, Yearling and Milk EPD's. He has a weaning ratio of 111 and ranked 13/96. Top 5% of the breed for Milk, 12% Yearling Weight, 18% Weaning Weight and 23% Marbling. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 14.14, Choice plus marbling.
R63w REBOURN 9073 P 3/8/24584916186222.856902.43760
4971134Beckton Julian H384 (2914K) x BSF Loki D710 (2550F) x Straka's 9029 Heardsman 1049 (2040B) x (703M)
-5.1 |W.W.
-0.02 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 58# 1st Calf Heifer
BF .03 ProS 97 HB 67 GM 30 Calving ease bull with a weaning ratio of 107 and his dam has a MPPA of 103. Top 5% of the breed for Birthweight, 8% CED, 15% Milk, 19% Stay and 23% HB. R65w DEEP
4970902CRS Diamnd Sovereign 5282 (2517F) x CRS Diamnd Amplitude 299 (2299D) x
.14 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 67-84 Ave. 74#
.00 ProS 118 HB 81 GM 38 Not to be used on heifers with his pedigree even though he weighted only 70#. He has a weaning ratio of 103 and his dam has a MPPA of 102. Top 3% of the breed for Stay, 4% Milk and HB, and 12% ProS.
BSF Nebula U049 (2222D) x Buf Crk Cherokee L129 (1109R) x
PB 1B 99.8%| C.E. 14 * |
RE -0.01 BW History of Dam on 8 Calves: Range 58-90 Ave. 78#
1650 BF .01 ProS 95 HB 66 GM 29 Weaning ratio of 113 and ranked 8/96. His dam is a long bodied female with some frame. Dam has a MPPA of 102. Top 25% of the breed for Marbling and HB. Three maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 13.85, 14.1 and 14.39, one Choice plus and two Choice minus marbling.
R70wREBOURN 9073 P 3/12/24825526396361.837283.298584.64
4970972BSF Likable F197 (2725H) x LSFR Jubilation 42W (1746Y) x Glacier Hi Country 926 (551L) x (R640) Frame Score 6.2 PB 1B 99.7%| C.E. 16 * | B.W. -4.6 |W.W. 69 |
RE -0.01
BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 63-82 Ave. 74#
BF .03 ProS 98 HB 71 GM 27 With his EPD's bred so alike there should be lots of consistancy in his calves. He has a weaning ratio of 110, ranked 16/96 and his dam has a MPPA of 104. He is in the top 7% of the breed for Milk, 9% Birthweight, 12% CED, 16% Stay and 17% HB. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 13.72, Choice marbling.
Red Angus Sale Bulls
is all heifer bull sires. He is in the top 6% of the breed for Stay, 9% TWIN Birthweight, 10% HB and 14% CED. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 13.51, Choice minus marbling.
R76wREBOURN 9073 P 3/14/24825045756222.577303.868183.143.08
4970932CRS Diamnd Brilliance 3212 (2558G) x Beckton Hustler N859 (2125C) x Shoc Kayak C80
RE 0.10 BW History of Dam on 4 Calves: Range 54-82 Ave. 68#
BF 0.03 ProS 98 HB 63 GM 35 He is a one star to be used on cows because of his pedigree of Brilliance, Hustler and Kayak are all sires only used on cows even though his figures show he would calve easy we don't recommend him for heifers. This is her first bull. Top 4% of the breed for Birthweight, 5% CED and 11% Stay.
R78wLOTTO 1021 P 3/14/24665226336763.357623.078864.433.57 $4,200
RE 0.05 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 55-66 Ave. 61#
BF 0.03 ProS 88 HB 55 GM 33 A two star because of his sire, Lotto 1021, who we use only on cows even though his EPD's show a heifer bull he can throw some larger calves at birth in the 90# range. He has a 109 weaning ratio, ranked 18/96 and his dam has a MPPA of 105. Top 2% of the breed for CED, 1% Milk and 3% Birthweight. R79wJULIAN H384 P 3/15/24755546536902.967923.649104.213.49
4970992 BSF Clifftop C186 (2739H) x CRS Diamnd Amplitude
RE -0.11 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 63-86 Ave. 75#
(2167C) x TR Julian TT780 (1541W) x (1342T)
BF 0.02 ProS 69 HB 54 GM 14 One star because his dam only has a CED of 13. He has a weaning ratio of 113, ranked 9/96 and his dam has a MPPA of 102. Top 8% of the breed for Milk and 18% ME. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 13.65, Choice marbling.
R81wREBOURN 9073 P 3/17/24574906146082.577023.398023.573.06
0.16 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 57# 1st Calf Heifer
0.04 PROS 114 HB 58 GM 56 He is a light birthweight bull but not a heifer bull because his dam is a +2.2 birthweight. He has a weaning weight ratio of 110, ranked 15/96, and his dam has a MPPA of 104 as a first calf heifer. Top 11% of the breed for Milk, 13% Yearling Weight and 17% Weaning Weight.
0.09 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range
BF 0.03 ProS 114 HB 58 GM 56 Two star due to his sire. Top 2% of the breed for Milk, 3% CED, 5% Birthweight and 22% HB. He has a 107 weaning ratio and his dam has a MPPA of 105. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 15.23, Choice plus marbling.
Red Angus Sale Bulls
4970898BSF Loki D710 (2469F) x Straka's 9029 Heardsman 1049 (2264D) x TR Jubilation ST642 (1605X) x (1120R)
.03 PROS 102 HB 73 GM 29 Three star calving ease bull with performance. Top 3% of the breed for Birthweight, 5% CED, 7% Milk, 9% Stay and 15% HB. He has a weaning ratio of 108 and his dam has a MPPA of 103. Two maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.91 and 14.57, Choice and Choice minus marbling.
R103w STOCKMARKET P 4/4/24844705935762.306362.147524.142.76
4970772BSF Nebula U049 (2131C) x Larson Totem 150 (1895A) x Glacier Chateau 744 (1259T) x (1085R)
.13 BW History of Dam on 10 Calves: Range 54-94 Ave. 80#
BF .02 PROS 106 HB 63 GM 43 April bull that made it to the opening day sale and he has bred alike EPD's. He has a weaning ratio of 102 and his dam has a MPPA of 107. Top 13% of the breed for Yearling Weight, 21% Stay and 20% Weaning Weight. Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.66, 12.9, 15.89 and 13.85, all Choice marbling. R112w STOCKMARKET P 4/12/24784656225441.726182.646842.362.15 $4,000 4970742Red SSS Oly 554T (2016B) x LSFR Hill Country 2LW (1177S) x Holden Elway 510 (R926) x (R534)
15 * |
RE 0.19 BW History of Dam on 9 Calves: Range 68-82
BF .01 PROS 97 HB 57 GM 40 Youngest PB Red Angus offered on our sale. He has a weaning ratio of 107 and his dam has a MPPA of 115 which is one of our highest in the herd. Top 18% of the breed for Milk and Yearling Weight. Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.22, 14.95, 13.09 and 15.93 one Choice plus three Choice marbling.
Simmental Sale Bulls
1G – Top 10% for YW EPD.
3G – 6.5 frame, gaining 3.78
9G – Deep-bodied Hardrock son.
11G – Weaning ratio 109.
16G – Dam’s ave. weaning ratio 110.
17G – More frame, Sharp Shooter son.
Simmental Sale Bulls
Red Ang Dam Calf Reg. # EPD's
HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1470H) x SF Earthquake K282 (1090T) x ASR Cactus Red Z002 (816F) x
RE 0.95 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 72-96 Ave. 85#
BF -0.08 API 152.1 TI 91.4 DNA Homozygous Red He has some blazed faced females on his dams side. 1090T and 816F are 4412552 blaze face cows and 653B was a white face. 1G has a weaning ratio of 104. His dam has a weaning weight ratio of 114 and ranked 9/36. Top 10% of the breed for Yearling Weight, and 15% Weaning Weight. This is her first bull calf.
2G ALL ALONG DP 2/23/24945225696542.877282.647721.572.45
Red Hook's Geyser 101G (1519J) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1298A) x LSFTopcut 24R (1111T) x Earthquake (1023P) Frame Score 5.3
RE 1.04 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 78-94 Ave. 86#
BF -0.083 API 128.9 TI 82.6 DNA Homozygous Red Moderate framed out of one of our longest bodied Simmental sires. Top 4412574 15% of the breed for Milk.
Red SRF Shear Force 05U (1433F) x SF Earthquake K282 (1106T) x NLC Good A Nuff (908L) x (626A)
PB Sim| C.E. 15 | B.W.0.2|W.W.
RE 0.86 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 66-100 Ave. 90#
BF -0.072 API 153.3 TI 87.7 DNA Homozygous Red Bred alike EPD's. His dams average weaning weight ratio is 103 on 5 calves 4412565 and she has a weaning ratio of 108 and ranked 7/33. 3G has a weaning ratio of 109 and ranked 5/39. Top 10% of the breed for CED and Milk. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 16.73, Choice marbling.
Red DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1476H) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1351C) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1216Y) x (1115U)
RE 0.76 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 71-102 Ave. 84#
BF -0.072 API 153.3 TI 90.9 DNA Homozygous Red Thick Sharp Shooter son. He has a weaning ratio of 106 and ranked in the top 4412568 15% of the breed for TI and 20% for Marbling and API. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 16.20 with Choice marbling.
8G INFARED DP 2/28/24805786467463.658102.299123.643.27 $4,200 Red DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1511J) x LSF Everclear 8D (1415F) x LSF Red Dream 3U
PB Sim| C.E. 13 | B.W.0.2|W.W.
RE 0.99 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 80-88 Ave. 84# Cow Wt.
BF -0.102 API 137.5 TI 86.0 DNA Heterozygous Red This bull ranked 10/40 for Birthweight and has a Weaning Weight ratio of 101. 4412561 1511J has a average weaning weight ratio of 108 and this is her first bull calf. Top 5% of the breed for BF. Could throw grey calves on black cows.
RE 0.96 BW History of Dam on 12 Calves: Range 64-120 Ave. 96#
BF -0.091 API 138.8 TI 86.8 DNA Homozygous Red Dam, 1197Y, doesn't show her age and keeps on producing good calves. She 4412497 has a weaning ratio herself of 112 and her calves have a average weaning ratio of 108 and yearling ratio of 103. 9G has a weaning ratio of 107 and ranked 8/39. He is in the top 10% of the breed for Weaning Weight and 15% Yearling Weight, Stay and BF. Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.12, 11.01, 13.95 and 17.26, three Choice one Choice minus marbling.
Simmental Sale Bulls
Calf Reg # Dam %Sim Red Ang EPD's
SRF Shear Force 05U (1414F) x HSR
Sim | C.E.
RE 0.9 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 86-104 Ave. 93#
BF -0.071 API 160.9 TI 95.3 DNA Homozygous Red Ranked 13/40 on Birthweight and has a weaning ratio of 110 and ranked 4/39. 4412508 His dam has a weaning ratio of 116 and ranked 3/33. Her average weaning weight ratio on 5 calves is 115. He is in the top 4% of his breed for CED, 10% Milk and TI and 20% for Birthweight and Marbling and 15% for API.
11G SHARP SHOOT DP 2/29/24 82 618 689
RE 0.79 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 71-82 Ave. 77# Cow Wt. 1170
BF -0.073 API 160.2 TI 95.6 DNA Homozygous Red Ranked 11/40 for Birthweight and 7/39 Weaning Weight with a 107 ratio. His 4412514 dam has a weaning ratio of 109 and ranked 8/34 and her average weaning ratio on 2 calves is 109. Top 3% of the breed for CED, 4% Birthweight, 10% Milk and TI, 15% API and 20% marbling. Maternal brother Rib Eye 15.40, Choice plus marbling. 12G COPPERHEAD
Red RFS Clint C45 (1434F) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1330B) x SF Earthquake K282 (1100T) x (802E)
RE 1.11 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 80-129 Ave. 104# Cow Wt. 1570
BF -.087 API 108.6 TI 85.4 DNA Homozygous Red This bull, 13G and 16G all go back to the 802E x 588A x cow family. 12G has a 4412509 weaning ratio of 112 and ranked 3/39. His dam has a weaning ratio of 123 and ranked 1/33. Her average weaning ratio on 5 calves is 109. 12G is in the top 1% of the breed for Weaning Weight, 2% Yearling Weight, and 10% REA. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 14.51, Choice plus marbling. 13G
MA .29 Sire:
RE 0.82 BW History of Dam on 6 Calves: Range 77-97 Ave. 88#
BF -.074 API 148.1 TI 84.2 DNA Homozygous Red Same cow family as 12G and 16G. His dam has a weaning ratio of 110 and she 4412575 has a average weaning ratio on 6 calves of 101. He is in the top 10% of the breed for CED and 20% on Milk and Birthweight. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 14.62 and Choice marbling. 15G SHARP
Red RFS Clint C45 (1407E) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1331B) x SF Earthquake K282
.33 Sire:
RE 0.84 BW History of Dam on 6 Calves: Range 80-102 Ave. 95#
BF -.08 API 137.7 TI 82.5 DNA Homozygous Red Bred in thickness. He is in the top 25% of the breed for Marbling and three 4412512 maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.12, 14.91 and 15.37, one Choice plus and two Choice. 16G SHARP SHOOT DP 3/6/24 93
Red SRF Shear Force 05U (1330B) x SF Earthquake K282 (1100T) x C&B Junior (802E) x Correct Design (588A)
RE 0.83 BW History of Dam on 10 Calves: Range 52-111 Ave. 86#
Wt. 1555 BF -0.069 API 152.2 TI 89.0 DNA Homozygous Red Same cow family as 12G and 13G. He has a weaning ratio of 105 and his dam 4412530 has a weaning ratio of 114 and ranked 6/44 and her average weaning ratio on 10 calves is 110. He is in the top 10% of the breed for Milk, 15% CED, 20% API and 25% Marbling. Two maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 12.57 and 14.89 both Choice minus marbling.
Simmental Sale Bulls
Calf Reg # Dam
%Sim Red Ang EPD's
Red OLF Otis A90 (1385D) x HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1240Z) x SF Earthquake K282 (983N) x Red Light (882K)
Sim| C.E. 18 | B.W. -2.7 |W.W.
MA .31 Sire:
RE 0.82 BW History of Dam on 7 Calves: Range 84-103 Ave. 91#
BF -.081 API 157.9 TI 87.6 DNA Homozygous Red Same cow family as 22G. Ranked 9/40 in Birthweight and has a weaning ratio 4412521 of 102. His dam has a weaning ratio of 108 and ranked 8/40 and her average weaning ratio on 7 calves is 104 and yearling ratio is 100. Top 2% of the breed for CED, 3% Birthweight and 15% API. Three maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 11.67, 13.01 and 11.96 one Choice and two Choice minus marbling.
Red Wht on hd HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1319B) x GCF Mr Amigo (1206Y) x SF Earthquake K282 (1027R) x (914L)
PB Sim|
RE 1.17 BW History of Dam on 9 Calves: Range 78-106 Ave. 93#
BF -0.09 API 124.9 TI 83.4 DNA Homozygous Red He is in the top 3% of the breed in Weaning Weight, 5% Yearling Weight and 4412538 10% REA. His dam has a weaning ratio of 115 and ranked 4/44. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 13.53, Choice marbling.
19G INFARED DP 3/16/241105305926482.657383.218202.932.84 $4,200 Red SRF Shear
RE 1.09 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 92-110 Ave. 103#
BF -0.097 API 130.6 TI 77.3 DNA Homozygous Red Bred alike EPD's. Goes back to the same 1027R dam as 18G. Dam has a weaning 4412570 rato of 108 and she ranked 13/46. He is in the top 20% of the breed for REA. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 13.64, Choice minus marbling.
Red KBHR All Along E082 (1471H) x OLF Otis A90 (1406G) x SF Shear Force 05U (1229Y)
| B.W.1.9| W.W.
RE 1.06 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 67-95 Ave. 77#
BF -0.102 API 129.6 TI 85.5 DNA Homozygous Red High Weaning and Yearling Weight EPD's. He has a weaning ratio of 108 and 4412551 ranked 6/39. His dams average weaning weight ratio on three calves is 107. Top 20% of the breed for REA. This is her first bull calf.
Red HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1287A) x SF Earthquake K282 (1101T) x C&B Junior (802F) x Correct Design (588A) Frame Score
PB Sim| C.E. 8.9|
MA 0.19 Sire:
RE 1.02 BW History of Dam on 10 Calves: Range 68-128 Ave. 102# Cow Wt. 1340
BF -.093 API 138.7 TI 81.2 DNA Homozygous Red Related to 12G, 13G and 16G as their grand dam, 1100T, is a twin sister to 21G's 4412501 dam, 1101T. His dam has a average weaning ratio of 103 on 10 calves. Top 10% of the breed for Stay. Three maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.93, 17.45 and 15.90, two Choice and one Choice minus marbling.
22G HARDROCK H32 DP 3/22/2488562665686 2.7
$4,200 Red DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1468H) x HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1240Z) x SF Earthquake K282 (983N) x (882K) Frame Score 6.3 PB Sim| C.E. 11.8 | B.W. -0.1 | W.W. 89.5 | Y.W. 126 |MWW
RE 0.88 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 63-88 Ave. 75#
BF -0.09 API 146.2 TI 89.0 DNA Homozygous Red Related to 17G. 22G ranked 16/40 on Birthweight and 17/39 on Weaning Weight 4412535 ratio 104. Top 15% of the breed for Milk and 20% for Birthweight and Weaning Weight. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 14.53, Choice marbling.
RE 0.85 BW History of Dam on 6 Calves: Range 82-92
BF -0.086 API 141.0 TI 78.5 DNA Homozygous Red Ranked 5/40 on Birthweight and is in the top 10% for CED, Birthweight and Milk 4412545 and 15% for Stay. His dam has a average weaning ratio of 104 on 6 calves. Two maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 13.82 and 13.84, both Choice minus marbling.
24G ALL ALONG DP 4/2/24925466677003.35742
Red Wht Spot HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1343C) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1205Y) x
0.21 Sire:
RE 1.15 BW History of Dam on 8 Calves: Range 78-123 Ave.99#
BF -0.096 API 137.1 TI 90.1 DNA Homozygous Red Has white on his head. He has a weaning ratio of 104 and his dam has a weaning 4412543 ratio of 116 and ranked 4/46. Her average weaning ratio on 8 calves is 107 and average yearling ratio is 103. Top 10% of the breed for Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight and REA, and 20% for Milk and TI. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 14.65, Choice minus marbling.
RE 1.11 BW History of Dam on 6 Calves: Range 74-122 Ave. 99# Cow Wt. 1495
BF -0.092 API 132.5 TI 82.3 DNA Homozygous Red Youngest Simmental bull offered. He has a weaning ratio of 106 and ranked 4412540 9/39. His dam has a weaning ratio of 116 and ranked 5/44. Dams average weaning ratio on 6 calves is 113. Top 15% of the breed for Milk and REA. Two maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 18.38 and 14.64 both Choice marbling.
Hybrid Sale Bulls
R4Y – 112 Weaning ratio.
R7Y – 6.2 frame, gaining 4.29.
R9Y – Thick Sharp Shooter son.
R10Y – Julian x Red Nation.
R11Y – Likable G288 son gaining 3.61.
R21Y – Top 205-day weight, ratio 121.
Hybrid Sale Bulls
Red Ang Dam Calf Reg. # EPD's
DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1544K PB Sim) x OLF Otis A90 (1394E) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1330B) x
RE .17 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 72# 1st Calf Heifer
BF -.022 API 123.5 TI 72.2 DNA Homozygous Red Thick Clifftop hybrid son . He is in the top 5% of the breed for Milk, 10% Birthweight and 20% CED. He ranked 4/40 on Birthweight. He goes back to the 1100T cow that 12G, 13G and 16G also go back to.
$4,200 Red KBHR Sharp Shooter H080 (1535K PB Sim) x LSF Everclear 8D (1418F) x HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1240Z)
1/2 RA 1/2 SIM | C.E. 19 |
0.32 Sire:
0.27 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 72# 1st Calf Heifer
-0.222 API 137.1 TI 78.5 DNA Homozygous Red His dam ranked 8/43 on weaning weight with a 113 ratio. R2Y ranked 3/40 on Birthweight and is in the top 4% of the breed for Birthweight and 10% for both CED and Milk.
1210 BF -.021 API 126.0 TI 77.7 DNA Homozygous Red Top 5% of the breed for Milk and 15% for Birthweight. His dam ranked 6/43 on weaning weight and had a 114 weaning ratio. Clifftop marks his calves all the same with lots of thickness and style.
1/2 RA 1/2 SIM | C.E. 13.9 | B.W.
x SRF Shear Force 05U (1405E) x SF
RE .36 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 84# 1st Calf Heifer
BF -.028 API 137.3 TI 82.9 DNA Homozygous Red His dam weaned off 55% of her weight in calf as a first calf heifer with no creep feed just pasture. He ranked 14/40 on Birthweight and 3/39 on Weaning Weight with a 112 ratio and is still growing. His dam has a weaning ratio of 119 and ranked 2/43. Top 1% of the breed for Milk and 25% for Birthweight and Weaning Weight.
R5Y JULIAN H384 DP 2/19/24916426717321.968203.149263.792.78 $4,200 Red DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1516J PB Sim) x HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1343C) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1205Y) Frame Score 5.7 1/2 RA 1/2 SIM | C.E. 13.9 | B.W. -1.7 |W.W. 80.9 |
MA .24 Sire: 16 -5.4 62 93 NA 34 16 RE .37 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 61-91 Ave. 76#
Wt. 1280 BF -.03 API 138.2 TI 81.3 DNA Homozygous Red Top 2% of the breed for Birthweight, 3% Milk and 20% Stay. He has a weaning ratio of 105 and ranked 14/39.
Red Poke Big Jon 3029 5038 (2413E PB RA ) x BSF Nebula U049 (1646X) x Glacier Chateau 744 (716M) x (532K) Frame Score 6.5 1/2 SIM 1/2 RA | C.E. 13 |
RE .50 BW History of Dam on 6 Calves: Range 62-94 Ave. 80# Cow Wt.
BF -.03 ProS 118 HB 62 GM 56 DNA Homozygous Red Bred alike EPD's for the sire being Simmental and dam Red Angus. Top 4% of the breed for REA, 13% Weaning Weight, 14% Yearling Weight, 15% ProS and 19% GM. Ranked 2/16 for Birthweight.
Hybrid Sale Bulls
Red Hook's Geyser 101G (1552K PB Sim) x OLF Otis A90 (1389E) x HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1240Z) x (983M)
RA 1/2 SIM |
.27 Sire:
-3.2 |W.W.
RE .31 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 79# 1st Calf Heifer
BF -.014 API 132.8 TI 80.3 DNA Homozygous Red Another Clifftop son out of a Simmental 1st calf heifer. He has a weaning ratio of 105 and ranked 12/39. His dam has a weaning ratio of 116 and ranked 4/43. R7Y also ranked 8/40 for Birthweight. Top 2% of the breed for Milk and 10% for CED and Birthweight.
R8Y LIKABLE G288 DP 2/25/24765446217083.57750 1.5
Red KBHR Sharp Shooter H080 (1562K PB Sim) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1433F) x SF Earthquake
.43 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 76# 1st Calf Heifer
-.019 API 154.9 TI 83.6 DNA Homozygous Red Top 4% of the breed for CED and Birthweight, and 20% for Milk and API. Light birthweight hybred with a 6.0 frame and great EPD's.
.51 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 47-85 Ave. 64#
BF -.03 ProS 130 HB 70 GM 60 DNA Homozygous Red Top 1% of the breed for BF, 4% REA, 7% ProS, 14% GM, 19% HB, 26% Weaning Weight and 27% Yearling Weight. Ranked 6/16 for Birthweight. R10YJULIAN H384 DP 2/29/2485590678728
Mr. Red Nation E73 (1553K PB Sim) x KBHR All Along E082 (1461G) x HSR
1/2 RA 1/2 Sim | C.E. 14 | B.W. -2 |W.W. 83.7 |
.37 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 85# 1st Calf Heifer
BF -0.033 API 135.0 TI 82.9 DNA Homozygous Red He has a weaning ratio of 106 and ranked 11/39 and his dam has a weaning ratio of 114 and ranked 7/43. Top 2% of the breed for Milk and 15% Birthweight.
1/2 RA 1/2 SIM | C.E. 14.6 |
0.33 Sire: 20 -6.8
RE 0.41 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 90-92 Ave. 91# Cow Wt. 1425 BF -0.029 API 146.3 TI 84.6 DNA Homozygous Red R11Y and R7Y are out of the same cow family of 1240Z who is still producing in the herd. He has a weaning ratio of 101 and his dam has a weaning ratio of 111 and ranked 6/34. Her average weaning ratio on 2 calves is 106. Top 10% of the breed for Milk, 15% Birthweight and 20% Stay. A full brother had a Rib Eye of 16.16, Choice marbling.
R12Y SHARP SHOOT DP 3/6/24815025356182.527203.648283.86 3.2 $4,200 Red CRSDiamnd Sovereign 5282(2560G PB RA) x Poke Big Jon 3029 5038 (2382E) xBecktonWarrior R577 (1692Y) Frame Score 5.9
1/2 Sim 1/2 RA | C.E. 18 |
-2.9 |W.W. 69 |
MA .43 Sire: 18.6 -2
RE .44 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 68-93 Ave. 81# Cow Wt. 1250
BF -.03 ProS 133 HB 78 GM 55 DNA Homozygous Red Top 1% of the breed for BF, 3% CED, 6% ProS, 7% REA, 10% HB, and 20% for ME and GM. Ranked 4/16 for Birthweight.
6% REA and ProS, 14% GM, 16% HB, 23% Weaning Weight and 25% Yearling Weight.
Red Beckton Hustler N859 (1927A PB RA) x Beckton Warrior R577 (1446U) x Larson Timberland 319-8 (1126R) Frame Score 6.1 1/2 SIM 1/2 RA | C.E 16 | B.W.
.36 Sire: 18.6 -2
RE .41 BW History of Dam on 10 Calves: Range 58-93 Ave. 79#
BF -.03 ProS 103 HB 58 GM 45 DNA Homozygous Red First Hybred calf for the 1927A dam. Two matenal brothers had Rib Eyes of 15.2 and 11.89 both Choice minus marbling. Top 1% of the breed for BF, 8% REA and 12% CED. Ranked 5/16 for Birthweight.
Red Beckton Cardinal E372 (2611G PB RA ) x BSF Hilltop T096 (2181C) x TR Julian PT427 (1713Y) x (1301T) Frame Score 5.5 1/2 Sim 1/2 RA | C.E. 18 |
.52 BW History of Dam on 4 Calves: Range 46-75 Ave. 62#
BF -.05 ProS 126 HB 82 GM 44 DNA Homozygous Red Top 1% of the breed for BF, 2% ME, 3% REA and CED, 6% Birthweight, 7% HB and 21% ProS.
Larson Totem 150 (2376E PB RA ) x Beckton Warrior R577 (1441U) x Glacier Chataue
1/2 Sim 1/2 RA | C.E. 4 | B.W.4.4|W.W.
RE .73 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 58-102 Ave. 89#
BF -.04 ProS 84 HB 44 GM 40 DNA Homozygous Red He has a weaning ratio of 121 and ranked 1/16 in 205 weight. His dam has a MPPA of 105 and look at his performance with a Weaning Weight EPD of 98 and Yearling of 155. Top 1% of the breed for for Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight, REA and BF. A true performance bull.
Red Beckton Scamp B504 (2360E PB RA) x BSF Nebula U049 (2022B) x Beckton Hustler N859 (1322T) x (R984) Frame Score 5.1 1/2 Sim 1/2 RA | C.E. 13 | B.W. -1.9 |W.W. 72 | Y.W. 103
RE .37 BW History of Dam on 6 Calves: Range 61-98 Ave. 82#
BF -.04 ProS 113 HB 81 GM 32 DNA Homozygous Red Weaning ratio of 104 and ranked 5/16. Top 1% of the breed for BF, 8% HB, 9% ME, 17% REA, 21% Stay and 23% Weaning Weight. A full brother had a Rib Eye of 13.69, Choice plus marbling and a maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 12.75, Choice marbling.
R24Y COPPERHEAD DP 3/26/241125125986683.397322.298203.143.02 $4,200 Red Wht Blz BSF Epic T586 (1775Y PB RA) x Red Cedar WVX 567 (382H) x Glacier Logan 210 (212F) x (24BW) Frame Score 6.3 1/2 Sim 1/2 RA | C.E. 5 | B.W.3.5|W.W. 89 |
RE .47 BW History of Dam on 10 Calves: Range 71-112 Ave. 90#
BF -0.03 ProS 69 HB 26 GM 43 DNA Homozygous Red He has a weaning ratio of 102 and ranked 7/16. He is in the top 1% of the breed for Weaning Weight and BF, 2% Yearling Weight and 5% REA. Two maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 13.1 and 13.65, Choice plus and Choice marbling.
Hybrid Sale Bulls
-0.05 ProS 82 HB 45 GM 37 DNA Homozygous Red April bull with performance. He has a weaning ratio of 116 and ranked 3/16 and his dam has a MPPA of 105. Top 1% of the breed for Weaning Weight, REA and BF, 5% Yearling Weight, and 20% Milk. R26Y COPPERHEAD DP 4/5/241025286466863.437482.217660.642.33 $3,800 Red BSF Nebula U049 (2134C PB RA) x LSFR Hill Country 2LW (1086R) x Shoc Kayak C80 (623L) x (1771) Frame
1/2 Sim 1/2 RA | C.E. 8 |
.57 BW History of Dam on 8 Calves: Range 78-102 Ave. 89#
ProS 102 HB 73 GM 29 DNA Homozygous Red First Hybrid bull for this dam. He has a weaning ratio of 110 and ranked 4/16. He is in the top 1% of the breed for BF, 2% REA, 3% Weaning Weight, 11% Yearling Weight and ME and 14% HB. Three maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 11.35, 12.88 and 13.77 one Choice plus, one Choice and one Choice minus.
R27Y CLIFFTOP C186 DP 4/13/24725006526202.616942.64792 3.5 2.86 $4,000 Red HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1469H PB Sim) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1364D) x SF Earthquake K282 (1027R) x
1/2 RA 1/2 Sim | C.E.
.42 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 69-72 Ave. 70#
BF -0.024 API 140.8 TI 83.7 DNA Homozygous Red Youngest Hybrid bull offered. He rankes 2/40 on Birthweight and has a 102 weaning ratio. His dam has a average weaning weight ratio of 106 on 3 calves. Top 2% of the breed for Birthweight and Milk and 4% for CED. Two full brothers had Rib Eyes of 16.84 and 15.64, Choice plus marbling.
A Look At Frame Score
One frame score equals roughly 2” in hip height.
We have agreed with our bull buyers for several years that the frame scores calculated for our catalog using the BIF formula seem unrealistically low. The bulls grow out bigger than that. For 2000-2004, we re-measured the bulls in March and compared that to the original frame score based on December measurements. In all cases the frame scores went up.
Some by more than a full frame score.
Note: We hear a lot about the need for uniformity in beef cattle. Frame size measurement is not an exact science, but we do believe the uniformity in the entire Loonan program, along with the natural fleshing ability, is why calves by Loonan bulls excel on the rail.
The Catalog
RED ANGUS has four categories of registered Red Angus.
1A – Purebred 100% Red Angus with no disqualifying characteristics.
1B – 87% to 99% Red Angus with no disqualifying characteristics.
II – 86% or greater Red Angus blood, also 1A and 1B animals that are disqualified because of scurs, white in front of navel, etc. Multiple sire animals (more than one purebred bull in pasture) are also Category II.
III – Less than 87% Red Angus blood.
SIMMENTAL has a complete upgrading program from the half-blood to the purebred.
POLLED: P = Polled
P/S = Polled/Scurred,
DP = Double Polled (both parents polled)
H = Horned
EPDs (Expected Progeny Difference)
Simmental data is from the American Simmental Association. Red Angus data is from the Red Angus Association of America. Growth and carcass EPDs are configured on the same common multi-breed base. EPDs in the catalog are current as of this fall. When new data is processed by the associations, these figures will be updated and adjusted and the EPDs on your registration papers may not be the same as those available at sale time due to new data at the association.
EPD Terms
CE-h – Calving Ease Heifer:
Simmental: Expected ease with which calves sired by the bull will be born to first-calf heifers. Highest (+) figures mean more unassisted births. Lowest (-) figures mean less unassisted births.
Red Angus: Expresses calving ease as CED (Calving Ease Direct). We have ranked each bull one-, two- or three-star based on the best information we have available on the individual and close relatives.
*** Should produce few calving problems when bred to first-calf heifers.
** Should work well on growthy heifers and cows.
* Recommended for use on cows only.
BW – Birth Weight EPD
Expected birth weight of calves sired by this bull. Heavier (+) or lighter (-) than “0” EPD animals are expressed in pounds. The BW EPD takes into account the genetics of the sire and dam and the actual birth weight of this bull. We weigh all calves on a spring scale within 24 hours of birth. We do not estimate any birth weights. Some calves born late on pasture are not weighed and are reported as UNK (unknown).
WW – Weaning Weight EPD
Expected weaning weight of this bull’s calves, heavier (+) or lighter (-) than an animal with a “0” EPD are expressed in pounds. Weaning weight EPD takes into account the genetics inherited from the sire and dam in addition to the actual 205-day weaning weight of the individual.
MM – Maternal Milk EPD – Simmental or M – Milk EPD – Red Angus
Expected increase or decrease in weaning weight of daughters of this bull due to milk production compared to breed average. Note: Data on this trait is limited, and, in many instances, has low accuracy.
Marb – Marbling EPD
Predicts differences for carcass marbling score as expressed in marbling score units. Higher marbling scores are positively correlated with higher carcass grades.
REA – Ribeye Area EPD
Predicts differences of carcass rib eye area between the 12th and 13th rib. Ribeye area is positively correlated with carcass yield grade which also considers fat thickness and carass weights.
FAT or BF– Backfat EPD
Predicts differences for carcass fat depth over the 12th rib as expressed in inches. Fat thickness is negatively correlated with carcass yield grade which also considers ribeye area and carcass weights.
API Index – All-Purpose Index – Simmental
API evaluates sires being used on the entire cowherd (bred to both Angus firstcalf heifers and mature cows) with a portion of their daughters being retained for breeding and steers and remaining heifers being put on feed and sold on grade and yield.
TI Index – Terminal Index – Simmental
– Yearling Weight EPD
Expected weight of this bull’s calves at 365 days of age, expressed in pounds, heavier (+) or lighter (-) than an animal with a “0” EPD.
MCE-h – Maternal Calving Ease EPD of first-calf heifer
Simmental: Expected ease with which this bull’s daughters calve as first calfheifers. Larger positive figures indicate a higher percent of unassisted births (MCEc - cow).
STAY – Stayability EPD – Red Angus
Predicts the probability of a bull’s daughters remaining productive until at least six years of age.
ME – Maintenance Energy EPD – Red Angus
The ME EPD predicts differences in energy requirements of mature daughters of an individual and is expressed in Mega-calories per month.
TI is designed for evaluating sires’ economic merit in situations where they are bred to mature Angus cows and all offspring are placed in the feedlot and sold on grade and yield.
HB Index – HerdBuilder Index – Red Angus
HB will assist in building profitable cowherds with bulls mated to both heifers and mature cows, replacement heifers retained in the herd and remaining progeny sold on a quality-based carcass grid.
GM Index – GridMaster Index – Red Angus
GM will increase profitablity with bulls mated to mature cows and all progeny sold on a quality-based carcass grid.
Red SimAngus™ –
The Red Angus Association of America and American Simmental Association have worked together to build a multi-breed database that includes SimAngus™. In the catalog, I have used the Association for the sire of each calf to publish as long as available.
How to Enroll in FCCP and AA
1. Contact the Red Angus valueadded department at 940-477-4593 and complete a short supplier enrollment questionnaire over the phone. RAAA staff will ask general management, animal identification and breeding questions. If needed, the producer may be asked to supply additional documentation on breeding such as semen receipt, lease agreements or information on purchased females.
2. After all documentation is recorded, staff will ship the tags directly to the producer who must tag the calves before they leave the ranch of origin – birth, branding, preconditioning, weaning or before loading on the semi.
3. The producer will receive a customer enrollment agreement to fill out and return to RAAA with a copy of their calving records.
4. Staff will issue the USDAapproved Certificate of Compliance upon receiving the customer enrollment agreement and calving record.
FCCP or Allied Access Tags
$1.30 each
EID Only (FCCP or AA)
$2.20 each
EID Combo Sets
$3.30 each
• Traceability to at least 50% Red Angus genetics
• Source verified to ranch of origin
• Group age verified
No enrollment fee, just the cost of your program tag choice.
The Red Angus Feeder Calf Certification Program is the first step in differentiating your cattle to buyers, feedlots and packers. Experience industry-leading return on investment for just the cost of an ear tag –with no enrollment fees.
• Source verified to ranch of origin
• Group age verified
No enrollment fee, just the cost of your program tag choice.
The Red Angus Association of America marketing team offers assistance to Red Angus bull customers at no charge.
Visit RedAngus.org for contact information.
Red Angus Marketing Assistance
• FCCP (Yellow Tag)
• Allied Access (Green Tag)
• Premium Red Baldy (White Tag)
• American Red (Blue Tag)
• Feeder/Fat Cattle Show List
• Stockyard
• Calendar of Events
• Red Angus FeederFax
1724 Holly Avenue • Corning, IA 50841
Phone: (641) 322-3921
Judy Loonan – (515) 423-5642 (cell)
Rick Thompson – (515) 229-0920 )cell)
Email: lsfrras@gmail.com
“Located in the hills of southwest Iowa”
50th Annual Production Sale
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Private Treaty Auction: 1 p.m. Sharp
At the Farm • Corning, IA
•35 years of carcass traits, ultrasounding since 1993
•Calving ease
•Uniform, thick and easy-fleshing
•Priced from $3,800, $4,000 and $4,200
Heifers will be offered private treaty in the fall as bred heifers.
50 Years Strong – Your Partner in Success!
For half a century, Loonan Stock Farm has been more than a source of quality bulls –we’ve been a partner in your success. Our legacy is built on the loyalty of customers who year after year raise profitable, high-performing cattle. It’s your trust and dedication that have made this five-decade milestone possible.
At Loonan Stock Farm, we specialize in breeding low-birthweight bulls that grow fast and calve easily. Our Red Angus, Simmental and hybrid bulls bring the benefits of heterosis, delivering extra growth and vigor to your calves. With carefully selected genetics, we ensure your calves weigh up at weaning, excel in the feedlot, and yield top carcass quality.
As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary Bull Sale on Feb. 1, we remain committed to providing the reliable genetics you’ve come to expect.
Visitors are welcome to visit the farm before the sale to view the bulls.
We are happy to assist you in your bull selections to help you reach your cow herd profitability goals.
Join Loonan Stock Farm on Saturday, February 1, to evaluate bulls that will add profitability through calving ease, performance and carcass merit.