JR Bull Sale

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Bull Sale


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Jeremy Reisdorfer, Owner 507-920-0101 | jeremy.reisdorfer@hotmail.com

Tyler Reisdorfer, Owner 507-920-3721

Matt Lowery, Auctioneer 308-750-6119

Andrew Fodness, Special Assignment 507-227-8856

Jeff appermen, Tri-State Livestock 605-940-5104

Tayler Ohlde, Red Angus Association 913-626-2715


23059 Birkett Ave. Magnolia, MN 56158


Bulls will be available for viewing anytime prior to the sale and will be on display Saturday, March 29th at the Reisdorfer Red Angus Headquarters.

Tuesday, April 1st

11:30am CDT Lunch served 1:00pm CDT Sale starts



Find us on Facebook: Reisdorfer Red Angus

View the offering and bid online with DV Auction:


The Auctioneer in charge will settle any disputes as to bids, and his decision on such matters shall be fial.


All animals are eligible for interstate shipment, except as otherwise announced. Health papers will be furnished for each animal in accordance with State and Federal Regulations.


Announcements from the auction block shall take precedence over the sale catalog and or any additional printed information regarding animals sold.


All animals are guaranteed by the seller as outlined in the Red Angus Association of America Code of Ethical Sale Practices.

We stand behind our bulls. Shall a bull fail to be a satisfactory breeder, he will be replaced with another bull of equal quality or a sale credit will be given. No refunds.

Seller retains the right to 2 successful flushes of 6 or more transferable embryos on every female sold.


Free delivery in the continental U.S. and for our friends to the north, we will deliver to the Canadian border for free.


All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. Reisdorfer Red Angus and/or the Reisdorfer family assumes no liability for accidents that may occur.


Highlighted EPDs in tables indicate a value that ranks in the top 35% of the breed. All bulls will be semen tested before sale day, and yearling weights and scrotal measurements will be provided in a supplement sheet.

Welcome -Jeremy Reisdorfer

Welcome Cattlemen and Cattlewomen!

First of all, I would like to say thank you for taking the time to open our catalog - let alone read this letter! 2024 was a rollercoaster in it’s own right. From spending nights in the hospital with our youngest, Elliott, to Tyler fially popping the question!

There’s no doubt, these are exciting times in the cattle industry with slaughter prices and feeder cattle prices as high as ever! We truly believe these genetically unique bulls have the ability to move any program forward and are the best set we’ve ever raised.

Lot 1

Dark red, big footed bull who will be easy to find on sale day. Massive in his outline and moves really, really well and just puts it all together. I really liked his sire when I first saw him and thankfully was able to grab some semen on him when it became available. The D601 cow was a great cow for us she is one of the most fertile cows we’ve had on our place with sticking Ai in all her years here and consistently producing the most grade 1 embryos per flush. If fertility matters in your operation, take a good look here.

Lot 2

M439 is a stud. So smooth in his make, deep through his middle and stands on a sound foot. Started at 70lbs broke the 700 lb weaning weight and hasn’t stopped. A product of our Embryo program that has he proven pedigree to do a lot of right in the cattle industry. With time-tested sires like Reckoning 149A, Out in Front, Jullian and Mytty In Focus productivity is on your side.

Lot 3


404M is a calf I have admired from about 1 month old. He’s always seemed to have a presence about himself and carries his self a lot like his sire did. He is the first son to sell out of J121 who would make the ol man proud. 404 I would say is the Cowmans type of bull. He’s long, stretchy, has the guts, butts and nutts, moves so loosely and backs it up with raw performance. Another good one directly from the highly fertile D601 cow and super productive Misty 508 cow.

405M full brother to lot 4 but, darker red, deeper through his middle. If you want to ad frame to your cow herd these two brother would do it and pounds still pay.

Lot 5


M474 is a really exciting herd sire prospect. So many things hard things to make correct are correct with this one. Super complete, wide muzzled, good dark foot and a super cow family behind him. The Doll family was one of the most consistent cow families in the Rainbow herd and it shows. 16F was the only daughter out of 46B cow who earned the title of Elite/Premier Dam and her last 4 sons averaging North of 40,000 CAN. Smack was the high selling bull at Allisons in 2022 who also happens to be out of the same sire as the SSS Moon Pie bull that has made a wave of his own this past year. The Genetic potential on this guy has no limit.


The youngest calf in the offering but probably one of the most exciting. He is the natural calf out of the 287C cow who has left er mark in the few short years shes been state side. His maternal brother working for TC Reds, 144J has made his mark by making structurally sound functional cattle with a look and I guarantee M485 will do the same! The first daughters of 144J are in production here and we couldn’t be more pleased with them. Ramblin Fever was a bull we found in central Kansas and really appreciated him for his maternal backing and actual performance. Ramblin Fever added frame and power and we’ve been extremely happy with him.

Lot 7


Unique calf here. One of the last calves out of the 034 cow who is really fun to find in the pen. I sure think he is the widest based, squarest made calf in the offering who will make an awesome set of the steers to sell in the fall and an even better set of females to keep home and make replacements. A calf that does a lot of things right and will have a lot of friends on sale day. If you aren’t in the business of keeping females let us know before you sell his daughters WE ARE INTERESTED.

Lot 8


473M is the product of our embryo program and when I bought these embryos I was really really hoping for some females instead all I got was a bull calf. He is a maternal brother to Duff mash 2145 who walks the tundra in Canada for Kevin Blair. Kind of cool pedigree though his sire is a black red carrier and his dam is the reason I bought these embryos. We saw her at the Wildcat Dispersal back in 2014 and were super impressed with her.

A bull out of a first calf township daughter that did everything she need to and more. Our township daughters have been consistent producers with a little more type and kind to them and we’re here for it. M433 is a well mannered bull that isn’t extreme one way or the other. Sound bull that is good footed.

Lot 10


441 is a neatly made long spined bull that moves and walks really well. Combining the Anexa and Hazel cow lines will merit productive females that will be the front pasture kind. Dark cherry red and suitable for heifers. Keep the daughters you’ll like them.

The first and only 35J bull sale this year and he’s no slouch. Good mannered, structurally correct bull who will work well on heifers.

Lot 12


2nd youngest bull in the offering and one that rises to the top. Old school meets new school with this guy. His dam is a productive 13 year old cow and SSS Soilder 365W was a female making machine. I’m not gonna lie I was disappointed to see that this guy was a bull but I know he will make some stellar daughters!! Dark cherry red who flows so smoothly in his design from front to back and left to right. Dark footed calf who does so many things right structurally he will be hard to miss.

Lot 13


M403 is the only black red carrier we have to offer in this sale and we think hes pretty neat. His Basin Payweight mom I happened to stumble across and has been the only Black angus cow I have bought to date. She’s super feminine is a member of the belly dragger club and for being a payweight is one of his better footed daughters I have seen. 403 is the production driven calf who started at 68lbs and left is momma with an adjusted wean weight of 941lbs ratioing 116! Proposition is a bull we raised and has done really well for us leaving fertile sound daughters that are fun to have in production.


A full brother in blood to lot 2 who might be slightly bigger in his outline than his brother has a massive top when you get behind him and study him, he’s square all the way to the ground and is the dark cherry red everyone likes! Maternal granddam has 145 progeny in the association!


J2R Proposition M440







J2R Propaganda M457







A pair of full brothers in blood that will work for any heifer project that gets thrown at them. Super functional set of brothers that have the small angus type head and explosive growth.

Lot 17

A big brut sliding into the last spot who is a full brother to lot 1! If you’re after frame, pounds, and fertility this is your guy. 79lbs to an actual weaning of 704. This much frame in a calving ease package!

Lot 18A


When the old cowboys say the cow-line matters and great ones come from great females, I believe that’s what these two are the product of. To have as much center mass, power and stoutness yet still when you find them in the pen they are also super feminine somehow. This cow line was one of the very first cow lines on the place and her progeny still do it. Both of these daughters rival their siblings to be the best daughter to replace their mom. Looking throughout the sale you will find how much of an influence the 034 cow line has had here and there is a reason why they continue to find they find front. The cherry on top of this pedigree is the Reckoning 149A and Copenhagen on the top. Those two sires were littered throughout he U2 dispersal and it showed why they were so sought after. Maternal sibling to lot 7. *Offering Choice*

Lot 18B


When the old cowboys say the cow-line matters and great ones come from great females, I believe that’s what these two are the product of. To have as much center mass, power and stoutness yet still when you find them in the pen they are also super feminine somehow. This cow line was one of the very first cow lines on the place and her progeny still do it. Both of these daughters rival their siblings to be the best daughter to replace their mom. Looking throughout the sale you will find how much of an influence the 034 cow line has had here and there is a reason why they continue to find they find front. The cherry on top of this pedigree is the Reckoning 149A and Copenhagen on the top. Those two sires were littered throughout he U2 dispersal and it showed why they were so sought after. Maternal sibling to lot 7. *Offering Choice*

Lot 19


Really attractive 35J daughter who goes back to Weber War Wagon. 014 is sharp fronted female who has been productive making functional cattle year in and year out. Good footed female that moves really well and has that cowy look to her.

Lot 20


Second youngest female in the offering but combining two great cow lines. The Misty cow line has been cranking out herd sires left nd right while the hazel cow line has been making productive easy keeping females who keep bringing a good one to the trailer at weaning.

Lot 21


Another functional 35J daughter out of the Bayberry cow line that has stood the test of time. Her grand dam was in production until the ripe age of 14 and came to us from the Wildcat Creek dispersal.

Lot 22


A full sister in blood to lot 2, and lot 14. A bigger framed heifer out of 35J and her great granddam had 145 progeny of file and grand dam had 45 the questions are taken out of this pedigree all you have to do is decide which way you’re going to go with her.

Lot 23


Outcross pedigree here with Wilbar Crackerjack and redrich first lady 341G. 341G is a bigger framed female with beautiful udder. This is the first daughter we have offered out of her and its hard to let her go. Breed her anyway you want and you wont go wrong.

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