Welcome to our 11th Annual Herdbuilder Sale! What an exciting time in the beef business –rewarding calf prices that look to be in place for quite a while sure is encouraging. I believe it is more important than ever to be extremely focused on retaining no-nonsense cattle with exceptional genetic predictions.
It is always a privilege to offer our cattle to you and I believe they reflect the over 20 years of building a Red Angus cowherd that works in our environment. Our cowherd has a simple but important job description: have a good disposition, breed back quickly, raise a quality calf each year while being structurally correct with a quality udder and performing well on fescue.
Females that cannot get that job done end up working on the beef side of our industry. Our increased emphasis on carcass quality, optimal calving ease/birth weight and body width is reflected in this offering.

The bulls have been developed slowly on a high-roughage ration to be rugged and fertile with longevity and endurance built in. It is very rewarding to hear from customers that have retained our bulls for 5-plus years and “hate to get rid of them, because they’ve done such a good job.”
However, it is certainly a great time to invest in fresh genetics. Our commitment to quality feet and legs, good dispositions, and easy-fleshing cattle pays dividends for all of us. This offering certainly highlights PATRIOT G6291 – the acceptance of his progeny around the country continues to grow. We will have him and our other herdsires on display at the sale.
The females in the offering come straight from the heart of our herds. If you are ready to improve your Red Angus herd there are plenty of great ones to choose from.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or to schedule a pre-sale viewing of the cattle. We are looking forward to seeing you March 29th!

Steven Rogers
But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.
Jeremiah 17:7
Steven, Jamie, Eli, Ethan, and Whitley Rogers Jim and Jan Lile
Sale Information
Schedule of Events
Saturday, March 29, 2025
9:00 AM Cattle in place for viewing; coffee & donuts provided
10:30 AM Easter Egg Hunt
11:00 AM Lunch
12:00 PM Sale Begins
Cattle will not be loaded out until sale is complete.
Sale Day Phones
Steven Rogers..................(417) 241-1302
Jamie Rogers....................(417) 241-1526
Jim Lile..............................(417) 844-1199
Clint Sartin......................(417) 849-9966
Gerrit Brouwer..............(417) 309-3546
Ross Ipock........................(417) 840-9636
Marc Zell.....................................(660) 247-3047
Victor Miller..............................(417) 326-9292
Mike Smith.................................(573) 999-7592
Stephanie Smith......................(573) 881-0395
Kyle Gilchrist...........................(641) 919-1077
Drew Busch, Special Assignment (573) 864-6896
Barrett Simon, The Stockman Magazine (316) 452-1792
Jeremiah Johnston, Special Assignment
Red Angus Association of America
Kelly Smith, Director of Commercial Marketing (417) 855-9461

Cynthia O’Bryan, DV Rep | (573) 590-0989
Sale Day Location
2868 N. Farm Rd 231, Strafford, MO 65757
FROM I44: Take Exit 88 at Strafford and go south on Hwy OO (Old 66). Turn right (W), then get in the turn lane to go south, & cross the railroad tracks onto Washington St. This will make a quick turn onto Olive St. Take the first right (by the Baptist Church) to go south on Madison St. Continue going south for about 1.5 miles, go through the stop sign, and watch for our sale signs. The hay barn where we are hosting the sale is on the left.

FROM US HWY 60: Take Hwy 125 N to Hwy YY. Turn right on to YY. Take a left onto N Farm Rd 227. Take the first right onto E Farm Rd 116 and then a left onto N Farm Rd 231. Watch for our sale signs.

AMENDMENT is truly an addition to the Red Angus breed that will improve quality in the pasture and throughout the beef chain. His depth, width, and power compliment his soundness, disposition, and masculinity. Quite possibly the most impressive PATRIOT son to date, his donor-dam, BROWN MS TRILOGY D723 is no stranger to making outstanding sons, including the high-selling bull at the 2020 RAB sale, BROWN TOP TIER G242. AMENDMENT has led his contemporaries for performance, marbling, and ribeye. We have collected and used semen already on this stud. His no-holes EPD profile sets him apart just as much as his impressive phenotype. ProS 1%, HB 4%, GM 8%, and $Gain 12%. Retaining 50% semen revenue interest.

Flawless in his design, COMMANDMENT is masculine made, big topped, big boned and ideal in his stature. A real calving ease herd bull prospect, COMMANDMENT spent time in Eli’s show string this past year. His pedigree is stacked - we expect COMMANDMENT to be an elite cow-maker. His Top 21% GM and Top 5% $Gain make him an ideal sire if you retain your calves or direct market beef.

It’s no wonder this bull impresses with his power, muscle shape, impressive feet, and excellent disposition. His pedigree is stacked with disciplined selection for body width, easy-fleshing and efficiency. Big-topped and attractive fronted, it is hard to find a hole in him phenotypically or on paper. Top 5% ProS, 12% HB, 12% GM, and 15% $GAIN.


PROFITMAKER is a value-added stud that is backed by an impressive pedigree. His donor-dam TBJR LANA 403 is a real performance donor with massive rib shape, overall thickness and style. This rugged bull has the extra stretch, frame, and performance to sire calves that come easy and push down the scale at sale time. I know you’ll find him in the pens on sale day – just make sure he ends up in your pasture after that.

POWERFUL – full brother to Lot 1, ROBUST 004L is a hunk of red meat. Bold in his design, moderate in his stature and fluid in his movement. He’s not just a powerful bull – he is ROBUST in his data set as well! ShowMe Select calving-ease combined with growth, efficiency, and maternal traits – 1% for STAY. Unmistakable quality and performance.


If you need calving ease and performance there are lots of options in this salebook. I might suggest you start looking hard at this long-made bull, especially if you value carcass quality. Big-time marbling and GridMaster indicators backed up by his impressive sire that boasts a $21,882 $Profit ranking in the Leachman index.

OF LOTS 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, 24, & 25

Here’s another calving ease MERLIN that will catch your attention. Eye appealing, long bodied, powerful in his quarter, and ultra sound. Look at his BW to WW spread! Big time growth potential here. He is full of red meat and his structural correctness is impressive.


This purebred MERLIN 404 son continues in the mold of his brothers – calving ease, and growth to compliment his presence and soundness. There are many reasons why his grandsire has over 6000 registered progeny – they are the right kind for the industry. His HerdBuiler Index sets him apart; he’ll make those Premium Red Baldy replacements that are so valuable.

Top 8% ProS, Top 2% GridMaster! Plus he’s in the TOP 7% for WW & YW. Imagine those feeder calves that will press down on the scale and do it with the body type that buyers want! And those same buyers will come back harder after they get kill data on his calves – especially with his Marbling, Ribeye, and Carcass Weight data. WFL

Power, stretch and growth! Another stand-out PATRIOT son that is balanced in his Index values and will make those scale stomping calves at weaning. Truly a multi-purpose bull, his dam boasts a 104 MPPA and her progeny consistently ratio well above average for growth.

You can’t talk about this bull, without starting with his mother. We call her “573” and she proving to be an elite cow that produces calving ease sons that are performance oriented with exceptional carcass quality. This PATRIOT son is going to make a splash wherever he lands. Top 19% ProS, 17% HB, 24% $Gain and he’ll sire those slick haired females that you won’t want to part with.


Exciting pedigree combining PATRIOT and H2R PROFITBUILDER – it’s no wonder his carcass data is off the charts! If we were bull shopping, here is one that would easily be at the top of our list. His dam is one of Jim’s favorite cows because of her eye appeal, flawless udder, and exceptional mothering ability. Here is one of the slickest haired bulls in the offering. Top 1% ProS, Top 25% HB, Top 1% GM, Top 9 % $Gain!

Don’t miss opportunity here. As we try to grow back the US cowherd, there is no reason to settle for average replacement heifers. A PATRIOT son out of our RED ROSE 313 cow family is a sure bet for making quality females. This stud’s great grandmother is still raising great ones at 13 years of age for us. 3-star calving ease, TOP 9% $Gain and Top 25% for growth.



Introducing our newest herdsire DUFF RED STATE 23129! He is the definition of POWER. We took note of this heavy muscled, big-boned, masculine, ultra-sound bull in the early fall on a trip through Oklahoma and were determined to add him to our bull line-up when we returned for the DUFF POWER PLUS sale in February. Biggest-ribbed, deepest bodied son of DUFF RED WOOD we have laid eyes on. His pedigree stacks the proven and valuable Dixie Erica & Juanada Angus cow families with Red Angus legends RED WOOD & MANN RED BOX. We believe he will compliment our cowherd in countless ways. We are offering 5 packages of 5 units of semen. This will be the only RED STATE semen offered to the public this spring. You could easily have his first calves on the ground by this time next year.

Like a classic two-tone pickup, there is something special about this powerhouse. He’ll catch your attention with his masculinity, depth of body, muscle expression and balance. ProS Top 4%, Herdbuilder Top 6%, Gridmaster top 17%, $Gain Top 9%. His prolific dam boasts a 104 MPPA – she meets every bit of her job description. If you need a shot of heterosis, but really want a PATRIOT son, take him home and show him off.


I have studied carefully which Black Angus sires would best align with our goals and CONFIDENCE PLUS sons have always caught my eye. We strategically used BROWN CONFIDENT J1263 on a select set of cows hoping for red-hided heifers. I figure God dropped this black-red carrier bull in our program for a reason. Backed by elite cow-makers EPIC 397K, MAKE MIMI, and FRANCHISE OF GARTON. If this stud was red-hided we wouldn’t be parting with him, period. Heifer safe, ALL INDEX values in the TOP 10% or better, here’s one we are CONFIDENT will improve your herd for generations. Retaining 25% semen interest.

If you need a bull to use on heifers for the next few years, don’t miss this stud. The lone OUTFRONT-sired bull in the offering, he hails from the Red Rose 313 cow family that has proven their worth in the fescue belt. Exceptional calvingease, exceptional Marbling, moderate in stature, masculine in his design.


Big footed, soft-made, easy-fleshing with exceptional capacity. SUPER PUNCHER is out of the legendary DUFF HD – one of the stoutest made sires in the breed. SUPER PUNCHER is fluid in his movement, wide-bodied, and as clean and attractive fronted as you can make one. His dam, DUFF SMASH 117S 18402 was our pick from the 2023 Power Plus Unlimited sale. She has already made a name for herself as the dam of the $75,000 DUFF SMASH 2145. The lone yearling bull in the offering, “PUNCHY” is a calving-ease, HerdBuilder standout that should make attractive daughters. If he don’t catch your eye, you ain’t no cowboy. We will want to help market semen.

DUFF SMASH 117S 18402

Exciting pedigree combined with exceptional genetic predictions! Combining GROWTH STOCK, known for his power, stretch and growth, with GMRA TESLA known for his calving ease and exceptional daughters, this stud hits the marks on paper and in person. Top 6% ProS, 15% HB, 11% GM. A younger bull, he continues to impress as he matures.

Stout made, wide topped, and deep sided. This INSIGHT son was designed to balance performance and carcass quality with maternal strength. His dam posted a 109 MPPA and has made an important impact on our herd. Maternal brothers have sold to Scott Bass and Marty Dill. If you need a stud to use on PATRIOT daughters, take this guy home.

Heifer bull alert! Here’s another maternally designed bull from the SHAZZAM cow family. One of the few GROWTH STOCK sons in this year’s sale, he stacks ShowMe Select calving ease with above average growth and marbling. Maternal brother sold to Jim Fitzpatrick last year.

SIRE OF LOTS 19 & 20

Impressive in his design, stretch, muscle shape and overall quality. Best calving-ease bull in the offering and yet he is still TOP 28% for WW. We think he’ll make those fast growing steers that will grade and yield extremely well. His daughters should mature quickly, but don’t get too big for our environment. Wide-bodied stud that will catch your attention.

Looking for some muscle shape and power? Check out this MERLIN 404 son that is TOP 12% ProS, Top 5% GM, Top 3% WW and big time for Marbling and CW. If you’ve got a set of cows that need a shot of growth and stretch, here is one to take home.


You have to appreciate the Index values of this guy! An all-around balanced bull that puts together a quality EPD profile that projects he will keep you out of the ditches and in the fast lane for replacement females with longterm productivity in mind.

PATERNAL GRANDSIRE OF LOTS 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, 24, & 25

Another MERLIN 404 and this one is exceptional for calving ease. Those calves that come easy and grow fast are sure more enjoyable to raise, aren’t they? Imagine the peace of mind turning out a calving-ease coming two-year old on ANY set of cows! Look at his WW, YW, and Marbling.

Of all these MERLIN half-brothers, this one set’s himself apart for his muscling and carcass weight. It is hard to find a bull with his combination of these traits to go with Top 2% Marbling and a 14 CED.

It’s been a great year in 4-H and showing heifers. Ethan and Hysteria won their division in Cattlemen’s Congress 2025! Eli and Cassidy won Reserve Phenotype/Genotype Heifer at RAYE 2024!

Bring your tank on sale day to buy semen on Patriot or our other great herdsires! Full list of sires available on page 18!


SIRE OF LOTS 26 & 27

Here’s a JULIAN 006H son that puts the hammer down on WW & YW. Wide bodied like his sire that was the lead off bull in our 2021 Sale from the Windrush program. Out of our prolific SHAZZAM cow family, his extended pedigree is full of maternal strength. Here’s one to build a cowherd around, while still getting TOP 7% WW & YW.

Designed to combine the power and body width of JULIAN 006H with the maternal quality of his big framed BANDO dam, this bull will continue to impress as he matures. Nice patterned, clean-cut, long-made and ready to roll.


Reg # 4141830 Proven multi-purpose bull to add muscle, width, and efficiency. Sexed Heifer semen available.
Reg # 4360773 Calving-ease sire of several bulls in this offering. He is $21,882 $Profit and $60 $RANCH in the Leachman Index.
Reg # 4611549 Calving-ease bull that is proving to make very attractive calves. 131 ProS, 69 HB, 62 GM and 16 CED. $22,650 $Profit, $112
Reg # 4114758 Calving-ease proven sire that excels for growth. 190 ProS, 89 HB, 101 GM and 14 CED.
Reg # 4431423 STOCKMARKET son in the is top 3% for WW & YW. Longmade and bigger framed.
Reg # 4144008Proven calving ease sire. Use to make quality replacement females.
Reg # 4800508 Standout from the Lautenschlager 2024 Sale. Balanced EPD’s and Top 1% for Marbling. 153 ProS, 75 HB, 78 GM.

Bring Your Semen Tank ON SALE DAY!


SIRE OF LOTS 28 & 29

ANDRAS LUCINDA 2123 is one of those cows that we just had to have and once we’ve got her progeny on the ground we are very pleased. This RED CLOUD son is impressive in his performance, bone, and soundness. We expect him to make stylish, heavy-milking daughters that you will keep for a long time.

It’s hard not to get excited about this October-born RED CLOUD son. Out of a first-calf heifer, by RIDGE ADMIRAL 3411, that has that deep, soggy, easy keeping look. He ratioed 110 for WW and 111 for YW. Wide based, big topped and built to last.

Heifer bull deluxe! Combining two of my favorite all-time bulls PATRIOT & ADMRIAL 3411, this stud’s EPD profile is hard to match for balance across the board. Calvingease with acceptable growth to weaning combined with feed efficiency, milk and stayability, carcass quality and that extra fat we like (yes, we prefer cows that are below average for backfat). This dude is the first bull to sell from Whitley’s cowherd and I think he’ll be a solid investment for your herd.

Here’s a rugged and stout PATRIOT son with added growth, frame and performance. If you like them to gain weight while eating less feed, check out his Top 4% $Gain paired with top 2% GM. I recommend taking Lots 30 & 31 home together – they are so similar in their type and will make some awesome replacement females.

Moderate framed, high maternal bull that was born easy and hit the ground running. His wide bodied, easy doing dam is out of the legendary RIDGE PROVISION 6013. This dude Indexes well – Top 3% ProS, 7%HB, 12% GM and 25% $Gain. Breeding for balanced traits continues to put more dollars in your pocket.

I love this bull’s mother – she has done a bang-up job in her young career with an MPPA of 102 and a flawless udder. This stud packs calving ease and style just like his full brother that sold to Brian Snider last year. Big topped, good footed, athletic, and rugged. MILK, STAY, $GAIN…all impressive.

If you want to make long-lasting replacement heifers, you ought to tie in to this long-made, larger-framed PATROIT. His dam posted a 111 MPPA on 10 calves. Here’s a bull that has balanced growth and carcass value, ranks in the top 24% for $Gain and top 1% for MILK.

These PATRIOT sons continue to combine growth, carcass quality, and maternal strength. His dark-red dam boasts a 105 MPPA. She has proven to be ultra-fertile as well.

Big-time calving ease, Marbling, and Milk. From the RED ROSE 313 cow family. Here’s another heifer-safe PATRIOT son that is designed to make exceptional replacements.


Bring your tank on sale day to buy semen on Patriot or our other great herdsires! Full list of sires available on page 18!

Whitley driving her tractor
pulling the baler her Papa Jim built for her brothers!

Registered & Commercial Pairs

OH MY! Powerful cow that checks all the boxes Slick-haired, big bodied and does a great job each year. We think so highly of this cow that we have used her in our black-red carrier project – an undertaking we have reserved for just a few females of exceptional quality. Her pedigree is stacked with foundation genetics we acquired from the Andras family. Her 11/7/2024 heifer calf by GROWTH STOCK should be a real gem. Pasture bred to PATRIOT for October.

Stylish, feminine young cow hitting her prime. She is excellent calving-ease and has a 100 MPPA. Combining the best of BANDO and NEW DIRECTION, she has a beautiful udder. Bull calf at side by PATRIOT and bred back the same way for late September.

Moderate in stature, with plenty of capacity that converts forage to calf pounds. Born a twin to Eli’s KRENNA BELLE AF64, JEWELL and her sister have made a big impact on his herd. She is ultra-calving ease and still ranks Top 15% for GridMaster. Her bull calf at side is sired by MLK CRK SENECA, stacking maternal value, soundness and longevity in his future. She is due in September 2025 to our new herdsire, LASO NO LIMITS G130L.

Dark red, clean made young cow with an ideal udder. The SHAZZAM cow family has done extremely well for us in fescue country. We are excited about her 10/26/24 born heifer sired by WISCMO GROWTH STOCK 01H. This is a unique combination of maternal and carcass traits in a stylish package. To top it off, she is natural service bred to PATRIOT for mid-October.

Eli and Ethan are part of everything on the farm. Responsible young men of high character, they each have established their own quality herds. Eli showed this OUTFRONT daughter in 2023. She is a big bodied, moderate stature female with an impressive pedigree and EPD profile. Her SENECA bull calf at side will be a calving-ease bull. She is bred back to LASO NO LIMITS for late-September.

Extremely feminine, big-bodied, elegant in her design, GOOSEBERRY is the kind a herd could be built around. We are flushing embryos out of her 13 year-old dam and 14 year-old paternal granddam regularly. They are two of the best cows we’ve owned. With an older pedigree, you wouldn’t expect her to rank in the top 15% for WW & YW, & be in the top of the breed for Marbling, but she is! She has a PATRIOT bull calf at side born on 10/6/2024 and she is carrying another PATRIOT calf due in October.

Here’s a unique female in that she goes back to WHITE OAKS COPPER 873 on both sides of her pedigree. Plenty of maternal built in and it shows in her fertility and productivity. She also provides plenty of outcross potential. We are excited about her SENECA bull calf at side. Bred back for October to LASO NO LIMITS – our young herdsire that will add marbling, growth and width.
LOTS 45-45A & 46-46A
Here’s a 2018-model commercial cow out of RIDGE PROVISION. She is a real calf raiser – she was the recipient dam of the Lot 2 bull last year. Raising a natural bull calf out of SENECA and bred back to NO LIMITS for October.
Lot 45 is a 2018-Model commercial Red Angus with an October bull calf by SENECA, bred back to NO LIMITS for October 2025. Lot 46 is a commercial Hereford cow with an October bull calf by PATRIOT, bred back the same way for October 2025.
LOTS 47-47A, 48-48A, & 49-49A
Lot 47 is a purebred cow with a fall calf at side. Lot 48 is a purebred cow with a fall calf at side. Both bred back for fall. Lot 49 is a commercial spring calver with a January calf at side. Complete pedigree and breeding data available on supplement sheet.

Ethan has been working to improve his clipping and fitting skills. One of the highlights of his year was participating in a Kirk Stierwalt Fitting Clinic.

Everyone pitches in during hay season, but Eli got to spend a lot of extra time in “Big Red” this year working ground and helping plant brome. He’s learning to maintain equipment with Papa and reminds his often he’ll have his drivers license this year.

Whitley loves to ride in the tractor with Papa, bake cookies with Nonnie, and help her brothers show their heifers.
Make sure to arrive early to view cattle and shop the ShowMe booth. Also, we will be having an Easter Egg Hunt at 10:30 for kids attending the sale. Bags will be provided for the kids. Full schedule on page 3.

Registered Bred Heifers
LOTS 50-54 - AI bred on 7/2/24 to ALC UP SCALE L141 (Reg # 4803762). Natural service to LASO NO LIMITS
7/15/24 to 9/30/24. Due in April/May 2025.

Unregistered, purebred heifer out of an impressive Milk Creek SHEBA cow. Natural service to LASO NO LIMITS
7/15/24 to 9/30/24. Projected natural bred for May 2025.
Black-hided, commercial Red Angus heifers due in April/May. Bred to the elite calving ease LSF GENUINE 2002K. GENUINE 2002K is TOP 2% or better for $Profit, $Ranch, and $Fertility – his calves will put money back in your pocket.
Commercial Heifers
These bred and open heifers are hand picked from large contemporary groups and developed with longevity and genetic value in mind. All females were evaluated for tract scores and pelvic measurements and meet our strict standards, which will be available sale day.
Commercial Fall Bred Heifers. AI bred then pasture exposed to calving-ease Red Angus bulls, due to start calving in August. Breeding information on sale day. Will sell in groups of 2 to 4 head.
Commercial Open Heifers. Open commercial heifers from one of the most respected and proven developers of replacement females. Will make excellent cows. Ready to breed. All tract score information available on sale day. Will sell in groups of 3 to 4 head.
Commercial Open Heifers. Born in fall of 2023, these heifers have never been exposed and are right from the heart of our replacement pen. Many sired by PATRIOT & SENECA. Ready to breed. All tract score information will be available on sale day. Will sell in smaller groups by type and sire.
Commercial Open Heifers. Built using top end Rogers and DVR genetics, this set of heifers have all the bells and whistles. All tract score information available on sale day. Will sell in groups of 2 to 4 head.
Commercial Open Heifers. Born in late-April and May 2024. Out of first-calf heifers. Will sell as one group. Tract information available sale day. This is our entire spring-born heifer crop from some fantastic young cows.

Steven coaches in our boys homeschool football organization, the Lighthouse Christian Chargers. This year they started the season in the Dallas Cowboys Stadium.
Ethan received his State Superior Award in Missouri Bible Dill after achieving his 3rd perfect round in as many years.
Eli showed in the 1st Annual Webster County Market Show and has Reserve Prospect Steer with a home raised Red Angus steer.
Sale Information
Terms & Liability
The sale will be conducted according to the suggested Terms and Conditions of the Red Angus Association of America, available via redangus.org. All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. Rogers Cattle Co., Lile Farms and their cooperators are not responsible for death, injury, illness, or theft of cattle after they are purchased. Animals become the responsibility of the new owner after purchase.

Load Out & Delivery
We encourage customers to bring trailers sale day. Cattle will not be loaded out until after the sale is completed. Payment is required prior to load out. If not loading out cattle on sale day, please make arrangements at settlement desk. No cattle will be loaded out on Sunday, March 31st as it is EASTER. Cattle must be picked up or have delivery scheduled by April 5th. We offer delivery withing 200 miles to central locations.
Selecting the Next Addition to Your Herd
We strive to accurately describe the cattle by providing genomically enhanced EPDs, performance data and footnotes. Additionally, we score the bulls for calving ease and disposition based on observations of the cattle and their bloodlines.
Calving Ease Scoring
Three Stars: We believe the bull can be used on heifers under standard conditions with little to no calving difficulty.
Two Stars: We would recommend the bull can be used on heifers under standard conditions with little to no calving difficulty. We would use the bull on our own heifers.

One Star: We recommend the bull be used on cows.
Docility Scoring
Three Stars: Gentle, easy through the chute. Dam/sire exhibit similar disposition.
Two Stars: Gentle in the pasture, may exhibit a larger flight-zone in the working pen. Dam/ sire exhibit similar disposition.
One Star: Too nervous/flighty. We rarely have cattle in this category. They are culled and not offered in our sale.

Sale Cooperators
We are very thankful to provide a larger selection of cattle with the help of the following herds of bull customers, friends and family who have become our valued cooperators. They share like-minded genetic and management styles.
Double V Ranch
Victor & Veronica Miller and Sons – 417-326-9292
Focused on economically relevant traits and quality replacements, DVR has several bulls and females in the offering. They consistently use bulls that index well for $Profit and $Ranch with a focus on carcass traits.

The Zell Family
Marc, Brooke, Breken, Bryden, Braxton, & Breven Zell – 660-247-3047
The Zell’s have a quality set of replacement heifers in this year’s sale. They have used our genetics for several years select sires that excel for growth and
Windrush Farms
Mike & Stephanie Smith – 573-881-396, 573-9997592
Mike & Stephanie emphasize fertility, structure, maternal and carcass traits in their fescue-based operation. Offering a bull in this year’s offering.

2868 N. Farm Road 231
Strafford, MO 65757