Kansas Angus News - January 2015

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Number 595 . Kansas Angus Association . January 2015

14th Annual “Dollars” & “Sense” Production Sale

February 20, 2015 12:30 PM (CST)

Selling 100 Head 75 Yrlg & 2 Yr. Old Angus Bulls 3 Yrlg Red Angus Bulls 25 Yrlg Angus Heifers

Featured Sires Include: Connealy Confidence ▪ SAV Brilliance ▪ SAV Bismarck KCF Bennett Absolute ▪ LAR Game Day 224 For more information, contact us or plan to join the crowd sale day at the ranch 10 miles S. & 3.5 W of Gove. Larry Lundgren: 785-673-9047 ▪ laranch@ruraltel.net Blake W. Angell: 785-410-3750 ▪ blake@lundgrenangusranch.com 3633 Co. Road I, Gove, KS 67736 ▪ www.LundgrenAngusRanch.com

Page 1. association news. Annual Kansas Angus Association Meeting, Banquet Futurity Junior Show January 24-25, 2015 The Ks Angus Association (KAA) annual meeting banquet and junior show will be held January 24-25 in Hutchinson.. The meetings and educational presentations are on Saturday, January 24 in the Prairie Pavilion on the Kansas State Fairgrounds (KSF) in Hutchinson beginning at 11 am. The annual banquet which will include a social hour, the Kansas Angus Auxiliary scholarship auction, honorary member induction, KAA Directory page auction and Miss Kansas Angus crowning is at the Atrium Hotel and Conference Center. Adults tickets at $25 each and will include a generous buffet featuring Certified Angus Beef ® Prime Rib, children 12 and under may choose a burger and fries meal for $6 each. The judging contest and junior show will be held on Sunday, January 25 at 9 am. The junior show includes classes for registered Angus owned heifers, bred and owned heifers and bulls, steers and cow/calf pairs as well as commercial purebred and steers and predominantly black Angus based cross bred steers. Jeff Gooden, Iberia, Mo will judge the show. The entry deadline for the junior show is January 10, late entries are not accepted; The cattle judging contest will run concurrently with the junior show, all junior Angus, 4-H and FFA members as well as adults are invited to participate. Look for the banquet reservation submission, hotel info, junior show entry form and complete schedule of events online at www.kansasangus.org Hotel Headquarters—Atrium Hotel and Conference Center, 620-6699311. 1400 N Lorraine St. Rate $74—double or king room. Ask for Kansas Angus Association block, To insure space reserve by January 22. Schedule of Events January 24-25 2015 in Hutchinson, all events at the Kansas State Fairgrounds—Prairie Pavilion unless otherwise noted. Jan. 23 3:00 pm - Barn and tie outs open to receive Junior Show cattle, Ks State Fairgrounds– Prairie Pavilion. Jan. 24 11:00 am - Ks Angus Auxiliary meeting - Fairgrounds, Prairie Pavilion 12:30 pm -KAA Annual Meeting, Election of officers- Prairie Pavilion 1:30 pm - Educational Program—Tonya Amen, Angus Genetics, Inc. 2:00 pm - All Junior cattle on fairgrounds 2:00-3:00 pm - Junior Show Check in 4:00 pm - KJAA Meeting - Prairie Pavilion 6:30 pm - KAA Pre-Banquet Social - Atrium Hotel & Conference Center 7:00 pm - KAA Annual Banquet - Atrium Hotel Ticket required. (honorary member induction, auxiliary scholarship auction, Miss Ks Angus crowning, directory ad auction, KJAA semen auction) Adults $25, children 12 & under $6. Reservations Requested, pay at the door Jan. 25 8 am - Registration for judging contest, adults & juniors 9 am - Ks Jr Angus Show and Youth Judging Contest, Prairie Pavilion Judging contest runs concurrently with the Jr. Show. All junior Angus,4-H and FFA are welcome! Junior Show judge– Jeff Gooden, Iberia, Mo

Hoof Scoring Program to be featured at Annual Meeting Toyna Amen , Angus Genetics, Inc. will present the program following the KAA annual meeting on January 24 at 1:30 pm in the meeting room of the Prairie Pavilion, Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. Amen’s presentation will feature a pro-

gram and question and answer session on the American Angus Association’s new hoof scoring system. She will also discuss recent changes to the $F EPD as well as be available to answer your questions on AGI programs and EPD’s.

Annual KAA Banquet Reservation Saturday, Jan. 24. 2015

______ Number of adults or teens ( Buffet meal) ______Number of children 12 and under–( burger)

Name( please pr int) ___________________________________________________

Farm/Ranch________________________________________ City__________________ST_______ Phone___________________ Email__________________. Kansasangus@wbsnet.org. By Jan. 20. Location: Atrium Hotel and Convention Center ( formerly Ramada Hotel) Adults $25—Certified Angus Beef ®Prime Rib Buffet , Children 12 and under $6 each—burger & fries meal Make Banquet Reservations Online!


Or mail to: Ks Angus Association, 5201 E Rd 110, Scott City, Ks 67671.

Commercial Female Sale in Pratt tops $2.4 Million Top quality commercial Angus and Angus-influence females along with high commercial replacement female prices and strong demand pushed the 23rd annual KAA sponsored commercial female sale in Pratt on December 6, 2014 to a record setting sale making it the highest grossing KAA sponsored sale in the history of the organization. 949 head of cows, pairs, bred heifers and open heifers were sold to a capacity crowd at Pratt Livestock as well as internet buyers that logged in from several states. Seven fall pairs grossed $25, 600 and averaged $3657. 144 bred cows grossed $489,700 for an average of $3400. 527 bred heifers grossed 1,452,450 and averaged $2756 while 271 open heifers ranging in age from Sale chairman Gordon Stucky, Auctioneer Jim Birdwell and ring staff. 7 to 14 months and weighing 625-829 pounds grossed $516,725 averaging $1906. The sale netted $2,484,475. Topping the sale by category were these consignments : 5 fall pairs from Cornwell Farms, St. John, Ks $3800; 109 bred cows from Nate Harts, Sun City, Ks $3500,10 bred heifers from John McCurry, Burrton, Ks $3300, 15 open heifers from Rudd Angus, Bucklin, Ks $2450. The KAA thanks all the of consigners and buyers and extends our appreciation to sale chairman Gordon Stucky and host Pratt Livestock. 1 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

The President’s Pen

Happy New Year! Did you make any new resolutions? While I am a goal oriented person and usually plan things out, I did not make any hard resolutions. I found this quote that made me think of how our Angus family can come together and be there for one another.

“Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.” - Goran Persson As I and others in our Angus family have faced some difficulties in health or with life issues, many have been there to offer words or deeds of encouragement and assistance. We have seen how life’s adversities have brought out the best in people. I would like to see our members being there for one another before these challenges occur. I believe any one of us could be called upon to help another person and would do so without hesitation. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your state association President over the past year. I would like to thank the board and membership for their time and dedication to mission of the state organization. They have been a tremendous team to lead this association. As we move into the New Year, we need to lead with an open mind and diplomacy. . As the new board members take office, I wish them the best in continuing to move the breed and our state forward. Best regards,

Ron Hinrichsen Kansas Angus Association President, 2014

Notes & News from Anne

An Invitation All members of the Kansas Angus Association, junior members and their families as well as anyone interested in Angus are invited to join the KAA for a weekend of meetings, education, networking, Angus cattle and fun as the KAA hosts our annual meeting , banquet and junior show on January 24 & 25 in Hutchinson. See page 1 for the complete schedule of events, banquet ticket information and more. Looking Forward The New Year is always a time that Angus breeders look forward. Calving season has started for some and for others it’s is just around the corner and with it we all look forward to the birth of each calf as months decisions, planning and work come to life. By the number of sale advertisements in this issue and those scheduled for the next two issues it is evident that many of us are looking forward to sale season. Whether you are hosting your own sale or you are studying the sale ads and books to plan the purchase of your next herd bull or replacement females we can all be assured that Kansas Angus breeders will offer the very best in genetics. Looking forward to a great year,

Anne Anne S. Lampe, Ks Angus News, editor ; Kansas Angus Association, Secretary/Manager kansasangus@wbsnet.org , 620-874-4273 cell,

Page 1. association news………....1 Editors Notes, KAA, KAN Info…..2 Angus Industry..............................4 & 24 Thank you from Miss Ks Angus 2014...6 KJAA………………. …………... 8 Auxiliary…………………………...14 Bob Laflin & Laflin Ranch Honored...16

620-872-3915 home/office

Perrier Elected KLA President-Elect….22 Our Angus Family……………………...24 Lynne Hinrichsen is American Angus Auxiliary President …………………..25 KS Angus Calendar……………...…....27


Photo & design by Anne Lampe. 23rd Annual Commercial Female Sale, Pratt, Ks. See page 1 for sale report.

2 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Official Publication of the Kansas Angus Association, Inc. February ad/copy deadline : January 10

Anne Lampe, Editor 5201 E Rd 110▪ Scott City, Ks 67871 (620)872-3915 phone/fax▪ (620)874-4273 cell

Email: kansasangus@wbsnet.org www.kansasangus.org Advertising Rates

Full Page ….$325 b/w Full page 4 color…. $350 1/2 Page….$165 b/w; 4c $190 1/3 Page….$120 b/w ; 4c $145 1/4 Page….$85 b/w; 4c $100 Column Inch….$12 Card Ad..$25 /issue Photos Add Photos ……………… $5/photo No photo charge for camera ready ads Discounts for year contract 1/4 page and larger prepaid. Discounts for multiple full page ad in same issue.

Classified Advertising : $2 per word. 10 word minimum. No logos , graphics or display ads in classified section.

Other Services KAA Mailing List (member use)……….$100 Mailing List (non member use)………..$150 Website Block Ads E– Classifieds, E– Advertisements

Catalog inserts welcome.

Terms: All accounts that are 60 days or more past due will be assed interest at a monthly rate of 1–1/2% (18% annually). Accounts that are six months past due must be paid in full prior to accepting advertisements , furthermore a stop advertisement order will be in effect for those delinquent accounts that place advertisements in each issue of the Kansas Angus News or have a spot ad on www.kansasangus.org. This policy applies to all advertising accepted by the KAA including the Kansas Angus News, Kansas Angus Directory, website ads, and eadvertisements. . Any member 3 months or more in arrears in the payment of dues or assessments shall be dropped from the roll with the membership year beginning with the annual meeting. (KAA ByLaws: Art III, Sec 4) Any claims or statements of the writers or advertisers in this publication represent their own opinions and are not necessarily those of the editor or of the officers and directors of the Kansas Angus Association. Published 6 times per year. (beg.2014)

President : Ron Hinrichsen, Westmoreland Vice President : Sharee Sankey, Council Grove Secretary/Mgr: Anne Lampe, Scott City (620) 874-4273 (cell) Treasurer: Robert Bailey ,3990 Highway K68 Quenemo, Ks 66528,(785) 828-3338 Past President: Craig Rucker , Burdett District Directors Term Expires # 1 Neal Haverkamp, Bern ……………….….……...2016 # 2 Jason Flory, Baldwin City ………..…….…..... 2017 # 3 Flinton McCabe, Elk City ………………..………….2017 # 4 Doug Benoit, Esbon ..……………….…….….........2016 # 5 Mark Rohr, Hays………………….....…………...... 2015 # 6 John McCurry, Burrton……………….…..………....2016 # 7 Larry Lundgren, Gove………...………………...…..2016 # 8 Grant Gardiner, Ashland……………………....…...2016 Directors At Large (Commercial) Harold Hazelton, McPherson……………………..……...2016 Derrick Schlegel, Alexander …………………........…..2017 Rick Cornwell St. John ……………..……….………. .2015 Directors At Large (Purebred) Brandon New, Leavenworth………………….………....2017 Stuart Rose, Cheney…….…………………..……. …....2015 Clint Woodrow, Emporia …………… ………….…….2016 The KAA board meets quarterly in February, May, September and December. Members are welcome to attend meetings. Contact Anne Lampe for meeting dates.


Mill Brae Top Game 4197

Mill Brae Wisdom 4198 CED BW


I+10 -3.0

+57 +106 I+2.01

top 15%

top 20%

top 1%

YW top 10%

SC top 2%

CEM I+10

Milk +27

Marb I+.81

top 25%

top 25%

top 10%

RE I+.27

CED BW +9 top 20%

top 10%



top 20%

top 15%




+64 +114 N/A

top 10%

top 10%

top 4%

Milk +26

top 3%

top 10%

Marb I+.67 top 20%

$W $F $G $B +38.25 +60.05 +34.09 +97.81 top 15%

top 3%

top 10%

top 20%

CEM +8

top 5%

SC top 25%

CEM +11

Milk +27

Marb I+.65

RE I+.82

top 15%

top 25%

top 25%

top 10%



I+4 I+2.0

I+64 I+114 N/A top 4%

$W $F $G $B +42.18 +49.73 +39.63 +101.82 top 10%

top 20%

RE I+.54




+62 +106 N/A


top 10%



top 10%

top 3%

top 10%

CEM +10

Milk +27

Marb I+.90

RE I+.78

top 25%

top 25%

top 10%

top 15%

top 10%



Milk I+29

Marb I+.51

top 15%

top 3%

top 25%

$W $F $G $B +37.91 +50.04 +45.51 +106.58 top 20%


RE I+.83 top 10%

$W $F $G $B +35.90 +60.05 +31.87 +103.65

Mill Brae Consensus 4055

Mill Brae Wisdom 4059 CED BW


+60 +105 I+1.22

$W $F $G $B +40.74 +52.69 +33.67 +87.98 top 10%



Mill Brae Identity 4031

top 1%

top 3%

top 2%

Mill Brae Upgrade B426 (SimAngus) CED BW

+10.1 +.8




+66.5 +103.5 N/A

MCE +8.3

top 25%

BF -.033

Shr -.19

API 133.6

Milk +28.3

Marb +.55

RE +.75

top 15%

top 15%

Top 25%

TI 77.5 top 15%

EPDs current as of 11/26/14

160 easy-calving bulls (100+HEIFER BULLS) with tremendous growth guaranteed to sire efficient, money-making, market-topping calves; 140 Angus/20 SimAngus 54 replacement females designed to mature into top producers under range conditions; 40 Angus/14 SimAngus Sired By: Wisdom • Identity • Bismarck • Final Product • Hoover Dam • Consensus • Top Game • Endurance • Upgrade (SM) • Dew It Right (SM)

Angus industry – News and information provided by the American Angus Association ® & Certified Angus Beef , LLC. Leading the Business Breed

Apply for the 2015 Beef Leaders Institute

The American Angus Association elects new Board members, officers The American Angus Association® announced new members and officers for its Board of Directors during the 131st Annual Convention of Delegates in Kansas City, Mo. Those serving the Association for three-year terms are: Jerry Connealy, Whitman, Neb.; David Dal Porto, Brentwood, Calif.; John Grimes, Hillsboro, Ohio; James Henderson, Memphis, Texas; and Dave Nichols, Bridgewater, Iowa.

Submit applications by March 2, 2015, to be considered for the program. The Beef Leaders Institute (BLI) is a premier leadership experience for American Angus Association® members that provides a look into the entire beef supply chain, while enhancing participant knowledge of the Association and strengthening their leadership skills. Angus producers between 25-45 years old are encouraged to apply for the eighth-annual BLI scheduled for June 22-26, 2015. Applications are due back to the Association by March 2, 2015.

Steve Olson, Hereford, Texas, was elected as the new Association president and chairman of the Board of Directors. He succeeds Gordon Stucky of Kingman, Kan. Jim Sitz, Dillon, Mont., was elected by delegates to serve as Association vice president and vice chairman of the Board of Directors. Charlie Boyd, Mays Lick, Ky., will serve as the 2014-2015 treasurer. A total of 305 elected delegates from 39 states, Washington D.C. and Canada represented Association members during the Annual Convention of Delegates hosted at the KCI Expo Center in conjunction with the firstever Angus Means Business National Convention & Trade Show. 2014-2015 American Angus Association Newly Elected Board Members Jerry Connealy is one of seven children raised on the family ranch south of Whitman, Neb., by his parents, Marty and Donnie. Jerry began artificially inseminating (AIing) alongside his father at the age of 13 and returned to the ranch with his wife, Sharon, after graduating from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in 1981. They’re joined on the ranch today by son Jed and his wife, Kara. Jerry and Sharon’s other children are Ben, Hannah and Gabriel. David A. Dal Porto was born in Brentwood, Calif., where he was raised on his family’s commercial cattle and farming operation. He and his wife, Jeanene, still manage their registered- and commercial-Angus operations near Oakley, Brentwood and other areas of northern California. They have three children, Lindsey, A.J. and Dawson. John Grimes is a second-generation Angus breeder who was raised on his family’s Angus and commercial cow-calf operation, Maplecrest Farms, near Hillsboro, Ohio, where the family remains involved in the farm’s management and operation. He graduated with an animal science degree from the Ohio State University in 1983 and returned home to manage the family farming operation. He and his wife, Joanie, have two daughters: Lindsey and Lauren. James Henderson was born in Kerrville, Texas, as a fourth-generation rancher in the Texas Hill Country. He received a degree in animal science in 1977 from Texas A&M University, and moved to a career in the meatpacking and processing industry. In 2004, James married Mary Lou Bradley, and the couple continues the time-tested traditions of Bradley 3 Ranch. James has two daughters, Hayley and Mary Katherine. Dave Nichols of Bridgewater, Iowa, was raised on his father’s small cattlefeeding operation. Starting as a tenant farmer, Nichols Farms has now grown to 5,500 acres, breeding 1,500 head this spring and maintaining a small feedlot. Nichols Farms oversees the breeding of and marketing of an additional 1,500 cooperator and franchise cows. Nichols Farms’ managing partners are Dave; his wife, Phyllis; and his sister-in-law, Lillian. More Angus Industry on page 24

4 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

“The annual Beef Leaders Institute is an impactful way to bring Angus breeders together to learn about their larger role in the beef cattle industry,” says Jaclyn Upperman, Association director of events and education. “We hope they leave the conference with a better understanding of how quality genetics improve the marketplace.” The program brings Angus producers together in Saint Joseph, Mo., for a series of informative sessions, followed by a three-day tour across several industry segments. During the event, BLI participants are able to tour a beef harvesting and packing facility, retailer, fabricator, feedlots and other industry segments, including the American Angus Association. Those selected will also learn about the ultimate end product — the Certified Angus Beef® brand — and how the branded beef program drives demand for quality Angus genetics. “BLI has given me the opportunity to learn more about the Association and to see other segments of the industry we don’t normally get to see,” said Dale Vitt, Fairview, Mont., who participated in the 2014 BLI. “Seeing all this will allow me to tell my customers that the beef industry does put out a safe product, and I can be a better advocate.” The Association provides transportation, lodging, meals and materials during BLI. Attendees will be responsible for round-trip transportation between their home and either Kansas City or Saint Joseph, Mo. To apply or contact the American Angus Association at 816-383-5100. Information can also be found on www.ANGUS.org. Angus Roll of Victory 2013-2014 Award Winners The American Angus Association® recently recognized the breed’s leading show cattle for the 2013-2014 Roll of Victory (ROV) show season. More than 2,000 cattle participated for points during ROV shows and Super-Point ROV shows throughout the country. Top honors were recognized at the Association’s Awards Recognition Breakfast, held Nov. 6 as part of the first-ever Angus Means Business National Convention and Trade Show in Kansas City. The ROV Show Heifer of the Year was a tie between EXAR Winnie 5291; owned by Sydney Schnoor, Chowchilla, Calif.; and Cherry Knoll Pleasant Elsa, owned by Logan Wright, Philippi, W.Va.The ROV Show Bull of the Year was EXAR Blue Chip 1877B; owned by Express Ranches, Yukon, Okla.; Penner Harris, Mill Creek, Okla.; and Conley Cattle, Sulphur, Okla. Recognized as the ROV Breeder of the Year was Express Ranches, Yukon, Okla. Additional awards were presented throughout the ROV Angus show, Nov. 18, at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Ky. Receiving awards from Kansas were: Reserve Show Heifer of the Year and Intermediate Champion Heifer of the Year. LCCC Lucy All Star 1231 owned by Chris & Sharon Sankey, Council Grove, Kan. , Doug Satree Angus, Montague, Texas ,and Little Cedar Cattle Co., Beaverton, Mich.

“High Performing Cattle Backed by Generations of Calving Ease Traits” 63 years of Breeding Quality Angus Cattle ♣ 1952-2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015 ♣ 1 p.m. ♣ at the Ranch 5 miles north and 2 1/2 west of Zenda, KS or 9 miles west, 9 miles south and 2 1/2 west of Kingman, KS

1 1 0 Bulls Sell 55 Females Sell

40 Yearling Females & 15 Fall Calving Females

EF Complement 8088

Reg # 16198796 BW +.2 WW +64 YW +114 Milk +22 Marb +.82 RE +.50 $B +111.36 Selling: 15 sons

Jindra Double Vision

Reg # 16748826 BW +1.1 WW +73 YW +139 Milk +25 Marb +.71 RE +.45 $B +139.23 Selling: 12 sons

This year’s sale will feature the first progeny that we have offered for sale by EF Complement 8088(ABS) and Jindra Double Vision(Genex). The outstanding progeny by KG Solution 0018 and LD Emblazon 999 (recently leased by ABS) will again be offered. These two sires had our high selling sire groups in last year’s sale. Sons and daughters of these other popular sires will sell: Mytty In Fous, Right Answer 746, Windy 4097 Mohnen Long Haul 502, and Molitor Danny Boy 686-1138. The female offering will be 40 fancy open replacement heifers from the heart of the herd. Also this year, we are selling 15 Fall Calving Females with several having calves at side and bred to LD Emblazon 999. Molitor Angus Ranch Certified Angus Beef

Seedstock Commitment to Excellence Award

KG Solution 0018

Reg # 16796888 BW –1.6 WW +69 YW +125 Milk +30 Marb +.46 RE +.85 $B +121.60 Selling: 12 sons

LD Embazon 999

Reg # 16665803 BW –.3 WW +76 YW +133 Milk +17 Marb +.60 RE +1.02 $B +128.03 Selling: 15 sons

Performance • Calving Ease High Carcass Traits Gentle Dispositions


♣Other Main Service Sires♣ Molitor Danny Boy 686-1138 ,10 sons SVF Answer W132, 9 sons Mytty In Focus, 4 sons Connealy Right Answer 746, 5 sons Willekes Windy 326Z, 7 sons McCall Black Impression 2053, 5 sons Mohnen Long Hall 502, 4 sons VDAR Really Windy 4097, 2 sons

Register for Online bidding: www.dvauction.com

For Information contact: Founding member of

All Cattle Sell Free of all known genetic defects

♣ Free delivery on 3 or more lots within 300 miles

Richard or Mike Molitor (620) 243-6335 Fax (620) 243-7533 Cell (620) 243-3081 11558 S.W. 90th St.


74th Annual Sale Wednesday, February 18, 2015 1 pm ▪ Buffalo, Oklahoma At the Fairgrounds Pavilion Jerry Lehmann, Auctioneer

Miss Kansa Angus 2014

Megan Green Leavenworth, Ks

ANGUS BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Selling 53 Registered Angus Bulls Plus Open Females Bred Females Pairs For a sale book contact O K & T Angus Breeders Association Dennie Jenkins RR 2 Box 111, Gage, OK 73843 580-938-2777 ▪ 580-938-1094 cell Joe Hite 316-841-5071 Jeff Mafi, American Angus Association Regional Mgr. 816-344-4266

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu said “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Well my journey was a little different. I’ve traveled hundreds of miles to sales and shows and let’s not forget about the hours of the packing and school I’ve missed. “Life as a queen must be rough” my mom told me. I went from the girl who laughed at the idea of wearing heels, to the girl who mastered walking in woodchips in a pair of 4-inch heels and holding prizes with a smile. Becoming Miss Kansas Angus was definitely a twist to my personality. But what journey doesn’t change your outlook on life at least a little? Getting to work the ring at national and state shows has given me the opportunity to meet new faces and make new friends. At nationals this year, we had a lunch with all of the other queens and I also go to meet the 2009 Miss America. The best part of the queen luncheon was being there with my mom. She was and still is a strong supporter of everything I do. I don’t always get to thank her for that. Although my mom took me to places and gave moral support, the rest of my family has always been there too. If it wasn’t for my stepdad Jerry and stepbrother Cody I wouldn’t even be showing today. As this year of being Miss Kansas Angus ends, I’m realizing how grateful I am for the friends and memories I’ve made as well as the changes I’ve undergone as a person. This year I am a senior at Pleasant Ridge High School. Next year I plan to attend college and major in Agriculture Communications. I would like to thank the Kansas Angus Auxiliary, the Kansas Angus Association, and also numerous Angus Breeders for sponsoring Miss Kansas Angus program. This past year of being Miss Kansas Angus, I’ve learned that being a queen isn’t just a title. It is a part in my journey that I can cherish forever.

Megan Green, Miss Kansas Angus 2014 6 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Photo by Wrenn Bird Photograpphy

K a n s a s J u n i o r A n g u s A s s o c i a ti o n Dear KJAA Members, I hope that everyone had a good holiday season. I know I enjoyed some time back at home away from school to see my family. With fall calving season concluded, I hope that everyone was ever fortunate as those who are about to roll into spring calving season as well. This is a time to witness and behold what all our hard work goes into. From all the work we put into synchronized breeding and artificial insemination followed by a long 283 day wait, we finally get to walk out in the pen and see baby calves on the ground; a new calf crop to cherish as the fruits of our labor, what could be more enjoyable in the life of an Angus cattle producer. The Kansas Angus Futurity is quickly approaching so just wanted to remind all you juniors to keep up the good effort with your show cattle prospects, show day will be here before you know it. I look forward to seeing everyone in Hutchison for the Futurity banquet and show and best of luck to everyone both in and out of the show ring.

Cody Theis

Several Kansas Angus Youth were among those receiving Scholarships during the Kansas Livestock Association Convention in December 2014.Those pic-

tured include (back row, L to R) Callahan Grund, Wallace; Reid Shipman, Manhattan; Gavin Kansas Junior Angus Association Minutes, June 6, 2014-Submitted By Evan Woodbury, Secretary Swearngin, Lawrence; Eric Blythe, White City; The bi-annual meeting of the Kansas Junior Angus Association was held on June 6, 2014 at 11 a.m. during the Kansas Tyler Blythe, White City; Brayden Miller, Garnett; Angus Preview Show on the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, Kansas. Vice President Cody Theis called the (middle row, L to R) Sarah Bellar, Howard; Brooke meeting to order and a roll sheet was passed around for members to sign. There were a total of 50 members and Jensen, Courtland; Ashley Zelenka, Wilson; Kaitlin numerous parents present. Next, we proceeded to first time exhibitors at the Kansas Angus Preview Show and 7 new members introduced themselves and where they were from. Officer reports were given, and the minutes of the previous Morgan, Deerfield; Arissa Moyer, Emporia; Kacey meeting from the Kansas Angus Futurity in January were approved as printed in the Summer 2014 Kansas Angus Rieger, Powhattan; Catherine Sharp, Humboldt; News by a motion from Anna Carpenter, which was seconded by Laura Carpenter. The motion passed. Moreover, the Jody Baragary, Tonganoxie; (front row, L to R) Bartreasurer’s report was given by Chelsey Figge and approved by a motion from Megan Green and seconded by Caleb rett Simon, Leon; Stetson Schmutz, Salina; and Flory. The motion passed. Moving along, Megan Green reminded us to keep taking photos and to submit them on the Kansas Angus Association Facebook page or via e-mail so she could access them for the scrapbook. Furthermore, Ryan Kinsler, Kingman. Not pictured are Lindsay Cody Theis went over the contest details and schedule for the afternoon. Additionally, Esther McCabe gave details for Bulk, Riley; Tristan Davis, Princeton; Jacob Hathe National Junior Angus Show stall signs and the state booth. Next, we moved to advisor reports. Anne Lampe regenmaier, Randolph; Leigh Ann Maurath, Oakley; minded all members to make sure they were signed up to get the Kansas Angus News and the e-mail subscription list and Tyler Murray, Wheaton. because that is where a lot of correspondence for the association takes place. Furthermore, Anne went over all of the

KJAA President

details for the weekend and the National Junior Angus Show this summer in Indianapolis, including the opening ceremony t-shirts. Barb Downey and Howard Woodbury, also advisors, echoed Anne in saying that if you are a first time junior national’s exhibitor, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and if they don’t know the answer, they will find out. Also, they said that stalling assignments would be done Saturday evening of junior nationals and they would make every effort to accommodate stalling requests. As we entered new business, Megan Green moved to allot $200 for the Kansas Junior Angus Association State Booth at Junior Nationals. It was seconded by Chelsey Figge. Furthermore, Claire Wingert moved to give $100 to each showmanship delegate and voting delegate for junior nationals. Also, Cale Hinrichsen moved to allow $100 for the scrapbook for junior nationals and it was seconded by Sarah Loomis. Next, Grady Dickerson moved to accept the NJAS t-shirt sponsorship from Dew-Eze and Harper Industries. It was seconded by Kady Figge. All motions were passed. In further new business, the McCabe and Carpenter Families were appointed as members of the Carcass Steer Committee for the National Junior Angus Show this summer. The Figge family volunteered to put together the Kansas basket for the Angus Foundation Silent Auction. Also, the Theis family volunteered to sign up the state quiz bowl teams at Junior Nationals. In the last bit of new business, the new officers, directors, and advisors were selected. First, Ethan Dickerson moved to cease any nominations for officers and Caleb Flory seconded. The motion was passed. The slate presented was President, Cody Theis; President Elect, Esther McCabe; 1st Vice President, Jackson Wingert; 2nd Vice President, Evan Woodbury; Secretary, Chelsey Figge; Treasurer, Megan Green; Co-Historians, Anna Carpenter and Cale Hinrichsen; Co-Reporters, Claire Wingert and Hadley Dehoff; and Co-Membership Directors, Luke Sankey, Grady Dickerson, and Caleb Flory. Kelsey Wulfkuhle moved to accept the slate and Sarah Loomis seconded. The motion was passed. Next we voted on the directors. The new directors are District 1, Eva Hinrichsen; District 2, Laura Carpenter; District 5, Ethan Dickerson; District 6, Grace Shive; and At-Large Directors, Kady Figge, Morgan Woodbury, Alex Cozzitorto, and Sarah Loomis. Lastly, the new advisors were selected by vote, David and Stephanie Dickerson. A motion was made by Esther McCabe to replace the signature on our checking account at First National Bank to newly elected treasure Megan Green after August 1, 2014. This wil replace and remove outgoing treasurer Chelsey Figge. Advisor Anne Lampe to remain on signature card. Second by Cody Theis. Vote and motion passed. Finally, some last minute announcements and reminders were read. Anna Carpenter then moved to adjourn the meeting and Caleb Flory seconded. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned.

KJAA OFFICERS 2014-15 President: - Cody Theis, Leavenworth President Elect: Esther McCabe, Elk City 1st Vice President: Jackson Wingert, Ottawa 2nd Vice President: Evan Woodbury, Quenemo Secretary: Chelsey Figge, Onaga Treasurer: Megan Green, Leavenworth Co-Reporters - Claire Wingert, Ottawa Hadley DeHoff, Tonganoxie Co-Historians: Anna Carpenter, Wamego; Cale Hinrichsen, Westmoreland Past President: Mackenzie Flory, Baldwin City

Kansas Angus Association

8 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

DIRECTORS District 1: Eva Hinrichsen, Westmoreland District 2: Laura Carpenter, Wamego District 5: Ethan Dickerson, Paradise District 6: Grace Shive, Mt Hope Director’s At-Large: Morgan Woodbury, Quenemo, Alex Cozzitorto, Lawrence, Sarah Pelton, Paradise.; Kady Figge, Onaga Membership Directors: Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Luke Sankey, Andale Caleb Flory, Baldwin City ADVISORS Barb Downey ………………………..…… .(785)556-8160 Howard & Elise Woodbury………………. (785)453-2492 David & Stephanie Dickerson…………..…(785) 445-5139 Anne Lampe………………………. … ..(620)872-3915 kansasangus@wbsnet.org (620)872-3915; (620)874-4273 cell

Benoit Angus Ranch 26th Annual Production Sale

Thursday, March 19, 2015 • 1:00 P.M. CDT At the Ranch on US Hwy 36 – 10 ¾ miles west of Mankato, Kansas


Connealy Confidence 0100 Reg# 16761479

EPDs – CED +19 / BW -2.9 / WW +50 / YW +90 Milk +31 / SC -.90 / Marb +.44 / RE +1.60 $W +54.38 / $F +40.30 / $G +39.26 / $B +129.37

8 Sons Selling!


Selling top 162 Bulls out of 230!

Connealy Consensus 7229 Reg# 16447771

EPDs – CED +3 / BW +2.2 / WW +63 / YW +104 Milk +33 / SC +.97 / Marb +1.02 / RE +.92 $W +76.41 / $F +48.67 / $G +48.13 / $B +129.37

28 Sons Selling!

ALSO 20 Registered Angus Heifers & 30 Commercial Angus Heifers

G A R Prophet Reg# 16295688

EPDs – CED +11 / BW +.9 / WW +80 / YW +139 Milk +33 / SC +.22 / Marb +1.78 / RE +.63 $W +71.77 / $F +87.86 / $G +60.04 / $B +120.75

9 Sons Selling!

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Hoover Dam Reg# 16124994

EPDs – CED +8 / BW +.1 / WW +51 / YW +96 Milk +30 / SC +.1.01 / Marb +.72 / RE +1.14 $W +51.34 / $F +49.89 / $G +51.33 / $B +107.01

9 Sons Selling!


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Benoit Angus 621 Hwy. 36 • Esbon, Kansas 66941 Doug Benoit (785) 545-6806 Chad Benoit (785) 545-8095 E-mail: ebbenoit@ruraltel.net www.benoitangus.com

January Januar 2014y 2003


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Kansas Angus Auxiliary I hope that everyone is having a great New Year!! The countdown of days until the Kansas Angus Futurity has begun. The Kansas Angus Auxiliary meeting will be held on Saturday, January 24th at the Beef Pavilion Meeting room. If you are not a member of the Auxiliary yet, we invite you to come and discover what we do for the Association on the State and National levels. During the meeting we will be installing the new Auxiliary board. In the evening at the Kansas Angus Futurity Banquet, the Auxiliary will be hosting an auction to support the Kansas Angus Auxiliary Scholarship Program. Please bring an item or two for the Auction table. Items that have been successful include homemade goodies, crafts, western themed decorations, Angus themed items and jewelry. This is a fun time for everyone and it is a great way to support our Kansas Juniors. The Auxiliary Scholarship Committee will also have the privilege to present the Kenneth and Lorene Moore Scholarship to a current college sophomore. Safe travels to everyone on their journey to the Futurity.

Karen Santee President

Items needed for annual Auxiliary Scholarship Auction and Hospitality Don’t forget to bring an item for the annual Auxiliary Auction to benefit the scholarship program to be held during the Annual Banquet on January 24. Unique items with Angus or western themes as well as baked goods and hand crafted items usually sell well. Bring the item to the banquet with you .


The KAA Auxiliary will host hospitality on Saturday, January 24, 2015 for members during meetings and educational programs being held throughout the day at the Kansas State Fairgrounds, Prairie Pavilion. Please bring to snacks and baked goodies to Prairie Pavilion office by 10 am Saturday. There is no need to individually wrap or bag.. Thank you so much for your generous contribution Tonya Theis, Ks Angus Auxiliary Hospitality chairman.

2104 KS Angus Auxiliary Leaders

Minutes: The Kansas Angus Auxiliary held their June meeting, June 6, 2014 at 5:15 pm

President -Karen Santee….620.596.2532 Vice President- Jackie Ottensmeier …..913.796-6994 Secretary-Megin O’Brien….620.802.1482 Treasurer- Lori Fink……. 785.532.8171 Reporter– Beverly Figge…..785.889.4470 Past President/Advisor- Varee McCabe …….. 620.633.5303

on the Kansas State Fairground in conjunction with the Kansas Angus Preview. President, Karen Santee with thirteen ladies present, called the meeting to order. Short introductions followed Officers Reports - Megin O’Brien presented the January minutes. The minutes were approved as presented. Lori Fink presented the treasurer’s report with additional information offered in regards to the current CD’s in possession of the Auxiliary. Four new members were introduced as well as a short discussion about membership and dues .The report was accepted as presented. . Beverly Figge did not present a reporters report .Committee Reports – Anne Lampe presented an update on the travels for the Kansas Angus Queen and Ambassadors. The girls have been very active and are preparing to travel to Indianapolis where the Queen’s Brunch will be a tea time held at the Indianapolis Zoo. Additionally, candidates will be required to send in applications for the 2015 royal court by January 10. Anne continued to report for the Ways and Means Committee. At this time the committee is still pricing options. Tying in, Anne continued to encourage involvement for the November meeting next year that will be held in honor of Lynne Hinrichsen who will be operating as the American Angus Auxiliary President. In January, discussions will be held to assist in planning decorations and gift ideas. No Hospitality report was presented. In scholarships, there will be one scholarship presented to a high school senior to represent Kansas at the National level. Karen Santee added that there were 2 applicants for the junior award as well as 4 applicants for the premiere challenge awards. Those will be presented at the picnic as well. Finally, Anne completed a final report on the Women Connected Conference. Kansas was represented well and the conference will be held again with the potential of Wooster, OH being the host. American Angus Auxiliary – Lynne Hinrichsen presented a quick overview of what the American Auxiliary have been focused on. They did complete a midyear board meeting and business as usual. Lynne encouraged all to visit the Angus Gift Barn and check out the new items as well as “friending” and “liking” them on Facebook. Finally, the Auxiliary will have a booth set up at Nationals and an annual meeting on Wednesday afternoon. New Business – The new slate of officers for the 2015-2017 year was announced and approved. Rhonda McCurry finished up her three-year rotation on the Scholarship Committee as Chairman. Melissa Cozzitorto will become the next Chair and Ann Sankey was nominated and accepted threeyear position on the committee. The remaining officers are: Megin O’Brien, President; Beverly Figge, Vice President; Wendy Flory, Secretary; Melissa Cozzitorto, Reporter; Lori Fink, Treasurer. I motion was made to accept the slate, seconded; approved by members present. Discussion turned to the cook-off teams to compete at Junior Nationals in Indianapolis. The Auxiliary approved a $50 allowance to each of the teams competing. President, Karen Santee concluded the meeting by encouraging all members to be active and support all juniors throughout the weekend and to support the juniors while attending the Junior Nationals if possible. A motion was made for adjournment, seconded; approved. Submitted by: Megin O’Brien, Secretary. Pending approval

Hospitality Chairman– Tonya Theis Miss Ks Angus Program Chairman– Anne Lampe Ways & Means Chairman– Mary McCurry Achievement Awards Chairman- Wendy Flory Scholarship Committee 2014– Chairman: Rhonda McCurry, Members: Melissa Cozzitorto, Melody McCurry



for Sale

Purchase these great items and support our scholarship, awards and recognition programs.


Placemats To place an order please contact Mary McCurry mccurryangus@outlook.com

316-708-0736 or 620-463-7752

* Measure 14 x 26.5 inches * $30 + shipping * Features: burlap with ranch insignia

Faux-leather placemats

* Measure 12 x 17 inches * Clean easily * 2-sided (one plain/one with star & burlap); two different faux-leather looks) * $15 each or 4 for $50 + shipping

14 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Who says you have to give up performance to get calving ease?


A A R TEN X 7008 S A reg#: 15719841 | 014AN00377 IN FOCUS x ADAPTOR

The sire you have been searching for! CED 8 .91

BW .5 .96

WW 69 .94

YW 130 .92

SC 1.64 .93

DOC 13 .88

CEM 8 .53

MILK MARB 23 1.39 .65 .56

RE .86 .52


$W 74.50

$F 80.21

$G $B 52.38 145.79

S A V THUNDERBIRD 9061 reg#: 16396499 | 014AN00351 FINAL ANSWER x BISMARCK

Thunderbird is a high accuracy, proven calving ease sire that you can use with confidence! CED 6 .82

BW -.1 .92

WW 71 .88

YW 120 .80

SC .17 .79

DOC 17 .67

CEM MILK MARB 12 19 .82 .46 .56 .49


RE .24 .43

$W 54.65

$F 66.40

$G 38.22

$B 85.52

V A R UPFRONT 0392 reg#: 16798964 | 014AN00390 UPWARD x RITO 112

Upfront is the bull that will move your program to the front of the breed. CED 9 .58

BW -.6 .72

WW 68 .61

YW 123 .53

SC .39 .62

DOC 10 .38

CEM MILK MARB RE $W 10 32 .45 .91 65.95 .22 .28 .46 .40


$F 77.98

$G $B 33.55 122.00

A A R TEN GAUGE 1501 reg#: 17049149 | 014AN00425 TEN X x ALLIANCE 2017

Ten Gauge is the go-to Ten X son whose progeny come easy, have plenty of growth and exhibit exceptional muscle, middle and base width. CED 9 .58

BW .2 .71

WW 66 .59

YW 121 .51

SC DOC 1.24 21 .61 .44

CEM 11 .14

MILK MARB 24 .66 .21 .42

RE $W .15 57.42 .33

$F 83.61

$G 30.89

$B 105.81

Call your local Accelerated Genetics representative today! JON HERRICK, Regional Beef Specialist, 308-627-6431 SHAWN ROY, District Sales Manager, 785-737-3107 KELLY KENNEDY JAKE SWISHER TIM RIPPE Soldier, KS , 785-364-6082 Long Island, KS 785-202-0250 Ludell, KS 785-626-4515 GARET FARNEY KIRK WOODRUFF ERIC PETERSON Ashland, KS, 620-635-0291 Lindsborg, KS 785-227-5414 Parsons, KS, 785-289-0102

Focused on the things that matter!

EPD (INFO AS OF 12/04/2014)


Bob Laflin & Laflin Ranch Honored during Angus Convention A Century of Angus Cattle Production: Laflin Angus

Honoring Angus Breed Heritage

E.B. Laflin’s mission to turn the West “black” with Angus cattle became a family legacy

Four individuals inducted into the Angus Heritage Foundation during the breed’s Awards Recognition Breakfast in Kansas City

Generations of farmers and ranchers committed to Angus cattle are responsible for shaping what is now the industry’s leading beef cattle breed. Their shared vision of genetic improvement, performance records and raising cattle that consumers demand is what has set the breed apart during years of challenges and opportunities. The American Angus Association® recognizes breed leaders and their contributions each year by inducting individuals into the Angus Heritage Foundation. Four new additions were recognized Nov. 6 during the Association’s Awards Recognition Breakfast, held as part of the first-ever Angus Means Business National Convention and Trade Show in Kansas City, Mo. The 2014 inductees are: Paul Donnelly, Kansas City, Mo.; Don Greiman, Laflin Angus Garner, Iowa; the late Bob Laflin Angus, residing in Kansas and Nebraska with their family operations, can trace their cattle roots Laflin, Olsburg, Kan.; and Lawrason Sayre, Churchville, Md.Each inducback to 1799. However their Angus heritage began in 1900, when Eugene tee or a family representative received a framed Angus Heritage FoundaB. (E.B.) Laflin purchased the family’s first Angus cattle. Today, the oper- tion certificate, and their names will be engraved on the Heritage Foundation plaque displayed in the library of the Association headquarters in ation remains one of the oldest continuous Angus herds in the United Saint Joseph, Mo. States. Even at the turn of the century, E.B. stressed that his cattle be Photos and biographies will be included in the 2015 edition of the Angus efficient, exceptional in size and have bred-in-performance – a tradition that continues today. He was one of the first breeders of registered-Angus Heritage Foundation booklet. Read more about the inductees in the paragraphs that follow. cattle in Nebraska, and his early dedication to turn the West “black” set the stage for generations committed to the Angus breed.To his name Bob Laflin were the following bulls: Louis of View Point 7, Glen Eyrie Black and As a true ambassador for the Angus business, the late Bob Laflin never Eline’s Marshall, son of Earl Marshall. E.B. served as the second presilet the dust settle under his feet. When he wasn’t working cattle, he was dent of the Nebraska Angus Association and on the American Angus attending Angus sales and events across the nation. Raising Angus cattle Association Board of Directors in 1924.Succeeded by his son Lewis E. Laflin, the Laflin Angus legacy continued to gain strength. A skilled man- was the only way of life Laflin knew. He raised his family and built his ager, Lewis guided the herd through the depression-ravaged 1930’s, even ranch in Olsburg, Kan., with the Angus cowherd paying the way. Laflin Angus was started in 1900 by Laflin’s grandfather, Eugene B. giving $500 of his own money to keep the Nebraska Angus Association afloat. When the drought-stricken state ran out of feed, Lewis decided to (E.B.), in southeast Nebraska. In 1962, Laflin expanded Laflin Angus to Kansas, purchasing a ranch near Olsburg, Kan. Bob had the first Certified ship the cattle to the northern Flint Hills near Bigelow, Kan., for summer Meat Sire herd bull in Kansas and hosted the very first performancegrazing. The cattle were shipped back to Nebraska for wintering; this tested bull sale. A believer in genetic technology, Laflin used all the tools system continued for nearly 30 years. Like his father, Lewis also served made available to him through the American Angus Association. From on the American Angus Association Board of Directors from 1935-1941. He also served as the fifth president of the Nebraska Angus Association. performance information to the showring – his slogan was “muscle is the name of the game.” Laflin was an active promoter of the National Junior In 1962, Lewis’s sons, Bob and Lew, expanded the operation with Bob Angus Association (NJAA) and was involved in the organization and fundbuying a ranch near Olsburg, Kan., and Lew staying on the home place near Crab Orchard, Neb. Lew served as president of the Nebraska Angus raising when the show was held in Kansas. At the ranch headquarters, he hosted several Kansas Angus field days and industry seminars, along Association in 1981 and 1982. with yearly production sales. Together, Laflin and his wife, Barbara, have Today Barbara Laflin, wife of Bob Laflin, still raises Angus cattle at Olsburg, Kan. All four of Bob and Barbara’s children are active members of four children: Sharee, R.D., Karen and Guy, who were all active in the Kansas Junior Angus Association and the NJAA. Now, Laflin’s grandchilthe American Angus Association. Lew and his wife, Virginia, and sons dren and great grandchildren are forging the way with Laflin Angus genetraise Angus in Crab Orchard, Neb. The Laflin family’s fifth generation is ics in their own cow herds. raising Angus cattle and the sixth generation has just arrived. They are spread throughout the United States, and continue to share a passion for _News Release provided by American Angus Association the Angus breed set forth by their ancestors more than 100 years ago.

History runs deep in the cattle business. Today’s nearly 25,000 American Angus Association® members have their Angus predecessors to thank for the breed’s well-earned reputation of success. To honor the breed’s most long-standing operations, the Association presents Century Awards to recognize herds, their owners and families who have been in continuous production of registered Angus cattle for 100 years or more. This year’s Century Awards were presented Nov. 6 during the Association’s Awards Recognition Breakfast, held as part of the 2014 Angus Means Business National Convention and Trade Show in Kansas City, Mo. Cody Sankey accepted the Century Award on behalf of the Laflin family, which raises quality Angus cattle in Kansas and Nebraska.

16 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Sires of bulls that will be offered in our

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Approximately 100 Angus and 50 Balancer bulls will sell

Spring Valley, LTD Lynn & Lori Ferguson Agra, KS 785-638-2857 svferg@ruraltel.net www.springvalleyfarms.com

17 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

All Bulls sell with DNA ENHANCED EPDs

Zagar Angus Farm 557 East 610 Ave. ▪ Girard, Ks 66743 (620)724-4086 Herd Sires: JAK 022 Prompter C34 , Sydgen Massive 9518, Sydgen 1386 Design 3389, Checkerhill Madrid N11, Sydgen 2088 Focus 9003

18 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

19 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

20 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News


+.4 +73 +118 +30

TC Forthright 9284


+1.3 +54 +92 +14

41satl Annu


Wednesday 12:30 PM CST

February 25, 2015

1 1/2 miles east of Franklin  &  1/4 mile south

Flag Cross Country 90052


+.8 +56 +101 +32

TC Aberdeen 759

TC Vance 011


+1.7 +65 +122 +26

D R Sierra Cut 7404


+1.7 +73 +129 +35

Sitz Dollar Up 489Z

BW +.8; WW +55; YW +98; Milk +32; Marb +.36; RE +.34

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Dru Uden 308/470-0740 (888) TC BULLS 800-431-4452

1524 G Rd. • Franklin NE 68939 www.tcranch.com E-mail: tcranch@frontiernet.net

KAA Member Matt Perrier Elected President-Elect of KLA and ranching operation in Greenwood County. Dalebanks Angus started Members Elect Emporia, Eureka Cattlemen to KLA Leadership Kansas Livestock Association (KLA) members have elected Emporia rancher Jaret Moyer as president for the coming year. Matt Perrier, a seedstock cattle producer from Eureka, was chosen as the new president elect of the 5,000-member organization. Both were elected by members during the annual business meeting December 5 at the KLA Convention in Wichita. Moyer’s ranch is focused on growing light cattle using a combination of Flint Hills pastures and a backgrounding facility. He also is president of Citizens State Bank and Trust Company, with locations in Woodbine, Bremen, Gypsum and Reading. Moyer serves on both the KLA Executive Committee and KLA Board of Directors. He is a member of the KLA Stockgrowers Council and previously served as the KLA director for Lyon County. Before moving to the Emporia area in 2003, he was involved in the Phillips County KLA Committee. Moyer is a past chairman of the Kansas Beef Council. He is on the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Board of Directors. Moyer serves on the Federation of State Beef Councils Domestic Consumer Preference Committee and Value Subcommittee. He is a past member of the NCBA Retail Committee. Moyer is the current president of Flint Hills Beef Fest, which is the annual celebration of the state’s grass cattle industry. Moyer has been actively involved in leadership development programs. He is a past participant in the NCBA Young Cattlemen’s Conference. Moyer has attended the KLA Leadership Conference. He also graduated from the Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership program. He graduated from Kansas State University in 1992 with a degree in animal science. Moyer later completed course work at the graduate school of banking in Madison, WI. Moyer and his wife, Shawna, have two daughters. Arissa is a junior at K-State studying ag economics. Sarah is a senior at Northern Heights High School in Allen.

as a sheep farm in 1867. It has maintained a registered Angus herd continuously since 1904. Today, the seedstock cattle operation produces genetics for the commercial cow-calf producer. The list of industry leadership positions he has held is lengthy. Perrier is a past chairman of the KLA Stockgrowers Council. He currently serves on the KLA Board of Directors and the NCBA Board of Directors. Perrier is a member of the NCBA Ag and Food Policy Committee. He attended the NCBA Young Cattlemen’s Conference and served as chairman of the group in 2007. Perrier also has attended the KLA Leadership Conference. Perrier is a member of the Kansas Animal Health Board and Greenwood County Farm Bureau Board of Directors, of which he is a past president. He is a past member of the U.S. Premium Beef Nominating Committee and Kansas Angus Association Board of Directors. Perrier is a past president of the Greenwood County Cattlemen’s Association and previously served as vice president of the Greenwood Preservation Society, which helped restore the Greenwood Hotel. He graduated from K-State in 1996 with a degree in animal science. Prior to coming back to the family business, he was director of retail and foodservice programs for the Pennsylvania Beef Council and served in several staff capacities, including as a regional manager, for the American Angus Association. Perrier and his wife, Amy, have four children: Ava, Lyle, Hannah and Henry. They are expecting a fifth child in mid-March. KLA is a trade organization representing the state’s livestock business on legislative, regulatory and industry issues at both the state and federal levels. The association’s work is funded through voluntary dues dollars paid by its members. _News release provide by the Kansas Livestock Association

Perrier represents the fifth generation of his family’s registered Angus 22 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

You can’t put a price on exposure.

ANGUS 2015 High Plains Journal and Midwest Ag Journal, in cooperation with the American Angus Association, brings you ANGUS 2015. This special Angus feature will be published in the February 16, 2015, issue and puts your ad in the hands of the Journal’s 120,000 farmer and rancher readers. In addition to the center-spread placement, this special piece will be placed online at www.hpj.com/livestock. Angus 2015 is all Angus editorial and will feature a breeder’s directory.

Exposure in ANGUS 2015 is second to none. Advertising deadline is January 16, 2015. ★ Over 33,000 HPJ subscribers raise cattle ★ HPJ subscribers’ average cow/calf herd is 121 head, compared to the national average 44 head ★ HPJ cow/calf operators account for over 3.4 million cows ★ Average HPJ subscriber manages a 2,120 acre operation

For more information about ANGUS 2015: Contact your Journal livestock representative or the Journal Livestock office at 1-800-452-7171, ext. 1860 or email livestock@hpj.com. P.O. Box 760 • Dodge City, KS 67801

Did you know… Beef’s big secret ingredient: Flavor By Larry Corah, consultant for Certified Angus Beef LLC

We don’t know how many times we’ve heard someone just back from a trip abroad say, “I really would like a juicy steak.” Or how many times we’ve seen a small child hand their mother the bun just to eat the hamburger patty. Yes, thank goodness consumers love the unique taste of beef. Many thousands of dollars have been spent trying to understand the attributes behind that flavor profile—largely to no avail. Even today a key research focus for Check-off funding is beef flavor. What we do know is that marbling (intramuscular fat) is one of the major factors influencing flavor. Since the USDA quality grades (Prime, Choice, Select and Standard) are based mainly on marbling levels, one would expect those grades to predict level of flavor acceptance. So we should not be surprised that is just what years of research have shown (See Fig. 1). Still, our understanding of beef flavor continues to grow. A recent study (2014) by Dr. Travis O’Quinn and colleagues at Texas Tech University showed consumer panels only found 4% of Prime and 7.2% of Premium Choice unacceptable, compared to rejecting 20% of Select beef. O’Quinn’s work at Colorado State University with trained panels was even more dramatic. Consumers with experience in detecting flavor differences rated the lower marbling steaks very unacceptable. Marbling at the Select or lower level meant less than a 30% chance of a positive eating experience. So here are some things you likely did not know about beef flavor— perhaps your first lesson in food chemistry. Marbling cells contain “species specific” carbonyl compounds that create beef’s unique taste. Marbling influences not only flavor, but another key beef palatability trait as well: tenderness. For years, meat scientists held that marbling accounted for no more than 10% of variation in tenderness. Today, research suggests 30% to 40% of tenderness variation relates to the level of marbling. Extensive research studies have shown that genetics, days on feed, breed, feeding grain vs. grass-fattening affect beef flavor… but interestingly all of them come back to the changes those variables cause in marbling levels. Genetic opportunities to select for flavor are particularly appealing. Heritability of marbling is relatively high (.3-.4), so genetic selection can result in great progress. Moreover, DNA markers for marbling are well identified, further enhancing genetic potential for change. As noted meat scientist Dr. Gary Smith stated, “People will pay more for greater satisfaction, and taste is their measure of satisfaction in food.” Profit-minded beef producers must always pay attention to those wise words. Figure 1. Does Eating Satisfaction Relate to USDA Quality Grades?

24 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Our Angus Family George W. Crenshaw, 91, a notable and long-standing figure in the Kansas livestock industry, died November 26, 2014 at his home in western Wabaunsee County after a long illness. Crenshaw, a lifelong cattleman, was an early and persistent advocate for Angus cattle. In 1946, he was appointed Purebred Beef Herdsman at Kansas State University, and for decades continued a close relationship with the University and its programs in agriculture science and veterinary medicine. In 1950, Crenshaw and his wife, June, moved to Olathe, where he was herdsman at the Blackpost Ranch, and six years later purchased the first parcel of what would be Shamrock Farms, their longtime home in the northern Flint Hills near Wabaunsee. In short time, Crenshaw’s registered Angus cattle became fixtures at state, regional and national livestock shows. He was especially known for taking his cattle by train and by tractor-trailer to national shows in Phoenix, Denver and Dallas, and was instrumental locally in managing 40 consecutive annual Angus sales with Hammerlund Angus Farms.Shamrock Farms Angus cattle also were familiar winners at competitions in Illinois, Mississippi, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Missouri and New Mexico. His awards included grand national champion steers at the Denver Stock Show (1942). In ceremonies at Kansas State University in 1993, George and June Crenshaw became the first couple to be inducted into the Stockman Hall of Fame. Over the years, Crenshaw garnered countless awards and recognitions for his land stewardship, herdsmanship and community organizing. He generously gave his time to Wabaunsee 4-H clubs, Kansas State University athletics, county township boards, and County Fair boards, the Wabaunsee School Board, Zeandale Community Church and the Kansas State Foundation Board. He coached local baseball teams and mentored young Angus breeders. He was a member and past president of the Kansas Angus Association. The Crenshaws also were known for a tradition of generosity at the dinner table. Over the decades neighbors were always welcome at Halloween for June’s fresh donuts. For July 4, the Crenshaws annually invited the community for Angus burgers and fireworks at Shamrock Hill, a summit that overlooked miles of the region’s rolling grassland. And for decades, the Crenshaws were known to open their home to Fellowship of Christian Athletes, coaches and players in all K-State sports, especially those far from their own homes and families. Crenshaw also ensured that his piece of the Flint Hills was available for Easter church services, political fund-raisers and family reunions. He thrived on the energy of these social events and relished in sharing with others the land he treasured. George William Crenshaw was born August 6, 1923, to Archie and Christine Crenshaw on a family farm north of Attica, Kan. He was president of his class and graduated salutatorian from Attica High School in 1941. He married June Hunt, of Attica, on February 7, 1945 at the Hunt farm in Attica. He was preceded in death by two daughters, Joan Elaine and Julia Marie; his son-in-law Jim Kleve, his brother Howard Crenshaw and sisters Cora McIntyre, Anna Mae Martin and Helen Sanford. Survivors include the widow, of the home; a brother, Eldon, of Ottawa; three daughters, Rebecca Rice (husband John Marshall), Lindsborg; Christy Crenshaw, rural Manhattan; Nancy Crenshaw-Miller (husband Paul), Alma; and a son, Roy (wife Sue Harris Crenshaw), rural Manhattan; and three granddaughters: Valeri Crenshaw (husband Kyle Roehler) Kansas City, Mo.; Julia Crenshaw-Smith, Parkville, Mo; and Coye Kleve-Culver (husband John Culver), Topeka. The body has been cremated. A memorial service will be held in the spring, with the date to be announced later by the family. The ashes will be spread at Shamrock Farms and the funeral urn buried in the family plot at Wabaunsee Cemetery. The family suggests memorial donations to the Kansas Junior Angus Association. Send to Kansas Jr Angus Association, c/o Kansas Angus Association, 5201 E Rd 110, Scott City, Ks 67871.

Lynne Hinrichsen , Westmoreland, Kansas is President of American Angus Auxiliary Loyal Breed Supporters The American Angus Auxiliary is a network of likeminded women with shared enthusiasm for the Angus breed and its future generations. Members are scattered across the country and reflect nearly every demographic in the cattle business. Recently the group of volunteer leaders gathered for annual activities, held in conjunction with the first-ever Angus Means Business National Convention and Trade Show Nov. 4-6 in Kansas City. The Auxiliary hosted the organization’s Annual Meeting, Annual Breakfast, the Miss American Angus competition, and many other social events. “The week of the Annual Meeting is always a special time,” says Lynne Hinrichsen, incoming president of the American Angus Auxiliary. “Not only do we have our Annual Meeting, where the membership comes in and takes care of our business for the last year and the coming year, but we also get to visit and get to know each other better through receptions and other activities.”

The Auxiliary’s 2014 Regional Directors are: Region 1, Kathy Dubs, Montana; Region 2, Cindy Ahearn, Texas; Region 3, Shally Rogen, South Dakota; Region 4, Melanie Kiani, Mississippi; Region 5, Rachel Frost, Illinois; and Region 6, Marlene Dukehart, Maryland. Regional Directors are a source for information for interested members throughout the country. “We come from all different types of backgrounds. Anyone who has a passion for the Angus breed, helping youth and just being involved with a great organization that showcases the camaraderie of women is welcome to join our group,” Hinrichsen says. Continuing an annual tradition The Auxiliary hosted their Annual Breakfast Nov. 5 in the KCI Expo Cen ter, just prior to the day’s National Angus Convention events. Nearly 300 people enjoyed the meal, which featured the Certified Angus Beef® brand,

followed by entertainment by the BassLine Quartet of Saint Joseph, Mo. North Carolina was in the spotlight during the event, as the Auxiliary paid tribute to Cortney Holshouser, retiring president, and her home state. Each attendee was given a handmade plate that was made in North CaroDuring the Auxiliary’s Annu- lina and etched with an Angus calf. Even the table decorations offered a hint of North Carolina – cotton balls and tobacco roses made from cured al Meeting on Nov. 4, the tobacco leaves were included in the flower arrangements to represent the group elected the 2014state’s agricultural background. 2015 officers and regional directors. Members of the newly-elected officer team In addition, the 2014 Miss American Angus, Catherine Harward, adare: President Lynne Hin- dressed the crowd on her year of service to the Angus breed. The Angus Gift Barn is also a popular fundraiser for the Auxiliary each richsen, Westmoreland, Kan.; President-elect Carla year, and National Angus Convention participants enjoy shopping their Malson, Parma, Idaho; Sec- newest items for sale. Angus clothing, jewelry, household items, framed prints and much more were available for purchase in Kansas City. retary-Treasurer Julie Murnin, Huntley, Mont.; and “The Angus Gift Barn is really our largest fundraiser for the Auxiliary,” Hinrichsen says. “That money goes toward scholarships, awards and the Advisor Cortney Holprograms we support for junior Angus members. Here in Kansas City, shouser, Castalia, N.C. we’ve had a very successful week for Gift Barn sales.” The newly elected president, Lynne Hinrichsen, Lynne Hinrichsen, President 2015 has served as president of About the American Angus Auxiliary The American Angus Auxiliary consists of individuals interested in the the Kansas Angus Auxiliary, regional director for the American Angus welfare of the Angus breed. Its members work to provide educational Auxiliary, and is a member of the American Angus Association and Kansas Angus Association. Along with her husband, Ron, and children, Cale activities for junior Angus members, such as scholarship programs, and Eva, the Hinrichsen family raises Angus cattle on R&L Angus in West- awards and competitions. For more information about the American Angus Auxiliary, visit www.angusauxiliary.com. moreland, Kan. The upcoming president-elect is Carla Malson. Together with her husband, Mark, their family manages the Malson Angus and Herefords operation. Malson has served as advisor for the Idaho and Western States Junior Angus Associations, and president of the Western States Angus Auxiliary.

_News release provided by American Angus Association

Members are also proud to welcome Secretary-Treasurer Julie Murnin of Huntley, Mont. She is a past regional director for the Auxiliary and a member of the Montana Angus Auxiliary, serving as the vice president. She and her husband, Jared, are advisors for the Montana Junior Angus Association, and they have two children, Claire and Cooper. The retiring president, Cortney Holshouser, hails from Castalia, N.C. She has served as an officer of the North Carolina Angus Auxiliary, and she and her husband, Karl, have been advisors to the North Carolina Junior Angus Association. Together, they manage Castalia Cattle Company where they offer custom flush and embryo transfer work. 25 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

26 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News

The Only Angus Sale Managers in Business Nine Consecutive Decades

Tom Burke 816/853-2697


Kurt Schaff 816/520-6447


Jeremy Haag 816/516-1309


Cattle for sale? If you have a herd of cattle for sale, whether it is a complete herd or a group of cattle, call us TODAY. We will be glad to come to your farm or ranch at NO OBLIGATION to advise you on the best way to merchandise them. Make your next Angus sale a Hall of Fame Sale! Visit our website for current sale listings www.angushall.com

7-Jan Double R Bar Online Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Plymouth, IN) 8-Jan Leonard Newman 54th Online Embryo Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Carmel, IN) 10-Jan Tanner Farms Angus & Sim-Angus Bull Sale, Wiggins, MS 15-Jan (N) Trowbridge Invitational Angus Sale, Denver, CO 22-Jan Eastern Regional Online Fundraiser, hosted by Angus Live (Lewisburg, WV) 23-Jan Mill Bar Angus 16th Annual Production Sale, Hayes Center, NE, sale at McCook, NE 24-Jan Gretsch Brothers Angus Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Colbert, GA 25-Jan Drysdale Angus Production Sale, Wabasha, MN, sale at Lanesboro, MN 6-Feb Spring Valley Ranch Production Sale, Bassett, NE 7-Feb Swearngin Angus Production Sale, Lawrence, KS 10-Feb Carlson Angus Production Sale, Regent, ND 13-Feb Mohnen Angus Performance-Tested Bull Sale, White Lake, SD 14-Feb Factory Direct Pitchers & Catchers Spring Production Sale, held in conjunction with Purdue AGR Show, West Lafayette, IN 14-Feb Schaff Angus Valley Sale, St. Anthony, ND 15-Feb Nathan Palm Angus Bull and Female Sale, Estelline, SD, sale at Watertown, SD 16-Feb Albrecht/Penz President's Day Angus Bull and Commercial Female Sale, at the Clay Freeny Ranch, Caddo, OK

16-Feb 21-Feb 21-Feb 21-Feb 28-Feb 28-Feb

Koupal Angus Ranch Spring Bull and Female Sale, Dante, SD Byergo Angus Sale, Savannah, MO North Alabama Bull Sale (Lindstrom, Stewart & Mann), Cullman, AL Riley Brothers Angus Sale, Darlington, WI Gaffney Family Cattle Angus Sale, Barneveld, WI RV Bar Annual Performance-Tested Angus Bull and Female Sale, Jensen, UT

P O Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089 ▪ 816/532-0811 ▪ Fax: 816/532-0851

www.angushall.com ▪ angushall@earthlink.net

Send in Your 2015 Sale Date Today

KS Angus Calendar Jan 1- Mar 15

kansasangus@wbsnet.org KAA Members and KAN advertisers may list their sale on this calendar. It is the responsibly of the member to provide sale/ event date.

01/24/15 01/25/15

Kansas Angus Ass'n Annual Meeting/Banquet and Futurity Jr. Show

Hutchinson, KS

2/7/2015 2/18/2015

Swearngin Angus Bull & Commercial Female Sale O K & T Angus Breeders Sale

Lawrence, KS Buffalo, OK

For more sale and event dates visit www.kansasangus.org or www.angus.org


Lundgren Angus Ranch

Gove, KS


Mill Creek Ranch

Alma, KS


GG&T Cattle Co.

Quinter, KS


TC Ranch

Franklin, NE


Southwest Angus Genetics Bull Sale

Dodge City, KS


Lazy H Ranch

Hays, KS


Lyons Ranch

Manhattan, KS

3/4/2015 3/4/2015

Carcass Plus Bull Sale- Poland Angus Ranch Spring Valley Farms

Isabel, KS Agra, KS

3/5/2015 3/6/2015

JMB Angus & Friends Bull Sale Kansas State Un. Sale

Sharon Springs, KS Manhattan, KS


Laflin Angus Ranch

Olsburg, KS


Don Johnson Bull Sale

at Farmers & Ranchers, Salina, KS


Stucky Ranch

Kingman, KS

The length of the calendar in each issue is at the discretion of the editor.


BJ Angus Genetics

Manhattan, KS


McCurry Angus Ranch Bull Sale

Burrton, KS


Bar S Ranch

Paradise, KS


Mill Brae Ranch

Maple Hill, KS


SF Farms PT Bull Sale

Garnett, KS


April Valley Farm PT Bull & Female Sale

Leavenworth, KS @St. Joesph, Mo

Event is a sale unless otherwise noted.

27 ▪ January 2015 ▪ Kansas Angus News



Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | 1 p.m. Isabel, Kansas at Poland Angus Ranch Sires Represented: : ING LUD War Party SELLING 80 ANGUS BULLS, INC Complement Poss Total Impact Final Product 30 Fall Yearling Angus Bulls In Focus Waylon ls Bul us Ang g rlin Yea ing 50 Spr Frontman

Complement EPDs: CED: +13, BW: +0.2, WW: +64, YW: +115 MILK: +21, MARB: +.82, REA: +.50, $B: +110.71

Final Product EPDs: CED: +12, BW: +0.8, WW: +65, YW: +117 MILK: +29, MARB: +.35, REA: +.75, $B: +77.94


Richard Poland 11230 NE Harvest Rd. | Isabel, KS 67065 (620) 739-4587 - home | (620) 886-1720 - cell www.polandangus.com

War Party EPDs: CED: +3, BW: +1.8, WW: +66, YW: +124 MILK: +43, MARB: +.55, REA: +1.14, $B: +117.33

Poss Total Impact EPDs: CED: –6, BW: +3.1, WW: +73, YW: +125 MILK: +14, MARB: +1.09, REA: +.51, $B: +106.21


Berry Bortz 30142 NE 100th Ave. | Preston, KS 67583 (620) 656-4425 - home | (620) 546-6077 - cell www.cbfarms.org

Number 595

Kansas Angus Association Dated material please do not delay

5201 E Road 110 Scott City, KS 67871

Hinkson Angus Ranch

Optimum Performance Bull Sale! >ÀV Ê£Ç]ÊÓä£xÊUÊ£\ääÊ«° °

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January 2015

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Frank Hinkson (620) 273-6747 www.hinksonangus.com

Trey Hinkson (620) 794-3407 treyhinkson@sbcglobal.net

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