3C / NLC 54th Annual Bull Sale

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Join us March 21, 2025 for our 54th annual production sale!

What a great time to be in the beef business!

For decades, as producers, we’ve often received the short straw on payday. Nevertheless, the cattlemen pressed on.

Building better beef and ensuring our world has the best slice of protein a person can consume is often a tiring, thankless occupation but as cattle producers we are too motivated, too obsessed, too passionate and maybe too ignorant to quit. Like all markets there are changes and upsets, mountain tops are gradually climbed & reached. While we’d all love to put a stake in & settle at this pinnacle point in the cattle market, this present positive price rise isn’t a time to become complacent or comfortable. To keep our red meat in demand we must continue improving!

Inputs are still high and Mother Nature is always here to remind us we can’t change the weather. Vigor at birth, perfect udder structure, sound feet, high fertility are just as important to us as above average growth to capture more pounds on payday.

This has been an exciting offering to develop. We’ve made several cuts to ensure to top end is what we present to on March 21, we can’t wait to see you on sale day!

In good company… as the old adage says “you’re only as good as the company you keep”… we must say we are blessed with remarkable friends, neighbors and day to day help. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the friendship and for our customers’ support in our program. Never hesitate to call with a question or suggestion.

Thank you from the Christensen & Dunsmore families

From left to right; The Fagerhaugs- Cam, Lawson (10), Cecil (6) , Tyler, Kit Colleen (2) Carly Christensen & John Christensen
The Dunsmores -Chase (15), Rick, Swayzee (14), NaLani,& NaLea (22)

We recommend that you register by, March 19, 2025 for on-line bidding. Every attempt will be made to complete your application even if it is on sale day.

AFTER THE SALE: Contact John Christensen to make arrangements for payment, delivery or pickup of your purchases.

ANY QUESTIONS: Justin Dikoff, 605-290-0635


54th Annual Bull & Heifer Sale

Friday, March 21, 2025 at the ranch, Wessington, SD -Complimentary lunch at noon-


Sale Day Phones

Sale Barn -(605) 458-2456

John (605) 350-1278

NaLani (605) 350-5216


Rick (605) 354-7523

Cam (605) 350-2018

Tyler (605) 280-1416

Marketing Team


Dustin Carter (712) 898-9972

Sales Staff:

Jeff Kapperman - Tri-State Neighbor (605) 940-5104

Kadon Leddy - Cattle Business Weekly (605) 924-0757

Kelly Klein -TSLN (701) 320-5817

Justin Dikoff - DVAuction (605) 290-0635

Dr. Ken Odde - American Simmental Assoc. (605) 848-4479

Chris Effling - Special Assignment (605) 769-0142

Wade Christensen - Kimball Livestock Exch. (605) 730-1801

Jim Scheel - Special Assignment (605) 545-1521

Jeremie Ruble - Special Assignment (406) 581-7940

Why Buy 3C/NLC?

• LARGE SIRE GROUPS = this allows you to evaluate what a sire passes on & which of our genetics fit your program best. It also allows you to purchase as many 1/2 and 3/4 brothers to run together to create a more uniform group of feeder calves or replacement heifers.

• Our bulls are BRED to grow in harsh conditions with little input... not fed to look good on sale day = We do not creep feed our calves so we can test not only the calf’s true performance but the cow’s ability to raise a calf on her own. Did you know that creep feeding your heifer calves decreases their overall milk production by 25%? (it decreases mammary development)

• YEARS OF EXPERIENCE = This is our 54th year offering bulls for sale at public auction. We have YOU, our customer, in mind when we are planning matings, selecting our own herd bulls, when we are culling for disposition, performance, maternal traits, & structure... it’s all about YOU!

• AFFORDABILITY = There’s no fluff, hype or smoke and mirrors here, what they bring at auction is determined by our customers. Haul your own cattle home from the sale or come pick them up soon after and receive $50 off each one!

• GUARANTEED = Our bulls are guaranteed to work, to breed and to last. We receive numerous compliments that our bulls are agressive breeders, stay sound during breeding season and are maintenance free, easy keepers.

• YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE HERE TO BID = A video of the entire sale offering is available at dvauction.com and you can bid and buy there too! We buy several cattle sight unseen for customers every year. Call one of us or one of our reliable sale reps listed on page 3 for any questions on particular animals!

Cattle & Sale Information


The actual measurements plus one adjusted for a year of age are both printed in the catalog. The 3C bulls’ scrotals were taken on 1/19/2025, NLC bulls were done 1/17/2025. Scrotals are measured in centimeters.


Birth weights are printed as the actual birth weight. The weaning and yearling weights and ratios for weaning and yearling were all processed by the American Simmental Association including those sired by Angus. COLOR

All bulls in the offering are tested for Homozygous black and polled but parentage tested as well. Homozygous black cattle do not have any red genes and will not sire red calves. Since white can be dominant over black they can still have white on them.

If both parents are black the animal might be homozygous black but if not confirmed by DNA test they will be listed as double black. If a bull has been DNA tested red carrier or is from one red parent he will be listed heterozygous black. If used on red cows that are non-diluted about half the offspring will be black, if used on a black cows, most of the offspring will be black out of a heterozygous black bull.


Ultrasound data is included in the catalog, right in the lot box. Taken February 13th, 2025.


Since bulls will be 11 months of age average by sale day, many are too young to be evaluated much in advance of the sale. We fully guarantee these bulls and the fall bulls will pass the breeding soundness evaluation before the breeding season. For $150/hd you can leave your bull purchases here until May 1, 2024 and we will semen test them for you!


Free delivery to Central stockyard locations in the Dakotas and adjacent states or we will make arrangements and pay half the expenses elsewhere in the continental U.S. on the individually lotted cattle. $50 discount if you haul your own cattle sale day. This year we will offer for $150/hd you can leave your bulls with us until May 1 and we will semen test them for you. We will still assist with delivery options as well.


Cattle may be seen anytime at the ranch. Bulls will be penned by sire groups as much as possible. This allows you to observe what each sire passes to his progeny.

21830 372nd Ave., Wessington, SD

Directions to the Ranch

From the Southwest – Get off of Interstate 90 at Reliance exit 248. Take Hwy 47 northeast 19 miles to Fort Thompson, then take Hwy 34 east 22 miles to the junction of Hwy 45 & go north on Hwy 45 12 miles to 216th St. (asphalt), then go 12 miles east to 372nd Ave. & turn south by the 3C/NLC sign & go 2.25 miles.

From Kimball – Take Hwy 45 north 35 miles to 216th St. (asphalt), then go 12 miles east to 372nd Ave. & turn south by the 3C/NLC sign & go 2.25 miles.

From Miller – Take Hwy 45 south 18 miles to 216th St. (asphalt), then go 12 miles east to 372nd Ave. & turn south by the 3C/NLC sign & go 2.25 miles.

From Wessington – Take 374th Ave. (asphalt) south 14 miles to 216th St. & turn west up big hill & go 2 miles west past 3C Christensen Ranch sign to 3C/NLC sign & take 372nd Ave. 2.25 miles south.

From Huron – Take Hwy 14 west to Hwy 281 & go south 1 mile on Hwy 281 to the 9th St. road (209th street) & go 12 miles west to 374th Ave. & go 7 miles south to 216th St. & turn west up big hill & go 2 miles west past 3C Christensen Ranch sign to 3C/NLC sign & take 372nd Ave. 2.25 miles south.

From Wessington Springs – Take Hwy 34 west 7 miles to 374th Ave. & go north 10 miles to 3C/NLC sign at 218th St. & go west 2 miles.




Leading off our 54th bull sale this super deep set of 13 bulls sired by B A R Dynamic. ABS rates him the highest satisfaction sire in their lineup. People that utilize him are most happy his progeny covers all the bases from calving ease to performance to carcass and maternal. The first 3 bulls in the offering are all from KBHR Genesis daughters. Luke Keller will tell you his 106Z cow does more udder improvement than any bloodline. Our KBHR Genesis bulls was an ACE accredited sire for calving ease. Lot 1 is multiple generations calving ease yet a tremendous 170 yearling with high marbling and a big rib eye. Not just good on paper he is made right. Sound moving, smooth shouldered yet still a big topped powerhouse. We can’t wait for you to check out this true herd sire prospect with high breeder bull potential!

Lot 1
Lot 1

19923789 - Lots 1-13

Lot 2
Lot 3

HETEROZYGOUS BLACK / HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Larger framed bull that really performed post weaning.

HOMOZYGOUS BLACK / HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Big nice bull with tremendous depth of rib.




We used Brickyard heavy on our commercial heifers and sparingly on our registered first calf heifers. We wish we would’ve bred them all to him! This bull embodies what Brickyard does as a sire- adding length of spine, maternal traits and performance.

410M’s young dam raised him right and gave him her extra classy look the Favor’s are known for. The 231K cow comes from a long line of perfect udders and feet.

This one marbled off the charts!! HEIFER BULL M2065 is a bull we’ve considered keeping to use on our own heifers. The Rainmakers are heavy

S S Brickyard- Reference Sire to lot 14
Basin Rainmaker 4404- Reference Sire to lot 15

AFCR Lawman 320L - Maternal brother to lot 16 2024 $20,000 high seller to traxinger simmentals contact mike traxinger for semen

HOMOZYGOUS BLACK / HOMOZYGOUS POLLED WHAT IS A LAND BEAST? We think it’s a lot 16. This bull turns more heads and packs the red meat more than any in the offering.

We used Bridle Bit Resource to increase fleshing ability and maternal traits and this bull is exactly what we imagined when making this mating. His dam is knocking on the door of year 9 and still our best producing cow. We’ve been saying it for years but the Avenue cows are some of the few that add both milk and performance.

A nearly 18 inch actual ribeye this bull offers a smooth route to capturing the value in every facet of the beef industry.

Check out his enhanced EPDs- Lot 16 ranks in the top 30% for CE and offers the rare opportunity to capture both GROWTH and MATERNAL, placing in the top 10% for WW, YW, & Milk. With MCE and MWW in the top 20% we hope to work with lot 16’s new owner and collect him for our own use.

Lot 16
Tattoo: 417M
afcr Daisy Dukes 628D B :: dam to lot 16
Bridle bit resource g9117

Offering a large group of TNT Tanker sons! Tanker consistently sires sound structure complementing Angus base cow herds for top selling feeders. The Tanker daughters are tremendously productive. The Lot

Lot 17
Lot 17

HOMOZYGOUS BLACK / HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Larger framed bull packed with performance. The Complement daughters are proving to be excellent cows. Keep the daughters out of this guy.

Big stretchy bull that should add frame to a set of Angus cows.


Kilo was one of the highest performing bulls in his contemporary group and has a great dispostion. This is his first calf crop and his sons really seemed to perform as well.

Lot 29
Lot 27
Lot 28

Lot 30


Gentle disposition on this heavy weight Tanker grandson.

Lot 32

3C/NLC - March 21, 2025 at the ranch,


Lot 34



ERICA 8120




Take a look at this guy, he is one cool cat! He will create those awesome feeder calves that the buyers are looking to feed. Homozygous black and polled, depth of body,

hair, and sound. As a baby calf he was


Firesteel 1123 - Reference Sire to lots 34, 80-84




Lot 35
PB SM //











HOMOZYGOUS BLACK / HOMOZYGOUS POLLED of the late, great Olie. Performance and class bred into this guy. I just sold an Olie daughter last year that was 17 years old. How’s that for longevity!


Lot 37

elite 41J - reference sire to lots 40-42

Wow, look at what we have here! If you are looking for something different, purebred, different breed, attractive, and sound. This is your man! His dam is one of the most capacious, massive simmental cows you can find anywhere and boasts 105 weaning ratios on her calves. This guy is intriguing and worth a hard look.

HOMOZYGOUS BLACK / HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Attractive, long bodied, blaze faced bull to make those good white faced feeders. Great feet and udders in this cow family. Dam has 101 ww ratio on 4 calves 109 yw ratio. Great performance here!




Good carcass scan on a high performing larger framed Heath son. Sound all around performance in the Heath sire group.


This bull is always a favorite when going through them. He ranks high in his contemporaries and has a great disposition.

3C Heath 0604H B - ASA#
Lot 46


BLACK / HOMOZYGOUS POLLED A lot of depth in this bull. Should really add pounds to a calf crop. Great disposition.



This sire group is just the right place to shop for FRAME , LENGTH and PERFORMANCE. The lot 52’s dam is a heavy milking Gladiator daughter with perfect foot structure.

HOMOZYGOUS BLACK / HOMOZYGOUS POLLED With high market values why not bring the heavy weights to town? This is the pounds heaviest bull in the offering and one of the largest framed. If you sell your calves off the cow in the fall this guy is a sure bet to add value to your calf crop.

Lot 53
Lot 52

This super sound bull carries a lot of meat in a moderate package.

Sons of Schooley Jacque 823J ASA# 3908790 :: Lots 56-61

The schooley jacque’s are great structured with an attractive, practical profile they are on the moderate side for birth weight and the top end of the heavy cut of bulls. We are excited to see these genetics continue on here- expect a large offering in 2026!


Another highlight bull with an outscross pedigree. Nice bull in a more moderate package. A lot of performance in this bull.

Lot 58
Lot 62


Two generations of accredited calving ease (ACE) with above average performance. 24K is a beautiful uddered KBHR Genesis 2 year old.

Lot 65

Lot 64


This bull should’ve been pictured but was so dirty that day we decided to make you wait for his video to be posted. His length of spine and above average carcass traits will produce great feeders!!


He has added length to burn with the style of his sire. His cashflow dam has an excellent udder and perfect feet. Great cow that raised a great bull.


Homozygous black and homozygous polled and homozygous fancy! If you have been in search of a beautiful baldy bull your search is over. This guy has been an eye catch all summer and looks like he could walk into the show ring. His dam 9180G boasts a 104 ww ratio and 104 yw ratio on her calves. Many beautiful cows in this family.

Lot 69

HOMOZYGOUS BLACK / HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Deep bodied, big middled 4J son. His dam 9065G

Great looking purebred Angus bull. Tons of length and volume. He is as good as you can find. Dam was purchased from Panther Creek.

Purebred Angus bull that we purchased this dam and him from Dodds Angus Ranch in Nebraska. So proud of his dam, I can’t wait to see what she does for our program! Great udder and feet on this female. Her son will do great things for your program.


Born unassisted out of a

heifer. This guy should be a sure



Lots 83 & 84 are twin bulls out of a first calf heifer! The dam of these bulls is a female out of canada who is a registered purebred female. We have not been able to get her registered but make no bones about it, she is a great young cow. Easy fleshing possible heifer bulls.

HOMOZYGOUS BLACK / HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 0081H is one of the favorite cows at NLC. She boosts 110 ww ratio and 104 yw ratio on her calves. The thanken grand dam had 106 ww ratio and 101 yw ratio on her calves. Predictability and sound breed into this guy.

This pen of Essential sons is very uniform- long spined, smooth made with moderate birth weights. These eye appealing herd bull prospects have beautiful sisters in the replacement heifer pen and we can’t wait to see what they are like once they get into production. The lot 87 bull is one we considered keeping for ourselves. He stems from highly productive cow family and his first calf heifer dam did a great job. This guy marbled extremely well and ranked in the top end for both WW & YW while still maintaining high maternal traits.


Lots 89 & 90 would really match up great together. Both of these Essential sons carry Avenue on their bottom side. If you’re looking for long spined, smooth shouldered cattle with some eye appeal these are the bulls to look over. The 909G cow has perfect feet and a fault free udder.

3C/NLC - March 21, 2025 at the

The Kips are the largest sire group and offer a calving ease/maternal set of traits. They are all around easy calving, problem free offspring with good structure. Lots 92 and 93 are from the same cow family with outstanding performance and carcass. Here’s an opportunity to put a group of ½ brothers together with a closely related bottom side. Both bulls are similiar in kind and performance. The lot 92 is more expressive in his muscle shape while lot 93 is longer spined and bigger framed. Both bulls have excellent dispositions.

Lot 92
Lot 92

Lot 95

Lot 95

Lot 99

Lot 101

Lot 101

Lot 106
Lot 107
KBHR Genesis G137 :: sire to LOt 107

Lot 111

The only Broad Range in the offering and he is a good one! From a smaller birthweight he really stepped on the gas after weaning. Stylish bull with a bald face and gentle disposition.

Lot 113
Lot 112

Lot 114

3C FLINT 8483F B

PB SM // Blk

gw copperhead 919g - ASA# 3549340 sire to lots 109 & 110

Lot 124

3C/NLC - March 21, 2025 at the ranch, Wessington, SD

NLC Registered Heifer Offering

Selling the entire nlc 2024 heifer crop

Lot 201
Lot 202
Lot 207

Lot 212

Tattoo: 4595M DOB: 4/24/24 Polled

Lot 213
Lot 214


Lot 217

Lot 217

Lot 219

Lot 217
Commercial Angus x Maine // Blk

4521M DOB: 4/5/24 Polled 205 Adj. Wt: 500 Ratio: BWT:

Tattoo: 4549M DOB:

Tattoo: 4533M DOB: 4/10/24 Polled

Lot 239

Irish Whiskey
Commercial Angus x Maine // Blk

NLC Commercial Heifer Offering selling

Whiskey Commercial Angus x Maine // Blk

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