The Brown Swiss Bulletin January 2025

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Swiss Expo Report

Nominations The Evolution of Alpha-Creek n DUTCH-MARIE DUNDEE ALLIE 2E93/93ms National Total Performance & Cow for All Seasons

Senior 2 Year Old

Carter x Kruses Victor Jiterbug ET E91

4th International Show, 2024

Grand Champ. Fort Worth Stock Show, 2024

Nom. AA Yearling in Milk, 2023

Winter Yearling

Foremost x Arethusa Naughty or Nice ET 2E93

5th International Show, 2024

1st Northeast Show, 2024

Fall Calf

Norwin x Cutting Edge P Sherry 3E94

1st International Show, 2024

Junior Champion Ohio State Fair Open & Jr Shows, 2024

the brown swiss Bulletin NSIDE

NATIONAL OFFICERS: PRESIDENT ‘26 Brian Pacheco Pacheco Dairy, 19950 W. Belmont Ave, Kerman CA 93630 p: 559.647.6850 | e:

VICE PRESIDENT ‘26 Dayne Voelker Voelkers Swiss, 8229 N. Hwy 61, Perryville, MO 63775 p: 573.513.1410 | e:

EXEC. SECRETARY Norman C. Magnussen

National Brown Swiss Assoc., 800 Pleasant St., Beloit, WI 53511-5456 p: 608.365.4474 | f: 608.365.5577 e:


DISTRICT I – ‘26 Richard Hill Hill’s Valley Farm, 11144 Mosher Hollow Rd, Cattaraugus, NY 14719 p: 716.257.3660 | e:

DISTRICT II – ‘25 Bruce Heilinger Heilinger Swiss, 225 Heffelfinger Rd, Lebanon, PA 17046 p: 717.507.7602 | e:

DISTRICT III – ‘27 Sherry Smith Kiss Swiss, 12203 Midland Oil Rd, Glenford, OH 43739 p: 330.465.2376 | e:

DISTRICT IV – ‘27 Brent Moyer Pinnacle Swiss, 2647 E. Caro Rd., Caro, MI 48723 p: 989.553.4333 | e:

DISTRICT V – ‘26 Laurie Winkelman Twinkle-Hill Farm, 3129 W Ryegrass Dr, Appleton, WI 54913 Ph: 920.209.0250 | e:

DISTRICT VI – ‘27 Dayne Voelker Voelkers Swiss, 8229 N. Hwy 61, Perryville, MO 63775 p: 573.513.1410 | e:

DISTRICT VII – ‘26 Matt Hendel 14306 Gap Rd., Caledonia, MN 55921 p: 507.458.7680 | e:

DISTRICT VIII – ‘25 Marc Wailes Double W Farm Dairy, 416 South Campbell Avenue, Holyoke, CO 80734 p: 970.520.5406 | e:

DISTRICT IX – ‘25 Dr. Kyle Thompson Wild Acres Ranch, 33410 Road 800, Raymond, CA 93653 p: 559.213.8661 | e:


800 Pleasant St, Beloit, WI 53511-5456 p: 608.365.4474 | f: 608.365.5577

Norman Magnussen

Executive Secretary, ext. 240 | e:

Rebekah Bovee

Creative Projects Specialist, ext. 130 | e:

Allicia Horn

Office Manager, ext. 220 | e:

Rachel Kundert

Registration Specialist, ext. 190 | e:

Dr. Roger Neitzel

Historian/Consultant | e:

Kaylen Miller Youth Courdinator p: 608.214.5564 | e:

*For general inquiries, dial 0 or email:



Motion to approve the 2025 budget. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

Motion to expand our promotion through Instagram with Facebook. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

Motion to increase 1 year subscription by $5 and 3-year subscriptions by $10 on all subscriptions. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

Motion to accept the recommendations from the committee for the new judges Brian Olbrich, Chris Lang, Daniele Galbardi, Josh Fairbanks, Justin Kaufman, Mikayla Krause, and Shawn Nehls to be added to the judges list. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.


Motion to change the bred and owned rule to state that the breeder and owner needs to be exactly the same. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

Motion to take the Northeast National show off of probation. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

Motion to keep the Northeast Spring All Breeds show to stay a qualifying show. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

Motion to make the Mid-Atlantic Invitational show a national show for 2025 only. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

Motion to allow the ages of 11-22 years old are able to apply for the Animal Grant Award and that a purchase order/receipt be submitted by the end of the year of which they were awarded the grant. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

Motion to allow for a non-family Brown Swiss individual to sign on the youth applications. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

Motion to change the travel fund for ambassadors to $2,500 with submission of receipts. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

Motion to approve the Youth budget for 2025. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.

BSCBA Mission Statement

To promote and expand the Brown Swiss breed with programs that assist the membership and industry to compete favorably in the market place now and in the future.

“The extra value of Registered cattle can only be realized when they are, in fact, Registered.” We will help you with that process.

David Jons - Manager or 913-634-3526

Melissa Hart – Editor or 517-398-1957 DAIRY AGENDA TODAY OFFICE STAFF

Chad Griffith - Ohio 513-543-2315

Mary Thomson - Missouri 417-880-5732


Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that 2024 is behind us and 2025 is already here. While I personally do not make any New Year’s resolutions, I look forward to a fresh start with the change of the calendar. As dairymen and farmers, we are the true optimists. We have to be for our mental health. For some unknown reason, we generally believe, or hope, that this coming year will be better than the last. Even during the good years, we generally have this belief. This belief is also true for your Brown Swiss organization.

Your board met in person at our office in Beloit during the first part of December for our winter meeting. I will say that it was a productive meeting. In addition to our normal monthly review of our association, we took a deep dive into several issues and strategized for the future success of the Brown Swiss Association. I will leave the details of that meeting to our Executive Secretary as has been our custom to avoid duplication. However, if you have any questions after reading Norm’s report, please reach out to me or any board member for further clarification.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind our members that the BSA program is very vital to the financial well-being of our association. You should have already received your farm’s renewal packet through your email account or by way of the U.S. mail if the office did not have a good email address. Please renew your membership or consider signing up if you are not already participating in this program. It will save you money and keep our organization financially sound. On a similar note, if you need help with registrations, our staff is just a phone call away and is ready and willing to assist you. The earlier you register your animals, the more money you will save.

While I do not have to worry about breaking any New Year’s resolutions, I am mindful of what may lie ahead. Our world and our industry are changing. As dairymen, we must adapt in order not just to survive but to thrive. Similarly, your board of directors is aware of our changing environment and is taking steps to be prepared for whatever the future may bring. With your help, our association will enjoy many more New Years.


Application Time

If you are anything like me, you get tired of filling out applications and start to wonder if they are actually worth it. As I am nearing the end of my junior years and having already finished my 4-H and FFA careers, I often look back at the time I spent filling out applications and applying for awards and achievements. Looking back now, while they do become time-consuming, I do not regret the time spent on them. An application is what led me to be in this fantastic position.

With all that being said, Juniors, it is time to start working on your junior Brown Swiss applications. The application deadline will be here before you know it! ALL junior applications other than Bell Ringers are due March 31st. Examples of these contests are the Ambassador position, achievement awards, production award and the cheese yield award. Now is the best time to work on these applications. Take it from me: you do not want to procrastinate! If you have any questions about the applications, do not hesitate to reach out. We cannot wait to see all of your fantastic applications and achievements. At the beginning of our term, Isabella and I set a goal to receive 50 applications. Can you help us meet that goal?

- Hannah Loftin 2024-2025 Youth Ambassador

Contact Information:

BS Youth Had A Good Show Season And Year

Have you ever wondered what type of careers fellow Brown Swiss enthusiasts pursue after they age out of junior membership? Since Hannah and I are approaching the end of our junior years, we have been thinking a lot about this. As a tribute to everyone who is now an adult member, we came up with a fun idea of sharing their stories. This tribute will be called “Where are they now Wednesdays”! Every Wednesday, we will post on Facebook and Instagram a short piece about the careers these adults are currently in or their story of how they got involved with Brown Swiss. Our goal with these tribute posts is to inspire youth to dream big for their future and learn about the various paths they can take.

Now that you know what “Where are they now Wednesdays” are, let us talk about how they work. At the bottom of this article is a QR code that will lead to a Google form. We will also post the form on social media. The form will ask a few questions like your name, involvement in Brown Swiss, whether you would like to share about your career or your story, etc. With the information from the form, we will put together a post highlighting the wonderful adults our previous youth have become. Do not forget to add pictures when you fill it out!!

Please fill out the Google form, we would love to have a lot of involvement in this! Also, if you feel uncomfortable filling it out or know others who can, please forward this along and have them do it!

Thank you all!!

Isabella Wilbur 2024-2025 Brown Swiss Youth Alternate Ambassador


The Youth Spotlight Page is sponsored by Dairy Agenda Today







double w Richard Baltimore 2E92

n 1st Aged Cow Kentucky State Fair

n 3rd Aged Cow International Brown Swiss Show

n 4-05 305D 37287M 3.3 1230F 3.2 1173P

n HM All American Yearling in Milk 2019

n Nominated All American Sr. 3 Yr Old 2021

shiloh F Martini Talo V 88

n 1st JR 3-Yr-Old Kentucky State Fair n 4th JR 3-Yr-Old International Brown Swiss Show

n 2-01 305D 26389M 4.0 1035F 3.2 836P

n She is a Martini X Tori

n Talo is due back in 2025 to Timeout

GK Thunder Jadyn E 91

n 1st 5-Yr-Old Southeast National Brown Swiss Show n 4-00 305D 22680M 4.6 1266F 3.2 721P

n All American Yearling in Milk 2021

n Nominated All American Sr. 2 Yr Old 2022

Mark your calendars for April 4, 2025 for the Kentucky National Brown Swiss Sale

Informative Interchange with European Brown Swiss Groups & the Swiss Classic

In November, I traveled to Europe to attend a classifier harmonization and judging workshop in Gisikon, Switzerland (CH), followed by the Swiss Classic Top Sale which was held Nov. 28 in Brunegg, CH, and the Swiss Classic Show on Nov. 30, also in Brunegg.

I arrived in Zurich 7:50am, Monday, Nov. 25th, and took the train to Zug, home of the Switzerland Brown Swiss Association. Martin Rust, Executive Secretary of their association, and I met to compare notes on what our associations might be doing with PPR/GZW formulas going forward. In April, there will be a base change. A conversation was started at World Dairy Expo about the exchange of female genomic results (SNPs). We already share the same information on bulls. An agreement was signed to actively pursue this endeavor.

Tuesday morning, Nov. 26, I had the opportunity to attend the Classifiers workshop in Gisikon, CH. This included classifiers and support staff from Austria (AT), Italy (IT), France (FR), Germany (DE), Slovenia (SI), Spain (ES), and Switzerland (CH). The morning was spent going over possible changes to their linear trait scheme. There was considerable discussion about front feet toe out and how much value to assign to this

Swiss Classic Champions, div 4-10

new trait. As in the US, the other countries involved have 40% of their scorecard value on mammary system. How you get to the 40% does vary slightly. The afternoon was spent at the farm of Roland Lustenberger, Escholzmatt, having an exercise in classification and linear description. Uniformity among European classifiers was the emphasis of this yearly meeting. This will be very important if and when phenotypic data is to be exchanged between the World Brown Swiss associations.

Wednesday morning, Nov. 27, was the judging workshop held at the farm of Durrer Dominik, Kerns. Three classes of cows 4-5 each and two of heifers 5-6 each were placed and discussed by basically the same group as at the classification workshop. Daniele Galbardi, IT, served as the moderator of the workshop.

Thursday, Nov 28, Olivier Bulot, Director of the French BS association, Gaylord Boucard, and I headed to the SwissGenetics young sire daughter display and Swiss Classic Top Sale at the Vianco Arena, in Brunegg, CH. 25 head sold averaging $7954 CHF (about $9000 USD). Top seller was at $25,500 CHF ($28,873 USD). DOB 9/4/24 Brice Bina. Her dam is a Noro x VG Phil X E94 Salomon Siera. 2nd high was $21,000 CHF ($23,777 USD). Swissgen Balu BaldiET DOB 5/14/22, a fresh Kalingen Barca Balu daughter x GP Dreamer x GP Bender x E93 Simbaboy Caluna.

Friday was tour day for an international group arranged by SwissGenetics. The 4 herds toured were: Stefen Knecht, 64 cows; Hansueli Huser, 51 cows, the breeder of Ray.; Armin Schatt, 34 cows; and Michael Lang, 94 cows. All were freestall herds.

Saturday, Nov. 30, was the Swiss Classic Showday also

held at the Vianco Arena in Brunegg, CH. Olivier, Gaylord, and I were at the Show Arena by 10:30am for the 3:30pm start. This gave plenty of time for barn judging and cow talk, which included fellow Yankees, Scott and Ashley Schugel. A few show notes of interest are: Cows are ultra sounded prior to entering the ring. No teat setting or shrinking is allowed; however, sealing is permitted. Ten classes totaling 149 milk cows were presented to judge Dani Gisler. There were 3 classes of first lactation cows (divisions 1-3). A champion (Junior Champion cow) was selected from these 3 classes, and they did not return to the ring again.

Winners of the Swiss Classic: (divisions 4-10) L-R; Reserve Champion, Superstar Yasmin, Franz and Pascal Felder, Marbach, Entlebuch (division 7). Champion & Best Udder, Swizzero Berna, Renzo Blumenthal, Vella GR. (division 6). Hon. Mention Norwin Roxanne, Dominik Durrer, Kerns OW (division 5).

Junior Champions, 1st Lactation Cows, (divisions 1-3) L-R; Reserve Champion, Yule Yella, Beni Schmid, Schüpfheim, Entlebuch. Champion & Best Udder. Rocky Ronja, Beni Schmid & Samuel Reber, Schüpfheim, Entlebuch. Hon Mention, Brice Ladana, Franziska Duss, Escholzmatt, Entlebuch. Of interest Rocky is from the same family as SG Ray.

Note: This European activity was funded through US Livestock Genetics Export (USLGE), a nonprofit, nationwide trade association that brings together a broad base of U.S. livestock organizations representing the international marketing interests of the dairy, beef, swine, horse, goat, and sheep breeding industries.

Judging Workshop
Measuring rump length with a caliper at the classification workshop
Swiss Classic Junior Champions, Div 1-3

Like so many Brown Swiss herds, Boggs Alfa Creek Farm started with just a couple animals — and grew into a 60-cow herd housed with 350 Registered Holsteins.


“When our neighbors sold their farm, they gave my brother and me two Brown Swiss, and we loved them,” Nicki (Boggs) Britton explained. The Boggs farmstead is nestled in the northeastern corner of Ohio, in Andover. “We are five minutes from the Pennsylvania line and 30 minutes from Lake Erie, so we get a lot of snow.”

The family is milking 450 head with 50 dry cows and 120 heifers housed at a local heifer raiser, easing their overcrowding.


Building a double-four parlor and a freestall barn, Ross and Eleanor Boggs started dairy farming full-time in the mid1970s when their son, Robin, made the commitment to stay home and farm. Soon after graduation Robin married Debbie and they started their family. In 2000, their daughter, Nicki Boggs, graduated from The Ohio State University (OSU) and decided to come home to the farm. Two years later, her younger brother, Randy, followed suit and came back to the farm after graduating from OSU Agricultural Technical Institute.

“We were milking 180 cows through the double-four. We made plans to expand with another tunnel-ventilated barn and a bigger parlor, and this February we will celebrate 10 years in the new facility,” Britton said. While they purchased some cows, they have gradually grown the herd to 450 head — “We have a low cull rate, and we’ve had a lot of heifers, so it was a natural expansion.”

The herd is milked three times a day in a double-10 Surge parabone rapid exit parlor and they are housed in sand-bedded free stalls with tunnel ventilation. The calves are kept in Calf-Tel pens inside and fed a probiotic, Priority Calf Gold, along with milk replacer until they are old enough to be on grain and hay. While the Brittons use mostly family help, they also have three employees who work on the farm.


The Brown Swiss herd grew when the Boggs’ siblings were involved in the Buckeye Dairy Club at OSU and purchased a few Brown Swiss in the Buckeye Classic Sale at the Spring Dairy Expo. “We also purchased several cows in eastern Ohio, and at one point we had as many as 100 head in the herd. Today we are milking 60 Brown Swiss cows,” Britton said.

A heifer they purchased 20 years ago was Hilltop Acres Absol Halo ET V88-E90MS. She was a higher-genomic cow, ranking #11 on the CPI list +2015M +48F +50P. Her best record was 4-07 3X 365D 34,918M 3.5% 1204F 2.9% 1034P. “We flushed her, and half of our herd goes back to her. She was a structurally sound cow with a tight udder,” she added. “She wasn’t a huge cow, but she milked well, had good feet and legs, and she has passed those traits on through the generations.”

The Brittons have two daughters, Kelsie and Emma, who are both involved with the cows. Kelsie enjoys helping out with the paperwork on the farm and works with all the genomic testing. “Genomic testing helps us make breeding decisions, and I’ve been learning more and more about it. My FFA teacher is Tom Mazarro, and I take things to him and he helps me read it so I

Kelsie Britton enjoys exhibiting at the state and local shows but she also is responsible for all of the genomic testing for the herd. She is still learning and gets help interpreting the genomic results from her FFA teacher, Tom Mazzaro.

can compare our numbers to others and make better breeding decisions.” Kelsie said.

This sister is partial to the Brown Swiss herd and has had some success in the show ring. At the Ohio State Fair in 2024, she showed Rad-ical Famous Tampa, now scored V86-V87US. She won the Junior Three-YearOld Class and went on to be named Intermediate Champion and Reserve Grand Champion of the open and junior shows. Tampa was purchased at the 2023 Midwest Revue Royale as a bred heifer from Lindsey Rucks-Pettit, FL. Her dam is a maternal sister to Peach-Kist Total Tango 2E95.

“We hope that Tampa will get better with age like Tango did,” Britton remarked. She is pregnant to sexed 54BS635 Prince OCS and has a highergenomic 54BS620 Elan ETV daughter.

Emma went to the local county fair with Alfa Creek Juke Peaches V86-V8MS and won the Junior Three-YearOld class and was named Grand Champion and Supreme Champion. Her mom said, “We are excited to see how Peaches will develop as an older cow.

“We have always purchased animals to expand our genetic base. But those homebred Excellent cows are always a great achievement.” The last time the classifier made a visit, Alfa Creek LC Julia at 5-Yearsold went E91-E90 US. Her best record is 2-10 365D 3X 36,966M 4.5% 1652F 3.1% 1175P.


Perfection ETV, 54BS632 World Class ETV, and 54BS632 Apex Time Out.

“Many of the bulls we use are from New Generation Genetics. Jake Hushon has been very helpful to us with our breeding program. When the genomic tests come back, he will give us a call to let us know if we have a high one,” Britton explained.

The bulls the Brittons are currently using on the Brown Swiss herd include 54BS628 Top Notch ETV, 54BS635 Prince OCS, 54BS618 Crazy Horse ETV, 54BS619 Nashville ET, 179BS15 Jim Beam *TM, 54BS611 Design ET, 54BS616

She has goals for the Brown Swiss herd. “We are breeding for functional type cows with good feet and legs, good udders, with high milk production. We would also like to flush a few of our cows.”

The Holsteins and Brown Swiss are housed together and fed the same ration of corn, BMR corn silage, haylage, mineral supplement and dry hay. The Brittons grow their own feed on 600 acres and custom hire the planting and harvesting. The most recent rolling herd average for the Brown Swiss herd: 24883M 4.8 1188F 3.3 810P. And the rolling herd average for the Holstein herd is: 29458M 4.6 1362F 3.1 927P.

Kelsie will begin her college career this fall at OSU and wants to return to the farm upon graduation. She would like to construct a new free-stall barn to house the dry cows and heifers; in addition, she would like to build new calving facilities.

In the winter Alfa Creek Farm boils anywhere from 150-400 gallons of maple syrup and in the summer, they grow sweet corn to sell locally. Britton’s husband, Gary, works with his family’s crop farm, where they run 5,000 acres of corn and soybeans.

Standing in the Reserve Grand Champion and Intermediate Champion spot with Rad-ical Famous Tampa at the Ohio State Fair was a major highlight in 2024 for Alfa Creek Farm.
Alfa Creek Farm is tucked into the Northeast corner of Ohio where they milk 450 cows and 60 of them are Registered Brown Swiss.
Rad-ical Famous Tampa, now scored V86-V87 was named Reserve Grand Champion of the 2024 Ohio State Fair junior and open shows.

The 59th Annual All-American contest is moving into phase II. 2024 had 147 individuals, 2 more than 2023, and 22 groups submitted for the nomination round. The judges from the 5 National Shows were the nomination judges and their votes will be counted in the final All-American tabulations. With 875 head exhibited at National Shows plus the twenty-nine qualified shows there was an abundance of quality to choose from. Good luck to all going on!

• 105 exhibitors entered 147 individuals - 22 groups from 20 states and 2 providences of Canada

• The 103 individuals nominated have 48 different sires and 56 different maternal grandsires

• 43% of the nominated individuals are genomic tested – 41 head are bred and owned


Buckmeadow R Waylon ET 68233347 3/5/2024

4th International, 3rd Eastern National, 1st KY State Fair

Exhibitor: Adam Fraley & Bryan Champluvier, PA

Breeder: Colt & Luke Buckley and Maria, Jack, Sydney, Luke & Macey Saltzman KY

Cutting Edge T Thyme 68231959 3/2/2024

2nd International, 1st Northeast National

Exhibitor: Kaelyn Tompkins, CT

Breeder: Ken Main, NY

BR Dont Doubt Me ETV 840003237214080 3/6/2024



Acclaimed PA Carolina ETV 68231094 12/5/2023

4th International, 3rd WI State Show

Exhibitor: Brothers Three Brown Swiss, WI

Breeder: Acclaimed Swiss, IA

Brothers Three TV Wynona ETV 68231737 12/7/2023

3rd International, 1st & Res Jr Champ Eastern National, 1st & HM Jr Champ Mid-Atlantic Invitational

Exhibitor: Wynona Syndicate, MD

Breeder: Brothers Three Brown Swiss, WI

Opsal-JH BR Picturesque ET 68232433 12/12/2023

1st & HM Jr Champ International, 1st & HM Jr Champ Midwest Spring Show, 1st & HM Jr Champ Midwest Quality Colors

Exhibitor: Joey & Hayleigh Opsal and Matt & Molly Sloan, WI

Breeder: Joey & Hayleigh Opsal and Kelvin Webster, WI

AR-Line D Luscious Lady ETV 68233880 12/19/2023

6th International, 1st WI State Show, 1st & Res Jr Champ WI State Fair

Exhibitor: Dana Johnson, WI

Breeder: Ranae Herman, WI

Knapp Norwin Rockstar 840003262439978 12/15/2023

7th International, 1st & Res Jr Champ Southeast National, 1st & Jr Champ KY State Fair

Exhibitor: Knapp Genetics and Jesse & Kiley Muse, IA

Breeder: Knapp Genetics, IA

Spots Pride SW Patagonia ETV 840003207715382 12/24/2023

2nd International, 2nd Eastern National Exhibitor/Breeder: Emily & Amy Yeiser, MD

Thompsview Fame Nus ET 68231388 12/1/2023

5th International, 5th WI State Show

Exhibitor/Breeder: Leif Thompson, WI








Opsal-JH BR Photo Finish ETV 840003227135681 3/8/2024

Opsal-JH BR Picturesque ET 68232433 12/12/2023

Opsal-JH BR Take A Look ETV 840003227135619 6/8/2023

2nd International, 1st WI State Show, 1st Midwest Quality Colors, 2nd Midwest Spring Show Exhibitor: Joey & Hayleigh Opsal and Kelvin Webster, WI

Pit-Crew Collaps Talista 68228521 6/1/2023

Pit-Crew Formula Kash 68228517 4/6/2023

1st International Exhibitor: Pit-Crew Genetics, MN

Kruses Diego Mindy 68226123 3/1/2023

Kruses Foremost Jitty ETV 68226114 1/17/2023

5th International Exhibitor: Rick Kruse, IA

Pit-Crew Diego Papaya ET 68226925 12/15/2022

Kruses ACC C Jayla ETV 68225649 12/6/2/2022












A Joy D Sundae 68213150 9/4/2020

Brown Heaven Carter Falby ET 111575448 1/13/2019

IE Double W Wizdom Kat 68196449

5th International Exhibitor: A Joy Swiss, PA A Joy CP Snow White 68206689 3/1/2020 A Joy T Snowfall 68191211 12/23/2017

Brown Heaven Biver Frenchkiss 110603270 6/1/2018

1st International Exhibitor: Brown Heaven, QC

Double W Lamb Nina 68196440 9/5/2018

3rd International Exhibitor: Double W Farm, CO

Heaven Carter Tutti 110603247 6/1/2017

Double W Jaguar Zesto 68181095 8/21/2016

1st Eastern National Exhibitor: Jenna Lenhart, MD



Just So F Wildeye ET 68224331 9/9/2022

Just So D Tangerine 68222086 6/1/2022

4th International Exhibitor: Just So Farm, WI

Pit-Crew Daredevil Shay 68220171 3/2/2022

Pit-Crew Phantom Nikita 68220170 3/1/2022

2nd International Exhibitor: Pit-Crew Genetics, MN

WF Daredevil Nova 68222023 12/27/2021

WF Dynamite Tanna 68215345 3/15/2021

6th International Exhibitor: Woodwind Farm, WI

Just So D Fragrance 68220271 4/1/2022

Pit-Crew Martini Twist 68213771 3/19/2021

WF Biver Northernlights ET 68194099 9/29/2017


46th Heart of America Sale

October 17, 2024 / Stillwater, OK

37 Head average $3166.67

As expected, quality was offered and it showed.

Topping the sale was Lot 19 at $5300, Stef-N Carter Mischief ETV DOB 3/23 purchased by Erich Hodges, IA. Mischief sold bred 3/24 to Cutting Edge Mr Dependable (sexed). Her Zeus dam is E90/90ms.

Second high (tie) seller at $5000 was Lot 29 Double W Laredo Victoria DOB 3/23. Her Lamborghini grandam is 2E91/93ms with 31,720m 1,297f 1,077p at 2-10.

Third high (tie) at $5000 was Lot 31 Double W Trickshot Betty DOB 10/24. Bred 2/14 to Double Star Cowboy. Both of these fancy heifers were consigned by Double W Dairy, CO, and purchased by Erich Hodges, IA.

Fourth high seller – open heifer for $4750 is Lot 44 Knapp Famous Dilemma ETV DOB 12/23. Dam Cutting Edge D Dharma 2E93/91ms from Cutting Edge T Delilah 2E95 WDE Supreme Champion. Consigned by Cael, Chase and Caden Cannon, IA. Purchased by Trent Miller Family, MO.



11 embryos sold for an average of $738.70

Sale staff included: Auctioneer Clay Toews, Pedigrees Jim Hammerand, Ringmen: Rollan Stewart, Doug Thomas, Ed Wittorff, and Jones Smith. Cattle were presented by Junior Brown Swiss members.

High Selling Heifers at the 2024 Heart of America Sale: (l-r) Dustin Kirkpatrick, Jim Hammerand, Margot Tinner Hodges, Erich Hodges, Lot 29, Auctioneer Clay Toews, leader Molly Archer, Lot 19, $5300 Ed Wittorff, leader Lauren Benfer, Wes Ham, Lot 31, Jones Smith, Sale Manager & Rollan Steward.



DOB 1/24/2017 +102 PPR +291 NM$

1/11 305d 3x 28,850m 4.2 1,213f 3.6 1,050p

3/02 365d 3x 34,630m 3.9 1,363f 3.6 1,268p

4/04 365d 3x 44,480m 4.1 1,828f 3.5 1,558p

5/11 305d 3x 40,519m 4.0 1,609f 3.5 1,398p

Total Performance – Cow for All Seasons 2023-2024

Nominated All American SR 3 YR OLD 2020

Reserve All American COMPONENT MERIT 2023

1st COMPONENT COW Southeast National 2023

Res Grand Champion & Res Senior Champion

1st COMPONENT MERIT Southeast National 2024

2nd COMPONENT MERIT International 2023

Back-to-Back, Dutch-Marie Dundee Allie strikes again winning both the National Total Performance and the Cow for All Seasons Awards. She is owned by junior members Hadleigh, Ezra, Kenna Jones & Kelly Jo Manion, Edmonton, KY. Her breeder is Lillian Helbig, Oakdale IL. Allie has had a very successful junior career but she hasn’t been shy about taking on the big girls on the National level. Her showring achievements garnered her the Reserve All American Component Merit Cow award in 2023. She won the Component Merit class again this fall at the Southwest National in Louisville. A daughter of Hilltop Acres H Dundee ET from a Reads Driver Kaleb (Twin). This combination makes for 3 doses of the German bull Hussli. While ink on paper gets a little light, her maternal line extends to multiple generations of Thom-A-Hawk Farm, OK, breeding. DUTCH-MARIE DUNDEE ALLIE 2E93/93ms *CERTIFIED* 840003202503398



Hadleigh, Ezra, Kenna Jones & Kelly Jo Manion, Edmonton, KY


Southeast National………......…………100 Points

Highest 305-day ECM 44,781 90,062 ECM – 1,984 days over 24 mos.

Total ……..............................................290 Points


Fairdale Farm LLC, Qwenton, KY


International Show…………...............…96 Points

Highest 305-day ECM 44,382 205,350 ECM – 2,113 days over 24 mos.

Total……..........................................…286 Points


Mark & Hannah Balthaser, Bernville, PA


Eastern National….......................……100 Points

Highest 305-day ECM 38,578 143,940 ECM – 1,933 days over 24 mos.

Total……......................................……256 Points


Tatum & Gunner Copeland, Collinsville, OK


Southwest National…….................….100 Points

Highest 305-day ECM 38,578

195,242 ECM – 3,564 days over 24 mos.

Total……........................................…223 Points

The Vernon C. Hull Total Performance Award is given to the cow with the highest point total of the National Show Total Performance Winners. The final point calculation is derived from the cow’s highest 305-day Energy Corrected Milk (ECM) record, the total pounds of lifetime (ECM) per day over 24 months of age, and class-placing score from among the National Shows.

The Cow for All Seasons Award recognizes the cow with the top 305-day Energy Corrected Milk (ECM) record from the National Show winners. To qualify the entrant must stand in the top 5 or the top 20% if more than 20 in the class. Thanks to Lee-Anns Swiss L.L.C., DeWitt, IA for sponsoring the over-all National award.



Hadleigh, Ezra, Kenna Jones & Kelly Jo Manion, Edmonton, KY

Highest 305-day ECM 44,781

Southeast National


Fairdale Farm LLC, Qwenton, KY

Highest 305-day ECM 44,382



Mark & Hannah Balthaser, Bernville, PA

Highest 305-day ECM 38,578

Eastern National


Robert Landgraf, Jackson, MO

Highest 305-day ECM 35,154

Southwest National

SHILOH DURANGO TORI 2E93/93ms Fairdale Farm LLC, Qwenton, KY
NORTHKILL CREEK GROOVY 2E94/94ms “CERT” Mark & Hannah Balthaser, Bernville, PA

Visiting the Past ...


For the past 15 years the Brown Swiss Historical Society (BSHS) has recognized an Active Master Breeder and a Historical Master Breeder at the National Convention. Over the years, the interest in voting has declined. Any Brown Swiss enthusiast may vote. You do not need to be a member of BSHS. Below are bios of those herds nominated. A ballot will be published in the February Bulletin. Voting Deadline is March 31.

2025 Master Breeder Award Nominees

Historical Breeders

Jim Harkness (1912-1996) and Jerry Harkness (1942-2015) We-Go�a Farm, Marcellus, New York.

The first Brown Swiss were purchased by Jim’s father in 1925, and Jim became a member of the first 4-H Dairy Club in New York State with a Brown Swiss calf. Jerry Harkness was the third-genera�on Brown Swiss breeder. The original herd had to be sold when Jim’s father died, but a�er finishing school in 1941, Jim started dairying and was able to purchase a descendant of his original 4-H calf which was Swissland Fie�a. Among her famous descendants was We-Go�a Jetway Fancy, 3x All American, who had four All American daughters including Mort Tower Frisky. Jerry served as secretarytreasurer of the New York BS Associa�on, Na�onal Director, and Chairman of the Na�onal Type Commi�ee.

Hull Bros., L.E. (Lewis) (1872-1945) and Sterling E. Hull (1876-1923), Lake View, Painesville, Ohio.

The first Swiss were purchased by F.W. Hull at the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago, a bull and two cows. The two brothers took over ownership at the father’s passing. They soon developed the herd into one of the premier herds of the early 1900’s. Swiss Valley Girl 10th made a National Breed Record in 1929. They were Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor at the National Show in 1923, 1924, 1925 and 1929. They had Grand Champion at the National Shows in 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1923, 1929, 1930 with several different cows. Additionally Swiss Valley Girl the 7th was Grand Champion in 1917, 1921, 1922 and 1924. They were one of the earliest advertisers in the Brown Swiss Bulletin and consignors to many of the sales in the 20’s and 30’s. Sterling Hull passed away at the age of 47 in 1923, but Leland continued with the herd for many years. L.E. served the Brown Swiss breed as a National Director and was Vice President from 1916-1924. Hull Bros. were contract advertisers and highly supportive of the Brown Swiss Bulletin in its early years.

Harold & Mary K. Long, Long View Farm, Thurmont, Maryland.

Long View Brown Swiss was established in the 1960’s near Thurmont, Maryland. Harold and Peggy Long, their six children, and many grandchildren have been involved extensively in

breeding Brown Swiss as well as leadership in state and na�onal programs, most notably, establishing the Na�onal Brown Swiss Ambassador Program; chairing three na�onal conven�ons; coordina�ng seven junior trips with animals to World Dairy Expo; two state presidents in the family and serving on the Na�onal Junior Brown Swiss Commi�ee. Although the herd dispersed in 1993, the Longs’ impact on the breed lives on today through offspring that traces back to Long View gene�cs. They have bred and developed numerous All-Americans, and All-American nomina�ons, won a combined 14 Maryland State Fair Premier Breeder and Exhibitor Banners, and had Long View animals selected as junior, senior, and grand champion and reserve at more than 20 state shows and 12 na�onal shows. Their greatest success was breeding one of the legends of the breed, Long View Jade’s Raisin. Raisin is one of five of the most decorated na�onal champions in the breed, being named grand or reserve at the Eastern Na�onal Show, Central Na�onal Show, and the Southeastern Na�onal Show. Other great Long View animals included Long View Jubila�on Isabel, (Topped Na�onal Brown Swiss Sale for $10,000 in 1982); Long View Jetway Oprah (Named Grand Champion at World Dairy Expo in 2000 and owned by Edwin & Della Genasci); and Long View Chall Rosemary (Named Junior Champion at both the Eastern Na�onal and Central Na�onal Shows as a winter calf in 1993). That same year Long View Farm exhibited the winning Junior Best Three Females. The Longs also had some state Total Performance Winners as well as two Grand Champion females of the Eastern Na�onal Junior Show and several state milk produc�on winners. The Longs are also recognized for developing one of the breed’s most prominent bulls, Bridge View Jubila�on. The semen rights for Jubila�on were purchased by Sire Power and marketed around the globe by World Wide Sires. He has been one of WWS most successful Brown Swiss bulls in their history. Harold, Rebecca, and Cynthia all worked with the Mid-Atlan�c Brown Swiss calf sale. Harold served on the original sale commi�ee and helped with the sales for more than 30 years.

Clyde (1898-1976) & Bernard Monson (1929-2019), Meadow View Farm, Gowrie, Iowa.

Clyde Monson purchased his first Brown Swiss in 1926 from the Ed Doran and Mooney & Larrabee herds in Iowa. Believing improvement came with sound management prac�ces, he set up requirements for the Meadow View herd which included care in

the selec�on of the bulls used, going on HIR test in 1939, and classifying regularly from when that program started. He did not neglect working with other breeders and was ac�ve in Iowa Dairy organiza�ons and especially the Iowa Brown Swiss Associa�on where he worked to start the Canton Shows and State Sales. He served as a Na�onal Director from 1946-1952. His son Bernard joined him in 1950, beginning a �me of successful showing at the Na�onal Shows and developing some great cows and bulls. The first Iowa cow of any breed to produce over 1211 pounds of fat was Meadow View Jerami M, and the bulls Meadow View Jared C. and Meadow View Des�ny were sire summary favorites. With Clyde’s re�rement in the late 60’s, Bernard carried on the Meadow View tradi�on of good ca�le and service to the breed. He developed Schulte’s Sunwise Pat who was Grand Champion at the Na�onal in 1972 and ‘73. Bernard served as Na�onal Director from 1965-1972 and was Na�onal president from 1975 to 1979. In 1986, the Meadow View herd was dispersed in Guelph, Canada, to comply with the terms of the Herd Buyout Program. Bernard then put his dairy exper�se to work as a classifier for the Brown Swiss Associa�on from 1989 to 2004. Bernard was one of the driving forces in crea�ng the Brown Swiss Historical Society.

White Cloud Farm (Mr. & Mrs. Henry C Woods), Princeton, New Jersey.

White Cloud Farm began in the 1950’s and soon began producing outstanding production records. The first herd manager was Al Bainbridge. For the last nine years until their dispersal, Bill Moss was the herd manager. In 1959, Letha Irene Pride won their first ROP Trophy for the top Fat record for the year. They won again in 1960 with P.V. Dodger’s Judy, in 1964 with Ive�a, and in 1965 and 1966 with Larry Doris. In 1967, the Searles (fat) and Eves (milk) trophies replaced the ROP trophy. In 1967, Ivetta and in 1968 Larry Doris won the Searles Award. White Cloud also won the Eves Award in 1967 with Royal Acres Laura. Many of their bulls entered AI with the most popular bulls being White Cloud Jason’s Elegant, White Cloud Doreen’s Delegate, and White Cloud Doris Jason. White Cloud-owned animals held five of the top ten fat records of the breed in 1980. Ivetta (born in 1954) was the first Brown Swiss to reach 300,000 pounds milk lifetime (ten records over 1,000 pounds fat). The herd was dispersed on September 5, 1970.

Ac�ve Breeders

Double W Farm Dairy (Wailes Family), Holyoke, Colorado

Double W is owned and operated by Marc & Janel Wailes, Greg Wailes and Glenn Huwa (now deceased) along with family members. They milked over 1300 cows 3 times a day. They downsized considerably in 2023. Approximately half of the herd is Brown Swiss and half Holstein and crossbreds. They market approximately 25 animals to breeders across the country each year. They have been Premier Breeder at the Southwest National Show in 2017-2019, 2022, and 2023. They also were Premier Exhibiter along with Udder Confusion Dairy in 2019 at the Southwest show. The herd won the Progressive Genetic Protein Award for group 4 in 2018 and 2019.

Marc is currently the National Board member for District 8 and has served in this capacity since 2017.

John & Wendy Korth, Triangle Acres, Freeport, Illinois

John and Wendy Korth married in 1979 and began buying the herd and machinery from his father, Russel. Russel purchased his first Brown Swiss in 1942. Today they milk around 87 Swiss with an equal number of young stock and the farm is home to four genera�ons of Korth’s. Their RHA is 24,370 milk, 1029 fat, and 862 protein. The herd won the Progressive Gene�c Protein Award in 2003 and the PTPR Herd Award in 2001. Triangle Acres Coll Polly, along with her numerous female and male descendants is the most well-known cow family carrying the Triangle Acres prefix. They’ve landed high on PPR lists through the years. PHD, a son of Polly, was the #1 PTI bull in 2003. Another son, Payoff, was #2 on the 2004 list. Checking the proven bull list, Triangle Acres has 43 proven sires on the list. The Korth’s host many interna�onal and US guests along with judging teams throughout the year, promo�ng the Brown Swiss breed.

Red Brae Farm (Armbruster Family), Muscoda, Wisconsin

The original Red Brae Farm became Brown Swiss breeders in 1968 in Eagle, Wisconsin. The farm moved to Muscoda in November 1993. The next generation of Steve, David, and Eric Armbruster became the management group in 2005. Steve has been making the breeding decisions since the 1980’s. Their sisters, Jill, Leanne, and Beth, along with nieces and nephews assist in the operation and in the show ring. They milk 170 cows. Jills Faro Twinkle was Grand Champion at World Dairy Expo and Reserve All American Aged Cow in 1987. Jills Improver Trinket was high selling cow at $12,000 in the 1988 National Sale in Illinois. Red Brae Patrick Zadeva was 2 time All American and the dam of Red Brae Prelude Zeus (M). Another popular sire is Red Brae DAA Ace Joel. Jill served as Wisconsin state secretary for 14 years. Steve judged the Central National (WDE) in 2007 and many other shows.

Alan Rinehart, R-Hart Farm, Wapakoneta, Ohio.

Alan was raised on the family Brown Swiss farm. In 1979, he and his brother, Bruce, took over from his father. In 1990, Alan and his wife, Randi, took over sole ownership and opera�on of the herd. R-Hart Farm is best known for their development of cow families, most notably the Gentle Breeze Mat Chris�ne family, which placed many plus proven bulls in A.I. and had widespread posi�ve influence over the breed. Chris�ne’s daughter, Chris�an, is most familiar to many as a bull mother. Sons include Denmark, Eagle, and Ace. Another of Chris�ne’s daughters, Clar, was the dam of R Hart BC Collec �on. In 1995, the cow, R Hart CD Connie ET won the JP Eves Award for milk and the Na�onal Protein Award. R-Hart Farm captured the Total Performance Award in 4 out of 5 years from 1986-1990 with High Spruce Stretchy Eve. R-Hart con�nues to supply bulls to AI with Angelo, Fame, All-In, and Fortune on the top 150 PPR bull list. The herd won the Herd Protein Award for 8 consecu �ve years from 1998 to 2005. Alan served as Ohio State President and a Na�onal Conven�on co-chair.


CIE Hilltop Acres SC Lily

Under Two Years Old - 800 Protein Or More

840003254238502 ‘+83’

Sire: 840003207411899 Kulp-Terra Silver Coin | Dam: 000000068198390 IE Hilltop Acres D Lilac | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres M Nancy

840003232308612 ‘+82’

Sire: 840003138790809 Hilltop Acres Biver Martini | Dam: 000000068188745 Hilltop Acres Biv Nadine | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hills Valley PBall Jettie

000000068218107 ‘+83’

Sire: 840003129111837 R N R Carter Powerball | Dam: 000000068185464 Hills Valley Liberat Jammer | Herd: Hills Valley Farm, LLC -- Cattaraugus, NY

Hilltop Acres T Jackpot 840003232308580 ‘+83’ G

Sire: 840003145184063 Cozy Nook Carl Trek | Dam: 000000068162997 Hilltop Acres Kan Jewelery | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA Two Year Olds - 825 Protein Or More

Hilltop Acres J Karson

840003234302417 ‘V86’ V V V V V

Sire: 840003139214232 Triangle Acres Carter Juke | Dam: 000000068156643 Hilltop Acres Durham Kari | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

ON-WI Dynamite Chalet 000000068211068 ‘+83’ + + + + +

Sire: 840003129321096 La Rainbow Bfly Dynamite ETV | Dam: 000000068198103 ON-WI Famous Coco | Herd: ON-WI Farm-- Shawano, WI

Hilltop Acres T Kenna

840003234302401 ‘+84’ V V + V +

Sire: 840003145184063 Cozy Nook Carl Trek | Dam: 000000068198400 Hilltop Acres KN Keisha | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Pap Kim ETV 840003231310836 ‘+84’ V V +

Sire: 840003206592653 Hilltop Acres Paparazzi ETV | Dam: 000000068196548 Hilltop Acres S Keegan ET | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA V B Beacon Warrioress ETV 840003244973404 ‘V87’ V V V + V

Sire: 840003137827162 R Hart Atlantas Beacon ETV | Dam: 000000068184201 V B HP R Wowzer | Herd: Alfa-Creek -- Andover, OH

Fairdale Sultan Alma 000000068218089 ‘V88’ V V V V V

Sire: 840003200520219 La Rainbow Sweet Sultan | Dam: 840003139672458 Pine Tree Rich Alli 7462 ET | Herd: Fairdale Farm LLC -- Owenton, KY

Hills Valley Jonmar Suds 000000068218097 ‘+82’ G + G + V

Sire: 000120145720068 Portmann BS Bays Jonmar | Dam: 000000068202447 Hills Valley Rampag Shyster | Herd: Hills Valley Farm, LLC -- Cattaraugus, NY

Hilltop Acres S Disney ETV 840003232308538 ‘NC’

Sire: 840003149335615 Meado-Brook Sega Sabre Twin | Dam: 000000068185328 Hilltop Acres Donut Twin | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Dan-Ashley Standout Janice 840003229327876 ‘NC’

Sire: 840003137438886 Meado-Brook Sages Standout | Dam: 000000068189868 Dan-Ashley Ddevil Penelope | Herd: B. Danyow Dairy -- Charlotte, VT

Hilltop Acres Jon Brooklyn 840003232308541 ‘+84’ V + G + V

Sire: 000120145720068 Portmann BS Bays Jonmar | Dam: 000000068194395 Hilltop Acres CD Bailey | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres H Damara ETV 840003232308591 ‘V87’ V V V V V

Sire: 000120137798624 Goldhill Bender Huge SG ET | Dam: 000000068154378 Hilltop Acres Bose Dixiland ET | Herd: Wapsi-Ana Swiss -- Anamosa, IA

Bless-Caff Phantom Paula 000000068219045 ‘V85’ + V + + V

Sire: 000000068182661 V B Biver Phantom ET | Dam: 000000068187147 Bless-Caff Richard Pretty | Herd: Bless-Caff Brown Swiss -- Decatur, IN

IE Auburnvale OM Disco 000000068222070 ‘V85’ + + + + V

Sire: 000004427424483 O Malley | Dam: 000000068219188 ID Auburnvale Defend 1303 | Herd: Auburnvale Dairy -- Fremont, WI

Three Year Olds - 970 Protein Or More

Cutting Edge RL B Fergie ETV 000000068207337 ‘V88’ E V E V V

Class Leader Sr 3 Yr Old 305d 2x Milk Honor Roll 2024 | Sr 3 Yr Old 305d 2x Protein Honor Roll 2024

Sire: 000000068129318 JoBo Wonder Bosephus ET *TM | Dam: 000000000936474 Round Hill Legacy Flyhi ET | Herd: Fairdale Farm LLC -- Owenton, KY

Hilltop Acres Dstar Magic 840003210631656 ‘+84’ V V + + +

Sire: 840003138790784 Hilltop Acres Dairystar ETV | Dam: 000000068172211 Hilltop Acres Brady Mia | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Cutting Edge Thun Fury ETV 000000068206674 ‘V88’ V V + V E

Sire: 000000068113037 Harts Thunder *TM | Dam: 000000000936474 Round Hill Legacy Flyhi ET | Herd: Legacy Dairy LLC -- Edmonton, KY

Hilltop Acres Dairygirl ETV 840003215414534 ‘V88’ E V + V V

Sire: 840003133889643 Switzer Tals Drdvl Doboy ETT | Dam: 000000068154386 Hilltop Acres Pay Dairy Queen | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres LC Dixipie 840003219824439 ‘+84’ + V + V + 3/05

Sire: 840003139216990 Kulp-Terra Lucky Carl ET | Dam: 000000068168146 Hilltop Acres JK Dee | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres T Daiquiri 840003223296770 ‘+84’ V V + + +

Sire: 840003145184063 Cozy Nook Carl Trek | Dam: 000000068188747 Hilltop Acres Jse Darma | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA


Centurys Sonic Bancy

000000068215340 ‘+84’ + + + + V

Sire: 840003149335274 Meado-Brook Segas Sonic ET | Dam: 000000068205368 Centurys Red Brae Tancy | Herd: Retzlaff Century Farms -- Shawano, WI

Hilltop Acres SS Davina ETV

840003223296822 ‘V85’ V V + + V

Sire: 840003150687278 Pine-Tree Svr Sandstorm ETV | Dam: 000000068195804 Hilltop Acres LC Dessa | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hills Valley Dynamite Star ET 000000068208533 ‘V86’ V V V + V

Sire: 840003129321096 La Rainbow Bfly Dynamite ETV | Dam: 000000068156109 Cutting Edge B Stella | Herd: Hills Valley Farm, LLC -- Cattaraugus, NY

Hilltop Acres D Kari

840003215414580 ‘+84’ + V + + +

Sire: 840003138790772 Hilltop Acres D Defender ET | Dam: 000000068191422 Hilltop Acres PT Kimi | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Red Brae Richard Ladybug 000000068206529 ‘V88’ V V V E V

Sire: 000000068155420 Jo-Dee Nemo Richard ET | Dam: 000000068176656 Red Brae Cayenne Lakya | Herd: Red Brae -- Muscoda, WI

Four Year Olds - 1000 Protein Or More

Hilltop Acres D Licorice

840003210631692 ‘V88’ V E + V E


3.3 1623p Class Leader Jr 4 Yr Old 305d 3x Milk Honor Roll 2024 | Jr 4 Yr Old 305d 3x Fat Honor Roll 2024 | Class

Sire: 840003012559129 Hilltop Acres B Daredevil ET | Dam: 000000068174837 Wapsi-Ana Tbs Leap | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres DB Tabby ETV 000000068198404 ‘2E91’ E E E V E

Sire: 840003133889643 Switzer Tals Drdvl Doboy ET | Dam: 000000068174887 Cozy Nook Annibal Trix ETV | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Scoob Hazel 840003206592619 ‘E90’ E E V E E

Sire: 840003138790770 Hilltop Acres D Scooby | Dam: 000000068180041 Hilltop Acres Jub Honey | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres D Apple 840003210631655 ‘V85’ V V + V + 4/00

Sire: 840003138790772 Hilltop Acres D Defender ET | Dam: 000000068184223 CIE Hilltop Acres Dupont Apple | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hylight Silver Madmoney 840003204927673 ‘V87’ V V E + V

Sire: 840003129321124 La Rainbow Sweet Silver ET | Dam: 840003135287560 Hylight Madrich | Herd: Hylight Farms -- Adams, NY

Five Year Olds And Over - 1025 Protein Or More

Hilltop Acres Lib Daystar 000000068195298 ‘V85’ V V V + +

Sire: 840003014530348 BMG Biver Liberate *TM | Dam: 000000068181459 Hilltop Acres KN Daydream ET | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Last Chance Carter Verona 840003143236811 ‘3E93’ E E E E E

Sire: 000000068119645 Voelkers TD Carter *TM | Dam: 000000068170933 Just So LC A Valuable | Herd: Last Chance Swiss -- Harvard, IL

Hilltop Acres Brady Dixicup 000000068185337 ‘V88’ E E + V V

Sire: 000000072341784 Shiloh Jackson Brady ET *TM | Dam: 000000068154377 Hilltop Acres Bose Dixipie ET | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Lucky Denim 000000068191421 ‘V85’ E E V + +

Sire: 000000068170100 BMG Lust Get Lucky ET *TM | Dam: 000000068175900 Hilltop Acres JK Danish ET | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Pine Tree Rich Alli 7462 ET 840003139672458 ‘2E92’ E E E E E

Sire: 000000068155420 Jo-Dee Nemo Richard ET | Dam: 000000068136810 R Hart Brookings Atlanta | Herd: Fairdale Farm LLC -- Owenton, KY

Hilltop Acres LC Dessa 000000068195804 ‘+84’ V E V + +

Sire: 840003139216990 Kulp-Terra Lucky Carl ET | Dam: 000000068174935 Hilltop Acres AN Dandelion | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Echo Hill F Wizdom Hadley 000000068190526 ‘2E90’ V E V E E

Sire: 000000068172482 Top Acres Wizdom | Dam: 000000068141250 Echo Hill Surge Hilda | Herd: Fairdale Farm LLC -- Owenton, KY

Hilltop Acres JS Smoothie 000000068193095 ‘V86’ V V + V V

Sire: 840003132647435 Hilltop Acres BV Jesse ET | Dam: 000000068133826 Hilltop Acres Joel Sunny D | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

IE Auburnvale Hampton 1121 000000068212698 ‘V87’ E E V V V

Sire: 000000074300972 Jo-Lane Dario Hampton ET | Dam: 000000068212697 ID Auburnvale CD 534 | Herd: Auburnvale Dairy -- Fremont, WI

Hilltop Acres Game Grace 000000068196534 ‘E90’ V E V E E 5/01 305d 3x 31700

Sire: 000000068174506 Hilltop Acres B Gamechanger | Dam: 000000068167450 Hilltop Acres Pegus Gwen | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

R N R Dynamite Jestine ET 000000068198079 ‘E90’ V E V E E

Sire: 840003129321096 La Rainbow Bfly Dynamite ETV | Dam: 000000068133869 R N R Emergency Jera ET | Herd: R N R Swiss -- Lakeville, OH

Hilltop Acres KN Dorie 000000068193094 ‘V85’ V V + + V 5/06

Sire: 000000068174507 Hilltop Acres Biv Knockout | Dam: 000000068166348 Hilltop Acres Dsn Ducky Twin | Herd: Hilltop Acres -- Calmar, IA

Double W Lam Gilda 000000068194013 ‘V85’ V V V V + 5/09

Sire: 840003129317136 Twinkle-Hill Sblamborghini *TM | Dam: 000000068178444 Double W Dario Gigit | Herd: Maiers Acres -- Thorp, WI




Hilltop Acres – Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres D Licorice

840003210631692 ‘V88 ‘ V E + V E

Class Leader Jr 4 Yr Old 305d 3x Milk Honor Roll 2024

Jr 4 Yr Old 305d 3x Fat Honor Roll 2024

Class Leader Jr 4 Yr Old 305d 3x Protein Honor Roll 2024

3rd in a Row!

4/02 305d 3x 48480 4.9 2394f 3.3 1623p

Sire: 840003012559129 Hilltop Acres B Daredevil ET

Dam: 000000068174837 Wapsi-Ana Tbs Leap

Owner: Mashek, Dennis - Calmar, IA

Shiloh Silver Kaelie

840003201521762 ‘V87 ‘ E E G V V 2nd in a Row!

4/10 365d 3x 40960 4.5 1848f 3.7 1534p

Sire: 840003129321124 La Rainbow Sweet Silver ET

Dam: 840003140371797 Shiloh Biver Kadee ET

Owner: Mashek, Dennis & Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres T Karina ETV

840003223296785 ‘E90 ‘ E E V E E 2nd in a Row!

3/00 361d 3x 43880 4.5 1963f 3.4 1510p

Sire: 840003145184063 Cozy Nook Carl Trek

Dam: 000000068183095 Hilltop Acres Ddevilkassidy ET

Owner: Mashek, Dennis -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres D Devika

840003210631711 ‘V86 ‘ V V V V V 2nd in a Row!

4/01 365d 3x 37680 4.4 1645f 3.9 1456p

Sire: 840003129321096 La Rainbow Bfly Dynamite ETV

Dam: 000000068188196 Hilltop Acres Devil Drizzle ET

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Dstar Magic

840003210631656 ‘+84 ‘ V V + + + 2nd in a Row!

3/11 334d 3x 37640 4.6 1741f 3.7 1398p

Sire: 840003138790784 Hilltop Acres Dairystar ETV

Dam: 000000068172211 Hilltop Acres Brady Mia

Owner: Mashek, Dennis -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres J Espresso

840003231310829 ‘V86 ‘ E V V V + 2/09 365d 3x 35770 4.4 1573f 3.9 1382p

Sire: 840003132647435 Hilltop Acres BV Jesse ET

Dam: 000000068154098 Spring Acres Vigor Ella

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres M Twinkie ETV

840003210631734 ‘V88 ‘ V E V V V 3rd in a Row!

4/01 338d 3x 39150 4.3 1684f 3.5 1375p

Sire: 000008843844646 Majeste

Dam: 000000068174887 Cozy Nook Annibal Trix ETV

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres T Demi ETV

840003223296786 ‘E90 ‘ E E V E E

3/01 351d 3x 37570 4.6 1721f 3.7 1373p

Sire: 840003145184063 Cozy Nook Carl Trek

Dam: 000000068169396 Hilltop Acres Biver Date ET

Owner: Mashek, Tanner – Calmar, IA

IE Hilltop Acres HP Fuzzy

000000068189584 ‘+84 ‘ V E V V + 3rd in a Row!

5/11 323d 3x 37680 4.3 1622f 3.6 1348p

Sire: 000000074300972 Jo-Lane Dario Hampton ET

Dam: 000000068166325 ID Hilltop Acres Fudge

Owner: Mashek, Dennis -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Jub Honey

000000068180041 ‘V86 ‘ E E V + + 4th in a Row!

7/01 365d 3x 37460 5.2 1945f 3.5 1317p

Sire: 000000068157233 Hilltop Acres C Jubilation *TM

Dam: 000000068162998 Hilltop Acres Drm Hershey

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres J Naomi ET

840003232308560 ‘+83 ‘ + + + G +

Under 2 Yr Old 365d 3x Protein Honor Roll 2024 1/11 365d 3x 33140 4.7 1570f 3.9 1309p

Sire: 000120145720068 Portmann BS Bays Jonmar

Dam: 840003215414550 Hilltop Acres S Nutella

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres T Delila ETV

840003223296778 ‘+84 ‘ G + V + V

3/01 365d 3x 36960 4.4 1638f 3.5 1299p

Sire: 840003145184063 Cozy Nook Carl Trek

Dam: 000000068169396 Hilltop Acres Biver Date ET

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Dstar Magic

840003210631656 ‘+84 ‘ V V + + + 2nd in a Row!

3/11 305d 3x 34870 4.8 1664f 3.7 1287p

Sire: 840003138790784 Hilltop Acres Dairystar ETV

Dam: 000000068172211 Hilltop Acres Brady Mia

Owner: Mashek, Dennis -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Lib Daystar

000000068195298 ‘V85 ‘ V V V + + 3rd in a Row!

5/02 305d 3x 35800 3.7 1336f 3.6 1277p

Sire: 840003014530348 BMG Biver Liberate *TM

Dam: 000000068181459 Hilltop Acres KN Daydream ET

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Trout Hilltop P Jenna

840003223296789 ‘V87 ‘ V V V V V 2nd in a Row!

3/02 336d 3x 35830 4.8 1729f 3.6 1272p

Sire: 000000068182661 V B Biver Phantom ET

Dam: 000000068194034 Trout Run Hilltop Jenna ETV

Owner: Mashek, Dennis -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres CD Star

840003210631677 ‘V88 ‘ V V V V E 2nd in a Row!

3/11 365d 3x 34210 5.0 1696f 3.7 1262p

Sire: 000000071130650 Shiloh Brookngs Cadence ET *TM

Dam: 000000068174939 Hilltop Acres Duke Steph

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres J Presley ETV

840003239490065 ‘+84 ‘ V + + V +

2/03 365d 3x 32970 4.7 1542f 3.8 1261p

Sire: 000120145720068 Portmann BS Bays Jonmar Dam: 840003207743807 Hilltop Acres Princess ETV

Owner: Mashek, Dennis -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Brady Dixicup

000000068185337 ‘V88 ‘ E E + V V 3rd in a Row!

6/07 305d 3x 35650 5.9 2096f 3.5 1255p

Sire: 000000072341784 Shiloh Jackson Brady ET *TM

Dam: 000000068154377 Hilltop Acres Bose Dixipie ET

Owner: Mashek, Dennis -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres GL Darby

840003223296790 ‘V85 ‘ V V + V +

3/03 339d 3x 34760 4.2 1469f 3.6 1247p

Sire: 000000068170100 BMG Lust Get Lucky ET *TM

Dam: 000000068170802 Hilltop Acres Biv Daiton

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres M Sprees

840003215414542 ‘V86 ‘ V V V + V

3/06 365d 3x 32800 5.1 1674f 3.8 1245p

Sire: 840003138790809 Hilltop Acres Biver Martini

Dam: 000000068193091 Hilltop Acres D Sparkle

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres DB Tabby ETV

000000068198404 ‘2E91’ E E E V E 2nd in a Row! 4/09 305d 3x 33630 4.9 1661f 3.7 1230p

Sire: 840003133889643 Switzer Tals Drdvl Doboy ET

Dam: 000000068174887 Cozy Nook Annibal Trix ETV

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Pac Taelyn ETV 840003232308622 ‘+84 ‘ + V + + V 1/09 362d 3x 35220 4.3 1517f 3.5 1220p

Sire: 000005356268551 Pactole

Dam: 000000068198404 Hilltop Acres DB Tabby ETV

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres NW Dizy

000000068184232 ‘V86 ‘ V E V V + 6/05 365d 3x 33980 4.2 1444f 3.6 1208p

Sire: 000120081082091 Norwin

Dam: 000000068135204 Hilltop Acres BK Dora ET

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres KD Hershey 840003215414560 ‘+81 ‘ + V + G +

3/06 365d 3x 32110 4.3 1388f 3.7 1200p

Sire: 000000068186608 Double W Kade P

Dam: 000000068191429 Hilltop Acres Lucky Heaven

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Dairygirl ETV 840003215414534 ‘V88 ‘ E V + V V 2nd in a Row!

3/07 305d 3x 34190 4.9 1678f 3.5 1198p

Sire: 840003133889643 Switzer Tals Drdvl Doboy ET

Dam: 000000068154386 Hilltop Acres Pay Dairy Queen

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Lucky Denim

000000068191421 ‘V85 ‘ E E V + + 3rd in a Row!

6/00 260d 3x 41230 4.2 1712f 2.9 1197p

Sire: 000000068170100 BMG Lust Get Lucky ET *TM

Dam: 000000068175900 Hilltop Acres JK Danish ET

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Sega Natasha 840003232308615 ‘+84 ‘ G V + + V

1/10 365d 3x 34020 4.1 1383f 3.5 1196p

Sire: 840003149335615 Meado-Brook Sega Sabre Twin

Dam: 840003215414550 Hilltop Acres S Nutella

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Disc Brooke

840003232308549 ‘+83 ‘ + + + + +

2/00 365d 3x 31630 4.4 1388f 3.8 1190p

Sire: 840003210631726 Hilltop Acres H Discovery

Dam: 000000068175902 Hilltop Acres K Brianna

Owner: Mashek, Dennis -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres OM Kimmie ETV

840003206592626 ‘V86 ‘ V V V V V

2/10 328d 3x 31270 5.0 1564f 3.7 1171p

Sire: 000004427424483 O Malley

Dam: 000000068196548 Hilltop Acres S Keegan ET Owner: Mashek, Dennis -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres LC Dessa

000000068195804 ‘+84 ‘ V E V + + 2nd in a Row!

5/02 305d 3x 36820 4.0 1460f 3.2 1169p

Sire: 840003139216990 Kulp-Terra Lucky Carl ET

Dam: 000000068174935 Hilltop Acres AN Dandelion

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres T Lauren

840003223296806 ‘+84 ‘ + V + V +

3/01 345d 3x 33860 3.9 1335f 3.4 1159p

Sire: 840003145184063 Cozy Nook Carl Trek

Dam: 000000068155483 Spring Acres Dutch Lorey

Owner: Mashek, Dennis -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres Scoob Hazel

840003206592619 ‘E90 ‘ E E V E E 2nd in a Row!

4/09 305d 3x 33280 5.0 1676f 3.4 1145p

Sire: 840003138790770 Hilltop Acres D Scooby

Dam: 000000068180041 Hilltop Acres Jub Honey

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Hilltop Acres JS Smoothie

000000068193095 ‘V86 ‘ V V + V V 2nd in a Row!

5/06 305d 3x 32640 4.4 1439f 3.5 1145p

Sire: 840003132647435 Hilltop Acres BV Jesse ET

Dam: 000000068133826 Hilltop Acres Joel Sunny D

Owner: Mashek, Tanner -- Calmar, IA

Fairdale Farm LLC -- Owenton, KY

Fairdale B Dynamite Sugar ET

000000068196718 ‘+84 ‘ V + V V + 2nd in a Row!

5/00 365d 2x 40180 4.0 1610f 3.8 1529p

Sire: 840003129321096 La Rainbow Bfly Dynamite ETV

Dam: 000000068165368 Kruses Medallion Sandy

Owner: Fairdale Farm LLC -- Owenton, KY

Rager Bros Dynamite Nugget

000000068212558 ‘V88 ‘ V V V V E

2/10 365d 2x 35110 4.4 1550f 3.9 1352p

Sire: 840003129321096 La Rainbow Bfly Dynamite ETV

Dam: 000000068186977 Top Acres HP C Sunni ET

Owner: Fairdale Farm LLC & R-Hart -- Owenton, KY

Cutting Edge RL B Fergie ETV

000000068207337 ‘V88 ‘ E V E V V

Class Leader Sr 3 Yr Old 305d 2x Milk Honor Roll 2024

Sr 3 Yr Old 305d 2x Protein Honor Roll 2024

3/08 305d 2x 40520 3.8 1537f 3.3 1344p

Sire: 000000068129318 Jobo Wonder Bosephus ET *TM

Dam: 000000000936474 Round Hill Legacy Flyhi ET

Owner: Sparrow, Micah & Kylie Paige -- Stamping Ground, KY

Pine Tree Rich Alli 7462 ET

840003139672458 ‘2E92’ E E E E E 4th in a Row!

6/08 305d 2x 34970 4.4 1527f 3.4 1182p

Sire: 000000068155420 Jo-Dee Nemo Richard ET

Dam: 000000068136810 R Hart Brookings Atlanta Owner: Fairdale Farm LLC -- Owenton, KY

Echo Hill F Wizdom Hadley

000000068190526 ‘2E90’ V E V E E 2nd in a Row!

6/01 305d 2x 29960 4.3 1279f 3.9 1161p

Sire: 000000068172482 Top Acres Wizdom

Dam: 000000068141250 Echo Hill Surge Hilda Owner: Fairdale Farm LLC & Willy Campbell -- Owenton, KY

Ro-La-Sue Dairy -- Wooster, OH

Ro-La-Sue Lucky Lilly

000000068210436 ‘V86 ‘ V V V V V

3/03 365d 3x 41990 3.9 1631f 3.6 1514p

Sire: 000000068170100 BMG Lust Get Lucky ET *TM

Dam: 000000068166212 Ro-La-Sue Brookings Rosey Owner: Scheibe, Rodney A. -- Wooster, OH

Ro-La-Sue Richard Cinnamon

000000068191033 ‘V85 ‘ V V V + V

5/10 365d 3x 35970 3.9 1418f 3.2 1152p

Sire: 000000068155420 Jo-Dee Nemo Richard ET

Dam: 000000068159988 Ro-La-Sue Desi Dime Owner: Scheibe, Rodney A. -- Wooster, OH

Wapsi-Ana Swiss -- Anamosa, IA

Wapsi-Ana Cadence Dolce

000000068204100 ‘V88 ‘ V V E V V 4/03 365d 3x 34600 4.7 1613f 3.7 1297p

Sire: 000000071130650 Shiloh Brookngs Cadence ET *TM

Dam: 000000068177550 Wapsi-Ana Durham Durham Owner: Fairbanks, Doug & Jody -- Anamosa, IA

Red Brae -- Muscoda, WI

Red Brae SPA Bosephs Lilith

000000068190177 ‘V89 ‘ V V V V E 2nd in a Row!

6/02 365d 2x 36720 4.2 1534f 3.5 1297p

Sire: 000000068129318 JoBo Wonder Bosephus ET *TM Dam: 000000068155173 Red Brae SPA Brookings Lila Owner: Armbruster, Steven -- Muscoda, WI

Red Brae Richard Lorella

000000068202093 ‘V85 ‘ V V + + +

4/06 365d 2x 34860 4.4 1532f 3.4 1184p

Sire: 000000068155420 Jo-Dee Nemo Richard ET

Dam: 000000068184734 Red Brae Biver Lorelai

Owner: Armbruster Bros. Farms, Inc. -- Muscoda, WI

Red Brae Archer Felicia

000000068184736 ‘V88 ‘ V E V E V 2nd in a Row!

6/08 365d 2x 35860 3.8 1380f 3.3 1173p

Sire: 840003126134470 HF Huray Archer

Dam: 000000068151281 Red Brae CD Franchesca

Owner: Bleck, Elise & Brady -- Glenbeulah, WI

Spring Grove Dairy -- Brodhead, WI

Zim Blue Bay Hilton 26203

840003209226064 ‘+82 ‘ + + + + +

3/11 344d 3x 35840 4.3 1534f 3.6 1293p

Sire: 000000074300971 Jo-Lane Dario Hilton ET *TM

Dam: 840003140215303 Zim Blue Bay Richard Pearl

Owner: Zimmerman, Paul -- Brodhead, WI

Hills Valley Farm, LLC -- Cattaraugus, NY

Hills Valley Durham Jacey

000000068182965 ‘3E93’ E E E E E

6/07 365d 2x 40210 4.0 1606f 3.2 1293p

Sire: 000000068135214 Hilltop Acres W Durham ET *TM

Dam: 000000068146860 Hills Valley Lebron Juicy

Owner: Hills Valley Farm, LLC -- Cattaraugus, NY

Keith, Whitney (Franks) -- Waynesboro, GA

CIE Crows Nest Carter Kipper

000000068188783 ‘E90 ‘ V E E V E

6/03 365d 2x 37250 4.0 1503f 3.4 1284p

Sire: 000000068119645 Voelkers TD Carter *TM

Dam: 000000068132012 IE Crows Nest Mica Kipsey

Owner: Keith, Ryan & Whitney -- Waynesboro, GA

Last Chance Swiss -- Harvard, IL

Last Chance Carter Verona 840003143236811 ‘3E93’ E E E E E 3rd in a Row!

6/05 308d 2x 39460 3.1 1225f 3.2 1275p

Sire: 000000068119645 Voelkers TD Carter *TM

Dam: 000000068170933 Just So LC A Valuable

Owner: Ainger, Ava & Jakob & Kyle -- Harvard, IL

Last Chance Carter Verona 840003143236811 ‘3E93’ E E E E E 3rd in a Row! 6/05 305d 2x 39180 3.1 1217f 3.2 1265p

Sire: 000000068119645 Voelkers TD Carter *TM

Dam: 000000068170933 Just So LC A Valuable

Owner: Ainger, Ava & Jakob & Kyle -- Harvard, IL

Lewis Century Stock Farms Inc -- La Grange, IN

L Century Lost Art Eva 840003218471491 ‘NC ‘

3/04 365d 3x 41120 3.6 1460f 3.1 1275p

Sire: 000000068170102 BMG Breeders Lost Art ET

Dam: 000000068184655 Olsons Biver Eve Evanka

Owner: Lewis Century Stock Farms Inc -- La Grange, IN

Pacheco Dairy, Inc. -- Kerman, CA

Jer-Lene Cadence Julie 000000068202156 ‘+83 ‘ E V + G + 4/11 365d 2x 32170 4.4 1406f 3.9 1251p

Sire: 000000071130650 Shiloh Brookngs Cadence ET *TM

Dam: 000000068185660 Jer-Lene Dominator Julie

Owner: Pacheco Dairy, Inc. -- Kerman, CA

Maiers Acres -- Thorp, WI

Maiers Acres Dking Lakeysha

000000068211368 ‘V88 ‘ E E V V V

3/01 365d 2x 34640 4.3 1505f 3.6 1248p

Sire: 840003013285130 Hilltop Acres B Dairy King OCS

Dam: 840003146636030 Jebstarr CA Classy Laetitia

Owner: Maier, Brandon & Merideth -- Thorp, WI

Continued on Pg 50




Brisson, Allan H. -- Vergennes, VT

Allandra Carter Glossy ETV

000000068226199 ‘V88 ‘ E V V V V

3/11 365d 2x 37130 4.3 1587f 3.3 1243p

Sire: 000000068119645 Voelkers TD Carter *TM

Dam: 000000068157209 Top Acres HP Glossy ETV

Owner: Brisson, Allan H. -- Vergennes, VT

IE Allandra Rich Nadia

000000068210909 ‘+83 ‘ V + + + +

3/07 365d 2x 33600 4.0 1349f 3.4 1134p

Sire: 000000068155420 Jo-Dee Nemo Richard ET

Dam: 000000068173282 ID Allandra HThunder Nadia

Owner: Brisson, Allan H. -- Vergennes, VT

Legacy Dairy LLC -- Edmonton, KY

Cutting Edge Thun Fury ETV

000000068206674 ‘V88 ‘ V V + V E

3/09 305d 2x 36130 3.5 1270f 3.3 1204p

Sire: 000000068113037 Harts Thunder *TM

Dam: 000000000936474 Round Hill Legacy Flyhi ET

Owner: Jones, Hadleigh, Ezra, Kenna & Kelly Jo Manion -- Edmonton, KY

Sunset Ridge -- Monticello, WI

Sunset Ridge Kcksrt Ramsie

000000068203127 ‘V86 ‘ V V V + V

4/04 365d 2x 34560 4.8 1647f 3.5 1197p

Sire: 840003138790773 Hilltop Acres D Kickstart ET

Dam: 000000068130474 Sunset Ridge Total Rolaine

Owner: Meier, David D. -- Monticello, WI

Lee-Anns Swiss L.L.C. -- De Witt, IA

Lee-Anns Brookings Lunar

000000068157499 ‘V88 ‘ E E V V V

9/11 365d 2x 31230 4.1 1290f 3.6 1128p

Sire: 000000000198772 R N R Payoff Brookings ET *TM

Dam: 000000068117498 Lee-Anns Tucker Lacy

Owner: Lee-Anns Swiss L.L.C. -- De Witt, IA

R N R Swiss -- Lakeville, OH

R N R Cliff Brielle

000000068202608 ‘E90 ‘ E E V V E 2nd in a Row!

4/05 365d 2x 32970 5.0 1651f 3.4 1127p

Sire: 840003143858205 Kulp-Terra Daryou Cliff ET

Dam: 000000068141952 R N R Goldwyn Joanne Becky

Owner: Michalovich, Ronald M. & E. Renee -- Lakeville, OH

Wind Mill Farm -- Pine Grove, PA

Wind Mill Nordic Huntress 1798

000000068189347 ‘V86 ‘ V V V V V

6/02 365d 2x 34900 4.2 1460f 3.2 1125p

Sire: 840003014589958 Sun-Made Nordic ET *TM

Dam: 000000068163236 Wind Mill Turbo Hunter 1506

Owner: Daubert, Dennis & Ronald Ray -- Pine Grove, PA

NEW Members & Prefixes



Michael Barton, Thurmont, MD


Ron & Connie Kuber, Clovis, CA


Jessica Newton, Fairfield, ME


Jean Kummer, Evans City, PA


DKB Dairy LLC, Derby Line, VT



Braelyn May, Auburn, IN


Lane Domeyer, Delhi, IA


Reese Schrock, London, OH


Paisley Galbraith, Elkland, MO

Cooper Diehl, Elkland, MO


Nicolas Barnes, Lawrenceville, PA



Levi Lenhart, Thurmont, MD


Chevy Faunce, Loranger, LA




Paige Conley, Neosho, WI

New Mexico


Kessy King, Dexter, NM



W. B. Saul High School, Philadelphia, PA



Alexandra & Caitlyn Ryherd, Parrish, FL

Contact the BSCBA office for information on memberships, prefixes and more at 608.365.4474 or


BSCBA Director Candidates

Letters of intent for Directors of District 2, 8, or 9 are due to the Executive Secretary by January 31, 2025. Letters are to be sent by mail to: Brown Swiss Association, 800 Pleasant St., Beloit, WI 53511 or by email to:

Bulletin Subscriptions

If you are not a BSA program participant and have a Bulletin subscription, we will be automatically renewing your subscription for 2025. If your subscription is up for renewal, we will send you either an invoice or a paid invoice for the subscription renewal. If you do not pay the invoice by January 31, 2025, we will discontinue your subscription. If you wish to change your address or cancel your subscription, please let us know by January 31, 2025. Contact 608.365.4474 ext. 220.


What’s Going On

~ JANUARY 14 ~ HammerTime in Paradise Sale,

~ JANUARY 18-23 ~ International Dairy Week, Tatura Park, Victoria, Australia

~ JANUARY 19-21 ~ Fort Worth Stock Show Dairy Breeds, Fort Worth, TX

~ JANUARY 25 ~ IA BSA Annual Meeting, Manchester, IA MO BSA State Mtg, Oasis Convention Center, Springfield, MO

~ JANUARY 31 ~ 2025 BSAs and Memberships Due New Subscriptions Due (automatic renewals)

~ FEBRUARY 8 ~ OH BSA State Meeting, Kelgren Center, Select Sires, Inc, Plain City, OH Commercial Dairy Heifer Show, UGA Livestock Arena, Athens, GA

~ FEBRUARY 15 ~ WI Canton 1 Meeting, Delafield Brewhaus, Delafield, WI

~ FEBRUARY 15-17 ~ Florida State Fair, Tampa, FL

~ FEBRUARY 22 ~ Illinois State Meeting, Bloomington, IL

~ MARCH 3-5 ~ Houston Livestock Show Dairy Breeds, Houston, TX

~ MARCH 8 ~

MD Annual Banquet, Thurmont, MD MN BSA State Meeting, Best Western Plus, Wilmar, MN IA State BS Sale, Cresco, IA

~ MARCH 15 ~ MA Blue Ribbon Calf Sale, Springfield, MA

~ MARCH 21 ~

Mid-Atlantic BS Calf Sale, Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick, MD

~ MARCH 21-22 ~ WI State Meeting, Cranberry Lodge, Tomah, WI

~ MARCH 22 ~ PA BSA Spring Meeting, Online/Call In OK Heifer Extravaganza BS Show, Stillwater, OK KCCK Genetics Springtime Showcase, Manchester, IA

~ MARCH 26-28 ~ OH Spring Expo, Columbus, OH

~ MARCH 28-30 ~ NY Dairy Carousel, Hamburg, NY MN JR All-Breeds Convention, Ostego, MN

~ MARCH 31 ~ Young Breeder Award Applications due Youth Contest Applications due

~ APRIL 1 ~ CDCB Genetic Evaluation

~ APRIL 4 ~ KY National Show & Sale, Louisville, KY

*Please notify the Brown Swiss Office of any upcoming Meeting dates, Shows, or Activities in your state or area.*

Bulletin Only

2nd Class Mail US Rates

-1-Year $55.00 -3-Years $150.00



-1-Year $135.00 -3-Years $380.00 Back issues; ea. $30.00

Combined Subscription - Subscription to both The Brown Swiss Bulletin and Performance Summary.

2nd Class Mail US Rates

-1-Year $75.00 -3-Years $210.00


*Contract rates offered to breeder advertisers after they advertise the same page-size ad in 5 issues. They then receive a 10% discount on every ad of the same page size. 5 initial ads and discounted ads must be in a 12-month period * *Contract rates offered commercial advertisers for advertising the same page-size ad in a minimum of 5 issues in a 12-month period*


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