Monday March 4, 2024 | 6:30 pm Farmers & Ranchers, Salina, KS
The Don Johnson Angus Family would like to welcome you to our 28th Annual Bull Sale and thank you for reviewing the offering. As it has been in the past and continues to be, producing bulls to benefit the commercial cattlemen is the focus of the program. We strive to raise bulls to sire calves that are moderate in birthweight, perform from day one, and become recognized as some of the top feeder cattle when they hit the market. In addition, we continue to visually evaluate for soundness and eye appeal to guarantee consistency of our herd and our customers herds. As of this writing, cattlemen have had their challenges with mother nature once again. We’ve had our challenges as well. Last year with the drought, the younger cow/calf pairs were dry lotted in Nebraska. It was interesting to have twice a day evaluation of the cows and calves. Observation of feet in soft dirt, growth, body condition of cows, fertility were just a few things evaluated. Bull calves were hand fed a pound to two pounds of creep a day thus we removed the no creep from advertising. With that all aside, we continue our selection of well-balanced cattle that will grow for our customers, perform in the feedlot, and increase the quality and maternal value of their daughters. This year’s offering is another set of high quality, well balanced bulls. For most of our customers whom mainly market at weaning, we keep an eye on $W. Of the offering this year, 85% of the bulls fall within the top 25% of the breed for $W. When calving comes around, it’s important to get a lively calf that will get up and grow. We designate calvingease bulls for heifers with moderate birthweights that will not hinder calf survivability. And as it has been for years, emphasis is placed on selection of AI sires with breed average or above for the scrotal epd. In addition, foot structure has been a hot topic lately. The three new AI sires added this year all are in the top 25% of the breed for angle and claw epds. Sale bulls in the top 25% for claw and angle epds are recognized in the footnotes. Thank you again for your interest in our program. If we can assist you before the sale, please don’t hesitate to call Don or reach out to Linda via call, text or email. Additionally, we encourage you to follow us on social media at Don Johnson Angus to keep up to date with lot postings and sale information. We look forward to seeing you Monday, March 4th. Sincerely, Don Johnson, Dan & Linda Egger.
Contact us for more information Don Johnson Home: (785) 536-4507 Cell: (785) 826-5628 Dan & Linda Egger Linda’s cell: (402) 910-3152 Dan’s cell: (402) 910-5326 Don Johnson Angus
Dates to remember Feb 1st- Feb 29th Bulls for viewing in Nebraska March 1st- 4th Bulls for viewing at the sale barn March 4th Meal at 5:30 pm Sale starts at 6:30pm
FERTILITY & BVD TESTED All bulls selling have been fertility tested and scrotal measurements were taken by Loseke Veterinary Service. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND, if not utilizing bull until May, that you have the bull re-evaluated shortly before turnout. All bulls tested PI-BVD negative with DNA test. HERD HEALTH Bulls have had weaning vaccinations for respiratory disease, including Pasteurella. GENOMIC TESTED All bulls have been tested which provided additional information used in calculation of the EPDs. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A supplement sheet will be available with actual scrotal measurements and any other additional information. Additional photos and updates will be posted on our website, Also find us on Facebook at Don Johnson Angus. Auction block announcement regarding the cattle selling in the sale takes precedence over information listed in the catalog. GENETIC DEFECTS All bulls have been found free of genetic defects through pedigree evaluation or DNA testing. GUARANTEE Bulls are guaranteed for 90 days from first turnout against breeding injury. If a buyer is not satisfied for any legitimate reason, they are entitled to a replacement. If a replacement bull is not available, you will be provided or credited equal to the purchase price minus salvage value. That credit may be used toward the purchase of any animal in a future sale. We must be notified before you cull the animal. All claims must be made prior to September 1, 2024. We would suggest that normal care still needs to be exercised toward these young bulls. MEAL A complimentary dinner will be served starting at 5:30 p.m. CAN’T MAKE THE SALE? Watch it LIVE on CATTLEUSA.COM If you are unable to join us on sale day, the auction will be broadcast on under Farmers & Ranchers. Pre-register prior to sale day to obtain buyer approval. We provide a complete SIGHT UNSEEN BUYERS SATISFACTION GUARANTEE for all bulls selling in the sale. If you cannot attend in person, you may call or send bids to: Kyle Elwood, Auctioneer – (785)493-2901 Mike Samples, Farmers & Ranchers – (785)826-7884 Stephen Russell, Kansas Stockman – (785)458-2650 Jeff Mafi, Angus Journal - (816)344-4266
EPD TERMS Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database of the American Angus Association. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus.
$VALUE INDEXES $Value Indexes, reported in dollars per head, are multi-trait selection indexes where a higher value suggests more profit. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires if sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.
Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.
Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences in progeny from conception to weaning by decreasing mature cow size and improving docility, foot structure and fertility while maintaining weaning weights consistent with current production.
Birth Weight (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Weaning Weight (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Yearling Weight (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Scrotal Circumference (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires. Maternal Milk (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf ’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. Heifer Pregnancy (HP), is a selection tool to increase the probability or chance of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant as first-calf heifers during a normal breeding season. A higher EPD is the more favorable direction and the EPD is reported in percentage units. Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires. Docility (Doc), is expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility. It predicts the average difference of progeny from a sire in comparison with another sire’s calves. In herds where temperament problems are not an issue, this expected difference would not be realized. Pulmonary arterial pressure EPD (PAP), is expressed in millimeters of Mercury (mmHg), with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire should produce progeny with a lower PAP score. PAP score is an indicator of susceptibility to high altitude disease commonly experienced at elevations greater than 5,500 feet. Selection for this trait aims to improve the genetic potential for a sire’s progeny to have lower PAP scores thus a lower chance of contracting high altitude disease increasing the environmental adaptability of cattle living in mountain areas. Carcass Weight (CW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Marbling (Marb), is expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Ribeye Area (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Weaned Calf Value ($W), expressed in dollars per head, provides the expected difference in future progeny preweaning performance from birth to weaning. Feedlot Value ($F), expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning feedlot merit (growth and feed efficiency) compared to progeny of other sires assuming producers retain ownership of cattle and sell on a carcass weight basis. Grid Value ($G), expressed in dollars per carcass, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit, including quality and yield grade attributes, compared to progeny of other sires. Beef Value ($B), expressed in dollars per carcass, represents the expected average differences in the progeny postweaning performance and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. This index assumes commercial producers wean all male and female progeny, retain ownership of these animals through the feedlot phase, and market these animals on a qualitybased carcass grid. Combined Value ($C), an index expressed in dollars per head, includes all traits that make up both $M and $B with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and eventually sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid.
REG: 18397542
H A Image Maker 0415 Benfield Substance 8506 Benfield Edella 1105 Mohnen Substantial 272 LT Territory 5824 of EA Mohnen Glyn Mawr Elba 1758 Mohnen Glyn Mawr Elba 1345 Connealy Product 568 Connealy Final Product Ebonista of Conanga 471 SITZ pride 200B Sitz Upward 307R Sitz Pride 308Y Sitz Pride 44P
$W 64 $F 93 $B 138
Stellar was utilized this year to produce thick topped, deep sided progeny in a moderate frame low birth weight package. He is a foot improver and it shows in this group of bulls. He has a proven maternal pedigree and we look forward to seeing what his daughters do.
BJ Surpass
REG: 19774516
Basin Payweight 1682 TEX Playbook 5437 Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete G A R Prophet BJ Prophet 5275 BJ Complete 1165
Basin Payweight 0065 21AR O Lass 7017 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Rita 9M26 of Rita 5F56 Pred C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 BJ 5050 New Design 9164
$W 77 $F 84 $B 147
A calving ease bull that was selected for an outcross pedigree with maternal and end product merits. Surpass calves resemble their sire with extra body and strong foot structure.
Deer Valley Growth Fund REG: 18827828
$M 68
Vermilion Payweight J847 Basin Lucy 3829 HARB Pendleton 765 J H 21AR O Lass F24A Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Ext 614
Basin Payweight 0065 Basin Payweight 1682 21AR O Lass 7017 G A R Prophet Deer Valley Rita 36113 Deer Valley Rita 9457
$W 92 $F 133 $B 177
Keep going back to Growth Fund as his sons are hard to beat for their eye apparel and tremendous growth in a low birth weight package.
L A R Man in Black
REG: 19955191
Connealy Black Granite Bar R Jet Black 5063 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 Sitz Top Game 561X JMB Maxine TG 2131 JMB Maxine Deluxe 9034
Connealy Consensus 7229 Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081 GDAR Game Day 449 Sitz Pride 88T Stevenson CE Deluxe 1914 JMB Maxine 720
$W 72 $F 135 $B 207
Man in Black caught our eye for overall performance, added carcass merits, and outcross pedigree. His birth weight EPD has gone up since progeny has been reported, however, we had several first calf heifers bred to him and had no problem. Also, his calves are for the customer who feeds their own cattle. We will have more Man in Black calves next year.
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
Sitz Stellar 726D
Musgrave 316 Exclusive
REG: 18130471
S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 C A Future Direction 5321 LD Dixie Erica Oar 0853 Kesslers Frontman R001 MCATL Blackcap Juara 29-434 TC Boom Time 434 SCR Prim Lassie 60781
Connealy Capitalist 028 LD Capitalist 316 LD Dixie Erica 2053 Musgrave Foundation Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386 SCR Prim Lassie 80634
$W 71 $F 108 $B 168
Exclusive made complete set of bulls for us again this year.He’s a calving ease sire with added carcass merits. His daughters are coming into production and look to be the kind to keep.
Mohnen Jilt 1641
LJ Recharge 3436
Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Recharge 3436 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Musgrave Foundation Mohnen Jilt 1641 Mohnen Jilt 1655
S A V Recharge 3436
REG: 19875728 R R Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2397 Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Mohnen Jilt 910
$W 58 $F 95 $B 126
Our own son from our featured Jilt cow. He calves easy, very docile and good footed. He took care of cleaning up cows this summer and he moved on to one of our customers.
MOGCK Entice
REG: 18952921
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 MOGCK Sure Shot Mogck Miss 61 Connealy 5050 611B MOGCK Erica 08
SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance Syd Gen Rita 2618 Mogck Sure Shot 253 MOGCK Erica 2255 MOGCK Erica 2162
$W 76 $F 111 $B 176
Final year for a few Entices. He’s been the bull to use on lower SC cows that needed some growth and frame. Wish we had more daughters because of their beautiful udders and small teat size. In addition, they usually have carcass qualities as well.
LD Capitalist 316
REG: 17666102
Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 S A V Emulous 8145 Connealy Capitalist 028 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 G A R Precision 1680 C A Future Direction 5321 C A Miss Power Fix 308 LD Dixie Erica 2053 LD Royce Onaroll 810 LD Dixie Erica Oar 0853 Dixie Erica of R R 8553
$W 72 $F 106 $B 160
Capitalist 316 was utilized to produce thick, moderate framed cattle in a calving ease package. Several of his daughters have been retained and carry the eye appeal and correct udder and teat size needed.
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
Lot 1 - LJ SURPASS 3009
LJ Surpass 3009
REG: 20661387 DOB: 12/18/22 BRAND: 3009 TEX Playbook 5437 CARCASS BJ Surpass BJ Prophet 5275 CW 59 MARB 0.79 G A R Sure Fire REA 0.84 LJ Blackcap Lady 1071 FAT 0.008 LJ Blackcap Lady 9101 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 10 0.2 72 125 0.34 1.8 32 104 76 106 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 74 762 1316 17 9 28 63 169 323 Cows
This Surpass son is the kind we strive to make. We love the way Lot 1 blends his smooth shoulder into a deep center cavity, yet still offers added dimension and a robust look when you step behind. On top of that, the moderate, easy-handling bull allows you to inspect his high-quality foot structure that works well for replacement female production. He offers arguably the most balanced data set with five $Values in the top 25% for the breed highlighted by being the 3rd highest in the sale for $C. Out of a first-calf heifer, his ears got a little shorter during the artic freeze of 2022, but Don promises his calves will hit the ground with a fully developed ear set. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% $M / 3% Doc / 4% $C /10% HP / 15% CED, $W, $F / 20% $B / 25% WW, YW, CW
LJ Surpass 3008
REG: 20661386 DOB: 12/17/22 BRAND: 3008 TEX Playbook 5437 CARCASS BJ Surpass BJ Prophet 5275 CW 72 MARB 0.33 Deer Valley Growth Fund REA 0.58 LJ Ms Growth Fund 1005 FAT 0.003 LJ Ms Cowboy Up 8087 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 5 2.8 92 146 1.25 3.56 15 91 89 104 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 74 903 1476 15.2 10 31 36 141 274 Cows
A square-hipped, tremendous footed bull with added frame and growth. The highest weaning weight of the first-calf heifers, this bull is a perfect candidate for those who market their calves at weaning or as yearlings. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% $W / 2% Foot Angle, WW / 3% $M / 5% Foot Claw / 10% YW, CW / 20% HP, Milk, $F
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
TLC Surpass 3001
REG: 20661384 DOB: 12/10/22 BRAND: 3001 TEX Playbook 5437 CARCASS BJ Surpass BJ Prophet 5275 CW 61 MARB 0.69 LD Capitalist 316 REA 0.56 TLC Ms Lucy of 316 1090 FAT 0.007 TLC Lucy D093 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 12 0.8 84 141 1.49 1.57 20 94 82 107 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 65 731 1341 12.4 15 24 54 161 303 Cows
A very complete, impressive calving ease bull offering added power and growth in an easy handling, good patterned package. He comes from a strong maternal cow family with generations of good udders. His genetic profile should merit high consideration when looking to produce females. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% $M / 3% CEM, $W / 4% Foot Angle / 10% CED, WW, YW, Foot Claw / 15% SC, $F, $C / 25%, CW
TLC Surpass 3070
REG: 20600764 DOB: 01/22/23 BRAND: 3070 TEX Playbook 5437 CARCASS BJ Surpass BJ Prophet 5275 CW 54 MARB 0.93 S A V Rainfall 6846 REA 0.48 TLC Ms Sierre of Rainfall FAT 0.037 TLC Ms Sierre Whitlock 9043 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 7 1.5 77 133 1.24 1.98 19 96 81 95 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 723 1329 15.5 11 31 63 158 301 Cows
A big topped, deep sided bull from a first-calf heifer that stems from a favorite cow family. A moderate framed bull, he offers maternal value to those who retain heifers and added dollars for those marketing feeder cattle. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% $M/ 4% $W/ 10% Foot Angle / 15% WW, $C / 20% YW, HP, Foot Claw / 25% CEM, Marb
LJ Surpass 3005
REG: 20789184 DOB: 12/14/22 BRAND: 3005 TEX Playbook 5437 CARCASS BJ Surpass BJ Prophet 5275 CW 48 MARB 0.9 MOGCK Entice REA 0.47 LJ Ms Scotta 1069 FAT 0 LJ Ms Scotta of Twix A087 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 11 0.1 76 125 1.33 4.1 26 88 80 83 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 70 761 1366 11.3 12 27 64 147 279 Cows
A stylish, low birthweight heifer bull. This big scrotal, good footed bull stems from a cow family with longevity represented by his granddam still in production at 11 years old and son selling as Lot 60. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 4% $M / 5% $W / 15% CED / 20%, WW, CEM, Doc, Foot Angle / 25% BW, SC, Foot Claw, $C
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
Lot 6 - LJ STELLAR 3045
LJ Stellar 3045
REG: 20641905 DOB: 01/09/23 BRAND: 3045 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 72 MARB 0.54 BJ DAR Complement 3206 REA 0.89 LJ Ms Ruby 8101 FAT 0.008 LJ Ms Foresight 0988 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 5 1.9 88 152 1.89 1.15 19 62 76 118 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 87 898 1424 12.4 7 24 51 169 281 Cows
Big time cow power in the blood of Lot 6. Stout from pole to pins with the expected eye-appeal out of one of our top generating cows. His numbers back up the phenotypical story - impressive at weaning and never missed a day at the bunk turning in the highest yearling weight. His accomplished dam, Shazam, carries a weaning and yearling ratio of 107 on 4 calves with a calving interval of 363. She raised the high selling $15,000 Growth Fund son of 2022. Stellar brought the Big Sky Country power to this phenotypically impressive J2 female; we’re certainly excited to show off another one of her sale highlights come sale day. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 4% WW, YW, SC / 10% CW, $F / 15% Claw, $W / 20% RE / 25% $B, $C
LJ Stellar 3072
REG: 20600760 DOB: 01/23/23 BRAND: 3072 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 71 MARB 0.6 LD Capitalist 316 REA 0.57 LJ Ms Barbara 0096 FAT 0.052 LJ Ms Barbara 7015 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F -8 4.7 95 160 0.2 -0.64 24 65 73 107 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 856 1462 12.7 4 22 46 154 265 Cows
Stout cow bull with breed leading growth potential. This sound footed, good angled bull will cover ground and inject growth that will rival the best of them. He will add pounds and size that you will appreciate at weaning while the cattle feeder will like those calves in the feedlot. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% WW / 2% YW / 10% Angle, CW / 15% Claw, $W, $F / 25% Doc
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Stellar 3048
REG: 20784920 DOB: 01/10/23 BRAND: 3048 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 54 MARB 0.61 Sitz Investment 660Z REA 0.81 LJ Georgiana’s Investment 43 FAT 0.027 LJ Georgiana’s Valley C011 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 0.4 76 131 1.05 -1.91 22 70 68 94 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 795 1393 12.4 5 18 52 146 259 Cows
LJ Stellar 3014
REG: 20600751 DOB: 12/24/22 TATTOO: 3014 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 71 MARB 0.25 Deer Valley Growth Fund REA 0.59 LJ Lassie 0003 FAT 0.038 LJ Lassie D047 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 2 1.5 83 150 0.89 -0.04 27 58 62 121 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 745 1299 15.2 11 16 30 150 253 Cows
An impressive, eye-catching bull that has strong visual performance to match his genetic growth expectations. The bigtop, deep sided bull stems from an impressive cow family known for their perfect udders and ease of fleshing. His Pathfinder dam carriers a WR of 105/5 and a calving interval of 365. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 20% WW, YW, Claw / 25% $W
A moderate framed cow bull with growth potential and an impressive foot structure. His young dam reaches back to the Final Answer cow, “Roo”. She’s inputted multiple progressive daughters into our herd and sons who have been popular on sale day. Her lineage can also be found in Lot 41. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% Claw / 4% $F / 5% YW / 10% WW, CW / 15% Doc , Angle / 25% HP, CEM, PAP
LJ Stellar 3012
REG: 20600749 DOB: 12/22/22 BRANDX: 3012 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 41 MARB 0.56 KG Solution 0018 REA 0.42 LJ Ms Solution of Eisa 0013 FAT 0.027 LJ Ms Weigh Up of Eisa 8077 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 8 -0.4 73 132 1.64 -0.77 27 84 74 78 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 720 1302 15 13 28 44 122 242 Cows
An attractive, low birthweight prospect with added thickness and shape. This bull will catch your eye and is one to consider for those retaining daughters with his $M in the top 10% for the breed. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 10% SC, CEM, Claw, $M / 15% Doc, PAP, $W / 20% BW, YW / 25% WW, HP
LJ Stellar 3021
REG: 20600754 DOB: 12/29/22 BRAND: 3021 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 50 MARB 0.5 KG Solution 0018 REA 0.54 LJ Ms Blackcap Lady 9037 FAT 0.031 LJ Blackcap Lady 7073 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 5 -0.2 74 131 0.92 -1.37 21 77 69 93 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 765 1269 14.3 9 23 41 134 251 Cows
A larger framed cow bull with added growth coming from a cow family that keeps getting it done. On her third bull, the dam’s previous sons hit the sale ring averaging $6,100. The females behind 3021 are well known for udder quality and appropriate teat size – this lineage is represented in Lots 14 and 17. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 5% Claw / 10% PAP / 15% Angle / 20% BW, YW, $M / 25% WW, $W
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Stellar 3061
REG: 20784917 DOB: 01/19/23 BRAND: 3061 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 49 MARB 0.89 S A V Angus Valley 1867 REA 0.54 LJ Georgiana’s Valley E021 FAT 0.042 LJ Georgiana’s ConsensusA035 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F -1 2.7 85 144 0.28 -0.31 26 84 76 76 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 90 834 1429 14.9 9 25 61 137 262 Cows
High-quality individual out of a high-quality, reliable cow. 3061 is the thick ended, deep sided kind with exceptional growth in a model footed package. Our confidence in this bull stems from the cow behind him. A beautiful udder and a calving interval of 371 days on five calves has kept and will keep her as a mainstay in the heart of our herd. Knowing the history of this cow and her offspring, 3061 is well suited to generate a pen of high dollar weaned calves and replacement daughters with longevity and profitability at the forefront. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% Claw / 5% WW / 10% YW, $M, $W / 20% Doc / 25% HP, Angle
TLC Stellar 3025
REG: 20600755 DOB: 12/31/22 BRAND: 3025 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 37 MARB 0.56 KG Solution 0018 REA 0.58 TLC Sierre of Solution 0047 FAT 0.032 TLC Sierre of Whitlock 8039 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 -0.5 66 118 0.81 -3.87 25 95 73 82 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 80 689 1217 21.7 3 31 46 128 261 Cows
A low birthweight cow bull in an attractive package. Offers a balanced data set for profitable weaned calves and low maintenance replacement daughters with HP top 1%, milk and docility top 20%, and suitable YW. This medium frame bull stems from a young cow that produced a $7,750 bull last year. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% HP, PAP / 2% $M / 15% $W / 20% Milk, BW, Doc / 25% Claw
Lot 12 - LJ STELLAR 3061
LJ Stellar 3027
REG: 20641903 DOB: 12/31/22 BRAND: 3027 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 45 MARB 0.47 Sitz Investment 660Z REA 0.54 LJ Blackcap Lady 7073 FAT 0.054 LJ Blackcap Lady C035 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 0.1 75 125 1.19 -1.45 11 80 75 82 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 760 1352 12.8 11 23 39 121 237 Cows
Another low birthweight cow bull in an intermediate framed package. Thick, deep, and big-topped with a productive cow family on the bottom side. The dam brings a calving interval of 364, has two daughters in the herd, and her two previous bulls sold for an average of $7,625 grandson represented in Lot 11. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 5% PAP, 10% Claw / 15% $M, $W / 20% WW, Angle / 25% BW, CEM
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Stellar 3032
REG: 20600756 DOB: 01/02/23 BRAND: 3032 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 48 MARB 0.5 LJ Consensus C015 REA 0.39 LJ Ms Georgiana 0075 FAT 0.089 LJ Ms Georgiana Z774 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 9 1.2 71 118 1.27 -1.44 13 70 68 85 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 801 1286 11.3 8 23 36 121 227 Cows
Heifer bull with supervision An attractive, balanced individual suited for top dollar feeder calves and replacement females. His moderation of size and yearling growth should work well for those watching mature cow size. With his WW EPD just outside of the top 25% and Adj. WW at 801, he’s one to watch. His young dam hails from an older cow family that is also represented in Lot 57. Ranking the Breed’s Top 4% Claw / 10% PAP / 25% SC, $W
LJ Stellar 3035
REG: 20791081 DOB: 01/04/23 BRAND: 3035 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 54 MARB 0.41 S Chisum 185 REA 0.59 LJ Lassie of Chisum B126 FAT 0.05 LJ Lassie’s Predominant Z073 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 8 1 68 115 0.91 -1.8 17 65 65 94 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 728 1306 9.9 11 24 37 131 235 Cows
A phenotypically complete kind of low birthweight bull that will cover the bases. Standing on a square set of toes, this bull brings extra depth of rib and thickness. He’s the direct son of a reliable 9-year-old cow that has a tremendous grandson in Lot 30. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 4% PAP / 15% Claw, Angle / 25% CEM
LJ Stellar 3065
REG: 20600758 DOB: 01/19/23 BRAND: 3065 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 41 MARB 0.94 Musgrave 316 Exclusive REA 0.38 LJ Blackcap Lady 0051 FAT 0.061 LJ Blackcap Lady C035 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 4 0.5 62 111 0.54 -2.69 19 71 59 84 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 727 1188 11.5 6 22 60 144 258 Cows
Great looking Stellar bull in a moderate sized package. Truly not a bad view of this bull with predictors hinting towards added carcass value in his offspring. Stems from a young cow that goes back to a strong cow family represented in Lot 14. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% PAP /3% Claw /10% Angle / 25% Marb
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Stellar 3066
REG: 20784919 DOB: 01/20/23 BRAND: 3066 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 62 MARB 0.28 Basin Excitement REA 0.66 LJ Barbara D057 FAT 0.019 Pohlmans Barbara 376 07 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 8 1.1 79 130 0.82 -0.87 28 90 79 99 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 843 1310 12.7 12 26 34 133 263 Cows
Productive calving-ease bull offering a valuable combination of added thickness, depth of body, and growth. His added dimension and boldness of rib doesn’t sacrifice design, reflected in his foot EPD’s in the top 10%. In addition to being the well-built, productive kind, Lot 18 offers strong maternal value with his docile manner and quality uddered dam having a calving interval of 361 on six calves. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 3% $M / 5% Angle / 10% Doc, Claw, $W / 15% WW / 20% CEM, CW / 25% YW, $F
LJ Stellar 3068
REG: 20600759 DOB: 01/20/23 BRAND: 3068 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 58 MARB 0.47 S A V Raindance 6848 REA 0.88 LJ Georgiana 0050 FAT 0.053 LJ Georgiana’s Tanker E083 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 10 -0.5 73 132 0.73 -3.61 21 67 69 99 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 730 1237 14.5 12 27 44 143 252 Cows
A deep bodied, calving ease Stellar son that offers strong growth. An outstanding heifer bull prospect with top 25% weaning and 20% yearling growth. The foot quality is the icing on the cake. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% PAP / 4% Claw /10% Angle / 20% CED, BW, YW, CEM RE / 25% WW, HP, $W
Lot 18 - LJ STELLAR 3066
LJ Stellar 3073
REG: 20600761 DOB: 01/24/23 BRAND: 3073 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 77 MARB 0.55 MOGCK Entice REA 0.63 LJ Ms Georgiana 0029 FAT 0.031 LJ Ms Twix Georgiana A099 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 8 0 88 150 1.7 0.26 21 76 88 107 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 796 1356 16.1 5 32 46 153 274 Cows
A tremendous calving ease bull combining heifer bull qualities with breed leading growth. The smooth shouldered, taller framed bull is out of a young cow that has one the best udder structures in the herd. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% $W / 3% WW / 5% YW, CW / 10% SC, CW / 15% HP, Milk, Claw, $F / 20% Angle, $M / 25% BW
McClure and Sons - Jamie and Gordon McClure Customers since 2008 Purchased 33 bulls from Don Johnson Angus We asked Gordon and Jamie why they buy bulls from Don Johnson Angus and they said,
“We don’t have to worry about buying a bull and not knowing everything about it.” Gordon also added, “We kind of like you guys.” (It might help that Don is a Kansas Jayhawk fan, too)
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Stellar 3074
REG: 20784922 DOB: 01/24/23 BRAND: 3074 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 40 MARB 0.38 R B Tour Of Duty 177 REA 0.31 LJ Georgiana’s Tour of Duty FAT 0.042 LJ Ms Georgiana Iris A034 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 7 0.3 64 116 0.02 0.73 15 55 59 83 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 87 721 1262 11 9 27 32 115 204 Cows
A moderate framed, incredible footed Stellar son that will keep your cowherd size in check. He tops the hair shedding category and is the easy fleshing kind – cattlemen looking to build back cow numbers look here. Ranking in Breed’s Top 1% Claw, Angle and Hair Shredding
LJ Stellar 3081
REG: 20791071 DOB: 02/02/23 BRAND: 3081 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 31 MARB 0.47 S A V Priority 7283 REA 0.18 LJ Emblynette C069 FAT 0.058 LJ Emblynette Z027 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 7 -0.4 68 108 0.06 -4.64 14 84 62 69 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 87 629 1191 13.7 11 14 34 102 216 Cows
A thick, big topped bull that will keep your cowherd moderate and low on input cost. He carries maternal power from a consistent, good uddered cow that carries a calving interval of 367 days on seven calves. Don’t overlook his good foot structure and top 1% hair shedding. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% Claw, Angle, PAP, Hair Shedding / 10% $M / 20% BW / 25% CEM
LJ Stellar 3089
REG: 20791080 DOB: 02/06/23 BRAND: 3089 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 29 MARB 0.51 S A V Priority 7283 REA 0.36 LJ Ms Whitneys Priority B047 FAT 0.051 LJ Ms 004 by Focus 0702 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 9 -0.4 52 89 0.95 -2.28 15 71 55 75 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 84 698 1152 12.9 9 24 39 113 218 Cows
A deep-bodied, calving ease bull that will catch your eye for his overall balance and style. Last year, his 10-year-old dam raised a top seller bull at $10,500. She’s still in the herd and carries a calving interval of 363. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% PAP / 10% Claw / 20% BW
LJ Stellar 3102
REG: 20791042 DOB: 02/15/23 BRAND: 3102 Mohnen Substantial 272 CARCASS Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B CW 44 MARB 0.72 Connealy Guinness REA 0.24 LJ Ms Barbara 7015 FAT 0.066 LJ Barbara B079 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F -2 2.8 66 115 1.4 -2.41 23 70 47 88 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 87 721 1319 17.9 8 16 47 135 245 Cows
Eye appealing, good patterned cow bull. Although he gives up some age and comparative performance, he offers strong maternal merits with hair shedding in the top 3% along with his feet, SC and HP all in the top 20% or better. Dam is a branch from the Barbara family represented in Lot 7 and her calving interval is 378 on five calves. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% Claw / 5% HP, Angle / 20% SC
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
Lot 25 - LJ Man in Black 3082
LJ Man in Black 3082
REG: 20784923 DOB: 02/02/23 BRAND: 3082 Bar R Jet Black 5063 CARCASS LAR Man In Black JMB Maxine TG 2131 CW 73 MARB 1.22 S Chisum 255 REA 0.92 LJ Lassie of Chisum 255 8046 FAT 0.023 LJ Lassie of Consensus A048 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 2.9 93 160 1.26 -0.89 27 80 91 106 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 92 822 1366 12.6 8 38 85 190 326 Cows
Here’s the bull that has all the pieces to put calves on the ground for the cow/calf man and steers on the grid for the feeder. This rugged bull presents an ideal package of docility and strong growth numbers embodied by his WW and $W in the top 1% for the breed. Don’t overlook the numbers for carcass EPD’s with his ultrasound data of a 15.2 adj. ribeye and 5.92 adj. IMF. He can’t cover many more bases with the six $ Values all in the top 20%. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% WW, $W / 2% YW / 3% Milk / 10% CW, $M, $C / 15% DOC, PAP, Marb, $G, $B / 20% RE, $F
LJ Man in Black 3015
REG: 20600750 DOB: 12/26/22 BRAND: 3015 Bar R Jet Black 5063 CARCASS LAR Man In Black JMB Maxine TG 2131 CW 64 MARB 0.76 Basin Payweight 1682 REA 0.63 LJ Ms Whitney of PW 9071 FAT 0.039 LJ Ms Whitney’s Answer A055 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 1 3.2 83 138 0.96 1.01 18 60 71 106 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 87 790 1334 7.5 9 24 56 162 270 Cows
A deep bodied Man in Black son with strong growth indicated by his WW in the top 10% and YW in top 15%. He stands on a strong foot structure and his young dam has turned in a WR of 104 on three calves. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 10% WW / 15% YW, Claw, CW, $F / 20% Angle, $W
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Man of Black 3059
REG: 20611240 DOB: 01/19/23 BRAND: 3059 Bar R Jet Black 5063 CARCASS LAR Man In Black JMB Maxine TG 2131 CW 65 MARB 0.66 LJ Angus Valley C006 REA 0.74 LJ Ms Classy Valley 7156 FAT 0.034 LJ Ms Classy Chinook X097 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 10 1.8 83 141 0.88 1.05 5 71 71 107 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 746 1314 14.8 10 20 53 160 279 Cows
An eye-appealing, moderate framed bull that is on the line to be used on larger framed heifers. He possesses extra thickness and growth data along with a foot structure that runs with the best. He didn’t disappoint on ultrasound day scanning a 15” eye to confirm his genuine muscle shape you see through his top and quarter. This guy is out of a young cow that has a little flair in her disposition that passed on to his temperament as well. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 3% Angle / 10% WW, YW / 15% $F / 20% CED, CW, $W / 25% HP, $M, $C
LJ Man in Black 3041
REG: 20611241 DOB: 01/07/23 BRAND: 3041 Bar R Jet Black 5063 CARCASS LAR Man In Black JMB Maxine TG 2131 CW 72 MARB 0.38 S A V Recharge 3436 REA 0.79 LJ Georgiana’s Recharge 9081 FAT 0.014 LJ Georgiana’s Valley C011 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 2.9 84 143 0.58 -0.08 24 56 71 106 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 798 1360 11.4 3 26 41 147 247 Cows
Intermediate framed bull with his predictors for WW and YW in the top 10% for the breed. Coupled with his high $F value, he should produce offspring with added value throughout all stages. An easy handling bull from a cow family that is represented in Lot 8. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 10% WW, YW, CW / 15% Claw / 20% $W, $F / 25% Doc, PAP
Lot 27 - LJ Man of Black 3059
LJ Man in Black 3043
REG: 20641909 DOB: 01/09/23 BRAND: 3043 Bar R Jet Black 5063 CARCASS LAR Man In Black JMB Maxine TG 2131 CW 55 MARB 0.93 S A V Angus Valley 1867 REA 0.47 LJ Hillery of Angus Valley FAT 0.063 LJ Hillery of Final Product PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 8 0.4 69 127 0.91 -0.87 17 71 70 94 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 758 1344 15 10 30 61 154 271 Cows
One of the all-around, combination bulls of the sale. He’s phenotypically impressive in the pen, safe to use on heifers, and has the potential to inject positive production merits at every stage. The moderate framed bull stems from the Roo family that is also represented in Lots 41 & 29 and his dam carries a calving interval of 365 on six calves. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 10% PAP / 15% HP / 20% $W / 25% YW, Milk, Marb
Nagely Farms - Donald, Jordan, and Brett Nagely Customers since 2008 Purchased 15 bulls from Don Johnson Angus We asked the Nagely family why they continue to buy bulls from Don Johnson Angus.
Their response was “The bulls have tremendous longevity and their feet hold up.”
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Man in Black 3042
REG: 20641908 DOB: 01/08/23 BRAND: 3042 Bar R Jet Black 5063 CARCASS LAR Man In Black JMB Maxine TG 2131 CW 93 MARB 1 R B Tour Of Duty 177 REA 1 LJ Lassie of TD 8002 FAT 0.059 LJ Lassie of Chisum B126 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 2 4.5 89 154 2.33 1.56 11 52 67 143 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 810 1477 15.7 12 26 72 215 331 Cows
The dictionary changed the definition of power to Lot 30 when this one hit the dirt. He came with extra dimension and rib as a baby and has continued to add more shape and dimension cumulating to one of biggest yearling weights in the offering. Let us tell you, he has the big seeds in tow underneath… and we didn’t need to see his breed leading Scrotal EPD to notice them. He stems from a cow in the middle of her prime with a 367 day calving interval on four calves. His nine-year-old maternal granddam’s son is represented in Lot 16. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% SC, CW, $F / 2% $B / 3% WW, YW / 4% $C / 10% RE / 15% HP / 20% CEM, $G / 25% Marb
LJ Tahoe 3026
REG: 20861657 DOB: 12/31/22 BRAND: 3026 Tehama Upward Y238 CARCASS Tehama Tahoe B767 Tehama Mary Blackbird Y684 CW 56 MARB 0.66 S A V Rainfall 6846 REA 0.85 LJ Blackcap Lady 1073 FAT -0.012 LJ Blackcap Lady 9064 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 9 0.6 87 148 1.11 1.82 18 75 84 96 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 76 783 1261 12.7 11 26 58 154 275 Cows
The sole son of Tahoo doesn’t disappoint. Even with the safe for heifer check, he puts together some added thickness and performance to be a good bull for cows as he gets older. He weaned off his first calf dam well and indicates with his top EPD’s in the WW & YW that he will put some dollars in your pockets at weaning. He does have an ear that hangs slightly due to an ear tag infection as a calf. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% $W / 4% WW / 10% YW / 20% Angle, Fat / 25% CEM, RE, $M
Lot 30 - LJ Man of Black 3042
LJ Resilient 3006
REG: 20780372 DOB: 12/15/22 BRAND: 3006 Sitz Stellar 726D CARCASS Sitz Resilient 10208 Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 CW 48 MARB 0.6 Deer Valley Growth Fund REA 0.47 LJ Georgiana’s Growth Fund FAT 0.05 LJ Ms Georgiana’s Resource PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 12 -1.7 68 118 0.29 2.19 9 93 77 90 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 67 765 1199 16.6 11 31 45 135 268 Cows
Five-star heifer bull that offers great balance and design. Out of a first calf heifer, Lot 32 stems from a strong cow family known for their feminine look and strong potential to make outstanding replacements. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% Angle / 2% Claw, $M / 5% BW / 10% CED, HP, $W / 20% Milk / 25% CEM
LJ Resilient 3033
REG: 20780373 DOB: 01/04/23 BRAND: 3033 Sitz Stellar 726D CARCASS Sitz Resilient 10208 Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 CW 57 MARB 0.92 Deer Valley Growth Fund REA 0.53 LJ Ms Whitney 1011 FAT 0.059 LJ Ms Whitney 8104 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 7 1.7 79 132 1.1 -0.27 12 62 80 92 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 835 1352 11.8 10 32 61 153 260 Cows
A stylish, medium framed growth bull with extra value in his carcass predictors. The dam of Lot 33 is a first-calf heifer that stems from the Raider family that led off the sale last year. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 5% $W / 15% WW, Milk / 20% YW, PAP / 25% Marb
Nagely steers fed at Johannes Farms
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
Lot 34 - LJ Exclusive 3011
LJ Exclusive 3011
REG: 20611242 DOB: 12/22/22 BRAND: 3011 LD Capitalist 316 CARCASS Musgrave 316 Exclusive Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386 CW 56 MARB 0.6 Baldridge Colonel C251 REA 0.52 LJ Ms Georgiana Rose 9080 FAT 0.024 LJ Ms Georgiana Rose C048 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 3 2.8 64 123 0.33 2.13 17 69 68 95 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 873 1494 12.8 11 44 48 143 254 Cows
Full brother to one of last year’s sale highlights. Lot 34 echoes many of the positive traits from his bull brother with an impressive hip and hindleg set merged with a bold center body and thickness through his hind quarter. He hit the scales impressive at weaning and set the standard of the yearling weights at 1,442 lbs. His dam is a big milker reflected in his top 1% Milk EPD. This is her third bull to hit the sale ring, and her calves bring the pounds at the right time with a BW ratio of 99 and WW ratio of 107. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% Milk / 20% Claw / 25% CEM, $W
LJ Exclusive 3017
REG: 20611243 DOB: 12/26/22 BRAND: 3017 LD Capitalist 316 CARCASS Musgrave 316 Exclusive Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386 CW 55 MARB 1.15 MOGCK Entice REA 0.37 LJ Blackcap Lady 0097 FAT 0.056 LJ Blackcap Lady 7077 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 8 0.2 70 130 1.25 1.65 30 88 69 106 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 80 723 1294 17 9 27 71 177 318 Cows
This Exclusive son is a top heifer bull candidate that should generate valuable feeder cattle and complete replacement females. This docile bull will catch your eye in person and on paper with his growth, CAB qualification, and all $Values in the top 25%. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 4% $M / 5% Doc / 10% HP, Claw, $C / 15% Marb, $B / 20% $F, $G / 25% YW, $W
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Exclusive 3047
REG: 20611247 DOB: 01/10/23 BRAND: 3047 LD Capitalist 316 CARCASS Musgrave 316 Exclusive Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386 CW 89 MARB 0.38 S Whitlock 179 REA 1.24 TLC Lucy 9018 FAT 0.036 TLC Lucy D093 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 3.4 92 167 1.12 1.67 23 55 75 134 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 880 1461 16.3 13 30 45 179 287 Cows
One of the larger framed, longer bodied Exclusive bulls that puts together an impressive performance record. This guy came in strong at weaning and doesn’t look like he’s missed a feeding. He’s going to catch plenty of attention on sale day with his alluring balance and impressive data. Last year’s full brother was a sale highlight selling for $10,500. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% YW, CW, RE, $F / 2% WW / 10% HP, CEM / 15% $W, $B / 20% $C / 25% Milk
Lot 36 - Exclusive 3047
LJ Exclusive 3036
REG: 20790897 DOB: 01/06/23 BRAND: 3036 LD Capitalist 316 CARCASS Musgrave 316 Exclusive Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386 CW 40 MARB 0.37 R B Tour Of Duty 177 REA 0.8 TLC Classy of TD 8055 FAT 0.036 TLC Ms Classy B031 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 0 2 58 96 1.01 0.83 25 79 59 83 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 87 711 1285 15.2 8 25 39 121 236 Cows
Lot 37 carries many of the same features as his full brother from last year that sold for $6,000. He is a cow bull with noticeable thickness and rib shape. His balance of conservative YW and Milk values will be a benefit for easy keeping replacements along with his $M in the top 15%. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 15% $M / 20% Doc, HP / 25% RE
LJ Exclusive 3053
REG: 20611248 DOB: 01/15/23 BRAND: 3053 LD Capitalist 316 CARCASS Musgrave 316 Exclusive Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386 CW 59 MARB 0.5 KG Solution 0018 REA 0.87 LJ 9024Georgiana’s Solution FAT 0.055 LJ Ms Georgiana’s Resource PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 11 -0.8 69 129 1.74 1.01 30 85 71 106 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 678 1155 19.4 10 29 45 150 280 Cows
Here’s another full brother to a bull that sold last year for $10,000. This guy is a little different than his brother with his smooth shoulders and build of a calving easy specialist. His young dam has raised three bulls with a weaning ratio of 101 and calving interval of 368. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% HP / 5% Doc / 10% SC, $M / 15% CED, BW / 20% RE, $W, $F / 25% YW, $C
Congrulations to Dan on being named Platte Valley Cattlemen’s Cattleman of the Year.
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
Lot 39 - LJ Growth Fund 3064
LJ Growth Fund 3064
REG: 20641912 DOB: 01/19/23 BRAND: 3064 Basin Payweight 1682 CARCASS Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 CW 76 MARB 0.4 S A V Final Answer 0035 REA 0.57 Mohnen Jilt 1641 FAT 0.03 Mohnen Jilt 1655 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 7 0.2 80 158 0.8 1.21 25 52 74 120 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 807 1489 7.3 8 30 38 158 257 Cows
A square-hipped, long-sided bull with a superb spread from birth to yearling. He is an embryo out of our donor cow, Mohnen Jilt 1641 who happens to be a direct daughter of Mohnen Jilt 1655. The Jilt 1655 cow is one of the all-time great breeding pieces in Mohnen history as the highest income producing cow for the Mohnen operation, and popularly known as the dam of the $210,000 Mohnen Historic. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% YW / 4% $W / 5% CW / 10% WW / 15% Claw, $W / 20% Doc / / 25% Milk
LJ Growth Fund 3078
REG: 20784928 DOB: 01/25/23 BRAND: 3078 Basin Payweight 1682 CARCASS Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 CW 64 MARB 0.43 S A V Final Answer 0035 REA 0.68 Mohnen Jilt 1641 FAT 0.038 Mohnen Jilt 1655 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 2 1.4 81 142 1.47 0.66 30 69 76 101 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 87 775 1425 15 8 27 40 141 252 Cows
Lot 40 is a full brother to Lot 39 Lot 39 and Lot 40 are very similar in look and kind. A symmetrical bull that was on the list to get in the picture pen, unfortunately, the northern weather and sickness/injury in the Nebraska crew limited our time to get pictures. While we didn’t get a picture, he’s certainly worthy of a look on sale day with highlightable growth and functionality in motion. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 5% Doc / 10% WW, YW, $W / 15% SC / 20% CW / 25% HP, $F
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Growth Fund 3071
REG: 20784924 DOB: 01/22/23 BRAND: 3071 Basin Payweight 1682 CARCASS Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 CW 80 MARB 0.1 S A V Angus Valley 1867 REA 0.79 LJ Lassie D047 FAT 0.03 LJ Final Answer Lassie A004 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 3 3.8 93 166 1.14 2.72 27 66 67 127 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 92 808 1517 21.1 11 22 25 152 263 Cows
Exceptional cow bull with thickness and rib shape that will make you look twice. An easy handling bull that came in strong at weaning and had the highest Adj. yearling weight at 1,517 lbs. His mother is a beautiful 8-year-old that has a calving interval of 369 on six calves. She has one of the most attractive udders on the ranch. A full sister has been retained and grandson is represented as Lot 10. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% YW, HP / 2% WW, $F / 3% CW / 15% Doc / 25% CEM
Lot 41 - LJ Growth Fund 3071
LJ Growth Fund 3062
REG: 20641910 DOB: 01/19/23 BRAND: 3062 Basin Payweight 1682 CARCASS Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 CW 69 MARB 0.52 S A V Angus Valley 1867 REA 0.77 LJ Ms Lassie E016 FAT -0.005 LJ Ms Final Lassie B059 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 5 2.1 79 142 1.21 1.83 19 60 67 115 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 84 844 1356 17 6 25 49 164 273 Cows
One that will catch your eye walking through the pen with thickness, overall depth, and top shape. This medium framed bull weaned at the top of the group and is reflected in a strong WW EPD. He hasn’t slowed down and reads like a producer of calves the fat calf feeders will enjoy in their pens. His dam has a calving interval of 368 on five calves with a weaning ratio of 104. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 10%, YW, $F / 15% WW, CW, $F
LJ Growth Fund 3100
REG: 20864420 DOB: 02/11/23 BRAND: 3100 Basin Payweight 1682 CARCASS Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 CW 63 MARB 0.6 S A V Angus Valley 1867 REA 0.44 LJ Windy by Valley E092 FAT 0.086 LJ Windy by In Focus 0936 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 4 2.5 78 129 -0.17 2.37 17 87 86 107 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 792 1294 18.1 6 42 42 148 279 Cows
The Targeting the Brand™ logo is designed to highlight registered Angus bulls with greater genetic potential to produce calves meeting the most challenging specifications of the Certified Angus Beef ® brand. Bulls must meet genetic requirements of +0.65 Marbling EPD and +55 Dollar Grid ($G) to qualify for use of the Targeting the Brand™ logo.
Lot 43 projects the growth for weaning to produce some attractive feeder cattle. We like this one for his moderation and added dimension. His data puts together many pieces of the profitability puzzle with added value for those retaining daughters. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% Milk / 2% $W / 4% HP / 10% HP, $M / 15% WW, $F /20% CW / 25% YW, $C
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
Lot 44 - LJ True North 3003
LJ True North 3003
REG: 20611245 DOB: 12/12/22 BRAND: 3003 S A V Rainfall 6846 CARCASS Square B True North 8052 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 CW 69 MARB 0.5 Deer Valley Growth Fund REA 0.76 TLC Ms Classy 1032 FAT 0.035 TLC Ms Classy Toni 8120 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 11 1.3 89 160 1.09 0.88 22 64 85 111 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 69 816 1378 7.7 12 31 45 156 266 Cows
Superior calving ease bull that offers tremendous spread from birth to yearling. The maternal values of True North with the strong growth of Growth Fund are displayed in this taller framed bull. Out of a first-calf heifer, this bull tipped the scale impressively at weaning and has continued to grow into an attractive sire for the cow/calf and feedlot operations. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% YW, $W / 3% WW / 15% CED, CW, $F / 20% Milk
LJ True North 3050
REG: 20780374 DOB: 01/13/23 BRAND: 3050 S A V Rainfall 6846 CARCASS Square B True North 8052 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 CW 69 MARB 0.5 Deer Valley Growth Fund REA 1.23 LJ Barbara 1034 FAT -0.033 LJ Barbara 8098 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 2.9 85 153 1.05 2.38 32 82 80 112 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 80 781 1327 11.2 8 32 57 169 301 Cows
True North back on Growth Fund daughters was a home run for us. This high growth bull has the look and style to put a tremendous calf crop on the ground. In addition to his impressive growth numbers, Lot 40 scanned a 15.1” eye to build on his overall $C in the top 15%. The docility and ease of physical management in 3050 stems from a first calf heifer that goes back to the Barbara family represented in Lot 18. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% RE / 3% Doc / 4% YW / 5% WW, $W / 10% Fat, $M, $F / 15% Milk, CW, $C / 20% $B
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
REG: 20611244 DOB: 12/31/22 BRAND: 3024 S A V Rainfall 6846 CARCASS Square B True North 8052 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 CW 42 MARB 0.79 MOGCK Entice REA 0.74 LJ Ms Valley’s Entice 1007 FAT 0.038 LJ Ms Angus Valley D078 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 10 -1.8 65 125 1.37 3.8 29 58 64 90 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 71 761 1247 7.3 8 24 59 149 251 Cows
LJ Confidence Plus 3058
REG: 20600763 DOB: 01/18/23 BRAND: 3058 Connealy Confidence Plus CARCASS SG Confidence Plus 115 HF Queen 7012 CW 47 MARB 0.67 Musgrave 316 Exclusive REA 0.68 LJ Ms Lassie 1047 FAT 0.058 LJ Ms Lassie E016 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 10 0.6 67 119 1.01 0.57 19 87 74 85 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 767 1260 16.3 7 32 51 136 263 Cows
A calving ease specialist that handles with ease and carries the CAB logo. Smooth shouldered with rankings in the top 20% of the breed for CED and 5% for BW solidifies his role as a true heifer bull. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 5% BW, /10% Doc / 20% CED, SC
The next three lots are sired by “Okie,” a Confidence Plus son we purchased to clean up on heifers. This heifer bull attributes many physical pieces to his sire. An easy handling bull in a moderate framed package with added dimension and maternal value. The first calf heifer comes from the Lassie family represented in Lot 40. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 5% $M / 15% HP, Milk, $W / 20% CED, Angle
LJ Confidence Plus 3075
REG: 20600765 DOB: 01/24/23 BRAND: 3075 Connealy Confidence Plus CARCASS SG Confidence Plus 115 HF Queen 7012 CW 41 MARB 0.13 S A V Recharge 3436 REA 0.71 LJ Jilt 1056 FAT 0.03 Mohnen Jilt 1641 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 10 -0.2 58 108 1.48 2.51 28 69 70 82 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 664 1122 10.3 9 40 26 107 208 Cows
Another moderate framed, thick heifer bull in a docile package. Maternal value is found on the bottom side of his pedigree coming from the 1641 x Recharge flush with his dams full brother siring Lots 50-56. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% Milk / 10% Doc / 20% CED, BW, $W
TLC Confidence Plus 3085
REG: 20600768 DOB: 02/06/23 BRAND: 3085 Connealy Confidence Plus CARCASS SG Confidence Plus 115 HF Queen 7012 CW 59 MARB 0.76 MOGCK Entice REA 0.62 TLC Ms Classy Lady 1141 FAT 0.056 TLC MS Classy Lady A160 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 2.5 72 126 76 65 97 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 3 34 85 756 1270 55 152 273 Cows
Lot 49 is a thick cow bull that lands right in the middle of the sale for frame size. While his fully updated data set will be available on sale day, added pounds at weaning will be seen in his offspring.
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ True North 3024
LJ Recharge 3092
REG: 20784918 DOB: 02/09/23 BRAND: 3092 S A V Recharge 3436 CARCASS LJ Recharge 3436 Mohnen Jilt 1641 CW 40 MARB 0.34 S A V Angus Valley 1867 REA 0.3 LJ Ms Lassie 7048 FAT 0.006 LJ Ms Lassie’s Answer A059 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 12 -0.1 61 106 0.55 0.73 9 67 60 83 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 703 1185 16.1 11 26 33 116 217 Cows
Heifer bull deluxe with added maternal value. If top end calving ease is your target, look no further. The deep bodied bull stands on a good foot structure that will compliment many programs. He stems from the “CAB” family which produced the top selling bull last year. Lot 50’s dam has a 373 calving interval on five calves. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 10% CED / 15% HP, Angle / 25% BW, CEM, Claw
LJ Recharge 3096
REG: 20845483 DOB: 02/09/23 BRAND: 3096 S A V Recharge 3436 CARCASS LJ Recharge 3436 Mohnen Jilt 1641 CW 37 MARB 0.43 S A V Final Answer 0035 REA 0.58 LJ Ms Whitney’s Answer A055 FAT -0.01 LJ Ms Lead On Focus 0754 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 7 1.4 67 112 1.99 3.74 24 40 51 80 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 84 636 1116 6.8 9 14 43 123 200 Cows
A docile good footed bull from a long-time producing cow family. The dam has done all we can ask having seven bulls in prior sales, two daughters retained in the herd and a grandson represented in Lot 26 while maintaining a 368-calving interval. Ranking in the Breed’s top 3% SC / 10% Claw / 25% Doc, Angle, Fat
LJ Recharge 3097
REG: 20789186 DOB: 02/10/23 BRAND: 3097 S A V Recharge 3436 CARCASS LJ Recharge 3436 Mohnen Jilt 1641 CW 64 MARB 0.18 LJ Predominant Z089 REA 0.43 LJ Ms JR of Gunner B135 FAT 0.014 LJ Ms JR of Thunder Y045 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 5 3 76 123 1.97 3.02 28 53 69 104 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 784 1227 9.3 6 31 26 130 222 Cows
Another eye appealing cow bull with added frame and growth. An easy-to-handle bull with good milk that lines up to sire some complete calves for the cow/calf guy as well as the feeder. The bull stems from a 10-year-old cow that maintained a 100 weaning ratio and 371-day calving interval on eight calves. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 3% SC / 5% Angle / 15% Doc / 20% WW, Milk, CW, $F / 25% $W
LJ Recharge 3107
REG: 20784916 DOB: 02/17/23 BRAND: 3107 S A V Recharge 3436 CARCASS LJ Recharge 3436 Mohnen Jilt 1641 CW 56 MARB 0.6 Koupal Advance 28 REA 0.51 LJ Ms Georgiana Rose C048 FAT 0.008 LJ Ms Georgiana Rose Y031 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 7 0.9 75 124 1.06 0.59 10 55 74 90 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 782 1323 9 10 28 49 139 235 Cows
Here’s a curve bending cow bull that should gain you some dollars at weaning. This bull stems from a cow that keeps raising some of the top bulls and carries a weaning ratio of 105 on six calves. Last year’s son was a favorite and sold for $9,000. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 10% Angle / 15% $W / 20% WW
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Recharge 3111
REG: 20784927 DOB: 02/23/23 BRAND: 3111 S A V Recharge 3436 CARCASS LJ Recharge 3436 Mohnen Jilt 1641 CW 40 MARB 0.36 LJ Resource C109 REA 0.34 LJ Emblynette by OBR 8091 FAT 0.051 LJ Emblynette C052 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 1 2.6 78 137 1.26 0.62 21 55 66 73 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 82 739 1222 10.3 -1 23 31 104 190 Cows
A moderate framed bull that covers the basics with his WW and YW in the top 15%. His pedigree offers a strong Schaff influence on the bottom side with his maternal sire and granddam coming from herd changing flushes for our program. His dam raised a $6,000 bull last year and carries a calving interval of 376 days on four calves. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 10% Claw / 15% WW, YW / 25% SC
LJ Recharge 3115
REG: 20784926 DOB: 02/27/23 BRAND: 3115 S A V Recharge 3436 CARCASS LJ Recharge 3436 Mohnen Jilt 1641 CW 58 MARB 0.14 LJ Resource C109 REA 0.59 LJ OBR Lassie 8121 FAT 0.011 LJ Consensus Lassie C036 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 1 3.8 82 140 1.32 1.25 23 61 64 90 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 791 1329 8.4 2 19 26 116 211 Cows
This eye-catching bull has the potential to do the right things for those who market at weaning and retain daughters. Check the pedigree, he goes back to “Jose,” the queen when it came to perfect udder, ideal size, feet and ease of fleshing. He’s one of the youngest calves of the offering and had an Adj. WW of 791 which reinforces his dam’s 107 weaning ratio. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% Angle / 10% WW / 15% YW / 25% SC, Claw
LJ Recharge 3117
REG: 20838205 DOB: 02/28/23 BRAND: 3117 S A V Recharge 3436 CARCASS LJ Recharge 3436 Mohnen Jilt 1641 CW 38 MARB 0.13 Sitz Dash 10277 REA 0.41 LJ Ms Georgiana of Dash D036 FAT 0.018 LJ Ms W078 Georgiana A083 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 9 0.1 71 113 1.3 1.26 11 64 68 69 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 76 669 1192 13 8 20 23 92 183 Cows
An easy calving heifer bull that just fell outside of the top 25% for WW. The bottom side of the pedigree goes back to the Georgiana cow family represented in numerous highlighted lots. Ranking in the Breed’s top 25% BW, SC, $W
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
Lot 57 - LJ Entice 3095
LJ Entice 3095
REG: 20786591 DOB: 02/09/23 BRAND: 3095 SydGen Enhance CARCASS MOGCK Entice MOGCK Erica 2255 CW 60 MARB 1.02 LJ Predominant X034 REA 0.87 LJ Ms Georgiana Z774 FAT 0.013 LJ Ms 878’s Georgiana 0774 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 11 -1.1 65 111 1.31 2.13 30 75 73 108 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 82 748 1196 15.5 5 34 75 183 312 Cows
Intriguing, moderate framed calving ease bull that is a royal flush on paper with all six $Values being in the top 25%. He’s out of an 11-year-old cow which is a strong testament for the potential longevity of this bull. The intrigue sets in when you study his added thickness and visual appeal with carcass merits that should put him at the top of many cattlemen’s list. He ultrasounded a 14.2 adj. ribeye and 4.45 adj. IMF. Modern, relevant data with unrivaled cow longevity behind Lot 57 drives our confidence and allure to this one. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 5% Doc / 10% BW, Milk, Claw, $C / 15% CED, $W, $F, $B / 20% HP, RE, $G / 25% SC, CW, Marb, $M
LJ 316 of Salem 3114
REG: 20855324 DOB: 02/26/23 BRAND: 3114 LD Capitalist 316 CARCASS LJ’s 316 of Salem 1015 LJ Ms Lassie 7065 CW 60 MARB 0.64 S A V Final Answer 0035 REA 0.61 LJ Ms Lassie’s Answer A059 FAT 0.009 LJ Ms Lassie New Level 7161 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 9 0.3 61 113 0.31 0.08 19 67 62 114 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 797 1250 8.6 12 25 52 166 282 Cows
One of the youngest calves in the offering stems from a bull we raised and rented from a customer. The sire originated from the Salem cow family that has been a standard at Don Johnson Angus as a picture-perfect cow that has produced three consecutive bulls at the top of the sale, averaging $8,150. An attractive package, this bull carries many featured EPD’s just outside of the top 25%, but his collectively balanced data is reflective in his $B and $C being in the top 25%. His 11-year-old dam consistently brings in a calf at the top with a calving interval of 370 and a grandson at Lot 50. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 10% $F / 20% CEM / 25% CW, $B, $C
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
TLC Endeavor 3119
REG: 20838204 DOB: 03/04/23 BRAND: 3119 V A R Enterprise 6229 CARCASS Herbster Endeavor 946 Herbster Forever Lady 5139 CW 70 MARB 0.62 LJ Consensus C015 REA 0.48 TLC Ms Classy Toni 8120 FAT -0.003 TLC Ms Classy Investment D05 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 2.9 82 149 0.53 2.45 19 35 72 110 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 678 1332 11.6 5 39 50 161 244 Cows
The youngest bull of the offering is no slacker with his tremendous growth numbers. His 5-year-old dam is an eye appealing cow that has a beautiful udder that brings in a top calf with a weaning ratio of 101. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% Milk, 5% YW, 10% WW, 15% $F, 20% $W
LJ Endeavor 3105
REG: 20784925 DOB: 02/17/23 BRAND: 3105 V A R Enterprise 6229 CARCASS Herbster Endeavor 946 Herbster Forever Lady 5139 CW 35 MARB 1.02 LJ Predominant X034 REA 0.36 LJ Ms Scotta of Twix A087 FAT -0.022 LJ Ms In Focus X007 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 9 0.8 67 106 1.31 2.62 22 75 75 64 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 82 758 1206 14.3 7 34 71 135 250 Cows
Lot 60 is a balanced trait individual that will work well to bring in top feeder calves as well as keeper heifers. Safe for heifers, this bull also carries some carcass merits with the CAB logo. His 11-year-old dam has several daughters in the herd and maintained a 370-day calving interval along with 104 weaning ratio.
LJ Endeavor 3106
REG: 20845482 DOB: 02/17/23 BRAND: 3106 V A R Enterprise 6229 CARCASS Herbster Endeavor 946 Herbster Forever Lady 5139 CW 63 MARB 0.44 S A V Final Answer 0035 REA 0.67 LJ Final Answer Lady A042 FAT 0.01 LJ Ms Moonshine Level 0772 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 12 1.3 68 124 0.94 1.84 18 71 75 110 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 725 1290 12.4 13 41 43 152 268 Cows
An attractive heifer bull with added growth. The medium framed, good footed bull will compliment a variety of cows to bring in impressive feeder cattle and replacement females. His 11-year-old dam maintained a 364-calving interval as well as 101 weaning ratio. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% Milk / 10% CED, CEM / 15% $W, $F / 20% Claw, CW / 25% Angle
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
PLEASE NOTE: The fall bulls have been managed differently than the spring born bulls. In May, the bulls were weaned and weighed. The bulls grazed on grass until they were moved to Nebraska for the winter months. At that time, a yearling weight was collected. The fall bulls WERE NOT ultrasounded.
Lot 62 - LJ Growth Fund 2163
LJ Growth Fund 2163
REG: 20784930 DOB: 09/09/22 BRAND: 2163 Basin Payweight 1682 CARCASS Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 CW 69 MARB 0.48 Mr JT Oahe Dam 014 REA 0.99 LJ Oahe Dam of Sky 8059 FAT 0.025 LJ Windy of Sky D137 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 11 -1.1 79 143 1.03 2.24 25 83 80 117 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 775 1146 13.3 14 27 48 164 296 Cows
LJ Surpass 2161
REG: 20780509 DOB: 09/09/22 BRAND: 2161 TEX Playbook 5437 CARCASS BJ Surpass BJ Prophet 5275 CW 60 MARB 0.92 LD Capitalist 316 REA 0.84 LJ Ms Princess 0173 FAT 0.006 LJ MS Princess 8166 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 12 0 72 113 -0.13 0.82 17 87 82 106 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 768 1078 13.9 14 32 70 175 314 Cows
Lot 62 was Don’s favorite as a calf. A calving-ease bull that brings an extra punch of thickness and depth of rib. He’s one of the easier handling bulls that hit the dirt light and will leave heavy. A consistent, low birth weight cow stands behind this one and has a grandson represented as Lot 66. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 5% $W/ 10% CED, BW, YW, CEM, $M, $F / 15% WW, CW, RE / 20% $C / 25% Doc
Five-star calving ease Surpass son that offers growth through weaning as well as carcass merits. He covers the bases with the highest $C of the fall bulls and all six $ values in the top 20%. He’s a moderate framed bull that stems from a first-calf heifer by 316 back to a New Addition cow that has a son represented as Lot 63. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 3% $W/ 5% $M/ 10% CED, CEM, $C /15% Milk / 20% $F, $G, $B / 25% BW, WW, CW, Marb, RE
LJ Entice 2167
REG: 20789602 DOB: 09/06/22 BRAND: 2167 SydGen Enhance CARCASS MOGCK Entice MOGCK Erica 2255 CW 51 MARB 0.69 E&B New Addition 608 REA 0.49 LJ MS Princess 8166 FAT 0 LJ Ms Duty’s Princess D155 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 0.9 65 114 0.92 3.7 30 84 65 96 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 80 709 1080 16.3 7 28 54 150 279 Cows
Another low-birth-weight cow bull that will bring maternal value to his daughters as well get the bases covered with his $C in the top 25%. A docile package that stems from the Princess cow family that is also represented in Lot 64. His dam has a calving interval of 350 on three calves. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 4% Claw / 5% Doc / 10% Angle, $M / 15% HP / 25% $C
LJ Growth Fund 2169
REG: 20784931 DOB: 09/19/22 BRAND: 2169 Basin Payweight 1682 CARCASS Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 CW 72 MARB 0.47 S A V Rainfall 6846 REA 0.66 LJ Jilt of Rainfall 9009 FAT 0.016 Mohnen Jilt 1641 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 7 1.9 89 165 1.36 3.54 22 57 77 113 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 80 862 1286 12.8 12 29 44 157 261 Cows
A square-hipped, long-sided bull with tremendous spread from birth to yearling. A larger-framed bull that is a perfect candidate for those who market their calves at weaning, or as fall yearlings, as he lands within the top 3% and 1%. Dam stems from the Jilt family that we have numerous offspring throughout the sale. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% YW / 3% WW/ 10% CW, $W, $F / 20% SC, CEM
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
REG: 20780513 DOB: 09/22/22 BRAND: 2172 Connealy Capitalist 028 CARCASS LD Capitalist 316 LD Dixie Erica 2053 CW 45 MARB 0.73 Deer Valley Growth Fund REA 0.46 LJ’s Growth Fund of Sky 0167 FAT 0.059 LJ Oahe Dam of Sky 8059 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 17 -2.9 66 112 0.53 -2.16 24 78 73 88 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 69 813 1090 9.7 17 24 51 139 258 Cows
If top end calving ease is your target, look no further. Out of a firstcalf heifer, this moderate framed bull stems from the Track family that is represented in Lot 62. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% CED, CEM/ 2% BW, PAP / 15% $M, $W / 25% Doc
LJ Surpass 2179
REG: 20780511 DOB: 10/07/22 BRAND: 2179 TEX Playbook 5437 CARCASS BJ Surpass BJ Prophet 5275 CW 43 MARB 0.93 Mohnen Apache 2667 REA 0.64 LJ Ms Apache’s Princess 9184 FAT -0.005 LJ Ms Windy’s Princess C169 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 9 0.6 71 121 0.45 2.33 19 85 72 77 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 879 1205 15 15 26 69 146 274 Cows
Another calving-ease Surpass bull that lands just outside of the 25% top percentages across most of the board. He will catch buyers’ attention with great balance, design, and performance backed by the 2nd highest Adj. WW of the fall bulls. His young dam is coming into her prime and is another subsidiary in the highlighted cow family of Lot 76. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 3% CEM/ 10% $M / 20% $W, $G / 25% Marb
LJ Governor 2173
REG: 20781955 DOB: 09/25/22 BRAND: 2173 Coleman Charlo 0256 CARCASS S A V Governor 6844 S A V Blackcap May 4136 CW 42 MARB 0.27 S A V Angus Valley 1867 REA 0.56 TLC Valley of Scott 7140 FAT 0.05 LJ Wisdom of Scott C166 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 15 -2.6 69 124 0.37 0.11 21 87 83 78 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 87 766 1107 16.2 13 38 29 108 227 Cows
A calving ease bull in a moderate frame. Like his sire, he has depth of body with added dimension and volume. His value may be in his daughters as they should calve easy and conceive early in the season. His dam has raised four bulls with a calving interval of 353 and raised the top seller three-years-ago at $9,500. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% BW / 3% CED, Milk, $W / 5% $M / 10% CEM / 15% HP
TLC Capitalist 316 2176
REG: 20780514 DOB: 09/30/22 BRAND: 2176 Connealy Capitalist 028 CARCASS LD Capitalist 316 LD Dixie Erica 2053 CW 49 MARB 0.39 Connealy Consensus 7229 REA 0.43 TLC Miss Scott B168 FAT 0.044 TLC Miss Scott 9154 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 8 1.8 71 108 0.72 1.61 14 82 80 85 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 90 825 1084 10 14 31 34 119 236 Cows
Another ease calving cow bull that just fell out of the being able to use on heifers. His numbers indicate he will produce top cattle at weaning that carry maternal power. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 5% $W / 10% CEM, $M / 20% Milk
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
LJ Capitalist 316 2172
LJ Capitalist 316 2174
REG: 20781524 DOB: 09/25/22 BRAND: 2174 Connealy Capitalist 028 CARCASS LD Capitalist 316 LD Dixie Erica 2053 CW 60 MARB 0.86 Sitz Wisdom 481T REA 0.55 LJ Wisdom of Scott C166 FAT 0.031 LJ Miss Concensus of Scott PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 6 3.1 76 134 1 2.86 21 78 65 109 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 90 822 1142 11 9 22 61 170 298 Cows
This one has performance written all over him! Capitalist 316 has done a tremendous job for us and this bull is no exception. He has extra dimension and rib shape with outstanding growth potential and a tremendous foot quality. His 8-year-old dam is a consistent producer with a grandson represented as Lot 68. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 4% Angle/ 10% Claw 0 15% YW, $M, $F, $C/ 20% WW, $B / 25% CW
LJ Growth Fund 2181
REG: 20789889 DOB: 10/04/22 BRAND: 2181 Basin Payweight 1682 CARCASS Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 CW 79 MARB 0.46 Baldridge Colonel C251 REA 0.87 LJ Jilt 9188 FAT 0.002 Mohnen Jilt 1641 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 8 2.6 88 157 1.37 2.28 20 60 75 129 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 833 1222 11.2 12 26 47 176 288 Cows
One of the larger scaled, longer bodied Growth Funds offering breed leading growth potential. With his timeless look, structure, and the Jilt family on the bottom side, all of the production economics read right in Lot 71. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 2% $F/ 3% WW, YW/ 4% CW / 10% $W/ 20% SC, $B, $C/ 25% CEM, RE
LJ Surpass 2175
REG: 20838202 DOB: 09/25/22 BRAND: 2175 TEX Playbook 5437 CARCASS BJ Surpass BJ Prophet 5275 CW 48 MARB 0.78 MOGCK Entice REA 0.44 LJ Ms Classy 0197 FAT 0.016 LJ Ms Classy Return B166 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 7 1.7 71 117 0.89 2.46 31 112 75 93 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 87 748 1105 15.9 7 26 57 150 307 Cows
Another top $C Surpass son that fell just out of the safe for heifer category. He’s a docile, moderate frame bull that carries added thickness and stands on a strong feet structure. Being out of Surpass and an Entice daughter, it’s no wonder he is in the top 1% for $M. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% Angle, $M / 4% Doc/ 10% $C / 15% HP / 25% WW
LJ Capitalist 316 2178
REG: 20780515 DOB: 10/04/22 BRAND: 2178 Connealy Capitalist 028 CARCASS LD Capitalist 316 LD Dixie Erica 2053 CW 61 MARB 0.42 Mohnen Apache 2667 REA 0.66 TLC Ms Pride 9183 FAT 0.01 TLC Ms Pride of Wisdom C174 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 12 0.2 77 131 1.51 -0.03 15 64 77 97 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 92 843 1224 7 13 26 42 138 243 Cows
Another heifer bull with some added growth potential. This big scrotal 316 son, stems from Pride family that is also represented in Lot 77. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 10% CED, CEM, $W/ 15% WW, SC/ 20% YW/ 25% PAP, CW
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
Lot 74 - LJ Surpass 2190
LJ Surpass 2190
REG: 20780510 DOB: 09/12/22 BRAND: 2190 TEX Playbook 5437 CARCASS BJ Surpass BJ Prophet 5275 CW 73 MARB 0.73 MOGCK Entice REA 0.4 LJ Ms Entice’s Princess 0178 FAT 0.014 LJ Ms Answer’s Princess Z014 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 10 0.3 89 155 1.01 1.51 33 86 89 109 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 927 1317 15.4 13 35 54 163 297 Cows
LJ Entice 2182
REG: 20781523 DOB: 10/12/22 BRAND: 2182 SydGen Enhance CARCASS MOGCK Entice MOGCK Erica 2255 CW 62 MARB 0.7 S A V Rainfall 6846 REA 0.71 LJ Jilt 9039 FAT 0.01 Mohnen Jilt 1641 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F -3 3.5 81 145 1.33 2 25 67 65 101 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 90 802 1141 15 0 25 57 158 272 Cows
High caliber calving-ease bull offering all the goods in a sharp dressed package. He has the strong growth indicators and performance putting together the highest Adj. WW of the fall bulls. Along with the pounds, maternal value is potent with his strong, square feet and approachable attitude. He’s out of a first calf heifer stemming from a very reliable cow family in our fall herd. Entice added the extra frame that should favor production of those high dollar, green muscled weaned calves that take to feed easily in the yards. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% $W/ 2% Doc/ 3% WW, YW/ 5% Milk/ 10% CEM, CW, $M/ 15% $F, $C/ 20% CED, HP
A cattle feeder’s kind. This Entice son has the frame to support growth and pounds as well as carcass merits all on an impressive foot structure. His young dam is an impressive daughter of the Mohnen Jilt donor cow and had her first calf sell last year for $9,500. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 5% Claw / 10% WW, YW, Angle / 20% HP, Doc / 25% CW, $F
LJ Entice 2180
REG: 20781522 DOB: 10/07/22 BRAND: 2180 SydGen Enhance CARCASS MOGCK Entice MOGCK Erica 2255 CW 61 MARB 0.53 HA Cowboy Up 5405 REA 0.32 LJ Miss Scott 8154 FAT 0.026 LJ Miss Concensus of Scott PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F -3 3.6 88 145 1.05 3.01 17 60 79 94 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 85 853 1187 11.5 -2 31 41 135 235 Cows
Entice puts the growth and good feet in his offspring and this bull represents it well. He stems from a cow family that consistently brings in the top calves at weaning. His dam has a calving interval of 367 on three calves. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 1% Claw / 3% WW/ 10% YW, $W / 15% Angle / 20% Milk / 25% CW
LJ Endeavor 2188
REG: 20789187 DOB: 10/22/22 BRAND: 2188 V A R Enterprise 6229 CARCASS Herbster Endeavor 946 Herbster Forever Lady 5139 CW 71 MARB 0.72 HA Prime Cut 4493 REA 0.77 TLC Ms Pride 0182 FAT -0.04 TLC Ms Pride of Wisdom C174 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL $VALUES CED BW WW YW SC PAP DOC $M $W $F 2 2.3 79 141 1.82 1.11 28 64 74 115 HP CEM MILK $G $B $C Hfrs Act BW Adj WW Adj YW 83 782 1192 14.7 8 34 62 178 295 Cows
This taller framed bull comes with considerable positives reflected with his top 15% $C. Growth, carcass and maternal values will draw you to find this bull out of a first-calf heifer. This big scrotal son comes from the Pride family represented as well in Lot 73. Ranking in the Breed’s Top 4% Fat / 10% YW, SC, Milk, Doc, CW, $F / 15% WW, $W, $B, $C
MARCH 4, 2024 - SALINA, KS
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