Parry Angus 27th Annual Bull and Female Sale

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Dear Cattlemen,

Welcome to our 27th Annual Bull and Female Sale. We are very pleased to offer you what we believe is as good of a set of bulls as you can find almost anywhere. Raising Angus cattle is a passion for us and we feel blessed to be able to do this for a living.

A wise man once told me that “you are selling more than just a bull, you are selling a program”. He also mentioned that your catalog should tell the story of your program. So as you flip through this book, I hope that you take notice of the value that we place on the female side of the pedigree. We believe the Angus female is the foundational building block of any herd and she needs to be big ribbed, easy keeping, feminine, sound made and fertile. If she doesn’t calve on time, raise her calf and breed back, she isn’t very profitable. We have gone out and purchased some incredible, elite females that we see as the right “kind” to add to our own ranch raised donors that will serve as the base of our herd going forward. Bull selection is also done with the female in mind, trying to fill those seven slots in a three generation pedigree with as many excellent dams that are similar in type and kind as possible. We are pleased to offer you this set of Angus and Sim-Angus bulls and heifers. We feel we have put together a solid offering of bulls that exhibit plenty of growth mixed with calving ease to meet any of our customer’s needs. There are some truly outstanding individuals in this group. Our goal is to make bulls that are profitable for our commercial customers. We are all in this business together, and your success is vital for ours. Feel free to talk to us any time if you have questions about the cattle. We will always answer any question honestly and to the best of our ability. Our customers are usually considered friends and we want to earn your trust, see you succeed and be profitable, and take care of you if any problems should arise.

Please feel free to call or stop by the ranch at any time. We love the opportunity to take a break from work and talk cattle with good cattlemen and friends. We are so thankful for everyone who continues to support our program, and we always love to see new faces and meet new people. God Bless!

See you Sale Day,

The Parry’s


Lucas, Allison, McCrae and Magdalene Hermes


Steve, Joanne, Emily, Ransom, Ryan, and Paige Parry

The Females Behind The Program!

PAR Susan 453-BG-634

PAR Lady Est 546-Upfront-715

PAR Edella 677-Compass-904

PAR May Belle 311-OF-789

PAR Blackcap 123-Granite-573

PAR Susan 219-Upfront-749

PAR Tegan 511-Command-701

PAR Susan B 639-PB-934

PAR Emily 117-SLM-614

Montana Rita 0071!

The $30,000 Donor addition to Parry Angus, purchased on the Foundation Angus Sale at the National Western Stock Show from RC Cattle. She is the full sister to Montana Rita 0069, the $94,000 high seller of the 2024 Montana Ranch Maternal Revival Sale going to KT Ranches of British Columbia, Canada. She is a direct daughter of the legendary Deer Valley Rita 4147.

Baldridge Isabel G886
SAV Blackcap May 8553
Montana Black Ceyla 2024


Dave Mullins.....................................................................317-503-2798


Cody Nye, The Fence Post...............................................308-568-9084

Will Harsh, American Angus Association....................740-272-1386

Ty Groshans, Western Livestock Journal.......................970-818-6016

Alan Sears, Western Ag Reporter....................................970-396-7521



Steve Parry..........................................................................970-520-6966

Ryan Parry..........................................................................970-520-6963

Chris Earl.......................................................630-675-6559

Wes Tiemann.................................................816-244-4462

Kody Fleeman................................................573-881-0117


The terms of the sale are cash and all settlements must be made at the close of the sale unless otherwise arranged.


All announcements from the auction block take precedence over the printed material.


All bulls have had a complete vaccination program, as well as vaccinations for pinkeye and footrot, and have been backpoured with Clean-Up II and Ivermectin. All bulls will be given a complete soundness and fertility examination by Dr. Mike Coakley, DVM prior to delivery in April. Any bull that does not pass a full BSE falls under our guarantee. All bulls are genetic default free by test or by pedigree unless otherwise stated.


Dr. Mike Coakley, DVM..................................................970-522-2028


Everyone attending the sale does so at their own risk and responsibility. The owners and employees of Parry Angus assume no liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of accident, bodily injury, or loss of property.


Parry Angus will deliver bulls up to 200 miles at no charge. Arrangements can be made for further delivery. Delivery will begin approximately April 1st.


If the buyer so desires, Parry Angus will care for and feed the bulls until April 1st at no charge. A feed charge of $2.50 per head per day will apply after that date.


All bulls sold by Parry Angus are guaranteed breeders at the time of turnout and for their first breeding season (the 90 day period following the first turnout of the bull). Parry Angus guarantees that all bulls sold in this sale possess adequate libido and semen quality to settle a female. Bulls believed to be non-breeders may be returned to the seller at the buyer’s expense and another bull, if available, will be provided. If such a bull is not suited or needed, Parry Angus will give the buyer full credit to be used on one bull in the following years sale. If the buyer so desires, Parry Angus may also allow the buyer a full refund for the purchase price of the bull. Both the refund and credit will be set at the purchase price of the bull minus salvage value assumed at $2500. Parry Angus will only honor this agreement if a veterinarian determines that the bull in question has inadequate libido, unsatisfactory semen quality, is unable to extend, or has a detrimental penis or testicle injury. Parry Angus does not guarantee against bodily injury (other than an injured penis or testicles), disease, or mortality. All claims must be diagnosed by a veterinarian and made by September 1st.


Customers who purchase three bulls will receive a 3% discount, four bulls a 4% discount, five or more bulls a 5% discount. Customers who haul their bulls home on sale day will receive a $50.00 discount.


The cattle may be viewed at Parry Angus any time before the sale. We appreciate if you call ahead, but visitors are always welcome. The bull’s videos may also be viewed on-line at and/or

We were honored to host the National Junior Angus Association “Raising The Bar” conference this spring! We had a great time talking to Juniors from all across the country. It’s a great group of young men and women that are sincerely eager to learn about this fantistic industry.

Marksman 4P13

A very unique animal, Marksman combines rare genomics with a proven, maternal dam that never misses!

“He is an impressive specimen”. Those were Chris Earl’s words when he saw Marksman. He is a long spined bull that is big ribbed and soft middled. He has true skeletal width and muscle and yet is angular in his front third and gets out and moves on a long stride. He is a good footed bull that comes from a beautiful 9 year old Soo Line Motive dam that just never misses. She has a WR of 6/104 and a YR of 4/106. She is a feminine fronted female with good foot structure and a beautiful udder. Marksman combines a rare set of numbers with exceptional phenotype and a productive dam into one package. A maternal brother is working for Panther Creek Ranch in Bowen, IL.

PAR Treasure-2P20. Maternal Brother to Lot 1 from our 2023 Sale that sold to Panther Creek Ranch in Bowen, IL.
Calving Ease

Lot 2

PAR Military Grade 4P73 2

Spring Cove Reno 4021# Baldridge Headstart 19803839 Baldridge Isabel E048

EF Commando 1366#


Broken Bow 002#

Cove Liza 021 Connealy Confidence Plus# Baldridge Isabel Y69 EF Complement 8088T Riverbend Young Lucy W1470 SydGen C C & 7#

Edella 629-Lookout-032

PAR Edella 246-Commando-711. Dam of Lot 2.

Military Grade is a true powerhouse of a bull sired by the sought after Baldridge Headstart. He has about as much true width and red meat as you can put in one. He is a big ribbed bull with excellent foot structure and a long stride. He is a calving ease bull that really rings the bell for genomics. His Dam is a home raised donor with a good udder and her added performance mixed well with the extra width and mass that Headstart brings. She posts outstanding weaning and yearling ratios of 6/106 and 4/105. A maternal brother by Connealy Emerald is working for Reid Angus Ranch in Akron, CO.

Dam of Military Grade while nursing. Great udder on a wet cow!

PAR Emerald-2P07. Maternal brother to Lot 2 that sold to Reid Angus Ranch in our 2023 sale.

Calving Ease

Here is a pair of flush brothers from the legendary Baldridge Isabel F047. She is a female that needs no introduction. There is a royal pedigree here combining the famous Isabel cow line with other greats like Poss Blueblood 6502, the dam of Poss Rawhide. These two brothers have extra length and style along with a set of numbers that is truly impressive. Mission has been a standout since birth with his extra bone and presence as a young calf. 4P49 has extra length and performance and crushed the scales with a weaning wieght of 763 earning him a ratio of 113. They are sired by Poss Ratified who has been gaining attention across the nation for his ability to transmit muscle, style, and calving ease.

Connealy Clarity


V A R Upfront 0392# PAR SUSAN 219-Upfront-749# 18966206 PAR SUSAN 959-Mainline-219 $M

Cherry Creek Land Grant# Breshie of Conanga 6988 Poss Easy Impact 0119

Blueblood 920 Sitz Upward 307R#

New Design 4212 Woodhill Mainline# Par Susan-801-1407-959

Mercenary is a powerful son of Poss Remington. He has been a standout since birth with his added muscle, skeletal width and depth of body. You can easily pick him out in the pen because of his unique look as the kind of bull that could get along anywhere. He is a bull with extra width, mass, and fleshing ability in a moderate framed package. His Upfront dam has been outstanding here. She is ultra-feminine fronted with great feet and a nice udder.

Mercenary as a baby calf. He was muscular and stout even then!

Calving Ease

PAR Headstart 4P28

PAR Headstart 4P93 11

PAR Mortar 4P18 12

This is a more performance oriented bull that is a touch longer spined and has a bit more skeletal extension than what is typical of Headstart. He comes from a good Upfront dam with great ratios.

This is a super thick topped, wide based son of Headstart. He is quite easy to find in the pen because of his massive muscle expression. His Commando dam has been outstanding.

This is a great Deadwood son out of a highly productive Commodore dam that has a WR of 1/122! She produced last year’s Lot 1 bull that was a phenotypic treasure. This guy is not only good phenotypically, but his genomics are off the chart with a 414 $C.

This Deadwood son is maybe just a little different kind than what you get used to seeing from that sire. He is a more moderate framed bull that still maintains his width and dimension from behind. He is out of a good, young Wall Street dam.

This is a more moderate framed bull than what is typical for Deadwood. He is a muscular calf that gives you a nice look from the side. His Emerald dam traces back to the dam of our Lot 1 bull.

Calving Ease
Calving Ease


PAR Lady Est 546-Upfront-715. The donor dam of Lots 16-19.

I can’t say enough good things about these flush brothers. Their dam “715” is absolutely one of my favorite cows on the ranch. She is phenotypically about as good as you can make one. She is super feminine fronted with a smooth shoulder that works back into a big rib, deep flank and level hip. She is sound made and has a picture perfect udder. She earned her spot in the donor pen the hard way by out-producing her herd mates. This flush with Deadwood gave her progeny a shot of added performance and carcass merit which is evident in their data. They are a high performing bunch that exhibit style, mass and muscle along with structural soundness. They are a fun bunch to look through in the pen.

Calving Ease

PAR Deadwood 4P11

This set of flush brothers are 3/4 brothers to Lots 16-19. My favorite “715” cow would be their granddam. “915”, the dam of this flush is a massive bodied, broody cow and her progeny tend to really push the scales down. These brothers are impressive to look through and there are some outstanding genetic prospects here.

PAR Susan 453-BG-634, Dam of Lot 23.

PAR Treasure-2P63, maternal brother to Lot 23 from our 2023 Sale.
PAR Treasure-2P08, maternal brother to Lot 23 from our 2023 Sale.
This bull is out of one of my favorite cows that we have here. She is ultra feminine through her front third and deep and broody from there back. She is the kind of cow that your eye just finds and she has been extremely productive.
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease

PAR Edella 677-Compass-904, Dam of Lot 24.

PAR Huckleberry-3P68, maternal brother to Lot 24 from our 2024 Sale.

PAR Deadwood 4P48 24

Poss Maverick#

Baldridge Compass C041#

Edella 677-Compass-904#

This Deadwood son comes from a great cow line. If you look back through our pedigrees, you will find “246” in quite a few of my favorites. This is a moderate framed product filled Deadwood bull that reads well in person and on paper.

PAR Deadwood 4P79

This is a long bodied Deadwood son out of a promising young Tahoe dam. He is long spined with a lot of extension through his front third and a smooth shoulder. He is a definite performance style bull that earned a monster WR of 112.

This Deadwood son is just pure pounds and performance. He was born light, but really started growing earning a 124 Weaning Ratio. His Treasure dam is a very promising young cow from that same Lady Eston line that I like so much.

Here is a bull out of a cow that always gets it done. She tends to have moderate birth weight calves that get up and grow and really put on the pounds before weaning. This guy is no exception.


This Deadwood son is out of one of
premier home raised donor cows. He is a performance oriented bull that will help add pounds to your calf crop. The paper reads pretty well on this guy and you won’t be dissappointed in person.
This Deadwood son is out of a productive dam that tends to throw calving ease into her progeny. He was just 78 pounds when he was born, but posted a 106 WR.
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease

Lot 30

These two are a really neat set of brothers and I go back and forth on which one I prefer. Both have style and base width and are really complete. Their flush sister sold in Denver this year and garnered a lot of attention. Their dam is a powerhouse of a cow that has become a cornerstone of our ET program. She is a broody, big ribbed female with an angular front and a big, powerful hip.

PAR Roosevelt 1P63

This maternal brother to Lots 30 and 31 by Playbook is working for Frank Cattle and Genetics in Chappel, NE.

Calving Ease Calving Ease

Lot 31

PAR May Belle 412, a flush sister to Lots 30 and 31, sold to Circle F Farms in Georgia on the Foundation Angus Sale in Denver.

PAR May Belle 311-OF-789, the donor dam of Lots 30 and 31. Her son from our 2022 Sale, PAR Roosevelt 1P63, is working for Frank Cattle and Genetics in Chappel, NE.

PAR Ratified 4P42

PAR Ratified 4P77

This is a Ratified son that doesn’t dissappoint. He has just a tick extra skeletal extension with plenty of base width and a thick top. His Treasure dam comes from a superior cow line and seems to have a promising future.

This Ratified son is a performance powerhouse with extra length and extension. He posted a 112 Weaning Ratio and yet was a moderate 83 pounds when he was born. His R400 dam always seems to wean a large calf.

PAR Ratified 4P41

Poss Rawhide

Taylor Black 147-Com-758

Poss Maverick# Poss Blueblood 6502

Connealy Uptown 098E# Rita 12D8 of 5F56 Rito 5M2

Connealy Consensus 7229# Happy Gee of Conanga 919

Connealy Lead On#

Taylor Blackmaid-542-713#

This is without a doubt a performance oriented bull. He is long spined and big bodied and really pushed down the scales at weaning time with a 109 ratio. He comes from a great cow family and would work on heifers.

PAR Remington 4P31

Connealy Clarity Poss Remington 20060430

Connealy Confidence Plus#

Jace of Conanga 6571

Connealy Front Page 0228# PAR Patsy -560-NW-937#

This is a moderate framed Ratified son with a world of rib shape and muscle dimension. There is a lot of red meat on this guy. His Emerald dam weaned him off big and he earned a WR of 105. He would make a great choice for heifers.

Lot 34

PAR Remington 4P85

This Remington son is a little more moderate framed. He is out of a good young Treasure dam with a promising future. He should be a lock-step calving ease bull.

Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease

You will have to ask my 9 year old son Ransom about this bull. He has been a favorite since birth as he had a big top even at that age and Ransom pushed him into the branding cradle by himself. He was probably the biggest calf in the pen at the time.

This bull is larger framed with an added shot of skeletal extension. He is a growthy bull that comes from a promising young Emerald dam who weaned him off

Rawhide 4P23

is a


that should be as easy keeping as they come. He is stout made and comes from a productive cow line.

This is a stout made Rawhide son that is packed full of meat and muscle. His Comrade dam is a favorite of mine and has outstanding ratios. She has earned a spot in the donor pen the old fashioned way by pure production. She is nine years old and doesn’t look even close to that. Nothing flashy, just a solid, productive cow.

Rawhide son
Calving Ease

Lot 44

Calving Ease

Birth Weight and Calving Ease

University Studies in Wyoming and data from Montana and Colorado lend credence to the following conclusions:

1.The birth weight itself influences calving ease by 65%.

2.The female has 60-70% influence on the birth weight of her calf.

3.The bull has 30-40% influence on the birth weight of his progeny.

4.Pelvic measurement and angle as well as the shape of the calf have 35-40% influence on calving ease.

5.Length of gestation greatly affects birth weight. A fetus can gain over one pound per day in the last days of gestation.

6.Weather and temperature the last 30 days affect the length of gestation.

7.Size and maturity of the cow influence calving ease.

Most commercial producers do not take birth weights. Guessing is as accurate as driving without a speedometer - what’s thought to be 55mph may in fact be 65 or 70mph, and what’s thought to be 70-80 lbs may actually be 80-90 lbs. Remember, everything is relevant. Increased growth, frame and performance will increase birth weights. A longer-bodied calf will weigh more. If a calf is expected to have genetics for growth, it will display this prior to birth as well as after. As a rule of thumb, it takes a calf weighing 85 lbs at birth to finish at 1200-1250 lbs. A cow should easily give birth to a calf weighing 8% of her own body weight. Thus a 1200 lb cow should give birth to a 96 lb calf with ease!

Continued selection for light birth weights will ultimately reduce the mature sizes and performance of your cattle!

This is a long spined, higher performing bull that got an extra
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease

Calving Ease

PAR Huckleberry 4P95

Calving Ease
Calving Ease

PAR Surpass 4P90

PAR Surpass4P47

This is a really attractively made Surpass son that always seems to catch your eye as you study the bulls in the pen. He comes from a good line of cows that is known for adding growth and pounds.

PAR Surpass 4P09

This is another good Surpass son from a productive dam. He has a little extra style in a moderate framed package.

This Surpass son is thick ended and nicely balanced. He comes from a solid dam that has a weaning ratio of 3/104 and always gets the job done.

PAR Surpass 4P88

son comes from a dam that is sure to give his pedigree an extra shot of growth. He is a long spined, growthy bull that would do a great job on heifers and add some performance to a calf crop.

This Surpass
This is a stout made, thick topped bull with a little extra length of spine and extension. He really weaned off well earning a WR of 111 and his Generation dam has been a solid cow in our herd.
This is a nicely made Surpass son that comes from a solid Ten X dam that always does a good job. He is an attractive bull with some base width and he would do well on heifers.
This bull was born a twin to Lot 70. From an early age, he decided that people were alright, and he likes getting scratches. He is a thick, stout made bull that sticks a foot on each corner.
This Surpass son was born as a twin to Lot 69 and honestly, they are like peas in a pod. Both of them like as much attention as you are willing to give. He is a square, stout made bull with some rib shape and dimension.
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease


Craftsman 4P71

PAR Surpass-3P02, maternal brother to Lot 71 from our 2023 Sale.
Plus One-2P17, maternal brother to Lot 74 from our 2023 Sale.
This is a more moderate framed Craftsman son. He is solid made and thick ended. He would be an excellent choice for heifers.
Calving Ease
Calving Ease
Calving Ease

Calving Ease

Cimarron Logo

Calving Ease

If you are looking to add a head turning female to your program, PAR Isabel 3118 is a great place to start. She is a direct daughter of the late, great Baldridge Isabel Y69. She is by Poss Remington who has just begun to write his own story. She is a deep ribbed, easy fleshing female who should be the cow making kind. She sells as a bred heifer due to calve in the fall.

AI bred to Connealy Craftsman on 12/16/2024. Ultrasound confirmed pregnant.

Lot 87

GMC Isabel H162 87

Isabel H162 is a direct daughter of the great Baldridge Isabel F047 and by GB Fireball. If you are looking to add high octane genomics to your female lineup, she should do it. F047 is the $195,000 half interest donor dam that went to GMC Genetics through the 2022 Baldridge Performance Angus Female Sale. This is an outstanding genetic opportunity that is extremely rare to find. She sells as a bred heifer due to calve in the fall.

AI bred to Connealy Craftsman on 12/13/2024. Ultrasound confirmed pregnant.

PAR Susan 491

PAR May Belle 4101

MayBelle 483

PAR Susan 427

Isabel 425 is a big ribbed, broody daughter of Vercingetorix. Her dam, Isabel G886, was purchased from the 2023 Baldridge Performance Angus Female Sale and is a full sister to the popular Sterling Pacific 904. She is also maternal sister to the famous Baldridge Isabel F047 who commanded $195,000 for half interest. This is a great opportunity to aquire a royal genetic package with great genomic predictions.

Pride 4100

PAR Susan 452

PAR Lady 418

Basin Payweight 1682# Poss Pride 5163

Poss Easy Impact 0119 Poss Blueblood 920

A R Leupold 0578# GDAR Miss Blackcap 9232 V A R Discovery 2240#

Lucky Girl 424

Barbara 468

Lot 104

PAR Pride 482 106

PAR Susan 485 107

PAR May Belle 487 108

Female Focused Balanced Trait Angus

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