Nebraska Angus News - November - December 2014

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November - December 2014

Inside this issue 2014 Annual Meeting 2014 Husker Harvest Days Highlights • 2014-2015 Sale Calendar

Published By: Nebraska Angus Association PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333

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A All ll ccattle attle a are re tthe he ssame ame a and nd a all ll ttubs ubs a are re eequal. qual. R Right? ight?

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Carter C Cart ter Family Fam mily l An A Angus ngus Maternal Excellence Heifer Sale Online via Cattle in Motion Nov. 9-11, 2014

LOT 1 - CARTER’S BLACKCAP B111 - AAA 17897262 - DOB 1/12/14 D R Sierra Cut 7404 x S A V Net Worth 4200 $FW %: o $GM :: o %: o :: o <: o 0LON

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Our program has, and always will, emphasize the importance of all maternal strengths. 6$0 &$57(5 '$3+ +2%(/0$1 o &(// o +20( Photos and Videos of the heifers can be viewed on our website


Editorial By:

Suzy Hebbert, NAA Secretary

On the Job… Official Publication of the Nebraska Angus Association SIZE MEMBER NON MEMB. Full page $375 $550 2/3 Page $300 $440 1/2 Page $250 $360 1/3 Page $190 $275 1/4 Page $160 $220 1/8 Page $90 $125 COLOR RATES

$55 per color up to three colors on full page and 2/3 page ads - total cost on three additional colors is $165. For 1/2 page ads or smaller, the cost is $30 per color up to three colors



Suzy Hebbert, Editor ~ 308/577-6700 Jessamyn Voss, Production ~ 308/282-0312 Jan/Feb Issue ~ Deadline: Dec. 1

March/April Issue ~ Deadline: Feb 1 Aug/Sept Issue ~ Deadline: July 1 Holiday Issue ~ Deadline: Oct 15

Inside this Issue President Speaks ..............................4 AAA Board Update ............................6 Junior Viewpoint ..............................8 Director Corner..................................6 Sale Report ....................................21 Sale Calendar ................................19 - December

2014 Husk er


Inside thi s issue

2014 Annu al Harv est Days Meet ing • 2014 -2015 Sale Cale

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Photo by Sydni Lienemann of Princeton. Her photo was recognized as an Editor’s Pick in Sept 2014 Angus Journal. The photo was entered in the NJAA photo contest, Intermediate Landscape division.



Published By: Nebraska Angus Association PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333

On the Cover: “Foggy Bales”

I often wonder where time goes. It seems like it was just yesterday we were at the beginning of this year preparing for calving season. We have gone through the seasons of this year with most of our organization’s activities and now we are in harvest mode. Time seems to go faster each year and we have just a few activities remaining in 2014. The upcoming Angus Means Business National Convention and Trade Show, the first stand alone event in Kansas City, is shaping up to be a monumental success. With over 1,000 people registered by Oct 11th, the turnout will be phenomenal. Our Association’s display will be located in booth 400. Stop by and get our member sale date flyer, that lists upcoming bull and production sales, private treaty and consignment sales. We are also excited to begin promotion of our upcoming 75th Anniversary as an Association in 2015. Congratulations to our members elected as voting delegates and alternates to this year’s annual convention. This year their job is more important than ever as we determine the course of the direction for the Angus breed. This year has brought many changes to our breed. I urge everyone to see the future with the thought of What Can Be rather than what was. A huge thank you to our delegation Chair Lowell Minert for ensuring that we have a full delegation and also for making arrangements to have the board candidates meet with our delegation. Wrapping up the year will be our Annual Meeting & Banquet on December 6th in Kearney at the Holiday Inn. Check out the room and banquet reservation information on page 12 in this issue. The room block deadline is November 17th, 2014 and banquet reservations are due November 25th. At this year’s banquet we’ll recognize our Producer of the

2 • November/ December 2014 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Year and the Pioneer Award Winners. These individuals have left their mark in leadership of our association and also in improving the Angus breed overall in Nebraska. This is always a highlight for me to thank those people who have made Angus cattle the business breed in our state. At the end of the year we also say thanks to outgoing officers, state directors and this year, a national board member. Dru Uden as our President has led our association through the rocky year nationally with strength, vision and a lifetime of experience as an Angus breeder. His sound leadership, advice and direction has certainly made my job easier. Kory Ostrand, our Central Director, has chosen to step down from the board to be able spend more time with his growing family and operation. I appreciate his calm demeanor and insightful questions as we made decisions for our Association. Our Past President Clayton Glause leaves our leadership team. I will miss his input and steady hand. Thank you gentlemen for your time in leading our members. Finally, saying the words Thank You to Arlen Sawyer seems inadequate as he steps down from his six years as our representative on the American Angus Association Board of directors. To say he has ably represented our membership on the national level would be an understatement. In his position as a director he has encountered issues that would try the patience of a saint but in his own words, his “first and utmost concern was to represent the wishes of the membership of the state of Nebraska”. He has done a fabulous job and we say “WELL DONE, Arlen. Thank you.” We appreciate the time you have spent representing us. Until next time....

President Speaks By:

Dru Uden, NAA President

Angus friends and colleagues, What a fast and furious Fall it has been. There are no shortages of sales, meetings, and school events that are worth our investment of time to attend. With all the demands of our time it is a challenge to balance work, cattle and family time. With the 131st American Angus Association Annual Meeting fast approaching, I am excited to see the new format as a stand alone event. I congratulate all those elected a delegate or alternate delegate from Nebraska. This year more than ever your responsibility as a voting delegate will have more impact on the future of the Angus breed. Striving to keep it moving forward as the number one beef breed will be one of many challenges. I hope all delegates can set aside personal feelings and agendas for the betterment of the Angus breed and the beef industry. Thanks to Nebraska's chairman Lowell Minert for his work and time spent to make sure Nebraska has a full delegation and for caucas time to interview the candidates.

Nebraska Angus Association December 6th, seems like a long time away but mark your calendar and make plans to attend the Nebraska annual meeting and banquet in Kearney; more information can be found in this issue on page 12. According to the American Angus Association current records Nebraska ranks 2nd with 515 members registering 22,657 head, and ranks 2nd with 58 members registering 100 or more head totaling 14,064 head. We in the Beef State need to further promote our Angus product and be active in our state association. If you are not a member, please consider joining other breeders and attend the annual meeting in Kearney. Thank you for the privilege of serving as your state president this past year. Sincerely, Dru Uden

President Dru Uden, Franklin 402/470-0740

Vice President Trevor Lienemann, Princeton 402/560-5385 Secretary/Manager Suzy Hebbert, Ashby 308/577-6700

Past President Clayton Glause, Fremont 402/721-8122 Commercial Director (Term Expires 12/15)

Chris Fryzek, Madrid 308/353-6317 West Director (Term Expires 12/15)

Vince Bickel, Gordon 308/282-0416 North Director (Term Expires 12/14)

Dave Nichols, Chambers 402/340-3810 Central Director (Term Expires 12/14)

Kory Ostrand, Mason City 308/732-3201 South Director (Term Expires 12/14)

Brandon Meyer, Blue Hill 402/756-2488 Northeast Director (Term Expires 12/15)

Brock Foxhoven, Crofton 402/388-2478 Southeast Director (Term Expires 12/15)

Brett Weers, Diller 402/806-1627

Material appearing in this issue may be reprinted only with written permission of the Nebraska Angus Association. The Nebraska Angus News and the Nebraska Angus Association is obligated and reserves the right to reject any request for advertising space which would not serve the best interest of our membership. Any rejection is not intended as a reflection upon the subject of the advertisement. 4 • November/ December 2014 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Membership Form


Business or Operation__________________ Address______________________________




State _______________________Zip ______________________________________

Phone ________________________________________________________________

47th Annual Production Sale The Tradition Continues Friday, March 6, 2015 • 1 P.M. CST Sale to be held at the Ranch, Near Rockville

Selling 115 Head of Registered Angus Bulls 95 Quality 2-year-old Bulls & 20 Select Yearling Bulls One of Nebraska’s Best Sources of Quality Two-Year-Old Angus Range Bulls For Sale Book and Additional Information, Contact:

CARL DETHLEFS AND SONS Jerry and Gary Dethlefs, 78119 S. River Rd., Rockville, NE 68871 308-372-3200

E-mail ________________________________________________________________

Website ($25 charge for including on our website)


Please indicate directions for your farm or ranch and any otherinformation you would like printed in the next breeder’s directory


____________________________________________________________________ Annual dues are $60 plus .50 cents per head for animals registered during the previous year. BASE DUES $60 __________ Plus .50/head __________ Website listed ($25) __________ TOTAL __________ I would like to receive the Nebraska Angus News I already receive the Nebraska Angus News

Please send form and check to: Nebraska Angus Association % Suzy Hebbert, Secretary/Manager, PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333

Nebraska Angus Association News • November/December 2014 • 5

American Angus Board Update & Director’s Corner By: By:


The Nebraska Angus News is in search of photos from around Nebraska from our fellow Angus Breeders! We would love to see them and publish some in our magazine and maybe on the Cover! If you have a picture of your place or your Angus herd please send to: Photos must be high resolution (300 dpi or better) and at least 8 inches wide.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this issue of the Nebraska Angus News, the Nebraska Angus Association and its officers and directors assume no responsibility for any errors, omissions or incorrect information appearing within. March-April 2014

Inside this

2013- 2014 2013- 2014 Sale Nebra ska Angu s Quee n Resu lts • 2014 Sale Calen dar




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Published By: Nebraska Angus Association PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333




2014­2015 Directory Angus Nebraska

Box Assn. PO Published


150, Ash

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Janu ary - Febr uary 2014

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Publish Nebras ed By: PO Box ka Angus Ass 150 • Ash oci by, NE ation 69333


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Arlen Sawyer, AAA Board Member& Kory Ostrand, Central District


Dear Nebraska Angus friends, s I now approach the last 30 days of my term serving on the American Angus Association board of directors, I’ve had a chance to reflect on the past six years of service. Now, as in the beginning, my first and utmost concern was to represent the wishes of the membership of the state of Nebraska. Our national board has many thorny issues over these past six years and it has truly been a challenge, but hopefully I have represented your best interests! At our September board meeting our AGI and breed improvement boards visited with Tom Brink, who was instrumental in establishing the $B Values. As in all things, there is some “tweaking” that always needs to be done and there are several components to $B that are being examined and revised. With Dr. Dan Moser at the helm of AGI and performance data, I’m sure that our genomic and performance data is in good hands, and will be tools for us and our children to use now and into the future. Since we have many sensitive subjects, too lengthy to list here, if anyone has any questions about my tenure as an American Angus Association board member, please feel free to call me to visit. Best wishes to all of you! Sincerely, Arlen Sawyer AAA Director


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6 • November/ December 2014 • Nebraska Angus Association News


would like to thank the members of the Nebraska Angus Association to have the opportunity to serve as central director on the Nebraska Angus Association board. Serving on the board has been a great learning experience. Learning from other board members and about their operations has helped me gain experience on our own purebred operation. Working together on a volunteer based board makes for a great Nebraska Angus Association. Throughout the year there are several educational tools that are available to participate in. Each year the BLI or (Beef Leaders Institute) offers a great learning experience for the board members to take part in. I had the opportunity to be part of the YCC or (Young Cattlemen’s Conference) a few years back. This was a great learning experience about the entire beef community. I would like to say a special thanks to our secretary/manager Suzy Hebbert, and to the board members serving presently. The work and preparation for each magazine and directory is much appreciated. I will look forward to attending the annual banquet and other activities that go on throughout the year. Sincerely, Kory Ostrand Central District

Thick, High Pe Perrf rfo ffoormance & FFeeed Efffficiencyy Prrooov ove vveen ZLWK FRZ KHUG EXLOGLQJ WUDLWV WR SURYLGH PRUH SRXQGV TXDOLWW\\ DQG QHW UHWXUQ SHU DFUH


Big, thick, stout bulls that are ready to work! PLUS Bred Heifers - AI’d and ultrasounded - from m LLTT Premium


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Junior Viewpoint By:

Maci M. Lienemann, NJAA President

Hello Angus Friends!

Nebraska Junior Angus Association 2013-2014 Officers & Directors

President Maci Lienemann Princeton, NE • 402/705-3858 1st Vice President Michaela Clowser Milford, NE • 402/643-9533 2nd Vice President Cheyann Lovett Bladen, NE • 402/756-1011

Secretary/Treasurer Alisha Dethlefs North Platte, NE • 308/368-7660 Historian Kami Nelson Ansley, NE • 308/935-1139

Director Savannah Schafer Nehawka, NE • 402/235-2658 Director Talon Lienemann Princeton, NE • 402/798-0288 Director Justine Nelson Lincoln, NE • 402/796-2686


Allen & Heather Smith 732 129th Rd., Osceola, NE 68651 402/764-7456

Kevin & Theresa Keyes 16402 S 111TH St, Springfield, NE 68059 402/ 253-8360 Jeff and Sandy Lovett 16310 S Conestoga Ave. Bladen, NE 68928 402/756-1011

As juniors, we have once again had an exciting and eventful summer and fall. This year’s state preview show was the first time participating in the Green Coats Coast to Coast program. Tthe National Junior Angus Show was well attended in Indianapolis, IN, and as always many of us were busy with county fairs and the Nebraska State Fair. Our annual Nebraska Junior Angus Association state preview show was held, May 30-June 1, in Broken Bow, NE. The show was highly competitive on Sunday. Additionally, Saturday was very eventful for the juniors. We conducted our spring meeting where our junior board members were elected as follows: President – Maci Lienemann; 1st Vice President – Aliesha Dethlefs; 2nd Vice President – Cheyann Lovett; Secretary/Treasurer – Michelle Keyes; Historian – Sydni Lienemann; and Directors – Emily Dethlefs, Taylor Nichols and Savannah Schafer. Additionally, the Lovett’s (Sandy and Jeff) were elected to serve three years as our advisors. Furthermore, we had two National Junior Angus Board of Directors, Shane Kerner from Idaho and Lindsay Upperman from Pennsylvania, provide insight at our meeting and annual banquet. Additionally, our juniors were able to participate in workshops to grow professionally and personally through the Green Coats Coast to Coast program. The juniors extend a huge thank you to all Nebraska Angus producers, local businesses, the Nelson host family and any others who helped to make the weekend such a success. While most people were relaxing this 4th of July, many juniors were busy packing up for the National Junior Angus Show, Angus in the Heartland. The Nebraska juniors participated in various educational clinics, shows and contests throughout the week. Some highlights include the junior Cook-Off team winning their division, the junior and senior Quiz Bowl teams each placing 2nd place and Michaela Clowser being chosen to compete in the Miss American Angus

8 • November/ December 2014 • Nebraska Angus Association News

contest. Overall, the week proved to be extremely successful for all Nebraska juniors who attended. Our annual Nebraska State Fair meeting was held Sunday evening, August 31st. Members signed up for committees and learned about ways to become more involved in the association; Jake Scott gave us an update on plans for hosting the 2016 National Jr. Angus Show in Grand Island, NE and members and families were encouraged to sign up for NJAS committees; officer and delegate election/application protocols were discussed in depth; and several members declared their candidacy to run for the NJAA Board of Directors – a state run-off will take place this winter. Our next event will be the winter preview show, December 6-7th, in Kearney, Nebraska. After check-in, Saturday we will have a junior meeting and Saturday evening will be our annual junior fundraiser in conjunction with the Nebraska Angus’s annual banquet and at the same time a pizza social for younger members. The show will be Sunday morning at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds. Be on the lookout for more information and entry forms that will be coming in the mail and/or available on the Nebraska Junior Angus website. This is a fantastic event for new members to gain experience and for tenured members to be able to show their calves for the first time of the upcoming show season. I hope to see many of you in Kearney! Yours truly, Maci M. Lienemann 1020 Angus Blvd Princeton, NE 68404 (402) 705-3858

Nebraska Angus Association News • November/December 2014 • 9

Nebraska Angus News:

2014 Husker Harvest Days


Grand Island – The big story for this year’s Husker Harvest Days was rain…and lots of it. After receiving a few inches of rain during this year’s Nebraska State Fair run, the show site also received moisture during the annual three day run. Crowds were fairly steady Tuesday despite rain throughout the day. After announcing that the Wednesday show visitors were being urged to ride buses from Grand Island area business parking lots, the show management later made an announcement the show grounds would be closed to visitors on Wednesday, normally the heaviest day of visitor traffic. The show was closed to the public for the first time in 27 years. The show reopened on Thursday morning to a forecast of light moisture, but temperatures dropped and rain fell again for most of the day. Despite the inconvenience the rain brought, visitors to our exhibit were impressed with the cattle on display in our tent. Members who displayed cattle were: Carl Dethlefs and Sons, Rockville; E D Angus, Ashby; Herbster Angus Farms, Falls City; Hollman Angus, Hallam; Lazy Black Diamond Angus Ranch, Palmer; and Lienemann Cattle Co., Princeton.

Sun rises over center pivots on Day 1 of 2014 Husker Harvest Days.

Gary Dethlefs and Regional Mgr Jay Nordhausen visit during this year’s Husker Harvest Days.

Exhibitors at this year’s show include (left to right): Gary Dethlefs, Carl Dethlefs & Sons – Rockville; Mandy Raithel, Herbster Angus Farms – Falls City; Kevin Glause, Lazy Black Diamond Ranch – Palmer; Sondra and Dick Hollman, Hollman Angus – Hallam; Clint Hebbert, E D Angus – Ashby; Trevor Lienemann, Lienemann Cattle Co. – Princeton.

Husker Harvest Day’s parking lots at this year’s event were a sloppy mess on Wednesday. The show was closed for the first time in 27 years as exhibitor and visitor lots were a swamp.


Annual Meeting and Banquet December 6th, 2014 KEARNEY, NE - HOLIDAY INN

This year’s annual meeting and banquet are set for December 6th, 2014 at the Holiday Inn in Kearney. Dr. Dan Moser, new AGI President at the American Angus Association will be one of our speakers in the afternoon. We are still working on the remaining lineup for the afternoon education segment. The annual meeting and banquet will follow our education portion of the day. Hotel rooms at the Holiday Inn may be reserved by calling 308-237-5971 and ask for the Nebraska Angus block of rooms to receive the $92.95 rate. The block of rooms is available until November 17th, 2014. After that rooms revert to their regular rate of $109.95. Reservations for the banquet will be $35 each. There is reservation form on our website, at this link or you may use the form below. Watch our website for more information as it becomes available.




$35 a person

Name (s)____________________________________________________ Address_________________________________State______Zip_______ Number Attending ____________Amount Enclosed___________________ Please return payment form & payment by November 26th to: Nebraska Angus Association % Suzy Hebbert PO BOX 150 Ashby, NE 69333

Nebraska Junior Achievements (these articles reprinted with permission) AMERICAN ANGUS AUXILIARY ANNOUNCES SCHOLARSHIP WINNER

By: Linda Robbins, This article first appeared in the September 2014 issue of the Angus Journal

Michaela Clowser “From an early age, I learned the hours of operation on a farm were directly dependent on hungry cows, the best and worst weather Mother Nature could muster, and meticulously completing a job before the sun fell in the western sky,” says Michaela Clowser, winner of the second- place $1,400 girls’ scholarship. The daughter of Blaine and Sharon Clowser, Seward, Neb., has been a member of the Nebraska Junior Angus Association for 11 years, serving in various leadership positions, including fundraising chair for the Nebraska Junior Angus State Show; junior cochair for the Nebraska Junior Angus State Show in 2007 and 2013; director; historian; secretary- treasurer; and first vice president. She has attended multiple LEAD and Raising the Bar conferences. She served as a reporter and then editor for The Scoop at the NJAS from 2009 through 2013,and was a participant or winner in the quiz bowl, photography, judging, poster, team fitting, carcass steer, and career development contests. Michaela was a mentor at the NJAS from 2010 to 2013, and a Cook-Off participant and second-place winner in 2008, 2010 and 2011. Michaela was a member of the Seward High School Starlettes dance team, a team member for the girl’s varsity golf and soccer teams, and served in leadership positions on the Seward County 4-H Club and the Seward High School FFA Chapter. “When I participated in my first NJAS in Denver in 2005, I was very shy and nervous about competing in the quiz bowl contest,” Michaela says. “Opening myself up to trying new things was often intimidating for me. After completing the test, I quickly realized that I had prepared well. From that point, I didn’t look back. I was going to participate in as many junior

Angus opportunities as possible.” Michaela will attend Casper College in Casper, Wyo., where she plans to participate on the judging team and earn an associate’s degree in ag business. She then plans to attend a four-year university to earn a bachelor’s degree in ag marketing with an emphasis on international ag marketing and a minor in ag economics. She testified at the Nebraska State Legislature’s Agriculture and Education committees supporting the incorporation of agricultural education as an essential component in mainstream nonagricultural classes in mathematics, biology and ecology. “I will continue to be an active advocate for Angus cattle and use my abilities, leadership and communication skills to promote the beef cattle industry,” Michaela says. GOLDEN IN THE HEARTLAND

By: Paige Nelson, This article first appeared in the September 2014 issue of the Angus Journal

‘The Gold Award is the final step in a National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) member’s career. This award is given to individuals who go the extra mile to achieve success in all the testing, production and merchandising of Angus genetics, and other relevant beef industry activities. To qualify for Gold, members must first earn the Bronze Award, achieved by amassing 1,000 points; the opportunities the NJAA has to offer,” says Jaclyn Upperman, director of events and education for the American Angus Association. The National Junior Recognition Program (NJRP) was established more than 40 years ago, and at this year’s 2014 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS) the program was proud to award 24 NJAA members with Gold Awards.

14 • November/ December 2014 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Points are earned through participation in various junior activities, including Association activities, competitive activities, performance Silver Award, which requires another 1,000 points; plus an additional 1,000 for a total of 3,000 points. The Bronze, Silver and Gold Award system was set up to provide young Angus breeders the opportunity to become nationally recognized for continued achievement and to encourage juniors to strive for excellence. Gold Award winners are presented with a special pin cast in gold and receive national, regional and local recognition for their efforts. Taylor Nichols Growing up in the remote area of Chambers, Neb., didn’t stunt Taylor Nichols’ growth as an NJAA member. At the 2013 NJAS, Nichols participated in the quiz bowl and livestock judging contests. He was an active member and officer of the Prairie Wranglers 4-H club and various offices throughout his 11-year 4-H career. He is also a graduated member of the Chambers FFA chapter. As a fourth-generation rancher, Nichols is still using his very first 4-H project as the cornerstone of his herd, and her sons have topped the family bull sale several times. Reflecting on his junior career Nichols says, “I realize how many people I have met and how many things I have experienced that I never would have if it wasn’t for the NJAA.” In 2011, Nichols’ heifer “Bailey” won reserve junior owned heifer at the Nebraska State Junior Show. She was acknowledged as third overall. He is the son of David and Lynn Nichols and currently attends Chadron State College in Chadron, Neb. He is majoring in range management with a livestock emphasis. Nichols is set to graduate in May 2017 and plans to go back to the family cattle operation.

Our Angus Family OBITUARY

Richard Nelson

Richard A. (Dick) Nelson, 83 of Ansley, died Wednesday, March 5, 2014, at Bryan LGH Hospital in Lincoln, surrounded by his family, after a month long battle with pneumonia. Dick was born July 23, 1930, in the Algernon township near Mason City, to Ernest E. and Blanche A. (Thorn) Nelson. A celebration of his life was Monday, March 10, 2014, at First Christian Church in Ansley with the Rev. Mel Shepherd officiating, with Elks rites following. Burial was at the Ansley cemetery. Memorials are suggested to the family's choice. Survivors include his wife, Marcia of Ansley; son, Randy and daughter-in-law Joan of Ansley; daughter, Debbie and son-in-law Pat Kelley of Burwell; sister, Lois Mills of Albuquerque, N.M.; six grandchildren, Crystal of Ansley, Kent and Michelle of Anselmo, Cassie Nelson and Matt Hansen, and Penny of Ansley, Katie Nelson and Tanner Crisp of Minden, Kami and Cody of Ansley; and four great-grandchildren, Caitlin, Ty, Kali, and Kaycee all of Anselmo; and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. He was preceded in death by parent's, Ernest and Blanche; infant brother, Benton John, and a niece and nephew-in-law, Janet and Ben Satterfield. Dick spent his first few years of life in the Algernon Township. Being born in the dirty 30’s, his childhood was not easy. At a young age he had a bout with pneumonia and thanks to his Aunt Mary Crist as his savior she brought him out of it. At the age of seven his family moved to what

was known as the BJ Tierney headquarters west of Ansley, now known as Twin Mills Angus Ranch, named by Ernest based on the two windmills on the hillside east of their home. The windmills were later destroyed by a tornado. During Dick's childhood through his high school years he enjoyed shooting pool, playing cards, football, and baseball. He graduated from Ansley High school in 1948. Upon graduation his dad, Ernest, told him to go out and see the world. This is when Dick and one of his cousins traveled to Colorado to pick peaches. It didn't take long for Dick to figure out that he didn't want to work for anyone and returned to the ranch. May 23, 1951, he married the love of his life, Marcia Luth in Ravenna. Before and after marriage he worked alongside his dad until Ernest's health forced him to retire. Then Dick continued feeding cattle, and building the Black Angus cow herd. Dick marketed his fat cattle at the Omaha Stock Yards and was one of the last shippers to market there before they closed. Dick had the first load of fat cattle to market to IBP in Lexington after the construction of the new plant. A few highlights during his livestock career were: searching the country side for the best Angus bulls he could find, which he found from Gretta Heckett in early 1950's, followed by bulls from Ankony Angus in the 1960's and 1970's, and in the 1980's, he made news by purchasing the entire grand champion carload of bulls from Ken/Caryl Ranch, at the Denver Stock Show to currently buying bulls from the Krebs Ranch. Dick also marketed several pot loads of cattle to the Japanese. The Japanese bought the cattle live and flew them by plane to Japan where they continued fattening them for another 60 days.

16 • November/ December 2014 • Nebraska Angus Association News

He furthered his love of livestock by working and attending livestock and registered Angus sales. One of Dick's enjoyable times of his life was traveling and working around the United States and Canada with auctioneer Jim Baldridge to various registered Angus sales. Throughout his life Dick was a member of: BPOE Elks Lodge 1688 for 51 years, he was a life time member of the Nebraska and American Angus Associations, he was an avid bowler competing in local, state, and national tournaments for many years and had been inducted into the Broken Bow Bowling Hall of Fame, he was a 4H leader for numerous years always looking for a way to help youth. Dick and Marcia loved to dance and travel all over the country. Dick loved to go watch his son, daughter, and grand and greatgrandchildren play sports, sing in concerts, and show cattle. If any of them were in a competition you could find him sitting in the stands. One of the number of ways he showed his love was by giving you a nickname. Dick's hobbies included collecting pens and pencils, and driving truck up until the day he passed away. Dick loved to use his wit to tell humorous stories and never met a stranger. His stories included historical and life experiences. The changes Dick saw in his life were picking corn by hand with a team and wagon to using his cell phone, which he grew to love. Dick will be greatly missed by everyone who knew and loved him especially his family.


William Theodore “Bill” Sitz

William Theodore “Bill” Sitz, 87 of Burwell, Nebraska died Septem-

Our Angus Family

ber 17, 2014 at the Community Memorial Health Center in Burwell. Funeral services will be 10:00 a.m. Saturday, September 20, 2014 at the Burwell Baptist Church in Burwell. Burial will be in the Rose Cemetery at 1:00 p.m. Pastor Stan Gurney and Pastor Jeffrey Wohlfert will officiate. Visitation will be Friday from 5 -8 p.m. at Hitchcock Funeral Home in Burwell, Nebraska. Memorials are suggested to the Rose Church. Bill was born July 6, 1927 in Kearney, Nebraska to William August and Frieda (Gerdes) Sitz. As a young boy Bill spent many a night sleeping in the barn with the cattle while he and his family were on the road showing cattle. Bill enjoyed showing at the County Fairs, AK-SAR-BEN and the State Fair. He remembers driving the family’s registered Angus cattle and Hampshire hogs to the railroad dock at Buda where they loaded them on a rented cattle car on the route to various fairs. In March of 1937 Bill moved with his family from Buda, Nebraska and began a new life in the ranching community called the Green Valley south of Atkinson. During this time in 1945 Bill became a lifetime member of the American Angus Association. Bill married Dee Stout on August 20, 1947 in Atkinson, Nebraska. Living in Holt County they named their ranch the 36 Angus Ranch. Shortly after they moved with their cowherd to the ranch in southeastern Rock County where they raised Angus cattle and their children, Bill Jr., Judy, Sheryl and Mike. Bill trapped as a young man and used the income from his furs to purchase materials to build his first underslung. He enjoyed farm

sales, working, building things out of iron, tractors, studying the weather, RFD TV, horses and his ponies. He learned how to use the Internet to keep track of the Big Iron web sites auctions. Along with his lifetime membership to the American Angus Association he was also member of the Nebraska Stock Growers Association. Bill is survived by four children, Bill Sitz of Burwell, Nebraska, Judy Newlin of Burwell, Nebraska, Sheryl and Lloyd Bellinger of Niwot, Colorado and Mike and Debra Sitz of Burwell, Nebraska. Ten grandchildren and spouses, Stephanie Sitz, Jesse and Tori Sitz, Cody and Melissa Sitz, Stacie and Jason Roblyer, Bethany and Joel Johnston, Eric Newlin, Zac and Dr. Mariah Bellinger, Johanna and Brett Sprencer, Alexis and Travis Fletcher and Ransom and Rachael Sitz and seven great-grandchildren, John Sitz, Lena Spencer, Macy Sitz, Jordee Johnston, Brady Spencer, Mya Sitz and Archibald Fletcher. One sister, Delores and Jim Wallace of Eckert, Colorado and a sister-in-law, Donna SitzArthrum of Billings, Montana. Bill was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Dee, two brothers, Francis and Bob, an infant sister, Ruth, and a son-in-law, Dave Newlin.

From our mailbox. . .


Brexton Ostrand of Ostrand Angus announces the arrival of his twin sisters Avery Grace (4 lbs. 4 oz., 18 inches long) and

Olivia Ann (4 lbs. 2 oz., 18 inches long) who were born on May 22, 2014. The Ostrand siblings parents are Kory and Danielle Ostrand of Mason City. Kory is the Central Director for the Nebraska Angus Ass’n board of directors. Grandparents are Neil & Julie Ostrand of Mason City and Robin & Denise Bochart of Rockville.


Dear Nebraska Angus Association,

Thank you so much for sponsoring the Nebraska Angus Queen Competition. Without your support, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to be the 2014-2015 Nebraska Angus Queen! Thanks again for all your support and I look forward to working with you! Michelle Keyes NAA 2014-2105 Queen

Dear Angus Family and Friends,

All your love and support has been so heart warming to our family! Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for all of us during our cancer journeys! Especially for all the support through the Classic Heifer Fundraiser! A big thank you to all who organized this and especially to the Kory Orstrand family for donating the heifer! We would also like to thank the Nebraska Juniors for suprising us with an ice cream social at the Classic! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful Angus Family here in Nebraska and are so honored to call you family! We truly have been blessed by all your kindness! Thank you and God Bless, The Dethlefs Craig, Laurie, Aliesha, Emily & Kacey

Nebraska Angus Association News • November/December 2014 • 17

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November 9-11 – Carter Family Angus Maternal Excellence Online Sale November 21 – Schurrtop Angus & Charolais Bull Sale @ McCook

2014 Sale & Event Calendar


December 5 – McConnell Fall Female Sale @ Dix December 13 - Sisco Bros "Friends in Low Places Elite Online Heifer Sale" December 16 – TK Angus Bull Sale & Spring Cowherd Dispersal @ Valentine December 27 – Sisco Bros Winter Layaway Bull Sale


January 22 – Marcy Cattle Co. Bull Sale @ Gordon January 23 – Mill Bar Angus Bull Sale @ McCook January 24 – Sandage Angus Bull Sale @ Rushville, 5 pm January 26 – Martin Angus Ranch Sale @ Ogallala January 31 – Baldridge Bros. Bull Sale @ North Platte


February 2 – Mike Sitz Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Burwell February 6 – Cammack Angus Farms Bull Sale @ Beatrice February 6 – McConnell Angus Bull Sale @ Dix February 6 – Spring Valley Ranch Bull Sale @ Burwell February 7 – Bartos Angus Bull Sale @ Verdigre February 9 – Carter Family Angus Bull Sale @ Arthur February 11 – Sandpoint Cattle Co, LLC Bull Sale @ Chappell February 17 – Cedartop Ranch Bull Sale @ Burwell February 18 – Ostrand Angus Bull Sale @ Slagle sale facility @ Sargent February 19 – Krebs Ranch Bull Sale @ Gordon February 19 – Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Show & Sale @ Kearney February 20 – Hoffman Ranch Bull Sale @ Thedford February 21 – Minert/Simonson Angus Bull Sale @ Dunning February 23 – Arrow One Angus Ranch Bull & Female Sale @ North Platte February 23 – Foxhoven Angus Bull Sale @ Crofton February 24 – Landmark Angus Bull Sale @ Brunswick February 25 – TC Ranch Bull Sale @ Franklin February 26 – Bear Mountain Ranch Bull & Female Sale @ Palisade February 28 – S Diamond Angus/Red Angus Bull Sale @ Henderson

MARCH 2015

March 1 – Carlson Cattle Co. Bull Sale @ Fullerton March 2 – Vision Angus Bull Sale @ North Platte @ 1 pm @ Lincoln Co. Fairgrounds March 3 – Jindra Bull Sale @ Creighton March 4 – Hall Ranch 2 Yr. Old Bull Sale @ Basset; snow date March 11 March 4 – Lonesome River Ranch Bull Sale @ Anselmo March 6 – Carl Dethlefs & Sons Bull Sale @ Rockville March 7 – Dailey Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Thedford March 7 – Green Valley Cattle Bull Sale @ Atkinson March 7 – Smith Farms Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Hay Springs March 8 – 4 M Angus Bull Sale @ Blue Hill March 8 - Lienetics Bull Sale @ Beatrice March 9 – Barstow Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Springview @ 1 pm March 10 – Nichols & Sons Bull Sale @ Chambers @ Holt Co. Fairgrounds March 11 – Hay Country Bull Sale @ Atkinson March 11 – Vin-Mar Angus & Hereford Bull Sale @ Rushville March 13 – Southwest Angus Ass’n Bull Sale @ McCook March 14 - Gardels Angus Bull Sale @ Kearney March 14 – Koberstein Farms Angus Bull Sale @ Ogallala March 18 – Wagonhammer Bull Sale @ O’Neill, NE March 19 – Benoit Angus Bull Sale @ Esbon, KS March 20 – Sellman Ranch Bull Sale @ Crawford March 20 – T 4 Livestock Bull Sale @ Chappell March 21 – Gray Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Harrison March 23 – Kasselder/Freouf Bull Sale @ Burwell March 23 – Rishel Angus Next Generation Herd Sire Sale @ North Platte March 24 – Frenzen Angus Production Sale @ Frenzen Sale Facility @ Fullerton March 25 – Nebraska Bull Test Sale @ Broken Bow Livestock March 26 - L Bar L Angus Bull Sale @ Imperial March 27 – Poss Angus Bull Sale @ Ericson March 27 - Schurrtop Angus & Charolais Bull Sale @ McCook March 27 – Smith Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Bassett March 28 – Connealy Angus Bull Sale @ Whitman March 28 – Herbster Angus Farms Bull Sale @ Marysville, KS March 29 – E D Angus Bull Sale @ Ashby


April 2 – A & B Cattle Bull Sale @ Bassett April 3 – Dethlefs Angus Ranch/Treffer Angus Bull Sale @ Loup City April 4 – Kraye Angus Bull Sale @ Mullen April 6 – Windmill Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Haigler April 7 – Daigger-Orr Angus Bull Sale @ North Platte April 7 – Weers Angus Farm Bull Sale @ Fairbury April 10 – Hollman Angus Influence Bull Sale @ Hallam April 11 – University of Nebraska Bull Sale @ Lincoln

PRIVATE TREATY SALES – for contact information for these members, see our online directory at Baldridge-Tiedeman Angus Private Treaty Bulls available January 25th @ North Platte Ballagh Cattle Company @ Burwell Ely Angus Private Treaty Bulls available, also @ SW Neb Angus Ass’n sale Groth Angus Bulls & Females available Private Treaty @ St. Edward John Angus Farms @ Miller JMC Angus/Clowser Family Private Treaty Bulls and Heifers available @ Milford, NE Lazy Black Diamond Ranch @ Palmer Macholan Angus @ Linwood MGM Angus, LTD – Morgan Meyer @ Johnson Sonderup Angus Registered Bred Cows & Bred Heifers Available @ Genoa S X 3 Angus Bulls & Heifers available Private Treaty @ Cairo Twin Mills Angus Ranch Bulls and Heifers available @ Ansley

Advertisers Index

~A~ A&B Cattle Co ..................................3 Angus Hall of Fame ......................20 ~B~ Ballagh Cattle Co ..........................13 Bartos Angus ................................18 ~C~ Carlson Cattle Co...........................10 Carter Family Angus........................1 ~D~ Carl Dethlefs & Sons ......................5 ~E~ E.D. Angus........................................5 ~G~ Green Valley Cattle Company ......15 ~H~ Herbster Angus Farms ..........24,IBC ~M~ McConnell Angus ..........................11 ~S~ Schurrtop Angus..............................7 ~T~ TK Angus ......................................BC ~V~ Vitalix ............................................IFC

Nebraska Angus Association News • November/December 2014 • 19

WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS America’s #1 Sale Management Firm as acclaimed by Angus breeders from coast to coast and border to border.

Schedule your sale today!

Tom Burke 816/853-2697

Kurt Schaff 816/520-6447

Jeremy Haag 816/516-1309


1 - Decades of Excellence Volume XV Angus Sale, at Fancy Free Farms, Unionville, TN 2 - Marda Farms/Spring Creeks Joint Angus Production Sale, Lodi, WI 3 - Kramer Angus Online Female Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Farina, IL) 4 - Buchanan Cattle Enterprise Online Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Aldie, VA) 6 - Kasler Cattle Co. Online Show Heifer and Bred Heifer Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Millfield, OH) 8 - Gamble Angus Farm Complete and Total Dispersal of Cattle & Equipment, Clinton, TN 8 - Pitts Angus Sale, Hermitage, MO 9 - SF Farms Angus Sale, Princeton, KS 9 - Complete Dispersal of the Earl Weiker Estate Angus Herd & Equipment, Fayette, MO 13 - Complete and Total Dispersal Sale of Ben Lawson's Bovagene Angus Herd, Shoshoni, WY 15 - Performance Legends Angus Female Sale, at Shuffler Farm, Union Grove, NC 16 - Brooking Angus Ranch Open Book Online Invitational Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Redville SK, Canada) 16 - Pearls of the Prairie Angus Female Sale, Mandan, ND 18 - Fort Angus Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Knightstown, IN) 20 - Siebring Angus Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Gilman, IL) 22 - Ginger Hill Angus Sale, Culpeper, VA 22 - MM Cattle Co. Angus Bull and Commercial Female Sale, Bowdon, GA 23 - Hedgewood Prairie Angus & Friends Production Sale, Enterprise, KS 24 - Decades of Excellence Online Embryo Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Unionville, TN)

25 - Woodruff Angus Online Show Heifer Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Milton, IA) 29 - Dameron Angus Production Sale, Lexington, IL 30 - Knop Angus Farm Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Ida Grove, IA) 30 - Spring Valley Angus Fall Classic Female Sale, LaMoure, ND


1 - Stevenson's Diamond Dot Angus Sale, Hobson, MT 6 - Bramblett Angus Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Elberton, GA 6 - Hoosier Beef Congress Angus Sale, Indianapolis, IN 6 - Sullivan SJS Angus 56th Anniversary Sale, Lucas, IA 12 - Circle R Angus Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Alma, WV) 12 - National Angus Finals, hosted by Seven T Farms and Decades of Excellence, Las Vegas, NV 13 - Sauk Valley Angus Sale, Rock Falls, IL 16 - TK Angus Sale, Wood Lake, NE, sale at Valentine, NE

WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660 Phone: 816.532.0811 - Fax: 816-532-8851


Sale Reports Hoffman Ranch & Co. Female Sale Herd City: Thedford, NE US Auctioneer: Rick Machado Sale Date: 09/29/2014 API Rep: Jay Nordhausen

1 Bull Calves - Av: $80,000.00 1 Total Registered Bulls - Av: $80,000.00 22 Open Heifers -Av: $18,772.00 22 Total Registered Females Average: $18,722.00 - Gross: $413,000.00 23 Reported Sale Total Average: $21,434.00 - Gross: $493,000.00 TOP BULL Lot #1$B - Hoffman Big Ten 4056 ET - $80,000 Buyer: Pollard Farms LLC Enid OK; Deer Valley Farm Fayetteville TN; Silveira Bros. Firebaugh CA; Flying G Ranch Brenhnan TX; XL Angus Ranch Casper WY; Bluedrifter Ranch & Horizon Hay Ellenburg WA; Heileman Cattle Company Jonesboro AR; Triple R Farm Genevieve MO; Randy Ward McAlester OK Sire Name: A A R Ten X 7008 S A TOP OPEN HEIFER Lot 80 - H MS Jackie 4031 Et - $180,000.00 Buyer: Express Ranches Yukon OK Sire Name: A A R Ten X 7008 S A TOP OPEN COW Lot 114 - HA Erica 1063 - $31,000.00 Buyer: Pollard Farms LLC Enid OK Sire Name: Duff Basic Instinct 6501 Seller: Wells Angus Hamilton TX


Nordhausen to serve as Angus regional manager for Nebraska and Colorado. As a regional manager, Nordhausen will represent the Angus breed at various cattle events, sales, shows & other activities throughout the territory. Breeders are encouraged to ask him questions about Association programs & services, or for help locating Angus seedstock. He can also advise producers on marketing opportunities available through the Association, including advertising through the Angus Journal & other avenues. A native of Nebraska, Nordhausen graduated from the University of Nebraska (UNL) with a bachelor*s degree in animal science, & a master*s degree in animal science & agricultural leadership. He served as a livestock buyer & broker at Wright Livestock Inc. in North

Platte, Neb., where his responsibilities included buying & selling feeder cattle and bred cattle, coordinating delivery dates & trucking accommodations between buyer and sellers. Nordhausen also served as the interim head livestock judging coach at UNL for the 2012-2013 year. He coached students to compete at the highly competitive collegiate level, and coordinated the Nebraska State FFA livestock judging contest for 575 contestants. He also recruited potential livestock judging team members and animal science students within Nebraska and throughout the Midwest. Nebraska Angus Ass'n members can contact Jay at or 308-289-1548. Jay looks forward to getting to know more Angus breeders in Nebraska and finding ways to assist Nebraska Angus Ass'n members.

Call today to reserve your ad space for the 2015 January Issue 2014 January- -February February Issue FOR MORE INFORMATION:

Suzy Hebbert, Sect.

“thats the way we’ve always done it” just isn’t good enough anymore... When


Steve Dorran -Auctioneer 5703 Red Bridge Dr Timnath, CO 80547 403-540-9498 Nebraska Angus Association News • November/December 2014 • 21


Since 1950

“Dutch” & Marian Dethlefs

“Where Quality Counts”

31310 Imperial Rd • Ravenna, NE 68869 Ph. 308/452-4147

Craig & Laurie Dethlefs 13947 W. Power Rd • North Platte, NE 69101 308/368-7660

Lazy Black Diamond Ranch Registered Angus Since 1951

Purebred & Commercial Angus Office 308/483-5100 John & Laurie Widdowson Lodgepole, NE 69149 15175 U.S. Hwy. 30 John’s E-mail: Cell 308/390-5697

Bred for fertility, calving ease, maternal, disposition, growth, carcass, and conformation.

Select bulls at Private Treaty anytime. For details contact Kevin at (308) 894-8735 or (308) 750-9055 Glause Family 379 Hwy. 92 • Palmer, NE 68864

FRENZEN ANGUS “More Pounds - More Profit”

Annual Production Sale - March 24, 2015 Females & Club Calves for Sale Private Treaty

Galen Frenzen • (308) 536-2069 Cell: (308)550-0237 50802 N. Edgewood Rd. Fullerton, NE 68638 Eric's Cell: (308) 550-0238

“The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids”


P.O. Box 581 • Sutherland, NE 69165 Phone (308) 386-4857 • Mobile (308-539-6195 ce Tested Performan valuated & Carcass ECattle Angus

Mick Cox & Family 73786 Ave. 356 • Hayes Center, NE Phone (308) 286-3416 • Cell (308) 340-4332 E-Mail: 22 • November/ December 2014 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Jerry & Gary Dethlefs Annual Production Sale 1st Friday in March 78009 S. River Rd. - Rockville, NE 68871 - 308/372-3200

Tim & Kim Marlatt

Tim & Kim Marlatt 40204 7070 130 US TrailHwy 20 Wood NE 69221. Gordon,Lake, NE 69343 (308) Phone:282-1726 402-967-3423 Cell: 308-360-1601

Twin Mills Angus Ranch Registered and Commercial Angus Cattle Richard and Randy Nelson 1 3/4 miles West and 3/4 mile South of Ansley, NE 68814

Canyon, SAF Connealy Strategy, SydGenContractor, Bullet, SydGen SydGen Mandate, Herd – Connealy HerdSires Sires: SAVDeep Prosperity, Concrete, SanSAV Dan Triple Threat (DarkConnealy Red Charolais)Deep Mandate,Connealy SAV Platinum, Republic, A.I. Sires – Net Worth, CAR Threat Duke, Final(Dark Answer, Red Sitz Upward 307R Bull) Canyon, Triple Charolais

~ Visitors Always Welcome ~ ~ Private Treaty Cattle For Sale ~

Phone: (308) 935-1139

Â˜Â˜Ă•>Â?ĂŠ->Â?iʹÊ >Â˜Ă•>ÀÞÊ£Ç]ĂŠĂ“䣣ĂŠUĂŠ-iÂ?Â?ˆ˜}\ĂŠÂŁĂˆäĂŠ Ă•Â?Â?ĂƒĂŠÂąĂŠxäĂŠ Ă€i`ĂŠ iˆviĂ€Ăƒ Production Sale - December16, 2014 (Valentine Livestock) “Breeding for the Performance Minded Cattlemanâ€?


Jay Wolf Family, Owners

402/395-2178 Box 548 • Albion, NE 68620

The Total Performance Brand Email: Myron Benes, Sales 402/395-6962 • Cell: 402/649-2719

Benoit Angus

BULL SALE ~ MARCH 19, 2015

“Third Thursday in Marchâ€? Everett & Bonnie Benoit 621 Hwy 61 • Esbon, KS 66941 (785) 725-3231 • (888) 870-2855 Chad Benoit • (785) 725-3005 Doug & Michelle Benoit • (785) 725-6211

Sonderup Angus

Bulls, Heifers, and Embryos for Sale Private Treaty

31155 State Highway 22 • Genoa, Nebraska 68640

Lori Wagner 308/536-2975 cell308/550-0349

Fort Worth, TX 1-800-422-2117 Lemoyne Dailey PO Box 152 Thedford, NE 69166

Home: 308-645-2712 Cell: 402-760-2727

Nebraska Angus Association News • November/December 2014 • 23

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