Tucker Family Farms Professional Replacement Female Sale

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Tucker Family Farms Professional Replacement Female Sale

Fall-Calving Commercial Bred Heifers

40+ years of wholly owned and developed heifer rearing coupled with 30+ years of feedlot performance and carcass data collection have focused our program on maternal function, performance, and end-product merit.

Tuesday, April 15, 2025


Please come join us Tuesday, April 15th for fellowship and fun around our lunch offering as we celebrate historically High ca le prices. Isn’t it great to be on the positive end of economic news! Our popular burgers certainly go down be er with a big dose of Profit. We will eat at 12:30 with our annual Tucker Family Farms Professional Replacement Female sale at 2:00 EDT.

You can expect the same quality and a ention to detail in both the matings and the heifer development that we have been offering for decades. Our focus continues to be on striving to produce the best set of elite females we can for our profit minded customers. Our goal is to provide you functional, efficient, prolific females with built in calf value traits that allow you to maximize your return on the investment of superior replacement genetics.

Each female in the offering was individually mated to optimize the next generation. Careful use of the best AI sires, our significant investment in the best Natural service sires we can own, and the discipline to stay within the goals of our three primary composite lines (Maternal Mamas, Power Blacks, and Target Reds) have allowed us to develop options to best complement your specific program. Four decades of analyzing both the feedlot performance and carcass data from the steer siblings of our heifers have aided us in developing ca le that excel on the rail as well as in the pasture. Careful selection for feed efficiency translates to higher stocking rates on grass and lower feed bills while seeking the best in Prime premiums.

Having a multiyear plan for your operation involves carefully weighing inputs against returns. In my career, the mentors that I have benefi ed from the most, share one thing in common. They are not easily swayed by market trends. These prudent business icons develop a plan and they stick to it. Whether it be improving stocking rates through pasture renovation, upgrading genetic inputs, developing water systems, or adding new "J" bunks; they all allot a fixed amount of capital and management to acheive the desired increase in capacity and/or quality. They understand that you can't take advantage of "hot" ca le markets without the inventory to supply them. We would like to help you continue to improve your genetic base by sharing ours. Buy these heifers now with confidence as they are the result of 40+ years of sticking to our plans. Each one comes with a calf in her belly that will go a long way towards paying for her this time next year.

All sale ca le are currently available for viewing. We will re-ultrasound the natural service females on April 7th to provide you with the most accurate information sale day. All heifers will be poured, reproductive and pink eye vaccine boostered, and ready to turn out. We will have trusted representatives to handle telephone bids or you can participate directly through our telo-auction line. We genuinely enjoy the fellowship of ge ing to see many of you annually and look forward to April 15th for another time together. As always, my name is my guarantee. Let’s grow and improve together.


Tucker Family Farms Professional Replacement Female Sale

Bill Tucker’s contact information: Email: be erheifers@gmail.com • Cell: 434-944-2292

Auctioneer: Dalton Benne • Cell: 434-664-7946

Wess Anglin, American Gelbvieh Association • 662-292-4582

Reese Tuckwiller, Regional Manager, American Angus Association • 308-360-3048

Greg Comstock has helped us acquire herd sires when we couldn’t be at a sale. Greg is available to provide an unbiased third party opinion of the ca le, so please feel free to contact Greg. Cell: 804-647-0127 • greg@groopllc.com

We will be serving lunch prior to the sale.

Tel-O-Auction: If you cannot be with us on sale day, you may use our Tel-O-Auction conference line on sale day. We will have a live auctioneer, Jim Johnson on the line, as well as me in the barn. Please call me ahead to register as a buyer or directly to the line on sale day. During the sale call 1-800-309-2350 (conference ID number 4505514#, then speak your name when prompted and press #). You may choose to exercise this option at home or from your vehicle at the sale site.

1) Heifers will sell in catalog order.

2) All A.I. bred heifers have been ultrasounded to determine: service sire, expected due date, and fetal sex. Due to ultrasounding at an earlier date, that same data was unavailable for natural service bred females in time for the catalog. However, the Natural Service Females will be ultrasounded at a later date, and their pregnancy data will be available on a pre-sale supplement.

3) Heifers are lo ed in like groups based on pedigree and pregnancy status. The successful bidder may elect to select one, two, three, etc., or take the entire lot.

4) All heifers are safe in calf per service stated in the catalog, Bangs vaccinated, meet all Virginia Premium Assured Plus Guidelines for health and exceed the Guidelines for Genetics.

5) Announcements from the auction block take precedence over this and any other printed material.

Lot 1

Homestead C607 will be 10-years-old this year, but he remains relevant because his daughters do everthing a beef cow needs to be successful in central Virginia. To increase our customers' return on investment, we have bred these Lot 1 half-sisters to G A R Apex 6271 who ranks in the top 3% or be er for $Grid Value, $Beef Value and $Combined Value. And you'll want to keep all the heifers since Apex ranks in the top 1% for Docility, top 2% for hair shedding and top 5% or be er for both $Maternal Value and $Weaning Value.

We love the Mead Multiplier daughters because they do so many things that are so important in our program. Multiplier ranks in the top 2% for Docility, Best 4% for Hai r Shedding, best 3% for Maternal Calving Ease, and he improves foot structure. Their mating to Discipline combines best 1% Calving Ease with Top 10% pay weight at weaning and yearling and Top 3% Carcass Weight. If you're needing replacements Discipline ranks in the top 1% for both $Maternal Value and $Weaning Value.

When we mated these Western daughters to Yon Discipline K871 we knew we were concentrating two of the top sires for $Weaning value from the last two generations of Angus bulls. Both sires also excel at spreading easy calving, low birthweight to heavier payweights at weaning and yearling. You should be able to hit the Snooze bu on a couple of extra times when calving heifers to Discipline who ranks in the easiest calving 1% of Angus sires.

Lot 4


Balancer Heifer

We have always valued the C428 ca le for their efficient feed conversion and reduced dry ma er intake (DMI) in the cowherd. That foundation makes this mating to Historic even more valuable. Historic delivers best 1% $Combined, $Beef and $Feedlot values and is still top 5% for $Maternal. This Historic heifer fetus may be the most valuable female in the sale given her sire's elite ranks for Docility, foot structure, heifer pregnancy and maternal calving ease.

Lot 5

A.I. Bred Black Balancer Heifers

The sire of these Balancer heifers ranks in the best 15% of Gelbvieh sires for docility and maternal calving ease and the best 10% for Marbling. Their mating to Majority takes a quantum leap in profitability. He ranks in the top 1% for $Combined Value, $Beef Value, $Grid Value and $Weaning Value. Plus, he ranks in the top 2% for $Maternal Value and 3% for Feedlot Value.

"Chief Justice" has developed into one of the up and coming "CowMakers" of the Gelbvieh breed, ranking in the best 2% for Docility, Top 3% heifer pregnancy, and best 20% for 2-year-old rebreeding. Their mating to FireProof is designed to maximize calf value, whether a steer in the feedlot or a replacement female in your pasture. Fireproof ranks in the top 1% for $Combined Value, $Beef Value and $Grid Value while improving some of the traits we demand in our cow herd such as: docility, maternal calving ease and hair coat shedding.

We do everything within our power to ensure you have a positive experience with our professional replacment female sale. Here we combine some really fancy daughters of Prime Rate, who ranks in the best 1% of the breed for maternal calving ease with Cadillac who delivers the easiest calving 7% of Red Angus but spreads that to the heaviest 1% for Red Angus by yearling time, with top 1% payweight when they are on the rail. New Deal Here! Red

Lot 8


5 A.I. Bred Red Balancer Heifers

1880Brown WFC Extra Profit F5531RAAA #3822549 Bred


Brown WFC Extra Profit F5531RAAA #3822549 Bred

1882 Brown WFC Extra Profit F5531RAAA #3822549 Bred AI




Brown WFC Extra Profit F5531RAAA #3822549 Bred


Our friend Dan Stickel at Cedar Hill Farm in West Virginia always told us that his Profit Driven daughters were his most functional, problem free ca le he owned. We believed him and bought the half-brother to those heifers. True to form, our Extra Profit solves multiple traits at once. He adds pounds, improves heifer breed-up, sheds hair, improves quality grade and makes more pounds of carcass weight. The best part is they all come bred to FireProof who will deliver black-hided calves with his best 1% genetics to improve Feed Efficiency (RADG) and marbling.

Lot 9

5 A.I. Bred Red Balancer Heifers

1965 Brown PRA Feedlot G6296 RAAA #4141794 Bred AI to: Yon

1930 Brown PRA Feedlot G6296 RAAA #4141794 Bred AI to: Yon County Road H1389 AAA #19824135Sept. 11thBull

Yearling bulls hit the top 1% of Red Angus' "GridMaster" index at 96. Feedlot blows past that with a 105, thanks to his combination of carcass weight, weaning and yearling weights, average daily gain, marbling, ribeye area and yield grade. Feedlot is a one-man army made to fix your feedlot closeouts. County Road is more than just an elite calving ease sire, he also delivers Top 1% pay weight and best 1% $Weaning and 5% $Combined Value.

With well over 1000 progeny records and 90% accuracy for his weight EPDs, G A R Trnscendent takes all the guessork out of your selection process. His "off-the-charts" marbling drives his top 1% $Grid and Top 1% $Beef Values. He also ranks in the easiest calving 5% of Angus sires with a "Rock Solid" 80% acccuracy.

Lot 11


1 A.I. Bred Red Angus Heifer

This heifer's paternal grandsire, Brown JYJ Redemption Y144 sold for $144,000 at the R.A. Brown Ranch October Sale back in 2012 and went on to set a record as the breed's high use bull 4 consecutive years - thanks in large part to the functionality of his daughters. Apex makes the baby in her belly that much be er with best 4% $Beef and 2% $Grid Values.

Lot 12 Description

2 A.I. Bred Red & Black Red Angus Bred Heifers

Nightfocus delivers outstanding spread from best 3% CED to top 20% yearling and ADG, and are moderate, deep bodied easy flesing females. The mating to Pie Cadillac is one of the few "Red on Red" matings you'll find, as it's one we intended to keep for ourselves. Cadillac represents the best of Black/ Red genetics and is a paternal half-sib to the Red Angus breed record price sire.

Docility, fleshing ability, udder quality and slick hair coat are all hallmarks of our Tucker Family Farms' Red Angus genetics.

Tehama Tahoe B767 - Sire of Lots 15 and 20

Lot 13

FHCC Majority 1551 - Service Sire of Lots 5 & 14

2 A.I. Bred Angus Heifers

1890 KCF Benne Ashland H6 AAA #19938899 Bred AI to: Henke Historic 1175 AAA #20268953Sept. 11thHeifer

1910 KCF Benne Ashland H6 AAA #19938899 Bred AI to: Henke Historic 1175 AAA #20268953Sept. 11thHeifer

We like the big time Spead Ashland H6 offers with best 10% for both calving ease and yearling weight. His daughter are top 1% for maternal calving ease and rank in the top 4% for $W. Historic delivers best 1% $Combined, $Beef and $Feedlot values and is still top 5% for $Maternal. This Historic heifer fetus may be the most valuable female in the sale given her sire's elite ranks for Docility, foot structure, heifer pregnancy and maternal calving ease.

In Lot 14 we combine the cow herd building traits, docility, slick hair coat and excellent claw shape of Sustain with the "off-the-charts" $Values of Majority who ranks in the Top 1$ for $Combined Value, $Beef Value, $Grid Value and $Weaning Value and 2% for $Maternal Value. Majority delivers amazing spread of 15 CED to 154 YW along with best 1% Marbling and 4% Carcass weight. You'll want to keep any Majority heifer calves with his best 1% Docility, 10% hair shedding and 15% claw shape.

Lot 15

Tahoe has become the "Go-To" Angus sire for slick haired, easy fleshing, deep ribbed females that excel for $Weaning and $Maternal. The steers from the Fireproof matings should earn big PRIME premiums. The two Historic heifer pregnancies will be a keeper with his Top 1% rank for $Weaning and Claw shape, and best 15% docility.

Their mating to Discipline combines best 1% Calving Ease with Top 10% pay weight at weaning and yearling and Top 3% Carcass Weight. Plus, he ranks in the top 1% for both $Maternal Value and $Weaning Value. If you're needing to build cow numbers, consider these Lot 16 heifers and the Discipline heifer fetuses.

Retained Ownership and Buyback Options

We offer to assist you with the value added marketing of the progeny from your Tucker Family Farms Professional Replacement Females. We believe that the best way to maximize the genetic potential of your investment is to own the progeny all the way thru the production chain.

Our backgrounding and finishing entity, Target Feeders, would like to assist you in exploring those opportunities. Together, with First Bank and Trust, and some of the best industry partners in the ca le feeding business, we now offer after the sale marketing options for our genetic customers.

We will facilitate retained ownership on all or part of your calves post weaning, thru finishing ,and to the rail. If you are concerned about risk, we will partner with you and help develop risk management tools tailored to your individual need. We also offer to buy those calves back outright and at a market premium.

We are making historic profits finishing ca le currently and believe we can add significant dollars to your bo om line. Growing together in an increasingly data driven economy benefits us all.

These three come from Claudia's Private, Forest Hill Polled Herefords. Registrations pending and individual animal EPDs will be provided sale day. These are superior maternal Hereford genetics and they are safe in calf to superior calving ease Polled Hereford and Angus sires.

Lot 18


3 Normande First Calf Heifers with Angus Sired Calves at Side

The Normande heifers have topped our sale 2 of the last 5 years, This year all the works already done, and the calves are going to be 60 days old at sale time. Lot 18 combines the hardiness of the Normande with the post weaning performance and end product value of County Road. More than just an elite calving ease sire, County Road delivers Top 1% pay weight and best 1% $Weaning and 5% $Combined Value.

We start back into a set of A.I. sired Angus heifers that feature the service of LLF 806 Identified 2118, who gives our most elite A.I. sires a run for their money. Whether next fall brings you heifer calves or bulls, Identified 2218 will add value. His top 4% $Combined value is the cumulative effect of his best 5% $Maternal, 15% $Grid Value and 10% $Beef Value.

Lot 20 Description

6 A.I. Sired Angus Bred Heifers

1913 Tehama Tahoe B767 AAA #17817177 Bred

1921 Tehama Tahoe B767 AAA #17817177 Bred NS to: LLF 806 Identified 2118 AAA #20587995Nov. 4thTBD

1888 Tehama Tahoe B767 AAA #17817177 Bred NS to: LLF 806

1973 Tehama Tahoe B767AAA #17817177Bred NS to: LLF 806 Identified

If you'd like a more powerfully made, deep ribbed, wide sprung, slick haired cow herd just windrow these Tahoe daughters. Remember, in our "Gentelman's Auction" the winning bidder is in the driver's seat, and has the option to take all six of these fancy Tahoe daughters.

Lot 21

We don't let go of many of these Sustain daughters and for good reason. His daughters are a pleasure to own: Top 1% Docility, 5% Heifer Pregnancy, 10% Maternal Calving Ease, Best 10% Hair Shedding and Best 3% $Maternal Value.

Lot 22

1916 KCF Benne Ashland H6

Bred Heifers


If you sell them by the pound, you'll want these Identified x Ashland bred calves on your ticket when you sell your fall 2025 calf crop. Just look at the pay weight values that come with both the sire and service sire of Lot 22. Even be er, the heifers are going to be the "keeper" kind thanks to top 5% $Maternal Value and 4% $Combined value that come with the service on each of these Lot 22 females.


Here's one more chance to add two functinal Mead Multiplier daughters. We use this sire line to add fleshing ability and docility in our Balancer program. Our program values these females for their sire's top 2% for Docility, Best 4% for Hai r Shedding, best 3% for Materna Calving Ease, and he improves foot structure.

Lot 24

2 Black Balancer Bred Heifers

If you came in second place on the good C428 daughter that sold back at lot four, here's your "do-over". This mating to Identified 2118 will improve docility and profitability across both cow/calf and post-weaning segments of the beef supply chain.

Just like our prior sales, We'll conduct our "gentleman's

The winning bidder will have "choice and privilege" for that

Four more daughters of Western whose a ractive daughters continue to perform well in our production environment. This mating combines two power bulls that deliver payweight with calving ease and both rank in the top 5% for $Weaning Value.

These Homestead daughters are sisters to the lead-off females in this sale. Homestead is the oldest natural service sire still walking pastures in Amherst and Highland counties, and continues to service 80 females in a calendar year. His daughters are sound, productive and problem-free.

Lot 28

3 Red & Black F1 Balancer Bred Heifers (1/2 GV, 1/2 AR)

1941 Black Benne H496 "Cheif Justice"AMGV #1516254 Bred

1937 Red Benne H496 "Cheif Justice"AMGV #1516254 Bred NS to WHS Fireball 4I

1943 Black Benne H496 "Cheif Justice"AMGV #1516254 Bred NS to WHS Fireball 4I

#20086826Oct. 19thTBD

In addition to adding heterosis into your cow herd, these "Chief Justice" daughters inherit important cow herd building traits from their old man, who ranks in the best 2% for Docility, Top 3% heifer pregnancy, and best 20% for 2-year-olds rebreeding to calve as a 3-year-old.


1959 Brown PRA Feedlot G6296 Red Angus #4141794 Bred NS to WHS Fireball 4I

1967 Brown PRA Feedlot G6296 Red Angus #4141794 Bred NS to

Sept. 25thHeifer

#20086826Sept. 25thBull

Feedlot comes with top 1% GridMaster index, thanks to his top 10% or be er ranks for: weaning, yearling, ADG, marbling, rea and carcass weight. In addition to superior calving ease the mating to Fireball adds best 3% $Beef Value, 2% Grid Value and 1% Marbling.

Lot 31

9 Red Balancer Bred Heifers

We've alwasy thought the Profit Driven daughters were some of the most functional females we'd seen in the Red Angus breed, so we jumped at the chance to purcahsse their half-brother, Extra Profit. Then we mated them to Flagship, who combines best 3% Calving ease with Top 10% ranks for: $Combined, $Beef , $Grid and $Weaning values.


4 Red Balancer Bred Heifers

We have been anticpating these Prime Rate daughers since we bought him as the second lot in the October 2022 RA Brown Ranch Sale. He ranks well beyond the best 1% of the breed for Marbling, and his maternal brother to Prime Rate sold for $120,000 the same year.

Lot 33

Red & Black Red Angus Bred Heifers

Nightfocus is balanced for Profit! He puts nine traits in the top 25% of Red Angus. Flagships adds best 3% Calving Ease, with 9 traits in the top 25% and top 1% for hair shedding.

Lot 34

Angus Bred Heifers

The paternal grandsire of the Lot 34 heifers was the high use bull in the Red Angus breed for a record 4 conseutive years. Their mating to Flagship comes with "sleep-all-night" calving ease and best 10% ranks for marbling and $Grid value.

Due Dates and/or fetal sex notated as TBD are awaiting ultrasound to determine expected calving date. All heifers will be checked prior to sale and guaranteed safe in calf as announced on the sale supplement.

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