Kansas Angus News - December 2014

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Number 594 . Kansas Angus Association . December 2014

Angus with Substance and Power ….. “The Right Kind” 6th Annual Production Sale Tuesday, March 24, 2015, at 1:00 PM Mankato Livestock Commission, Mankato, Kansas

Reg. # 17880300 BW 65# Adj WW 782# Ratio 118

Aviator son on 1st calf Thunder heifer Picture at 7 months

Sires represented: Aviator, Wisdom, Consensus, Pro Bull, Easy Street, Bismarck, Final Answer, Touchdown, Sitz Upward 7631 and more.



Richard, Deb & Seth Bartholomew


Mankato, Kansas 785-738-8940 785-378-3338 blackvelvetcattle.com

Page 1. association news. Don’t Be Left Out Dues must be current by November 30 If you have not paid Kansas Angus Association (KAA) membership dues for 2014 please do so now to avoid being left out of the 2015 Membership Directory. Current members are encouraged to renew their membership and new members are always welcome. Membership benefits include a membership listing in the annual Kansas Angus Association membership directory which includes contact information, herd information and directions to your farm or ranch; an online membership listing; a subscription to the Kansas Angus News and opportunities for marketing registered and commercial Angus cattle through KAA sponsored sales. For convenience, the KAA has an online application and pay option at www.kansasangus.org .

Commercial female sales slated for November & December KAA members and our commercial partners will not want to miss these unique marketing and buying opportunities. Two KAA sponsored commercial Angus and Angusinfluence female sales are upcoming. Sales will be on November 21 in Parsons and the 23rd Annual Sale at in Pratt will be on December 6. . These Kansas Angus Association sponsored commercial Angus and Angus-influence replacement female sales will feature a select offering of Angus and Angus cross young age cows, bred heifers, and open heifers. Females will be consigned in minimum five head lots, with the maximum age of females being eight years old in Holton and Parsons and in Pratt seven years of age or younger. To qualify for these special sales, the females must meet Certified Angus Beef® live specifications. The sales welcome bred cows and heifers to calve in the spring of 2015; fall pairs, and open heifers. Consigners do not have to be members of the Kansas Angus Association. View details, guidelines and submit consignments online at www.kansasangus.org. A mail in entry form is on page 3 of the Fall issue of the Kansas Angus News .

KAA Partners with CAB® for Annual Carcass Data Project Cash and Prizes offered, McPherson County Feeders is host , enter steers by December 15 The 2015 Carcass Data Project (CDP) is designed for producers using registered Angus bulls that may not have enough steers to make a whole pen at a commercial feed yard but want retain ownership and collect individual carcass data on their steers or for producers that may want to feed a few head and compete for recognition as the 2015 CDP winner. Kansas Angus Association members are encouraged to promote the CDP to their bull customers. To participate in the project producers must enter a minimum of five spring born steers weaned at least 45 days prior to delivery. Steers must be out of a registered Angus bull and have a known sire or sire group. An approved vaccination program as well as having individual identification tags is also required. The KAA is proud to continue it’s partnership with Certified Angus Beef, LLC to enhance your CDP experience. CAB is sponsoring up to a $1000 in cash awards and CAB merchandise to the owners of the top group of steers using CAB acceptance and quality grade as the main criteria. In addition, CAB will present each CDP participant with CAB logo merchandise . Actual cash

Ad Space Reservations for the

2015 KAA Directory are being accepted now. Reserve your ad space by Dec. 1 Ad copy due by Dec. 15 Camera ready ads due by Dec 20. Full Page b/w $350 , 1 color $450 , Full 4 Color $600 Half page b/w$200, half page 4c $350. Quarter page b/w$135 quarter page 4c $250 ( add $100 for 1 color ) more info on page 3 Cover logo/brand $150 To reserve your space email Anne at kansasangus@wbsnet.org or return form on page 3. By email or mail. award is based upon participation. McPherson County Feeders (MCF) , Marquette, Kansas will host the CDP . The annual Carcass Data Project (CDP) gets underway in December. Entries are due December 16, $5 per head entry fee payable to the Ks Angus Association. McPherson County Feeders will bill participants twice a month for feed . Participants are responsible for delivery/transportation to MCF, December 27-29, 2014. ►To enter complete the entry on www.kansasangus.org or request a form by contacting Anne at kansasangus@wbsnet.org , 620-872-3915; upon entry you will receive an information sheet to complete detailing your steers individual information. CDP Requirements : Minimum 5 head per participant. Spring 2014born steers, out of registered Angus bulls and from a known sire or sire group. Minimum average weight of group of 5 to be 550 pounds. Weaned at least 45 days prior to delivery at the feed yard .Delivered to McPherson County Feeders – December 27-29, 2014. Vaccinated prior to or at weaning. Individually tagged at farm/ranch, with different numbers.

Subscribe to our E-List Keep us with KAA news and updates between issues of the KAN. Send a blank email to Ksangus-eupdate-subscribe@wbsnet.org Our E– list is secure and is not sold or shared.

January 24-25, 2015 ▪ Hutchinson Saturday, January 24– KAA Annual meeting & Program; Jr Show cattle arrive and check in. KJAA meeting. Auxiliary Meeting—fairgrounds. KAA Banquet– Atrium Hotel & Convention Center. ( formerly Ramada) Sunday, January 25– Futurity Jr Show, judging contest, Online Sale Prospect Steer & Heifer Futurity Monday, January 26– Online sale closes

Wishing you a very Happy Holiday Season

1 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

The President’s Pen

We are entering the seasons of thankfulness, celebration and change. This fall brings a change in weather, the color scheme of the landscape and the venue for the American Angus Association annual meeting. The latter will be over by the time you read this letter. It is my hope that the Angus breed will be reenergized and continues moving the breed into the forefront of the beef industry. In addition, we will celebrate Thanksgiving and I hope we all will be blessed with something to be thankful. It may be family, friends, health, an abundant harvest or new calf crop. I know I am thankful for my family, health, cattle and my faith in God. I am also thankful for the great team of officers and board members that lead the Kansas Angus Association and the dedication they show to the members and breed. Later this winter, we will enter the festive season of the Christmas holiday. Let’s remember the true meaning of this time of year as we celebrate with family and friends. Please remember those less fortunate, on both holidays, and reach out to them. Not everyone can raise Angus cattle and enjoy the prosperity that the beef industry has experienced the past few years. Best regards,

Ron Hinrichsen Kansas Angus Association President, 2014

Instead of my usual Notes & News, enjoy this holiday poem.

Wishing my Angus family a blessed holiday season. Anne Anne S. Lampe, Ks Angus News, editor ; Kansas Angus Association, Secretary/Manager

A HAY IN THE MANGER On Christmas morn, before it’s light, He’ll head outside and bear the bite Of numbing cold or pelting snow ‘Cause it’s what he does; he has to go. The stock is waiting in the breaks For their Christmas meal, so he takes A little extra, better hay, And watches as they make their way To the scattered heaps of feed. He checks em, counts, and wishes he’d Been in Bethlehem on Christmas morn When the Christ child there was born, And seen the manger filled with hay Sweet and soft for the baby’s head to lay. And wondered what some old cow supposed Seein’ that baby in swaddlin’ clothes Sleepin’ where she’d come to eat And Joseph and Mary tryin’ to greet The shepherds and their flocks of sheep And angels singin’ when she wanted just to sleep. But he reckons the old cow wouldn’t care ‘Bout the baby lying there And wonders if his old cows know, If the story’s been passed down from long ago For two thousand years from cow to calf He pulls down his hat and starts to laugh ‘Til one cow lifts her head on cue, As if to say Yes, I know it’s true. Back in the house, he’ll share the glory With the family of the Christmas Story And how cow and cowboy heirs from that time Share Christmas greetings in cowboy style and rhyme For a Christmas time that’s full of cheer And the very best wishes for the coming New Year Steve Lucas

kansasangus@wbsnet.org , 620-874-4273 cell, 620-872-3915 home/office

Page 1. association news………....1 Editors Notes, KAA, KAN Info…..2 KAA Commercial Female Sales 2015 Directory Ad Space Form………....3 Angus Industry……..……................4 Pioneer Spirit Guides Molitor Ranch..5 KJAA………………. …………... 8 Auxiliary…………………………...8


KAF Jr Show Entry Form………….9 KSF Roll of Victory Angus Show….10 Field Day Snapshots………………..11 Angus Calendar…… ……....15

Photo by Anne Lampe.

2 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Official Publication of the Kansas Angus Association, Inc. January ad/copy deadline : December 10

Anne Lampe, Editor 5201 E Rd 110▪ Scott City, Ks 67871 (620)872-3915 phone/fax▪ (620)874-4273 cell

Email: kansasangus@wbsnet.org www.kansasangus.org Advertising Rates

Full Page ….$325 b/w Full page 4 color…. $350 1/2 Page….$165 b/w; 4c $190 1/3 Page….$120 b/w ; 4c $145 1/4 Page….$85 b/w; 4c $100 Column Inch….$12 Card Ad..$25 /issue Photos Add Photos ……………… $5/photo No photo charge for camera ready ads Discounts for year contract 1/4 page and larger prepaid. Discounts for multiple full page ad in same issue.

Classified Advertising : $2 per word. 10 word minimum. No logos , graphics or display ads in classified section.

Other Services KAA Mailing List (member use)……….$100 Mailing List (non member use)………..$150 Website Block Ads E– Classifieds, E– Advertisements

Catalog inserts welcome.

Terms: All accounts that are 60 days or more past due will be assed interest at a monthly rate of 1–1/2% (18% annually). Accounts that are six months past due must be paid in full prior to accepting advertisements , furthermore a stop advertisement order will be in effect for those delinquent accounts that place advertisements in each issue of the Kansas Angus News or have a spot ad on www.kansasangus.org. This policy applies to all advertising accepted by the KAA including the Kansas Angus News, Kansas Angus Directory, website ads, and eadvertisements. . Any member 3 months or more in arrears in the payment of dues or assessments shall be dropped from the roll with the membership year beginning with the annual meeting. (KAA ByLaws: Art III, Sec 4) Any claims or statements of the writers or advertisers in this publication represent their own opinions and are not necessarily those of the editor or of the officers and directors of the Kansas Angus Association. Published 6 times per year. (beg.2014)

President : Ron Hinrichsen, Westmoreland Vice President : Sharee Sankey, Council Grove Secretary/Mgr: Anne Lampe, Scott City (620) 874-4273 (cell) Treasurer: Robert Bailey ,3990 Highway K68 Quenemo, Ks 66528,(785) 828-3338 Past President: Craig Rucker , Burdett District Directors Term Expires # 1 Neal Haverkamp, Bern ……………….….……...2016 # 2 Jason Flory, Baldwin City ………..…….…..... 2017 # 3 Flinton McCabe, Elk City ………………..………….2017 # 4 Doug Benoit, Esbon ..……………….…….….........2016 # 5 Mark Rohr, Hays………………….....…………...... 2015 # 6 John McCurry, Burrton……………….…..………....2016 # 7 Larry Lundgren, Gove………...………………...…..2016 # 8 Grant Gardiner, Ashland……………………....…...2016 Directors At Large (Commercial) Harold Hazelton, McPherson……………………..……...2016 Derrick Schlegel, Alexander …………………........…..2017 Rick Cornwell St. John ……………..……….………. .2015 Directors At Large (Purebred) Brandon New, Leavenworth………………….………....2017 Stuart Rose, Cheney…….…………………..……. …....2015 Clint Woodrow, Emporia …………… ………….…….2016 The KAA board meets quarterly in February, May, September and December. Members are welcome to attend meetings. Contact Anne Lampe for meeting dates.


Ks Angus Association Membership Directory


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Anne Lampe, 620-872-3915 or kansasangus@wbsnet.org. The 201 Ks Angus Assn Membership Directory is scheduled for JAN - 201 distribution. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PAYMENT -billing will be done after completion and distribution. There may be an additional charge for ad photos or ads obtained by the editor from the American Angus Association or other sources. Return this advertising space request form by 'HF to insure ad space Anne Lampe , Ks Angus Assn. ,5201 E Rd 110, Scott City, Ks 67871, FAX/phone 620-872-3915, kansasangus@wbsnet.org x Camera ready ads– email PDF files to Kansasangus@wbsnet.org or mail the files on a clean CD. Adobe, MS Publisher, MS Word and JPEG files also accepted. x Ad copy and photos may also be emailed. *Full page - trim size 5 .5” by 8 .5”, safe image 5 x 8 . Allow 1/8 “for full bleeds.

Angus industry–

News and information provided by the American Angus Association ® & Certified Angus Beef , LLC.

The Ten Kansas breeders who registered the most Angus the Certified Angus Beef® brand, numbers are up and signal positive news The 10 producers who registered the most Angus beef cattle in the state of Kansas recorded a total of 4318 Angus with the American Angus Association® during fiscal year 2014, which ended Sept. 30, according to Bryce Schumann, Association chief executive officer. The 10 top recorders in Kansas are: Gardiner Angus Ranch Inc, Ashland; Dalebanks Angus Inc, Eureka; Everett L Benoit, Esbon; Beran Bros, Claflin; Flying S Ranch, Saint Francis; Stratford Seedstock, Pratt; Chair Rock Bison Co LC, Greeley; Galen & Lori Fink, Randolph; Harms Plainview Ranch, Lincolnville; Mill Brae Ranch LLC, Maple Hill. Angus breeders across the nation in 2014 registered 298,369 head of Angus cattle. “Our year-end statistics continue to demonstrate strong demand for Angus genetics and solidify our longheld position as a leader in the beef cattle industry,” Schumann says. “These results underscore our members’ commitment to providing genetic solutions to the beef cattle industry.”

Beef quantity down, quality up By Miranda Rieman ,, Industry Information Assistant Director—Certified Angus Beef LLC.

Fewer cattle equals more Prime beef. It doesn’t take a mathematician to think, “Wait, something doesn’t add up.” Yet, that’s the reality in today’s marketplace. Fed steer and heifer harvest was down 6.2% for the first 32 weeks of the year, but it wasn’t an even distribution across all quality grades . “In pounds of Prime, we’re up 2.5% to 3% [from 2013], and adding in Premium Choice, it’s still pretty much a wash,” says Mark McCully, vice president of supply for the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand. Looking at lower quality grades, Select and No-Roll production had decreased 12% to 15%. “We’ve taken all that supply away from Select. You’d think that would be supportive to a narrow ChoiceSelect spread,” he says. Although the Select discount has declined compared to last year, the long-term trend points to a widening valuation gap in beef quality grades, McCully says. Four years ago, an 850-pound Prime carcass would fetch $190 more than Select. In 2011, that gap suddenly widened and it trends to a figure 65% higher in the early fall, a $314 premium. “Prime graded beef has enjoyed a small increase in quantity and about a 13% increase in premium relative to Choice year-to-date, compared to last year,” says ag economist Ted Schroeder, Kansas State University. “All indications I have are that Choice demand has so far been stronger this year than last, suggesting Prime demand is up even a bit more.” Even as the U.S. beef industry is producing more highly-marbled product, it still holds a strong price-value relationship for consumers. “The first beef products that would see demand decline are products that have stronger viable substitutes,” Schroeder says. “Generally, high-quality branded Choice and Prime steaks have less viable substitutes than say ground beef, roasts, or Select steaks.” That’s why when beef supplies are tight, higher grading beef has “more resilient demand,” he notes. “You hear this a lot, but it’s so true. As harvest numbers have gone down, prices at the consumer level have increased, and they’re still willing to pay more for our brand,” McCully says. “This is telling me that we need to bring on the higher quality beef. History has proven it, and predictions for the future support the idea that if you aim your herd for that target, you will be rewarded.”

State of the Angus Business The industry’s largest beef cattle breed surpasses records and continues to lead the marketplace There’s never been a better time to be in the Angus business, according to the latest data from the American Angus Association®. Despite historically low cow-herd inventories, business has grown for Angus breeders and the member-driven organization reports growth in nearly every category in fiscal year 2014. From registrations to sales data to cattle qualifying for 4 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

for the business breed. “An intentional focus on quality has become apparent in the cattle market this year,” says Bryce Schumann, Association chief executive officer. “Whether it is cattlemen looking to rebuild herds or a consumer purchasing beef for their dinner table, quality reigns supreme, and the Angus breed delivers on that expectation.” Angus seedstock sales reported to the Association from Oct. 1, 2013, to Sept. 30, 2014, show the breed exceeded $326 million in sales – a first in Association history. Collectively, Angus breeders across the country earned $61.5 million more than the prior fiscal year – a 23% increase in total dollars spent on registered Angus seedstock. During the past year, the average registered Angus sale generated twice as much income as it did in 2010, or nearly $250,000 more than it did four years ago. That’s added revenue that goes back to rural communities and families across the nation, Schumann says. The Association also reports a positive bottom-line throughout the organization and its entities, with total assets of nearly $47 million. “Adopting new technology and attention to continuously improving selection decisions have driven the value for Angus during the past year,” Schumann says. “That was extremely evident in our bull sale averages – we are selling more bulls at higher prices, sustaining increased demand for registered Angus bulls.” Registered Angus bulls averaged a record $4,997 in fiscal year 2014. Angus females witnessed market growth as well, averaging $3,614. The Association also saw a rise in overall Angus cattle registrations, increasing the registry by 298,369 animals. That’s up more than 9,500 head from cattle registered the year prior. Proof that more Angus breeders are incorporating technology into their herds is that more than 53% of calves recorded in fiscal year 2014 were produced by artificial insemination (AI), the second-largest figure ever for the Association; and 10% of registrations were calves produced via embryo transfer. With each new registration, the Association’s database gains momentum. In fiscal year 2014, the industry-leading performance database grew by more than 17,000 weaning weights from 700 additional herds. Carcass records reported to the Association also increased by 165% – pointing toward member interest in one of the breed’s most economically important traits. Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB), the Association-owned branded beef program, sold more than 880 million pounds of Certified Angus Beef® brand product for the eighth consecutive year of record sales. That represents a 15-million pound increase over the previous year, driven by an increase in CAB acceptance rates. Fiscal year 2014 saw a 400,000-head decline in the number of Angus-influenced cattle available at the brand’s 30 licensed packing plants across North America. But a greater share of those featured Angus influence and a record proportion met the 10 CAB carcass specifications, resulting in a net gain of more than 80,000 additional cattle accepted. In addition, Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) reports the number of registered Angus cattle tested for genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs) increased 32% in fiscal year 2014. Genomic data enhances the Association’s database and weekly National Cattle Evaluation (NCE), allowing producers to optimize their selection decisions across 18 traits and seven dollar-value indices. Angus seedstock breeders are not the only ones jumping on board with genomics. During the past year, the number of GeneMax® tests for commercial heifer selection increased by 36%. “We remain focused on the technologies that provide a higher quality product for the consumer. That is the fuel to our success,” Schumann says. “If we can get more pounds of high quality CAB product sold, those benefits cycle right back to our members and commercial partners who invest in registered Angus genetics.” The breed’s ability to market and engage its membership and the entire cattle industry also made great strides in fiscal year 2014. continued on page 16

Pioneer spirit guides Molitor Angus Ranch Kansas seedstock ranch earns CAB Commitment to Excellence Award Story and photos by Steve Suther

last year 300 calves at Pratt (Kan.) Feeders gained 4 pounds or better per day with 5.5 feed conversion and up to 40% CAB acceptance. “Our calves have always done well on feed,” he says. Molitor was a charter U.S. Premium Beef member, buying shares to buy and feed 6,500 cattle for bull customers over the years, returning carcass data and consulting on the next bulls to buy. “You get paid more for a better product,” he says. “When you organize and all work together, you make an impact on the world.” Pratt Feeders manager Jerry Bohn nominated Molitor for the award mainly for the confidence he showed by feeding so many customer cattle. “Mike has been very accurate in predicting how those cattle would perform both in the yard and at the processing plant,” Bohn says. “The cattle have always been good, and Mike has always been very involved in the marketing.” And while the commercial customers tend toward a 40% CAB acceptance rate, Molitor’s own cull stock can more than double that rate.

Buying 18 Angus heifers in 1952 pitted Richard and Angela Molitor against local Hereford traditions in south-central Kansas. A son was born the next year, followed by six daughters, all working to prove for Molitor Angus Ranch, Zenda, Kan., that a pioneer spirit trumps tradition: high-quality Angus cattle now dominate the area’s herds. On September 19, the family was recognized by the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand at its annual conference in Marco Island, Fla. Richard and his son Mike accepted the Seedstock Commitment to Excellence Award for bringing dreams to life for everyone from ranchers to consumers. “We always wanted it all,” says Mike Molitor, who owns 60% of the cows, “and we stayed that course to where today we have cattle in the top 20% on most traits.”

The Kansas Angus Association (KAA) Carcass Data Project results show the Molitor influence in other registered herds. A couple of years ago, winners of the steer futurity were Wendling Farms from Halstead, Kan., and Klausmeyer K3 Farms, Clearwater, Kan., both Molitor customers that have bought registered cows and bulls. Last year, Molitor entered for the first time. Wendling won again with 89% CAB acceptance; Molitor was a close second with 88% CAB and past winner Klausmeyer followed with 86% CAB.

“Our females are the foundation of many, many herds,” Molitor notes. But His “retired” folks own another 30% and six younger sisters 10%. Many of it’s not just about cattle, says the steakhouse owner: “Small towns will die if them come home in the spring to help with the catalog and sale. The family they don’t have places like this. It’s church, it’s community, it’s the whole works.” dream of “always better” was always backed by action in the interest of ranch customers, and expanded to include consumers more directly in the last 20 years. Molitor bought a local CAB steakhouse, The Lumber Yard, in That includes leadership, says Anne Lampe, KAA manager, who called 2010. “I see the full circle from conception on, but it’s not only about the big Molitor “a true team player, supporting this organization, the Juniors, Auxiliary and awards.” He served two terms on the Board, was chairman of the picture,” he says. “Whether we’re talking about diners at the steakhouse, bull buyers or cattle, the individuals are the most important consideration.” Bull Grower Project and finished his tenure as president. The Molitors don’t initiate any practice without a plan, and they don’t keep using it without a plan. “Even though we were pioneers in embryo transfer, Over the years 1,152 unique ranch customers have joined in the dynamic we were among the first to stop using it, too,” he says. “We had cows with dream that is Molitor Angus Ranch, a dream that continues to unfold. enough proven superiority that we wanted more of their influence, but we saw early on that continued use would narrow our genetic base.” Ultra“It’s satisfying to be in the full circle, but I’m not settling on it. As other sound in the early 1990s helped identify top marbling cows for the last things come along, I will take a look at them,” Molitor says. “We should embryo donors, but since then the family has nurtured and built up the 300 always have those dreams, even while we take care of the present.” -cow herd on 4,000 acres from a broad genetic base. “This herd has the most young Pathfinder cows in the state of Kansas [typically two dozen 3to 5-year-olds] because of their fertility and our management,” he adds. They have to prove up right from the start, because by six, cows are sold to make room for ever-better heifers. “They’re always on the exit ramp,” Molitor says. Influence from that pool has spread with several ranches buying more than 40 bulls – thus earning a free one from Molitor – most local, but as distant as Florida. Keith and Aaron Smith, Attica, Kan., run 400 commercial Angus cows and have bought bulls at 35 of the annual bull sales. They sell bred heifers into 10 states. Neighbor Doug Liebl, Nashville, Kan., started in 1963 with cows from a big Nebraska ranch dispersal and “never bought a cow since.” More than 40 bulls from Molitor have shaped the closed herd; 5 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

K S J u n i o r A n g u s A s s o c i a ti o n Dear KJAA Members, As you know, one of the busiest times of the year is about here; winter. The time of freezing cold, blowing snow, and caring for new baby calves. The work load may be extensive but it’s our passion for our Angus cattle that will push us through. I hope the fall sales have been going well and that everyone is having great luck finding their prospect calves for the new upcoming show season. But let’s not forget to take some time out of our busy day for the family. Holidays are right around the corner so make sure to remember to take the time to gather the family and remember what it is all about. Cattlemen and women are not the kind to skip out on work, but sometimes it can create obstacles when it’s time to bring the family together. So my advice to you is no matter what happens whether it be pulling a calf, the extensive bedding after a large snow, or cattle busting through into the neighbor’s yard, take the time to do something great with your family this holiday season because in this industry a lot of times it takes a special occasion for a little spare time.

Cody Theis

Kansas Angus Futurity Jr Show

January 25, 2015

Cattle check-in and junior meeting January 24 Kansas State Fairgrounds Hutchinson, Ks

Look for an entry form on page 9 and online in December at www.kansasnangus.org

Entry deadline Jan 10

KJAA President

KJAA OFFICERS 2014-15 President: - Cody Theis, Leavenworth President Elect: Esther McCabe, Elk City 1st Vice President: Jackson Wingert, Ottawa 2nd Vice President: Evan Woodbury, Quenemo Secretary: Chelsey Figge, Onaga Treasurer: Megan Green, Leavenworth Co-Reporters - Claire Wingert, Ottawa Hadley DeHoff, Tonganoxie Co-Historians: Anna Carpenter, Wamego; Cale Hinrichsen, Westmoreland Past President: Mackenzie Flory, Baldwin City Kansas Angus Association

DIRECTORS District 1: Eva Hinrichsen, Westmoreland District 2: Laura Carpenter, Wamego District 5: Ethan Dickerson, Paradise District 6: Grace Shive, Mt Hope Director’s At-Large: Morgan Woodbury, Quenemo, Alex Cozzitorto, Lawrence, Sarah Pelton, Paradise.; Kady Figge, Onaga Membership Directors: Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Luke Sankey, Andale Caleb Flory, Baldwin City ADVISORS Barb Downey ………………………..…… .(785)556-8160 Howard & Elise Woodbury………………. (785)453-2492 Anne Lampe…………………………... … ..(620)872-3915

Kansas Angus Auxiliary Changing colors of the season is among us, cooler mornings, finishing harvest yields and it’s time for moving cattle to wintering ground. While everything is changing around us we are reminded of all things to be grateful for; friends, family, our farming/ranching roots which grow deep and the love of the Angus breed and the cattleman/woman who take pride in what they do. The wealth of knowledge that is given to us through business and friendships is overwhelming in the Angus Industry. As I prepare to step down as President of the Kansas Angus Auxiliary, I reflect on how many of you have helped me change my colors to enhance my life, you encouraged me to step out of my shy box and grow in the friendships that have been given to me and how to be ever grateful for each day I live and contribute in the Angus world. It is a true blessing to have served the Angus Auxiliary and to work beside some of the most influential ladies of the Auxiliary on the state and national levels. The future is ours, set your goals high, have faith in what is to be and be blessed by all things around you. Have a wonderful Holiday Season and I will see down the road at the next Angus event.

Karen Santee President

8 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

►Miss Kansas Angus & Ambassador Program

Girls high school age to 21 Applications due Jan 10, contact Anne @KansasAngus@wbsnet.org or visit www.kansasangus.org

►Ken & Lorene Moore Scholarship

Applications Due Jan 10. College sophomores eligible to apply. www.kanasangus.org KS Angus Auxiliary Leaders

President -Karen Santee….620.596.2532 Vice President- Jackie Ottensmeier …..913.796-6994 Secretary-Megin O’Brien….620.802.1482 Treasurer- Lori Fink……. 785.532.8171 Reporter– Beverly Figge…..785.889.4470 Past President/Advisor- Varee McCabe …….. 620.633.5303 Hospitality Chairman– Tonya Theis Miss Ks Angus Program Chairman– Anne Lampe Ways & Means Chairman– Mary McCurry Achievement Awards Chairman- Wendy Flory Scholarship Committee 2014– Chairman: Rhonda McCurry, Members: Melissa Cozzitorto, Melody McCurry

2015 Kansas Angus Futurity Junior Show January 25

Entries due Jan 10 Enter online www.kansasangus.org

1. The Kansas Angus Futurity Junior Show will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday, January 25, 2015 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. A $10 entry fee applies to each animal entered. Females entered in the bred and owned show may also be shown in the owned show provided entries are made and fees are paid for both shows. Ribbons for each class will be provided as will champion and reserve champion ribbons and awards. Division champions may be named in some categories.

20134 and be bred and owned by the exhibitor. Calf must be registered by show date. Steers must be born on/after Jan. 1, 2014. Bulls must be born on/ after Jan.1, 2013. Classes will be determined by number entered and birth date.

peewee division)

3. All show entries must be at the show facilities by 2 p.m. Saturday, January 24Entries may arrive as early as Friday, January 23, 3 pm; but must be stalled in designated area only. Animals are released following the show. All entries will be checked-in between 2-3 p.m. on Saturday, January 24 & must stay on grounds after check in.

6. Cattle will be stalled in the Prairie Pavilion in a designated area only. Tie-outs will be available. No feed, hay or straw will be available for purchase.

12. Entries and fees should be sent to KJAA President ,Cody Theis . Checks made payable to KJAA; fees paid at the time of entry. No late entries will be accepted. Entries must be postmarked on or before January 10, 2015

8. Classes for registered Angus steers, commercial purebred Angus steers and Angus-based predominantly black (51% black) crossbred steers (Angus sire or dam) born after January 1, 2014 will 5. Exhibitors must be members Kansas Junior Angus be offered. All steer classes will be judged as Association to participate. If not a member you can prospects. Registered steers will be shown by age. join at the show. Cattle must be shown by the recorded owner unless 2 in the same class in such 9. All bulls must be bred-and-owned. case another KJAA member may show. In the case 2. All owned heifers and Angus steers must be 10. Show order is steers, bred & owned heifers, of illness or injury a KJAA member may be allowed properly transferred in the sole name of the exhibitor; to show in your place with a written doctor’s excuse. owned heifers, cow-calf pairs, B & O bulls and registered and on record at the American Angus showmanship. Notice must be received at check in. In the case of Association as of Jan 10, 2015. Bred and owned an emergency illness or injury at the show after cattle must be registered by show date. Original cattle check-in , the show chairman (KJAA president) 11. The “Fitting and Grooming Rules #11” of the American Angus Association will be followed. No registration papers and tattoos will be checked at must be notified prior to the class in order for a paint or other coloring agents are allowed. Aerosols the show. Any animal that is not tattooed or has an substitute showman. Failure to show a doctor’s incorrect tattoo will not be allowed to show. Freeze excuse or in the case of a show emergency contact are not permitted in the designated show ring make up area. DRESS code: All exhibitors must wear brands allowed as per American Angus Association with show chairman prior to entering the class will shirts with collars. rules. result in disqualification of the entry.

4. Females eligible to show must be born in on/after Sept. 1, 2012 With the exception of cow/calf pairs. Calf must be latest natural calf born on/after Sept. 1,

7. Showmanship will be divided into the following divisions: Pee-wee( non exhibitors-ages 8 and under/ enter at show); Novice ages 9 and under Junior (ages 10-13); Intermediate (ages 14-17); and Senior (ages 18-21). All ages are as of January 1, 2015 Each contestant must be an exhibitor at the show and show own animal with exception of

ENTER online www.kansasangus.org Show co- sponsored by the Kansas Angus Association

2015 Kansas Angus Futurity Junior Show Entry Form Division 5 Owned Heifers Division 6 Cow-Calf Pairs Division 7 Bred-and-Owned Bulls Division 8– showmanship

Division 1 Division 2 Division 3

Registered Angus Steers Commercial Purebred Angus Steers Angus-based Crossbred Steers (Angus sire or dam) see rule 8. Division 4 Bred-and-Owned Heifers Division#

Name of Animal

Registration #


Sire Complete NAME

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Div 8- Showmanship_ □ Ages 9 & under □ Ages 10-13 □Ages 14-17 □ Ages 18-21(age as of 1/1/2015) no fee Use additional pages if necessary. PRINT or TYPE please. Copies accepted Name __________________________________________ Date of birth ________Age________ Address ________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________ Telephone ______________________________ E-mail _________________________________ NJAA Member Code ____________________ Are you a first time KJAA exhibitor? ____________ Are you a KJAA member? ___________ (if no, please include $5 for dues) $10 per head $_______Total

Entries must be postmarked on/before JANUARY 10, 2015–no late entries-on line www.kansasangus.org Make check payable to KJAA- Return entry form and $10 per entry to

KJAA President Cody Theis, 34326 169th, Leavenworth, Ks 66048

9 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

DAJS After Party 714 won reserve grand champion . Katy Satree, Montague, Texas, owns the February 2014 son of S A V Brilliance 8077.

Hillsdale Angus Farm, Alma, Kan., won the champion pen cowcalf Pictured from left are Megan Green, Miss Kansas Angus; David Breiner, Callea Breiner, and Diane Breiner. Pictured front row is Karsten Breiner. MCR NW Blackcap 1280 is the October 2010 daughter of S A V Net Worth 4200. A January 2014 bull calf sired by MCR Horizon 081 completes the winning pair.

Sankey’s 6 N Ranch, Chris & Sharon Sankey, Council Grove, Kan., won premier breeder . Photos by Jeff Mafi, American Angus Association.

10 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Roll of Victory Angus Show ▪ September 13, 2014 ▪ Judge Jon Davis, Ohio

Sankeys Guardian 322 won grand champion bull . Lester Hurlbut & Sons, Raymond, S.D., and Chris & Sharon Sankey, Council Grove, Kan., own the March 2013 son of Sankeys Justified 101. He first won junior champion.

ACC Erica 507 320 won grand champion female. Addison Gauthier, El Dorado, Kan., owns the February 2013 daughter of S A V First Class 0207. She first claimed junior champion.

McCurry WIN Miss Wix 3119 won reserve grand champion . Jackson Wingert, Ottawa, Kan., owns the October 2013 daughter of S A V Bismarck 5682.

Bar S Pride 0073 won grand champion cow-calf . Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Kan., owns the January 2010 daughter of Plainview Lutton E102. A January 2014 bull calf sired by Bar S Range Boss 1118 completes the winning pair.

S L C Miss Prosperity 1521 won reserve grand champion cow-calf pair . Tessa Stehr, Altus, Okla., owns the November 2011 daughter of Limestone Darkhorse U322. A January 2014 bull calf sired by K W Sasquatch 9426 is at side.

11 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

12 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Zagar Angus Farm 557 East 610 Ave. ▪ Girard, Ks 66743 (620)724-4086 Herd Sires: JAK 022 Prompter C34 , Sydgen Massive 9518, Sydgen 1386 Design 3389, Checkerhill Madrid N11, Sydgen 2088 Focus 9003

13 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

14 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

KS Angus Calendar Event is a sale unless otherwise noted. 11/7 11/7 11/9 11/21 11/22 11/23 12/6 01/24/15 01/25/15

Downey Ranch Kansas Angus Ass'n Commercial Angus Female Sale SF Farms Kansas Angus Ass'n Commercial Angus Female Sale Dalebanks Angus Bull Sale Hedgewood Prairie Angus & Friends Kansas Angus Ass'n Commercial Angus Female Sale Kansas Angus Ass'n Annual Meeting/Banquet and Futurity Jr. Show

Wamego, KS Holton, KS Princeton, KS Parsons, KS Eureka, KS Enterprise, KS Pratt, KS Hutchinson, KS

Send in Your 2015 Sale Date Today kansasangus@wbsnet.org

KAA Members and KAN advertisers may list their sale on this calendar. It is the responsibly of the member to provide sale/event date.

The length of the calendar in each issue is at the discretion of the editor. For more sale and event dates visit www.kansasangus.org or www.angus.org

Time to Update Your KAN Ad? We want each KAN advertiser to get the most benefit out of their advertisement in the KAN. For those of you that are regular advertisers with a business card or larger ad ;if you have not made updates recently, please take a minutes to look at your ad and check to see if the information is current and accurate. Remember to check for accuracy of all information in your business card or display ad; current phone numbers; current email and web site addresses are essential. Is it time for a fresh new advertisement or a new graphic or logo? Do you need to add or update sale date or private treaty sale information? Please send your new camera- ready advertisement; information to update your existing ad or info for a new ad to me by December 10 for inclusion in the January issue.

We have 120 Angus and 30 Horned Hereford bulls available for the fall breeding season. Most are eighteen months old with a few being full two year olds. We will have an excellent selection of both calving ease and cow bulls and will glad to put together attractive volume packages. Please let us know if we can be of service. Randy

6087 CR 1950 Elk City, KS 67344 (620) 633-5303—home (620) 332-4244– Randy McCabe (620) 332-4498– Flinton McCabe

15 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Wanted The Only Angus Sale Managers in Business Nine Consecutive Decades 1-Nov Decades of Excellence Volume XV Angus Sale, at Fancy Free Farms, Unionville, TN 2-Nov Marda Farms/Spring Creeks Joint Angus Production Sale, Lodi, WI 3-Nov Kramer Angus Online Female Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Farina, IL) 4-Nov Buchanan Cattle Enterprise Online Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Aldie, VA) 6-Nov Kasler Cattle Co. Online Show Heifer and Bred Heifer Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Millfield, OH) 8-Nov Gamble Angus Farm Complete Dispersal of Cattle & Equipment, Clinton, TN 8-Nov Pitts Angus Sale, Hermitage, MO 9-Nov SF Farms Angus Sale, Princeton, KS 9-Nov Complete Dispersal of the Earl Weiker Estate Angus Herd & Equipment, Fayette, MO 13- Nov Total Dispersal Sale of Ben Lawson's Bovagene Angus Herd, Shoshoni, WY 15-Nov Performance Legends Angus Female Sale, at Shuffler Farm, Union Grove, NC 16-Nov Brooking Angus Ranch Online Invitational Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Canada) 16-Nov Pearls of the Prairie Angus Female Sale, Mandan, ND 18-Nov Fort Angus Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Knightstown, IN) 20-Nov Siebring Angus Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Gilman, IL) 22-Nov Ginger Hill Angus Sale, Culpeper, VA 22-Nov MM Cattle Co. Angus Bull and Commercial Female Sale, Bowdon, GA 23-Nov Hedgewood Prairie Angus & Friends Production Sale, Enterprise, KS 24-Nov Decades of Excellence Online Embryo Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Unionville, TN) 25-Nov Woodruff Angus Online Show Heifer Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Milton, IA) 29-Nov Dameron Angus Production Sale, Lexington, IL 30-Nov Knop Angus Farm Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Ida Grove, IA) 30-Nov Spring Valley Angus Fall Classic Female Sale, LaMoure, ND 1-Dec Stevenson's Diamond Dot Angus Sale, Hobson, MT

6-Dec Bramblett Angus Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Elberton, GA 6-Dec Hoosier Beef Congress Angus Sale, Indianapolis, IN 6-Dec Sullivan SJS Angus 56th Anniversary Sale, Lucas, IA 12-Dec Circle R Angus Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Alma, WV) 12-Dec National Angus Finals, hosted by Seven T Farms and Decades of Excellence, Las Vegas, NV 13-Dec Sauk Valley Angus Sale, Rock Falls, IL 16-Dec TK Angus Sale, Wood Lake, NE, sale at Valentine, NE 20-Dec Jindra Angus First-Ever Featured Female Sale, Clarkson, NE

Tom Burke

Kurt Schaff

Jeremy Haag







Visit www.AngusLive.com for completing listing of upcoming online sales.

Cattle for sale? If you have a herd of cattle for sale, whether it is a complete herd or a group of cattle, call us TODAY. We will be glad to come to your farm or ranch at NO OBLIGATION to advise you on the best way to merchandise them. Make your next Angus sale a Hall of Fame Sale! Visit our website for current sale listings www.angushall.com

16 ▪ December 2014 ▪ Kansas Angus News

Old Angus Sale Books Charles Reid 22501 Thorngrove Rd Peculiar, Mo 64078-9650 816-758-6562

Continued from page 4

Angus Business The newly aligned Angus Productions Inc. (API), which unified all of the Association’s communications platforms, including print, radio, TV and digital, saw an increase in audience engagement. Angus Journal celebrated its 35th anniversary, and remains the flagship communications vehicle for the Association with more breeder advertising and timely news and information than any publication in the industry. API’s weekly TV show, The Angus Report, set records for ratings, according to Nielsen – nearly tripling its per-viewing audience since the program launched on RFDTV in 2011. The first-ever Angus Means Business National Convention and Trade Show, held Nov. 4-6 in Kansas City, will welcome thousands of cattlemen to a comprehensive event featuring top-notch speakers and entertainment, jampacked educational seminars, a trade show featuring 100plus allied industry partners, and much more. The people who comprise the Angus community also remain dedicated to growing its future. More than $254,000 was awarded to Angus youth in scholarships through the Angus Foundation, and the Association’s non-profit organization reported increasing revenues in fiscal year 2014 toward its initiatives in youth, education and research to advance the breed. “Together, we achieved much success in the last 12 months,” Schumann says. “I’m proud to be a part of this great breed and proud of the commitment shown by our members and the staff of the Association and each of its entities. This organization and this breed are made up of some of the best, hardest-working people in this business — and it shows in the many well-deserved successes achieved this year.”

For information contact Anne at kansasangus@wbsnet.org

Number 594

Kansas Angus Association 5201 E Road 110 Scott City, KS 67871

December 2014

Dated material please do not delay

Surprises are bad enough on your birthday ow-calf producers rarely appreciate surprises. Whether in the breeding pasture, C calving trap, feedlot pen or grading rail, they

... but even worse on your ranch.

rarely improve a ranch’s bottom line. That’s why for 110 years, the Dalebanks program has matched proven, balanced-trait sires with our hard-working cowherd comprised of some of the longest-lasting matrons in the Angus breed. This time-tested approach yields genetics that represent the best of both worlds: excellent performance and carcass value PLUS functional females that stay in the herd for years. So join progressive cattlemen nationwide who have found do-it-all Dalebanks bulls to offer docility, calving ease, maternal excellence, performance and carcass value ... without those unwelcome surprises. Contact us today for a sale book!

Annual Bull Sale

Saturday, November 22, 2014

12:30 p.m. at the ranch - NW of Eureka, Kansas 130 yearling and coming 2-year-olds +For sale now: Select groups of spring-calving bred females. Call today!+


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