Belted Galloway Society - 2014 Premium Sale

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Open Heifers


Belted Galloway Society

Premium Sale

November 18, 2014 • 8:00 PM EST Hilton Garden Inn • Louisville, KY During the NAILE | 1


On behalf of the Belted Galloway Society, I would like to invite you to come join us in Louisville, KY for our Annual General Meeting, Belted Galloway Society Premium Sale and our National Open and Junior shows. This is a great opportunity to meet other Belted Galloway breeders and the members of Council, as well as a chance to visit the world’s largest all-breed, purebred livestock exposition, the North American International Livestock Exposition. We have open heifers, bred heifers, bulls, semen and embryos consigned in the sale. The consignors are putting up for sale an excellent group of cattle and genetics for your buying pleasure. If you are looking to enhance your herd, to buy a bull or acquire your first Belted Galloway Cattle, you can’t go wrong with any of the genetic packages being offered by the consignors. We hope you will come and join us for one or all of the events and share with us our love of Belted Galloway cattle.

Michelle Ogle Sale Coordinator


Belted Galloway Society

Premium Sale

November 18, 2014 • 8:00 PM EST Hilton Garden Inn • Louisville, KY During the NAILE

Sale Coordinator Michelle Ogle // 908-419-9677


Thomas Carper // 540-336-2737



Bidding can be done in person, via previous arrangements with the Auctioneer or live on the phone during the sale. To make arrangements prior to the start of the sale, contact the sale coordinator, Michelle Ogle. It is not necessary to attend the Meeting to take part in the sale. Seating will be available for those wishing just to attend the sale.

Animal Health

All sale cattle will be accompanied with interstate health papers stating that they are free of infectious diseases. Most lots will have more extensive health tests and records. However it is the buyer’s responsibility to ask the consignor for further information.


CJ Furlong // 717-989-8780

Payment is due immediately after the conclusion of the sale. Payment may be made by cash, check or credit card.

Announcements & Updates

Hotel Information

All announcements from the sale block and all updates on the sale day supplement sheet will take precedence over information printed in the catalog.

Hilton Garden Inn // 502-637-2424 2735 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209 *Host hotel for lodging and the Annual Meeting & Banquet Catalog designed by

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Open Heifers.....................................................................................

Lot 1

MT Angels Bonny

BD: 03/01/14 | Reg #: 37475-B | Tattoo: MTF 10B | Open Heifer BW: 55 | WW: 520

Pine View Legacy

Aldermere Primo 7P Pine View Sasha 41W

Driftwood Angel 43Y

Driftwood Talon 46T Enniscorthy Naomi 411N


Lot 1

Hawks Belted Galloway • 580-504-3111 •

• Bonny is a show heifer and a cow package. She has the depth of body and easymoving structure to make a great cow, with a show heifer look. With her length of neck and smooth shoulders, she will catch the judge’s eye. Bonny will be ready to show for the new owners.

Lot 2

Driftwood April 38A

BD: 11/25/13 | Reg #: 37192B | Tattoo: DP38A | Open Heifer

Driftwood Sonic

Highland Farm Otto Southdown In Time 11P

Marben’s April

Dirigo Dallas Marben’s Henrietta


Lot 2

Driftwood Plantation, LLC • 843-200-2046 •

• A very sound functional individual. • Great genetic background, includes Scottish, U.S. and Canadian bloodlines. • Sired by the 2012 Reserve National Champion bull, Driftwood Sonic 21X (Reg#: 34628B).

Lot 3

Meadowood Annabel

BD: 09/13/13 | Reg #: 37267 | Tattoo: MWD 113A | Open Heifer

Meadowood X-Man

Mochrum Kingfisher Antietam Ladybug

Stonesthrow Sweet 16

Marben’s Lochinvar Holbrook Hill Lilly


Lot 3 2 |

Meadowood Farms LLC • 540-280-5388

• Meadowood Farms LLC has once again decided to dig deep into their program to offer an exceptional female. Annabel is bred for success. Her dam Stonesthrow Sweet 16 was Grand Champion Female at the 2007 Big E and Division Champion in Louisville. Her sire was the 2012 Show Bull of the Year and one of the winningest bulls in recent history. Her paternal sister and pen mate was just recently crowned Grand Champion Female at the 2014 Big E; Annabel stood second in class behind her. Annabel is elegant in her design, yet doesn’t give up any substance or power when viewed from behind. Extremely sound and complete, certainly will be missed in our 2015 show string.

......................................................................Open & Bred Heifers

Lot 4

Marben’s Linen

BD: 06/02/13 | Reg #: -36633-D | Tattoo: MFN 016A | Open Heifer BW: 67 | WW: 460 | Weight 9-7-14: 800

Stonesthrow Ambassador

Shiralee Moonshine Driftwood Miss Magic

Marben’s Khaki

Dirigo Dallas Dirigo Fresh Dungarees


Marben Farm • 860-364-2161 •

• Linen is sired by Stonesthrow Ambassador, a Platinum Lifetime award winner, whose sire is the well-known Shiralee Moonshine (AU) who is also a Platinum Lifetime award winner. Linen’s dam is by Dirigo Dallas, also a Platinum Lifetime award member. Linen has an outstanding pedigree throughout. • Here is a sharp-fronted, correctly made heifer, that is also deep sided. She is ready to show and will make a great addition to your herd.

Lot 4

Lot 5

Driftwood Rose 08A

BD: 02/24/13 | Reg #: 37188R | Tattoo: DP 08A | Bred Heifer

Driftwood Talon 46T

Starlite Redman Ridgeview’s Red Rose

Driftwood Princess Rose

Ridgeview Miles 4WF Chili’s Salsa 19K


Driftwood Plantation, LLC • 843-200-2046 •

• Bred 10-3-2014 to DP Red Oak 18Y • Bred to the 2013 National Champion Bull, DP Red Oak 18Y • A broody red female, bred to work and make a cow. • Sired by our top red sire, Driftwood Talon 46T (Reg#: 37188R). Dam is out of a top red cow family, 4WF Chili’s Salsa 19K (Reg#: 17704R).

Lot 5

Lot 6

Mitchell Ledge Hebrides

BD: 09/29/12 | Reg #: 35906B | Tattoo: Z671 MLF | Bred Heifer BW: 62 | WW: 469 | YW: 679

Holbrook Hill McVicker

Northfield Donald Aldermere Cane

Mitchell Ledge Balquharn

Au Domaine Nadialine 1F Mitchell Ledge Queen

Consignor: Mitchell Ledge Hebrides • 207-865-9695 • • Bred to Hav-A-Belt Unbridled (Reg#: 11665B), due to calve April 2015. Palpated 09/10/14, estimated 80 days. Heifer calf. • Large-framed, nicely belted two-year-old bred heifer with a great pedigree! Her sire, Holbrook Hill McVicker 9075B, our senior herd bull is a 2013 Platinum Lifetime award winner.

Lot 6 | 3


Lot 7

Driftwood Admiral 11A BD: 03/15/13 | Reg #: 36069B | Tattoo: DP11A | Bull

Driftwood Talon 46T

Starlite Redman Ridgeview’s Red Rose

Driftwood Mango

Mochrum Kingfisher Hillcrest Jenifer


Lot 7

Driftwood Plantation, LLC • 843-200-2046 •

• Very sound, functional individual. • Sire and dam are at the top of our program. • Reserve National Champion Bull at 2013 Louisville show. • Member of Champion Breeders Herd & Group of Six. • Great disposition.

Lot 8a

Meadowood Alexander 119A BD: 10/13/13 | Reg #: 37369-B | Tattoo: MWD 119A | Bull

Meadowood X-Man

Mochrum Kingfisher Antietam Ladybug

Meadowood Umbra

Ridgeview Nigel Enniscorthy Loretta

Lot 8a

Lot 8b

HCS Exeter 2A

BD: 10/14/13 | Reg #: 37389-B | Tattoo: HCS 2A | Bull

Meadowood X-Man

Mochrum Kingfisher Antietam Ladybug

Stonesthrow Touche

Driftwood Kingsize Holbrook Hill Lilly


Lot 8b 4 |

HC Sims Farms • 540-280-5388 •

• Pick of two herd sire prospects from HC Sims Farms • Selling choice of two 2013 Meadowood Xman sons, at the drop of the gavel you can choose which bull you need for your breeding program. Each bull offers distinct genetics on the bottom side of his pedigree and we will be glad to visit with you about which bull will work best for you. When selecting bulls, we focus on the great females in their pedigree. Exeter combines the powerful trio of Antietam Ladybug, Beaver Dam Colly and Holbrook Hill Lily, while Alexander is backed by the fail-proof genetics of Antietam Ladybug, DuRapide Gina and Enniscorthy Loretta. Alexander has already been crowned Bull Calf Champion at the 2014 Big E and World Beef Expo. Exeter will make his show debut at NAILE.

.............................................................................Semen & Embryos

Lot 9

Sutliff’s Unbridled - Semen BD: 07/22/10 | Reg #: 33216B | Tattoo: X8 SUT | Semen

Hav-A-Belt Unbridled

Anderson Hill Unbridled II Caldwell Pansy

Hav-A-Belt Sara

Bur-Mer Boris Hav-A-Belt Lola


Sutliff Belties • 319-430-6664 •

• Selling 10 units of semen • Average weight of offspring is 63 pounds. • Silver Lifetime male.

Sutliff’s Unbridled

Lot 10

Driftwood Sonic 21X - Semen BD: 09/18/10 | Reg #: 34628B | Tattoo: DP 21X | Semen

Highland Farm Otto

Bur-Mer Boris Highland Farm Louise

Southdown In Time 11P

Lullenden Bruno Aldermere Ronda


Driftwood Plantation, LLC • 843-200-2046 •

• Selling 10 units of semen • 2012 Reserve National Champion Bull • Proven sire, three individuals in the Driftwood 2014 show string. • Owned with B&J Cattle Co.

Driftwood Sonic 21X

Lot 11

Anderson Hill Faylee x Driftwood Sonic BD: 01/07/10 | Reg #: 32195 | Tattoo: X05 AH | Embryos

Driftwood Sonic

Highland Farm Otto Southdown In Time

Anderson Hill Faylee

Anderson Hill Valley Man Anderson Hill Truly


B&J Cattle Company • 765-720-2353 •

• Selling two, #1 embryos, with the option to buy a third embryo. • An opportunity to own genetics out of two of the breed’s elite individuals.

Anderson Hill Faylee | 5


Meadowbrook X-Man

Sunnybrook Liberty

Lot 12

SCR Olivia x Meadowbrook X-Man BD: 12/06/04 | Reg #: 23470B | Tattoo: P03 | Embryos

Meadowbrook X-Man

Mochrum Kingfisher Antietam Ladybug

SCR Olivia

SCR Lance ROK Char 38


SCR Olivia x Sunnybrook Liberty BD: 12/06/04 | Reg #: 23470B | Tattoo: P03 | Embryos

Bob’s Belties • 402-720-0469

• Selling two sets of three embryos. Guarantee one pregnancy per set, all #1 embryos, if work is done by a certified embryologist. Buyer must pay shipping for embryos from Preferred Genetics of Columbus, NE. • Long time in the beef business, raised Simmentals for 40 years. J&C Simmentals is now raising Belties too. • X-Man was the 2012 Show Bull of the Year. 2012 Undefeated at Midwest Classic, World Beef, The Big E and NAILE. • SCR Olivia was purchased from Gayle Cerullo of Newell, SD. She was the NILE Grand Champion Female in Billings, MT. Produced Julius, NILE Grand Champion Bull, now in Oregon and CYRZONA, Heifer Calf Champion at the 2012 NAILE. • Bob’s Belties will have embryo calves January through February 2015 from this mating.

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Lot 13

Sunnybrook Liberty

Linetree’s Pistol Pete Uphill Francine

SCR Olivia

SCR Lance ROK Char 38


Bob’s Belties • 402-720-0469

• Selling one set of three embryos. Guaranteeing one pregnancy per set, all #1 embryos, if work is done by certified embryologist. • Embryos sired by the massive, smooth-looking show bull of the breed. • SCR Olivia was purchased from Gayle Cerullo of Newell, SD. She was the NILE Grand Champion Female in Billings, MT. Produced Julius, NILE Grand Champion Bull, now in Oregon and CYRZONA, Heifer Calf Champion at the 2012 NAILE. • Bob’s Belties will have embryo calves January through February 2015 from this mating.


Lot 14

Driftwood Melody x Aldermere Welsh BD: 10/30/02 | Reg #: 21556-B | Tattoo: DP37M | Embryos

Aldermere Welsh

Aldermere Ajax Aldermere Norma II

Driftwood Melody

Highland Farm Otto Beaver Dam Colly 549


Driftwood Plantation, LLC • 843-200-2046 •

• Selling two #1 grade embryos • Melody is a Highland Farm Otto daughter, out of one of our top cow families. • Aldermere Welsh is a full brother to one of the more prolific cows in our breed, Aldermere Ronda.

Driftwood Melody

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Southdown arm





Yellow Rose40Y Titan daughter

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Semen available for purchase!

Michelle Ogle

818 Burnt Mills Rd • Bedminster, NJ 07921 Office 908.781.5576 • Cell 908.419.9677

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Belted Galloway Society, Inc. N8603 Zenter Rd. New Glarus, WI 53574


Silent Auction


Belted Galloway Junior Members

A silent auction will be held to benefit the Belted Galloway Junior Association and help fund next year’s Junior Show at Louisville. Donations of items we can auction are greatly appreciated and can be brought to the show for the event. The silent auction will begin just before the 2014 Kathi Jurkowski National Belted Galloway Association Junior Show and conclude during the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, November 18, 2014. This is a great way to help support our youth and a great opportunity to acquire some great items, many of which are Belted Galloway related.

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