Destination Long Beach Island Weddings

Page 1

Destination I Do - I Do

The Duchenne Moment Cut the Cake

Brides Want To Know

Barefoot Brides

Long Beach Island


Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 1

Meet the Photographer

Meredith M yers Winner, founder, owner and operator of Mer-Made Photography began developing her passion for photography and art at a young age. Growing up inspired by Long Beach Island and Haddonfield’s artist communities she continues to draw her inspiration from majestic beaches, sun kissed marshes, moonlit sails, walking the barrier island in the sun and snow collecting images from the sea. In the mid eighties she began working for the Philadelphia Inquirer as a photojournalist and also worked as an Artist’s model for renowned Artist Hal Singer. She gained technical expertise from attending Burlington County College where she studied black and white photography. After home schooling and raising two beautiful children Meredith attended “The Photography Institute” to further her technical expertise. Meredith’s Photography reflects a painters like quality and this creative talent is apparent when shooting weddings, events and portraits. Meredith is now impacting the wedding industry with her ability to capture your wedding with beautiful and creative images. The Mer-Made logo and Mer-MadePhotography has been revived to be part of the conceptual connection between vintage fantasy, storybook brides and the distinct beauty of the modern day bride. Keeping close at heart the beauty that surrounds us, and inspired by natural light and scenery, Meredith strives to deliver creative images that reflect your unique personality and style. It is Meredith’s background that enables her vision. She incorporates a photo journalistic approach, unobtrusively shooting your event candidly, spontaneously and joyously, capturing your wonderful moments as they present themselves. Consulting with her clients and taking the time to listen to their needs prior to the special day is important. Her ability to capture the “Duchenne” moment has brides seeking her services. Meredith invites you to visit her web site at

and she welcomes you to stop by her Brant Beach Location Mer-

MadePhotography and Trousseau. 2

Mer-Made “Unfolding”



The Duchenne Moment

ay cheese! Forcing a smile for a photograph by saying “cheese” may not give you what you are looking for! Smiles are understood in every culture, race and religion. Smiles are internationally known. Smiling increases attractiveness and makes you feel better. An authentic smile, also called a Duchenne smile is a true smile using two sets of muscles. The zygomatic major muscle raises the corners of the mouth and the orbicularis oculi muscle which raises the checks. Contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle also encourages crows feet. Studies show that this is uniquely associated with positive emotions. Smiling effects how we speak. A listener can “hear” a smile without seeing the speaker’s face. Researchers have identified over 50 different smiles ranging from euphoric to bitterness. Fake smiles only involve the raising of the mouth muscles. It’s a forced smile that hides true emotions. A grimace is an involuntary expression of anxiety, ner-

vousness and even embarrassment. Duchenne wrote: “The emotion of frank joy is expressed on the face by the combined contraction of the zygomaticus major muscle and the orbieularis oeuli. The first obeys the will but the second is only put in play by the sweet emotions of the soul; fake joy, the deceitful laugh, cannot provoke the contraction of this latter muscle. The muscle around the eye does not obey the will; it is only brought into play by a true feeling, by an agreeable emotion. Its inertia, in smiling, unmasks a false friend. Mer-MadePhotography recognizes this study and incorporates the Duchenne “moment”capturing emotion as it presents itself. This truth of expression is valuable in creating beautiful, memorable and inspiring images. Whether photographing your wedding day or a special portrait session Mer-MadePhotography strives to capture “Your Duchenne moment.”

Mer-Made Photography Meredith M Winner

Your Wedding Your Way Mer-Made


Unique as a Pearl Photography 4300 A • First Floor • Long Beach Blvd • Brant Beach, NJ 08008

Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 3

Getting Ready


Barefoot Bride 7

Cut The Cake 32

I Do - I Do 12

Meet The Photographer 2

Let’s Get Married 14

The Duchenne Moment 3

Brides Want To Know 16

His Favorites 43

Lily in the Valley Florist 18 South Bay Ave • Beach Haven

609-492-8885 Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 5

Wicker Cottage Bridal Gifts

Art & Décor at Surf City Fine Art Giftware & Accessories Dimensional Wall Art (Interior & Exterior) Mosaics Pottery Jewelry Hand Painted Clothing Photography Stained Glass Painted Glassware Antique Furniture Shabby Chic Furniture Rustic Furniture Hand Painted Furniture Area Rugs Lamps and More!

Custom Signs Wedding Décor 675 Mill Creek Rd• Manahawkin, NJ 08050

609-978-823 3

Painted and Wicker Furniture

Gifts Accessories


Jewelry Handbags

Enjoy browsing through our unique collection of hand crafted gifts and artwork. Custom pieces a specialty. 1715 Long Beach Blvd (between 17th & 18th Streets) Surf City, New Jersey 08008


Artwork by Lisa



Art & Decor At Surf City 1715 Long Beach Blvd Surf City, NJ (609) 494-5038

Barefoot Bride Kick off your shoes and sink into the sand We are getting married on the beach Breathe in - breathe out, smell the ocean Watch my veil fly in the wind Listen to the rhythm of the sea What a wonderful place to start our new lives Our memories will forever be linked to the beach Long Beach Island is in our hearts and now it is our special wedding place!


Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 7




Barnegat Light

Lighthouse Yes, you are allowed to get married at Barnegat Lighthouse. But you are not allowed to get married inside the lighthouse. You are allowed to get married anywhere else in the park including outside the base of the lighthouse, the picnic area or the beach. The Barnegat Lighthouse area is a beautiful location for a memorable wedding. The Barnegat Lighthouse State Park is open year round. For more information, please call Barnegat Lighthouse State Park at 609-494-2016. Photography by Meredith Winner

Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 9

Follow Me To Beach Haven...

MM 10

and enjoy our beautiful beaches, our multitude of restaurants, romantic Bed & Breakfasts, Broadway shows at Surflight Theatre, two wonderful museums, and cruise the bay while watching a spectacular sunset.


MM Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 11

I do

How did this happen? When, why, where? She takes my breath away. So beautiful and delicate Yet strong enough to knock me off my feet. My heart races as I try to focus but when I look in her direction everything’s a blur. What does she see in me? Will I make her happy? I want to be a better man, for her. She is mine for the rest of my life. I’ve never felt this happy. I’ve never known love before. And when we are older and wiser, we’ll raise our children and teach them to be happy. Our kids will grow and it will be their turn to fall in love and blissfully marry. We will watch our grandchildren grow and remember this wonderful day.

MM 12

The day we started our lives.

I do

I’ve dreamt of this day all of my life. I can’t believe I’m getting married. I truly love him. In his eyes I see our future. The father of our children, the protector and provider. I feel so safe when I am with him. My heart beats a little faster when he walks into the room. I’m so happy that he found me. How did he know that we’d be perfect together? He reminds me of my father. Strong and dependable. And he loves me. He will make a kind, warm daddy. I think we should have three beautiful babies. I’ll save my wedding dress so my daughter can wear it someday. When my children have children, I’ll think back to this wonderful day. The day we started our lives.

MM Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 13

Let’s Get Married Officiant Deborah C. Whitcraf t

Mayor Emeritus, Wedding & Civil Union Officiant New Jersey, it shall be necessary that they satisfy all of the following criteria: Member of the National Association of Wedding Not be a party to another civil union, domestic partnerOfficiants, Notary Public of the State of New Jersey Universal Life Church The Universal Life Church has two tenets: the absolute right of freedom of religion and to do that which is right. Anything else within the law is allowed. The Universal Life Church is interfaith and non-denominational. “Do only that which is right�. Every person has the natural right (and the responsibility) to peacefully determine what is right. We are advocates of religious freedom. The Universal Life Church wants you to pursue your spiritual beliefs without interference from any outside agency, including government or church authority.

Requirements for entering into a Marriage: For two persons to establish a Marriage in the state of

ship or marriage in this state or recognized by this state; Be of the opposite sex and be at least 18 years of age, except that applicants under the age of 18 may enter into a marriage with parental consent. Applicants under the age of 16 must obtain parental consent and have the consent approved in writing by any judge of the Superior Court, Chancery Division, Family Part. Where to apply: The marriage license application is to be made in the New Jersey municipality in which either party resides and the license is valid throughout the State of New Jersey. If neither applicant is a New Jersey resident, submit the application in the municipality where the marriage ceremony will be performed, the license is only valid in the issuing municipality.

MM 14

Search For Your Local Registrar • What you should bring with you when you apply for a marriage license: • If you are divorced or have had a marriage annulled, please bring the divorce decree or the civil annulment documents. • If your former spouse is deceased, please bring the death certificate, • A copy of your birth certificate, driver’s license, passport or state I.D. • Proof of your residency. • Your social security card or social security number.* • A witness (18 years or older) who knows both the male and female applicants. • The $28 application fee. *Your social security number is required by law and will be kept confidential. Any documents in a foreign language must be accompanied by a certified English translation. After you apply: There is a 72-hour waiting period before the license is issued. The waiting period begins when the application is filed with the Local Registrar. The marriage license application is valid for six months from the date accepted, unless the Registrar has given prior approval to extend the validity of the application to a maximum of one year. Only one marriage license may be granted from a marriage application. If the license expires before being used, a new application must be made and another $28 fee remitted. The only exception to this requirement is in the case where a civil and religious ceremony are to be performed on the same day. In this case, the Local Registrar will photocopy the marriage application, marking one “A” and one “B”, and issue the corresponding marriage licenses, marking them “A” and “B” as well. One copy will be used for the religious ceremony and the other for the civil ceremony.


I, ________ take you, _____________ To be no other than yourself, Loving what I know of you, Trusting what I do not yet know. With respect for your integrity, And faith in your love for me, Through all our years, And in all that life may bring us, Through the best and the worst, I will love you faithfully.

I, __________ take you, ___________ To be my life partner and husband/wife. I pledge to share my life openly with you, And to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to honor and care for you, To cherish and encourage Your own fulfillment as an individual For the rest of my life. This commitment is made in love, Kept in faith, Lived in hope, And renewed every day of our lives.


MM Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 15

Brides Want to Know

Where should you apply for a marriage or civil union license?

period. The other applicant must return with the same witness (who must be at least 18 years old) to complete his/her part of the application. The application must be completed by both parties before the license will be is If the bride is a resident of New Jersey, the marriage sued. Once the marriage license is issued, it is good for 30 license must be obtained from the Registrar of Vital Statistics days from the date of issuance. in the municipality where she lives. A couple wishing to have both religious and civil cer If she is a non-resident of New Jersey and the groom is emonies may be issued a license for both ceremonies on a resident of New Jersey, the license must be obtained from the basis of a single application. However, a couple wishthe Registrar in the municipality in which the groom resides. ing to have two religious ceremonies, and wanting to have (For marriage license purposes, soldiers are residents of the a public record of each, may not have two licenses issued posts at which they are stationed.) A license issued under ei- at the same time. They must apply for and use the first ther of the preceding circumstances is good for use anywhere license. They must then return to the Registrar with the in New Jersey. signed original marriage certificate and a witness to apply If both bride and groom are nonresidents of New Jersey, for a remarriage license. the license must be obtained from the Registrar of the municipality where the marriage is to be performed and is only What should you bring with you when you good for use in that municipality. A license may never be used outside of New Jersey and apply? a license issued in another state may never be used in New Jersey. A witness, who must be at least 18 years of age. Two Be sure to contact the Registrar well in advance of the forms of identification, including at least one photo ID. wedding to find out on what days and during what hours the For example, you may use a state issued driver’s license, Registrar will be in the office. The license fee is $28.00. employment issued ID, a passport, a voter’s registration card, a U.S. military card. A birth certificate may also be used for proof of age and parentage. Who can perform a marriage or civil union If one or both of the applicants are divorced, they will ceremony? need to bring a copy of the final decree or decrees for ex amination by the Registrar or a statement by the judge as According to state law, judges of a Federal District Court, to when the final decree was signed (not the date of the fiUnited States magistrates, judges of a Municipal Court, judg- nal hearing). Both the bride and groom will provide their es of the Superior Court, judges of a Tax Court, retired judges Social Security numbers (Married Persons Title 37:117). of the Superior Court or Tax Court, or judge of the Superior Consent of both parents is necessary if an applicant is Court or Tax Court who has resigned in good standing, and under 18 years of age. Both parental consents and judicial any mayor/deputy mayor or chairman of any township com- approval of such consents are necessary if the applicant is mittee, village president of New Jersey, County Clerks, and younger than 16. These consents should be on forms supevery minister of every religion may solemnize a marriage. plied by the Registrar. When should you apply for a marriage or civil union license? Where should the marriage or civil union A local Registrar will not issue a marriage license sooner than 72 hours after the application for a marriage license has record be filed? been made, unless ordered to do so via an appropriate court order. The person performing a marriage ceremony must file If the marriage is scheduled for a Saturday or Sunday, the license and marriage certificate with the Registrar of the application should be made no later than the precedthe municipality in which the marriage was performed. ing Tuesday. If the application is made on a Wednesday or Since failure to record the marriage may cause considerThursday, the 72 hours will end on Saturday or Sunday, but able inconvenience at a later date when proof of marriage the Registrar will probably not be available on those days or is needed, you should make sure that this has been done. any public holiday. Certified copies of the marriage event may be obtained If both the bride and groom are unavailable to complete from the local Registrar in the municipality where the certhe application at the same time, either applicant may comemony occurred or from the Office of the State Registrar plete his/her part of the application and start the waiting of Vital Statistics.


Changing your surname after marriage

Step Six

Tradition dictates that a woman should take her husbands surname upon marriage but this is not a legal requirement and many people now decide to take another route. • The couple may leave their names exactly as they are. • The woman may take her husbands surname and drop • her current one • The man may take his wife’s surname and drop his • current one. • The woman may take her husbands surname and make • her current one into a middle name. • The man may take his wife’s surname and make his • current one into a middle name. • The couple may double-barrel their two surnames (e.g. • WAKEFIELD-SMITH). • The couple may “create” a new surname out of their • two current ones. • You may leave your names exactly as they are.

Order replacements for checks, business cards, credit cards and other documents that contain your old name.

There is no legal requirement for either person to change their name after marriage and some couples decide to just keep using their current names. If you opt for this choice, you do not need to follow any procedure because your legal name is not changing. However, the woman may still wish to change her title to Mrs. even though your surnames are staying separate. Changing your last name after you get married is an old tradition that has been around for a long time. Whether the wife takes the husband’s name as tradition dictates, he takes hers, or both make the decision to hyphenate, please follow the necessary steps to make it official.

Step Seven Call employers and schools (if you are a student) to let them know your new name, and ask them to change it in their records. Step Eight Change your name on your car registration, with your insurance and mortgage companies, and with your frequent-flier program. Step Nine Contact the post office, utility companies and registrar of voters. Step Ten Make the announcement to friends and family (ideally to your in-laws first), using stationery or thank-you cards with your new name printed on them, or order name-change cards designed for such an occasion.

Instructions Step One Order extra certified copies of your marriage certificate for agencies that require originals before allowing you to change your name on documents, such as the department of motor vehicles. Step Two If you’re a man changing your name at marriage, check your marriage certificate to see if there is a space to indicate a name change. If not, you will need court papers to legally change your name. Contact a local attorney to find out the procedure for name changing in your state. (This is not necessary for women.) Step Three Request a new Social Security card or cards reflecting the name change. Call the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213 to obtain forms and instructions. Step Four Make an appointment to visit the department of motor vehicles for a new driver’s license. Ask in advance which documents you’ll need to bring in order to certify the validity of your name change. Step Five Obtain and complete a Passport Amendment/Validation Application. Send this along with appropriate fees, your current passport(s), and a certified documentation of your name change (such as a certified copy of a marriage certificate or court papers) to the nearest passport agency.

MM Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 17


Donegal Importers

ohn Murray has over twenty years of proven success in marketing and management in exporting and importing product development. His accomplishments, collective and comprehensive knowledge and experience helped develop QVC into the worlds number one electronic retailer. Donegal importers is based on increasing sales for Ireland based companies in the USA. Since 2008 we have placed Irish products in 140 “mainstream� retail stores in the United States that were not exposed to the Irish market. Donegal Importers sells at fairs and festivals throughout the USA and owns a retail location in Manahawkin, NJ. The majority of our sales and success have been with In 2011 the demand for product grew to the point where call center support was needed. As a result we now have call center operations in Dublin, Ireland to support your questions or any concerns. Simply give us a call on the number listed on the website and your call will be routed to Dublin toll free! We think this is an important upgrade as many people have questions on sizing and colors as well as order status. John Murray CEO, Donegal Importers 18


657 E. Bay Avenue, Manahawkin, NJ 08050 United States

(609) 207 7617


Captain’s Inn

Overlooking the Forked River

“A DREAM COME TRUE.” Your wedding reception on the shore. Fun, fine service, friendly attention and fabulous food!

Rehearsal Dinners Bridal Showers Wedding Receptions • • • • •

Weddings Designed Within Your Budget Spacious Dance Floor Private Boat Shaped Premium Bar Wedding Cakes Baked on Premise Waterfront Gazebo

304 E Lacey Road Forked River, NJ 08731 Exit 74 GSP Contact Debbie 609-693-3351

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9th and Bay Ave •Beach Haven

609-492-6326 Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 19

The Smithville Inn w w w. s m i t h v i l l e i n n . c o m

Weddings 1 North New York Rd Smithville, NJ 08205


Shower Favors •

Wedding Favors • Bridal Party Gif t s

Handwhipped on Long Beach Island Prepared To Order For Your Special Occasion



Drifting Sands Oceanfront Motel 119 East 9th Street Ship Bottom, NJ

1-877-LBI-SUNN •

The Island Guest House Bed and Breakfast Inn by the Sea

What could be more romantic than a beach wedding at a Bed and Breakfast Inn? Let us be your wedding or event venue. We are just steps from the ocean in Beach Haven, LBI and 5th street pavilion which is right on the beach. We specialize in “Inn-Timate” weddings. Choose a beautiful garden wedding for up to 175, or indoors for up to 60 in our Sea Glass Room and common areas. Catering is available, or use your own. Our specialty is our wedding cake cupcake display, baked and decorated in house. Consider us for rehearsal dinners and morning after breakfast. It’s all about your wishes on your special day! Accommodations, including a full breakfast, are available in our 15 guest rooms and cottage for a true Island wedding destination. Group discounts for rental of the entire Inn are available on select dates

Mark and Joanne Spulock, Owners 207 3rd Street, Beach Haven, NJ 08008 1-877-LBI-STAY or 609-709-5791 Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 21

Black Tie Cupcakes Angelika Yannuzzi 609-312-9119 Holiday Inn of Manahawkin

151 Route 72 Manahawkin, NJ 08050

(609) 481-6100

Celebrate in Style

The Grand Ballroom at the Holiday Inn of Manahawkin is the perfect setting for your special day! Complete wedding packages for 75 to 450 guests



Located in SPRAY BEACH on Long Beach Island Brand New Venue For A Destination Wedding Beautiful Sanctuary For The Ceremony Large Social Hall For Reception Jewish Dietary Laws Must Be Observed For more information on having your wedding at our lovely facility, contact us today at



Weddings ~ Showers Business Meetings & Special Occasions

Shear Heaven Salon & Day Spa We specialize in Private Spa Parties for Weddings, Couples or just a “Girls Night Out.”

We can offer our Salon to you & your Wedding Party exclusively if booked well in advance. There will be a $100 non-refundable reservation fee for this accommodation if booked during our regular Business hours. You are welcome to bring refreshments, photographers, and anything else to make your day more relaxing and enjoyable.

770 Route 9 South • Mayetta, NJ 08092 (Stafford Township) Approx. 6 miles from LBI

(609) 978-8766

Check out our Beautiful Pendants By “Eternity Wings” Sold exclusively at Shear Heaven & Gem Boutique New to the collection, “Wedding Wings” Available in Platinum or Sterling Silver with Diamonds & Pearls Visit our website or shop online at

210 N Bay Ave • Beach Haven • 609-492-8866 •

Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 23

The Test of Time Mer-Made Photography

Register today for our

Wedding Gown Giveaway (value $1000, visit store for details) Must register at Angel Bridal of Haddonfield

Angel Bridal of Haddonfield

50 Tanner Street Suite B • Haddonfield New Jersey 08033

856-354-6196 24


Courtesy of EG Quin Photography of Haddonfield

picture perfect


enault Winery Resort & Golf offers the perfect setting to create splendid memories... With exquisite ballrooms, beautiful indoor and outdoor ceremony sites and lavish hotel accommodations, Renault Winery Resort & Golf is the premier destination wedding facility. Our professionals are waiting to walk you through every step of the way. To set up your personal tour call 609.965.2111 or visit

renault winery

tuscany house

vineyard golf

72 N. Bremen Avenue Egg Harbor City, New Jersey 08215 (609) 965-2111

Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 25

The Perfect Ring My grandma lost her engagement ring by the bay. A storm was coming and she was securing her boat when her ring slipped off. Then, 20 something years later a storm cleared a section of sand. Among the debris, scattered about on the beach, was her ring. This very ring was then given to me, by my grandma whom I love!


MM 26

Lisa Bennett-Luciotti, Pres

Event Management

Starting with your vision we will create an extraordinary event while keeping your budget in mind. Event day coordination, last minute details or full event planning make your affair easier to manage.

Invitations and more

Whether you are looking for a simple announcement or elaborate wedding invitation. Perhaps you would like to update your stationary or are ready for new business forms and checks. We carry a complete line for all of your personal and professional needs.


So many choices we will assist in helping you pick the right style of fare for your important event. Kosher, American, Tappas, served or buffets, custom made selections for all seasons.


Professional, courteous, experienced hostesses, wait staff, bartenders, grill chefs, executive chefs, available to relinquish your duties at your in home parties. We also welcome corporate accounts.

Transportation & Travel

Would you and your special someone like to elope in Las Vegas, or maybe just host your friend’s bachelor party there we can arrange everything from the time you leave your house for the weekend merriment. Design, Entertainment, Venue locator Flowers, DJ’s, bands, even belly dancers can be delivered to the location of your choice. Still looking for the right location at an AFFORDABLE Price….we can find a unique space that will meet your requirements. Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 27

Custom Art Glass

By Amy Brooks

One of a kind Weddings C

ustomize your wedding! Paradise Custom Glass specializes in creating distinctive stained glass windows, functional dishes, and beautiful sculptural pieces. Unique glassware makes a great gift and may be customized to suit any decor and style. Commemorate this special occasion with a one of a kind pieces of glass art from Paradise Custom Glass! Mer-Made Trousseau offers custom ceramic cake toppers. Handmade to your specification, glazed and fired, these durable keepsakes will be used year after year on your anniversary. Display on a shelf throughout the year for your enjoyment. High end bridal accessories are yours to discoverer.

Busy Bride’s are ready to share their expertise as you pick the perfect invitations, wedding favors and accessories for your special day.

Paradise Custom Stained Glass

(732) 762-0060

Commissions Welcome

Mer-Made Photography offers “Your Wedding ~ Your Way~ Mer-Made” treasure chest photography packages, allowing you to customize your wedding photography packages because you and your wedding day are “As Unique as a Pearl.

Everything Woman will custom design fascinators to

complement your gown! Beautiful feather filled head pieces for brides and bridesmaids. Lovely and delicate an can be worn for all special occasions.

trousseau [troo-soh, troo-soh]

y h g p a r g o t o Ph and

n pl -seaux, -seaus the clothes, linen, etc., collected by a bride for her marriage [from Old French, literally: a little bundle, from trusse a bundle]


Home of the Mer-Made Tale Glamour Couture for Mer-Made Shoots

4300 A (first floor) Long Beach Blvd. • Brant Beach, NJ 08008

856-265-5838 28

“She Shoots Seascapes by the Seashore”

Cake Toppers Invitations Custom Albums Custom Wedding Accessories Creative Couture Mer-Made Fine Art Photography

Introducing Weddings for Heroes Corp A New Jersey Non Profit Corporation Our Mission: to provide Charitable Wedding Services Programs (awarding sponsored weddings) in the form of weddings, wedding services, wedding receptions, ceremonies or vow renewals, to combat wounded U.S. military personnel, U.S. combat veterans and active duty military facing hardships, or otherwise underprivileged at no cost to them. All programs are awarded by using funds donated by the general public, volunteer sponsors or volunteer wedding vendors. We need your help, If you are a NJ wedding professional or Venue there are deserving couples waiting for your donation! Log on to our website www. to be a hero to a hero! If you are in need of our help please visit our website for details and upcoming events. Programs are awarded to recipients upon approval, in the form of a planned, coordinated wedding, wedding reception, ceremony, vow renewal or wedding services.

Invites, favors & wedding accessories by top brands such as Carlson Craft, Chloe B, Kate Aspen & Cathy’s Concepts Shop online or By Appointment. Save 30% off invites with this ad. Expires July 31

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for Heroes Corp. Sincere thanks for your thoughtful donations: The Molly Pitcher Inn Save The Date Now Event Planners The Busy Brides Helper Jewel Party Solutions LLC.

1358 Hooper Avenue Toms River NJ 08753

1-855-643-7637 Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 29

Are You a Gables Bride? You found each other...and then you found the perfect place.

Elegant, Eclectic, Shore Weddings. 609-492-3553

Ann Coen Photography

Cut the cake, throw the bouquet and dance the night away!


onderful traditions. We all know the routine; announce the bride and groom, first dance, eat, drink and dance the night away. It is believed that dating as far back as the 14th century, the desire to take home a piece of the bride’s luck in finding herself a groom prompted wedding guests in Western Europe to attempt to tear off bits of her dress. Groups of people would chase after the lucky woman in the hope of a scrap of cloth or ribbon. Such a keepsake would bring good luck in love. Brides, naturally, were opposed to the idea of being chased and having their wedding garments destroyed. As such, the idea of throwing the bouquet emerged - this distracted the crowd,

hence the bride”s chance to get away unscathed. This enabled the bridal bouquet toss to be wrapped around the concept of good fortune. Now the unmarried woman whom catches the bridal bouquet, so the story goes, will be the next to marry. Previous to Victorian times, most wedding cakes were also white, but not because of the symbolism. Using the color white for icing had a more pragmatic basis. Ingredients were very difficult to come by, especially those used for icing. White icing required the finest refined sugar, so the whiter the cake, the more affluent the families appeared. It was due to this fact that a white wedding cake became an outward symbol of affluence.

Wedding cakes take center stage in the traditional cake cutting ceremony, symbolically this was the first task that the bride and groom perform jointly as husband and wife. A tradition that most of us have witnessed repeatedly. The first piece of cake is cut by the bride with the “help” of the groom. This task originally was delegated exclusively to the bride. It was she who cut the cake for sharing with her guests.

Next we have the fun of heading to the dance floor where even the clumsiest wallflower’s thrive. That may be

Sweet Jenny’s Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner 1305 Long Beach Blvd, Ship Bottom, NJ

(609) 494-5111


why, in a survey of. D.J.s, the “Chicken Dance” charts higher than other classics such as “We Are Family” and “Respect. The tune “Chicken Dance” remained in obscurity for years after being written in the late 1950s by a Swiss accordion player named Werner Thomas. When Werner was in his 20’s, he tended a flock of ducks and geese which inspired the tune and was first named “Der Ententanz” (The Duck Dance.) Mr. Thomas began performing his song at his Davos restaurant around 1963 and received an immediate reaction. People spontaneously “began to move with the melody.” A leg here, an arm up there kept Thomas connected to his beloved animals.

9 9 . $2




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609-713-2314 609-549-5955 Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 33

“I Thee Wed”

“She Shoots Seascapes by the Seashore”

Mer-Made Photography Emoceans Collection

Casual Fine Dining, Dock and Dine on Deck and Bar, Banquets For reservations and appointments

609-242-2648 361 East Lacey Road, Forked River, NJ Located at Southwind Marina


Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 35

Introducing Brian and Daggi Ball October 9, 2011

36 Courtesy of Joe & Vickie Photography Office: 347-735-6121 (NYC). 732-798-7461 (NJ) ~Visit us online at

Everything Woman


A Very Unique Boutique

Custom Bridal Accessories Handcrafted Hair Facinators Custom Designed by Jessica DiMaria Unique Gift Choices

657 East Bay Ave • Manahakin, NJ 08050 • 609-242-5796 Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 37

Chocolate Wedding Favors

Wedding Gif ts • Engagement Gif ts • Bridesmaid Gif ts • Wedding Favors We Carry Award Winning Chocolates Come Visit Us During Chocolate Week Feb 12 - Feb 18

Open Weekends 10 - 5

LBI Custom Beads • Lafco • Anthousa • Vera Bradley • Julia Knight • Harveys Seat Belt Bags

176 East Bay Ave Manahawkin, NJ 08008 08055-3104 38

609-597-4222 fax 609-597-6181

Lego Watches • Sherry Tinsman • Patricia Locke • Mariposa

Candy Wrappers Bags • Chocolates • OKA6 • Kaloo Plush • MOGO

Trollbeads • Lori Bonn • Chamilia • Ed Levin • Miss Chamilia • Soldier to Soldier • Archipelago

Your Wedding and Event Specialist Local Vendor (Barnegat, NJ) Recommended by LBI Establishments

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Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 39

Just Braggin Salon Where Styles are Created but not Imitated

Paul Mitchell Focus Salon We Specialize in:

Book your bridal packages today. Let us take the stress away on your special day.

Coming APRIL 2012

Exclusivley at Just Braggin Salon THE EUROVAVE MACHINE! Let us create the body you’ve always wanted.

712 East Bay Ave, Manahawkin, NJ 08050 40

The Brazilian Blowout Keretion Treatments Creative Styles for Men and Woman Hair Feathers Hair Extensions High End but Affordable Hair Care Only the best for our canine or feline friends with Pet by Paul Mitchell Hair Color, Highlighting and Lowlighting Creative Colors Color Corrections Hair Relaxer Perms

Exclusivley at Just Braggin Salon

Eurowave Cantaur Body Wrap Massage Customized makeup by Motives


‘till there was you Photograph by Meredith Winner Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 41

Visit any Dante Zeller location to discover more of what you’re looking for and see your Groom’s Free Preview. More colors, more styles and more confidence. Classic, contemporary or avant garde. Bold, brilliant, or subdued. With over 20 locations in the tri-state area, its a sure thing. For the nearest location visit or call 1-888-GET-A-TUX.

Manahawkin 609-597-6222 Freehold Raceway Mall 732-303-0037


We Have Your Color & Your Groom’s Free Preview



South Jersey’s Premiere Wedding Disc Jockey Service


His Favorites I

t’s not all about the bride. The groom has his say too. More and more grooms take an active part in planning the wedding. Picking music and deciding on tux styles are traditionally the grooms domain but now more couples are deciding everything together. Couples are having pre-wedding parties instead of separate bachelor and bachelorette parties and wedding showers that include men. They decide together on the venue and the menu, they write vows and help pick color themes. Grooms are included and their opinions are valued in all aspects of wedding planning except for the picking of the dress. Even flowers can be jointly discussed, yet when it comes to the wedding gown, grooms are shut out. Picking the gown is the bride’s decision. She has to look her special way on her special day. Everything must be perfect. The dress needs to express her personality. Hair, dress and makeup will be captured in lifelong photographs. The wedding day will be frozen in time. Whatever dress she picks will also become his favorite. When he sees his bride for the first time in her wonderful wedding gown, the image will stay with him for the rest of his life.

Photo courtesy of Avalon Studios

Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 43

Custom Wedding Cakes

31 N. Main Street Manahawkin, NJ 609-597-1430 MM

Cake Toppers


Mer-Made Trousseau 4300 A First Floor • Brant Beach, NJ 08008 • 856-265-5838

Designed by Lisa Ball


Advertiser Directory Affordable Party Planning Angel Bridal of Haddonfield Art & Décor at Surf City Barbara Bew Crowley Busy Bride’s Invites and Favors Captain’s Inn Country Kettle Fudge Custom Art Glass by Amy Brooks Dante Zeller Donegal Importers Everything Woman Flawless Entertainment Jewish Community Center of LBI Just Braggin Salon Latitudes on the River Lavish Salon Lily in the Valley Florist Linda Moore Weddings Matthew T. Burton Mer-Made Photography Mer-Made Trousseau Moester’s Bakery Nightlife Puttin’ On The Hits Seaoaks Country Club Smithville Inn SOC Chamber of Commerce Song of the Sea Sweet Jenny’s Taylor Rental The Gables The Good Life Trolley Tours Inc Wedding for Heroes Corp. Wicker Cottage

Services Inc 50 Tanner Street Suite B 1715 Long Beach Blvd

304 E Lacey Rd 9th & Bay Ave

657 E Bay Ave 657 East Bay Ave 703 Millcreed Rd - Suite F-1 15 E 24th St 712 East Bay Ave 361 Lacey Rd 216 S Bay Ave 18 S Bay Ave Jim Moore Officiant 1819 N Long Beach Blvd 4300 A First Floor LB Boulevard 4300 A First Floor LB Boulevard 31 N Main Street

99 Golf View Drive 1 North New York Rd 265 W 9th St 9th and Bay 1305 Long Beach Blvd 176 East Bay Ave 212 Centre St 2200 Long Beach Bvd 713 Old Shore Road 1358 Hooper Ave 675 Mill Creek Rd

Haddonfield NJ 08033 Surf City, NJ 08008

Forked River, NJ 08731 Beach Haven, NJ 08008 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Beach Haven, NJ 08008 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Forked River, NJ 08731 Beach Haven, NJ 08008 Beach Haven, NJ 08008 Surf City, NJ 08008 Brant Beach, NJ 08008 Brant Beach, NJ 08008 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Barnegat, NJ Little Egg Harbor Twsp, NJ Smithville, NJ 08205 Ship Bottom, NJ 08008 Beach Haven, NJ 08008 Ship Bottom, NJ 08008 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Beach Haven, NJ 08008 Surf City, NJ 08008 Forked River, NJ 08731 Toms River, NJ 08753 Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Trolley Tours Inc 713 Old Shore Road Forked River, NJ 08731


201-344-6222 856-354-6196 609-494-5038 609-296-2964 609-488-5926 609-693-3351 609-492-2800 732-762-0060 609-597-6222 609-207-7617 609-242-5796 609-713-2314 609-492-4090 609-597-2660 609-242-2648 609-492-9955 609-492-8885 609.965.2067 609-494-0006 856-265-5838 856-265-5838 609-597-1430 215-356-2312 609-698-7661 609-296-2656 609-652-7777 609-494-5807 609-492-6326 609-494-5111 609-597-4222 609-492-3553 609-494-0200 800-468-0446 855-643-7637 609-978-8233

MT Burton Studio

609-494-0006 www.Busy 1819 N Long Beach Blvd

Special thanks to our wonderful models; Brianna Nugent (cover), Matthew Higgins, Jane Kleber, Frank Ritacco, Katie Anderson, Jordan Rizzo (cover), Danielle Taylor, Michaela Dodi, Jonathan Dodi, Jeanie Dodi, Alex Dodi, Jessica Cattell, Jessica DiMaria, Nicholas DiMaria, Ashton Savannah & Gwen Harvey. A Sincere thank you to Pat Anderson for all of her help on our photo shoots. Destination Long Beach Island Weddings 47


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