3 minute read
“Olya!” - a voice from behind definitely says my name. Did I hear it right? My eyes scan the dark parking lot by the restaurant. A girl is walking towards us. Two more guys are waiting by the car. Another fraction of a second and my eyes recognize Maia, Mike’s partner.
“I DID hear right!” - my lips stretch into a smile. I like Maia. She has a genuine and nice vibe. “What are you doing here?”
“We are singing at this restaurant.” - Maia’s hand points to the place we considered for dinner just a second ago. Maybe we go back now? Seems like Maya sensed the doubt. “Are you looking for a good place to eat? Go to L’Estanco El Jardin. It’s AMAZING! And if you want to hear us sing, come tomorrow! I will have Mike send you the address! I’ve got to run now” - her body leans in for a hug. It takes a second for my brain to respond: a hug still feels somehow awkward, even after the vaccine. Covid definitely has more effect on all of us than we realize. Maia waves goodbye and her group disappears behind the red restaurant door.
“I like Maia,” - an image of a smiling, genuine girl pops in my mind. I can’t imagine her not smiling. “Let’s make sure we hear her sing tomorrow night, yes?” ... “I think it’s Mike, isn’t it?, - Bobby’s eyes follow my gaze. “Yep! It sure is”, - my answer drowns among the surroundings. Bobby’s camera is clicking with the speed of light. The market is filled with people, live music, food stations and craft kiosks. So many young people too. “Lots of Americans here”, - my words are barely audible among the lively noise. Head turns towards Bobby: “Let’s go see the apartment he was talking about and pick up the key”...
…5 second is all I need to understand that this place is not going to work. There is no logical explanation except for an overbearing heavy feeling and worry that’s escalating by the second. Every internal alarm is screaming “caution” on my internal “safety radar”. It makes no sense. My mind is split between the two. On one hand, Mike seems nice. Except for the first day, he is more than pleasant to be around. On the other hand… is he too pleasant? Too nice? Overly eager to be workable? Thoughts are racing ahead of each other. Unsettled and confused, my brain is trying to refocus on a conversation. Mike is telling Bobby something. My ears tune in.
“You can check out at any time Friday. There are guests that are coming, but you can leave your bags in the room downstairs, and then just drop off the key to that room after you pick up your bags. Or you can drop them off before we go diving in the morning”, - Mike’s smile right now doesn’t seem to be half as genuine somehow. The conscious part of my brain attempts to step in and reason. Can’t let emotions rule over logic. He is probably just tired. It’s nighttime after all.
“Oh, hey. Let me introduce you to one of my partners”, - my head turns the direction where Mike is looking. A woman, probably in her early forties, is walking up the stairs. “Guess what. You have something in common. She has 6 kids”, - The attempt for enthusiasm from Mike doesn’t stick. Something is off. Very off. Two minutes later and a semi-failed polite conversation makes one thing crystal clear: there is undeniable tension and heaviness in the air. My lips mouth “let’s go” to Bobby. A few more seconds and we are in our car.
“Thoughts?”, - Bobby’s question is more of a formality than anything. We don’t need to talk to know he feels the same.
“I don’t feel safe there. It has a weird vibe. That woman Mike introduced… something was very off about her. And her brother, too. I don’t want to stay there.” - both, my conscious and subconscious are in definite agreement. My fingers keep fiddling with the phone. Eyes connect to Bobby’s. “I am going to book a different hotel. I don’t feel safe”.
“We will book a different hotel then. Let’s go get some dinner first though. I’m hungry”, - a calming smile makes its way out of the corners of Bobby’s lips. My agitation is settling down. Fingers type in the passcode on the phone. Let’s see what’s available on booking.com.