THE START UP PLAN RUTH'S KINGDOM ADVANTAGE LADEIDRE MARIS A guide to living to manifesting your dreams and ideas. There's a business within you.

Naomi had no idea that emptiness in the natural meant a place of expectancy in spirit. Ruth was expecting a move of God in her life, but she first had to become acquainted with God in this way!! Just like you and I, she knew of him from other seasons of her life She knew him through family discussions, but now she had to come face to face with Him as business partner that would help her jump start her new life. Ruth 1:21 says I went out full but I came back empty. Naomi had no idea that emptiness in the natural meant expectancy in spirit.
Have you ever been so focused on being present for others, and engulfed in helping others that when it comes down to your turn, you have the slightest idea as to what you should do first? Living a life where you are use to taking care of others now your life depends on your hearing, your faith, and obedience to God's voice. In the book of Ruth, we see a road map to success, but it requires learning to place yourself as a priority, being committed, becoming a hard worker, and placing your hands on what God has placed before you Naomi makes a statement that we all can relate to, Ruth 1:21 says I went out full, but I came back empty. she suffered a tremendous loss.How many times have we felt like this?

You're one idea away from becoming a Successful Business Woman CEO LaDeidre Maris

Let's begin
No matter the outcome, no matter the obstacles Faith compels us to act, to believe that with God anything is possible It may drive us to do things that other people would consider outrageous, like ruth going against everything she knew, including her comfort zone, to taste a future she had never known before But let's be honest: we all need that kind of courage and determination if we actually want God to change the course of our life and some one elses here.
The road to manifesting your dreams requires pursuing the audience of one and that's with Jesus We think this just looks like reading our bibles everyday but it's actually embodying the principles of god and following His lead when He gives ideas We will see the idea God gave ruth and how she had to make a decision from that idea. This is how Kingdom businesses begin. One idea and one step towards a breakthrough Often times there can be emotional or spiritual paralysis, especially if you have failed at certain things before or the comfort zone seems better than the unknown. You are not alone and please don't beat yourself up God revealed loss to me as an advantage plan, loss in the kIngdom of God is a divine set up for a start up plan guaranteed to leave you prospering in God Faith helps us see life from God’s perspective, particularly in regard to God’s character within our experiences Rooted in hope and strengthened by adversity, we discover that confidence in God grows stronger in the presence of challenge, not in its absence Where some of us think we are failing, God is adding strength.. Tested faith becomes like refined gold before all of heaven and captures God’s attention You may look back on things that seem to be failures or defeats and say That experience made me stronger It made me wiser it made me more reliant upon God The truth is God has a way of weaving our defeats into our success patterns.
Trust God to use your defeats Get started today Not tomorrow, right now.

The Business
Ruth's confidence was related directly to her relationship with God and to her understanding that God would help her accomplish the goals that God placed within her heart.
Ruth begins a start up company According to Wikipedia, A start up is a company or project undertaken by an entrepreneur to seek, develop, and validate a scalable business model. While entrepreneurship refers to all new businesses, including self employment and businesses that never intend to become registered, startups refer to new businesses that intend to grow large beyond the solo founder In the beginning, some startups face high uncertainty and have high rates of failure, but a minority of them do go on to be successful and influential Ruth defies her old ways, she transitions from being a wife (housewife caring for others) to a widow, and from that widow, a traveler seeking increase and income to a collector She had a collection agency, collecting grain from fields that were not her own. it wasn't stealing because they had a custom back then that allowed those less fortunate to take advantage of opportunities such as these She laid aside shame and fear She decided that I would glean in the field and get what the reapers have left behind She made a decision to do something, not knowing whether she'd succeed or fail This was a very humbling experience for Ruth She was obeying God while God was building character within her Our development in Christ is just as important as trying to create streams of income. Don't take any moment of your journey with God for granted because i promise he uses it Ruth set her own schedule where she could work on God's idea She chose the location and she knew who'd benefit from her faith filled business opportunity She sacrificed for herself and her mother in law She wasn't focused on any overhead costs she just wanted to go into business for herself, bringing in income for her family In other words, she became the priority and not her appearance of being a businesswoman. She focused on becoming and having actions to accommodate her decisions
The Start Up Plan

Wife of Charles Maris Mother of 5 boys Publisher of books and magazines Graphic Designer Business Consultant Manager of Client Services and companies I help others become authors and business owners Creating an online store Branding company Identities Hi, how are you? I am LaDeidre Maris! I have authored this masterpiece you're holding in your hands because I want you to see what partnership with God looks like for a woman who dares to trust God even when she's holding nothing in her hands We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us God has been teaching me about the power we possess and manifesting Heaven in our situations. I am a LaDeidreMaris About Me

02 04 10 15 20 The Introduction Let's Begin Here Determination Perserverance Creativity Contents Concluison 25

God hasn't asked you to do anything on your own. He promised to be with you every step of the way CEO LaDeidre Maris

DETERMINATION Determination sounds different when it leaves your lips. You speak with confidence and use words like, " I expect favor " I don't hope for good things I know God is going to take care of the purpose and plans he placed within me, so I commit myself to Him and His will LET NO ONE DISSUADE YOU Don't let anyone persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action If you ' re going to be successful you have to do what Ruth did and that was take God at his word and go for it. She didn't know her thinking was God engineered, but she knew she didn't want to return to where she came from RUTH IMPLEMENTED STRATEGIES I'm determined to grow no matter the obstacle!

Unlock Determination
Somewhere in the inner recesses of every heart, hidden beneath layers of pain and discouragement, rejection and abuse, destiny calls. It is a call from your future, the call from eternity. It beckons you to a destiny that will not die. There are some who will live and die in the deserts of life never quite reaching the point of their destiny. There are yet others who with relentless determination, will press beyond their limitations as they reach for the prize of their promise.

Determination is a fixed intention, and in this case, she places her concerns above Naomi's requests I feel so passionately that this is where God desires for us to be I can hear God saying When I turn your heart towards a path and set your feet on this course... be so determined that you refuse to turn away even if all others are trying to convince you that it won't work When we keep reading, we see how God honors her determined faith. I can hear Ruth singing, I won't let go of my faith, because my faith will produce results
How did Ruth know to align her heart with such faith? Naomi wasn't the only one who suffered loss, Ruth did too. Ruth was a Moabite woman, and their reputation was very negative regarding God They did detestable things in his sight Ruth's relationship with God was established through Naomi when she spoke in the scripture text using her determined faith to come into covenant with Naomi She surrendered her heart, belief system, concerns, and her perspective, all to be joined to whom Naomi believed in. The words that Ruth releases here grab the attention of Naomi. She sees the determination in her eyes, words, and behavior that she dares not to recommend her returning to the previous conditions she knew. When a woman is determined, there is no stopping her
Ruth 1:16 18 ESV
But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge Your people shall be my people, and your God my God Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you ” And when Naomi saw that she was determined to go with her, she said no more

Ruth made a decision to abandon her old ways and adapt a mentality toward success Kingdom success for me is defined as being where God wants me to be , doing what he desires When I am passionate about something or I get ideas about somethings i immediately begin working on them because i know they came from God Ruth's success meant going with God, resting in God, becoming one with God, and changing her identity from who she was at birth to who she is in Christ. Ruth's behavior toward Naomi said I am committed to pursuing greater Ruth 1:6 lets us know they were headed to Bethlehem because Naomi heard that the Lord was providing for his people there. They were having visitations in Bethlehem so Naomi was convinced that she needed to be closer to God, and ruth was in agreement
You Have Searched Me and Known Me
My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all my days were written in Your book and ordained for me before one of them came to be Psalms 139:16 God was leading Ruth into her harvest, but she didn't know it Just like many of us who suffer through losses and we have no idea that God has an entire business plan of harvest, a breakthrough on the other side of that pain Ruth 1:22 states that both Naomi and Ruth came into Bethlehem at the beginning of Barley Harvest. The barley harvest is the start of a redemptive pathway into God’s plan for our destiny as we stated in earlier pages, Moab’s history does not qualify Ruth for a place amidst God’s people. Moabites always did detestable things before the Lord and were a constant menace to God’s people; however, This divine appointment was Ruth's change in the realm of the spirit
She is willing to come out of her ungodly ways and surrender to God. Today this looks like this divine appointment you and I have together now where you are introduced to God from a different set of eyes which is a new beginning. We must always understand that God arranged the arrival of Naomi and Ruth, and God perfectly timed it This passage shows us how God will place determination in our hearts to draw us closer to his divine harvest for our lives. Right now, at this very moment, you are looking around thinking of lack, and God sees an opportunity to bless you This section is called abandon your ways because our ways can interfere with God's plan.

3. Ruth Abandoned her behavioral patterns
She left her people, kinfolks, and friends to connect with God. She didn't move to this new city just to sit in the house with Naomi, Ruth was on a mission to receive her blessings Sometimes this looks like isolation; literally disconnecting from everything to hear God and return to the true connections.
1. 2.
We all have behavioral patterns, but some interfere with our purpose. For example, I have a terrible habit of beginning some personal projects and placing them to the side to serve someone else's I learned from Ruth that my project is a priority, too, and that what someone else wants cannot override God's plans
She went from serving something else to desiring Naomi's God, The true and living God; that's a mindset change. I remember an ex lover told me I was wrong, and he was right He said this so much that I questioned every idea I had, thinking I could never be right about this thought The pattern in my mind was so toxic that even after he left me, I convinced myself that I was wrong about everything. I had to uproot the lie and replace it with the truth before I could ever believe God's voice speaking to me
Ruth abandoned her ungodly thinking process
While you ' re disconnecting from old habits and establishing new habits. I'm finding ways to bless you! Says God
Naomi was projecting her fears off on Ruth, but Ruth decided to focus on what she felt in her heart.
Ruth 2: 10 11 She fell facedown, bowed to the ground, and said to him, “Why have I found favor with you, so that you notice me, although I am a foreigner?” Boaz answered her, “Everything you have done for your mother in law since your husband’s death has been fully reported to me: how you left your father and mother and your native land, and how you came to a people you didn’t previously know 12 May the Lord reward you for what you have done, and may you receive a full reward from the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge ”
Ruth abandoned her ungodly connections
For any goal to be met, action must be taken, decisions must be made and steps must be applied. CEO LaDeidre Maris

Perseverance may be defined as that continuous operation of the Holy Spirit in the believer, by which the work of divine grace that is begun in the heart, is continued and brought to completion. It is because God never forsakes His work that believers continue to stand to the very end.
02 Unlock Perserverance

Let's declare that: God will cause people to mention my name. He will impress upon their hearts to bless me.
Ruth entered into new land seeking to work She wasn't seeking marriage, attention, friends, good co-workers, or a handout. She wanted to go into the field. What field has God appointed you to?
Perseverance is persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. If you go back through the story in chapter one, Naomi has a very depressed and gloomy attitude about herself She's suffering severely and feels that God has abandoned her. Ruth on the other hand, is optimistic and she knows less about Naomi's God than Naomi does Shouldn't Naomi be the one to encourage Ruth and teach her about perseverance, I would think so, but God rearranged this story to show His spirit at work in the heart of Ruth He chose her to bring forth blessings upon the house, so he was thinking of Naomi too. Ruth decided I will choose to persevere even though you ' re being negative She never said these words but her behavior shows us a consistent move in faith. Ruth was ready to into the field, the area of interest God predestined for her She had no idea that one day she's own the entire field. A field has numerous definitions, but I chose one different from the passage in ruth One definition states, A field is a particular branch of study, sphere of activity, or interest. Ruth was called into her field by God and chosen for a particular area of interest She didn't complain or fight the process She willingly accepted God's will at that stage without knowing what door would open next She expected God to give her favor When we persevere, we should expect God to grant us favor because we are working and bringing honor to his name. In everything Ruth did, she was thinking of ways to keep progressing and transforming I am sure the adversary tried to remind her of her past, but she continued on the path set before her. God showed me how while Ruth was working, he placed her upon the heart of others People noticed her laboring and begin to ask questions about her.
Perserverance Ruth 2:2 Ruth the Moabitess asked Naomi, “Will you let me go into the fields and gather fallen grain behind someone with whom I find favor?”

PERSERVERANCE Once you have been set on the path God established... do not take your eyes off of the course Don't be pulled away to handle distractions. Don't be so quick to take advice from many people because they may be inaccurate concerning your dream but accurate regarding their own. For example David and goliath, Saul offered his excellent armor to David but it was of no use to David Saul's armour worked for him, however So it is with advice that not everything fits you CONSISTENCY Your follow through is vital on assignments Show how God can deliver through you. Many of us have excellent Kingdom traits that we implement for others, not ourselves. You reach goals quicker when you are consistent. RUTH IMPLEMENTED STRATEGIES I'm persistent and consistent in pursuing my goals.

Finding Ways to Bless You In your Field God will cause people to make mention of you and impress upon their hearts to bless you He will keep you busy doing his work while people in higher positions discuss you Those discussions open doors for you and launch you further within your destiny Field can be seen as your lane as well God has called you to your own lane, and when we are focused on our path before us, we don't have time to engage in conversations, activities, or distractions that take us away from purpose Proverbs 4:25-26 "Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure."

Save your emotional energy for the moments that are truly important and launch you toward your goal. CEO LaDeidre Maris

Unlock your creativity by using your imagination again! Our emotions can be intercepted by the adversary; as long as we are frustrated, anxious, or angry, we won't think creatively. We will be tired and consumed from fighting roadblocks. God gave us creative faith, which is our imagination.
03 Unlock Creativity

Creative faith worships. It is alive, dancing like the water above and knows only to respond to Heaven within you. Faith is the time zone in which God dwells. Through faith, we can access out of time and into the eternal. It is the bridge or passageway between Heaven and earth. We are often more crisis oriented than faith oriented meaning we are conformed toward a crisis mindset than a life of total dependence on God. We live to prevent crises, and faith is smothered out in this mindset because we are only focused on the now. God gave us faith to open the prison doors and freely access His glorious realm. With disbelief removed, we can freely enter God's presence and obtain the hidden treasures we need that helps us here on earth.
As we mentioned, many factors attempt to oppress our minds from seeing beyond this realm, but our children always see it. They live in their imagination, and they create from that place. I watch our 2 year old align objects, whether it's books, shoes, rings, letters, etc... He places them in order in a straight line as though he is teaching someone how to align objects. See his faith tell him, "You can do it," and so he does it without question. It becomes 2nd nature for Him. He knows the idea in his head and does what he sees. It's fascinating to watch.
Creative faith for your life teaches you that even though you cannot see it to leap into your dreams in the natural there is evidence to support that you will be caught once you leap.

I will keep my focus on God's love, God's call, God's help, God's approval, God's rewards because he won't disappoint me, fail or reject me
GET A HANDLE ON MY EMOTIONS There are a lot of things that can and must be overlooked. Differences, petty arguments, and personality adjustments must be ignored or placed to the side If someone is irritating you, don't spend much time on it because destiny is calling Don't miss the call for an emotion coming from someone else that will easily change 30 minutes from that moment. Don't allow criticism and rejection to grab you; those are emotions too Get a handle on the outer emotions trying to change your inner disposition
FOCUSED ON GOD Stay focused on God and the path before you Ruth had one agenda and one agenda only.... change my circumstances Those who allow these actions to deter them from their God given purpose in life are more concerned about a person ' s acceptance than about God's acceptance and love. IMPLEMENTED STRATEGIES

1. Seek First the Kingdom - Ruth Chapter One Set your goals according to the principle, “Seek ye first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you ” (Matt 6:33)
Resolve inevitable conflicts between “business” and “kingdom” interests through prayer and faith, according to the measure of faith imparted to you.
5. Focus on People Development Ruth Chapter Three Be committed to the development of your employees, partners, suppliers and customers, all as God’s children
3 Choose Partners Wisely - Ruth Chapter One Allow God to choose life and business partners who identify with your vision and mission objectives.
6. Pray Through Inevitable Tensions - Ruth Chapter Three and Four
A Kingdom Business is an enterprising entity that is subject to and operates under the governance, ordinances and principles of God.
7. Choose Kingdom Values- Ruth Chapter four If ever the conflict between kingdom commitments and business interests become unresolvable count the cost in advance and resolve to choose the kingdom.
2. Wait on God Ruth Chapter One Wait on God for guidance in a business ministry of His choice.
4. Honour God with Profits Ruth Chapter Two Plough back profits into both mission and business in the same way, under God’s guidance
"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." A Kingdom Business is an enterprising entity that is subject to and operates under God's governance, ordinances and principles. CEO LADEIDRE MARIS

and Next Steps If you need assistance with building your brand and business, We can help you launch into the next level. We provide author sessions and client development sessions. We help people succeed by doing what we had to do, Getting out of our own way by dealing with the issue that hinders forward movement If you'd like to sign up for a class please be sure to email us, text or call We are here for you www KingdomMarisMarriageMinistry com REGISTER NOW Conclusion

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