Understanding Applied Behaviour Analysis and Its Impact on Behaviour Support for Children

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Understanding Applied Behaviour Analysis and Its Impact on Behaviour Support for Children

ABA is a form of therapy that seeks to understand how behaviour works, how it is affected by the environment and the process of learning. It is applied in behaviour support for children where it can reinforce certain behaviours or reduce the tendencies for other behaviours. Using ABA, therapists are able to measure a child’s behaviour scientifically, understand its causes, and track behaviour changes over time. After understanding the behaviour patterns of a child, a therapist is able to support children's positive behaviour. ABA can be applied in increasing IQ and supporting positive behaviour in children with autism.

ABA and Autism Spectrum Disorder

According to research, ABA is an effective autism spectrum disorder treatment. Therapists use methods, such as speech therapy, psychology, and occupational therapy or a combination of these three to correct autistic behaviours and reinforce good behaviour. Over the years, researchers have shown how effective the treatment is when used to support children's positive behaviour for autistic children. According to a report released in 2007 by the American Academy of Paediatrics, the use of ABA for behaviour support for children with autism is well documented. The report states that an intense behavioural treatment administered early increases the children’s IQ and improves language, social behaviour, adaptive behaviour, and academic performance. In another review published by the MIND Institute, the use of ABA to support children's positive behaviour is wellestablished. The researchers note from the review of several research papers, ABA is effective in improving the intellectual performance of children with ASD. A review of psycho-educational measures for autistic children published in 2009 found ABA to be well-established and effective in behaviour support for children with autism. However, the treatment has to be intense and be carried out by experienced therapists. In 2009, another report was published as an analysis of 13 reports on ABA published between 1987 and 2007. This report included descriptive analysis, meta-analysis, and effect size analysis of Early Intense Behavioural Intervention (EIBI). EIBI is a form of ABA treatment that uses the Lovaas technique to support children's positive behaviour. The report concluded that EIBI is generally effective in enhancing IQ and expressive and receptive language and in support for children’s behaviour.

However, according to the review, there are no published comparisons between EIBI and other similar treatment programs. Another report published the same year concluded that EIBI has a significant effect on autistic children’s intelligence, but a moderate effect on adaptive behaviour. Vanderbilt University partnered with Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to release a review of ABA-related literature and related therapies for autistic children. According to the researchers, both UCLA/Lovaas Method and Early Start Denver Model show great effects on cognitive performance, adaptive behaviour, and language skills.

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