The passage of time and human emotions
Contents Why ? Idea Way What did I do The final proposal Business use What am I doing now
Why ?
I think it was an accident. It has been two a
but I feel that this time has passed very qu
fleeting time. Think of something that can re idea: Is it possible to make people feel like
same time. So I tried to do it by means of vid
The same place experiences different t
experience countless people and countles
there, but cannot feel how different times
this routine and allow people to use the "sh place at the same time.
and a half years since the outbreak began,
uickly. I look out the window and blink the
epresent this feeling. So I came up with this they are in different places or times at the
times, countless days and nights, it can
ss weathers. But human beings can only go
s give us at the same time. I want to break
hadow" to feel the day and night in the same
Sketch of idea
What did I do
CCV text
Touchdesigner feedback screen
Screenshot of touchdesigner running
Screenshot of t
the experiment
final image
The final proposal
The final decision on the pavilion a
and the short-throw projector used
Business use
public transport station
shop glass
What am I doing now
Interesting loc
cation in Seoul
Thank you