Happy Easter from St Barnabas Bromborough We are your local parish church.
Come and join us this Easter. Free Easter egg hunt.
He is risen – Alleluia!
A letter from Revd. Jenny Gillies
This Easter, we look forward to welcoming you into St Barnabas, your local church. We are a church that has new life and new hope. It is a good place to be. I hope that you will join with me in filling our church so that can experience together the joy of being a community. We have arranged lots of different activities which are aimed at all ages and are suitable for different types of people. We look forward to welcoming many of you to our Palm Sunday parade service and our Easter day service, both of which are aimed at all ages. If you prefer quieter things we have the Good Friday meditation and the First Communion of Easter (see opposite for details). On Easter day Christians celebrate Jesus coming back to life after being killed by crucifixion on the cross. It is the most important Christian festival, and the one celebrated with the greatest joy. That is because his death and ‘resurrection’ is at the centre of our faith. It is an amazing story but I live every day knowing that it is not just a fairy tale. Jesus is alive and when we put our faith and trust in him we can experience a greater peace and know the promise of life with him always. That is a hope that the world cannot give. Do come and join us for worship, for the Easter egg hunt or for a cup of tea in the centre café. I very much hope to see you. Meanwhile, may God bless you and those whom you love, this Easter and always, Jenny
Easter 2015 Services & Activities Sunday 29th March:
Tuesday 31st March:
Wednesday 1st April:
8:00am Holy Communion
7:00pm TaizĂŠ Service
10:00am Bible Study & Holy Communion 7:00pm Holy Communion
Thursday 2nd April:
Firday 3rd April:
Saturday 4th April:
7:00pm Passover Meal & Service
10:00am Messy Church
3:00pm Easter Egg Hunt - see below for details.
Sunday 5th April:
Sunday 5th April:
Sunday 5th April:
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday
8:00am Holy Communion
From 9:00am Easter Breakfast
10:30am Holy Communion
10:30am Holy Communion
1:15pm Meditation
free EASTER EGG HUNT on Saturday 4th April. All children are welcome (with an adult) to hunt down the bounty of chocolate eggs!
Regular Services & Activities:
Morning prayer is said at 9am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Sundays 10:30am Holy Communion 8.00 am (Sunday Club age 5-11) Holy Communion (4th Sunday, Baptism) Traditional (said) 6:30pm 4.00 pm United Service Messy Church (4th Sunday at a church in Bromborough 2nd Sunday each month or Eastham) Wednesdays
Messy Church
10.00am Bible Talk and Holy Communion
For adults and children together. 2nd Sunday each month.
7.00pm Holy Communion Traditional (said)
4.00—5.30 pm See noticeboard or website for details or phone the Parish Office on 0151 334 4155
The Church is normally open to visitors 12 noon -2.00 pm staffed by Volunteers, alternate Mondays and Wednesdays and every Tuesday. The Parish Office is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.00 am - 12.30 pm and is situated in the St. Barnabas Village Centre. Enquiries about Baptism, Weddings or any pastoral matters should be made to the Parish Office together with enquiries about hire of the St Barnabas Village Centre and Church Institute. Tel: 0151 334 4155 or email: ros.wood@stbarnabasbromborough.org.uk
The Centre is open weekdays 10.00 am-2.00 pm, Sat 10.00 am12 noon. (also Tel: 0151 334 5185 for Village Centre & 334 7082 for Scout HQ Hire)