AT A G LAN C E 2 019 w w w. t r i -c . e d u
C OLLEG E L E AD E R SH IP Board of Trustees Andrew E. Randall, Chair
J. David Heller
The Rev. Cory C. Jenkins, Vice Chair
Jerry L. Kelsheimer
Helen Forbes Fields
Geralyn M. Presti
Ann M. Frangos
Victor A. Ruiz
Alex Johnson, Ph.D.
President Cuyahoga Community College
Karen Miller, Ph.D.
Phoebe Lee
Provost and Executive Vice President Access, Learning and Success
David Kuntz, CPA
Executive Vice President/Treasurer Administration and Finance
William H. Gary Sr.
Donna Imhoff, Ph.D.
Terri Pope, Ph.D.
Michael Schoop, Ph.D.
Lisa N. Williams, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President Workforce, Community and Economic Development President Western Campus President Westshore Campus President Metropolitan Campus President Eastern Campus
Dear Friends, Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®), Ohio’s first community college, opened in September 1963. Since then more than 900,000 individuals have attended Tri-C. Offering credit and noncredit courses and certificate programs in most career fields, the College prepares students to prosper in the new global economy. Tri-C empowers students to complete their education in a timely manner. With the adoption of an intentional case management approach to student success, the College provides students with nine clear pathways to degree and certificate completion. This approach guides students toward meaningful careers or to four-year universities. The College’s strategic plan guides our efforts toward the fulfillment of five key priorities: provide a comprehensive student experience within 1. Toa welcoming and safe learning environment. increase communication and engagement with our 2. Tointernal and external community by promoting a culture of transparency, accountability and inclusion. on our external partnerships with the community 3. To— build including alumni, employees, educational institutions, organizations and governments — to meet student needs and improve the quality of life throughout the region. o strengthen internal pathways and ensure that programs, 4. Tdegrees and credentials align with employer needs so that residents are prepared to participate in the skilled workforce and growing economy of Northeast Ohio. maintain our longstanding commitment to providing 5. Toaffordable educational opportunities and services, removing barriers to educational access, exercising good stewardship of taxpayer resources and ensuring institutional integrity. More than 85% of our graduates live and work in the region. Tri-C is an asset to the community it serves and has touched countless lives in significant ways. In Northeast Ohio, Cuyahoga Community College remains the place where futures begin.
Alex Johnson, Ph.D. President Cuyahoga Community College 2
CUYAHOGA COMM U NI T Y C OL L E GE Founded in 1963 as Ohio’s first and largest community college, Tri-C has provided high-quality, affordable education and programs to more than 900,000 community members. More than 1,000 credit courses are offered each semester in more than 200 career and technical programs. Tri-C also grants short-term certificates, certificates of proficiency and post-degree professional certificates. More than 600 noncredit workforce and professional development courses are offered each year. Tri-C serves students at four campuses and at numerous off-campus sites strategically located throughout the county.
In 2017, Cuyahoga Community College won its first national Bellwether Award for its workforce development programs. The honor recognizes College job-training initiatives designed to produce graduates in high-demand fields.
• Four campuses and numerous off-site locations • Many courses available online • Tri-C serves more than 50,000 credit and noncredit students annually and offers day, evening and weekend classes.
In February 2019, Cuyahoga Community College earned Achieving the Dream “Leader College of Distinction” status for achieving higher student outcomes and narrowing equity gaps. Tri-C is one of only 11 community colleges across the nation to receive the award, which recognizes colleges that excel while striving to meet challenging student success goals.
B Y TH E N U MB E R S Tri-C ranks first in the number of associate degrees conferred in: • Registered nursing • Nursing administration • Nursing research and/or clinical nursing • Health professions and related programs Tri-C offers more than 30 health career programs leading to associate degrees or certificates. Tri-C offers associate of arts and associate of science transfer degrees, as well as occupational career programs in: • Humanities and communications • Science and mathematics • Social and behavioral sciences • Agriculture and natural resources • Business • Engineering • Public services • Information technology
Tri-C ranks in the top 30 in total number of associate degrees awarded Tri-C ranks 6th among all colleges in the nation, and No. 1 in Ohio, in awarding associate degrees in nursing.
Tri-C ranks 12th in the nation and No. 1 in Ohio in awarding degrees in all other health-related professions. Tri-C ranks 23rd in the nation, and No. 1 in Ohio, in awarding associate degrees to African Americans. Tri-C ranks No. 1 in the state of Ohio in police testing scores, averaging 93%. Tri-C maintains more than 35 state and national program accreditations and licenses.
Source: Community College Week Top 100, 2016 Issue 5
MORE THAN 3,500 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN CLASSES for Spring 2018, a 17% increase from Spring 2017.
STUDENTS RANGE IN AGE FROM 15-75+ 59% are under 25; 14% are 40+
40% AR E MAL E
40% A RE F ROM MI NO R ITY G ROUP S : 26% Black 3% Asian 7% Hispanic 0.3% Native American
students from more than
TR I -C STU D E N T S Cuyahoga Community College serves more than 50,000 credit and noncredit students annually. • 70% are enrolled part time • 33% are enrolled in evening or weekend classes • 95% are seeking an associate degree or taking courses to transfer to a four-year institution • 27% are focusing in areas related to health careers • 61% are enrolled in technical job training courses • 15% are enrolled in business programs • 25% are from outside the region
The average student takes 8.4 credits per semester.
MORE THAN 700 VETERANS enrolled in classes at Tri-C in Fall 2017 and Spring 2018.
MORE THAN 11,000 TRI-C STUDENTS have benefited from more than $11.8 million in scholarships in the last five years.
of Tri-C graduates from career programs find employment, and 83% of those jobs are related to their field of study.
C O MM U N IT Y 88% of Cuyahoga County residents surveyed said that Tri-C offers a high-quality education at an affordable price.* 91% of Tri-C graduates surveyed said they would recommend the College to someone seeking the same kind of program they studied.* Seven million visitors from nearly every nation in the world visit the College website annually. 219% increase in workforce certificates awarded from 2016-2017. Tri-C is one of the national locations offering the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program. To date, Tri-C has trained more than 15,000 student apprentices in cooperation with 17 Northeast Ohio Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee partners. The Tri-C Foundation’s Presidential Scholarship Luncheon is one of Northeast Ohio’s premier events, drawing internationally recognized speakers and raising more than $1 million annually for scholarships. *
Community Attitude Surveys conducted by TRIAD Research Group (2014, 2015)
MOR E THAN 50 0 ,0 0 0 residents attend Tri-C sponsored cultural and community programs each year.
EC ON O MIC S The combined annual impact of Tri-C operations and Tri-C student/alumni increased earnings contributed $1.7 billion to Cuyahoga County. Tri-C’s impact represents 1.8% of the county’s total economic activity.
FY19 General Fund Operating Revenue Total = $228,800,000
Property Taxes/Levies $105,800,00 Student Fees $56,600,000 State Share of Instruction $64,900,000 Interest and Other $1,500,000
25% 46% 28%
TR I -C’S N AT IO N AL LY R E C OG N IZE D C E N T E R S O F EX C ELL E N C E Six marquee programs at Tri-C successfully feed job growth in Northeast Ohio. Tri-C’s Centers of Excellence address key areas for future job growth: • Offer innovative educational programs
• Enroll a large number of students year after year
• Provide a broad regional impact
• Demonstrate high success rates
• Use state-of-the-art facilities
• Supply skilled workers for local employers
Advanced Technology Training Center 3409 Woodland Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Hospitality Management Center at Public Square 180 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Brunswick University Center 3605 Center Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212
Jerry Sue Thornton Center 2500 E. 22nd St. Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Corporate College® East 4400 Richmond Road Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128
Manufacturing Technology Center 2415 Woodland Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Corporate College® West 25425 Center Ridge Road Westlake, Ohio 44145
Metropolitan Campus 2900 Community College Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44115
District Administrative Offices 700 Carnegie Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Transportation Innovation Center 24881 Rockwell Drive Euclid, Ohio 44117
Eastern Campus 4250 Richmond Road Highland Hills, Ohio 44122
Western Campus 11000 Pleasant Valley Road Parma, Ohio 44130
Gill and Tommy LiPuma Center for Creative Arts 2809 Woodland Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Westshore Campus 31001 Clemens Road Westlake, Ohio 44145
tri-c.edu 216-987-6000