Advisory Committee Guidelines

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Advisory Committee Guidelines

Table of Contents President’s Message




College Overview


Mission of the College


Advisory Committee Organization


Advisory Committee Operation


Outstanding Advisory Committee of the Year College Leadership Campus Centers & Locations

2 CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE | College Advisory Committee Guidelines

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A Message from the President I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment to Cuyahoga Community College through your participation in one of our advisory committees. Without the contributions of supporters like you, our mission to provide high-quality, accessible and affordable educational opportunities that improve our community would not be possible. Our advisory committee members’ involvement with our students, faculty and staff is vital to the success of our programs. By having close ties with business, industry and labor we are able to ensure that our curriculum remains industry driven, community informed, and mutually beneficial, resulting in career success for our students. Volunteer participation in our advisory committees provides the College with sound advice on industry expectations and first-hand knowledge of changing market and employer conditions. These Advisory Committee Guidelines provide guidance on being an advisory committee member as well as background information on the College. It

is our hope that this handbook will assist you in better understanding your role at the College. Your involvement helps assure that each student who enters Cuyahoga Community College receives a quality education, with the expertise and essential job readiness skills to be successful. Thank you again for your commitment to Cuyahoga Community College. I look forward to our continued collaboration. Sincerely,

Alex Johnson, Ph.D. President


Congratulations! If you’re reading this, you are likely a member of a Cuyahoga Community College program advisory committee. And because you are, you have the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to our Northeast Ohio community. I’ve been actively involved in several Tri-C advisory committees for more than a decade, both as a member and, in some years, as a chairperson. I’m also the President of Partners, an environmental, safety, engineering and surveying firm located in Solon, Ohio, with offices in Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York. So, why would I choose to take what little is left of my free time and invest it at Tri-C? In a very real sense, my company’s success (and yours) depends on it. Let me explain. Like all industries and organizations in the Cleveland area, I need qualified, well-prepared employees to make my business run efficiently. Sure, I can cross my fingers and hope that the right candidates show up to interview for my available positions. Or, I can actively engage in shaping the programs that educate and train some of those potential employees. That’s what an advisory committee is all about. Over the years, Tri-C advisory committees have been my vehicle for letting the College know what my industry’s needs are - and Tri-C has responded. For instance, an intensive exploration session involving the Environmental, Health and Safety Technology program advisory committee led to the formalization of that program’s outcomes (specific statements about what the EHST students should be able to do when they graduate). In 2006, the advisory committee was instrumental in helping to develop the program’s Strategic Plan, and in 2007 the curriculum was updated, significantly based on suggestions by its advisory committee (which I chaired at the time). Currently, the EHST program manager, the faculty

and the advisory committee are reviewing how EHST courses can align even better with professional certifications that are recognized in the EHS field. Graduates who come to me with a broad portfolio of relevant certifications save my company substantial training costs, both in dollars and time. The bottom line? I’ve hired both interns and full-time employees who were students in the EHST program, and I’ve sent my employees to Tri-C for professional development and academic studies on many occasions. More importantly, I’ve seen that Tri-C students are effectively prepared to be productive employees and residents in Northeast Ohio because the advisory committees ensure that Tri-C is aligned with industry and organization needs. Further, this use of my time is something I can be proud of and receive great personal satisfaction from because I know my time is valued and my input is utilized in the advisory committee process at Tri-C. Again, congratulations if you are an advisory committee member. Take full advantage of the opportunity to guide, promote and improve the program with which you are involved. And if you aren’t yet a member – why not?

Dan B. Brown, CPG, CP President Partners Corporate Office, 31100 Solon Road, Suite G, Solon, OH 44139 Phone 440-248-6005 Fax 440-248-6374

4 CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE | College Advisory Committee Guidelines

College Overview Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®) opened in 1963 as Ohio’s first community college and remains Ohio’s oldest and largest public community college. FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARS, Tri-C has provided high-quality, affordable education and programs to more than 900,000 members of our community. TUITION AT TRI-C IS THE LOWEST in Northeast Ohio and among the lowest of all colleges in the state of Ohio. EACH SEMESTER, TRI-C OFFERS MORE THAN 1,000 credit courses in more than 200 career and technical programs and liberal arts curricula. Tri-C also grants short-term certificates, certificates of proficiency and post-degree professional certificates. MORE THAN 600 noncredit workforce and professional development courses are offered each year. THE COLLEGE SERVES MORE THAN 55,000 credit and noncredit students annually and offers day, evening and weekend classes as well as classes via television, the internet and independent learning. Tri-C’s campuses in Parma, Highland Hills, Westlake and downtown Cleveland, and its Corporate College® locations in Warrensville Heights and Westlake, provide state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. The College also opened a Hospitality Management Center on Public Square in downtown Cleveland in 2010 and the Brunswick University Center in 2011.

Tri-C offers more than 30 health career programs leading to associate degrees or certificates.

The Cuyahoga Community College District Board of Trustees consists of nine trustees who, in collaboration with the College President, fulfill the goals set forth in the College Mission Statement. The College President also serves as secretary to the Board. The Board has the authority to act as the governing body in all policy matters of the College requiring attention or action. Only the nine trustees have voting power. Appointments to the Board are made by the Governor (three) and by the Cuyahoga County Council (six) for five-year terms, or the remainder of vacated terms. Tri-C is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission to award Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Business, Associate of Applied Science and Associate of Technical Study degrees. Many of the College’s programs are approved or certified by specialized associations or organizations. The College is a member of the League for Innovation in the Community College, an international organization committed to improving community colleges through innovation, experimentation and institutional transformation. The College President and Board have committed to continuous improvement throughout all operations and systems. The College has chosen to participate in the Open Pathway to maintain accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission.


Cuyahoga Community College Mission


To provide high-quality, accessible and affordable educational opportunities and services — including university transfer, technical and lifelong learning programs — that promote individual development and improve the overall quality of life in a multicultural community.

Cuyahoga Community College is fortunate to have a true mosaic of people who contribute daily to create a dynamic and rewarding learning and working environment. Tri-C stands with the belief that diversity enriches not only the institution, but society as a whole. The College is therefore committed to appreciating diverse perspectives and valuing the collective differences and similarities that make Tri-C a leading community organization.

Vision Cuyahoga Community College will be recognized as an exemplary teaching and learning community that fosters service and student success. The College will be a valued resource and leader in academic quality, cultural enrichment and economic development characterized by continuous improvement, innovation and community responsiveness.

Values To successfully fulfill the mission and vision, Cuyahoga Community College is consciously committed to diversity, integrity, academic excellence and achievement of individual and institutional goals. We are dedicated to building trust, respect and confidence among our colleagues, students and the community.

Access Learning and Success 3354:1-30-01 Policy on developing and delivering high-quality and relevant learning opportunities and services. (excerpt) (C) The College shall develop and maintain an advisory committee for each technical and career educational program offered.

91% of Tri-C graduates surveyed said they would recommend the College to someone seeking the same kind of program they studied.

6 CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE | College Advisory Committee Guidelines

Advisory Committee Organization Role of Advisory Committees An advisory committee is a group of people who collectively advise an institution regarding its educational efforts. Members are selected for their specialized knowledge as well as their civic-mindedness and interest. Advisory committees for college occupational programs are required by the Ohio Department of Education. At Cuyahoga Community College, advisory committees may also be established for special purposes (e.g., the apprenticeship program advisory committee). The advisory committee’s role is purely advisory in nature — not administrative or policy-making. The committee’s function is to advise and assist in program planning, development and implementation. Advisory committees are important to the establishment and maintenance of up-to-date educational programs. Changes in technology, business, industry and government have increased the need for effective communication between education and the world of work.

Functions Advisory committees will perform the following functions. ASSESSING OCCUPATIONAL NEEDS: The advisory committee helps keep the College informed about new and ongoing occupational needs of the profession. RECOMMENDING CURRICULUM UPDATES AND ADDITIONS: The advisory committee makes recommendations to the College regarding the courses needed to keep the program current and relevant. It also provides public review of and input on the program handbook where applicable. PLANNING FOR FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: The advisory committee makes recommendations on program facilities, equipment and supplies. The committee also promotes and assists with the donation and sourcing of equipment, supplies and materials. EVALUATING PROGRAMS: The advisory committee reviews the technical curriculum, suggests program or equipment changes and provides feedback on the performance of program graduates. The advisory committee is an integral contributor to the College’s program review and planning process. RECRUITING AND PLACING STUDENTS: The advisory committee promotes recruitment of students by making current information about job requirements and occupational opportunities available to prospective graduates. It also assists in placing students in clinical, practicum or cooperative work experience situations and graduates in full- and part-time positions. PROVIDING FACULTY EXTERNSHIPS: Advisory committee members may offer externship opportunities for program faculty. These opportunities provide up-to-date knowledge and practical skill application within the field.

Tri-C serves more than 55,000 credit and non-credit students annually, 62% are enrolled in technical job training courses.

FOSTERING COMMUNITY RELATIONS: The advisory committee serves as a link with the community. It helps promote public support of the College and its programs by fostering a favorable public image. Members are encouraged to speak to civic and business groups and to make presentations about the College and its programs at public hearings. PROMOTING FIELD TRIPS: The advisory committee assists in arranging field trips to appropriate facilities and sites in businesses, industries and other related organizations. PROVIDING SPEAKERS: Advisory committee members volunteer to be or help to find qualified speakers to address classes, conferences and seminars. SERVING AS LIAISON: The advisory committee often serves as a liaison to organizations in the private and public sectors. PARTICIPATING IN COLLEGE ACTIVITIES: Advisory committee members can take part in such College activities as career days and cultural events.


Membership Qualifications The following are four essential criteria for selecting individuals for membership on Cuyahoga Community College advisory committees. EXPERTISE: Members shall have successful firsthand experience and/or appropriate credentials in the career area served, meriting the respect and confidence of their associates and peers. AVAILABILITY: Members shall be available for meetings and activities taking place several times during the year. RESPONSIBILITY: Members shall possess a strong sense of public duty and civic-mindedness, exhibiting an exemplary professional image and standing in the community. INTEREST: Members shall be enthusiastically committed to their field and to the College program they serve. Tri-C’s Veterinary Technology program is located on our Western Campus.

Composition Although accreditation requirements may dictate composition parameters, committee members should represent a broad cross-section of employers, employees and relevant community groups. Alumni and student representation is highly recommended. Efforts should be made to include members representative of the geographic and demographic diversity of Cuyahoga County. Representation should also be balanced so that the program’s specific resource needs may be effectively addressed.

Effective committees typically have eight to fifteen members; however, the committee may be larger, particularly at its inception. Full-time College employee representation should not exceed 20% of committee membership. Additional faculty and staff members will serve as ex-officio members.

Membership Recommendation The recommendation of candidates for advisory committee membership resides mainly with the program manager/ coordinator who has leadership responsibility for the program. Candidates may also be recommended by committee members or by any other member of the College community. The advisory committee administrator should make initial contact with each candidate as to their interest, availability and willingness to serve. Advisory committee membership recommendations are approved by the executive vice president or their designee.

Tri-C ranks 6th among all colleges in the nation, and No. 1 in Ohio, in awarding associate degrees in nursing.

8 CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE | College Advisory Committee Guidelines

Term of Membership Cuyahoga Community College appoints members to a three-year term. Provisions should be made for staggering replacements so that there will always be experienced members serving on the committee. Although committees should not be self-perpetuating, circumstances may dictate that certain key members be recommended for multiple terms. Committee members serve at the will of the College; the EVP or designee may terminate their membership at any time.

Member Responsibility Each member is expected to attend meetings, participate in committee discussions, contribute relevant input and serve on subcommittees as requested. Each member must also respect the confidentiality of committee deliberations and show discretion in discussing official matters outside the committee.

More than 8,500 Tri-C students have benefited from more than $7 million in scholarships in the last five years.

Officers Advisory committees elect community members to serve as chairperson and vice chairperson. The College appoints an advisory committee administrator, who is typically the program manager or coordinator. CHAIRPERSON The chairperson presides at meetings, works closely with College officials, calls meetings, plans agendas and appoints subcommittees in coordination with the advisory committee administrator. VICE CHAIRPERSON A vice chairperson is elected to serve in the absence of the chairperson. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ADMINISTRATOR The administrator provides all the necessary staff work for the committee, including keeping and distributing minutes of all meetings, maintaining records, preparing necessary correspondence and working with the chairperson on all relevant committee matters.

Advisory Committee Operation Meetings The number of meetings held each year is dependent on the specific situation and need. At least two meetings are required, with one meeting each semester recommended.

Agendas A written agenda shall be distributed in advance of each meeting and should be prepared by the chairperson of the committee and the advisory committee administrator. In addition to such routine items as reviewing and approving the minutes of previous meetings, an agenda may include discussions about the activities of other programs, new courses, curriculum revision, job opportunities for graduates, remediation and other related subjects.

Meeting Minutes The following persons should receive meeting minutes within 15 business days of the meeting: • Committee members • Program faculty • Appropriate associate dean(s), dean(s) or College administrator(s)

Committee Recommendations Advisory committees shall be apprised of all actions taken by the College as a result of their efforts. If the College decides not to implement a committee recommendation, the committee shall be so informed via the advisory committee administrator.

Yearly Planning and Outcomes Each advisory committee must develop yearlong goals and submit annual reports by June 30 to include: • Yearly outcomes • Curriculum recommendations • Plans for upcoming year


Outstanding Advisory Committee of the Year Year Obtained

Advisory Committee Honorees


Nursing Education


Paralegal Studies

1995 and 1996

Respiratory Care Technology


Early Childhood Education


Veterinary Technology


Mortgage Finance


Small Business


Early Childhood Education


Hospitality Management


Construction Apprenticeship Training


Plant Science and Landscape Technology


Industrial Distribution




Environmental, Health and Safety Technology


Physician Assistant


Electroneurodiagnostic Technology


Medical Laboratory Technology


Captioning and Court Reporting




Respiratory Care


Registered Nursing


Nuclear Medicine


Sport and Exercise Studies


Dental Hygiene


Dietetic Technology

10 CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE | College Advisory Committee Guidelines




Alex Johnson, Ph.D. Karen Miller, Ph.D.

David Kuntz, CPA William H. Gary Sr. Donna Imhoff, Ph.D. Terri Pope, Ph.D. Michael Schoop, Ph.D. Lisa N. Williams, Ph.D.

President, Cuyahoga Community College Provost and Executive Vice President, Access, Learning and Success Executive Vice President/ Treasurer Administration and Finance Executive Vice President, Workforce, Community and Economic Development President/VP, Western Campus President/VP, Westshore Campus President/VP, Metropolitan Campus President/VP, Eastern Campus

Tri-C’s Automotive Technology program is located on our Western Campus.


Campus Center and Locations Advanced Technology Training Center 3409 Woodland Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Jerry Sue Thornton Center 2500 East 22nd St. Cleveland, Ohio 44115

District Administrative Offices 700 Carnegie Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Manufacturing Technology Center 2415 Woodland Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Eastern Campus 4250 Richmond Road Highland Hills, Ohio 44122

Western Campus 11000 Pleasant Valley Road Parma, Ohio 44130

Hospitality Management Center at Public Square 180 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44114

Westshore Campus 31001 Clemens Road Westlake, Ohio 44145 216-987-6000


Metropolitan Campus Brunswick University Center 2900 Community College Ave. 3605 Center Road Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Brunswick, Ohio 44212 Gill and Tommy LiPuma Corporate College® East Center for Creative Arts 4400 Richmond Road 2809 Woodland Ave. Warrensville Heights, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Ohio 44128 Truck Driving Academy Corporate College® West Heritage Business Park 25425 Center Ridge Road 23555 Euclid Ave., Suite 105 Westlake, Ohio 44145 Euclid, Ohio 44117

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