1971-1972 Images Yearbook

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Community College: Learning and Teaching, Serving the Community

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Athletics, Drama, Opinions, Community Service, Stu

dents and Administrators

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Charles E. Chapman President

TO THE CLASS OF 1972: You have completed your studies at Cuyahoga Community College and now will take divergent paths in a world that is constantly and rapidly changing. You will have a hand in that change, for each of us, in different ways, feels a need to change things for the better. As students here, you have had experience with change --a curriculum that has undergone change, changes in educational materials and, perhaps, a change in your attitudes, intere sts and the way you view the world. This experience with change has, in itself, been a part of your education not listed in any college catalogue or class schedule booklet. Some of you have been prepared for a field of occupational endeavor. Some of you will transfer to senior institutions to further your educations. All of you leave the College better prepared to assume meaningful roles as individuals, and to make important contributions to the betterment of tomorrow's world. We - - the Board of Trustees, the faculty and staff - - are proud of you. You take with you our very best wishes . Charles E. Chapman President

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Dr. Donald Smith Metropolitan Campus President

Major Harris Dean of Student Services

Dr. George Traicoff Dean of Community Services


Dr. David Stevenson Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Fred C. Sutton Dean of Business and Sciences

(BOTTOM) Marcia Smith, Rita Friedman, Joyce Napoly, Rosalind Scott. (STANDING) TOP: Charles Roth, Donald Jordan, Ernestine Townsend, Klaus Williams, Dr. Smith.

STANDING: (TOP) Alan Hauptman, Bernan Johnson, Norman Grosse, Dr. Smith. SITTING: (BOTTOM) Joseph Outlaw, Ursula Rosoy, Brenda Smedley .

Annually, over one thousand colleges and universities across the nation recognize the outstanding juniors and seniors on their campus by recommending them as candidates for selection to Who's Who Among Students. The organization was founded in 1934 to honor students of high scholarship, leadership, citizenship, and those who held a promise of future accomplishment. It is a HO privilege to congratulate: .........,~'--'"'-'-'-""-"'->


TOP AWARD WINNERS (L TO R) Thomas Roberts, Man-of-the- Year runner-up; Jessica Harwell, Womenof-the- Year; Klaus Williams, Man-of-the- Year; Wilbert Nichols, Advisor-of-the- Ye ar; Rosalind Scott, Woman-of-the - Year runner-up; and Alfred Howard, Man-of-the- Year runner-up.




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WINNERS OF INDIVIDUAL JOURNALISMAWARDS ARE (L TO R) Roland Forte and Klaus Williams for most Outstanding Story, William Roberson for Outstanding contributor.

WINNERS OF SAMUEL E. CORNISH AND JOHN B. RUSSWURN A WARD ARE (L TO R) Talut Ameer, Jonathan Robinson, Booker Tall (Chairman, Department of Black Affairs), Klaus Williams and Ulysses Glen (Journalism Instructor).

Prelude ... . ....... .... ...... . .. . ... ... Miss Vickie Crawford, Organist Processional ..... . .... .. . ... . . .. . .... ... .... .. CCC Metro Stage Band Mr. Fred Jenkins, Directing Welcome ... .. .. .. ..... . .... . ....... ... .... . ....... Mr. Carl J. Carter Student Government Executive Board Invocation . . .. .. . . .. . .... .... .... . .. ... .... ... Father Gordon Yahner Director of Newman Campus Ministry Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Introduction of Guest Spearker .... . . .. ...... ... ... Dr. Donald H. Smith Campus President Commencement Address

.. . . . ... .. .. .... .. . . ... . . . . Dr. William Smith Associate Commissioner, Office of Education U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare

Approval of Graduates .... ... .... .. . .... . Metropolitan Campus Facul ty Presentation of Honor Graduates ... . ... . . ... . .. .. . Dr. Donald H. Smith Presentation of Candidates for Graduation . .. . . . . ... Dr. Donald H. Smith Awarding of Degrees . ..... .. . . ... .... .... . . . . Dr. H. Andrew Johnson III Chairman, Board of Trustees Benediction

Rev. Bennie Mosley, Jr. Fidelity Baptist Church


cce Metro Stage Band

Postlude .. ..... . .. .. .. . ... .. ..... . .. . . Miss Vickie Crawford, Organist Marshals . ..... . . . .. .. .. Mr. John Lawson, Mr. Edmund Ulrich, Faculty


Dr. Chapman


Dr. Smith Presents Candidates of Graduation

4.0 Gradua tes Robert Balla and Joseph Outlaw r::<D f1 1\T T f1 rr'T {\l\.T /')~



Graduating Class of 1972 ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE DEGREE Richard A. Ade Evelyn M. Aikens Clifford M. Ainsworth Christine Akins Zoraida M. Aldoy Bernice A le xander Daisy Alexander Jessica Ale xander Carla J. Amato Victor C. Ament Mona K. Anthony Joan S. Appelbaum Rosalind App le Steve R. Ardito *Robert E. Armstrong David Arrington Robert F. Arth Geneva M. Averyheart *Carolyn M. Baach Carol Babinyecz Brenda J. Bailey Linda S. Baran Deborah A. Barlow Margaret R. Barron *J ohn A. Bates Shelton Beasley, Jr. William E. Beck Richard A. Bellante Robert A . Bellas Charles A. Bender *Marian T. Benkowski Fela Berkman Joseph B. Binic Maureen E. Bixler *Robert B. Bliss *Thomas M. Bocian A lva D. Booker Dennis A. Bornancin John M. Boros Peter M. Brennan Lewis H. Bronson Mary A. Bucaro James E. Bucceri Sue E. Bucklan Milan Bulat Martha J. Burmeister Alice G. Burns Thomas J . Busher Marlene A . Cackowski Gloria 1. Caldwell Judith E. Calhoun Janet L. Camp Hester L. Carroll Irene Cash Lucy A . Chan *Robert C. Chokan *Shirley J. Clemons Shirley Cockran Ralph A. Coker Jean Coles Doreen A. Cooke Sharon S. Craig Anita L. Cramer John R. Crane Mary A. Crawford

Dale A. Crockett Clark A . Crosley Kenneth George Cross * Chris A . Cunningham Lillie A . Cunningham Priscilla Cunningham Susan C. Dabrowski Jack S. D alesandro Anita M. Dancy Linda L. Davis Nancy J. Davis Rachael M. Davis Elizabeth A . Davlin Celeste M. Decorpo James L. Disanto Carol A . Dobbs Glenn T. Dobos Linda Dosante Frances Dorsey Michael T. Dugan Mary A . Durning Helen E. Duszik Kathleen A . Ebert Edith A. Edwards Majorie E. Edwards Dennis B. Egut Shirley A . Einbund Shirley J. Elias *Sandra J. Elliott Josephine Ellis Burton E. Emig *Janice A. Emling Daniel O. Engel Brenda C. Evans Janet L. Farr Mae R. Felder Raymond A . Feruski Eugene Fields Margaret A. Finegan Michelino Fioritto Renee S. Fleischer Henry E. Ford Debra D. Foster Steven A . Fox Ophelia R. Foy *Susan J. Fratcher Joy G. Friedland Kenneth J. Frinzl Terrence G. Gallagher Andrew D. Galo, Jr. Karen M. Garbo Ke nneth A. Garner Delores Gay David L. Gedeon Katherine L. George Christine R. Gerling Gregory J. Gettens Lonnie L. Gibbens Barbara A. Glenn Cecilia M. Goins Marlene Goldstein Ann M. Gonzalez William Goodson, Jr. Edward A . Graham Michael P. Gray

Carol A . Green Je anne M. Greene Cheryl L. Grittner Barbara K. Grochowski John E. Gromek *Norman E. Grosse Vito D. Gruttadauria James N. Haber Deborah A . Hall John L. Hall, Jr. Mary K. Haluszka Mearl H. Hammond Marilyn J. Hanan Joan Harris Karen L. Harris Susan E. Harris Martin R. Hartsel *Jan et L. Hasselo *Alan S. Hauptman Mary L. Hayek William S. Hekking A llen A. Helms *Sim L. Henderson Dorothy J. Herd Gary G. Herman William H. Herrmann Michele E. Herzig Judith A. Higey Rachel Hill James J. Hoban Sharon A . Holland Emily J. Honaker Ray C. Horne Veronica A. Horvath *Mary Lou Hribar Donald G. Hudson Henry L. Hughes Ann F. Hulvey Dorothy L. Humr *John G. Hurtuk Nathaniel Hutcherson Deborah E. Iacona Lu A. Iadisernia Herman L. Jachnick Michael P. Jackam Janis P. Jackson Le bron Jackson Phillis E. Jackson Mary H. J aholnycky Willie B. James, Jr. Virginia L. J apinoski Mary P. Jefferson Doris E. Jinna Beverly J. Johnson Rosa A . Johnson Beatrice M. Jones Juli a K. Jones Priscilla A . Jones Gwendolyn N. Jordan Dale M. Kaminsky Deborah J. Kardos Timothy P. Karhan D avid P. Karhan D av id P. Kasayka Essie Kea

Anne C. Kelch Sherry M. Kendrick Louisa M. King Doris A. Kirschling Susan E. Kirst Rosemary C. Klancar Connie M. Klear Elaine J. Klein Elizabeth A . Klimkowicz Andrew J. Knapik Susan P. Knapik Kathy Kneier *Richard A. Knopf Victor Komaschka *Anna Konobritzkij Linda M. Korkowski Andrew S. Kosiorek, Jr. *Alan J. Kovach Joseph S. Kozak Miriam A. Kozlowski Douglas F. Kr av os Gary A . Kroggel Kenneth M. Laba *Dorothy L. Laboda Wayne W. Larcey Florence H. Larned Robert M. Larocco Julia A. Lawson Geraldine A. Layne James J. Ledasil Anthony W. Legan *Richard N. Legan Valerie L. Leising John H. Leonard Dennis M. Lessick Gary Robert Lewis Linda K. Lewis Mary K. Lillis Lois J. Linnert A le x Lisac henko Warren G. London Tony S. Lovey Gary M. Lunder Linda L. MacDonald Jonathan R. Mack Betty J. Mahone Christodoulos Malgarinos Sherry S. Manista Debra L. Marion Adelena M. Marshall Thomas J. Maslanka Harriet R. Mauskopf Peter F. Mayer James L. McAdams, Jr. Yvonne R. McAllister Jayne P. McClenny Patricia A . McCluskey Shelly D. McCoy Linda J. Mc Cullough Edward G. McHenry Frederick H. McIntyre III Beth E. McKay *Doris M. McKernan *Marge R. McKinstry Garrett R. McKrill

*Barbara A. McLaughlin Donna L. McLaughlin Cleophas McNeal, Jr. * Kathleen T. McNulty Meredith McWilliams Roger A. Mealy Stephen W. Mehallo Maxim Mehling Carmela J. Mendolera Kenneth R. Merunski Rebecca Miles Timothy S. Mills *Warren J. Mills Freddie J. Milton Ro bert M. Minor John Miskolczi, Jr. Carnel Mitchell Margaret A. Mitchell Paul D. Mixon Arlene C. Molton Roy A. Montonaro Roberta Moore *Donna M. Moose Pearline Morrow Rosetta Moss Leslie L. Muddimer Cornel Muhoray M.H. Murden Christine A. Murukis Pearl Myers Daniel J. Mytnick *George L. Nadzam Joseph 1. Natale, Jr. Phillip C. Navratil James J. Naymik Betty V. Newland Amy D. Nicholl Constance Norris Marietta A. Novak Myrna E. Ocasio John P. 0' Connor, Jr. Beverly M. O'Hara Janis e Os born Char les A. Os borne *Anthony J. Osickey *Joseph E. Outlaw * Ivadell K. Palko Danny R. Palmer Lynn M. Pardo Patricia D. Pardo Martha J. Parker Penny S. Pasch Janice M. Paukert Marian A. Paul Nadean G. Peger Patricia J. Pelligrino Kenneth A. Perk *Eleanor L. Petrie Judith V. Pettaway Serafin Pineiro Edward J. Piskac, Jr. Bernadette O. Polk Diane C. Porter Michael E. Primm Martin M. Prock Teresa M. Ptacek Barbara A. Purdy Timothy J. Puzder William E. Quinones Joan M. Raines Thomas W. Rakoczy Gwendolyn Rease Anthony J. Rego Joanne M. Reinhard

Joyce A. Reitz Kathleen Remaklus Joseph D. Repcik Thomas J. Repicky Raymond J. Repko Pamela R. Rhodes Donald P. Rice Robert Rice Rosa M. Rice Davis L. Richardson Virginia L. Ridley Wa yon L. Riley Alfredia M. Rison James A. Ritchie Ophelia Roberts Sharon A. Robertson Joan D. Robinson Richard V. Rocks, Jr. Lillie P. Rodgers Dennis W. Rohal *Mary A. Rohde Marjorie E. Rosenblum Jonita Roundtree Annie L. Rucker Robert A. Ruddy *Robert Runo Mary L. Ruolo Katherine Rusnak Ola M. Russell Louis J. Rusticelli Richard T. Rutkowski Michael A. Sabat *Donald H. Sammon Gwendolyn D. Saunders June A. Scherlacher Mark A. Schmitt Carlynn M. Schoepe * Robert J. Schwarz Sherman 1. Scott Lynda J. Sebor Stephen J. Segal Stephanie M. Segulin Dess Seldon Douglas E. Semo Susan B. Shapero *Paul F. Shelko Patricia A. Short Helene G. Siegel Rosetta Silvers Michael R. Simmons Constance Sipple Louis J. Sladewski, Jr. Geoffrey P. Sleeper Walter J. Sliwa Dawn Alletta Smith ' Marcia D. Smith Mary C. Smith William E. Smith James L. Smoak Diane M. Soemisch Susan A. Soska David T. Sowers Merle A. Spangler *Shirley M. Springsteel Frank J. Stanley Judith M. Stefanini Bobbie L. Stephens Barbara L. Sterye Allen F. Stewart James G. Stimson Kenneth 1. Stone, Jr. Robert H. Struppler Essie Sullivan * Carol J. Sullivant

Carl K. Susman Kathryn A. Sutton Janet T. Svoboda Mary V. Swan Dennis J. Sweeney Thomas P. Sylvertooth *John J. Szloh Tadek Szpotowicz John P. Tanko Joseph J. Tarasco Joseph Taylor Everett A. Thomas Bruce R. Thompson Rosemary Thompson Barbara A. Thurman Ernest J. Todd Ronald L. Tohms Laura Tomburello Andrew Toth Anthony J. Tranchi to William J. Trende Mary K. Troll *Mary E. Trump Loretta 1. Tucker Gloria J. Tuscak Branislav Ugrinou William F. Ullrich George M. Ungvarsky Ro bert E. Urban Donald G. Vandrasik Romeo W. Veal Ruth Vick Frank M. Vitale Donna M. Volland Lynne A. Vrabec Edward S. Wade Ruth A. Wade Annette Walcott Darlene J. Walker Teresa A. Walker *Ronald H. Wallace David B. Warner William Waryas Ella Washington Phyllis H. Weber Cleva L. Webster Mary A . Wells Marcia A. Wheeler Olivia M. White Betty J. Whitlock Opal B. Whitt Verdie L. Wilburn Sharon L. Wilcox Gaye Willard Jean F. Williams Mary E. Wilson *Sheila R. Witcher Mark J. Woltman Colin C. Woods Patricia L. Woods *Virginia C. Woods Jean C. Workman Andrea L. Zerecheck Harry A. Zilke David F. Zimmer Laurie E. Zimmerman Ralph S. Zmija Mary M. Zorc *J ohn J. Zsori

*Honor Graduates

ASSOCIATE IN ARTS DEGREE Inithalee L. Alex Meri J. Alexander John R. Andras Sally J. Anzelc Gloria J. Armstrong Nellie A. Arnold Mary L. Arrington Roger M. Bacon Gerald D. Bancheck Joseph E. Banks III Muriel O. Barnes Larry C. Bates Rudolph J. Bavec, Jr. Carla J. Bennett Robert W. Benson Gerald A. Betts David M. Beyl Mark A. Bezak Donald R. Bier William J. Bierut Robert J. Bompiedi Harland W. Booth Edward J . Boyle John F. Brastain Joanne M. Bremer Timothy H. Brennah Mark C. Breudigam Marie Brown Martha D. Brown Arthur A. Bruggeman Charles A. Burge Larry D. Butler Magdalene Butler Lincoln Albert Chamot Henry Clay III Richard C. Claytor Arlene S. Cohen James A. Collins Gregory W. Conte Loretta Cowan David F. Crawford Marlyn M. Crew Leamon Cross, Jr. Lee C. Crouch Paul D. Cuglewski Richard L. Currier Alex S. Dadas Charles E. Davis Linda D. Davis William S. Devor Raymond Divincenzo Ronald Drabiak Linda R. Dworken Ora M. Dycks Joseph S. Dydek Jeffry H. Evans James Farmer, Jr. Michael F. F ekeshazy Janice Felton Martha Ferrante Jacob Feuerwerker Annetta L. Fisher Patrick Mark Fitzgerald

Jerome R. Flauto David P. Fleming Donald W. Ford, Jr. Geraldine Ford James C. Foster II Edward A. Franklin, Jr. Robin L. Frees Fr ancis B. Friedel Emmett Fryer Harry W. Fuller, Jr. Yvonne A. Fuller, Jr. Yvonne A. Fuller George V. Fulp Dale J. Gainor Terry D. Garlock Howard E. Germany Linda Giammarco Charles J. Gianguzzo Sara C. Gibi Timothy J. Gill Betty C. Goist Lawrence N. Goldstein Don Gooch Dorothy M. Gore Ronald L. Grimm ett Alfreda C. Grisby Harry K. Grubbs Patricia A. Hale Charles W. Hales Cleosene Hall Curtis H. Hampton Eula L. Hann Ethel M. Hannah Fred Harper, Jr. Franklin T. Harris Gwendolyn F. Harris John W. Harris Michael R. Haskins * Willie B. Haynes Evans A. Heath William Hegedus *Timothy J. Hej I KarlF. Heller, Jr. Kenneth E. Henderson John Hernandez Karen Hicks Bernard L. Holder * Ozzie Hollinshed Curtis F. Holman Roosevelt Holt Walter Holt, Jr. Larry Paul Hudson Edward L. Hughley Jam es L. Hunt George M. Hvizd Fred H. Irvon Ira J. Jackson Katherine L. Jackson Betty J aco bs John J. Jakub Vivian D. Jeff Norbert A. Jerina Marvin E. Johnson Shirley Johnson Barbara J. Jones Geraldine Jones Louis W. Jones, Jr. Donald G. Jordan Paul E. Joseph Anthony Z. Kacenj ar James A. Kaniecki Karen J. Kaniewski James J. Kappa * Eileen C. Kenney

Valerie A. Kilbane Douglas W. Klein Edward V. Klotz Stanley A. Kollar, Jr. Michael A. Kosky Janice M. Kowatch Timothy J. Kraft Cathy J. Kramer Judith B. Krieger James G. Krisko Lawrence E. Lackner Ro bert Lamka Norvel S. Lauhon Willow D. Lawler Nicholas C. Lecate James A. Legath Edward Lerman Ro bert T. Lewis Richard H. Lichaw Randall E. Ljubi Patricia A. Logan Beverley Louise Lucas Pete D. Luci Kathleen A. Lukas Elayne Macarthy Ronald J. Mach John R. Magar Marie Magdinec Evelyn Mahone Ronald J. Malinowski *Bernadette Manley Willie J. Marsh Patricia A. Marshall Beatrice A. Martin Maria T. Martin Patricia G. Mason Christopher A. Matousek Ronald W. Ma ybury Darline P. Mayo Olivia Mayson Richard A. Mazanec Mildred McCoy Margaret McDonald Jam es E. McF all Jewell A. McGregor Alice R. McHale Malroy B. McKenzie Patricia D. McNair Mary A. McSteen David Michney Robert J. Milan Michael Milroy Dominique C. Miro George Mironik George Mirsadshanow *Mamie Mitchell John A. Mizanin Mar lene L. Mohnickey Carroll H. Monteith Allen T. Moon Timothy J. Moran Thomas F. Morcus John D. Morgan Roderick W. Munn Rudoph W. Murn John O. Nagle, Jr. Calvin L. Nelson Robert E. Nemeth Lula M. Newton James C. Norman Christine M. Norton Anthony J. Novak Theodore J. Nyerges Leo E. Olwill

Joseph M. Onchak Gary W. Ottaviano Terry C. Ozan Frank A. Palmieri Margaret L. Pannell Holly L. Patterson Jill A. Patterson Richard J. Payerchin Ernestine R. Perry Shela M. Perry David J. Pfefferl Arthur P. Pietrzyk Chester M. Pociech Marilyn S. Polivka Sandra K. Pollard Jerry W. Powell Geraldine F. Powers Carol L. Prasen Alan H. Preston Oscar Lee Price Gerilyn P. Primm David L. Pultorak Anthony J. Raitano Roger J. Reardon Elaine Reese Donna L. Rehm Robert R. Reid, Jr. Louis A. Renghia Charles S. Reynolds Theresa M. Richards James W. Robinson Pamela K. Robinson Mark A. Rossodivita Charles Kenneth Roth *J ane Lou Royce David T. Rusnak Christopher D . Ryan Kathy E. Savage Mary E. Scales Edward H. Schwartz Rosalind L. Scott William M. Sedlak Robert J. Segal John A. Shaffer Rita Y. Sharpe Robert D. Shimko Ann M. Siclare Larry E. Skinner Matthew T. Slattery III Larry M. Smiley *Royce E. Smith Grant Sneed Margaret R. Sowers Robert A. Spernoga Roberta A. Spiegler Ronald R. Spike Julius R. Stankus Barbara A. Stein Toni D. Stewart Theodore M. Taifalidakis Izetta S. Tatum Cherie A. Tereck Sally A. Thompson David H. Timm John Tisdale Adam D. Tonti Dennis A. Truhan Matthew L. Turnbo Theresa M. Turner Connie L. Tyus CarIT. Uhr Barbara E. Underwood Matthew M. Valencic John E. Valentine

*Mozean M. Vaughn Debra A. Veal Kenneth E. Vinopal Donald R. Voloshyn Milan Vukmanovich Donald A. Walker Joan E. Walker Janet Wancho Gerald J. Wasik George L. Watson George F. Weilemann Keith E. Weirick Cynthia Wesley Mary J. Wheatley Clara M. Wheeler Shirley B. White Elij ah H. Whitten Craig A. Wiblin Carrie D. Wilcox Johnny H. Williams Sam uel M. Williams Tommy B. Williams Miriam Willingham Cheryl C. Wilson John Wilson *Franklin C. Winston Judith L. Wodell Raymond L. Womack William A. Wood Patricia A. Woodruff Richard L. Work Mildred A. Wynn Leland Yee Robert J. Yost Linda M. Young John Yurkiw, Jr. Thomas M. Zakel Magdalen M. Zariznyj Frank W. ZelIa John H. Zucker

*Honor Graduates

ADDITIONAL GRADUA TES FOR COMMENCEMENT LIST Dorothy Anderson Randy L. Daino Rodney W. Hall Jewell A. McGregor Dominique Miro Donna Rehm Theresa Sanders Ludwig L. Schuldheis Crystal X. Smith Beverly L. Sutherland Frank J. Takacs


A nr T A rrrnl\T /')0

E. Hannah

Norman Grosse Lois Linnert

Pamela Robinson

Kenneth A. Perk Roberta Moore

Tadek Szpatowicz

Mamie Mitchell

Jerome F. Fitz

Ronnie Grimmett

Mildred McCoy


Betty J. Malone


Shelly McCoy

Annie L. Landrum

Lucy 'A.. Chan

Yvonne R. McAllister (R. N.)

Ernestine Perry

Mary Jaholnycky



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Lonnie Glibbens

Pat Pardo

Talut Ameer

Willie B. Haynes

Barbara Ann Thurman

Alfredia Rison Charles A. Bender

Lynn Pardo

Joe Farah Johne Valentine

Ophelia Foy

Darline Mayo

John Yurkin

Theresa Turner

Sandra Pollard


Evelyn M. Aikens

Sim L. Henderson

Beatrice Martin

Renee Fleischer

Rachael M. Davis

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YEARBOOK STAFF: Klaus Williams (Editor) George Smith, Barb Jones, Earline Smith (Adviser) not pictured: Rick Holton (artist).

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basketball the 1971-72 cougars of metro completed the greatest basketball season in its short history. winning the turnpike athletic conference championship, the state championship, and the monroe invitational classic championship. the fighting cougars compiled an outstanding 23-4 season, while competing against most of the top junior college teams in the country. in fact, the cougars played ten (10) of the top twenty (20) teams in the country. winning eight (8) of the ten (10) games.


james nixon became metro's first basketball all- american, and established the two year scoring record of 1208 points; averging 24 points per game to establish another record. leo white, homer lacey, robert tate, and james nixon made the t. a. c. all- conference team. don wilson, harold jordon, and corney jackson also had outstanding seasons.

(L TO R) All-American James Nixon, Leo White, Harold Jordan (not pictured), Homer Lacey and Corney Jackson will not be returning next year because of graduation.

golf the season was an overall success. the cougars finished second in the turnpike conference--only four strokes behind lakeland--in a 36- hole tournament hosted by ccc metro. two players were named to the all-conference team: mike lingo who was medalist with a five-over-par 149 and nick federico who finished fourth. by virtue of its excellent showing in the conference match, metro qualified its entire team for the region xii tournament contested over 36 holes at niles, michigan, mike lingo with a fine 148 finished third in a 77 man field and qualified for the njcaa national tournament at lehigh, florida, june 6- 9, 1972. in addition, joe nieberding and lingo were named to the all- region tournament

team. metro's dual match record was a fine 10-4 which included two victories over arch rival ccc west. award winners for the year were: mike lingo joe nieberding rick morris nick federico larry depa Ima jim brown bob kirksey bob schumacher this represented the strongest cougar golf team in the past four years. with four of this year's team eligible to return, metro should be even stronger in 1973.

track team 1972 cuyahoga community college's metro track team had the best season ever in it's brief history. the team finished the season undefeated in duel and triangular competition with victories over mount vernon, niagara, ccc west, akron fresman. we scored very well in major competition with captain robert ware leading the way. rovert qualified for the olympic trials with high hopes of making the team. robert has done an outstanding job as a runner and ambassador for tri-c. he has run successfully in first about every major indoor and outdoor meet with the most prestigious being the martin luther king games in philadelphia.

cross cou ntry 1972

athlete of the year: bob ware

cuyahoga community college's cross country team got off to good start with individuals determined to improve themselves. leading the group was bruce woodfors, tri - c' s fine distance runne r and captain of the cross country team; bruce bowman, returning from the service; keith holland, first year man from john adams; claude reevers, 440 dashman from glenville; leonard dunns, distance runner from south america; and fred dashman from east tech.

our sprint medley relay of marvin landingham, maurice dukes, bemba jones, louis defreeze, set a new record in winning the sprint medley at the kentucky relays. our fine group of trackmen then went to eastern michigan where they won the mile relay and set a new school record of 3 :16.2. louis defreeze, our outstanding distance runner won the 440 dash in 48.6 to lead the state with the best time this year. also, our outstanding mile relay won, setting a new mile relay record.

alex jackson


non returning players due to graduation. kneeling (1 to r) luther thomas, david moore, ronell hannah, glenn davis, elmer bisler. standing (1 to r) gary corsi, robert kraska, michael rammey, charles stout, tom maran.


after long being considered a mediocre entry in the turnpike athletic conference and the region, the cuyahoga community college baseball team of 1971 (won 10 lost 10) served notice it was a team to be reckoned with in the future. in 1972 the team posted an 11 won 6 lost record (ten cancellations due to inclement weather), and lost out of conference championship and the right to represent the conference in the regional play-offs by one (1) game, in a ball game played in a constant downpour of rain from the opening pitch to the end. the freshman pitching corp included david connors, Ofk-cleve.), who had a record of 3 wins, 0 losses, 1 save, and an era of 0.62. jim fitzgerald, (walsh jesiut-canton), a fireballing right-hander. dennis markiewicz, (holy name-cleve.), a fine young pitcher, and ken jefferson (glenville-cleve.) a right-hander who has the tools for greatness. other outstanding freshmen were second baseman sergio andujar, (east tech and viet nam veteran). short- stop burt herron (war-

rensville heights. ) outfielders matt smith (st. edwards-cleve.) and james lewis (glenvillecleve. ) the sophmore pitching corp consisted of david moore, (cleve. -east), outstanding pitcher of 1971, and tom maran (chagrin falls), who was the leader of the pitching corp for two years. the team leaders for two years were catcher ronell hannah (glenville-cleve.) and robert kraska (west tech). hannah was the mvp in 1971 and shared the award with kraska in 1972. hannah signed a contract at the end of the 1972 season, along with a former cougar larry jackson (1970-71), to play in the cleveland indians organization. other outstanding sophmores were outfielders gary corsi (garfield heights), one of the finest all-around ball players in the region, and luther thomas (glenville-cleve.), a speedster with a rifle- shot arm. infielders-third baseman charles stout (collinwood-cleve.) and elmer bisler garfield), catcher and outfielder.


metro's wrestling team posted a 7 won - 4 lost record for the 1971-72 season. the cougars started the season by defeating the 1970 national champions, muskegon community college, 27-12. other highlights during the dual meet season were beating behrend college 42-3 and setting a school record by defeating malone college 46-3. in tourr-ament action, metro's wrestling team also showed tremendous power. the courgars placed second in t. a. c. (turnpike athletic conference) raleigh clemons, pat malloy and eli whitten were conference champions and bob calevich and virgil wilcox were t. a. c. runner-ups. in the region xii tournament, metro qualified three wrestlers (pat malloy, bob calevich and raleigh clemons) for the junior college national tournament held in worghington, minnesota. at the national tournament the courga wrestling squad scored ten pOints with raleigh clemons placing sixth in the nation.


during the school year of 1970, gymnastics began at cuyahoga community college as a club and was sponsored by the intramural department. in the fall of 1971, gymnastics became a varsity

sport. the team competed both home and away in dual, triangular and invitational meets. the mainstays of the first team were willie jones and john pesek who placed in the all-around competition in every meet they attended. mike wallace performed on the sidehorse and still rings. geoffrey franklin was the manager.

willie jones




CCC Varsity Tennis came of age this year with a 5 and 5 season. Among its victories CCC Metro counted Beaver Community College, Sumpter, S. C., KSU, New Philadelphia Branch, and Mt. Vernon Nazarene College. Lakeland Community College took two close matches from Metro, both scores

5-4. Ruturning from last year, TAC Doubles Champions, Berman Johnson and Leon Pitts, joined with a second strong doubles team of Larry Pitts and Bill Sandercock to give Metro plenty of depth in doubles competition.

(1) larry pitts (r)


Berman Johnson also supplied plenty of steady singles competition. Bill Sandercock showed the most improvement in the singles department and was able to finish the season as Metro's number two singles player. Don Dacone, John Smith and Louis J ones all showed good improvement during the season.

fencing club

members of the ballestra lungers fencing club and team left to right: 1st row, mary de' orio, sandra morehead, cynthia settles, cyndi kniola, 2nd row, eddie cellis, maurice curlee, horace shaw, roosevelt james, 3rd row, lucius peterson, jim fazekas, ted darden.

the ballestra lungers fencing team & club have been very active during the academic year '71-72'. the lungers competition consisted of area colleges throughout the state of ohio: bowling green fencing team cleveland state kent state western reserve oberlin college II





during the academic year '71-72', the lungers gave approximately 50 to 75 fencing exhibitions for public and private schools in and out of the state of ohio. the lungers have taken an oath to promote fencing as well as gain ultimate recognition for tri - c. horace shaw, presently president of the lungers and student at tri-c, has gained national recognition in competition fencing. mr. shaw is also captain of the lungers fencing team. ms. joyce deshazo, present advisor of the lungers, is a former graduate of tri - c and placed first in competitive fencing in northern ohio. ms. deshazo forsees nothing less than the best for the lungers for the academic year '72-73'.


our physical education and recreation facilities were completed during the 1969-70 school y ear and surely rank high among those available to any community college in the nation.

several objectives and guiding principles give direction to the staff in our efforts to be of ma ximum service to the students . they are as follows:

educators everywhere are becoming increasingly aware of the deep and fundamental contribution being m ade by the intra mural activities program. those of us in the physical education and athletic department are dedicated to making democracy in sports a reality, by offering and planning the kinds of recreational activities you desire.

1. to encourage participation, transforming the students, fac-

we are very proud or our gymnasium, swimming pool, tennis courts, and the sports equipment. all of these things are a part of the total educational program here at ccc-metro, for physical fitness is essential to total performance. formerly considered a dream, we trust our program here at ccc-metro will take i~ proper place in the educational scheme. intramural athletics at ccc -m etro affords the entire student body, faculty and staff an opportunity to enjoy competition by providing a welcome incentive to the far larger number of those most in need of competitive experience, on a reasonably equal basis rather than limiting participants to the few super-performers on varsity teams. students are organized competitively with the interest being on student participation and leadership. participation is not com pulsory, but highly recommended.

ulty and staff from passive spectators to active performers. 2. to offer a variety of activities balanced between vigorous and light exercise, team and individual sports, present interest and future needs . 3 . to provide incentive to a large number of those most in need of competitive experience on an equal basis with fellow students and colleagues. 4. to safeguard the health of the students through the cooperation of the health services and by safety rules, good equipment and facilities and proper supervision .


to develop social relationships and attitudes through intramural participation by upholding high standards of sportsmanship, fair dealing with all individuals and groups, and providing many opportunities for leadership and cooperation. to this end the department will provide facilities, leadership, and continuing assistance that all students, faculty and staff may have an opportunity to engage in wholesome physical, competitive activity. through competition one learns to be a humble winner and a gracious loser.

metro in action



student government past and present

rita pickens rick holton odell wright deborah harris

alfred howard linda johnson joe harrison jll. jessica harwell

yvonne stewart natika fufuka tony luke george price

commuter staff

truck drivers class

harold fuson


i ate the whole thang. . .

tour guides 1 to r: pearl holley, adrain maddox, sandra graham, richard schley, renee gordon

6th grade visitation

(1 to r) mile relay team keith holland, bernba jones, fred worley, louis defreeze.

childrens day

club of the year -

radio club

award received by tony luke

most promising club -


people in places at

c.c.c. metro

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