“Overheard ” It will take innovative thinking from dedicated and empathetic minds like yours to make sure the future is better than the past, to make sure people aren’t left behind in this massive disruption. Corbin Prychun, Upper School social science and English educator, commencement 2020 speech
I can say with confidence that our educators will exceed your expectations. It is almost impossible to fall short when you love your students and their families, and deeply value the art and science of teaching and learning.
Country Day has helped me become better at expressing who I am, and has helped me develop my thoughts and my feelings more deeply, and has really helped guide me to become the woman that I am today. Juliet Welk ’20, video reflection
Gary Krahn, Ph.D., head of school, email to the community
There are six very important things that we want you to know before we start this exciting school year: We believe in you. We trust in you. You are listened to. You are cared for. You are important. You will succeed. Kristy Johnson, head of Middle School, email to Middle School
Especially in times of uncertainty, it is crucial to nurture the joy of living. To model living with an open, joyful heart and a positive outlook in life serves the social-emotional development of students. Marisol Aguirre, Middle School Spanish educator, new faculty/staff bio
We will disagree from time to time, and we need to learn to do so respectfully. And because that seems more difficult in this country, now more than ever, there is no time more important to have the space to disagree and to lean into the discomfort. Geordie Mitchell, assistant head of school for enrollment management and outreach, Country Day Connection newsletter
We are bolder, braver and stronger together! Payton Hobbs, head of Lower School, email to Lower School
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