A Device-Driven Life

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Presentation by the LJCDS Parents’ Association

Presented by Lorri Sulpizio Lotus Leadership Institute

When we were kids, what were we doing with all the time that our kids now spend on devices? Does it matter that our kids don’t have that experience?

At what age should a child get their own phone?

What impact, if any, does our use of electronic devices have on our kids?

Technology is an integral part of our lives (whether we want it to be or not)

Our meeting:  For us to have conversation  Share ideas, challenges, solutions  Build sense of community around a very relevant topic  Offer support to each other, share trials and triumphs

Many opinions on the impact of technology on children’s development

Opinions and perspective vary based on field– development, education, business, psychology

The views expressed here are compiled from a variety of sources and shouldn’t be viewed as the opinion of the PA—but rather are intended for conversation and thought.

Cell Phones ◦ MS- only allowed before and after school, exceptions require classroom approval ◦ US- Allowed before & after school, Milk Break or lunch (not free blocks). Exceptions with approval

Notebooks/PDA’s ◦ Limited use for academic purposes ◦ Must be registered with Tech department prior to use

Gaming◦ Gaming devices not allowed without approval

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Great possibilities in education

Helpful to provide differentiation for students at different levels Devices are engaging and hold students’ attention across subject areas

Ability to provide more individualized learning May be a more efficient use of classroom time Bring people from all over the world together Help streamline note-taking, allowing students to be more interactive in class.

Noticed general decrease in fine/gross motor skills

Noticed general decrease in conversational and social skills

Concern that family time is falling by the wayside

Students are getting used to instant feedback, struggle with delayed gratification

Declining qualities such as persistence and ability to stay focused for long period of time

Losing value of face-to-face conversation

◦ Reading body language, tone of voice, social cues

Resorting to social networking and/or texting as way to confront peers and resolve conflict Students easily manipulating multiple devices at once, while attempting to do homework ◦ Studies show “multi-tasking” results in less attention and focus and inefficiency or undesirable results.

“Addictive” quality to devices that should be monitored in time and frequency Everything in moderation!

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Preschool children spend three times longer in front of a TV or screen than they do reading. 4 out of 5 teens (17 million) carry a wireless device. 63% of teens go online every day. 75% of kids 12-17 have cell phones. Screen time is no longer just a cultural issue. Screen time has become a medical issue.

There certainly is a lot of benefit to the use of devices, and those should not be overlooked.

Intensified people’s need for instant gratification (increased sense of urgency)

Erased the boundary between personal life and professional life

Increased the time we spend in front of a screen (TV, phone, iPad)

Increased the flow and access of information

Allowed us to be interconnected across the globe

Worsened the divide between children and parents OR provided more ways to connect and monitor children.

Changed their sense of time

Changed the way they communicate

Changed their social relationships ◦ Spend less time in face-to-face interactions

Impacted their sense of self ◦ They can be a different person online ◦ Take risks, feel more free to speak, act

Lost opportunity for creativity, free thought and free play ◦ Less time “doing nothing”

Screens ◦ Obesity, violence, behavior issues, less time for play

Social Media / Texting ◦ Social filter--post things they would not say in person ◦ React instantly without thought to consequences ◦ Text through the night- sleep deprivation

Exposure ◦ Flow of information occurs very fast ◦ Content is difficult, if not impossible to control  Today it’s very easy to find a picture of a naked person

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Have electronic-free zones (dinner table) Parents unite: no texting after 11pm

Parents get involved in kids’ online experience

Have limits on screen time / phone time / game time (use a chart to track the time) Unite with other parents to avoid ◦ “I’m the only one who doesn’t have a phone.” ◦ “Everyone else gets to play video games whenever they want.”

Learn about parental controls, iPhone tracker, opt-in spyware

Help the kids know and follow the rules for phone use at school

What challenges do you face when managing the devices with your kids?

What do you feel is the biggest threat, or what is your biggest concern with a device-driven life?

What can we do as a community to manage our kids’ device-driven life in order to maximize benefits and minimize the risks?

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