Outdoor Education Career Insight

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Outdoor Education CAREER INSIGHT

LJMU CAREERS TEAM 0151 231 2048/3719 ❚ careers@ljmu.ac.uk


Career Insight:

Outdoor Education Popular career options with this degree include outdoor centre education, overseas expedition leading, outdoor coaching, Geography and PE teaching, environmental education, and field studies teaching, development training, outdoor skills training, in addition to adventure tourism. Job roles related to are hands-on and often involve working as part of a team. Outdoor Educators must be able to complete a wide range of activities requiring clear communication and excellent organisational skills. Troubleshooting is also a required skill – the ability to think fast and problem solve is indispensable. Environmental education involves making people aware of environmental issues, promoting conservation and sustainability, and enhancing the public's enjoyment of the environment through teaching and interpreting the natural world. The range of activities you will carry out varies from job to job. Some officers work mainly within schools, giving talks and taking part in and developing projects. You can also deliver presentations to other specialist or community groups. Typical job options               

Environmental Education Officer http://www.prospects.ac.uk/environmental_education_officer_vacancy_sources.htm Outdoor activities/education manager http://www.prospects.ac.uk/outdoor_activities_education_manager_job_description.htm Sports Coach - http://www.prospects.ac.uk/sports_coach_job_description.htm Sports Development Officer http://www.prospects.ac.uk/sports_development_officer_job_description.htm Youth Worker - http://www.prospects.ac.uk/youth_worker_job_description.htm Facilities Manager - http://www.prospects.ac.uk/facilities_manager_job_description.htm Outdoor Activity Manager http://www.prospects.ac.uk/outdoor_activities_education_manager_vacancy_sources.htm Environmental Consultant http://www.prospects.ac.uk/environmental_consultant_job_description.htm Nature Conservation Officer http://www.prospects.ac.uk/nature_conservation_officer_job_description.htm Forest Woodland Manager http://www.prospects.ac.uk/forest_woodland_manager_job_description.htm Environment Education Officer: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/environmental_education_officer_job_description.htm Youth Worker : http://www.prospects.ac.uk/youth_worker_job_description.htm Policehttps://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/advice/planning/jobprofiles/Pages/police officer.aspx Army http://www.prospects.ac.uk/advertisement_features_british_army.htm Professional development in law enforcement and security http://www.prospects.ac.uk/law_enforcement_security_sector_professional_development_ and_training.htm

Job options within the Education sector include (some of these also require further post-graduate study):



© 2017. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight:

Primary/Secondary Teacher: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/primary_school_teacher_job_description.htm http://www.prospects.ac.uk/secondary_school_teacher_job_description.htm

Learning Mentor http://www.prospects.ac.uk/learning_mentor_job_description.htm

Teaching post 16/FE Lecturer: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/further_education_lecturer_job_description.htm

https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/explore-my-options/further-education-teachertraining https://www.feadvice.org.uk/

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:     

Customer service manager http://www.prospects.ac.uk/customer_service_manager_job_description.htm Event organiser - http://www.prospects.ac.uk/event_organiser_job_description.htm Sports administrator - http://www.prospects.ac.uk/sports_administrator_job_description.htm Tourism officer - http://www.prospects.ac.uk/tourism_officer_job_description.htm Tourist information centre manager http://www.prospects.ac.uk/tourist_information_centre_manager_job_description.htm

More ideas... Many graduate roles are open to candidates from any degree background or you could gain required qualifications by undertaking postgraduate study. Ensure you research entry requirements for each area, e.g. will you need a degree in a specific subject? Is a 2:1 degree classification essential? Will you need to complete a postgraduate degree (e.g. for teaching roles, job in the legal sector)? We also recommend that you download a copy of our “Planning your Career” guide from the Careers Team website at https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/careers/123871.htm

Teacher Training Unless your first degree is a Bachelor of Education (BEd) or a BA/BSc with qualified teacher status (QTS) for England and Wales, you will need further training to achieve QTS. To achieve qualified teacher status (QTS) you need to complete an initial teacher training (ITT) course. There are a number of options available and you need to choose the one which most suits your needs and check the entry requirements before applying.



© 2017. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight:

PGCE: This is a University based training course led by Higher Education Institutions (HEI). www.education.gov.uk/get-into-teaching/ teacher-training-options/university-basedtraining/pgce

School Direct: This route offers trainees the opportunity to train to teach in a school. Schools work in partnership with HEIs requesting the subject routes they have a need to recruit for.

SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) programmes are designed and delivered by groups of neighbouring schools and colleges. Training is led by experienced, practising teachers, and often tailored towards local teaching needs.

Teach First offers a two year contract in a challenging school, where you will also complete a Leadership Development Programme.

Law Conversion: Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) - The GDL is for students wishing to become law professionals. To become a solicitor or a barrister, you’ll need to complete the Legal Practice Course (LPC) or the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) respectively, and taking the GDL is the fast-track route onto these courses for students without an accredited undergraduate degree in law. https://www.prospects.ac.uk/jobs-and-work-experience/job-sectors/law-sector

Work Experience In recent years, securing a graduate role has become increasingly competitive, so gaining relevant work or voluntary experience and engaging in extracurricular activities alongside your studies is crucial to demonstrate to prospective employers that you have the motivation to succeed in your chosen area and have developed the required skills. Some tips for increasing your chances of getting into the Outdoor Education industry: 


Keep up-to-date: outdoor education specialists need to keep up to date with the latest news and developments. Check the websites of key organisations such as Outdoor Education; Outdoor Fitness. There are also a variety of useful event blogs that you could follow or even start your own such as: http://outdoorfitnessmag.com/category/blogs/ Skills: Outdoor Education employers have told us that they are increasingly looking for excellent skills in decision making in complex and unpredictable circumstances; confidence, articulate and analytical techniques. In addition candidates with Health and Safety qualifications, First Aid at work, full clean driving licence and additional awards are also highly valued and can make you stand out from the crowd! Network, network, network: Keep in contact with people from past and current placements - you may find out about job opportunities in this way. Believe it or not, most people like to help! Don't be afraid to let people know you are looking for a job. Social Media: Social media is becoming an increasingly popular and effective tool when job hunting and networking. You can use social media in a number of ways - to develop professionally (by sharing knowledge, ideas and debating issues), to network and to ask for and share information. One of the most popular and powerful social media outlets is Twitter. Aside from professional networking and knowledge sharing Twitter also advertises job and career opportunities (see below for some useful twitter feeds). LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com): You should start using LinkedIn as soon as possible during your time at university. It provides opportunities to network online with professionals from all kinds of different employment sectors: there are also groups for different


© 2017. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight:

organisations/sectors and institutions such as universities (including one for LJMU alumni). Getting started - LinkedIn have produced 6 video guides aimed at students and graduates to help get you started: http://students.linkedin.com/uk Many employers use social media to post work experience opportunities so take advantage of using the site to help you make links with potential employers and find out more about what opportunities are out there. Get help with your application form and CV: You may have excellent experience that you are not portraying effectively. The application form is crucial, it is the first thing an employer will see about you and must be well written, supported with examples and targeted to the organisation and role. You can also book an appointment with an Employability Adviser who will work with you to help you develop an effective CV. Information about booking an appointment can be found on our website here: https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/careers/123893.htm Follow relevant companies/websites through Twitter: (#outdoor #adventure) @LJMUCareers @Prospects @targetjobsUK

@IOLOutdoorProfs @EcoOutdoors @AdvInsight

@SherpaEurope @InsideCareers

Graduate Training Schemes: Many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject. If you are interested in these roles you will need to be aware of the graduate recruitment cycle. Many recruiters begin the graduate recruitment process during the autumn term for final year students. Most closing dates vary so it is important to start researching companies that you want to apply to early on. ‘Graduate Schemes’ guide https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/Careers/careers_LJMU_Only_docs/Graduate_schemes.pdf

The application process for graduate training schemes usually involves completing an online application form, which may require you to answer ‘competency based questions’. This may be followed by psychometric tests, a telephone interview and an assessment centre. You may also need to submit your CV. Many of these opportunities are advertised in the Prospects Directory and the Targetjobs Directory (available from the Careers Team http://ljmu.prospects.ac.uk/ or on the Prospects http://www.prospects.ac.uk/ and Targetjobs http://targetjobs.co.uk/), on websites like www.milkround.com as well as on the organisations’ own websites. Download our mini-guide on “Making yourself employable whilst at University” : https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/Careers/careers_LJMU_Only_docs/Making_yourself_Employable_whilst_at_ Uni.pdf



© 2017. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight:

Further Study Options: a Masters can give you the edge in a competitive job market and the opportunity to specialise in your field, but make sure you know what’s involved before committing to further study. Your degree and relevant experience will be taken into consideration. Examples: MSc Outdoor Environmental Education; MA Adventure Education; MSc Conservation & Land Management; MSc Sustainable Rural Development; MSc Biodiversity & Conservation

For further information on post graduate study: take a look at the Careers Team mini guide, Thinking About Post Graduate Study https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/Careers/careers_LJMU_Only_docs/PG_Study.pdf And https://www.prospects.ac.uk/postgraduate-study/masters-degrees

Key events and networking 

Liverpool Careers Fair: usually held in the autumn and spring of each year, see fairs website http://www.liverpoolfairs.org.uk/ for additional events

Manchester Careers Fairs: open to students and graduates from any university; check http://www.careers.manchester.ac.uk/events/ for details

Careers and employability events at LJMU: keep an eye on our events page at https://worldofwork.ljmu.ac.uk/events/ for details of upcoming employability workshops, networking sessions and employer talks.

LiverpoolSU Clubs and Societies: www.liverpoolsu.com/clubsandsocs

Other information

LJMU Enterprise Fellowship Programme – Support for LJMU students and graduates interested in starting up their own business. Further details can be found here: http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/startup/ including eligibility, timescales and training dates. LJMU Volunteering Contact 0151 904 6356 or c.j.prescott@ljmu.ac.uk to enquire about current opportunities. Useful websites to research a range of voluntary opportunities include http://www.do-it.org.uk/ and http://www.liverpoolguild.org/volunteering.

Centre for Entrepreneurship Supports students and graduates who want to set up their own businesses. Whether you want to develop a new business idea, work as a freelancer or launch a product or service, the Centre for Entrepreneurship can help. To book a place at one of their free workshops or a confidential business advice session with one of their business advisers, call 0151 231 3300 or visit their website https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/startup/



© 2017. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight:

Careers Zones Campus-based Careers Zones provide easy access to careers support in convenient locations at Byrom Street, Aldham Robarts Library and at IM Marsh, staffed by the Careers Team. Support available includes CV and application form reviews, Careers Adviser appointments, drop-in quick queries, practice interviews and access to careers resources and information. The Zones also host regular employer visits during term time where you can meet and network with employers and discuss job and placement opportunities. For the latest updates and details of locations and opening times, try our Twitter and Facebook pages.



Š 2017. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

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assessment centre practice portal ❙❙ GoinGlobal international jobs database Access Careers Zone 24/7 from the Careers website:

www2.ljmu.ac.uk/careers LJMU CAREERS WORLD OF WORK CAREERSTEAM CENTRE 0151 231 2048/3719 ❚ careers@ljmu.ac.uk || worldofwork@ljmu.ac.uk 0151 231 2048/3719

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