Zoology Career Insight

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LJMU CAREERS TEAM 0151 231 2048/3719 ❚ careers@ljmu.ac.uk


Career Insight: BSc Zoology

Introduction A degree in Zoology from Liverpool John Moores University will open many doors in terms of career choices. LJMU students often ask what career options are open to them as a result of studying their particular subject so here we provide some examples of employment sectors and typical jobs that are linked to your degree in Zoology. We highlight the importance of the skills developed during your degree together with links to relevant careers information/vacancy websites for you to start your research. Researching your future career is important, as employers are increasingly looking for relevant experience. If you are looking to do further study or research it may also be important to think about selecting your modules carefully early on. You should also consider setting up a LinkedIn profile and following relevant organisations via Twitter. Many employers use social media to post work experience opportunities so take advantage of this to help you make links with potential employers and find out more about what opportunities are out there. Whilst many students will look for a career directly related to their degree (and many Zoology students do) it is also important to remember that this is by no means the only career route to consider. There are opportunities to enter a wide range of careers that are not directly related to your degree subject. For example, there are many Graduate Training Schemes (within both the public and private sector) and many of these employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject (see below for more information about Graduate Training Schemes).

Career opportunities after a Zoology degree‌. Zoology encompasses a broad range of animal-related study, so a degree in Zoology will not only develop your subject-specific knowledge but it will also open the door to a diverse range of employment and postgraduate study opportunities. Zoology graduates are qualified for a variety of careers both in biological fields, and in careers where specific scientific knowledge may not be required. Employers may include universities and government research institutions; the National Health Service and medical research establishments; water authorities; zoos; wildlife trusts and environmental protection agencies. There are opportunities in the private sector as consultants or in technical and research roles with veterinary, agricultural, fisheries and biotechnology organisations, and with other employers such as chemical, pharmaceutical, and petroleum companies. Zoology graduates can also find work in the education sector, with museums or other cultural organisations, or move into other jobs such as management, marketing, sales or scientific journalism. A number of Zoology graduates have successfully gained graduate places for veterinary science and others complete post-graduate courses with the aim of gaining qualifications for a specific career e.g. the Post-Graduate Certificate or Diploma in Education (PGCE/PGDE) for an educational role in a wildlife organisation or both primary and secondary school teaching. Zoology graduates have also progressed to a variety of exciting taught masters (MSc) programmes including MSc programmes in Veterinary Epidemiology, Animal Breeding & Genetics, Conservation & Biodiversity, Nutritional Sciences, Marine Biology and Evolutionary & Behavioural Ecology at a variety of Universities across the country. During your time at LJMU, particularly during your final year research project, you may have been switched on to the idea of a career in research. Some of our graduates have a gone on to



Š 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

successfully complete Masters of Research (MRes) programmes in areas such as Animal Behaviour, Conservation Biology, Genetics, Animal Health & Welfare or PhDs in areas including impacts of climate change on wildlife populations, vaccine for liver fluke, human cellular genetics and disease in coral.

Typical job options Your job options depend on your degree background as well as the skills and experience you develop alongside your studies, so ensure that you check entry requirements for the suggestions below and for your own career ideas. You could start exploring typical job options via the prospects.ac.uk website and use the ‘What can I do with my degree?’ link: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/options_zoology.htm Another option to help you explore careers is to use the Royal Society of Biology’s publication ‘Next Steps: Options after a Bioscience Degree’. This not-for-profit resource was developed jointly by societies from the Bioscience Careers Group. The guide provides information and guidance on: job seeking strategies, importance of skills, postgraduate study options, making applications, interview techniques and example CVs www.rsb.org.uk/careers-and-cpd/careers/bioscience-careers-group. Below are some example career options open to you following your degree in Zoology. The list is not exhaustive, but will give you some starting points for your further research. Jobs with Animals Animal Charities and Welfare Organisations There are numerous roles that might be open to you in these agencies. Animal care, desk based and policy roles, education officer openings, publicity and marketing jobs are areas to consider. A background as a volunteer may give you an edge when applying for professional roles. www.rspca.org.uk; www.pdsa.org.uk; www.wwf.org.uk; www.wildlifetrusts.org; www.bluecross.org.uk; www.giveusahome.co.uk; www.charitychoice.co.uk/charities/animals; www.animal-job.co.uk; www.ufaw.org.uk/index.php Animal Behaviourist Currently an unregulated area, although two national associations oversee training and standards in the field. Experience with animals plus a degree in biological or behavioural discipline is needed. The profession is small - less than 200 practitioners - but growing. www.abpc.org.uk; www.asab.nottingham.ac.uk; http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/education-careers.php ‘Guide to careers in animal behaviour’ Animal Nutrition The profession is unregulated in terms of being a nutritionist working with animals. However, in order to have any credibility with intending clients or employers, it might be best to take an MSc or PhD in this subject. For a more clinical role e.g. developing food and drugs for animal consumption, there are Research and Development roles in many major manufacturers’ labs. The sales and marketing of these products is another specialism: much of the work involves liaising with clients such as farmers, animal welfare centres and the general public. www.nutritionsociety.org.uk; www.adas.co.uk; www.sac.ac.uk (employ nutritionists as Researchers and Consultants)



© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

Animal Physiotherapy Treats immobility / restricted mobility by exercise and manipulation. One route is to achieve a degree in (human) Physiotherapy first. This is often funded by bursaries from the NHS. Entry to accredited qualifications is through UCAS: there are some shortened courses for graduates. The RVC runs a Master’s qualification in this subject for those with physiotherapy training and experience. Private courses which do not demand an initial physiotherapy degree are also available. A useful summary of the different training routes to becoming an Animal Physiotherapist (explaining the difference between chartered and non-chartered routes) is available here: http://www.taranet.co.uk/styled66/styled-65/ Other useful websites: Association of Chartered Animal Physiotherapists http://www.acpat.org/ Association for the Scientific Study of Veterinary and Animal Physiotherapy http://www.assvap.com/ Canine and Equine Physiotherapy Training http://www.ceptraining.co.uk / Chartered Society of Physiotherapy http://www.csp.org.uk/ Harper Adams University College http://www.harper-adams.ac.uk/ International Association of Animal Therapists http://www.iaat.org.uk/ Institute of Registered Veterinary & Animal Physiotherapists http://www.irvap.org.uk/index.html National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists http://www.navp.co.uk/index.asp The College of Animal Physiotherapy http://www.tcap.co.uk/ Royal Veterinary College http://www.rvc.ac.uk/ University of West of England http://www.hartpury.ac.uk/Home/ Writtle College http://writtle.ac.uk/ Work with Dogs A range of roles, but, typically, this involves jobs giving structured training to dogs to socialise them or to remedy uncontrolled behaviour. In some cases, this could involve work with potential assistance dogs (e.g. guide dogs, hearing dogs) or canines involved in police / security roles. No set qualifications required, but a love for dogs and a background in dealing with them is essential. It is competitive so many candidate do have degrees and work experience. There are various professional associations which run relevant short courses and charities which recruit trainees. www.support-dogs.org.uk; www.hearingdogs.org.uk/; www.dogsforthedisabled.co.uk; www.guidedogs.org.uk; www.bipdt.org.uk; www.apdt.co.uk Work with Horses This covers all roles in equine welfare, breeding, training and management. Horseracing, for instance, requires stud managers, trainers and bloodstock agents. Horse-riding can cover such disparate areas as running or working for riding schools and equine tourism/ specialist holidays /outdoor pursuits. Most professional bodies in this area will consider applications from those with a range of qualifications, with a strong background in animal science and specific experience with horses. The Horse Racing Forensic Laboratory demands a degree in chemistry or a similar discipline. www.careersinracing.com; www.thoroughbredbreedersassociation.co.uk; www.hfl.co.uk; www.bhs.org.uk; www.abrs-info.org; www.hblb.org.uk/; www.britishhorseracing.com/ Government Agencies Working within Civil Service departments connected with animals can include laboratory work or desk based roles (ranging from basic administration to policy advice). The most obvious departments are the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, the Veterinary Laboratories Agency and the Institute for Animal Health. DEFRA has an “arm” called DECC which is listed under Conservation and Environmental work. Other agencies such as the Food Standards Agency may also be relevant, because of their work on diseases such as BSE. www.defra.gov.uk; www.vla.gov.uk; www.iah.ac.uk; www.food.gov.uk



© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

Zookeeping Conservation and protection of wild animals, management of their welfare. Part time, seasonal or voluntary work in zoos, wildlife parks and animal conservation charities will boost your chances of obtaining a post. Whilst some roles are advertised, zoos may also accept speculative applications. Having a driving license, first aid experience and / or a firearm certificate are also beneficial. The Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust and Edinburgh Zoo run short courses. www.abwak.org; www.biaza.org.uk; www.zoowork.blogspot.co.uk/ Careers in research & the wider lab environment – the starting point for individuals hoping to pursue a high-level career in research is usually a Masters and/or PhD, which will enable them to develop the necessary in-depth knowledge and research experience. Some new graduates go straight into labbased roles such as research assistants, research technicians, trainee scientists and analysts. Potential employers include: Universities; charities and trusts; schools and colleges; plant science research institutes; food producers and manufacturers; agricultural consultancies and policy advisers; environmental testing companies; utilities; animal health and nutrition or animal behaviour. Some work for chemical and process industries or biotechnology companies, especially SMEs whilst others go into Government, local councils and other public bodies. Others look to broaden their career ideas by working for pharmaceutical companies or the NHS. Examples of potential employers include: •

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Universities and related research institutes working with plants and animals (www.jobs.ac.uk; www.jic.ac.uk; www.rothamsted.ac.uk; www.ifr.ac.uk; www.gatsby.org.uk/en/Plant-Science.aspx; www.hdc.org.uk; www.stri.co.uk; www.cranfield.ac.uk/about/people-and-resources/schools-institutes-research-centres/seeacentres/national-soil-resources-institute.html; www.zsl.org/science) Animal health and nutrition, inc. diagnostics, medicines and foods (www.noah.co.uk; www.pirbright.ac.uk; www.aht.org.uk; www.vetrecordjobs.com; www.gov.uk/government/organisations/veterinary-medicines-directorate; www.pfma.org.uk; www.waltham.com/about-waltham/careers-at-waltham) Plant breeders / growers and food producers / manufacturers (www.britishgrowers.org; www.ippseurope.org; www.bspb.co.uk; www.organicfarmers.org.uk; www.soilassociation.org; www.fdf.org.uk/members_full.aspx) Agricultural consultancies and policy advisers (www.biac.co.uk; www.agindustries.org.uk) Charities and trusts (www.charitychoice.co.uk) Government and other public bodies (www.civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk/csr/index.cgi) also see individual departments e.g. www.forestry.gov.uk; www.defra.gov.uk; www.dh.gov.uk; www.ipo.gov.uk; www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england; www.hse.gov.uk - see www.gov.uk/government/organisations for full list of government bodies or www.gov.uk/find-your-local-council for local authorities). Utility companies (www.water.org.uk) Chemical and process industries (www.cia.org.uk; www.cropprotection.org.uk; www.chsa.co.uk) Biotechnology companies, especially SMEs (www.careers.dept.shef.ac.uk/pdf/sme.pdf; www.bioindustry.org/membership/member-directory) Pharmaceutical companies (careers.abpi.org.uk; www.pharmafile.com; www.pharmaceuticaljournal.com) Contract research organisations for clinical trials (www.icr-global.org; www.ccra.org.uk) and clinical data management (www.acdm.org.uk) NHS (www.nhscareers.nhs.uk)


© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

BioGrad have developed a range of short courses for graduate students that offer laboratory training in specific practical techniques. These courses provide practical tuition in the areas of microbiology, genetics, agri-food and pharmaceutical research. http://www.biograd.co.uk/ Scientific Roles in Industry and elsewhere If you enjoy the laboratory and research tasks, you may want to consider working in the broader scientific field such as Research and Development (R and D). Some possibilities are as follows: • • • • •

Many drug and food development companies recruit graduates from all scientific disciplines to become involved with research and development. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships are collaborations between the government, academia and industry. They take recent graduates to work as paid employees on fixed term research projects in designated scientific sectors, while gaining additional qualifications. The NHS and research organisations recruit trainee scientists on an annual basis supporting them through relevant higher degrees while working in salaried professional positions. The NHS, academic institutions, research councils, government agencies and pharmaceutical companies employ staff to co-ordinate and run clinical research and trials. Public health organisations take on science graduates at local, national and international level to undertake projects and research, analyse findings, disseminate information and apply their knowledge in the field. www.ktponline.org.uk; www.nhscareers.nhs.uk; www.abpi.org.uk; www.icr-global.org; www.publicanalyst.com; www.phorcast.org.uk; www.fph.org.uk; www.rcuk.ac.uk

Sales Representative The sales side of the work is about marketing drugs and related products to vets and other clients. Commercial awareness is necessary but the job is about establishing relationships as well as hitting business targets. Candidates should be self-starters and able to handle a great deal of autonomy. www.zenopa.com; www.vetclick.com/jobs/ www.pharmafield.co.uk/jobs/; http://jobs.newscientist.com/ Toxicologist Toxicologists manage and co-ordinate projects and research which provide information for the development, safety assessment and registration of new pharmaceuticals. A science degree is a good starting point, but there is specific postgraduate training needed either through an MSc or on the job. www.thebts.org/Careers.aspx; www.thebts.org/ Animal Technologist/Technician Animal technology is the specialist profession responsible for the care and welfare of animals in science in academia and industry. The career involves caring for the welfare of animals and contributing to scientific advancement. There is a well-developed specialist career ladder. www.iat.org.uk www.defra.gov.uk/ahvla/ http://www.inputyouth.co.uk/jobguides/job-animaltechnician.html Jobs with the Environment, Conservation and Environmental Work This is a huge catch all. You may want to look at the ‘Wildlife Conservation Careers Insight’ for an overview of roles in these sectors. Jobs in this sector fall into several distinct areas: •


Environmental consultancy: assessing, advising and educating external organisations on environmental issues and offering solutions.


© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

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Central and local government: mainly planning and drawing up policies for sustainability, environmental awareness etc. The Department for Energy and Climate Change, has specific responsibility for all aspects of this topic. At local and regional level, this might also include recycling initiatives, countryside management, conservation, heritage and rights of way roles, outreach activities. Charities and development organisations: some field work and policy roles, but entry level posts are mainly desk officer, education or marketing jobs. Lobbying: publicising environmental causes, raising support and liaising with government and political organisations to bring about change.

www.environment-agency.gov.uk; www.decc.gov.uk; www.lgtalent.com; www.countryside-jobs.com; www.environmentjob.co.uk; www.ciwem.org; www.earthworksjobs.com; www.charityjobs.co.uk; www.bond.org.uk; www.ethicalcareers.org British Ecological Society Summer School: http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/education/undergraduate-summer-school-2015/ Jobs with a Scientific Component Education Officer / Knowledge Transfer Specialist: Academic, professional and charitable organisations with a science slant are increasingly employing staff to write, present, adapt and disseminate information to the general public e.g. visiting school and community groups. Information Specialist Information managers, information scientists and specialist librarians work for commercial, scientific, academic and professional bodies. They need an in-depth understanding of their subjects in order to produce relevant data and publications for colleagues, researchers and students. www.cilip.org.uk; www.aslib.co.uk Scientific Writing and Publishing Science writers produce journals, articles, books and reports which may be aimed at those already working in the sector or at a more general readership. The publishing side deals with the commissioning, editing, production and marketing of this type of information. It is possible to enter these roles with no previous experience, but those who have been involved with student journalism may have a head start. www.absw.org.uk; http://www.britishscienceassociation.org/; www.emwa.org; www.blackwellpublishing.com/pdf/microbiologist_careers.pdf

Exploring job options If you are interested in any of the jobs /careers mentioned above it is important that you start to research these roles and check the entry requirements. There are plenty of useful links within this careers insight to help you do this. You could also start exploring job options via the prospects.ac.uk website, some further suggestions/links are given below. Some example options working with animals include: • •


Animal Nutritionist: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/animal_nutritionist_job_description.htm Animal Technician: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/animal_technologist_job_description.htm


© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

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Veterinary Surgeon (following completion of another four/five year course): http://www.prospects.ac.uk/veterinary_surgeon_job_description.htm Veterinary Nurse: https://www.rcvs.org.uk/education/i-want-to-be-a-veterinary-nurse/ Zookeeper:https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/advice/planning/jobprofiles/Pages/zo okeeper.aspx Zoologist:https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/advice/planning/jobprofiles/Pages/zool ogist.aspx RSPCA Inspector: https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/advice/planning/jobprofiles/Pages/rspcaorsspcai nspector.aspx

Your options within the Environmental and Conservation Field include: • • • • • •

Nature Conservation Officer: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/nature_conservation_officer_job_description.htm Environmental Consultant: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/environmental_consultant_job_description.htm Environmental Manager: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/environmental_manager_job_description.htm Horticultural Manager: https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/advice/planning/jobprofiles/Pages/horticulturalm a nager.aspx Ecologist: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/ecologist_job_description.htm Soil Scientist: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/soil_scientist_job_description.htm

Other options include: • • • • • •

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Entomologist: http://www.inputyouth.co.uk/jobguides/job-entomologist.html Marine Scientist: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/marine_scientist_job_description.htm Medical Sales Representative: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/medical_sales_representative_job_description.htm Patent Examiner: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/patent_examiner_job_description.htm Science Writer: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/science_writer_job_description.htm Civil Service Fast Streamer: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/civil_service_fast_streamer_job_description.htm http://faststream.civilservice.gov.uk/the-different-streams/ Secondary School Teacher http://www.prospects.ac.uk/secondary_school_teacher_job_description.htm Primary School Teacher http://www.prospects.ac.uk/primary_school_teacher_job_description.htm Environmental Education Officer http://www.prospects.ac.uk/environmental_education_officer_job_description.htm

These are just suggestions and you are by no means restricted to these job areas and could use your skills, interests and work experience to enter careers in a variety of other sectors, including research, marketing, retail, consultancy, finance and accountancy. To explore job options by sector, check http://www.prospects.ac.uk/types_of_jobs.htm. You can also use career planning tools like



© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

http://www.prospects.ac.uk/myprospects_planner_login.htm report to generate initial career ideas.



Ensure you check entry requirements for each area, e.g. will you need a degree in a specific subject? Is a 2:1 degree classification essential? Will you need to complete a postgraduate degree? Is any specific work experience required? Being aware of the range of options open to you is important to make an informed career decision. Researching different career pathways and entry requirements is essential preparation for your graduate career, so ensure you make the most of available resources, attend career events or employer talks, join relevant professional bodies and take every opportunity to network with professionals to find out as much as possible about the career areas that interest you. We also recommend that you download a copy of our “Planning your Career” guide from the World of Work website at https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/Careers/123871.htm This includes a list of useful questions to help you explore your career options.

What skills have I gained from my Zoology degree? Zoology students acquire a wide range of skills and qualities that are valuable in many professions. In addition to developing research and analytical skills, fieldwork and laboratory sessions give you a chance to observe animals and plants first-hand and develop your practical skills. Some of the specific skills gained while doing a degree in Zoology at LJMU include: • • • • • • •

Research skills Critical reasoning, analytical and evaluation skills Ability to handle and analyse complex data Written and oral communication skills (through written work, group work etc.) Time management and organisation Monitoring and recording Independent work skills including time management and self-motivation

Many zoology students do voluntary work in zoos and animal welfare organisations and get involved with conservation work. Evidence of skills gained from work experience and extracurricular activities, as well as through your study, can help you in CV writing and job applications. It will really boost your employability. To help you communicate your skills to employers on CV’s and application forms, we have broken down the ‘key professional skills’ you will have developed whilst studying Zoology at LJMU. We have given you examples by level of study below:

Key Professional Skills Developed at L4


Key Professional Skills Fundamental written and oral communication skills

Developed in: All modules

Critical and analytical abilities Field competency skills

All modules Ecology and Behaviour


Examples: Written reports e.g. Mull wood; Zoo Report Oral Presentations e.g. tutorial & Animal Physiology Mull Wood, practical exercise, tutorials Ecological measurements at Mull

Used in: Most professional roles

Most professional roles Ecological surveying;

© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

Habitats & Species

Group working

Laboratory skills

Fundamentals of Scientific Research Ecology & Behaviour Animal Physiology Animal Physiology Genetics and Evolution

Data presentation and analysis IT skills

Fundamentals of Scientific Research All modules

Time management

All modules


Fundamentals of Scientific Research

Wood; behavioural observation at Chester Zoo Variety of fieldwork e.g. animal identification; transects; population counts Tutorial exercises Mull Wood Group seminars


Practicals in e.g. respiration; nervous systems; osmoregulation & digestion; scaling; Mendelian genetics Statistical analyses using SPSS

Technical & research roles

Use of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Managing the organisation, preparation & submission of coursework World of Work Self-awareness statement

Most professional roles

Consultancy work; research Most professional roles Most professional roles Most professional roles

Key Professional Skills Developed at L5 Key Professional Skills Group working Field Work Skills

Collection, Analysis and Presentation of Biological Data Laboratory skills


Developed in: Comparative Animal Physiology Animal Field Skills Marine & Freshwater Biology Primate Adaptation & Behaviour Research Skills & Employability All other modules Comparative Animal Physiology Animal Evolution & Diversity Genes & Genomes Wildlife Forensics Animal Behaviour

Critical analysis and reasoning IT skills

Research Skills & Employability All modules

Organisational awareness

Research Skills & Employability


Examples: Group seminars

Used in: Most professional roles

Tenerife field trip Various field trips Trentham Monkey Forest - observation skills

Ecological surveying, research

Statistical workshops Practical reports

Most professional roles

Variety of practicals e.g. morphological measurements; hair analysis; animal learning; DNA extraction & gene amplification

Technical & research roles


Most professional roles

Use of Microsoft Office and SPSS WoW Silver assessment

Most professional roles Most professional roles

Š 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

Key Professional Skills Developed at L6 Key Professional Skills Group working Science communication

Developed in: Current Topics in Zoology Current Topics in Zoology

Advanced data presentation and analysis Laboratory skills

Research Project

Independent research skills Experimental Design & Problem-solving

Current Topics in Zoology Parasitology Animal learning & Cognition Functional Morphology Applications of Genetics in Health & Disease Research Project Tropical Expedition Research Project

IT skills

Current Topics in Zoology All modules

Advanced Field Work skills Organisational awareness

Tropical Expedition Animal Social Systems Work-Based Learning

Examples: Wiki/practical report Poster, talk, activity or film for a specific target audience Statistical workshops Research project report Various practicals e.g. pharmacology; animal behaviour; animal learning; biomechanics; genetic & genomic techniques Research project development Personal research project Research project development Planarian experiment Use of Microsoft Office, SPSS, various other specialist software Costa Rica field trip Behavioural observation Organisational Awareness statement

Used in: Most professional roles Most professional roles in science Most professional roles Research

Research and various professions Research and various professions Most professional roles Ecological surveying, research Most professional roles

Looking for work experience If you wish to work within some of the above fields, then as mentioned, it is a very good idea to gain relevant work experience during your degree course. Valuable experience can be gained by doing a placement year, spending the year between your second and final year in industry. However you can also consider shorter periods of work experience, relevant volunteering, work shadowing or research opportunities in your department. Many undergraduate students secure work experience through a ‘speculative’ or ‘creative’ approach, i.e. after contacting organisations directly through networking events, via email or through LinkedIn. Some research organisations and pharmaceutical or consumer goods companies offer summer or year-long placements in both scientific and non-scientific roles. Check their websites for details and closing dates. Example organisations offering work experience/internships/ project placements: • • • • • • •


Blackpool Zoo Chester Zoo Knowsley Safari Park Blue Planet Aquarium RSPCA Cats Protection Animals in Need (Liverpool)

www.blackpoolzoo.org.uk/employment.cfm www.chesterzoo.org/footer/careers www.knowsleysafariexperience.co.uk/?/vacancies.html http://www.blueplanetaquarium.com/ www.rspca.org.uk/in-action/aboutus/careers www.cats.org.uk/work-for-us www.animals-in-need.co.uk/volunteersatain.htm


© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

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Dogs Trust (Merseyside Centre) www.dogstrust.org.uk/rehoming/searchcentres/merseyside/default.aspx PDSA (a veterinary charity) www.pdsa.org.uk/careers The Mammal Society http://www.mammal.org.uk/ British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) http://www.bto.org/volunteer-surveys The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association http://www.guidedogs.org.uk/ Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) http://www.rspb.org.uk/ National Trust – offers internships and skills training opportunities, in addition to volunteering www.nationaltrustjobs.org.uk/join-us The Conservation Volunteers http://www.tcv.org.uk The Wildlife Trusts http://www.wildlifetrusts.org Green Volunteers http://www.greenvolunteers.com/en/index.php Frontier http://www.frontier.ac.uk/ Traveller’s World http://www.travellersworldwide.com The Conservation Volunteers http://www.tcv.org.uk/ Friends of the Earth http://www.foe.co.uk/ The Blue Cross https://www.bluecross.org.uk/ Wellcome Trust http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/About-us/Jobs/Workplacements-and-internships/index.htm Change Agents UK - paid work placements for graduates (1-24 months) http://changeagents.org.uk/graduate-recruitment STEP programme – internships for undergraduates (Step Classic) and graduates (Step Graduate) with a small or medium sized company. Some placements have an environmental focus www.step.org.uk North West Ecological Trust http://nwecotrust.org.uk/ Operation Wallacea runs international field expeditions for students - http://opwall.com/ African Conservation Experience www.conservationafrica.net The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers www.btcv.org.uk Groundwork www.groundwork.org.uk. Earthwatch Institute www.earthwatch.org. Trekforce Worldwide www.trekforce.org.uk British Ecological Society Summer School: http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/education/undergraduate-summer-school-2015/

Useful Contacts for Working with Whales and Dolphins •


International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), runs an internship scheme involving placements on their research vessel Song of the Whale. They are looking for people whose interest or academic career is taking them in the direction of welfare or conservation work. Sailing experience helps, but is not a requirement – a broad range of skills, motivation and personal qualities are more important. For further details: www.marineconservationresearch.co.uk Other organisations occasionally offer volunteer opportunities and these include: the Sea Watch Foundation (www.seawatchfoundation.org.uk) the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (www.wdcs.org.uk), and the Marine Conservation Society (www.mcsuk.org).


© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

Bearing in mind that boating experience is useful, especially if you want to work with whales and dolphins, the Royal Yachting Association runs a range of training courses across the UK (www.rya.org.uk).

You can also use vacancy websites such as www.prospects.ac.uk, www.targetjobs.co.uk, www.ratemyplacement.co.uk to search for work placements. You can also download our mini-guide on “Making yourself employable whilst at University” from https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/Careers/123871.htm for an overview of the different types of work experience available and some general suggestions about finding work experience opportunities. Some large employers may offer summer or year-long sandwich placements, but this depends on the type of industry. These are quite common in the financial and accounting, marketing, legal, retail, and business and consultancy sectors. Opportunities are generally advertised on websites like Prospects, Targetjobs or Milkround as well as the organisations’ own websites. Many placement schemes are open to students from any degree discipline. Check your eligibility before making an application, as some summer placements are specifically aimed at second-year students. LJMU has been managing a summer internship programme for Level 5 students in recent years, so keep an eye on your LJMU inbox for details of any opportunities. Useful websites to research a range of voluntary opportunities include http://www.do-it.org.uk/ http://www.volunteeringliverpool.org.uk/ and http://www.Frontier.ac.uk/. You could also contact LJMU Volunteering Manager Chris Prescott on 0151 904 6356 or c.j.prescott@ljmu.ac.uk to enquire about current opportunities. It is also worth researching relevant organisations/charities and contacting them directly to find out about voluntary roles on offer. There are further links below to help you with this research.

Further Study Masters level Many students now choose to supplement their UG degree with a Masters level qualification. There are many different Masters level opportunities for Zoology graduates. Below are some specific examples relevant to the course: Examples of MSc’s that previous graduates have progressed onto include: • MSc. Applied Animal Behaviour & Animal Welfare (Uni. of Edinburgh) • MSc. Veterinary Epidemiology (Royal Veterinary College) • MSc. Animal Breeding & Genetics (University of Edinburgh) • MSc. Clinical Animal Behaviour (Lincoln University) • MSc. Applied Animal Behaviour & Welfare (Newcastle University) • MSc. Evolutionary & Behavioural Ecology (University of Exeter) • MSc One Health ((Royal Veterinary College) • MSc. Zoo Conservation Biology (Manchester Met) • MSc. Conservation & Biodiversity (University of Exeter) • MSc. Nutritional Sciences (University of Nottingham) • MSc. Marine Biology (Bangor University) • MSc. Science Journalism (City University London) LJMU now also offer a number of interesting MSc courses: • MSc Wildlife Conservation and UAV Technology



© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

MSc Wildlife Conservation and Primate Behaviour

You can search for Masters courses on www.findamasters.com. If you wish to carry out research in the UK or internationally you may wish to complete a PhD or other research degree such as an MPhil. Research degrees are normally funded so you will receive a stipend (tax free income to live on) and your tuition fees will be paid. You apply for an MPhil or PhD like you would a job. A research degree is the first step to a career in academic research but can also lead to jobs in other sectors. You can research PhD opportunities at www.findaphd.com or at www.jobs.ac.uk.

Graduate Training Schemes In addition to the options mentioned above, there are lots of Graduate Training Schemes with large companies and many employers accept applications from graduates with ANY degree subject. If you are interested in these roles you will need to be aware of the graduate recruitment cycle. Many recruiters begin the graduate recruitment process during the autumn term for final year students. Some placements are advertised then as well. Most closing dates are in November and December but some are earlier so it is important to start researching companies that you want to apply to early on. The application process for graduate training schemes usually involves completing an online application form, which may require you to answer ‘competency based questions’. This may be followed by psychometric tests, a telephone interview and an assessment centre. You may also need to submit your CV. Most of the large recruiters have a section on the student/graduate pages of their website that outlines the different steps of their selection process, so check these to find out what is required. For more information about graduate schemes, download the ‘Graduate Schemes’ guide from https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/Careers/123871.htm Many of these opportunities are advertised in the Prospects Directory and the Targetjobs Directory (available from the World of Work Careers Centre or on the Prospects and Targetjobs website); on websites like www.milkround.com as well as on the organisations’ own websites. Check out the Target Jobs website for more information: http://targetjobs.co.uk/graduate-schemes. We also deliver a Graduate Schemes uncovered workshop on a regular basis at the World of Work Careers Centre. To reserve a place on the workshop visit: https://worldofwork.ljmu.ac.uk/events/

Example Environmental, Earth and Natural Sciences Graduate Training Schemes: AECOM http://www.aecom.com/content/uk-ireland-graduate-careers/ Atkins Graduate Programme http://careers.atkinsglobal.com/careers-for-graduates-in-the-uk JBA Graduate Programme http://www.jbaconsulting.com/graduate-environmental-jobs Mott MacDonald https://www.mottmac.com/careers/graduate/ Centrica https://www.centrica.com/careers Mouchel http://www.mouchel.com/working-for-us/graduates-andapprentices/ United Utilities www.unitedutilities.com/Jobs.aspx Yorkshire Water www.yorkshirewater.com/careers.aspx CH2M http://www.ch2m.com/careers ADAS http://www.adas.uk/ADAS-Careers?a=3#GraduateProgramme Thomson Ecology (Graduate Ecologists) http://www.thomsonecology.com/careers_positions



© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

Forestry Commission http://www.forestry.gov.uk/graduate Wellcome Trust Graduate Development Programme http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/aboutus/jobs/graduate-development-programme/index.htm

Recruitment schedule Recruitment cycles and deadlines will vary depending on the type of work you are applying for. Again, research is key to ensure that you do not miss relevant opportunities. As a rule of thumb, the selection process takes longer in larger organisations, as they tend to receive a higher number of applications and use several different stages to reduce the number of potential candidates. As a result, application deadlines can be as early as November in your final year of study for a start date in August or September of the following year. If you are considering postgraduate study, find out if there are any specific closing dates for applications. Bear in mind that some postgraduate courses, e.g. in teacher training, may require you to demonstrate a significant amount of relevant work experience so start looking for opportunities early on in your course. Opportunities also exist in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These types of organisations don’t usually have structured graduate training schemes but will recruit ‘as required’. They may use their own application form but most applications will be by CV and covering letter. These positions will be advertised on company websites, relevant recruitment websites and national and local newspapers. The ‘creative’ or ‘speculative’ approach to job hunting, outlined above, is also important when looking for graduate roles. Using your personal contacts and/or approaching organisations speculatively to look for work are common routes into employment. In this sector, it is not uncommon to secure a graduate role with an employer a candidate had previously completed work experience with, so gaining experience and building up a network of professional contacts is important. For more information about the speculative approach to job hunting, download a copy of our guide to ‘The Hidden Jobs Market’ from https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/Careers/123871.htm You can get advice about the recruitment process by booking a one-to-one appointment with a careers or employability adviser or you can attend relevant workshops in the World of Work Careers Centre. Some examples of the destinations of our former Zoology and Animal Behaviour graduates include: • • • • • • • • •


Chelsea (Zoology graduate, 2014), PhD, Aberystwyth University, Investigating potential vaccine candidates for liver fluke in sheep Harriet (Zoology graduate, 2014), PhD, Liverpool John Moores University, Value of facial expressions in the assessment of welfare in captive macaques Gennieveve (Zoology graduate, 2014) Veterinary Medicine, Liverpool Vet School Sconaid (Zoology graduate, 2014), MSc, Scientific Officer, RSPCA Terry (Zoology graduate, 2013), RSPCA Inspector Laura (Zoology graduate, 2010), Arial Remote Sensing Graduate Scientist, APEM ltd Alex (Zoology graduate, 2009), MSc & MRes, Sea lion research, Event Team, Blackpool Zoo Paul Johnston (Zoology graduate, 2012), Animal Keeper, Knowsley Safari Park Danielle Leanne Clarke (Zoology graduate 2011), Research assistant-cellular generation & phenotyping, Sanger institute genome research, Cambridgeshire


© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

• • • •

Alistair Lockett (Zoology graduate, 2009), Peatland Conservation Assistant, North Pennines AONB Partnership, Stanhope Samantha Pass (Zoology graduate 2009), Dog Grooming Salon Owner, The Doggies Den – Wirral Lisa Bottell (Zoology graduate, 2007), PhD, Behaviour and Welfare Scientist, Chester Zoo Helen Rowlands (Zoology graduate, 2004), Msc Conservation Biology, Partnerships ranger, Department of Conservation, Auckland, New Zealand

Useful Careers Information / Vacancy websites Professional Associations

Societies and professional bodies can be a good source of careers information (see some suggested links below) and many have ‘careers’ pages. Each and every occupational area will normally have at least one society and/or a professional body associated with it – if you aren’t sure which society represents the sort of discipline that interests you, ask your tutor or lecturer for ideas. • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • •

Institute of Zoology http://www.zsl.org/science Royal Society of Biology http://www.rsb.org.uk/careers-and-cpd/careers Institute of Animal Technologists http://www.iat.org.uk/careers.html British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums http://www.biaza.org.uk/ Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management - information about ecology and environmental jobs in different employment sectors plus a downloadable booklet, ‘Rooting for a Career in Ecology or Environmental Management’: www.cieem.net/employment-sectors Institution of Environmental Sciences - case study videos plus details of its mentoring scheme, talks and opportunities for members to network with professionals: www.the-ies.org/careers British Ecological Society www.britishecologicalsociety.org Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) http://www.wcs.org/ Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) http://www.ieep.eu/ Lantra (Sector Skills Council for land based and environmental industries) www.lantra.co.uk/ Institute of Environment Management and Assessment http://www.iema.net/ Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management has job profiles for a range of employment sectors: www.ciwem.org/information-and-resources/careers.aspx Chartered Institution of Waste Management www.ciwm.co.uk/CIWM/CIWMHome.aspx Royal Horticulture Society www.rhs.org.uk Society for Conservation Biology http://conbio.org/ http://careers.conbio.org/ Marine Biological Association of the UK http://www.mba.ac.uk/

Animal Behaviour Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors Association of Pet Dog Trainers Caline and Feline Behaviour Association Society for Companion Animal Studies Environmental Jobs



http://asab.nottingham.ac.uk/ www.apbc.org.uk http://www.apdt.co.uk/ www.cfba.co.uk http://www.scas.org.uk/ www.environmentjob.co.uk

© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

Animal Welfare and Pet Care Animal Welfare Foundation Dog Rescue pages Pet Industry Federation

http://www.bva-awf.org.uk/ http://www.dogpages.org.uk/ http://www.petcare.org.uk/

Veterinary Nursing and Surgery Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons British Small Animal Veterinary Association British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA)

http://www.rcvs.org.uk/home/ http://www.bsava.com/ www.bvna.org.uk/

Other useful websites: working with animal/wildlife charities Careers with Animals http://www.careerwithanimals.co.uk/ RSPCA http://www.rspca.org.uk/home RSPB http://www.rspb.org.uk/vacancies/ The Wildlife Trusts http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/ National Animal Sanctuaries Support League http://www.nassl.org.uk/ National Trust http://www.ntjobs.org.uk/ The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association http://www.guidedogs.org.uk/ Zoos British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums Association of British and Irish Wild Animal Keepers World Association of Zoos and Aquariums European Association of Zoos and Aquariums Association of Zoos and Aquariums Zoo News Digest

http://www.biaza.org.uk/ http://www.abwak.org http://www.waza.org/en/site/home http://www.eaza.net/about-us/ https://www.aza.org/ http://zoonewsdigest.blogspot.co.uk/

Organisations who may offer paid or voluntary opportunities to work with animals Blackpool Zoo www.blackpoolzoo.org.uk/employment.cfm Chester Zoo www.chesterzoo.org/footer/careers Knowsley Safari Park www.knowsleysafariexperience.co.uk/?/vacancies.html Blue Planet Aquarium http://www.blueplanetaquarium.com/ RSPCA www.rspca.org.uk/in-action/aboutus/careers Cats Protection www.cats.org.uk/work-for-us Animals in Need (Liverpool) www.animals-in-need.co.uk/volunteersatain.htm Dogs Trust (Merseyside Centre) www.dogstrust.org.uk/rehoming/searchcentres/merseyside/default.aspx PDSA (a veterinary charity) www.pdsa.org.uk/careers Pets at Home Retailer www.petsathome.com You can also do a wide range of professional development courses through the Field Studies Council: http://www.field-studies-council.org/ Careers in the Horseracing Industry www.careersinracing.com/getting-started Environment/Conservation Roles Conservation Jobs Naturenet Nature Jobs Bat Conservation Trust Conservation International Butterfly Conservation



http://www.conservation-jobs.co.uk/ http://www.naturenet.net/people/careers.html http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/ http://www.bats.org.uk/pages/vacancies.html http://www.conservation.org/Pages/default.aspx http://butterfly-conservation.org/

Š 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

Swift Conservation http://www.swift-conservation.org/ Freshwater Habitats Trust http://www.freshwaterhabitats.org.uk/ Bumblebee Conservation Trust http://bumblebeeconservation.org/ Conservation careers http://www.conservation-careers.com/ Useful information on animal care careers: http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/animalman.htm Prospects.ac.uk - select either ‘Environment’ or ‘Scientific services’ for occupational profiles: www.prospects.ac.uk/types_of_jobs.htm •

Videos: o Careers With Animals videos by Icloud.com http://icould.com/watch-career-videos/ o Environmental Career Videos by Job Type from icould.com

Science Communication: Association of British Science Writers British Science Association European Medical Writers Association PSCI-COM (discussion list)

www.absw.org.uk www.britishscienceassociation.org/ www.emwa.org www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/psci-com.html

Research Councils: Research Councils UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Economic and Social Research Council Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Medical Research Council Natural Environment Research Council Science and Technology Facilities Council

www.rcuk.ac.uk www.bbsrc.ac.uk www.esrc.ac.uk www.epsrc.ac.uk www.mrc.ac.uk www.nerc.ac.uk http://www.stfc.ac.uk/

Other useful careers information / vacancy websites NHS Careers Nature Jobs Green Jobs Green Roles Zoo Lab UK Jobs in Science New Scientist Jobs SRG Lab staff Academic, science and research jobs Evolution Directory NHS Jobs NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme Local Government Jobs Opportunities: The Public Sector Media Jobs Go Public

www.nhscareers.nhs.uk www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/ http://www.greenjobs.co.uk/ http://www.greenroles.co.uk/ http://www.zoolabuk.com/en-gb/home.aspx http://www.jobsinscience.com/ http://jobs.newscientist.com/en-gb/ http://www.srg.co.uk/pages/default.aspx http://www.jobs.ac.uk/ http://life.mcmaster.ca/evoldir.html www.jobs.nhs.uk www.nhsgraduates.co.uk www.lgjobs.com http://opportunities.co.uk www.jobsgopublic.com

Undergraduate Studentships/Funding for summer placements: Undergraduate studentships run over the summer and are normally designed for undergraduate students who have just finished their second year of study. The Royal Society for Biology have a list of some organisations who may be able to help you organise a studentship: http://www.rsb.org.uk/getinvolved/grants/undergraduate-studentships



© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

Additional ways to explore types of careers: • Guardian Careers: http://www.theguardian.com/careers and Guardian Professional Network: www.theguardian.com/guardian-professional occasionally have advice and discussions on environmental/conservation and working with animals • The British Ecological Society has top tips for getting into ecology which can also be applied in other sectors: http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/Top-10-tips-forgetting-a-career-in-ecology.pdf

Social Media: Follow relevant companies/websites through Twitter @evoldir











Applying to Teacher Training Courses:

Information about the various ways to train as a teacher: www.education.gov.uk/get-into-teaching/teacher-training-options.aspx Information about the funding available for PGCE Courses www.education.gov.uk/get-into-teaching/funding/training-in-england Teach First www.teachfirst.org.uk UCAS Teacher Training http://www.ucas.com/how-it-all-works/teacher-training Open University Flexible PGCE http://www3.open.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/qualification/education/pgce/index.htm Teaching factsheets from the World of Work Careers Centre – info about postgraduate teacher training options and gaining work experience http://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/worldofwork/123871.htm

General graduate websites for research into careers:

Prospects (check ‘jobs’ section and ‘industry insights’) www.prospects.ac.uk Target Jobs Careers website http://targetjobs.co.uk/career-sectors Job Profiles on National Careers Service https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/Pages/Home.aspx Milkround - Graduate jobs, placements & internships http://www.milkround.com/

Other Useful Job Vacancy websites:

LJMU My Jobs and Placements website http://ljmu.prospects.ac.uk/ Prospects (click on ‘jobs’ and then ‘graduate job search’) www.prospects.ac.uk Target Jobs (for a variety of graduate jobs) www.targetjobs.co.uk Guardian Jobs Website http://jobs.guardian.co.uk Graduate Talent Pool (internship for graduates) http://graduatetalentpool.direct.gov.uk/ Graduate to Merseyside www.graduatetomerseyside.co.uk/ Local Government Jobs www.lgjobs.com Opportunities: The Public Sector Media http://opportunities.co.uk Jobs Go Public www.jobsgopublic.com



© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

General Volunteering opportunities: ‘Do-It’ lists volunteering opportunities www.do-it.org.uk/ LJMU Volunteering Service www.ljmu.ac.uk/volunteering Volunteering Opportunities for 14-25 year olds www.vinspired.com Volunteer Centre Liverpool www.volunteercentreliverpool.org.uk/index.htm School Experience Programme http://www.education.gov.uk/get-into-teaching/schoolexperience/sep.aspx

Post-graduate study:

Prospects (see ‘post-graduate study’) UCAS Database of Taught and Research Masters Courses Database of PhD Opportunities Post-graduate Studentships Website Jobs.ac.uk (allows you to search for PhD Studentships)

www.prospects.ac.uk http://www.ucas.com/ www.findamasters.com www.findaphd.com www.postgraduatestudentships.co.uk www.jobs.ac.uk

Self-assessment in relation to career choice/Job Suggestion Questionnaires:

Prospects Planner http://www.prospects.ac.uk/myprospects_planner_login.htm TARGET Jobs careers report http://targetjobs.co.uk/careers-report National Careers Service's own Skills Health check tool https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/tools/skillshealthcheck/Pages/default.aspx# Manchester University Careers Kickstart quiz www.manchester.ac.uk/careerkickstart Myers Briggs Personality Type www.personalitypathways.com Keirsey Temperament Sorter www.keirsey.com

Key events and networking •

• • • •

• •


The ‘Undergraduate Ecological Careers Conference’ organised by the British Ecological Society: http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/learning-and-resources/careerdevelopment/undergraduates/ ‘Life Sciences Careers Conferences’ - organised by the Royal Society of Biology. This brings together a number of Learned Societies and Trade Bodies representing the Biosciences who work together to provide information and advice on careers in the biosciences. The conference is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students, and recent graduates. https://www.rsb.org.uk/careers-and-cpd/careers/bioscience-careers-festival British Ecological Society Summer School: http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/learningand-resources/career-development/summer-school/ Liverpool Careers Fair: usually held in the autumn and spring of each year, see fairs website http://www.liverpoolfairs.org.uk/ for additional events Manchester Careers Fairs: open to students and graduates from any university; check http://www.careers.manchester.ac.uk/events/ for details Careers and Employability events at LJMU Keep an eye on our events pages at https://worldofwork.ljmu.ac.uk/events/ for details of upcoming employability workshops, networking sessions and employer talks. LiverpoolSU Clubs and Societies: https://ljmu.unioncloud.org/groups?parent_link=clubssocieties-menu-wrapper LinkedIn: You could also consider setting up a LinkedIn account (http://www.linkedin.com/) to network online with professionals and organisations in your chosen industry. LinkedIn have


© 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology

produced 6 video guides aimed at students and graduates to help get you started: http://students.linkedin.com/uk

Other information Centre for Entrepreneurship The Centre for Entrepreneurship supports students and graduates who want to set up their own businesses. Whether you want to develop a new business idea, work as a freelancer or launch a product or service, the Centre for Entrepreneurship can help. To book a place at one of their free workshops or a confidential business advice session with one of their business advisers, call 0151 231 3300 or visit their website https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/startup

Careers Zones Campus-based Careers Zones provide easy access to careers support in convenient locations at Byrom Street, Aldham Robarts Library and at IM Marsh, staffed by the team from the World of Work Careers Centre. Support available includes CV and application form reviews, Careers Adviser appointments, Employability Adviser Appointments, drop-in quick queries, practice interviews and access to careers resources and information. The Zones also host regular employer visits during term time where you can meet and network with employers and discuss job and placement opportunities. For the latest updates and details of locations and opening times, see @Byrom_Careers, @Aldham_Careers or @IMMarsh_Careers on Twitter.



Š 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology



Š 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Career Insight: BSc Zoology



Š 2016. Liverpool John Moores University. The content of this document is copyright material of Liverpool John Moores University. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

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